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Lindsay Clandfield & Adrian Tennant

Beginner Workbook
with answer key


p4 1A -1C Greetings (1); To be (1); Asking & saying names; Asking & saying where you’re from; To be (2) {my, his, her);
P7 Test yourself 1 Cities & countries; Greetings (2); Greetings (3); Numbers 1-10; It

dS 2 a- 2 c Spelling names; Numbers 11-20; Common objects; This/that/here/there; Food & drink; Plurals, a/an; In a cafe
pH Test yourself 2

p l2 Reading 1 & 2 Jack and Emily

p l3 3 a- 3 c Jobs; To be (affirmative); Asking about jobs; Colours & nationalities; To be (negative); Days of the week;
Test yourself 3 To be (questions & short answers); The classroom

P l7 4 a- 4 c Numbers 21-101; Talking about age; It, they; Family; Possessive’s; Prepositions of place; Personal possessions
p20 Test yourself 4

p21 Reading 3 & 4 The Jacobson Family

p22 5 a- 5 c Common verbs & nouns (1); Present simple (1) (affirmative); Technology; Present simple (2) (negative; and & but);
P25 Test yourself 5 Adjectives (1); Present simple (3) (questions & short answers)

p26 6 a- 6 c Common verbs & nouns (2); Adverbs of frequency; Telling the time (1); Common verbs & nouns (3); Free time activities;
p29 Test yourself 6 Present simple (4) (wh- questions); Telling the time (2); Food (2) & meals; Present simple + how often + time expressions

p30 Reading 5 & 6 The two Charlie Jacksons

P31 7 a- 7 c Places in a city (1); There is/there are (1); Adjectives (2); Places in a city (2); There is/there are (2) (questions &
p34 Test yourself 7 negative); Travel words; Survival English

P35 8 a- 8 c Was/were; Years; Was/were (questions, negative & time expressions); Adjectives of opinion & giving an opinion;
p38 Test yourself 8 Subject & object pronouns

P39 Reading 7 & 8 High croft Park

p40 9 a- 9 c Big numbers; Past simple irregular verbs (affirmative); Music words; Past simple regular verbs (affirmative & negative);
p43 Test yourself 9 Months; The date; Prepositions of time {in, on, at)

p44 IO a -IO c Weekend activities; Past simple questions (1); Past simple questions (2); Guessing; In a shop; Money & prices;
p47 Test yourself 10 Clothes labels

p48 Reading 9 & 10 St Patrick’s Day

p49 1 1 a —1 l c Action verbs; Can/can’t; Present continuous; Talking about a painting

P52 Test yourself 11

P53 12A-12C Telephoning; Telephone English; At the airport; Going to (1) future plans; Feelings; Best wishes for the future;
p56 Test yourself 12 Going to (2); Future time expressions

P57 Reading 11 & 12 Postcards

p58 1 Completing a form
p59 2 A paragraph about you
p60 3 A person you know
p61 4 A city description
p62 5 A holiday blog
p63 6 A letter asking for information

Audioscripts p64 Extract from The Black Tulip by Alexandre Dumas p66 Test yourself checklist p69
Test yourself answer key p70 Writing answer key p72 Answer key pi
lA My name
G r e e t i n g s (1) 3 am I Kim .

1 Rearrange the letters to make words.

4 Daniel my is name Hi, .

4 Complete the dialogue with the words and phrases

from the box.

Hi your name I'm My name

1 elohl hello
2 ih ___________________
3 dogobey ___________________
4 ybe ___________________

TO BE (1)
2 Rewrite the sentences using contractions.

1 My name is Bond.
A: Hello. ( 1 ) _________________Jack.
My name's Bond. B: ( 2 ) , Jack.
2 What is your name?
A: What’s ( 3 ) ________________?
B: ( 4 ) _________________’s Brian.
3 I am Olga.

Tr a n s l a t io n
4 My name is Hamed.
5 Translate the words and sentences into your language.
1 Hello.
5 I am Mr Gomez.

2 Goodbye.

Ask in g & sayin g nam es

3 My name’s . . .
3 Rearrange the words to make sentences or questions.

1 your name What’s 4 I’m ...

What's your n am e?
2 Orion My name is . 5 What’s your name?
_______________________________________________ 7

IB My country

As k i n g & sayin g w h e r e y o u ’re from C ities & co u n tries

1 Look at the picture above and make sentences using 3 Complete the sentences with the cities from the box.
the prompts.
Rome Beijing Rio de Janeiro Moscow
1 They / Russia
New York Frankfurt
They're from Russia.
1 B eiiim is the capital of China.
2 She / Germany
2 is the capital of Russia.
3 is in Brazil.
3 They / Britain
4 is in the US.
5 is in Germany.
4 They / th e US

5 He / Brazil
% G r e e t i n g s (2)

4 Put the sentences in the correct order to make a

6 She / Italy

□ Nice to meet you, too.

7 We / China
CD Hello. I’m Max.
□ Nice to meet you.
□ Hello, Max. My name’s Victoria.
To BE (2 ) { m y ,h i s , h e r )
2 Correct one mistake in each sentence. 5 % 01 Listen to the recording to check your answ ers.
1 What/y o u r name?
Si L i s t e n i n g
2 She are from Russia.
6 §02 Listen to the rest of the dialogue. Answer the
3 Where you are from? questions.

4 I from Berlin. 1 Where’s he from?

5 His name is Emily.

2 Where’s she from?
6 Nice meet you, Emily.

My number
G r e e t i n g s (3) IT
1 Complete the dialogue with the words from the box. 4 Complete the sentences with he or it.

you fine I'm are thanks %

_’s from Germany. *s from China.

A: Hi, Jack. How (1) (2)

B: ( 3 ) _________ (4) _ _, thanks. And you?
A: Fine, ( 5 ) ________

Nu m bers 1-10
2 Look at the alphabetti-spaghetti and find ten numbers.
,’s in New York. _’s in India.
6t ® D icta tio n

5 % 03 Write the phone numbers that you hear.

1 _______________________________________________________________________________

s i 2 _________________________________
L e o n ti*
3 ____________________________________________

4 ________________
3 Write the numbers in words.

1 6

2 _____________ 7

Z _____________ 8

+ __________________ 9

5 ___________

Test yourself
r U NCTIONAL LANGUAGE 4 Tick ( / ) the correct sentence, a or b.

1 Rearrange the words to make sentences or questions. 1 a) His name is Ronnie.____

b) He name is Ronnie.____
* meet you Nice to .
2 a) He is from Brazil.____
b) I is from Brazil.____
you are How ?
3 a) They are David and M ichael.___
b) They is David and M ichael.____
3 name your What’s ?
4 a) We am in Paris.____
b) We are in Paris.____
4 This Philip is . 5 a) I am S am .____
b) I are S a m .____
5 your number phone What’s ?

Vo c a b u la r y

5 Write the missing numbers.

2 Match the sentences or questions 1 -5 from exercise 1
to the phrases a - e . one
□ a Nice to meet you, too. two
□ b Nice to meet you, Philip. U ) _______
□ c My name’s Margaret. four
□ d It’s 622 4031. ( 2 ) ______________

□ e Fine, thanks. (3) __________

□ n
(4) __________
Grammar nine

3 Complete the sentences with is, am or are. (5) __________

1 W hat_______your phone number? I B

2 Her nam e Stefi.
Total: | /25|
3 I from England.
4 W here_______you from?
5 He from Moscow.

2a Hotel lobby
S pellin g nam es

1 Look at the pictures and complete the sentences with

the phrases from the box.

do you spell Excuse me Thank you your name

O n

2 Look at the pictures in exercise 1 and put the dialogue 4 Match the words 1 - 6 from exercise 3 to the numbers
in the correct order. a -f.

a 11____________________

Nu m bers 11-20 b 1 2 ____________________

c 1 4 ____________________
3 Write numbers from the letters.
d 1 5 ____________________
t n
e w e 1 7 ____________________
v e f 1 9 ______________
I t n
% Listen in g
1 twelve
5 % 04 Write the names that you hear.
n n j

e t e

n f
i n e I

e f e e
e t v
2 b Hotel room
Co m m o n objects Th i s / t h a t / h e r e / t h e r e
1 Rearrange the letters to make words. 3 Look at the pictures and tick ( / ) the correct sentence,
a or b.
1 nep_________________________
2 tooboken ________________
3 nohepelet ________________
4 adiro_______ ________________
5 eky_________ ________________

2 Match the words 1 -5 from exercise 1 to the

objects A -E .

