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Test document 2

Have you…
• Watched the Power of Purpose video from the Head of Talent Management
Digital eLearning • Read the letter from the Head of Leadership Development

• Reviewed the Social Learning Guidelines

Learning Amig@ • Met with your Learning Amig@

• Reviewed your Behavioral Self Assessment Report and completed the

Assessment report worksheets in the report

• Read the Social Learning Guidelines

Manager check-in • Met with your Manager to discuss your learning goals and draft your Leadership

Share insights and reflections from your self-study, experimentation and Learning Amig@
connections in the chat box
| Leaders Core Curriculum | 2020-08-10 | Ericsson Internal | Page 1

Leaders Core
Leadership preferences
Virtual workshop 2

You are
the journey

at Ericsson
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Getting the best out

of virtual
Focus Remove distractions

Participate Contribute and be prepared

to be called upon

Safeguard Ensure confidentiality

Be positive Practice appreciative inquiry

| Leaders Core Curriculum | 2020-08-10 | Ericsson Internal | Page 3

Learning objectives

Increase self-awareness and understanding of


● Increase self-awareness of own preferred

working style

● Learn how to adapt to others based on the

diversity of preferred working styles

● Practice different communication styles to

motivate, influence and collaborate

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Understanding preferences

●We have preferences for certain behaviors

that tend to be stable over time Preference
●We can adapt our behaviors in certain Behavior
situations, but it does not change the
preference Situation

I like to jump into action. I prefer to watch and wait.

I look at the big picture. I pay attention to the details.

I express my emotions. I keep my emotions more to myself.

I focus on the tasks, first. I focus on people, first.

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Understanding preferences
The Six Factor Model
54 statements

Adaptability Creativity

Supportiveness Assertiveness

Dependability Drive
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Creativity Outer Scores

• Ideas – big picture
• Next practices
• Curious / learns new
things, can get bored
• Sees patterns / Innovation
makes connections
“Wouldn’t it be cool if…?” Learning Focus
Conceptual Thinking

Inner Scores
• Pragmatic
• Execution
• Best practices
• Follows through /
“How will this actually work…?” sticks with it
• Concrete

What small action can you take to increase or decrease your preference to avoid overuse?
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• Clear/explicit
• Direct/candid
• Creates a sense of urgency
“This is the best solution!” • Takes charge
• Says ‘no’
• Makes/takes decisions “with
conviction” even during ambiguity

• Collaborates Influencing Others
“What do you think…?” • Democratic Directing Others
• Creates a sense of comfort
• Suggests solutions
• Makes/takes decisions by
bringing others along & prefers
that it’s based on more
Or information
How does an outer preference support or prevent a speak-up environment?
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Drive Outer
• Relentless pursuit of goals
• Sense of urgency (internal)
“Here is the quick win!” • Persistence (bounce back from
• Competitive and passionate

• Steady wins the race
• It’s a journey
• Compounding effect – Kaizen
“Yes, we can get there with • Be 1% better every day
a methodical approach.” • Teamwork – collective effort

Results Focus
Or Persistence
What do people with the outer preference tend to value in others?
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Dependability Outer
• Makes lists
• Spends time planning
• Gets things done
• Approaches work methodically
“I agree, we need to take our
• Works at a steady pace
• Asks a lot of questions time to do the analysis.”
• Reviews data
• Delivers with accuracy
• Values flexibility
• Can procrastinate
• Thinks organizing is overrated “We can get this done, fast!”
• Works on gut feel
• Improvises

Organizing and Prioritizing
Analysis and Problem Solving

What might frustrate others about people with an outer preference for Dependability?
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Supportiveness Outer
• Empathy – feels needs of others
• Genuine interest
• Encourages “How can I help you?”
• Asks / listens
• Facilitates

• Keeps a professional distance
• Task vs. people focused “Here is what you need to do”
• Little need to connect with others
• Little need to share thoughts/feelings

Motivating Others
Developing Relationships

What are the watch-outs for people with outer scores?
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Adaptability Outer
• Can handle new situations
• Deals with adversity
• Calm under pressure
• Works independently “It will all be fine in the end…”
Flexibility • Too willing to change
• Can handle criticism
Stress Tolerance

• Impacted by stress
“Let’s control the process”
• Works very hard
• Bit of a perfectionist
• Has high standards
• Takes action vs. ‘going with the flow’

What can you do to connect well with someone that is on the outer preference?
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Understanding preferences

Adaptability Creativity
Flexibility Innovation
Stress Tolerance Learning Focus
Self-reliance Conceptual Thinking

Supportiveness Assertiveness
Motivating Others Decisiveness
Developing Relationships Influencing Others
Teamwork Directing Others

Dependability Drive
Reliability Energy
Organizing and Prioritizing Results Focus
Analysis and Problem Solving Persistence
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Results overview

Scores 1-4 indicate an inner preference, scores 5 and 6 indicated a

medium preference and scores 7-10 indicate a stronger preference.

