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This research is dedicated to our loving parents, who have always been a source of

inspiration and strength when we were on the verge of giving up, and who continue to provide

moral, spiritual, emotional, and financial support.

To our brothers and sisters, relatives, mentor, friends, and classmates who encouraged us

to finish this study through their words of advise and encouragement.

Lastly, we thank our Almighty God for his guidance, strength, mental power, protection,

and skills, as well as for providing us with a healthy life. All of these are offered to you.

We would like to acknowledge and give our warmest thanks to Ms. Shaira Delgado, our

research advisor, for making this study possible. We were able to complete this research study

due to her guidance and advice. Despite everything, she showed us patience.

Apart from our research adviser, we'd want to express our gratitude to the rest of our

teachers for their support and informative comments.

Last but not least, we want to express our gratitude to our parents for their unwavering


Dedication ……………………………………………………………………………..….i
Table of Contents………………………………………………………………………... iii


Rationale ….……………………………………………………………………………....1
Statement of the Problem ……………….…………………………………………………
Significance of the Study ….………………………………………………………………
Theoretical Background …….…………………………………………………………….5
Conceptual Framework ……….……………………………………………......................8
Definition and Terms ……….
The Sample ………….……………………………………………………......................11
The Instrument ….……………………………………………………………………….11
Research Design………………………………………………………………………….11
Data Collection Procedure ….…………………………………………………………...12
Data Analysis …………..…….………………………………………………………….12
Chapter IV: PRESENTATION, ANALYSIS AND………...……….………………………..13
Chapter V: SUMMARY OF FINDINGS, CONCLUSION………………………………….16
Curriculum Vitae………………………………………………………………………...16
Education Background…………………………………………………………………..16

Factors Influencing Grade 12 Students in Pardo, Cebu

City in Choosing College Courses in Academic Year
Chapter 1

For seniors or graduating high school students, the pressure gets higher as the end of their

term approaches because the time is running out to decide what course they will take. Choosing a

course is a hard decision to make. Their future depends on it, and the decision they make now

will determine what life they will have in the future. Becoming independent is the first step in

their lives, and it is the first step to their success. They should be careful in choosing a course

because once they have started on it, there is no way of getting back. As previously stated, good

decision-making is an essential skill for career success in general and effective leadership in

particular. It is true that for an individual to be successful, that person must possess good

decision-making skills. Every day, they make decisions, big and small, that can have a big

impact on their lives. As the person progresses, his or her ability to decide to improve allows the

individual to make better and wiser decisions in life.

Graduating high school students face one of the most crucial decisions in their lives, and

that is a future career decision. However, during this crucial stage in each student`s life, some

factors result in confusion and further lead to a mistake. As we all know, choosing the right

career path is becoming significant for young students today. Students have a lot of pressure

when choosing a college course. Many factors can influence a student`s decision, including

parents, passion, salary, teachers, religious figures, peer pressure, or any role model in a

student`s life. According to Darren Fizer, students are more influenced by family when choosing
a college course. The Family was mentioned as the most important factor influencing their

college choice by 22% of respondents.

Making a decision is a crucial moment in every student`s life. Before making a decision,

students must examine several aspects. To see the factors that affect the choice of career among

students, another factor that influences a student`s decision on which course to pursue is the

people and role models in his or her life. These role models can include parents, teachers, or

many others. When students are deciding on a career, they may not have all the information

about the course they are pursuing. Students may enjoy one aspect of a course they choose, but

they are not aware of the responsibilities that come with it.