O n 1 a) This is a radio, 2 a) This is a chair,

b) That’s a radio. _ b) That’s a chair. _

O n


3 a) Is this your pen? 4 a) That’s the man,

b) Is that your pen? th ere!____
b) This is the man,
h ere!____

O n Tra n sla tio n

4 Translate the sentences into your language.

1 What’s that?

2 I don’t know.

O n 3 This is a television.

4 It’s a pen.

5 Your books are here.

Hotel cafe
Fo o d & d rin k P lu ra ls, a/an

1 Complete the table with the words from the box. 2 Choose the correct word or phrase to complete
the sentences.
apple juice coffee tuna sandwich
1 Fd like a / an tea, please.
mineral water omelette tea
2 Would you like a / an omelette?
3 An apple juice / apple juices, please.
food drink 4 A I An croissant and a / an coffee, please.
5 Two coffees / coffee, please.
6 I’d like a tuna sandwich / sandw iches and two
tea / teas.

In a cafe

3 Put the sentences in the correct order to make

a dialogue.

□ Cheese, please.
□ Would you like cheese or tuna?
□ Here you are.
□ I’d like an omelette, please.

S D icta tio n

4 % 05 Write the sentences that you hear.

1 .
2 .

3 _____________________________________________________________________?

4 __________________________________________________ .

Test yourself
Vo c a b u l a r y
1 Write the m issing numbers.

eleven, ( 1 ) ____________ , (2) _ fourteen,

j&iyyL ___
( 3 ) ____________ , ( 4 ) _________ _, seventeen,
( 5 ) ____________ , nineteen, (6) L

\ J6 } E: I’d like (5) a / an orange juice, please.

2 Look at the pictures and complete the sentences.

r a

Fu n c t i o n a l language

4 Rearrange the words to make sentences and questions.

2 1 name your What’s ?

1 This is a . 2 This is a
2 do How your name spell you ?

3 a please like croissant, I’d .

3 This is a _____________ . 4 still you or sparkling Would like ?

r a
5 Would you a coffee like ?


3 Choose the correct word to complete the dialogues. czn

% Listen in g

5 ® 06 Listen and complete the dialogue.

Customer: Excuse me. I’d like (1)

Waitress: ( 2 ) _______ _ black or
A: Excuse me! What’s (1) this / that?
B: It’s (2) a / an cheese sandwich. Customer: Black, ( 3 ) _______ .
Waitress: ( 4 ) _______ ___ are.
Customer: (5) you.

r a

Total: | /25|

C: Is (3) this / that the hotel?

D: Where?
C: (4) Here / There.

1 Bl Reading
1 Read the dialogue and put the pictures in the
correct order.

Jack and E m ily

0 □ / ^ ew/ I's* ~ fror* ClyrnkckvrciS
fi ri r i 11 / — '

2 Read Jack and Em ily again and complete the sentences.

1 Her name i s _____________ .

2 His name i s _____________ .
3 She’s from _____________ .
4 He’s from _____________ .
5 They are from .

9Li Read & l is t e n

3 * 07 Listen to Reading 1 & 2 Jack and Em ily on the

CD and read the dialogue again.

3a International workers
Jo b s 3 do do What you ?

1 Match the pictures A -E to the jobs 1 - 5 .

4 a student I’m .

® Listen in g

5 08 Tick ( / ) the correct photo, A or B.

1 □ taxi driver 4 □ police officer

2 □ teacher 5 □ architect
3 □ doctor

2 Tick ( / ) the correct sentence, a or b.

1 a) She’s a architect.
b) She’s an architect.
2 a) He’s a diplomat.
b) He’s an diplomat.
3 a) I’m a police officer.
b) I’m an police officer.
4 a) Phil’s a teacher.
b) Phil’s an teacher.

To b e ( a f f i r m a t i v e )
3 Choose the correct word to complete the sentences.
1 She am / are / is a doctor.
2 I am / are / is from Sydney, Australia.
3 We am / are / is students.
4 What am / are / is your job?
5 Sabrina am / are / is a teacher.

As k in g a bo u t jobs

4 Rearrange the words to make questions and sentences.

1 your What’s job ? SU Read & listen

6 m 09 Read and listen to the text International

2 police officer a I’m .
w orkers on page 24 of the Student’s Book.
I 13
3B International train
Co lo u rs & n a tio n a lities

1 Find seven colour words in the wordsearch.




C: Are you from Spain?

K E D D 0 E D: No, I ( 3 ) __________ . I’m from Italy. My wife’s Spanish.

Her name’s Maria.
0 B R 0 W N C: Is she from Madrid?
D: No, she ( 4 ) . She’s from Barcelona.

2 Choose the correct word to complete the sentences. 4 Decide if the sentences are correct or incorrect. Correct
the incorrect sentences.
1 I’m from Italy / Italian.
2 He’s France / French. 1 He’s isn’t from the US.
3 Are you from Canada / C anadian? 2 She isn’t from Italy, she’s from Switzerland.
4 Xue Fei is China / Chinese.
3 They’re on a train.
5 Jens and Evi are Germany / German.
6 This is a Russian / Russia train. 4 I not am at the hotel.
7 I’m not Britain / British, I’m Irish.
5 My name isn’t Chloe, it’s Ellie.

To b e ( n e g a t i v e ) Tr a n s l a t io n
3 Complete the sentences with 'm not, isn 't or aren't.
5 Translate the sentences into your language.

1 He’s from the US.

2 I'm not French.

3 The Canadian flag is red and white.

4 They aren’t from Brazil.

A: Look! Is that a student from your class?

5 This isn't the train to Madrid.
B: He ( 1 ) __________ a student. He’s the teacher!
A: Are the teachers at your school from the US?
B: No, they ( 2 ) __________ . They’re British.

14 |
International school
Da y s of the w eek Th e classroom

1 Complete the calendar with the days. 4 Complete the expressions with words from the box.

o o o o o o o o spell Wednesday English



I:f i M (1)

(2) ...... ..


■ a J L

jj * f p f e . W -l Sunday


2 Rearrange the words to make questions or short

answ ers.

1 are you from Where ?

from Is the US he ? S D icta tio n

5 10 Write the sentences that you hear.

they Australian Are ?
1 ?

I’m . 2 .
No, not
3 __________________________________________________ .

is he Yes, . 4 __________________________________________________ .

5 __________________________________________________ .

3 Match the questions 1 -5 to the answ ers a - e .

R ead & listen
1 Are you from Germany? a □ Yes, you are.
2 Is she a teacher? b □ No, it isn’t. 6 m 11 Read and listen to the text United Nations
3 Are they in London? c [7] No, I’m not. International Scho o l on page 28 of the Student’s Book.
4 Is the school open onSaturday? d □ Yes, she is.
5 Am I in this class? e □ Yes, they are.
I 15
Test yourself
Vo c a b u la r y G rammar

1 Complete the table with the words from the box. 3 Choose the correct word to complete the sentences.

1 She am / are / isn't a doctor.

actor Brazil China doctor French
2 What nationality am / are / is you?
Friday German blue Tuesday yellow
3 I 'm / aren't / is Brazilian.
4 What day am / are / is it today?
JOB COUNTRY NATIONALITY COLOUR DAY 5 No, they isn't / are / aren't.

