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the Antalo group.

Around Chelga and Adigrat coal-bearing beds

Bibl. hag. lat. (1898), 65; A. Masius, Uber die Stellung

house, nobody would agree to pay any more a yearly rent

1802. During the war between France and Germany, Amiens,

Zulu-Xosa (``Kaffir'') peoples, who followed a line nearer

protector. The meetings were held weekly as before.

steppe flora penetrates into the mountains, ascending some

were Eskimo and other Indians. Population returned in

wheat warme all wynter; and at March they will melte and

empire. In the reign of Merwan II. this opposition culminated

a true parenchyma; elsewhere it consists of free filaments,

seems never subsequently to have used the title. In any

elucidated, and the arts are classified (as by Lessing)

a court of assizes. It has tribunals of first instance

of February 1771. See R. Nisbet Bain, Gustavus III. and

butter, as in most other articles of food, adulteration with

of the academy are therein defined--``the promotion of the

Fortibus, Hawise's son by her second husband, was established

(2) The Castner-Kellner process employs no diaphragm, but a

common. Far the most abundant are coast and Alpine hemlocks

inspectors, which were, of course, supplemented by the work of

in command by General Gates. On the 13th of August Burgoyne

A third enigma---why no ``fountain of life''? The references

of the valley completely change, and the climate is much

tributaries, rising mostly on the western sides of the

Russia. Events were in fact rapidly tending to the rupture

of mind as a whole, of what we may call the aesthetic

in French, and a preface added, Partie Historique, which

since lds=dx. If the path is to be unaltered by the motion

afrik. Kontinents (Leipzig, 1893); A. B. Ellis, The

Communications.---From the south Aberdeen city is approached

Andreas. His landscapes generally dwell on the rich and

too well known to call for explicit record. Nor would such

Adelward, dean of Bremen, and William the Englishman, ``bishop

doctor of physic from the university of Leipzig, and in 1664

admiralty has disappeared. The office of king's or queen's

and the ocean weather, and adventure there, that he won

otherwise be found between the climates of the opposite slopes.

join Algeria and the Sudan across the Sahara. (A. GIR.)

war-horse in it; he had no banner, and one was improvised by

the death of his father, at the age of eleven, and in 1164

crowds, composed of the most learned men and the most

Fig. 4. -- Human Figure with a rattle-stick in the right hand.

Taschhorn . . . . . . . . . 14,758 Pigne d'Arolla . . . . . . . . . 12,471

summits are a few feet only below that of Dajan. In the Chok

mercury or bismuth in lead, it is at least probable that the

is less important than formerly, when the Dutch prohibited

lower Alma without difficulty. Menshikov relied apparently

individuals. He well remarked that the debility and

on a skeleton footing. Moreover, only persons of German

him, for he was a very great king.'' The mercy was needed.

on the south by the frontier line laid down in the agreement

from that side; the celebrant was thus brought round to the
baobab tree, the Adansonia digitata of Linnaeus, the origin

of their native district. The improvements introduced by

he published in 1890 an account of the magnetic observations

of abrasion, effected by the aid of such abrasives as emery and

History of the American Revolution (2 vols., New York, 1897).

The earliest books which are commonly described as the


and bisects the country from E. to W. Behind the bluffs that

elevation near the earth was very different according as

the Danube at Kelheim. From its mouth it is navigable

Or.; SHOSHONEAN, Interior Basin; SIOUAN, Mo. Valley;

consequence was the bill of 1845, brought into parliament by Mr

Square, where rose the ``Moon Gate.'' All that now lies

A. J. Evans, ``Mycenaean Tree and Pillar Cult'' in Journ.

polygonal masonry (in which horizontal joints seem to be purposely

he wrote a number of literary and philosophical works which

there are fertile plains of great extent N. of Antakia, S. of

who have been founded hardly 40 years have built residences

may traverse the tube centrally. (J. J. L. de Lalande gave

fifth district, occupying a considerable area south of the

ACMITE, or AEGIRITE, a mineral of the pyroxene (q.v.)

but in 1524 went to Lyons on being appointed physician to

Ptolemaeus. Alexandria continued to be celebrated as a

characters, situations and natural surroundings are excellently

nothing but the occupancy of Holland House at Kensington.

a second visit to England in 1900, during which he frankly

characteristics, has never been in doubt, since its remains

Louvre, and various societies have been founded, and privileges

Inaug. Dissertation (Breslau, 1883); J. J. Dey, Hist. de

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