Currently, the primary issue in the Philippines is the high unemployment rate. This issue

of the fact that they chose the wrong courses in college may have an impact on their

unemployment rate. Based on Social Weather Station (SWS) in the year 2015 before the

implementation of the Senior High school K-12 Program, the number of unemployed Filipinos

was increased by more than 10 million in the month of September. While in the 2018 survey, it

continued to rise by almost 10.9 million. It is either caused by the demand of the industries or the

graduates do not or skills possess the characteristics required by the company/industry. The

reason why this problem happens is maybe because of the wrong choice of the course that is

taken by the students in college and also because of unguided decision making in choosing their


In addition, a study conducted by Dr. Nancy Pascual, the unemployment rate is frequently

linked to misfits' graduates generated by universities and colleges. She goes on to say that

adequate counseling in picking the suitable college course, matched to the personality, ability,

and intellect of students, will help them achieve job success (Pascual, 2014). Education, as we all
know, has the power to influence students' life choices through guidance counselors, teachers,

peers, parents, and community members gaining educational aspirations, social capital, and

cultural capital that might not otherwise be available at home or in the community

(Finn,2006,Hossler, Schmit62Vesper, 1999; Phelan, Locke-Davidson, and Yu,1998).

Most of today's youth suffer from a loss of self-esteem as a result of being pressurized to

perform well in college, according to researchers. Some students find it hard to cope with exams

when they do not understand the lessons. That is why some young people are discouraged from

continuing to their college degrees because of their experiences in high school. Freshmen

students who were tormented in high school, for example, would be more careful in all parts of

their lives, particularly when picking friends and acquaintances. Most young people want very

much to be liked and to be included in activities of the groups that interest them. (Robert H.

Seashore (1962), Your Goals and You: A Guidance Handbook, Science Research Associates


The researchers of this study have chosen thirty (30) graduating senior high school

students in Pardo, Cebu City to be the area of the study. This research is exclusively for Grade 12

students who will be starting a new chapter in their college life. This will put graduating students'

life decisions and commitment to a successful profession to the test.

Making a career choice is a defining phase in every student’s life. Students have to

consider several reasons before arriving at a decision. To see the factors which influence the

choice of career among students the researchers will conduct this study to know the common

factors that influence the Grade 12 students in Pardo, Cebu City in choosing a college course.

Withal, determine how students make choices.

Statement of the Problem

This study will be conducted to determine the factors influencing the Grade-12

students in Pardo, Cebu City in choosing college courses.

Specifically, it aimed to answer the following questions:

1. What skills do students seek to develop in college?

2. What are the basis of students in choosing college courses?

3. Based on your findings, what intervention can be devised to help students choose the

right course in college?

Significance of the Study

Graduating Students

This research will guide the graduating students in deciding the course they will

take in college. Additionally, this will enable them to self-reflect whether the course they

will be taking is suitable for them and in-demand in the 21st-century.


With this research, the teenagers will start to put value on the importance of good

decision-making as this will affect their life altogether. Choosing a career is difficult for

many people, so as early as now the teenagers will begin to seriously choose a course in


Schools can plan events like career guidance advocacy program for the graduating

students to help them determine their best career path. This will be of great help since

school serves as a basic foundation for students' knowledge.


This study will assist parents in guiding their children to the best path for their

children's interests. This will give parents an idea of what courses should their children

choose and to prepare them for their future.

Theoretical Background
This study is anchored in two theories, namely: Tinto’s Theory of Student Departure

(1993) states that, to persist, students need integration into formal (academic performance) and

informal (faculty/staff interactions) academic systems and formal (extracurricular activities) and

informal (peer-group interactions) social systems. Self-determination theory (SDT) of Ryan and

Deci (2000a) posits that fulfillment of three basic innate, human psychological needs (autonomy,

competence, and relatedness) is necessary for optimal human functioning.

Tinto developed a theory to explain student retention called Tinto’s Theory of Student

Departure. Tinto’s (1993) theory of student departure, will also serve as the theoretical

framework of this study. Student persistence is in the forefront of higher education concerns

(Reason, 2009). Persistence occurs when students successfully integrate into the college setting

academically and socially (Tinto, 1975). Tinto’s Theory of Student Departure states that the

more students integrate into the life of the college, the more successful they will be and the more

likely the student will remain in school until graduation. Tinto's (1993) study traced a student's

journey from home to university and then back again. Tinto created a visual representation of

this student's journey called the "Model of Institutional Departure." The Tinto Model of
Institutional Departure starts by laying out the events that occur in a student's life before he or

she enrolls in a university. Tinto then speculates on what happens when the students get at

university, stating that they are still determined to succeed. The learner establishes objectives

based on his or her expectations. The university establishes goals for students depending on the

requirements of the institution.