4 Write questions using the prompts.

1 Where / you / from

2 she / French
3 What / your / job
____________________________________________ 7

4 you / a police officer

____________________________________________ 7

5 Yukiko / from Japan

____________________________________________ 7


Fu n c t i o n a l language

5 Complete the sentences with the words and phrases

from the box.

don't you do you on do you your job

2 Complete the sentences with the words from the box. 1 What d o __________________?

diplomat France French green Wednesday 2 What’s __________________?

3 How__________________pronounce it?
1 She’s from .
4 Sorry, I _________________ understand.
2 My birthday is o n ______ .
5 S e e _________________ Wednesday.

3 Emma’s favourite colour i s .
4 Is h e ?
5 Her father is a .
Total: | /25|

□ n

16 |
4a Personal photos
Nu m bers 21-101
1 Tick ( / ) the correct word, a or b. 3 18 months / houses

1 30 a) thirty____
b) twenty____
2 14 a) forty____
b) fourteen____
3 50 a) fifteen____
b) fifty____
4 33 years / school
4 99 a) ninety-nine____
b) nineteen____
24 a) twenty-five _
b) twenty-four.

2 Complete the table with the correct numbers.

61 (1) sixty-one 5 101 years / man

70 [D
(3) eighty-six
47 (4)
(5) ......... fifty-nine
101 (6) It, t h e y
4 Replace the underlined words with h e , s h e , it or they.

1 The car is fifteen years old. It

Ta l k i n g about age
2 How old are the babies? ________
3 Look at the photos and the information. Write
questions and answ ers. 3 Where are the glasses? ________
4 The woman is 28 years old. ________
5 My doctor is a young man. ________
6 Your wallet is on the table. ________
1 15 years / car
7 The computers aren’t old. ________
How old is the car?
The car is fifteen years old.
% D ictatio n

5 S 12 Write the sentences that you hear.

2 60 years / computer

4B Personal web page
Fa m i l y ® Listen in g
1 Complete the sentences with the words from the box. 3

son grandparents husband daughter 1 a) The women are sisters.

children parents b)

1 Your mother and father are your parents. 2 a)

2 Your grandfather and grandmother are your______ .
3 a)
3 They are married. She is his wife and he is her .
4 She is my sister. She is my parents’ ______ .
5 He is my brother. He is my parents’ . Po s s e s s i v e 's
6 Your son and your daughter are your .
4 Look at the pictures and write sentences using
2 Choose the correct words to complete the text. the prompts.

John / dog
1 It is John's dog.

the President / house

2 I t __________________

the baby / juice
on the left on the right
3 I t _____________

This is a photo of my brother’s wedding day.

This is my brother and his (1) w ife / hu sban d.
Her name is Laura. On the left are Laura’s
the children / sandwiches
(2) children / p a ren ts, Jenny and Graham. There’s
Laura’s (3) sister / brother, Sarah and her husband 4 They___________________
on the left, too. I’m on the right with my brother,
Robert. My (4) m other / fa t h e r is there, too. Her
name is Virginia. My sister, Diana, is in the photo,
too. the teacher / book
5 I t ________________

Read & listen

5 14 Read and listen to the web page M ichael and

Jennifer M urphy's fam ily album on page 34 of the
Student’s Book.
4C Personal possessions
Pr e p o s it io n s of place Personal p o s s es s io n s

1 Look at the picture and choose the correct preposition 3 Find seven personal p o ssessio n s in the wordsearch.
to complete the sentences.

M K I w W L E E J I
0 E C J A N Y T H K

1 The books are on / under the chair.

B T M A T P 0 H J K
2 The computer is on / under the table. I A P C R E P E
U 0
3 The table is next to / under the chair.
4 The coffee is in / next to the computer. L C 0 K P E M G K T
5 The books are in / on the bag.
2 Write more sentences about the picture in exercise 1
with the prompts. P H 0 T 0 L R A z U
1 The bag / the chair H E s H R R E S E E
The bag is under the chair.
0 E I E L A L S A J
2 The jacket / the chair
N A 0 W A L L E T 0

3 The ID card / the jacket E S J U A E A S N E

4 The keys / the computer Tr a n sla t io n

4 Translate the sentences into your language.

5 The keys / the table
1 The school is next to my house.

2 Where’s my jacket?

3 It’s behind you.

4 The taxi is in front of the hotel.

5 The hotel is in Bangkok.

Test yourself
Fu n c t io n a l language 3 Complete the sentences using the family tree.

1 Rearrange the words to make sentences or questions.

Helga = Ian

1 you How are old ?

John = Camilla

2 sixty-five old years He’s .

Justin Amy

3 a It’s computer new . 1 John is Camilla’s __________

2 Justin is Amy’s ___________
4 they are old How ? 3 Amy is Justin’s ___________
4 Camilla and John are Amy’s
5 man young a He’s . 5 Ian is Justin’s ____________ .

G rammar
Vo c a b u la r y
4 Tick ( / ) the correct sentence, a or b.
2 Look at the pictures and complete the sentences.
1 a) This is Michael father’s.
b) This is Michael’s father.
2 a) It’s my grandparent’s house.
1 It’s a m obile phone.
b) It’s my grandparents’ house.
3 a) They are sisters.
b) They are sister’s.
4 a) The telephone is on the table.
b) The telephone is in the table.
f a 5 a) The jacket is next of the bag.
b) The jacket is next to the bag.

5 Replace the underlined words with the correct pronoun.

1 My house is in Spain. My house is in Madrid. _______

2 Sarah is a teacher. Sarah is from Britain. _______
3 Jenny and Graham are my parents. _______
4 Your glasses are on the table. _______
5 It’s
5 My brother is 40 years old.___________________ _______


Total: [ /25|
6 It’s _


20 I
3& Reading
1 Read the profiles 1 - 4 and match them to the photos A - D.

& J& . ................ ............................... ....... ..........

: Eile Edit View Favourites loots Help Links *

The Jacobson Family

o O

Profile: Profile: Profile: Profile:

Last name: Jacobson Last name: Jacobson Last name: Jacobson Last name: Jacobson
First name: Junko First name: Hannah First name: Mats First name: Bjorn
Nationality: Jap anese Nationality: Sw edish Nationality: Sw edish Nationality: Sw edish
Age: 33 Age: 12 Age: 6 Age: 45
Job: Teacher Job: Student Job: Student Job: Diplomat

2 Read the text about the Jacobson family. Underline % Read & listen
the incorrect information. Then write the correct
word above.
3 S J 15 Listen to Reading 3 & 4 The Jacobson
Family on the CD. Check your answ ers to

The Jacobson Family exercise 2.

T h e se are the Ja c o b so n s. Bjorn is from J a p a n .

He's forty-six y e a rs old and he's a diplom at.

Junko is Bjorn's husband. S h e isn't S w e d ish ,

she's Ja p a n e se . She's a student and she's thirty-

three y e a rs o ld .T h eir children are Hannah and

M ats.They're teachers. H annah is eleven y e a rs

old and M ats is six y e a rs old .Th ey're Ja p a n e se .

5A Working life
Co m m o n verbs & nouns (1) Presen t s im p le (1) (a f f i r m a t i v e )
1 Complete the sentences with live , work or go. 3 Complete the text with the verbs in brackets in the
present sim ple.

