Laporan Tugas Perkuliahan Analisis Dan Perancangan Sistem (22176033)

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Kelas G


Rohmatul Hasanah 1221900067

Dosen Pengampu

Agus Hermanto, S.Kom, M.MT, ITIL., COBIT, SFC


MEI 2022
1. What is the meaning of analysis? What is the purpose of the analysis phase of the
• Analysis - the breaking of a whole into its parts with the intent of understanding the
parts' nature, function and interrelationships.
• To work extensively to fully understand what is needed from the new system to be
2. What are the key elememts of the system proposal?
Answer: The requirements definition statement, use cases, process model, and data
model, along with a feasibility analysis and work plan.
3. A system development project may be approached in one of two ways: as a single,
monolithic project in which all requirements are considered at once or as a series of
smaller projects focusing on smaller sets of requirements. Which approach seems to be
more successful? Why do you suppose that this is true?
Answer: The more successful option is smaller projects. Larger projects would take
more time to rework if changes were needed to be made, therefore, smaller projects
tend to be more effective, as they can be implemented in stages.
4. Explain what is meant by a functional requirement. What are two types of functional
requirements? Give two examples of each.
Answer: Functional requirements are the product capabilities, or things a product must
do for its users.
• Process oriented- process the system must perform
• Must allow users to check order history
• Should allow students to view a course schedule when registering for classes
• Information-oriented-information the system must contain
• Must retain order history
• Must include real-time inventory levels at all warehouses.
5. Explain what is meant by a nonfunctional. What are the primary types of nonfunctional
requirements? Give two examples of each. What role do nonfunctional requirements
play in the project overall?
Answer: The quality attributes, design and implementation constraints, and external
interfaces which a product must have Operational-physical and technical environments
in which the system will operate the system will run on Android devices compatible
with any web browser
Performance- the speed, capacity and reliability of the system the system downloads
new status parameters within 5 minutes of a change the system should be available for
use 24/7
Security-Who has authorized access to the system under what circumstances Only
direct managers can see personnel records Technicians can see only their own work
Cultural/Political - cultural/political factors and legal req's that affect the system
Company policy is to only use Dell computers The system should be able to to
distinguish between US currency and foreign currency Nonfunctional requirements
describe what the system should be like, without describing how, or the nitty-gritty
6. What is the value of producing a requirements definition
Answer: A requirements definition is a list of all the requirements needed for the
7. And having the project sponsor and key users review and approve it?
Answer: Having it reviewed by the stakeholders will ensure it has as many
requirements as possible, without needing to continually change it after development
has started. (scope creep)
8. What are the three basic steps of the analysis process? Is each step performed in every
project? Why or why not?
• Understand the existing situation (as-is)
• Identify improvements
• Define requirements for the new system (to-be)
Sometimes the first step is skipped or done in a limited manner if no current system
exists, if the previous system is irrelevant to the new one, or is the team is using a RAD
or agile development methodology in which the as-is system is not emphasized
9. Give an example of a closed-ended question, an open-ended question, and a probing
question. When would each type of question be used?
• Closed-Ended questions are ones for concrete facts. (How many telephone calls are
received each day?)
• Open-Ended questions are ones for opinion-based information. Less concrete, they
seek a more wide-ranging response from the interviewee. (What do you think about
the way invoices are currently processed?)
• Probing questions press for more information. A follow-up question. They ask for
expanding upon a previous question. (Why?)
10. “Interviews should always be conducted as structured interviews.” Do you agree with
this statement? Why or why not?
• This is untrue. Structured and unstructured interviews each have an appropriate
time to be used. In the initial stage of a project, the as-is process can be unclear so
the interviews should be unstructured. Unstructured interviews seek a broad and
roughly defined set of information. More open-ended questions and less closed-
ended. However it does require the interviewer to come up with newer/probing
questions on the fly.
• Structured interviews are better later on in the process, when the interviewer knows
a bit more about the basic underlying information about a process. At this time, the
interviewer can get more specific information from closed-ended questions.
11. Discuss the considerations that should be made when determining who to include in
interviews and/or JAD sessions.