In addition, there is agreement as to the value of intrinsic motivation, but no consensus as

to how to best utilize a student’s natural self-motivation for learning and inquiry (Deci, 1980).

This study is framed by the self-determination theory (SDT) of Ryan and Deci (2000a). Ryan

and Deci (2000a) asserted that self-determination theory is founded on the social-contextual

conditions that facilitate or hinder the natural process of intrinsic motivation. SDT is based on an

organismic-dialectical meta-theory, which begins with the assumption that people are active

organisms, with innate tendencies toward psychological growth and development, who strive to

master ongoing challenges and to integrate their experiences into a coherent sense of self (Deci

& Ryan, 1985a). Self-determination theory states that curiosity and self-motivation are common

to all humans. The degree to which curiosity and self-motivation are exemplified varies by

individual and circumstance (Ryan & Deci, 2000b). Ryan and Deci (2000a) maintained that

essential factors such as autonomy, competence, and relatedness determine the level of an

individual’s intrinsic motivation. Deci and Ryan (1985b) stated that intrinsic motivation requires

continual support from the social environment in order to function effectively. Social context can

either support or thwart the natural tendencies toward active engagement and psychological


Ryan and Deci (2000a) maintained that the self-determination theory is supported by the

cognitive evaluation theory (CET), the organismic integration theory (OIT), the causality
orientations theory (COT), and the basic needs theory (BNT). CET specifies that there are factors

in social contexts such as competence and autonomy that produce various levels of intrinsic

motivation. CET emphasizes that feelings of competence must be accompanied by a sense of

autonomy in order to have a positive effect on intrinsic motivation. These factors must work in

tandem and not be mutually exclusive in order to have the desired effect on intrinsic motivation.

Ryan and Deci determined that individuals must experience satisfaction of the needs for both

competence and autonomy in a given task to demonstrate high levels of intrinsic motivation.

As a result, some students rely on their academic learning and social influence while

picking which course to choose. This idea is relevant to the study that the researchers conducted

because of the information that can be acquired here about which course to take. There are

numerous elements that can have an impact on students. The assumption behind social learning

theory is that students learn by observing others and they can use it to influence and observe their

decision. Many students are also inspired by what they see in their environment. They frequently

try things they desire to learn or things they might be able to do in the future. Some students are

curious and self-motivated to pursue their goals in the near future. Choosing a course is similar

to getting ideas from what other students are doing. And the majority of their motivation comes

from within.
Conceptual Framework


Input Process Output

 Grade 12  Preparation  Students

graduating of data should be
students collection guided by
around Pardo, from their teachers
Cebu city student's and parents.
 Factors of Gather
choosing responses
college from students
 Students will
be given a

 Analyze
Definition of Terms

The following words below are defined operationally.

 Course- is a unit of teaching that typically lasts one academic term, is led by one

or more instructors, and has a fixed roster of students.

 Factors- a circumstance, fact, or influence that contributes to a result or outcome.

 Career- is an individual's metaphorical "journey" through learning, work and

other aspects of life.

 Decisions-making- is regarded as the cognitive process resulting in the selection

of a belief or a course of action among several possible alternative options.

 College- an educational institution or establishment, in particular one providing

higher education or specialized professional or vocational training.

 Influence- the capacity to have an effect on the character, development, or

behavior of someone or something, or the effect itself.

 Grade12- the final year of secondary school after which students usually graduate

at age 17 or 18.

 Pressure- the use of persuasion, influence, or intimidation to make someone do


 Career path- is a sequence of jobs that leads to your short- and long-term career


 Self-esteem- is an individual's subjective evaluation of their own worth.

Chapter 2

Review of Related Literature and Studies

This chapter includes the ideas, finished thesis, generalization or conclusion,

methodologies and others. Those that were included in this chapter helps in familiarizing

information that are relevant and similar to the present study.