Katja (1) is from

1 I work in a shop. Ukraine. She (2)_____
with her husband and
her grandfather. They
(3) {live) in Odessa.
Katja (4 )_____{be) an
2 I . with
my parents. English teacher. She
(5) (work) in a school
in the city centre. She
(6) _____ to work on
foot. Katja’s husband and her
3 I in a shop grandfather (7 ) (work) in a big factory. The factory
in Mexico City. (8 ) (be) next to the city. They (9) (go) to
work by train.

4 We to 4 Choose the correct word to complete the sentences.

work on foot. 1 It / They live in a small town in Italy.

2 I / He works for a small company.
3 She / You works in a hotel.
4 I / He go to work by bus.
5 They / She goes to school on foot.
5 Th ey. in
a factory. ® LISTENING
5 % 16 Listen and decide if the sentences are true (T)
or false (F). Correct the false sentences.

1 He is from London.
6 We to school 2 He lives in London.
by bus.
3 He works in a factory.
4 His wife works in a school.
2 Choose the correct word to complete the sentences. 5 His wife goes to school on foot.
1 I live in / from Casablanca. 6 His wife is from Britain.
2 I live in / with my wife and two sons.
3 We live in / on a house.
4 I work for / by a company. SLi Read & listen
5 My wife works with / in a shop.
6 We go to work by / on car. 6 ® L 1 7 Read and listen to the article Working life on
page 43 of the Student’s Book.

22 |
5B Technology life
ECHNOLOGY 3 Chris_______ a computer at work.
4 Chris and Ja n e t_________a digital camera.
1 Look at the advertisem ent and complete the sentences.
5 Ja n e t_______ emails.
6 Chris_______ a game console.
7 Janet and Chris a mobile phone.

3 Complete the sentences so they are true for you.

1 I _______ [have) a computer at home.

2 I _______ [have] a mobile phone.
3 I _______ [have) my mobile phone in class.

€800 €329 4 I _______ [use) the internet at work/school.

4 Choose the correct word to complete the sentences.

The computer is 800 euros.

T h e ___________ is 69 euros.
The is 329 euros.
T h e___________ is 129 euros.
T h e___________ is 99 euros.
T h e___________ is 30 euros. 1 He has a computer and / but she has a computer.
2 He has a computer, and / but he doesn’t use it.
3 She has a computer and / but she uses it.
P r e s e n t s i m p l e (2)
4 She uses the internet and / but she writes emails.
(negative; a n d & b u t ) 5 He has a mobile phone, and / but he doesn’t have a
work telephone.
2 Complete the sentences with information from the
S D icta tio n
Chris Janet
5 % 18 Write the email or website ad d resses that
have a computer at home / X you hear.
have a computer at work / X
have a digital camera x X
write emails / X
have a game console X /
have a mobile phone / /

1 Chris has a computer at home.

2 Ja n e t_________a computer at work.

5C Hard life?
A d j e c t i v e s (1) 2 Decide if the sentences are correct or incorrect. Correct
the incorrect sentences.
1 Look at the pictures and complete the sentences with
an adjective. 1 Today I start a job new.
2 I work in a big city.
3 It isn’t a job boring.
4 It isn’t a difficult job.
5 It’s interesting.
6 I work for a company big.
1 It’s a ba d day.

P r e s e n t s i m p l e (3) ( q u e s t i o n s &
3 Choose the correct word to complete the questions.
I I I IT 1 Do / Does your father have a difficultjob?
TT 2 Do / Does she work in a school?
m 3 Do / Does he work alone?
2 She has a d_ . job. 4 Do / Does your parents work Monday to Friday?
5 Do / Does you go to work by car?

4 Match the questions 1 -5 from exercise 3 to the

answ ers a - e .

□ a No, I don't. I go to work by train.

□ b No, he doesn’t. He works in an office with other
3 He has an e_ . job. □ c Yes, she does. Her school is next to my house.
□ d No, he doesn’t. It’s an easy job.
□ e No, they don’t. They don’t work on Monday.

Tr a n s l a t io n

=i 5 Translate the sentences into your language.

4 It’s a g_ day. 1 It’s a boring job.

2 Do you work in an office?

____________________________________________ 7

3 Does he live here?

4 He works in London, but he doesn’t live there.
5 This is an i class.

Test yourself
Vo c a b u l a r y 4 Write short answ ers.

1 Complete the text with the words from the box.

flat bus factory parents foot

1 Do they work for the US

Valerie and Janet are sisters. They work in a (1 )______________ in government? 0 Yes, they do.
Manchester. Valerie lives in a ( 2 ) ______________ . She lives next to the 2 Do they work in Washington? 0
Factory and she goes to work on ( 3 ) . Janet lives with
3 Does she live in Washington? 0
her ( 4 ) ______________ . She goes to work by ( 5 ) ______________ .
4 Do they go to work by bus? 0

5 Does he use a computer at work? 0

czn 6 Do they have a difficult job? 0
2 Match the words 1--5 to the opposites a -e .

1 difficult □ a new
2 good □ b white
Fu n c t io n a l lan guage
3 interesting □ c boring
4 old □ d easy 5 Tick (/) the correct address, a or b.
5 black □ e bad
1 fotx.col
DU a) fotx dot c o l____
b) fotx at c o l____
Grammar 2 jam ie@ email, col
3 Write sentences or questions in the present simple a) jamie at email dot c o l____
using the prompts. b) jamie slash email dot c o l____

1 He / not live / in Germany 3 english.col/information

a) english dot col at information____
b) english dot col slash information _
2 He / live / in Belgium
4 teacher @
a) teacher at english dot co dot u r __
3 she / work / in Beijing b) teacher dot english dot co dot ur _
5 adrian.tennant @w ork.col
4 they / go / to school / by bus a) adrian dot tennant at work dot col
b) adrian at tennant at work dot col _

5 He / have / computer / but / not use it

Total: | /25|

6 a Daytime
C o m m o n v e r b s & n o u n s (2) T e l l i n g t h e t i m e (1)
1 Complete the texts with the verbs from the box. 4 Look at the clocks and choose the correct time from the
times in the box.
drink eat (x2) go (x2) read (x2) wake up (x2)
It’s eleven o'clock. It’s four thirty.
It’s seven forty am. It's two forty-five.
My name is Mandy Stewart and i'm a morning person.
It's one twenty pm. It's seven-fifteen.
I (1) at six o'clock. I (2) a coffee and
(3) the newspaper. I (4) a big breakfast
and then I (5) to work.

I'm Wendy Stewart, Mandy's sister. I'm not a morning

person. I like to (6) a book in bed and I (7)---------
to bed late. I often (8) late. In the morning I never
(9) breakfast, I sometimes don't have time for
coffee. I'm always late - for class, for the bus, for work ...

2 Read the texts in exercise 1 again and write M (for

Mandy) or W (for Wendy) next to the correct pictures.

1 It’s seven fifteen. 4 .

2 _____________________ . 5 .
3 . 6 .

Tr a n s l a t i o n
5 Translate the sentences into your language.

1 I always eat breakfast.

2 I usually get up at seven o’clock.

3 What time is it?

____________________________________________ 7

4 It’s 8pm.
A dverbs of freq uency
3 Rearrange the words to make sentences.

1 drink I a cup of coffee usually . ®L R e a d & l i s t e n

6 % 19 Read and listen to the article M orning people

2 often They tired are . and night peo p le on page 50 of the Student’s Book.

3 breakfast hardly ever I eat .

4 to work He walks sometimes

6 b Free time
C o m m o n v e r b s & n o u n s (3); f r e e 3 Match the questions 1 -5 from exercise 2 to the
answ ers a - e .
□ a At seven o’clock every Wednesday and Saturday.
1 Complete the sentences with play , read or learn and
the words from the box. □ b Three euros.
□ c At the sports centre.
golf English footbah to dance a book
□ d I play basketball.
□ e With my friends.

