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Newhills Invitation Triples Rules

1. The tournament will be run under Bowls Scotland rules.

2. In the first round 48 teams will compete in groups of four and play three games of nine ends
or 1 hour 15 minute duration. No trial end, one shot at every first end. A bell will ring at 1
hour 10 minutes and the end in progress will be the final end. An end is in progress when the
jack has been delivered. Skips only allowed 1 visit to the head per end in all games, including
Finals day.

3. In the second round 32 teams will compete as in rule 2.

4. Two points will be awarded for a win and one point for a draw. The qualifiers from the first
round will be the two teams with the greatest number of points. The winners and runners
up in the second round will qualify for round three. In the event of a tie on points, shot
difference will qualify. If this still proves inconclusive, the result of the match between the
tieing teams will be the deciding factor.

5. In the third round, the teams will compete as in rule 2. However, only the winners will
progress to the quarter finals.

6. 2 Subs will be allowed up to and including the third round. From the quarter finals onwards,
no substitutes will be allowed except on the grounds of ill health.

7. Quarter Finals, Semi-Finals and Final will be of 9, 11 and 13 ends respectively with one shot
first end.

8. In the event of a drawn game in the third round, quarter finals, semi-finals or final an extra
end will be played to decide the winner.

9. Burnt ends will not count, but during the timed stages of the Competition, burnt ends will
only be replayed if the second bell has not gone before the jack is delivered in the replaying
of the end.

10. Regulation dress will be worn.

11. The decision of the Tournament Committee, on any matter, will be final.

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