Answer: You have to consider the information the subject can contribute, you need to
provide a broad mix of organizational levels, and build political support for the new
12. Is the primary purpose of requirements determination to discover facts or to discover
opinions? Explain your answer.
Answer: When determining requirements, I would have to say both are necessary.
Facts are necessary to determine the real root problem, such as how long it takes to
perform a given task. Opinions though are just as important, because opinions can help
drive the project towards a specific direction. If people think that a certain aspect of a
project is more important than another, or if they have some ideas about important
features, that is important information.
13. Describe the primary roles involved in JAD sessions. What is the major contribution
made by the person(s) fulfilling each role?
• The biggest role is that of the facilitator. The facilitator is the one who is essentially
running the JAD. They are an impartial arbiter that maintains order throughout the
session. They must ensure the session sticks to its agenda, they must help the group
understand the technical terms and jargon that surround the project (as well as get a
basic understanding of the system as a whole), and they record the group's input on
a public display area.
• The only other role is that of the participants. These are usually stakeholders are
various standing around the company, all providing differing amounts of
information about the project, both hard data and opinions.
14. Discuss the reasons that question design for questionnaires is so difficult.
Answer: Questions must be extremely clear, as the questions can not be immediately
clarified for the respondent. They must be clearly written and leave very little room for
misunderstanding. Most questions must be closed-ended. You must know how you will
use the questions in analysis before you actually deliver the questions
15. Why is document analysis useful? What insights into the organization can it provide?
Answer: It is useful for understanding the as-is system. Provided the existing system
had documentation, the new team can review that documentation and can examine the
system itself from there.
16. Outline suggestions to make observation a useful, reliable requirements elicitation
Answer: Keep a low profile, do not interrupt those working, and do not influence those
being observed. If you interact, the results would be tainted. Keep in mind that when
you are watching people, they will be trying extra hard not to mess up, which might not
be what you want when trying to determine a problem.
17. Describe a strategy for using the various requirements elicitation technique.
Answer: You need to take into consideration the following: the type, the depth (detail
of info), the breadth (how much info can be collected by a certain techniqrue), and the
integration (putting all theinfo together. Great for JAD sessios) of all your information,
as well as the user involvement (how involved the analysis is for the prospective users
of the system) and cost (how much it'd cost to use an analysis technique).
18. Explain problem analysis as an analysis strategy. What are the streghts and limitations
of this technique?
Answer: The most straight-forward strategy. Identify problems and describe how to
solve them. Often very effective at improving efficiency, but only minor improvements
in business value.
19. Explain root cause analysis as an analysis strategy. What are the streghts and
limitations of this technique?
Answer: Finding the cause of the problem the new system is trying to solve, in an
attempt to fix that problem. Focuses more on the problem than the solution.
20. Compare and contrast duration analysis and activity based costing. What role do these
activities play as analysis strategies?
Answer: Duration analysis measures the time it takes to perform a given task, but
activity-based costing measures the actual cost of the task. They both serve to increase
efficiency with the new project.
21. How can informal benchmarking contribute to requirements determination?
Answer: It's great for processes that deal directly with customers at face-value. It lets
the organization compare themselves to other similar organizations so that they can be
on the same level of quality (or higher) as their competition.
22. Compare and contrast outcame analysis, technology analysis, and activity elimination.
What general contribution do these strategies play in determining requirements?
• Outcome Analysis - focuses on what the organization could allow the customers to
do. "How can we make our customer's more happy?"
• Technology Analysis- Investigate new technologies to see how their business
process could benefit from it. "How can a certain technology benefit us?"
• Activity Elimination - Removing certain processses to make the new process more
efficient. "What can we cut out to make this process better?"
• Each one is inherently different, but depending on the organization's needs, can be
incredibly helpful for defining what needs to be done.
23. Review the Web site. Develop the requirements definition for the site.
Create a list of functional business requirements that the system meets. What different
kinds of nonfunctional business requirements does the system meet? Provide examples
for each kind.