Te l l in g th e tim e (2)

4 Tick ( / ) the correct sentences. Correct the incorrect

1 Come and play fo o tba ll sentences.

2 It’s good to
1 It’s ten to eight. / 2 It’s a quarter to four.

3 They.
every Saturday. 3 It’s twenty to ten.

4 We with

® D icta tio n

5 % 20 Write the sentences that you hear.

5 Come an d .
salsa every Wednesday evening. 1 _____________________________________________________________________

2 ____________________________
P r e s e n t s i m p l e (4) ( w h - q u e s t i o n s ) 3 _______________________________________
2 Choose the correct word to complete the questions. 4 _______________________________________
1 When / What / Where do you do in your free time? 5 _____________________________________________________
2 Who / What / Where do you play it?
3 When / Who / What does it start?
4 When / Who / How do you play with? % Read & lis t e n
5 What / When / How much does it cost?
6 % 21 Read and listen to the community centre
noticeboard notices on page 52 of the Student’s Book.

6 Mealtime
F o o d (2) & m e a l s
1 Complete the crossword.

■ ■ ■
2 Alex / three times a day

3 Simone / her mother / once a week

Across Down

4 I / once a month

3 Rearrange the words to make questions.

1 do eat often you How fish ?

2 breakfast you often do Howhave ?

3 often tea does drink she How ?

A 4 have often does How he lunchat work ?


5 do a meal often have at a restaurant How they

P r e s e n t sim p le + h o w o ft en +
2 Look at the pictures and write sentences using the
S Listen in g
4 %22 Listen and choose the correct word or phrase to
complete the sentences.

1 Frances usually wakes up at half past five / six.

2 She drinks coffee / orange juice and eats toast for
1 Mandy / early every day
3 She eats m eat / fish twice a week.
Mandy w akes up early every day. 4 She eats with her family once a w eek / a month.
5 She goes to bed after twelve o’clock twice a week /
every day.

6 Test yourself
Vo c a b u l a r y Fu n c t i o n a l l a n g u a g e
1 Match the verbs 1 - 6 to the words a -f. 3 Complete the sentences.

2.00 It's o'

5.30 It's five.
6.50 It's ten
6.15 It's a six.
12.05 It's five

n in

4 Rewrite the sentences with the words in brackets.

□ a a book 1 I drink a cup of coffee in the morning, (always)

□ b work
m c lunch 2 He is tired in the evening, (often)
□ d tea
□ e tennis 3 They go to work at nine o’clock, (usually)
□ f to dance

4 Pete and Sally play tennis on Saturday afternoon.

2 Rearrange the letters to make food words. Match the
words 1 -5 to the pictures A -E .
5 I am late for class, (never)
1 laasd____ 4 hiccenk.
2 trufi_____ 5 stoat__
3 gesetvebal. DU
5 Match the questions 1 -5 to the answ ers a - e .
1 How much does it cost?
on 2 How often do you go?
3 What do you do in your free time?
4 When is the class?
5 Where do you go to learn to dance salsa?
□ a I learn to dance salsa with my friends.
© □ □ b The community centre.
□ c Nothing. It’s free.
□ d Twice a week.
□ e It’s on Monday and Friday at seven o’clock in
the evening.

\ J5\ Total: | /25|

5 & 6 Reading

arlie Jacksons
My name is Charlie Jackson and I’m Hi! I’m Charlie Jackson. I’m 26 years old
21 years old. I’m from Australia. I live in and I live in Prague, but I’m not from the
Sydney. I live with my family. I work in a Czech Republic. I’m British. I live with two
community centre. I work Monday to Friday friends. I go to a university here. I usually
and I always go to work by bus. I usually go to university on foot. Every Saturday I
play tennis on Saturday. meet my friends for coffee.

Note: In English, Charlie is usually a man’s name (Charles) but can sometimes be a woman’s name (Charlotte).

1 Read the article and tick ( / ) the information it 3 doesn’t go to university,

contains. 4 works in a community centre,
1 w ork___ 4 university. 5 doesn’t work,
2 free time 5 tim e____ 6 doesn’t work on Saturday,
3 technology. 7 doesn’t live in Australia.

2 Read the article again and complete the sentences with

He or Sh e.
%. R e a d & l i s t e n

1 . goes to work by bus. 3 m32Listen to Reading 5 & 6 two Charlie

2 . goes to university on foot. Jacksons on the CD and read the article again.
City break
P l a c e s in a c i t y (1) 3 There______ a shop in the museum.
4 There______ people in the shop.
1 Complete the travel brochure with the words from
the box. 5 There a beach 20 kilometres from here.
6 There a train to the beach.
River Bridge taxi Station
3 Look at the picture and write sentences using There is
or There are.

( ■ ) _

W aterloo
( 2) _______

Tr a n s l a t i o n
4 Translate the sentences into your language.
The (3)
1 There are beaches next to the city.
Tham es

2 Is there a hospital near here?


3 There’s a park in front of my house.

4 There are two hotels in the city centre.
( 4 ) _____

®U R e a d & l i s t e n

5 V 24 Read and listen to the magazine page

Th e r e i s / t h e r e a r e (1) break in the w orld's top cities on page 61 of the
Student’s Book.
2 Complete the sentences with is or are.

1 There an airport in the city.

2 There buses to the airport every ten minutes.
B City life
A d j e c t i v e s (2); p l a c e s in a c i t y (2) 5 / hotels

1 Complete the sentences with the adjectives from

the box. 6 / train station

small unfriendly expensive beautiful

4 Read the information about Hampstead, London.
Write answ ers to the questions from exercise 3.

1 He’s an man.

2 That’s an car.

3 The flower is

4 The sandwiches are very

Come and live in Hampstead, London. NO tra in

2 Rearrange the letters to make words for places in a city. We have flats and houses for sale. I ,station
1 knab ___________________ N ext to shops and many restaurants.
Th ree good schools in the neighbourhood, and
2 spothail __________________
two parks. T h e re ’s also a new hospital.
3 perkartemus ___________________
4 aktmre __________________ NO hotels in the neighbourhood
5 posh ___________________

Th e r e i s / t h e r e er
() (q u estion s &
n eg a tive)

3 Write questions using the prompts.

1 / shops
Are there any shops?
2 / parks
___________________________________________ 7
% Listen in g
3 / hospital
5 % 25 Listen and decide if the sentences are true (T) or
false (F). Correct the false sentences.
4 / restaurants
1 Roberta is new in the building. ___
2 There isn’t a supermarket in the neighbourhood. ___
3 Roberta doesn’t have a map. ___
4 There are good shops in the neighbourhood. ___

City tour
Complete the sentences with the words from
Listen in g
exercise 2.
1 %> 26 Listen and decide if the sentences are true (T) or
1 A: Do you have a (1) of the city centre?
false (0 . Correct the false sentences.
B: Yes, we do. Here you are.
1 The woman wants to go to the cathedral. ___
2 C: How do you say ‘Excuse me?’ in Chinese?
2 The man can’t understand. ___
D: Look in your Chinese/English ( 2 ) __________ .
3 The man speaks English._____________________ ___
3 E: Can I have a return ( 3 ) __________to Oxford, please?
4 The woman can speak Spanish. ___
F: Of course. Here you are.

Tr a v e l w o r d s 4 G: Hello. Welcome to the United States. Can I see your

( 4 ) ______________ ?
2 Complete the crossword.
H: Yes, here you are.
1 2 3
G: Thank you. You’re from Italy?
H: Yes, that’s right.

S urvival En g l is h
4 Correct one mistake in each sentence or question.
1 I no speak English.
2 You speak Spanish?
3 I no understand.
4 You repeat, please?
5 I sorry.

% D ictatio n
5 S 27 Write the sentences that you hear.

1 .
2 .

3 __________________________________________________ .