Traditionally, there have been two types of college choice models comes up with

(Hossler, Braxton, & Coopersmith, 1989). Approaches based on sociology reveal educational

goals, significant others' academic achievements, and so on. Cultural capital (cultural resources

coming mostly from one's family) and social capital (relationships with peers, schools, and

community) are the two factors that have the greatest influence on one's ability to influence

others. Selection of university (Cooper, 2008). Economic parameters such as GDP,

unemployment, and inflation are viewed through the lens of econometric models. The most

essential factors in college selection are cost, value, present labor market conditions, and non-

monetary rewards (Cooper, 2008). Despite the fact that both methods are useful, neither

technique, however, addresses all of the contrasts between the two approaches students in a


Several studies have looked into the college selection process for students of color.

Various ethnicities or distinct qualities Ceja (2006), for example, discovered that parents and

siblings have the greatest influence on Chicana/Latina students. For those who siblings were

especially helpful to students whose parents had lower educational levels. Chicana Latina kids

have unique challenges in the college selection process, owing to their parents' lack of
knowledge of higher education and exposure to it (Ceja, 2006). Despite the shortage of

resources, although some parents were understanding, they nevertheless showed a great deal of

support for their children providing encouragement and motivation for their daughters'

educational aspirations (Ceja, 2006). Educational aspirations are an important part of the

educational process attainments. If students do not believe that higher education is a viable

option, they will be less likely to pursue it. At best, investigating possibilities and guaranteeing

readiness are minimal.

The concept of career can help students make sense of the choices, decisions, and

transitions they face," Moxley et al. However, some students will make career decisions by

chance, according to Moxley et al., and an institutional retention plan should give students with

opportunities for professional and career growth. They added that integrating work experience

into the learning experience may help students to better see the benefits of persisting in their

education. Kamen’s (1971) studied the effects of college size on occupational choice and

college attrition. Kamen’s postulated that when students believed a school could provide them

with the training needed to reach their career goals, they were more likely to persist in their

training. He also found no relationship between school size and student attrition when individual

traits were held constant. Career choice, and the ability of the school to deliver the required

training, were major factors in student persistence. Tharenou (2001), writing in the Journal of

Occupational and Organizational Psychology, discussed how many researchers have attempted

to show that motivation and success in training are highly correlated. The choice of a career, and

the student`s ability to pursue that career, might be highly motivating factors. Linnenbrink and

Pintrich (2002) theorized that motivation was multifaceted, containing at least four separate

components. One of the components affecting student academic success was intrinsic
motivation. Motivation is a dynamic trait according to Linnenbrink and Pintrich, and students`

personal interests have the potential to influence motivation, and thereby influence academic


Chapter 3

Research Methodology

This chapter explains various methodologies that were used in gathering data and

analysis which are relevant to the research. The methodologies will include areas such as the

location of the study, research design, sampling and sample size, types of data, data collection

method and the instrument.

The Sample

This study will use purposive sampling method to learn about the factors that influence

college course choices. This study will be conducted among students from Pardo, Cebu City. The

participants in this study are 30 graduating students. This will be used to arrange and determine

what aspects to consider when selecting a college course.

The Instrument

A self-made survey questionnaire was used to get the desire information of graduating

students. The questionnaire is divided into (2) Sections (1 and 2,) Section 1 contains the skill

that students want to develop in college. While in Section 2 we use likert scale to know the basis

of the students in choosing college courses.

Research Design

This is a quantitative and descriptive research study. This study focuses on quantifying data

collection and processing, which is then utilized to characterize the features of the population or

phenomenon under investigation.

Data Collection Procedure

The researchers use survey data collection procedure. the participants were chosen by

conducting a survey questionnaire to ensure the right participants. The required time for the data

collection per participant is 5 minutes. After conducting the survey, the researchers will gather

the data. Finally, the researchers collected the data by means of survey questionnaire with the

help of the statistician tabulated and tallied the survey. The result would hopefully be the basis

for choosing college courses.

Data Analysis

The data about graduating students will be presented in tables and graphs, with basic

percentages used to assess them. Additionally, descriptive analysis helps in the constructive

description, presentation, or summarization of data elements.