System requirements;
1. Online Store
- Store product information
- Allow customers to search and view products
- Allow customers to place products in shopping cart
2. Ordering
- Allow customers to purchase products
- Facilitate customer payment
- Relay customer order to vendors
3. Customer Information Management
- Manage customer information database
- Tailor advertisements to customer profile
- Provide customer service interface
4. Vendor Management
- Provide real-time inventory management
- Track service performance of customer
- Manage advertisements
1. Operational
- The system will operate on Windows and Mac environments, and all Internet
- The system will be connected to vendors to provide real-time product information
2. Performance
- The product database must be updated in real time
- The system must provide results to user queries in less than 5 seconds
3. Security
- High-level security must be available for customer financial transactions
- Special security must protect the system against unauthorized entry
4. Cultural and political
- The system should be available in various languages
- The system should tailor product offerings and advertisements to the region and
- The system should maintain features to recognize and obey various laws indifferent
regions regarding taxation, shipping, and product approval
24. Describe in very general terms the as-is business process for registering for classes at
your university. Collaborate with another student in your class and evaluate the process
using problem analysis and root cause analysis. Based on your work, list some example
improvements that you identified.
Answer: The steps to show the current process are as given below:
• Student logs on to registration system.
• Student submits request for course number and section number.
• If seat is available then student is registered for that course.
• If seat is not available then message displays that section of the course is full.
• The current schedule is displayed to the student
• Student confirms the current schedule.
• Then student prints the current schedule.
• Now student logs off the registration system.
Improvements will differ by student. Problem analysis will be easier for the student
(consumer) to enumerate than the root cause of such problems will be. This would
make an interesting class discussion where bringing the online class registration
manager could be quite insightful for all.
25. Describe in very general terms the as-is business process for applying for admission at
your university. Collaborate with another student in your class and evaluate the process
using informal benchmarking. Based on your work, list some example improvements
that you identified.
Answer: The steps to show the current process are as given below:
• Student visits university website.
• Student submits completed online application for admission.
• Email feedback is sent by the university’s admission cell, acknowledging student’s
• The application process is completed by admission cell and student is notified the
This technique involves the study about how other universities’ admission process
works in order to learn how our system might be improved. The analysts on the players
or the representatives from the Admission’s Office who are on the players could carry
out this method. An example of improvement that suggests to have the system that
automatically asks the student if he/she would like to register for classes rather than
traveling to the campus.
26. Describe in very general terms the as-is business process for registering for classes at
your university. Collaborate with another student in your class and evaluate the process
using activity elimination. Based on your work, list some example improvements that
you identified.
Process for applying for class at university varies form university to university, but
most of the university go with online registration in which candidate has to register
from a CSU database in order for your application to be sent out to the CSU’s, Once
the university received your application, they would send outa mailed letter of your
Some improvement which can be done for this to make more convinent for candidates
is- Sending out mail related to status of candidates for which he has applied for.
Describing qualification for prescribed course/course all this will lead to transparency
and will be convinent for candiate
27. Suppose that your university is having a dramatic increase in enrollment and is having
difficulty finding enough seats in courses for students so that they can take courses
required for graduation. Perform a technology analysis to identify new ways to help
students complete their studies and graduate.
• Double class capacities by putting half the course on-line and attending face-to-face
on alternate weeks
• Rent space off campus and video broadcasting lecture material; organizing self
study groups and independent studies
• Outsource courses to other institutions, and deliver instruction to students under
your school’s name
27. Suppose that you are the analyst charged with developing a new system for the
universsity bookstore. with which students can order books online and have them
delivered to their dorms and off-campus housing. What requirements-gathering
techniques will you use? Describe in detail how you would apply the techniques.

