How To Fix The Republic Spell Checked

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Power back to the People



We, the American People, are in crisis. We have lost control of the National Government, our
State Governments, our County Governments, and our City Governments.

The evils have become insufferable. Corruption runs rampant in our land. In order to rectify this
crisis, new checks and balances on the power structure must be instituted. This essay outlines
four ways to do that.

There are four fixes:

1.       4th Official Branch of the United States shall be the Counties.

2.       Hard Money shall be the only legal tender.

3.       All Governmental Entities shall be scrutinized for their scope, dealings, and existence.

4.       Citizenships shall be earned.

NOTE: This is the first draft. It is meant as a springboard for discussion on How to Fix the


A veto is Latin for “I forbid” and is the power to unilaterally stop an official action. A veto can
be absolute or require a percentage vote of a body. A veto may give power only to stop some
actions or can be overreaching.

The concept of a veto body or power held by a person originated with the Roman offices of
consul and tribune of the plebs. There were two consuls elected every year, either consul could
block military or civil action by the other. The tribunes had the power to unilaterally block any
actions by a Roman magistrate or the decrees passed by the Roman Senate.

The institution of the veto, known to the Romans as the intercession, was adopted by the Roman
Republic in the 6th century BC to enable the tribunes to protect the mandamus interests of the
plebeians (common citizenry) from the encroachments of the patricians, who dominated the
A tribune's veto did not prevent the senate from passing a bill but meant that it was denied the
force of law. The tribunes could also use the veto to prevent a bill from being brought before the
plebeian assembly.

The consuls also had the power of veto, as decision-making generally required the assent of both
consuls. If one disagreed, either could invoke the intercession to block the action of the other.

The veto was an essential component of the Roman conception of power being wielded not only
to manage state affairs but to moderate and restrict the power of the state's high officials and

4th Official Branch of the United States shall be the Counties.

In order that The People have checks and balances on the National and State Executive,
Legislative, and Judicial Branches the Counties shall become the 4th Official Branch of
Constitutional Governance and provide checks and balances to the Federal and State powers with
veto power via petition.

There shall be four Jurisdictions: 1) Municipalities; 2) Counties; 3) States; 4) Nation. 5) Districts

shall be extirpated.

Municipalities are urban trade and industrial centers. Counties are rural production areas. States
manage infrastructure to facilitate production, transportation, and enforcement of Statewide laws.
Nation protects the land, the people, and liberty.

General standards for all Jurisdictions are: Each Jurisdiction shall have its own FIRE, EMT,
LEO, and minimal staffing (bureaucracy). Legal residents of a jurisdiction can become citizens
of that jurisdiction by validation.

Jurisdictions are guaranteed a Constitutional Republic for their governance. All other forms of
non-Constitutional Republic governance are outlawed and criminal penalties shall be formulated
for such allegiance to such forms as Communism, Sharia, Parliamentary, Church/State,
Corporation/State, Dictatorship, or Monarchy to name a few. No term limits are allowed in any
jurisdiction however recall by petition shall be instituted by every jurisdiction and dependent on
the voting base that elected the position. All crimes shall be non-specific and no classifications
according to gender, sex, age, race, nationality, heritage, ethic, etc. are allowed. Breaking
someone’s arm is breaking someone’s arm.

Municipalities Governance

Municipalities shall not have any checks or balances on National Governance nor shall the
National Governance have any control over the Municipalities except for limited Constitutional
Powers. Municipalities shall not be a part of any County but they shall be distinct and
independent from Counties and neither shall have any powers over the other. Municipalities are
under minimal State regulation and scrutiny and generally have self-rule. All Municipalities shall
be incorporated by the State but the area of the Municipality shall be determined by the property
owners who can petition the Municipality for acceptance into or removal thereof. In no case shall
islands of parcels be allowed as the Municipality must be contiguous. Each Municipality shall
have a Free Market where people can bring their products for sale to people. A Free Market shall
have free admission but a minimal fee can be charged for selling.