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Your reflections

For each Factor, reflect on, answer

the following questions and record
your insights in each box.
●How does your preference in each
factor play out for you in your role?
●What are the benefits and risks for
that preference?

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My preferences exercise
Write your name by the most ‘outer’ result from your report.

Preferences discussion
● What are they good at?
● When overused, what impact does it have on others?
● What small (micro) behavior adjustment can they
make to dial down their overuse?

Example: Creativity
Outer (assets): Generating ideas
Overuse and Impact (risks):
Too many ideas → Leaves others confused
Micro-behavior changes: Limit to sharing 3 ideas

Based on my preferences, what inner or moderate factor

score do I want to work on?

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My preferences exercise

What micro-behavior/s (small) do you want

to experiment with to increase or reduce

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Task-people focus

Task People
Focus on the tasks, first Focus on people, first




Do you tend to focus more on tasks or more on people?

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Focus on achieving the goal Open to new ideas





Collaborative Leadership


Reading others exercise

Work again with your same factors group …

Speed reading discussion

●What behaviors are visible (hear and see)
with outer preferences?
●How will you speed read during virtual
interactions, specifically?

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‘Reading others’ resource

Outer dimensions

Creativity Assertiveness Drive Dependability Supportiveness Adaptability

Outer dimensions
• Proposes ideas • Clear & explicit • Relentless pursuit of • Makes lists • Empathy – feels needs • Can handle new
• Sees big picture • Direct & candid goals • Spends time planning of others situations
• Looks beyond • Creates urgency • Sense of urgency • Gets things done • Genuine interest • Deals with adversity
conventional methods • Takes charge (internal) • Approaches work • Encourages • Calm under pressure
• Curious • Says ‘no’ • Persistence (bounce methodically • Asks / listens • Works independently
• Likes learning new • Makes/takes decisions back from setbacks) • Works at steady pace • Facilitates • Too willing to change
things “with conviction” even • Competitive and • Asks a lot of questions • Can handle criticism
• Sees patterns & makes when there is passionate • Reviews data
connections ambiguity • Delivers with accuracy

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‘Reading others’ resource

Inner dimensions

Creativity Assertiveness Drive Dependability Supportiveness Adaptability

Inner dimensions
• Pragmatic • Collaborates • Steady wins the race • Values flexibility • Keeps a professional • Impacted by stress
• Execution • Democratic • It’s a journey • Can procrastinate distance • Works very hard
• Best practices • Creates a sense of • Compounding effect – • Thinks organizing is • Task vs. people • Bit of a perfectionist
• Follows through / comfort Kaizen overrated focused • Has high standards
sticks with it • Suggests solutions • Be 1% better every • Works on gut feel • Little need to connect • Takes action vs. ‘going
• Concrete • Makes/takes decisions day • Improvises with others with the flow’
by bringing others • Teamwork – collective • Little need to share
along & prefers that effort thoughts/feelings
it’s based on more

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5 Tips

1 2 3
The factors model is an indication We are a combination All combinations of preferences are
of preference and we can be of preferences equally valuable and have
flexible in our behaviors strengths and risks

4 5

We must not “label” people, leaders To learn new ways of behaving
must diagnose then adapt their and communicating can help us
behavioral preferences to those empathize with those who are
they wish to partner more different to us and improve co- Tips
effectively with operation and collaboration

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Welcome back

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Learning objectives

Increase self-awareness & understanding others

● Increase self-awareness of own preferred

working style

● Learn how to adapt to others based on the

diversity of preferred working styles

● Practice different communication styles to

motivate, influence and collaborate

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Amplify collaboration

●Adaptable and flexible leadership is required

in a VUCA world
●Flex style – lead with agility
●Treat others how they like to be treated

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What one thing do you appreciate in others

when they communicate effectively?

