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of Refrigerating and Compressor Machines in Investigations and Design [in Russianl,

All-Union ScientiYic-Research institute of Refrigeration Engineering, Moscow (1981), pp.

. G. A. Bondarenko and G. N. Zinevich, "Economic aspects of operation of the stage of a
centrifugal blower with various types of input regulation devices," Energomashinostroenie,
No. 2, 7-20 (1982).


V. V. Burenin UDC 62-222o004.14

Hydraulic systems in which hydraulic cylinders serve as force-actuating components are

widely used in various branches of industry [I]. In chemical and petroleum machine building,
they are used for the automatic control of pump and compressor units, chemical reactors,
paper-making machinery, commercial pipe fitting, etc.
Analysis of the solution of certain problems of the dynamics of hydraulic systems with
a hydraulic force cylinder as the actuating elements has indicated that in design, the fric-
tional losses in the cylinder are referred, as a rule, to load. This simplifies solution of
the equations of dynamics. The design characteristics compute~ in this manner differ signif-
icantly, however, from characteristics obtained during testing.
To determine the damping properties, the dynamic processes that take place in a hy-
draulic force cylinder can be described by the equation of the continuity of flow of the work-
ing fluid

- - D2 ~- Qe -~ QI ==Qp
and by the equation of forces acting on the piston

d2x ! sign dx

where x is the current coordinate of the piston; t, time; D = urS, nominal diameter of the
hydraulic cylinder; S, active piston area, which can be determined by hydrostatic calculation
for each structural scheme of hydraulic cylinder; Qc and Q%~ losses of working fluid due
to compression and leakage, respectively; Qp, bulk flow rate of fluid that enters the pres-
sure compartment of the hydraulic cylinder per unit time; m, mass of the moving parts of the
hydraulic cylinder with the load reduced to the mass of the piston; IFm[ sign dx/dt, frictional
loss; F(t), external forces applied to the piston; and p, pressure gradient between the pres-
sure and force compartments of the hydraulic cylinder.
Assuming the leakage flow Qs of working fluid through the gap 6 to be laminar [2], the
loss of fluid due to leakage is determined from the equation

QI l p, 63 = Cl 03

where ks i s the leakage factor, cI = ~ is the combined factor for leakage losses, and
is the dynamic coefficient of viscocity of the working fluid in the gap ~.
Mechanical losses due to friction in a hydraulic force cylinder can be written as the
sum of forces - the boundary-friction force Ff, which is independent of the rate of piston
displacement, and the force Fv governed by viscous friction, which is proportional to the
rate of piston displacement [2]:

Translated from Khimicheskoe i Neftyanoe Mashinostroenie, No. 7, pp. 12-13, July, 1985.

0009-2355/85/0708-0323509.50 9 1986"Plenum Publishing Corporation 323

IFm Isign-T7- ~ F/ + Fv,

D~ dx dx
where Ff = cfpD2; cf is the loss factor for boundary friction, 6 -- ~ c v D - - Fv= kv~ d!
kv is the coefficient of viscosus friction, and Cv = kv (p/6) is the combined loss factor
for viscous friction.
It is established [2, 3] that the coefficients cs cf, and Cv, which are also called
damping coefficients, are constants when the operating conditions of the hydrualic cylinder
approach optimal in terms of efficiency. As universal (topographic) characteristic of a
hydraulic cylinder [2], this region is called the region of the cylinder's quasilinear operat-
ing regime.
The indicated horsepower Ni of a hydraulic cylinder and the power loss Ns due to leakage
are determined from the equation
and N 1 =q --,

where ~ ~(dx/dl) iS a dimensionless coefficient estimating the character of flow in the

narrow slit.
It is known that the compression of working fluid affects the volume of fluid that passes
through the hydraulic cylinder. Power losses under compression to a pressure of 25 MPa are,
however, equal to zero in practice. Power losses Nf and Nv, which are dictated by viscous
friction, can be written in the form

F dx
N/= /'--d'{-=e#qi


Nv= F v ~ = cvN i.

