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I go

does it takes

It usually takes

we don't find

Are the trackers following

the trackers are spending


are you staying

I am staying


gorillas laugh

are you following

I am doing


Young chimps and gorillas stay

chimp father don't usually stay
rarely leave

are getting
are growing

is increasing
always go

always take care of

is always getting
is becoming
always complain
am staying

don't eat
use am getting


are improving
often laughs

isn't bother
often make

does your family remove their shoes inside the house

what are you getting better at?

does anyone in your family speak English well?

what language do you speak at home?

who do you live with?

is your English improving day by day?

do you ever laughing at your mistakes in English?

not returning

are always checking


is always complaining

are always making

is always talking

is always losing
it doesn't smell

do you have

I am

do you look

are you think

we need

you seem

I miss

is love

comes has
don't always agree
am watching

are having is


do not resemble



prefered had

was practicing was playing

woke up

was staying was performed


did not enjoy

were read
was playing

threw did not look


felt was

was Tori performing

was reading

was happening

did Sam felt

did you prefer

have you seen

I haven't I have never heard

he has lived worked

He has taken

Mr.Chin has just canceled

he has resheduled

have you ever had

has been


has had for

have wanted for

hasn't played

hasn't participated for

always has jumped


have loved since

have loved

got has


have lived


what activities did you enjoy when you were younger

Did you visit any interesting places when you were a child

have you visited ant interesting places recently

What dreams for the future did you have as a child

What goals have you achieved in the last few years

my husband has been hiking

It has been getting

we have been work

we have been causing

have you been enjoying

we have been having

have you been doing

we have been visiting

Have you found

I have been looking for

I have been working/have worked

I have been chopping

have you heard

Pat has been studying

He has taken

he has been learning/he has learned

Has Julio taken

he has been studying/he has studied

Hank hasn't completed

Hank has already taken

did the trip take

I had traveled
Had you ever been

I’d ever taken

did you do

I’d made

had gone

I never met
had been following

had been preparing

hadn’t been camping

had you studied

did you learn

did you never do

had you never done

had your parents lived

did you live

hadn’t climbed

had wanted

had been planning

had slept
had been

had won

didn’t think
I’m going to make

I will make

Are you going to explain

Will you explain

We will talk
Will you remind

I am going to talk

he will not do

Will robots be

Will you help

I will help

I am going

my train leaves

Are you going

I am going

do you come

The train is getting in

My friends and I are sharing

Are you working

Are you working

It begins

I am playing

we are meeting

Is everyone going

does it start

We are meeting
won't wear

will purchase

will warn

will sell

have ,
will use

become ,
will want


1 2

1 2

2 1

2 1

2 1
Your self-driving car will stop automatically as soon as a car in front of you stops

Before you make a wrong turn, your self-driving car will warn you
People won't fell relaxed until engineers make these cars safe

Once you find a parking space, your car will park itself

When People are naming their destination, their cars will start up and drive there

as soon as engineers build more automated highways, people will take more
trips by car

People are not going to buy self-driving cars until self driving cars become affordable

a new home, I will make a lot of money

the museum

go out I finish my homework

I am going to play football with my freinds

I graduate from university


will be

will love
won't complain gets
a c

will have reached

will be living

will have lost

will be living

will have reached will have lost

We won't be doing

I'm be going to testing

you will be driving

I will be shopping
will Julio and Ramon be doing

they are going to be working

will you be helping

I am going to writing

will the plane be taking off

I will be coming
will have built

will have seen

will have taken

will have built

will have performed

will have been serving

will have been playing

will have been working

will have been watching

will have been riding

will be checking
will have recycled
won't have made

will have been working

will be taking
will have bought
will have returned
Will you be picking up your car today?

Will you be returning the homework next week?

When will you be handing in your project?

Will you be stopping at the next bus stop?

Didn’t you train

Wasn’t it

It didn't get

Weren’t you

You’re planning

aren't you
isn't he

hasn't he

isn't it

haven't they

didn't they

aren't there

don't they

doesn’t it

do we
you are a student

you go to school today

there are five people in your family

there isn't a

spending searching




not being

to have



to change

not to
must not

have to

have to

has to

must not
has to

don't have to
is supposed to

was supposed to

was supposed to

were supposed to

is supposed to
are supposed to

was supposed
had to

didn't have to

were supposed to
had to

have got to
will have to
was able to

couldn't/ wasn't able to

was able to

could/was able to

could/was able to
couldn't/wasn't able to

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