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Tailed Beast Skill

Damage/Proc rate/Restriction
SS class
1. Anger of the Nine Tails (Wind, Earth) = 310%/15%/1x
2. Collective Light Wave of the Six Tails (Lightning, fire) = 305%/15%/1x
3. Light of the Seven Tails (Wind, Lightning) = 300%/18%/1x
4. Fire Array of the Four Tails (Fire, Earth) = 300%/17%/1x
5. Ball of the Eight Tails (Water, Lightning) = 300%/16%/1x
6. Shock of the Three Tails (Water, Lightning) = 295%/21%/1x
7. Five Tails Ball (Earth, Water) = 295%/19%/1x
8. Thunder Strike of the Two Tails (Lightning, Wind) = 290%/20%/1x
9. One Tail Whirlwind (Earth, Wind) = 290%/15%/1x
S class
1. Nine Tails Ball (Wind, Earth) = 250%/15%/1x
2. Flame Bomb of the Four Tails (Fire, Earth) = 248%/16%/1x
3. Anger of the Eight Tails (Water, Lightning) = 245%/18%/1x
4. Stone Strike of the One Tail (Earth, Wind) = 244%/19%/1x
5. Bomb of the Three Tails (Water, Lightning) = 242%/20%/1x
6. Combo Explosive of the Seven Tails (Wind, Lightning) = 240%/19%/1x
7. Dance of the Two Tails (Lightning, Wind) = 238%/22%/1x
8. Relic of the Five Tails (Earth, Water) = 150%/15%/1x
Effect = Poison the opponent's 2 rounds
9. Illusion of the Six Tails (Lightning, Fire) = 100%/15%/1x
Effect = Block the opponent's from using skill for 2 rounds
A class
1. Light Wave of the Six Tails (Lightning) = 188%/17%/1x
2. Whirl Strike of the Seven Tails (Wind) = 184%/18%/1x
3. Throwing of the Two Tails (Lightning) = 183%/19%/1x
4. Fang of the Nine Tails (Wind) = 180%/21%/1x
5. Eight Tails Sweep (Water) = 180%/20%/1x
6. Bump of the Three Tails (Water) = 177%/22%/1x
7. Charge of the Five Tails (Earth) = 175%/25%/1x
8. Tail of the One Tail (Earth) = 175%/22%/1x
9. Dash of the Four Tails (Fire) = 170%/30%/1x
B class
1. Devourer of the Five Tails (Earth) = 160%/15%/1x
2. Claw of the Nine Tails (Wind) = 155%/17%/1x
3. Smash of the Four Tails (Fire) = 153%/18%/1x
4. Flying of the Seven Tails (Wind) = 152%/19%/1x
5. Heavy Strike of the One Tail (Earth) = 150%/20%/1x
6. Fist of the Eight Tails (Water) = 150%/15%/1x
7. Claw of the Two Tails (Lightning) = 148%/22%/1x
8. Combo Bubble of the Three Tails (Water) = 145%/23%/1x
9. Poison Font of the Six Tails (Lightning) = 60%/15%/1x
Effect = Poison the opponent's 2 rounds
Damage = Kerusakan terhadap lawan
Proc Rate = Persentase serangan mengenai lawan
Restriction = Kesempatan skill dipakai

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