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Name: _________________________________________ Class: ____________________


1. Motivation is the process by which activities are _______, _______ and ______ to meet
a person’s physical or psychological requirements.
a. Started; directed; continued
b. Sensed; perceived; created
c. Created; developed; acted upon
d. Desired; directed; developed

2. Intrinsic motivation occurs when

a. Obligations or approval are factors
b. There is no obvious external reward for one’s behavior
c. There are obvious external factors controlling behavior
d. Extrinsic motivation is also high

3. Unlearned biological motives necessary for survival are termed.

a. primary motives.
b. secondary motives.
c. drives.
d. stimulus motives.

4. What is the correct order of needs in Maslow's hierarchy?

a. Physiological; esteem; safety; self-actualization; love and belonging
b. Self-actualization; physiological; safety; love and belonging; esteem
c. Physiological; safety; love and belonging; esteem; self-actualization
d. Self-actualization; safety; love and belonging; esteem; physiological

5. According to Maslow's theory, the basic needs include

a. Physiological needs, safety, and security.
b. Safety, love, and belonging
c. Physiological needs and belonging.
d. Security and esteem.

MPU3233 | USSP11 Ms.N

6. The __________ describes the relationship between arousal level, task difficulty, and
efficiency of performance.
a. arousal theory
b. Drive reduction theory
c. Yerkes-Dodson Law
d. inverted-U function

7. Which of the following is an assumption of arousal theory?

a. Zero level of arousal is the most desirable.
b. High levels of arousal are the most desirable.
c. Optimal levels of arousal exist for each person.
d. Optimal levels of arousal exist for various activities.

8. Extrinsic motivation stems from

a. Obvious external factors.
b. Intrinsic motivation.
c. Primary drives.
d. Self-actualization.

9. People with high need for ___________ want to be liked by others and are good team
a. Achievement
b. Affiliation
c. Power
d. Emotion

10. If a person carries out a behavior to receive an outcome that is separate from the
person, this is known as
a. Intrinsic motivation
b. Extrinsic motivation
c. Drive-reduction motivation
d. Instinctual motivation

MPU3233 | USSP11 Ms.N

11. According to arousal theory, people are motivated towards _______ level of arousal
a. Their highest
b. Their lowest
c. Their optimum
d. Their minimal

12. In terms of arousal and task difficulty, easy tasks typically demand a __________ level
for optimal performance, whereas difficult tasks require a _________ level.
a. High-moderate; low-moderate
b. Low moderate; high moderate
c. Either a high or low; medium
d. Low; low

13. In Maslow’s theory, how often do people reach a point of self-actualization?

a. Most people reach a state of self-actualization before they reach adulthood.
b. Most people reach a state of self-actualization as they finish adolescence.
c. Seldom, although there are times in person’s life when they are self-actualized at
least temporarily.
d. No one ever reaches the ultimate state. Our motivations express themselves in how
we try to attain it.

14. Adam enjoys woodcarving. Although none of his teenage friends are interested, he
often spends hours creating several different pieces. His enjoyment of his task is all his
own, and he rarely shows others his work. Many would call his motivation _________
in nature.
a. Instinctual
b. Arousal
c. Extrinsic
d. Intrinsic

MPU3233 | USSP11 Ms.N

15. People with high need for influencing others and making an impact on them are
considered to have high requirement for ____________.
a. Affiliation
b. Power
c. Achievement
d. Control

16. The cake, the ice-cream, the pie and the candy bar are all attractive for their own sake
and are very appealing to many people, says the __________ approach.
a. Sensation-seeking
b. Arousal
c. Incentive
d. Humanistic

17. According to Maslow, what is meant by a peak experience?

a. That point, even for a moment, when someone reaches a state of self-actualization
b. The point at which someone reaches transcendence
c. The point at which someone begins to work through the hierarchy
d. The point at which someone must descend back down the hierarchy to address a
previous need which is no longer secure

18. Which of the following is the correct sequence for the motivational process?
a. reinforcement > need > behavioral response
b. need > drive > behavioral response
c. drive > behavioral response > need
d. behavioral response > drive > need

19. Liz picked out “her” desk on the first day of class. But in the second class period,
someone else is sitting in “her” chosen seat. Liz’s territorial attitude about that desk
and her negative feelings toward the “interloper” sitting there might best be explained
by which of the following?
a. Extrinsic approach
b. Intrinsic approach
c. Drive-reduction approach
d. Instinct approach

MPU3233 | USSP11 Ms.N

20. Which of the following approaches to motivation has ties to the basic principles of
learning and the concept of reinforcement?
a. Arousal
b. Humanistic
c. Incentive
d. Self-determination

21. The most basic needs in Maslow’s hierarchy are ________ needs.
a. Esteem
b. Love
c. Safety
d. Physiological

22. The approach to motivation that forced psychologists to consider the hereditary factors
in motivation was the ___________ approach
a. Arousal
b. Drive-reduction
c. Instinct
d. Incentive

23. The inverted-U function describes the relationship between?

a. deprivation and sex drive.
b. stimulation and curiosity.
c. arousal and performance.
d. sex drive and satisfiers.

24. The need for achievement:

a. is greatest for behaviors leading to financial and material success.

b. does not occur in primitive cultures.
c. is defined as the desire to meet internalized standards of excellence.
d. is greater in women than in men.

MPU3233 | USSP11 Ms.N

26. Presumably, people who donate anonymously to a charity are motivated by the desire
to do a "good thing," but do not seek the recognition or attention that often comes with
such donations. Therefore, their behavior seems to be an example of ______________.

a. Extrinsic motivation
b. Intrinsic motivation
c. Incentive
d. Drive

27. Jackie is currently in university and is constantly studying for her classes. Her
roommates think she is boring and only studying to keep her parents happy. However,
Jackie explains that she is doing it for herself, because she really likes to learn, enjoys
the challenge, and likes the sense of fulfillment it gives her. This example best describes
which type of motivation?

a. extrinsic
b. intrinsic
c. achievement
d. delay of gratification

Structure questions

1. State TWO types of motivation. [2m]



2. State THREE approaches which explain motivation. [3m]




MPU3233 | USSP11 Ms.N

3. Draw a hierarchy of needs proposed by Abraham Maslow. [5m]

4. Sketch a graph for level of arousal and task performance in arousal theory. [2m]

MPU3233 | USSP11 Ms.N

5. What motivates you while you are in this psychology course? In what ways are you
intrinsically and extrinsically motivated? [10m]





















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MPU3233 | USSP11 Ms.N

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