VISA - |

P H f?ase


Test yourself
Fu n c t i o n a l l a n g u a g e Grammar
1 Rearrange the words to make sentences or questions. 3 Make sentences about Hotel Club ***, using There is or
There are.
1 I understand don’t .

2 Chinese you Do speak ? H o t e l C lu b ***

80 rooms
3 you repeat, please Can ?
A cafe
Wifi in every room
4 speak a only little I English .
Three meeting rooms
5 speak don’t English I .
Two restaurants
Indoor swimming pool

1 There are 80 rooms.

Vo c a b u l a r y 2 ______________

2 Underline the adjectives in the text and match them to 3

the opposites 2 - 5 . 4

1 This is my flat. I live here with two friends. It’s not
very big and it’s ugly. It’s not a good flat, but it’s 6
2 _____________ beautiful
3 _____________ expensive 4 Choose the correct words to complete the dialogue.
4 _____________ bad A: (1) Is / Are there a bank near here?
B: No, there (2) isn’t / is. There (3) is / are banks in the
5 _____________ small
city centre.
A: Do you have a map?
B: Yes, here you are.
A: Thank you. (4) Is / Are there a bus or train to the
city centre?
B: Yes, there (5) is / are buses every ten minutes.
A: Thank you.
B: You’re welcome.

Total: | /25|

n n
8A Film sequels
Wa s / w e r e 2 Tick ( / ) the correct sentence, a or b.

1 Complete the texts with was or were. 1 a) You was at home last night.____
b) You were at home last night.____
2 a) I was with my girlfriend.____
b) I were with my girlfriend.____
3 a) We was at the cinem a.____
b) We were at the cinem a.____
4 a) The film was very good.____
b) The film were very good.____
5 a) It was a popular film .____
b) It were a popular film .____
6 a) The seats was cheap.____
b) The seats were cheap.____
The first Pirates o f the C aribbean film ( 1 ) ---------
made in 2003. The actors ( 2 ) Joh n n y Depp, Y ears
Orlando Bloom and Keira Knightley. In 2006 there
3 Write the years in numbers.
(3) a sequel - Pirates o f the C aribbean: D ead
Man's C h est All three original actors ( 4 ) in 1 two thousand and eight 2008
the sequel. There are now four Pirates o f the 2 nineteen ninety ______________
Caribbean films. 3 nineteen seventy-four ______________
4 two thousand and twelve ______________
5 two thousand____________ ______________
6 nineteen forty-four ______________
7 nineteen twelve__________ ______________

® Dictation
4 $ 28 Write the sentences that you hear.

1 __________________________________

2 ____________________________________
3 _________________________________________________

4 _________________________________________________

% Read & listen

5 29 Read and listen to the article Do it again on

Psycho is a very famous film by Alfred Hitchcock. It page 68 of the Student’s Book.
( 5 ) __________ very popular when it ( 6 ) _________
in the cinemas in 1960. The actors ( 7 ) __________
Anthony Perkins and Jan et Leigh. The remake
( 8 ) ----------------in 1998. The actors Vince Vaughn
and Anne Heche ( 9 ) in the remake.

I 35
8 b Film script
Wa s / w e r e ( q u e s t i o n s , n e g a t i v e & 4 Read the text about Sherlock Holmes and Watson.
Write short answ ers to the questions in exercise 2.
1 Complete the sentences with w as , were, w asn’t or
Sherlock Holmes was a famous English detective.
w eren’t.
He wasn’t a real person. He was a character in the
1 Mr Magnus w asn’t (-) at home yesterday. books by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Sherlock Holmes
2 Mr Magnus was (+) at the factory. was from London. Sherlock Holmes was friends
3 The fire_________ (+) last night. with a man called Watson. Watson was a doctor.
Sherlock Holmes’ house and offices were at 221b
4 Mr Magnus and his w ife__________ (+) divorced.
Baker Street. It is there today, and many tourists in
5 His wife’s nam e___________ (+) Janet.
London visit it every day.
6 Peter Gordon_________ (-) married.
7 Peter Gordon_________ (+) Janet’s boyfriend.
8 The two m en _________ (-) friends. 1 Was he English?
Yes, he was.
2 Write questions using the prompts.
2 ___________________________________
1 he / English
3 _______________________________________________
Was he English?
4 _______________________________________________
2 he / a real person
5 _______________________________________________
____________________________________________ 7

6 _________________________________
3 Where / he from
____________________________________________ 7

4 Who / his friend % Listen in g

5 ^ 30 Listen and choose the correct word or phrase to
5 What / his friend’s job complete the sentences.

1 Janet Smith is Mr Magnus’ ex-wife / wife.

6 his house and offices / in London 2 They were married for five years / ten years.
3 Janet Smith and Peter Gordon were married / friends.
____________________________________________ 7
4 Janet w asn’t in love / was in love with Peter.
5 Last night Janet was with Peter / at the factory.
3 Complete the timeline with the time expressions from
the box.

yesterday morning last night

last week last year last month

1 2 3 4 5 Today

(1) _______________________ (4)_______________________

(2) _______________________ (5)_______________________
(3) _______________________

8 Film reviews
A d jec tiv es o f o p in io n & givin g S ubject & o bject pron o u n s
an OPINION 3 Complete the table with the correct pronouns.
1 Write questions using the prompts.
subject object

I (1)
(2) .......... you
he ( 3 ) .......
(4) her
it (5)
(6) .................. us
they (7)

4 Replace the underlined words with pronouns.

1 His name is Pablo. His name is a Spanish nam e.____

2 He often travels on aeroplanes, but he doesn’t like
1 like / the beach
aeroplanes. ______
Do you like the beach ?
3 Antonio Banderas and Penelope Cruz are from Spain.
2 think / Italian food
What do you think o f Italian fo o d ?
4 My wife’s parents live with mv wife and me.
3 think / comedy films
5 That man is my doctor. I don’t like that man.

4 like / watching football Tr a n s l a t i o n

5 Translate the sentences into your language.
5 think / Chinese food
1 What do you think of the film?
____________________________________________ 7
____________________________________________ 7
6 like / planes
____________________________________________ 7 2 I like it. It’s great.

2 Write answ ers to the questions in exercise 1 so they

3 I love you. Do you love me?
are true for you.
____________________________________________ 7
1 I d on ’t like the beach.
4 He doesn’t like them.
2 I think Italian food is great.

3 __________________________________________________ .
5 The food is awful.
4 __________________________________________________ .

8 Test yourself
Fu n c t io n a l l a n g u a g e G rammar
1 What do they think? Tick ( / ) the correct symbol, a, b 3 Complete the text with the correct form of the verb to
or c. be in the past simple.

1 T h e film was OK.’

YVy sY\o\n \V) was NV\amiVice.\t
a) © ____ b) © ____ c) © ____ (2 ) _________(+) a US police television show in the 1980s.
2 ‘I love it.’ The actors in Miami Vice ( 3 ) _________(+) Don Johnson and
a) © ____ b) © ____ c) © ____ Philip Michael Thomas.They (4 ) _________(-) very good

3 ‘We think he’s great.’ actors.The show (5 ) ________(+) in Miami. Colin Farrell and
Jamie Foxx ( 6 ) _________(+) in the 2006 remake.
a) © ____ b) © ____ c) © ____
4 ‘I don’t like it.’
a) © ____ b) © ____ c) © ____ □n
5 ‘I hate it.’ 4 Rearrange the words to make sentences or questions.

a) © ____ b) © ____ c) © ____ 1 last work night I at was .

2 yesterday you were Where ?
Vo c a b u la r y
2 Tick ( / ) the correct number, a or b. 3 good It film a wasn’t .

