Direitos Humanos Inglês Maria

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Human Rights

Human rights were founded a long time ago.

And I have two points of view, which I agree, and which I think it is unnecessary to
have a list so that we are all entitled to something.
I agree with human rights in that they state that we all have the same rights, the right
to be free, the right to be who we want to be, the right to have our own choices. With
the creation of human rights, the rule that people should no longer be slaves, etc.,
emerged. And it is exactly at this point that I get extremely "annoyed", because it was
only after this list existed that people were able to stop being enslaved?
Why does there have to be a list so that we humans are all treated the same? I mean
not even with a list we are all treated the same, although on the list there is a rule that
we all have equal rights whatever our race, our religion, our sexual orientation, there is
still too much prejudice and racism.
Unfortunately, we don't all have the same values and principles and that is evident,
and some people really need to take a look at this regulation sometimes, just to see
and understand that yes, we are all the same, even different.

I didn't know if this was what was intended with this task. but I gave my opinion and
my different points of view.

Maria Mendes

12º B

Clarinete - Sara Araújo


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