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History of the Criminal Justice System

Module 1 Case

Methods of policing should ensure that all people are treated equally and that evidence is

supported. Such methods should be founded on human rights principles and recognize the need

of a constructive connection between communities and police. In today’s world, many attempts

and efforts are made in order to promote the fairness and proper decorum of police officers. In

the advent of technology, it also became an aid in performing the duties of the police officers.

Back on the Early Days

Before policing and paid police officers appeared, communities police themselves

through different ways to control public behavior (Bucqueroux, 2016). These communities

strongly rely on informal social control instead of formal social control (Firenze, 2014). Some of

the ways communities perform policing is through public disapproval, shunning, and public

humiliation (Bucqueroux, 2016). Even religious groups design for the protection of their group

in order to implement policies, rules and guidelines. There came a time where people are called

to be volunteer criers. They will patrol the neighborhood, light the lamps, keep an eye on every

details and spread the news to everybody.

The increasing number of population in the period of 1700 and 1800 awaken the concept

of modern policing (Roufat, 2017). Communities in the eastward has police departments with

police officers chosen by the mayor while people on the eastward chooses a sheriff to act as the

head (Bucqueroux, 2016). The sheriff persuades individual from the community to volunteer and

in return will be deputized and given temporary police powers to arrest and use deadly force

(Bucqueroux, 2016). It was also during this time that slavery on the South increased in numbers

and police abuse of power is clearly manifested.

Civil war erupted and crime rates decreased in number but shoot up after the war period

(Firenze, 2014). Reconstruction was put into effort to undo the inequalities of slavery giving the

slaves their freedom and the right to vote (Bucqueroux, 2016). This raised protests from many

Americans and Vigilantes, Segregation and Lynching are all exercised in order to send a

message to the slaves. In these instances, police are seen celebrating instead of protecting the

victims. This has raised the question of whether the police are for the people or for only the

chosen people. Aftermath of slavery also made a mark on the North part of the country where

many citizens still look for justice.

Racial discriminations and slavery serve as a great reminder that every nation should

establish a policing where police respect the rights of everyone while actively strive to protect

and promote it (Bucqueroux, 2016).

Development of Policing Systems

The purpose and expectations of the police evolved considerably in the 19th century, with

changes in the idea of public order and the nature of crime. Confronted with the increase in the

rate of crimes and the inefficiency of police officers a reform was made to stop hiring of police

officers through political affiliation. Previously, police officers were hired because of their

political influence, which resulted to no standards of hiring men in uniform (Roufat, 2017). This

made police and political corruption rampant due to protection from the politicians and police

officers (Roufat, 2017). Later in the early twentieth century, reform attempts persisted, and

significant police changes were achieved. The elimination of the politics in policing was one of

the aims of the police reform. Rather of enabling politicians to pursue their political objectives

by selecting such individuals, they have established standards for recruiting and employing

police officers and supervisors. In the early 1900s, another goal of police reform was to make
policemen more professional. This might be done by establishing high standards for police

officers, improving police training, and using current technology to aid police officers in their

daily jobs. Police professionalization in the United States has resulted in the concentration of

police units that are mainly focused with criminal investigations.

The fact that politicians previously choose police officers resulted to unskilled,

unprofessional and dishonest policemen. Through this reform, professionalism and upskilling the

hiring process of police officers will be implemented. One method of separating politics from

police and defining police recruiting criteria was to use government services for recruiting and

promotion. Professional police training programs were also introduced at this time, which was a

significant step forward. Another step towards a professional police model was the capacity of

police managers to strategically deploy their police personnel in accordance with the demands of

each region (Firenze, 2014). In whatever job role, professionalism and competence are two

common characteristics that needs to be portrayed.

Another significant event in the development of policing system is the Prison Reform

Movement, where it aims to implement punishments to people who violate the law but still

preserving their humanity (, 2007). The way prisoners are treated behind bars and

the substandard way of prisoners’ life raise questions regarding humanity and the treatment they

receive. There has evolved a worldview that not only defends society by imprisoning criminals,

but also redeems sinful offenders. Prior to the establishment of the prison system, persons found

guilty of crimes, were commonly subjected to corporal punishment, such as flogging and

branding. Those who have committed more serious crimes may face the death penalty. In the

United States, early prison reformers aimed to provide a compassionate and effective method of

punishing and rehabilitating offenders via jail (, 2007). Policing system believe
that police officers existed to prevent crimes rather than arrest criminals (Firenze, 2014).

Because of this concept, prison reform is taken into consideration.

Additional development is the diversity in the police force. Hiring of female police

officers and recruiting other races to join the force. As racism was rampant before, other colored

people are not allowed to be the whites, but these all changed. Women are also given importance

and are allowed to do the job previously viewed only suitable for men (Discover Policing, 2017).

In addition, they typically widen their notions of diversity while in search for officers that

represent their communities. Religion, sexual orientation, age, the history of the family, job and

even neighborhood or high school may include variance from this point of view (Discover

Policing, 2017).


Developments in the policing system are concerned with various concepts like

professionalism, upskilling and honest and fair exercise of authority of police officers. Policing

system must adapt to meet the standards of future needs of the society and community. The goal

of police officers is for people to feel safe when they are around and not raise worries, questions

and concerns. This is the reason why development and improvement never stops. Every area of

the policing system should be considered and honed.


Bucqueroux, B. (2016). History of policing in the U.S., Part 1. Retrieved


Firenze, T. (2014). The evolution of the criminal justice system in America.

Retrieved from

justice-system-in-america/  Review this visual presentation.

Roufat, T. (2017). The history of modern policing, The Balance. Retrieved

from Read

“The Early History of Policing in America.”

The prison reform movement (2007). Retrieved









Types of police/law enforcement agencies - Discover Policing. (2017).

Retrieved from


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