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At the end of this unit, students will be able to:

✓ Make a conversation between a customer and a technician to complain about

electronic or electrical matters;

✓ Make a report about what the customers have complained.




• Agreement (n) /əˈɡriːmənt/ • A blank screen (np) /ə blæŋk skriːn/
• Apologize for (vp) /əˈpɒlədʒaɪz/ /fə(r)/ • A missing part (np) /ə ˈmɪsɪŋ pɑːt/
• Attach (v) /əˈtætʃ/ • Bend (v) /bend/
• Complain (v) /kəmˈpleɪn/ • Compatible with (adj) /kəmˈpætəbl wɪð/
• Complaint (n) /kəmˈpleɪnt/ • Crush (v) /krʌʃ/
• Contact (v) /ˈkɒntækt/ • Dent (v/n) /dent/

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• Inconvenience (n) /ˌɪnkənˈviːniəns/ • Fault (n) /fɔːlt/

• Package (n) /ˈpækɪdʒ/ • Faulty (adj) /ˈfɔːlti/
• Pleased (adj) /pliːzd/ • Flicker (v) /ˈflɪkə(r)/
• Reasonable (adj) /ˈriːznəbl/ • Flickering (adj) /ˈflɪkərɪŋ/
• Reduce (the price) (vp) /rɪˈdjuːs/ • Hole (n) /həʊl/
• Refund (n/v) /ˈriːfʌnd/ (n) /rɪˈfʌnd/(v) • Jam (v) /dʒæm/
• Replacement (n) /rɪˈpleɪsmənt/ • Jammed (adj) /dʒæmd/
• Resolve (v) /rɪˈzɒlv/ • Scratch (v) /skrætʃ/
• Return (n/v) /rɪˈtɜːn/ • Stuck (adj) /stʌk/
• Troubleshooting tip (np) /ˈtrʌblʃuːtɪŋ tɪp/

1. Making complaints
Complaints are expressions of "displeasure or annoyance" in response to an action or an
event. For example, you can complain about the laptop you have just ordered because the
touchpad doesn’t work.

Common expressions/ structures to make complaints

• I wish to complain about …
• I’m ringing up to complain about …
• I’m calling to complain about …
• Excuse me but there is a problem about ...
Common expressions/ structures to deal with complaints
• I’m sorry to hear that.
• I (do) apologize for that. (do for emphasizing)
• It must be our fault.

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• I'm so sorry, but this will never happen again.

2. Passive voice of the present simple
Passive voice is used when the focus is on the action. It is not important or not known,
however, who or what is performing the action.
E.g. My phone case is scratched.
Affirmative (+) S + is/am/are + P2 (+by O).

Negative (-) S + is/am/are + not + P2 (+by O).

Interrogative (?) Is/am/are + S + P2 (+by O)?

(+) Your phone case is scratched.
(-) Your phone case is not scratched.
(?) Is your phone case scratched?


Look at the list below and tick the online learning tasks you have completed.

Online learning tasks Task focus Completed

Vocabulary Words and phrases related to
Presentation Pronunciation, meaning and spelling …………...
Task 1 – Multiple choice Words and phrases – Meaning …………...
Task 2 – Multiple choice Words and phrases – Meaning …………...
Task 3 – Multiple choice Words and phrases – Pronunciation …………...
Task 4 – Ordering Words and phrases – Pronunciation …………...
Task 5 – Ordering Words and phrases – Pronunciation …………...
Task 6 – Gap filling Words and phrases – Meaning …………...
Section Test: Self-assessment Words and phrases – Meaning & spelling …………...
Grammar Making complaints – Passive voice
Presentation Making complaints – Passive voice …………...
Task 1 – Multiple choice Verb choice …………...
Task 2 – Gap filling Verb forms …………...

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Online learning tasks Task focus Completed

Task 3 – Gap filling Verb forms ………...
Task 4 – Gap filling Passive form …………...
Task 5 – Writing Sentence writing …………...
Section Test 2: Self assessment Error correction …………...