1 2010
a) two hundred and te n ____ 4 that Who man was ?
b) two thousand and te n ____
2 1918 5 France They from weren’t .
a) nineteen eighty____
b) nineteen eighteen____
3 1980 Q 3
a) nineteen eighty____ 5 Choose the correct word to complete the dialogues.
b) nineteen eighteen____
1 A : What do you think of Coldplay?
4 2000 B: I don’t like they / them very much.
a) two thousand____ 2 C: Where were you last night?
b) two thousands____ D: I was with Miriam. She / Her is my fiancee.
5 1998 3 E : Do you like him / he7.
a) nineteen ninety-eighteen____ F: No, I don’t.
b) nineteen ninety-eight____ 4 G: This is John. I work with he / him.
H: Nice to meet you.
□H 5 I: What do you think of Jane?
J: I like her, but she doesn’t like I / me.

Total: | /25|
7& 8 Reading
1 Read the web page. Which building is the hotel, A, B, C or D?

o. ,» ,S<i
: File Edit y ie w F avourites J o o ls H elp Links *

Home | About | Hotels | Activities | Location

Highcroft Park
Location • Prices • Rooms • Contact us • Address
Highcroft Park Hotel, 99B Market Street,
Highcroft Springs

The Highcroft Park Hotel is near the beautiful Highcroft

Park. It’s on Market Street, next to the Royal Bank.
In front of the hotel is the famous farmers’ market,
more than 100 years old.

Special weekend break

€60 per person/night
Click here for details.

Highcroft Springs - A good place to visit, a great place to live

2 Now read about the places on the map and label them. ^ READ & LISTEN

3 % 31 Listen to Reading 7 & 8 Highcroft Park on the

The train station___ CD and read the web page again.
The train station is on Station Street. It isn’t near
the park. It’s behind the farmers’ market and in front
of the school.

The city museum

The city museum is near the station. It’s next to the
school on Station Street.

Highcroft Castle
The castle is in Highcroft Park near the river. It is near
the bridge on Market Street.
9A Holiday
B ig n u m b e r s 3 Write answ ers to the questions using the prompts.

1 Complete the table with the correct numbers. 1 Where did you go?

600 We / Greece
(1) .
(2) ..... one thousand nine hundred 2 What did you see?

4,000 We / Pantheon
(3) ......
( 4 ) ........ two hundred thousand 3 What did you eat?

850,000 We / moussaka
(5) ......
4 What did you drink?
(6) two million
1,000,000,000 We / orange juice

% Listen in g
Pa s t s i m p l e i r r e g u l a r v e r b s
(a f f i r m a t i v e ) 4 '% 32 Listen and match the people 1 - 4 to the
places a - d .
2 Complete the text with the past simple of the verbs
from the box. 1 Bob went to □ a the US.
2 Sandie went to □ b Spain.
3 Richard went to □ c India.
4 Holly went to □ d Greece.

Tr a n s l a t i o n
5 Translate the sentences into your language.

1 Last year we went to London.

2 I ate British food yesterday.

3 The population of London is seven million.

4 He saw his friends last night.

5 I had a good time.

eat go drink see have

Last year I ( 1 ) ________to India on holiday. It was fantastic. & lJ R e a d & l i s t e n

I went to New Delhi and Agra. I ( 2 ) the famous
6 ®J 33 Read and listen to the email Last day o f our
Taj Mahal. I ( 3 ) _________good Indian food and Indian holiday on page 78 of the Student’s Book.
(4 ) chai, an Indian tea. I( 5 ) __________a
great time.

40 |
9 b Last days
Music w o r d s 3 Choose the correct word to complete the sentences.
1 The Beatles play / played their last concert in 1969.
1 Complete the sentences with the words from the box.
2 They didn’t play / played together again.
concert crowd group songs 3 The concert start / started at eight o’clock.
4 It didn’t end / ended until after twelve o’clock.
5 I didn’t watch / watched the concert.

S Listen in g
4 %34 Listen and decide if the sentences are true (T) or
false (F). Correct the false sentences.

1 My mother's favourite were the Beatles.

2 She saw a Beatles_________in 1964. It was amazing.
3 There were about 500 people in th e ________ .
4 They played lots of their fam ous________ , like
A Hard Day's Night and She Loves You.

Pa s t s i m p l e r e g u l a r v e r b s
(a f f i r m a t i v e & n e g a t i v e )
2 Make the sentences negative.

1 I listened to the radio last night.

I didn't listen to the radio last night.
2 I went to a concert on Saturday.
1 The girl was sixteen years old in 1969.
2 The girl listened to the Beatles in 1969.
3 The Rolling Stones played a concert on the rooftop.
3 The man watched Woodstock on TV.
4 The man went to Woodstock with his friends. ____
4 The class started at ten o’clock.
5 The woman’s parents had a television in 1969. ____
6 The woman’s parents watched the Apollo landing.____
5 I wanted to see you yesterday.

Read & list en

6 They arrived late for work last week.
5 %> 35 Read and listen to the text about the Beatles’
last concert on page 80 of the Student’s Book.

Independence day
Months Th e d a te
1 Rearrange the letters to make months. Remember to 3 Write the ordinal numbers.
use capital letters where necessary.
1 1st first
1 lipra________ _____________
2 2nd
2 runajay _____________
3 3rd
3 brmovene _____________
4 6th
4 lyju _____________ 5 9th
5 charm _____________
6 11th
6 bootcre _____________
7 15th

2 Complete the calendar with the months in exercise 1 in 8 21st

the correct order.

P r e p o s i t i o n s o f tim e on,

0F)mtfis sftfieueor 4 Choose the correct preposition to complete the

1 My birthday is at / in / on July 27th.
2 Sam was born at / in / on 1973.
3 The party starts at / in / on nine o’clock.
4 Australia Day is at / in / on January every year.
5 Jack always plays football at / in / on Saturday.

% D ictatio n
5 H 36 Write the sentences that you hear.

1 ________________________________________
2 _____________________________________________

3 _____________________________________________

4 _____________________________________________

5 _____________________________________________

( 1). February (2 ).

(3) May June

(4). August September

1 (5) (6) December

Test yourself
Vo c a b u l a r y G rammar

1 Complete the big numbers. 4 Complete the text with the past simple of the verbs in
400 four (1)
1,000,000 one (2) .
2,500 two (3) . . five hundred
400,000 four (4) . ( 5 ) ________


2 Complete the sentences with the words from the box.

February April July September December

1 The ninth month of the year i s ____________ .

2 There are usually twenty-eight days in .
3 The twelfth month of the year i s _____
4 The seventh month of the year i s ____
5 The fourth month of the year i s ______


Fu n c t i o n a l l a n g u a g e
3 Write the dates.

1 4/7 fourth o f July

2 1/5 ______________________ Last year I (1). (go) to New York in July.
On 4th July there was a big party to celebrate
3 6/11 •______________________
Independence Day. I (2 )_______________ see) the parades
4 3/1 ______________________
because my friends (3 )___________ (have) a barbecue. I
5 21/6 ______________________ (4) ___________ (eat) hamburgers, but I
6 12/8 _________________________ (5) ___________ ( notdrink) beer. It was a good day.

5 Correct one mistake in each sentence.
1 They didn’t had a good time.

2 His birthday is on March.

3 Last year I go on holiday to London.

4 The class starts on six o’clock.

5 I ate pizza and drinked juice.

Total: | /25[

10a Good weekend!
Weekend a ct iv ities 6 they / go shopping
_________________________________ 7
1 Look at the pictures and make sentences using the
prompts and the phrases from the box.
3 Put the word did in the correct place in the questions.

de-the shopping have a big breakfast clean the car did

1 What^you do yesterday?
make dinner go dancing
2 You see Marco last night?

1 I / usually / on Saturday 3 She phone you this morning?

I usually do the shopping on Saturday.
4 What time he leave?

