Lesson Plan (Outdoor Activity) : Topic: Content Standard: Learning Standard

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Lesson Plan (Outdoor Activity)

Outdoor Activity – Playgroup 2

Term 1 (Week 8)

Date: Day: Time:

Topic: Hopscotch
Content standard: FK 2.2 Pupils can carry out movements: i) walking ii) jumping ii) hopping
Able to
Learning standard:  Carry out various locomotor movement such as jumping, hopping, etc.
 Enhance their gross motor skills
 Hopscotch Rings, bean bag

Materials needed:

(Prepare the hopscotch rings and bean bag in advance)

1. Before starting the lesson, Teacher will do a warm-up exercise with students together. The
warm-up exercises have four parts. For instance, students need to shake their hands, head,
legs, and body.
2. Teacher introduce today’s activity to children.
Teaching methods: 3. Teacher will demonstrate step by step on how to play the hopscotch rings. Teacher
encourage students to practice this activity.
4. Call up one student to demonstrate how to play.
5. Encourage the students to use one or both legs to jump into the hula hoop and to grab the
bean bag at the end.

Teacher’s Reflection:
Lesson Plan (Outdoor Activity)

Outdoor Activity – Playgroup 2

Term 1 (Week 8)

Date: Day: Time:

Topic: Playground
Content standard: FK 2.1.1 Performing movements in self-space and general space.
Able to:
Learning standard:  Develop their gross motor skills such as running, climbing, balancing, etc.
 Wait for their turns to play at the playground.

Materials needed:  Playground equipment

1. Teacher explains the rules and regulations of the playground to students.
2. Explain to the students that when he/she goes down the slide, he/she must use both hands to
hold on the side of the slide.
Teaching methods: 3. Ensure the safety of students, not to push their friends.
4. Encourage students to take turn during the playground time.

Teacher’s Reflection:
Lesson Plan (Outdoor Activity)

Outdoor Activity – Playgroup 2

Term 1 (Week 8)

Date: Day: Time:

Topic: Waterplay
Content standard: FK 2.1.1 Performing movements in self-space and general space.
Able to:
Learning standard:  Develop their awareness of self-space and general space

Materials needed:  Waterplay toy set

1. Teacher explains the rules and regulations before the students having waterplay.
2. Teacher distributes the toys to the students to play with.
3. Encourage students to share the toys with their friends.

Teaching methods:

Teacher’s Reflection:
Lesson Plan (Outdoor Activity)

Outdoor Activity – Playgroup 2

Term 1 (Week 8)

Date: Day: Time:

Topic: Storytelling
Content standard: BI 1.2.5 Listen to and enjoy simple stories
Able to:
Learning standard:  Develop their concentration while listening to the stories.

Materials needed:  Storybooks

1. Teacher introduces the ways to handle the storybook.
2. Invite students to sit in a circle in order to listen to the story.
3. Teacher read a story to children.
Teaching methods: 4. Introduce the book cover, title and back of the book to students.
5. Emphasize to students the way to handle and take care of the storybook.
6. Distribute storybook to the students to read.
7. Encourage students to join together to share what they see in the storybook.

Teacher’s Reflection:

Lesson Plan (Outdoor Activity)

Outdoor Activity – Playgroup 2

Term 1 (Week 8)

Date: Day: Time:

Topic: Watering the Plant

Content standard: FK 1.1.2 Develop eye-hand coordination and fine motor skills through a variety of activities
Able to:
Learning standard:  Hold the watering cans for watering the plants
 Determine if gardens need to be watered by exploring dry and wet soil

 Plastic cup (each student will be having one cup, label with name)
 Garden soil
Materials needed:
 Watering cans
 Water

1. Teacher reads a book related to the living things (plants) that need water to survive.
(Emphasis the plants need water almost every day, just like people need water).
2. Teach the children when we need to water the plants.
Teaching methods: 3. Ask Questions: What do we use to water the plants? / What plants need?
4. Using finger to press on the soil to feel the texture of soil (If the soil feels dry, demonstrate
watering plants using watering cans)
5. Invite the students to try and feel the texture of the soil.

Teacher’s Reflection:

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