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Please choose ONE topic out of the following:

1. Define the marketing environment for a company that you choose in Vietnam. Keep in mind that a
company’s marketing environment consists of the actors and forces outside marketing that affect
marketing management’s ability to build and maintain successful relationships with target customers. In
your opinion, what do you think the company need to do to proactively response to changes in the
marketing environment?

2. How has the Internet changed consumers? What are advantages and disadvantages that Internet has
brought to Marketers? Illustrate your answer with real examples, with at least one example in
Vietnamese context.

3. The societal marketing concept requires marketing manager to concern about the social long-term
benefits. Explain how a company could be socially responsible with real examples, with at least one
example in Vietnamese context. Are there any challenges for companies who want to be socially

General Requirement:

The length of the individual assignment should be 1500 words (± 10%) excluding appendices. Number of
words should be written at the end of the essay.

Send an electronic copy of your assignment to Ms Pham Vu Thuy Chi at

Email Subject: [MKT101] [FB0604] Individual Assignment or [MKT101] [FB0605] Individual Assignment

Due date: 11:59 PM Tuesday 27 March 2012.

A deduction of 10% of the assignment mark will be applied for each day of late submission.


Plagiarism is considered academic misconduct and, as such, will be severely penalised. Plagiarism
involves using the work of another person and presenting it as one’s own. Acts of plagiarism include
copying parts of a document without acknowledging and providing the source for each quotation or
piece of borrowed material. Similarly, using or extracting another person’s concepts, experimental
results or conclusions, summarising another person’s work or, where, there is collaborative preparatory
work, submitting substantially the same final version of any material as another student constitutes
plagiarism. It is your responsibility to make sure you acknowledge within your writing where you have
“sourced” the information, ideas and facts etc.
Therefore, include a reference list (list of all documents, books, journals, websites… that you use to
write the report) at the end of your report. Harvard referencing style is recommended.

Marking Criteria

Criteria Point(s)

- Explanation of theories 1

- Analysis of marketing issues 4

- Examples 2

- Critical thinking 1

- Essay structure, format, referencing 1

- Originality and Creativity 1

Total 10

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