There are 3143 Counties counting U.S. and Territorial equivalents. Tribal governments can
_____. Counties shall have all the powers not granted to the State under the State Constitution.

There shall be two veto bodies in each County: 1) A governing board who shall be elected by
petition of the legal residents of the County and shall administer the county itself and have veto
power over all/any State action by petition of 33% or more of all the counties in the state, and 2)
a national body of elected County representatives elected by the County Citizens one from each
of the counties who shall have veto power over all/any National actions by petition of 33% or

The petition with the highest number of signatures in descending order determines the positions.
The County Boards are like the Tribunes of Rome while the Representative is like the Consuls of
Rome. Collusion between the Board and the Representative is a crime and shall be punished by
removal and criminal penalties. Any Board member or the Representative can be removed by
petition by the voting body with 50% or more signatures.

County Boards shall meet on a schedule of their own choosing. County Code shall apply to the
County only and in no circumstances shall any State, National, or Global standards be adopted
without a 33% vote by petition of the legal residents. Each County gets a State Senator thus
giving the Counties more clout in State affairs. No more Senate Districts are allowed nor are
Counties based on population.

Property Tax is repealed and shall be illegal. All real estate shall be owned in fee only. No public
schools shall be permitted. Each jurisdiction shall operate School Buildings that rent out space
for educational classes in a free market style. Staffing for School Buildings are for scheduling
and enforcement only and can be a trained volunteer. The Free Market will determine activity.
Rent shall cover the cost of said structures and staffing.

Legal residents can own real estate in any jurisdiction. Each legal resident in that jurisdiction
between the ages of 21 and 70 shall pay a per capita fee for FIRE, EMT, LEO, and minimal
staffing bureaucracy. Trained volunteering can defray the per capita fee.  Minimal Bureaucracy
means getting rid of most departments in the County Government and keeping mostly
enforcement and recording personel.

The County Superior Courts Judges shall be elected by petition by the legal residents by 33%.
The County Appeal Courts shall be elected by petition by the County Citizens by 33%. Any
judicial officer can be removed by petition of the body that elected them by 50%. 
NOTE: The reduction of the People to an object of propaganda, private and public, is one of the
greatest dangers to the Republic. A prevalent notion is that the great mass of the people cannot
understand and cannot form an independent judgment upon any matter; they cannot be educated,
in the sense of developing their intellectual powers, but they can be bamboozled. The reiteration
of slogans, the distortion of the news, the great storm of propaganda that beats upon the People
twenty-four hours a day all his life long mean either that the Republic must fall prey to the
loudest and most persistent propagandists or that the people must save themselves by
strengthening their minds so that they can appraise the issues for themselves.


States shall have all the limited powers granted to it by the State Constitution. All powers not
granted to the State under the Constitution shall remain in the Counties and Municipalities. All
elections shall be by published petition which will stay open to the public. Voting by secret
ballot is repealed as it is too open to fraud and corruption. Executive positions shall be elected by
County Citizens. Legislative positions shall be elected as follows: Each Assembly position shall
be elected by State Citizens by petition; Senate positions shall be elected by County Citizens of
that County. Judicial positions shall be elected by legal residents by petition.


The National Government shall have all the limited powers granted as defined by the U.S.
Constitution. Powers not granted to the Nation under the U.S. Constitution are reserved to the
States. Tribal governments shall be removed from National oversite and can form Municipalities
under the State or form Counties. All elections shall be by published petition. Voting by secret
ballot and controlled by the Counties is repealed.

Post Office free delivery is repealed (remove your mailbox). Each County and Municipality may
have as many Post Offices as needed to serve their populations but in no case shall have less than
one Post Office. All deliveries shall be at said Post Offices.


No districts are allowed except Washington D.C. which can never become a State, a County, or a
Municipality. No citizenship status shall be granted to residents of Washington D.C. Districts are
overlapping jurisdiction which muddy the waters for the People of the United States. All districts
of any kind shall be disbanded and the Nation, the State, the County, and the Municipality have
to sort things out themselves and with one another.