Listening Conversations/ talks about making

Task 1.1 – Gap filling While-listening – A conversation …………...
Task 1.2 – Short answers While-listening – A conversation …………...
Task 2.1 – Gap filling While-listening – A conversation …………...
Task 2.2 – Gap filling Post-listening – Transcript …………...
Task 3.1 – Matching While-listening – A short talk …………...
Task 3.2 – Gap filling Post-listening – Transcript …………...
Task 4.1 – Gap filling While-listening – A conversation …………...
Task 4.2 – Gap filling Post-listening – Transcript …………...
Task 5.1 – Gap filling While-listening – A conversation …………...
Task 5.2 – Gap filling Post-listening – Transcript …………...
Task 6.1 – Gap filling While-listening – A talk …………...
Task 6.2 – Gap filling Post-listening – Transcript …………...
Reading Passages/ Texts/ Emails about
Task 1 – Multiple choice While-reading – Scanning …………...
Task 2 – Short answers While-reading – Scanning …………...
Task 3 – Short answers While-reading – Scanning …………...
Task 4 – Matching While-reading – Scanning …………...
Task 5 - Short answers Post-reading – Scanning …………...
Task 6 – Gap filling While-reading – Scanning …………...
Task 7 – Matching While-reading – Scanning …………...
Task 8 – Gap filling While-reading – Scanning …………...
Writing Complaint letter writing

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Online learning tasks Task focus Completed

Task 1 – Gap filling Email completion …………...
Task 2 – Gap filling Verb forms …………...
Task 3 – Reordering Sentence arranging …………...
Task 4 – Writing Writing a complaint letter …………...


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Objective: At the end of the lesson, students will be able to make a conversation between
a customer and a technician to complain about electronic or electrical matters.

Warm-up: What am I?

1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6.

7. 8. 9.

• Work in groups to find out nine hidden words from the list below. There are three
clues for each word.
A stuck door A bent water pipe A blank screen A dented suitcase
A broken touchscreen A crushed car A burnt suitcase A scratched table
A cracked windshield A flickering bulb A hole in the table A jammed drawer


Activity 1: Tell me the problem!

Use the phrases from the Warm-up activity to make a sentence using the passive voice of
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the present simple when possible.


A stuck door

The door is stuck.

Note: Stick – Stuck – Stuck

Activity 2: Nobody likes to complain, but …

Use the expressions/ structures and pictures given by your teacher to make complaints and
deal with them. Remember to propose a solution to solve that problem.
Common expressions/ structures to make complaints
• I wish to complain about …
• I’m ringing up to complain about …
• I’m calling to complain about …
• Excuse me but there is a problem about...
Common expressions/ structures to deal with complaints
• I’m sorry to hear that.
• I (do) apologize for that. (do for more emphasize)
• It must be our fault.
• I'm so sorry, but this will never happen again.

Renter: Excuse me, I wish to complain

about the stuck door in my department.
Department manager: I’m sorry to hear
that. We’ll send someone to fix it right now.

Activity 3: Listening

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• Listen to a conversation between Steve and a customer, and fill in the note below

Date and time of call 10.45 2017/01/15

Name of customer Maria Beck

Description of goods A (1) ………………….

Details of complaint The AC adapter: Doesn’t (2) ………………….

Model number (3) ………………….

Order number (4) ………………….

Solutions offered (5) …………………. the adapter and the printer;

£(6) …………………. discount off the next purchase

Customer response (7) Accept/ Deny

• Turn to page 120. Listen again and fill in the blanks with the words from the table to
complete the transcription.
• Practice the conversation with your partner.

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Activity 4: Role play

• Student A: You are Linda Smith. You are a customer calling
to complain about a technical problem of the laptop you have

Description of goods A laptop

Details of complaint The back of the laptop is scratched.
Model number 1402
Order number 240793/19
Solutions offered (1)........................
Customer response Accept
• Student B: Turn to page 121.

B: Good morning, Customer Service. Peter speaking. How can I help you?
A: Good morning. I wish to complain about the laptop I bought from you.

• Make your own cards and practice.

Student A Student B

Name of customer

Description of goods

Model number

Order number

Details of complaint

Solutions offered

Customer response

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Objective: At the end of the lesson, students will be able to report what the customers
have complained about.

Warm-up: Lucky number?

1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6.

7. 8. 9.

10. 11. 12.