For a steady operating regime dx/dt = const of the hydraulic cylinder, its volumetric
qv, mechanical Dm, and overall n efficiencies are determined from the following equations:

~ 1 ~ 1 - - Ni + Nl -- 1+--
ci ' (1)

NI+Nv (2)
If,in = 1 Ni -- 1 --c/--cv~;

n = -- (3)
Nz+~ 1+ cl'

In the region of quasilinear hydraulic-cylinder operation, expression (3) for the overall
efficiency is a function of a single dimensionless coefficient o for a certain value of which
= o*, the efficiency q assumes a maximum value. The value of o* can be determined in the
following manner. Taking the derivative of q with respect to o in expression (3) and setting
it equal to zero, we obtain

(F/ 1--cr +1__1) (4)

O* ~ cI C l C~-~v "

Since the value under the radical in expression (4) reaches i000 and more for the best
models of hydraulic cylinders [2], it is possible to use an approximate value of o*, which
can be obtained by omitting the unit values under and outside the radical:

o*= r C.V

Values of D* and n~0, which apply to tlae nominal (optimal) operating regime, are fre-
quently given in the rating aaua or nyaraulic-cylinder manufactures; the value of o* for this
same operating regime is defined as ~* - D p. ; the value of cs cf, and cv for the
nominal operating regime can therefore be determined from expressions (I), (3), and (5):

9 !
I 4- q ' (6)

~1" = - -
1 -c:Tcv:.
1 + @-, (7)

o* = V/ c--! ( I cv
-- c:) . (8)
From Eq. (6), we find the value

, /

Having eliminated the coefficent cv from Eqs, (7) AND (8), we obtain the value

~:=:_ ~l* ~* + Cl _ (io)

(Y* - - C]

From equality (7), we can determine the coefficient

c l (1 - - c j )
c" o = - (11)

The theoretical positions that we have cited have been confirmed by experimental data
obtained during the testing of hydraulic cylinders on a special hydropneumatic stand [4].
With the hydraulic cylinders operating in a quasi!inear regime, experimental values of the
damping coefficients for the working fluid were as follows: c Z = ioi0 -15, cf = 0.014,
and Cv = 6.56"105 .

We tested hydraulic cylinders with a piston diameter of 160 mm and a rod diameter of
55 mm. Two !RP-1078 rubber packing rings were slipped over each piston and rod of the hy-
draulic cylinder. The cross-sectional diameters of the rings were 8.5 mm (on the piston)
and 5.8 m~ (on the rod). Protective Teflon washers 2 mm thick were m o u n t e d from both sides
of each packing ring on the piston and from the one side opposing the action of the pres-
sure exerted by the working fluid on the rod.
Deviations in the values of the damping coefficients as computed from Eqs. (9), (i0),
and (ii) from experimental values did not exceed 5%. The proposed mathematical model can
be used to determine numerical values of the damping coefficients with the hydraulic cy-
linders operating in a quasilinear regime.

I. V. V. Burenin and V. P. Dronov, Force-Cylinder Designs for Hydraulic Drives [in Russsianl,
Tsentral'nyi Institut Nauchno-Tekhnicheskoi Informatsii Khimicheskogo i Neftyanogo
Mashinostroeniya, Moscow (1979).
2. V. P. Prokof'ev (ed.), Axial-Piston Controllable Hydraulic Drive [in Russian], Mashi-
nostroenie, Moscow (1969).
3. V. V. Burenin and D. T. Gaevik, "Investigation of the damping properties of hydraulic
force cylinders for modern transmissions," Vestn. Mashinostr., No. 2, 29-33 (1978).
4. V. V. Burenin, "A stand for experimental investigations of hydraulic cylinders," Vestn.
Mashinostr., No. ii, 40-41 (1972).


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