Hard Money shall be the only legal tender.

From the founding of this Republic to the 1960s Silver Coin has been the lifeblood of commerce
and was solely in the hands of the People. The debasement of our lifeblood has caused
irrefutable harm to our Republic and therefore hard money in the form of Silver Dollars must be
reinstituted and set in stone.
Congress shall be stripped of its Constitutional Duty to coin and regulate the value thereof and it
shall be given to the 4th Branch of National Government – the Body of the County
Representatives. Silver Dollars as defined by weight and fineness shall be reinstituted as lawful
money. The Constitutional shall state that one Silver Dollar shall be a coin stamped on both sides
with “360 grains of silver” and “One Silver Dollar”.

All Contracts and/or papers of commerce of any kind denoting value shall value in the Silver
Dollar by payment other than Silver Dollars can be negotiated and agreed upon in writing.
However, Silver Dollars can be demanded for payment and must so be provided.

There shall be a Free Mint in each County. The Free Mint is allowed to charge Brassage for
Silver Coins and a minting fee for all other coins. Other metals can be coined under National
Standards of weight and fineness and these shall be stamped on both sides of the coin. The Free
Market shall determine the value of these coins at the purchase point.

Acceptance of these coins shall be voluntary. No denomination or ration to the Silver Dollar
shall be set by any government entity for these coins. Mints can refuse to mint said coins if they
determine they are not worth the minting fee.

Transitioning to the Silver Dollar

All accountings of Federal Reserve Notes (Bank Notes) and actual printed Federal Reserve
Notes shall be redenominated by taking two zeros off their value. All commodities, real estate,
services, etc. shall be redenominated in value by taking two zeros off their value. However,
Federal Reserve Notes or any accounting thereof can be used at the previous value to pay off any
or all Government imposed debt, tax, or fee for a period of 5 years. Federal Reserve Banking
shall be outlawed and 100% reserves shall be mandated against all liabilities issued.

All minted coins of base metals shall retain their denominated value for a period of 5 years and
can be redeemed for governmental minted Silver Dollars. After this period previously minted
coins shall lose their denominated value and then be subject to market forces. All minted silver
and gold coins other than newly minted Silver Dollars shall circulate at market value, not
denominational value stamped on the coin.

Paper Instruments

Government issued paper can be used for payment for any governmental imposed tax, fee, debt,
etc. but can only be used privately for payment upon written consent of the party receiving said
instrument. Private paper can be used for payment upon the consent of the party receiving said

Governmental Entities

All governmental entities shall be scrutinized for their scope, dealings, and existence.
Government created Entities have become a threat to the Republic because of size, influence, and
global reach and therefore must have increased checks and balances with more scrutiny and
power to quell abuses. Therefore, all government created entities, be they governmental or
private, shall be scrutinized for their scope, dealings, and existence. If found wanting, the entity
must be killed. All are on the table for inspection.

Entities include any Agencies, Corporations, Districts, Code Authorities, or any other
corporative–state structure or entity created by any governmental entity or branch. All Entities of
any kind and from any governmental structure shall be scrutinized and inspected by the Body of
Counties Representatives. All governmental entities shall be a “public benefit” or if found
wanting they shall be disbanded, sold, restructured, eliminated or extirpated.

Discretion in enforcement is limited for any/all government employees/volunteers and each

instant must be justified in a public writing describing why enforcement was not enacted. No
delegation of Power to private parties is allowed. The power given under the National and State
Constitutions shall remain with the body specified in that Constitution. 

County Representatives shall scrutinize and inspect each and every State and National Entity
every four years. There shall be a rotating schedule with one quarter being scrutinized and
inspected every year on a rotating basis.  A public document shall be published detailing said
activity and stay available for public purview. No Municipality, County, State, or National body
or created entity shall receive Constitutional personhood. Personhood is reserved for individuals.