Chapter 4

Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of data

This chapter examine the results and analysis of the qualitative data, the compilation of

the survey questionnaire and the results and analysis of the qualitative findings of the study.

Question #1 What skill do you want to develop in college? Put 1 check on the box below.

Figure 1 presents the skills of all the respondents who participated in the study. As you

can see, 20% for Coding & Programming and Arts, Design and Photography, 16.7% for Science

and Math, 13% for Financial management, 7% for Human Resource, Content Creation & Video

production skills, Engineering, Soft skills (communication, public speaking) and 3% for

Managerial skills and 0% for Sport/Fitness/Nutritionist.

Question #2 What are your basis in choosing college courses? Please put a check  on the box.
Basis in Choosing College Courses

4 Strongly Agree 3 Agree 2 Disagree 1 Strongly Disagree

Basis in Choosing College Courses


4 Strongly Agree 3 Agree 2 Disagree 1 Strongly Disagree

Figure 2 illustrates the respondent opinions on college course choices. As you can see

from the graph above, they are more interested in picking their own courses.

Chapter 5
Summary of Findings, Conclusion and Recommendation

This chapter includes the conclusions and recommendations of the study analysis of the

Factors Influencing Grade 12 Students in Pardo, Cebu City in Choosing College Courses in the

Academic Year 2021-2022.


Researchers discovered that the factors that influence students' college course choices are

influenced by their interests. Furthermore, it is likely that the students acquire some

encouragement from their family and friends.


Following a thorough analysis of the data, the following recommendations are made: The

study focuses on decision making for graduating senior high school students in Pardo, Cebu City

and it represents the idea that students are more interested in choosing their own courses.

Researchers recommend that the Graduating students should do the following:

 Students should be guided by their teachers and parents.

 Students should choose a course that is suitable for their skills.

 Provide information

Name: Karyl Mae C. Dizon


Gender: Female

E-mail add:

Birthdate: April 23, 2004

Address: Sitio Panaghiusa, Basak San Nicolas, Cebu City

Religion: Catholic

Nationality: Filipino


Senior High

Sae Young Christian School

F. Jaca St. Pardo Cebu City



Sae Young Christian School

F.Jaca St.Pardo Cebu City



Sae Young Christian School

F.Jaca St.Pardo Cebu City


Name: Jian Brenz C. Becera

Age: 18

Gender: Male

E-mail add:

Birthdate: January 11, 2004

Address: Tagunol Pardo, Cebu City

Religion: Born Again

Nationality: Filipino


Senior High

Sae Young Christian School

F. Jaca St. Pardo Cebu City



Sae Young Christian School

F. Jaca St. Pardo, Cebu City



Sae Young Christian School

F. Jaca St. Pardo, Cebu City


Name: Seanjames C. Lacaba

Age: 19

Gender: Male

E-mail add:

Birthdate: March 14, 2003

Address: Lower Tabucanal Pardo, Cebu City

Religion: Catholic

Nationality: Filipino


Senior High

Sae Young Christian School

F. Jaca St. Pardo Cebu City



Sae Young Christian School

F. Jaca St. Pardo Cebu City



Sae Young Christian School

F. Jaca St. Pardo Cebu City

2010- 2016

Name: Gianni Kierr D. Insung

Age: 19

Gender: Male

E-mail add:

Birthdate: March 15, 2003

Address: Kinasang-an Pardo, cebu city

Religion: Catholic

Nationality: Filipino


Senior High

Sae Young Christian School

F. Jaca St. Pardo Cebu City



Sae Young Christian School

F. Jaca St. Pardo Cebu City



Sae Young Christian School

F. Jaca St. Pardo Cebu City

2014- 2016

Name: Garette D. Arriola

Age: 19

Gender: Male

E-mail add:

Birthdate: February 10 2003

Address: Kinasang-an Pardo, cebu city

Religion: Catholic

Nationality: Filipino


Senior High

Sae Young Christian School

F. Jaca St. Pardo Cebu City



Sae Young Christian School

F. Jaca St. Pardo Cebu City



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