Answer: I would create surveys to gather information about students such as:
• percentage of students who buy books through the bookstore
• percentage of students who buy books online or elsewhere
• reason for choosing vendor
• value of delivery service
• value of speed of product delivery
I would send online surveys to students, ask students to answer the survey as they wait
or checkout in the bookstore, and via campus post. I would also arrange for a
marketing research class to allow students to perform interviews, and focus groups
with other students to give them practical experience as well as generate requirement
information for the bookstore.
28. Suppose that you are the analyst charged with developing a new system to help senior
managers make better strategic decisions. What requirement sgathering techniques will
you use? Describe in detail how you would apply the techniques.

Answer: The structure of this task is much more complex than the previous two
exercises. The results of this system design will have significant impact on the
organization, so quality of requirement-gathering technique is paramount to cost. A
JAD technique may be effective in this situation. In this case we should include all
senior managers who will use the system, senior IT managers who will manage it, as
well as significant technical representation, and anyone else who can contribute to the
success of the project. It is important that the managers and other members of the JAD
team are committed to the time and efforts required for this method.
29. Find a partner and interview each other about what tasks you/they did in the last job
held (full-time, part-time, past, or current). If you haven’t worked before, then assume
that your job is being a student. Before you do this, develop a brief interview plan.
After your partner interviews you, identify the type of interview, interview approach,
and types of questions used.
Interview Plan:
Select Interviewee – I’d pick an industry I’m interested in learning about and then
choose a partner (interviewee) who has experience in the industry
Design Interview Questions – Initially, I’d start with open-ended questions to get a
general idea of the persons responsibilities and position in the past job. Then I would
use probing-questions to direct the interview in a fashion that provided information
about areas I want to learn more about. If it seems appropriate at the time I’ll ask
closed ended questions about the position such as salary and travel time required. It
will be a fairly unstructured, top-down interview.
Prepare for the interview – Before the interview I’d discuss the purpose of the
interview with the interviewee, so he or she could think about it and prepare.
Conduct the Interview –
• Open ended questions
• Probing questions
• Close-ended questions
Post-Interview Follow Up – Take notes in an interview report for future reference
My partner utilized a structured, bottom-up interview, with closed ended, probing, and
open-ended questions.
30. Find a group of students and run a 60-minute JAD session on improving alumni
relations at your university. Develop a brief JAD plan, select two techniques that will
help identify improvements, and then develop an agenda. Conduct the session, using
the agenda, and write your post-session report.
JAD Plan
Select participants – I’d choose students who can effectively contribute to alumni
relations development. First I’d seek ones actively involved in alumni relationships
through student government and other campus organizations. Then I’d seek interested
students such as those close to graduation who have a strong interest in improving
alumni relationships for networking. It’s important that the students are committed to
meeting the time and effort requirements of the session.
Design the Session – Since students are fairly busy, I’d try to limit the JAD to one or
two sessions. I’d also prepare the structure of the session and then determine the
necessary requirements.
Prepare for the session – I’d give participants notice of the agenda of the session so
they could prepare to contribute.
Conduct the session –
• Ensure the group sticks to the agenda
• Help the group understand any technical issues or terms used in the session
• Record the groups input on a public display and organize ideas
Post JAD follow-up – prepare and distribute the postsession report to participants
Techniques to help improvement
One technique to help improve the alumni relations is to build a database to manage
alumni information. Another technique is to develop an interactive IT application that
allows students to locate alumni by industry, and obtain advice regarding certain
Introduction to school alumni relations
Identify problems with current system
Discuss improvement ideas for alumni relations
Present Database Management system
Identify user requirements
- Break
Present student alumni interactive application
Identify system requirements
Conclusions and summary of Discussions
Postsession Report approved by: Ron Johnes
Session members:
Darren Gersch, Campus Alumni Activity Director
Bill Jameson, Student Government President
Alex Tourkin, VP Alumni Relations, Student Government
Chris Leduc, student Scribe
Aruna Singh, student
Joel Robinsom, student
Paul Niebauer, student
Andreas Holst, student
Adam Shanks, student
Facilitator, Ron Johnes
Purpose of JAD Sessions:
4 Understand the current alumni relations system
5 Discuss possible system improvements
6 Discuss specific techniques to help improve the system
Summary of Session
1. The Power Point presentation to outline the current alumni relations system is
attached to this report
2. The two biggest problems with the current system are:
1. Ineffective organization of alumni records, and information
2. No channel for student/alumni interaction
3. User requirements defined and listed in attached file for:
1. Alumni relations database
2. Student/alumni imteractive application
Open Items:
Research ready-built alumni relations programs and costs
Analyze in-house costs to build system from scratch
Detailed Notes: See attached transcript
31. Find a questionnaire on the Web that has been created to capture customer information.
Describe the purpose of the survey, the way questions are worded, and how the
questions have been organized. How can the questionnaire be improved? How will the
responses be analyzed?
Answer: The purpose of the survey I found was to collect marketing information about
customer perceptions of 3 major consumer electronic brands. There were about 7 types
of questions throughout the survey regarding:
• Company brand logo recognition
• Perception of brand quality
• Awareness of brands’ products
• Brand products owned by survey participant
• Brand preference for new products
• Spend patterns for same product of different brands
The questions were organized with the brand logo recognition questions at the
beginning of the survey. This worked well since the person completing the survey had
no previous knowledge of what the survey would be about specifically. The consumer
electronic company logos were included among other “dummy” logos so as not to
immediately allow the participant to realize the survey was about that specific industry.
Next the survey focused on closed ended questions by asking participants to chooses a
level of quality perception for the various brands, as well as price willing to pay for
each. The survey ended with more open questions asking the participant to list
products they knew each company produced, as well as products they currently own for
each brand.
I did notice one significant way the survey could be improved. The survey allowed
participants to go back to change answers, however it didn’t save answers in real time,
so the questions following the one changed had to be answered again thus requiring
significant time. The survey would be much better if answerers were saved after each
question, and held in memory to speed the process.
The responses will be aggregated and analyzed into valuable data regarding
participants’ perceptions of the three major consumer electronic companies.
32. Develop a questionnaire that will help gather information regarding processes at a
popular restaurant or the college cafeteria (e.g., ordering, customer service). Give the
questionnaire to 10–15 students, analyze the responses, and write a brief report that
describes the results.
Answer: Please rate the following questions about our school cafeteria on a scale of 1
– 5 with 1 being least satisfied and 5 being most satisfied.