States and the Nation can incorporate private entities but Municipalities and Counties can ban
said entities with a petition of fifty percent of the citizens thereof. Private entities must be either
Nation incorporated to do business Nationwide or incorporated in each State where it does

Property Registration

There are four God given property rights that each governmental entity and jurisdiction is bound
to protect: The Individual’s Body; Personal Property of the Individual; Real Estate owned by the
Individual; and Creations of that Individual. Any infringement on these ownerships is antithetical
to the Republic because the Republic is dependent on them. No property divisions. No custody
battles. No family law, instead Standards of care, and Enforcement of Standards of care shall be
instituted. Each jurisdiction shall have free training in these Standards of care.

All property shall have a Primary Owner, a Secondary Owner, a POA for incapacity, a
Beneficiary, a Transferee, ____, and/or _____, each coming into play upon certain stated events
which shall be recorded in the jurisdiction where the property resides. This recording can be
public or private depending.  Minors (0 to 21st birthday) – Minors shall have a Primary
Guardian, a Secondary Guardian, a POA for incapacity, and an opposite sex Advisor. 0 to 7th
birthday – a female, preferably the mother, shall always be the first choice for Primary Guardian
with preferably other female family members being secondary if the mother is not available
however family status is not required.

This guardian is legally responsible for the child 100% and is responsible for teaching the child
how to behave and obey proper authority. 7 to 14th birthday – a male, preferably the father, shall
always be the first choice for Primary Guardian with preferably other male family members
being secondary if the father is not available however family status is not required. This guardian
is legally responsible for the child 67% with the child being legally responsible for 33% and is
responsible for the education of the child. The education shall consist of learning to read, write,
arithmetic, and reason rationally. 14 to 21st birthday – a

The mentor shall be nominated by the child who shall not be the female or male guardian with
the Primary Guardians having veto power. The Mentor shall be legally responsible for the child
33% with the child being legally responsible for 67% and is the Mentor shall be responsible for
the administration of 1) the validation process for citizenship; 2) teaching a base level skill; 3)
administrating a liberal arts education (the Great Conversation); and 4) dispensing basic life
skills such as nutrition, cooking, accounting, driving, food production, civil service requirements,
______, _______.

Problem Areas

Commerce - Fewer trucks, more trains. More opportunities, fewer regulations.

Corporations have jumped ship and now are more powerful than governments. This must be
curtained. All corporate bodies shall have a life span of not more than 50 years. Nothing is too
big to fail. All corporate bodies shall have a stated Public Benefit. Profit, stockholders, etc as
primary motivators per the Supreme Court is overturned. No non-profits, exemptions. No income
tax. No Charities. In other words, no IRS.

Candidates - No PACS, contributions, campaigning, etc. Candidates can issue a maximum of one
10-page statement on legal paper with side numbers to which they will be held to.  Guns /
Weapons - No regulation on ownership. However, improper use shall be a high crime.  Privacy –
Personal information ___________________.

Citizenships shall be earned.

We the People reiterate backing for Equality of opportunity, protection, and enforcement and we
reject the concept of Equity of outcome; the People’s right of ownership of body, personal
property, real estate, and any/all creations and stand fast that these SHALL NOT be infringed by
any governmental entity or private entity or individual; those God given rights as enumerated in
the original Bill of Rights and _____.

Residents (which includes Citizens)

All people born of legal residents shall become legal residents. No illegal resident or alien shall
have protection or privilege, rights, duties, or claims on or of any governmental entity nor shall
any governmental funds of any kind be used for any purpose whatsoever except removal from
the U.S. soil which will be funded to meet the need at all times and in all places. 

1st Apprehension- All illegals shall be removed.

2nd Apprehension - they shall be marked with the latest technology and removed again.

3rd Apprehension – they shall be hung publicly.

No long-term incarceration is permitted, as it is cruel and unusual and therefore unconstitutional

except to hold in a local jail for the required court actions. The court can impose longer holdings
for danger to society to allow for the constitutional speedy trial. All other persons shall be
charged and released with bail set. Bail shall be enshrined as constitutional and cannot be
overturned.  No shows to court hearing shall have immediate bounties placed on them paid for
by the bail.

