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Client name: xxxxxxxxxx

Session plan for individual occupational therapy intervention

Following an occupational therapy assessment on the 11 th of March 2022, I have created a

8 week session plan to be completed in collaboration with you.

Session outline:
Week 1 – Challenging thoughts - part 1
Week 2 – Challenging thoughts -Core beliefs - part 2
Week 3 – Behaviour activation – part 1
Week 4 – Behaviour activation– part 2
Week 5 - Activities of daily living and occupations with meaning – part 1
Week 6 - Activities of daily living and occupations with meaning – part 2
Week 7- Review therapy goals
Week 8- Review intervention plan and outcome

Session 1 – 23/03/22 Challenging thoughts – part 1

 Check in
 Review diary sheet BACE
 Unhelpful thinking styles
 Go for a walk
 Check out

Please complete diary sheet BACE + Thoughts record sheet for next
week session

Session 2 - Challenging thoughts -Core beliefs – part 2

 Check in
 Diary sheet + thought record
 What are core beliefs?
 Social anxiety
 Go for a walk
 Check out

Please complete diary BACE + exploring social anxiety for next week

Session 3 - What is Behaviour activation BA – part 1

 Check in
 Review: Diary sheet BACE + positive traits
 What is behaviour activation (BA)?
 Positive activities for BA sheet
 Check out

Please complete diary sheet BACE + thoughts sheet for next week
Session 4 - Positive behaviours to activate- part 2

 Check in
 Review: Dairy sheet BACE + exploring social anxiety
 Complete weekly schedule for BA
 Go for a walk
 Check out

Please complete diary sheet BACE for next week session

Session 5 - Activities of daily living and occupations with meaning – part 1

 Check in
 Positive behaviour activities
 Positive behaviour schedule
 Check out

Homework: Complete weekly planner

Session 6 - Activities of daily living and occupations with meaning – part 2

 Check in
 What went well and what did not go so well
 Discuss weekly planner – sleeping, eating, self care, leisure and
meaningful activities
 Referrals to activities and online resources
 Recap and conclusion
 Check out

Homework: Agreed goal to be achieved by next week and complete

weekly planner

Session 7- Review therapy goals

 What went well and what did not go so well

 Discuss weekly planner- sleeping, eating, self care, leisure and
meaningful activities
 Referrals and online resources
 Recap and conclusion
 Check out

Homework: Agreed goal to be achieved by next week and complete

weekly planner

Session 8- Review intervention plan and outcome

 What went well and what did not go so well

 Discuss weekly planner: sleeping, eating, self care, leisure and
meaningful activities
 Referral and online resources
 What’s next
 Complete ReCoL and OT outcome measures
 Check out

Additional resources Mental health advice and information:

Online courses and therapies:

Porchlight -
Or call: 0800 567 7699

Who to call in a crisis: Mental Health Matters on: 0800 107 0160
Samaritans Tel: 01795 413100 / Text 07725909090
Call NHS 111: when feeling unwell and need a telephone health

Lead Healthcare Name: xxxxxxx- Occupational Therapist

Telephone number: xxxxxxxx

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