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Week 2: Tutorial questions to be attempted before class

Question 1
Download/view the 2021-2022 Corporate Plan of the Australian Accounting Standard Board
Required: Using Loftus et al (2020), Chapter 1 and the AASB Corporate Plan 2021-2022,
provide a one-page description of the role of AASB and the AASB standard setting process

Note: Your answer is therefore addressing Loftus et al (2020) Comprehensive Question 2 and the
following detail from pages 1-21 of the Corporate plan

o The role of AASB. Their role can be described through examining their purpose,
objectives, and description of what they do.
o Due process for setting Australian Accounting Standards (AASB’s)

Question 2
Download/view the Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting 2021 (CF)
Required: Using Loftus et al (2020), Chapter 1 and the CF (2021), provide a one-page
description of the purpose of general purpose financial reports (GPFR), identifying the
objectives, users of GPFR, type of information, and the qualitative characteristics of the

Note: Your answer is therefore addressing Loftus et al (2020) Comprehensive Question

Comprehensive Question 7 and 9

Question 3
Required: Go to Loftus et al (2020), Chapter 13 Application and Analysis Exercise 13.20,
and by viewing the appropriate sections of the Statement of Changes in Equity, provide
journal entries for the following:

 Closing profit for the year

 Issue of a bonus share from general reserve
 Transfers between the general reserve and retained earnings
 Dividends paid and dividends declared

Question 4

Mongoose Ltd had the following balances on 1 July 2021:

Share capital (120 000 ordinary shares @ $2) $240 000
General Reserve $45 000
Retained Earnings $90 000

The following transactions and events occurred during the year ending 30 June 2022:
3 August Paid a $15 000 dividend that had been declared by the directors on 30 June
2021. Mongoose Ltd recognises dividends when declared by the directors.

30 December Paid an interim dividend of $22 000

25 March Declared a 1-10 bonus share issue at $2 each, using retained earnings.

30 June Mongoose Ltd calculated a profit after tax of $114 000. A final dividend of
$20000 was declared and $15 000 was transferred to the general reserve
from retained earnings.

a) Prepare journal entries in relation to the above transactions and events.
b) Prepare the Statement of Changes in Equity for Mongoose Ltd for the year ended
30 June 2022.

Note: this is a question created by McCombie (2022)

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