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. . . Show the enemy that you are not a slave of your senses, but lord and king.

Show that
you are not only flesh and blood, but a rational mind, appointed by God to be leader and
sole ruler over the irrational passions of the body. Say to yourself that wise proverb about
evil habits: "The best learning for man is to unlearn evil." +St. Nicodemus the Hagiorite

He who has humbled himself within will not be cheated by his lips; for what is not in the
treasury cannot be brought out through the door. +St. John Climacus

The problem which concerns the seeker more than anything is the inner disorder in his
thoughts and desires; all his eagerness is bent on finding some way to eliminate this
disorder. There is only one way to achieve this - acquire spiritual feeling or warmth of heart,
together with the remembrance of God.
+St. Theophan

A distracted heart cannot avoid forgetfulness, and wisdom does not open her door before it.
+St. Isaac the Syrian

The Lord loves man but He sends affliction that we may perceive our weakness and humble
ourselves, and for this humility receive the Holy Spirit. With the Holy Spirit all things are
good, all things are joyful, all things are well.
+Staretz Silouan

“The soul is from God, the sin is from the Devil. When the soul surrenders to God and lives
according to His laws, gradually its life is transformed into paradise. When, however, the
soul is given to sin, this "law" of Satan, its life is gradually transformed into hell.”
+St Justin (Popovic)

'I am worn out by temptations.' - Do not get worn out, brother; God has not forsaken you
and will not forsake you. Know that the verdict brought by the Lord against our common
ancestor Adam: 'In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread' (Gen. 3:19) - is immutable. As
gold heated in the furnace becomes pure and suitable for the royal crown, so a man, from
the fire of suffering, becomes a son of the Kingdom, if he endures with thankfulness. So
believe that all that happens to you is for your own good, to endow you with daring before
+St. Barsanuphius and St. John

An attentive life lessens the effect of physical emotions on a person, while sharpening,
strengthening, and forming the influence of spiritual emotions. A scattered life, in contrast,
has a soporific effect on the spirit - it feeds on the constant activity of physical emotions.

It is useless for the scattered man to call his scattered way of life harmless! He is only
proving the depth of his own sickness, which has taken him over completely. This sickness
is so profound, it dulls the fine emotions of the soul so that the infected soul does not even
recognize its diseased state.

+St. Ignatius Brianchaninov, "The Field: Cultivating Salvation"

God listens to us when we listen to Him, and He does not listen to us when we do not listen
to Him. He also does not hear us when we ask for something harmful or senseless.
+St. Nikolai Velimirovic

Be of good cheer: it is I; be not afraid (Mark 6:50). Here is the pillar of our hope! Whatever
misfortune or sorrow there might be, remember that the Lord is near, and be inspired
through courageous patience. +St. Theophan the Recluse

What greater happiness or higher honor could we have than to be with God, to be made like
Him and to live in His light? +St. Anastasios of Sinai, "On the Transfiguration"

DEVIL. +St Joseph the Hesychast
I sympathize very much with you in your sorrows. But they are NOT our doom. What did the
Lord promise His beloved disciples: "In the world ye shall have tribulation, and the world
shall rejoice, but ye shall weep. But your sorrow shall be turned into joy, and your joy no
man taketh from you" (Cf. John 16:20,22,33). Now see for yourself: if you wish to rejoice
with unspeakable joy, endure patiently the afflictions which are sent you by God, and you
will not regret it.

+St. Anatoly of Optina

When physicians are treating the body they do not administer the same remedy in all cases.
Neither does God, when treating the illnesses of the soul, regard a single kind of therapy as
suitable for all conditions; but he allots to each soul what is suitable for it and effects its
cure. So let us give thanks while we are being treated, however great our suffering, for the
result is blessed.

+St. Maximos the Confessor

An inclination toward repentance encourages us toward a deeper awareness of self and

toward less dependence on ourselves, fostering within us a consoling hope in God.
+St. Ignatius Brianchaninov

The man who is getting closer to God looks on himself more and more as a sinner.
+Abba Dorotheos

A man enriched by heavenly treasure, namely the advent of Christ Who makes His abode in
him, as He said: 'My Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode
with him' (John 14 : 23), knows in his soul (by experince, by consciousness, by feeling),
what joy he has received and what great treasure he possesses in the royal treasure-house
of his heart. Speaking with God as friend with friend, he stands daringly in the presence of
Him Who abides within him in unapproachable light.

+St. Symeon The New Theologian

“The soul is from God, the sin is from the Devil. When the soul surrenders to God and lives
according to His laws, gradually its life is transformed into paradise. When, however, the
soul is given to sin, this "law" of Satan, its life is gradually transformed into hell.”
+St Justin (Popovic)

When we accept a suggestion, we also agree with it, and then the battle begins: we refuse
one thing, then they come up with another suggestion, and then another and another ... and
we are left without peace. In this case we must turn with our hearts and minds to the Lord
and say, "O Lord, I have no strength.” +Elder Thaddeus

Men are perplexed, and, to tell the truth, many do not believe in the honor which is promised to the
righteous in the future life, because Satan has lowered mankind in its own eyes. But this honor shall
truly be, and we should hope to attain it; for man is the image of God, and it is for this that the Son of
God was incarnate, in order to re-establish this image. This idea is developed in Holy Scripture.
St. John of Kronstadt

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