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Themes exercise
– Adapting our style
What are the tensions between Creativity vs.
●Dependability calls for operational clarity and
well-defined plans yet may lack the inspirational
●Creativity provides a clear vision ‘north star’ for
where to go, yet if not grounded, may be seen as
idealistic, unrealistic, or intangible goals.

Or In what situations do we need

to increase/decrease these factors?

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Themes exercise
– Adapting our style
What are the tensions between Assertiveness vs.
●Assertiveness uses a strong voice that tells
others what to do and how to do it. Without
input from others, we may miss important
●Supportiveness listens carefully to others before
deciding. By refraining from providing their
viewpoint, they may miss the chance to apply
their own valuable knowledge.

Or In what situations do we need

to increase/decrease these factors?

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Themes exercise
– Adapting our style
What are the tensions between Drive vs.
●Adaptability recognizes that in fast-changing
environments, decisions often need to be
reversed or adapted, and that changing course in
response to new information is a strength. They
may also seem too “wishy-washy” – uncertain,
indecisive or wavering.
●Drive values decision-making conviction and
consistency, “sticking to our guns”. They may
seem too rigid or pushy.

Or In what situations do we need

to increase/decrease these factors?
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Communication styles exercise

Work again with your same factors group

Take notes
How do you prefer people What irritates you when
communicate with you? 1. Like, Prefer someone communicates
(both the what & how) 2. Dislike, Irritated by with you?

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Communication styles exercise

Large Group Debrief

1. Like, Prefer
2. Dislike, Irritated by

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Communication role play

You need to communicate to the “opposing factor” group
● There is an office move from one side of the city to the other side
● The purpose of the communication is to get the team on board
with this office move and enlist their help with the project
● Therefore, you must consider and demonstrate how to
communicate in a way that suits the style of the other group

Role play exercise

1. Prepare (breakout with your same factors group)
● Discuss what approaches, words, and behaviors to
use. What must be avoided?
● Choose the people from your team that will role play:
One factor and another for the opposing factor
2. Role play (main session)
• In the main room with the big group, role play the
scenario with the ‘opposing’ factor

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Common communication practices across

all factors

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Communication watch outs

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Why What What

experiment? are the risks? are the benefits?

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What is the process? • Choose an area

• Create a positive image of the future
of future

• Select an experiment Experiment

• Embed outcomes
• Develop hypotesis • Keep experimenting
• Carry out experiment New
• Discuss and reflect learnings

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Your 3 experiments

How will you experiment What micro-behaviors are What stakeholders will be
with your 360 feedback? you planning to adopt when part of your collaboration
flexing? experiment?

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Experiment 1 – 360: Understanding feedback

Opportunity Consistency Competency Visibility

Do not have or take the Demonstrate/use this behavior I am good at demonstrating/ Others don’t see me using/
opportunity (scope) in my current perhaps inconsistently – kind of using this behavior – my demonstrating this behavior or
role to use/ demonstrate this ‘hit and miss’. strengths. How can you amplify don’t realize I am doing it.
behavior. this?
Possible actions to take: Possible actions to take:
Possible actions to take: ● Identify situations when you Possible actions to take: ● Build your brand – advocate
● Identify an opportunity. do this naturally – What ● Read. Learn. Take a class. for yourself.
● Speak to triggers that? ● Experiment. ● Manage up.
manager/stakeholder. ● Identify situations when you ● Practice. ● Communicate & keep people in
● Get a learning partner. drop the ball – What triggers the loop.

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Experiments 2 & 3 – Micro-behavior changes

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5 Tips

1 2 3

The factors model is an indication We are a combination All combinations of preferences are
of preference and we can be of preferences equally valuable and have
flexible in our behaviors strengths and risks

4 5

We must not “label” people, leaders To learn new ways of behaving
must diagnose then adapt their and communicating can help us
behavioral preferences to those empathize with those who are
they wish to partner more different to us and improve co Tips
effectively with operation and collaboration

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Next steps – self-study and experimentation

• Complete the experimentation templates

Digital eLearning • Complete the Building Trust Self Study pathway on
Degreed and the LBAII Assessment Flexible
• Meet and discuss your learnings from the leadership
Learning Amig@ Behavioral Preferences Report and the Building
Trust Worksheet
Experimentation • Look for and act on ways to deliberately build
with team trust with your team and stakeholders

Assessment report • Use the Worksheet to review your 360 report

Virtual Workshop 3
2 hours - Module 1
• Finalize your leadership PDP and share it at your 2 hours - Module 2
Manager check-in Manager check-in

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Speak up
feedback, comments, questions?

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