Sentencing shall consist of public humiliation, public whippings, public hangings, being
outlawed, banishment, man price paid to the victim or their heirs, restitution, removal of
citizenship for a time period or permanent, work camps, sold into servitude for a time period not
exceed 10 years, commitment to a sanatorium or other such facility and/or other such

Transientness, drug and/or alcohol abuse, and health issue shall be treated and not criminalized
unless unwillingness, recidivism, or criminal behavior makes it apparent the person refuses help.
Treatment Centers shall be provided by each jurisdiction.


There shall be four independent jurisdictional citizenships: Municipality; County; State; and
National. Any legal resident can become a citizen of that jurisdiction which confers rights AND
duties. Citizens vote in representatives. Legal residents vote in all other election matters but do
not vote for representatives.

Validation is required for citizenship. National requirements for validation are standardized and
are used for every jurisdiction, however, some limited increased requirements can be instituted
for Municipalities, Counties, or States. National validation shall consist of a physical,
intellectual, emotional, and spiritual component and instruction shall be provided to legal
residents ages 14 to 21. After 21, the individuals are financially responsible for their own
validation. Validation is by petition with citizen signers responsible for validating the new citizen
into their ranks.

Physical validation is whether the person has demonstrated that they have taken care of their own
body. They must be healthy meaning they have no metabolic syndrome conditions and are fit to
do a work. “How do they show up?” What are their actions?

Intellectual validation is whether the person has demonstrated the ability to gather information,
sort that information as to the truth or falsehood, and explain that information to others. “What
do they create?” How do they think?

Emotional validation is whether the person has demonstrated that they are accountable for their
life and feelings. The proof is that there is evidence that they have faced their fears head on, they
honor the “ick” and “wow” in their gut, they learn from mistakes, they ponder how they have
contributed to problems and try to fix them. “Do they own their feelings?”

Spiritual validation is whether the person has demonstrated proper discernment of others. The
proof is that they have “life promoting” relationships, that they have given up “soul sucking”
relationships, they hang out with smarter and wiser people, that they like people who challenge
them to become better people. “What do they nurture?”

National validation for citizenship is voluntary. Any legal resident 21 and older can seek
citizenship. Validation is double blind. Two petitions of X citizens each shall be recorded with
the jurisdiction and open review. Discrepancies in the double-blind validation will result in
scrutiny in the validators and the participant. Any person who engages in corruption shall suffer
criminal penalties. Citizenship can be challenged by petition of X citizens however, the
challenging citizens, will reap the consequences sought if they fail to prove their case against the
challenged citizen.

Each National citizen shall be vested in rights and duties from 21 to 70. Rights and duties are
voting, jury, grand jury, service, the right to petition, _____, and ____. No mention of innate
characteristics is allowed for any governmental entity. No race, skin color, religion, gender,
heritage or _____, _____, or _____. Citizenship validation for States, Counties, and
Municipalities are open to any legal resident over the age of 21. No governmental tax, fee, etc.
shall be imposed on anyone under the age of 21 or over the age of 70.


NOTE: add that all citizens retain their legal resident status for voting. Legal residents without
citizenship status cannot vote where it says citizens.

NOTE: All petitions shall be a grassroots movement. No government employee, agency, board,
representative, or staffing, etc. can start or circulate a petition. A grassroots movement is one that
uses the people in a given jurisdiction as the basis for a political or economic movement.
Grassroots movements use collective action from the local level to effect change at the local,
regional, national, or international level.

NOTE: in order to sign a petition a person must have a validation number as a legal voting
member of that jurisdiction. This validation number must be included in the signature or the vote
is not counted. Any fraud or corruption in petition signing shall be a criminal offense with the
removal of the right to vote and criminal penalties.

NOTE: All registration of personal or real property shall be once only upon receipt. The DMV
can be licensed out to private businesses for driving tests. Each jurisdiction shall have a
registration/recorder’s office. All guardianships of minors shall be recorded.

July 4th 2021.                    Think Tank Girl

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