1. Overall, How satisfied are you with the school cafeteria?

2. If not satisfied, please explain why:
3. How satisfied are you with the cafeteria staff?
4. If not satisfied, please explain why:
5. How satisfied are you with the cafeteria order placement method?
6. If not satisfied, please explain why:
7. How satisfied with the order wait time?
8. If not satisfied, please explain why:
9. How satisfied are you with the checkout procedure?
10. If not satisfied, please explain why:
11. How satisfied are you with the checkout time?
12. If not satisfied, please explain why:
13. How satisfied are you with the food availability?
14. If not satisfied, please explain why:
The results show that overall students are satisfied with the school cafeteria. Students
were most satisfied with the cafeteria staff, and availability of food. The most
significant dissatisfaction is in regards to order wait time and checkout time during
peak demand times during the day. As a result, the cafeteria may want to consider
redesigning the order preparation process and checkout procedure to better handle the
increased volume. Additionally, the school may also consider the possibilities of
staggering class times so that students are more likely to visit the cafeteria at different
times thus smoothing the peak demand time.
33. Contact the career services department at your university and find all the pertinent
documents designed to help students find permanent and/or part-time jobs. Analyze the
documents and write a brief report.
Answer: An analysis of the career services documents reveals a well-documented
system. However, one significant possibility for improvement lies in the report of job
application status. Most often, when students apply for jobs or internships they will
either be accepted for the position, rejected, or must await further review. This is noted
in the documentation as application accepted, rejected, or pending. Nearly all
applications go into the pending status, however only 20% of them are further labeled
accepted or rejected. This is due to student, recruiter, and the career service
department’s lack of follow up on the issue. The documentation can be improved with
measures to more accurately record the true status of applications, thus providing
accurate and valuable data to the career services department.

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