• Work in groups.
• Choose a random number.
• Representatives from each group quickly find the corresponding word based on the
given clues.
• Number: 0
• Clue: I’m calling you to make a c _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ about the IPhone 6 I purchased
last week. It quickly runs out of battery.
• Answer: complaint
Activity 1: Find someone who …
Find someone who has complained about …
No. Items Names Problems Time Taken Actions
A phone Hiep Slow performance Use it for the Return it to the store and
first time get a new one
A laptop

A desktop

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A program


• Walk around the class. Ask and answer to fill in the table.
• Remember to ask the follow-up questions. Find at least two people to fill in the table.
A: Hi, Hiep. Have you ever complained about a phone?
B: Yes, I have.
A: What happened?
B: Its performance was very slow.
A: When did it happen?
B: When I bought it from the store and used it for the first time.
A: What did you do next?
B: I returned it to the store and got a new one.
A: Oh, really?
• Report the results.
Hiep has complained about his phone because its performance was very slow. It
happened when he bought it from the store and used it for the first time. Therefore, he
returned it to the store and got a new one.

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Activity 2: Reading

Scanning = Quickly searching a passage for a particular word or term (e.g. a name or a


Skimming = Reading quickly without reading every word so that you get an overall

impression of a text or part of a text.

1. Last September we purchased one of your five-gallon water distillers from your

Springfield distributor, John Doe. We find now that the holding chamber has a leak

where the stainless steel sections come together, and it loses water almost as fast as

it distills it.

Since John Doe has moved to another state, I turn to you to honor the lifetime

guarantee on this unit. I am returning this part of the distiller for a replacement.

Enclosed is a copy of the warranty and my registration number. I understand that I

incur no costs with this exchange. I appreciate your service.

2. I have not yet received the refund of $226.98 you promised to send me two weeks

ago for the faulty lawn mower. I trust this delay is just an oversight, but I need the

refund immediately so I can purchase another machine.

To refresh your memory of the details of my case, I have enclosed copies of my sales

receipt and the warranty card. I look forward to receiving the check soon. I need the

money by next Monday.

3. The CV joint you recently installed has gone bad in less than two weeks. Since I travel

extensively for my work, I need that joint repaired as soon as possible. Your service

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manager insisted that next Friday is the earliest he can schedule the work. Given that

I waited three weeks last time only to have a bad part installed, I think that scheduling

the repair work within the next two days is reasonable. I trust that you will agree. I'll

call this afternoon to verify the time. Thank you.

Adapted from articles in ReversoContext

• Match the following pictures with the correct passages.

A. B. C.

• Answer the following questions with NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS OR A

NUMBER from the text.
Questions Answers

1) Which letter complains about a delay of the

refund for a faulty lawn mower?

2) In which letter does the writer require a

replacement for a leaking holding chamber?

3) When does the customer need the refund for

the faulty lawn mower?

4) How long did the customer have to wait to have

the CV joint installed?

5) When will the customer with the lawn mower

call to confirm the time?

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Activity 3: Report
• Read the transcription in Activity 3 (Lesson 1), complete the report
below with the ONE WORD OR A NUMBER from the
• Practice reading the report out loud. Record it and listen
again for checking pronunciation.

Last Monday, (1) ……………………. called to complain about the (2) …………………….
which she bought from our store. The AC adapter didn’t (3) ……………………. Its model
was (4) ……………………. and the order number was (5) ……………………. Therefore,
we had to (6) ……………………. the adapter by the end of the week and collect the old
one at the same time. Besides, we promised to give her (7) ……………………. pounds
discount off the next purchase and she accepted our offers.

Activity 4: Mono talk

• You are Peter.
• Last Monday, you received a phone call
from Linda Smith. She complained about
the laptop she bought from your store.
• Based on the information in the table, make a report to your manager.

Linda Peter

Name of customer Linda Smith

Description of goods A laptop

Details of complaint The back of the laptop is


Model number 1402

Order number 240793/19

Solutions offered Replace; $10 discount off next


Customer response Accept

E.g. Good morning, Sir. It’s Peter. I’m calling to report a customer’s complaint.

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Look at the objectives specified at the beginning of the unit and write down what you

have (not) achieved and what you need to do to improve your English.


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