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Joint Road Maintenance Agreement

Arrowhead Lane, Grass Valley, Nevada County

We, the undersigned, owners of Parcels A through D, inclusive, within the Parcel Map 80-30,
filed January 18, 1982, in Book 15 of Parcel Maps, Page 131, in the Office of the Recorder of Nevada
County, State of California, agree and declare that we shall bear the pro-rata share for our parcel, as
shown in Paragraph 5 below, of any and all costs required for the maintenance of Arrowhead Land and
utility easements within the Parcel Map as set forth on the Parcel Map recorded in the Office of the
County Recorder of Nevada County, in Book 15 of Parcel Maps, at page 131, upon the terms and
conditions hereinafter set forth:

1. The right-of-way created by said road and easements shall be maintained in a good, passable
condition under all traffic and weather condition;
2. Said road and easements shall be used in common with all said owners of parcels within the
Parcel Map;
3. Repairs of said road and easements shall be required when the majority of owners of parcels
reach an agreement that repairs are needed. Pursuant to said agreement such owners shall
obtain three bids from reputable licensed contractors and shall accept the lowest of said three
bids from and initiate the repairs with each owner bearing his pro-rata share of the cost and
expense thereof, regardless of whether or not any such owner shall have concurred with the
majority in said agreement for the need of repair.
4. Every owner of property who shall cause, or allow, in any manner, said road or easement to be
used, traversed, or altered by other than normal passenger vehicular traffic or otherwise,
thereby causing damage to the surface thereof, as may be determined by a majority of the
owners of property bounded thereby, shall bear as his responsibility the cost and expense of
repairing such damage.
5. The pro-rata share of maintenance and repair costs for the parcels were determined by the
distance traveled on Arrowhead Lane. Three costs shall be pro-rata as follows:
Lot A: 20%
Lot B: 25%
Lot C: 25%
Lot D: 30%
6. If any owner shall not pay his pro-rata share of costs and expense within five (5) days of
receiving his statement for the same, the remaining owners shall be entitled, without further
notice, in accordance with the provision of California Civil Code, Section 845, to institute legal
action for the collection of said sums, together with interest thereon, at the rate of ten percent
(10%) per annum, and all costs of suit and reasonable attorney fees in such amounts as the
court may fix.
This Agreement is intended to and shall create mutual equitable servitudes and covenants that shall run
with the land upon each of the said parcels within the Parcel Map in favor of each and all other parcels,
creating reciprocal rights between the respective owners of said parcels, their heirs, successors and
assigns for the benefit of each and all other such parcels and their respective owners, both presently an
in the future. Each grantee, purchaser, or subsequent transferee of any parcel shall, by acceptance of a
deed conveying title thereto, be deemed to have consented to and become bounded by this Agreement
for himself, his heirs, assigns and successors in interest.

John T. Cass, owner of Parcel B & C

Dorothy W. Enoch, and Dorothy West, half owner of parcel A & D

Loren W. Enoch, half owner of Parcel A & D

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