5 When you start learning English?

6 They go on holiday?
2 I / usually / on Friday evening

® List en in g

4 ® 37 Listen to the three dialogues. Match the

dialogues 1 -3 to the pictures A -D . There’s one
3 They / often / at the weekend extra picture.

on on
4 He / always / on Sunday

5 They / sometimes / at the weekend

Pa s t s im p le q u e s t io n s (1)

2 Write questions in the past simple using the prompts.

1 you / clean the car

Did you clean the car?
2 you / watch TV
___________________________ 7

3 you / go out
__________________________ 7

4 she / see a film

________________________________________ 7

5 he / go to London
__________________________________ 7

44 |
10b Good question!
Pa s t sim p le q u es t io n s (2) 3 Did you win a prize? (X)

1 Rearrange the words to make questions.

4 Were you with your friends? ( / )
1 the World Cup Italy When did win ?

5 Did they enjoy it? ( / )

2 write Romeo and Juliet Did Shakespeare ?

6 Was it your first quiz? (X)

3 concert the Beaties’ When last was ?

4 India get When its independence from Britain did ? G u essin g

4 Complete the dialogue with the words from the box.

2 Match the questions 1 - 4 in exercise 1 to the answ ers

Maybe sure think
a -d .

□ a In 2006. □ c In 1947. A: What’s the answer?

□ b In January 1969. □ d Yes, he did. B: I ( 1 ) ___________ it’s Britain.

C: I don’t know. ( 2 ) ____________ it’s Brazil.
3 Write short answ ers to the questions. B: No, it’s Britain.
A: Are you ( 3 ) __________ ?

Tr a n s l a t io n

5 Translate the sentences into your language.

1 Did you go out last night?

2 I’m sure it’s 1971.

3 When did the Beatles end?


4 What’s the answer?

5 Maybe it’s London.

Read & listen

6 m 38 Read and listen to the text Quiz n ight on

1 Were you at the quiz? ( / ) page 88 of the Student’s Book.
Yes, I was.
2 Did you know the answers? (X)
No, I didn't.

Good deal
In a s h o p Mon ey & p r ices
1 Complete the sentences with the words and phrases 2 Match the sym bols 1 -5 to the words a - e .
from the box.
1 £ □ a cents
just looking How much help you 2 $ □ b dollars
credit card changing rooms €180
3 P □ c euros
4 c □ d pence
5 € □ e pounds

3 Write the prices in words.

l $1.99 one dollar and ninety-nine cents

2 $6.49
3 £18.10
4 €1.35
5 $200
6 90p ______________________

C lothes labels
4 Rearrange the letters to make words.

1 Ismal
2 ingriloa [
3 ragle
4 dimume [

® Dictation
5 « 39 Write the sentences that you hear.

% Read & list en

6 % 40 Read and listen to the article Night markets -

the place fo r a good deal on page 90 of the Student’s

Test yourself
Vo c a b u l a r y Grammar

1 Choose the correct word to complete the sentences. 3 Rearrange the words to make questions.

1 Did you clean / do / m ake the house? 1 go out you Did ?

2 I usually clean / do / m ake the shopping at the
3 Can you help me clean / do / m ake dinner? you did last night What do ?
4 It’s great to clean / do / m ake nothing on Sunday.
5 She often cleans / does / m akes breakfast for the family.
at Was the quiz Sandra ?
□ n
2 Look at the pictures and complete the sentences. Sunday night was Where on Carl ?

enjoy Did the party they ?

1 The shoes are sixty-five euros.

4 Match the questions 1 - 5 in exercise 3 to the
answers a -e .

the * 50r\ □ a Yes, they did.

□ b Yes, she was.
2 The newspaper is
□ c No, I didn’t.
□ d I stayed at home and watched TV.
□ e He was with his friends.

[7 s ]
3 The dance classes are .
Fu n c t i o n a l l a n g u a g e
5 Put the missing words in the correct place in each
4 The camera is . 1 Can I / b y credit card?

2 Where the changing rooms?

3 How much this?

4 I’m just thanks.

5 The sunglasses are . 5 Can help you?

6 Is twenty pounds, thanks.


Total: | /25|
6 The CDs are

□ n
1 Look at the photo. What city is it? How do you know?

1 New York, US 2 Dublin, Ireland 3 Cairo, Egypt

Read the article to check your answ er to exercise 1.

PLtT U M i
St Patrick's Day
I’m from Dublin, the capital of Ireland. The
population is 1.1 m illion. In D ublin we have a
special holiday - St P a tric k ’s Day. Every year we
celebrate St P a tric k ’s Day on 17th M arch. St P a trick
is the p atron sain t of Ireland. G reen is the colour of
St P a tric k ’s Day, and people u su ally w ear som ething
green on th is day. All over the world Irish and non-
Irish people celebrate th is day.
L ast year I was in New York for St P a tric k ’s Day.
It was on a Tuesday. There was a b ig parade in the
city. The police said there were two m illion people
on the streets. I d ran k lem onade and ate some green
cheese. It was great. T his is a photo of th at day.

( i .

3 Read the article again and answ er the questions. Ok. R e ad & l i s t e n
1 Where is the writer from?
4 % 41 Listen to Reading 9 & 10 S t Patrick's Day on
the CD and read the article again.

2 What day is St Patrick’s Day?

3 What is the important colour for St Patrick’s Day?

4 Where was the writer last year on St Patrick’s Day?

5 What did the writer do?

11A | Special people
Ac t i o n v e r b s
1 Choose the correct verb to complete the sentences.

1 I can drive / play a car.

2 Can you sing / dance a song?
3 I often type / play video games.
4 Can you type / dance this letter?
5 I love to dance / sing salsa.

Ca n / c a n ' t Ana Lucia (4) _ . play the violin, but she (5)
play the guitar.
2 Write questions with can using the words in brackets.

1 ‘Our son is married to a French woman/

(he / speak French)
Can he speak French?
2 ‘I want to be in a rock band/ {you / play guitar]

3 ‘He wants to work with computers/ {he / type]

4 ‘My parents love the beach/ {they / swim) Fred ( 6 ) ___ use a computer, but Mary (7) use
a computer.

5 ‘She doesn’t have an email address/ {she / set one up]

6 ‘I’m taking piano lessons.’ {you / read music]

3 Complete the sentences with can or can't.

S Dictation
4 % 42 Write the sentences that you hear.

1 ?

2 .

A: (1) you speak French? 3 __________________________________________________ .

B: No, I (2) , but I ( 3 ) ___ . speak 4 __________________________________________________ .

SJ Read & list en

s m 43 Read and listen to the article People look at us

on page 97 of the Student’s Book.

1 Lb | Special event
Pr esen t co n tin u o u s 3 Write questions and answers in the present continuous
using the prompts.
1 Put the verbs into the ■ing form.
1 What / you / do We / play / video games
1 swim 5 play
A; What are you doing?
2 run 6 make B: We're playing video games.
3 eat 7 drive 2 What / he / do He / talk / with his boss
4 talk 8 type A :________________________________________________ ?

2 Complete the text with the present continuous of the B : ____________________

verbs in brackets. 3 What / they / eat They / eat / fish
A :______________
B : ______________
4 Where / you / go I / go / to class
A :______________

B : ______________
5 What language / she / speak She / speak / Thai
A :________________________ ?

6 What / they / do They / play / music
A :_____________
B : ______________
A: And now a special Top Music TV report from John
Westley. John?
Tr a n s l a t i o n
B: Yes, hello. I ( 1 ) ____________ (talk) to you from
Glastonbury. 4 Translate the sentences into your language.

A: How is the weather? 1 I’m talking on the phone.

B: Well, today is a good day. It ( 2 ) ____________

(;not rain). 2 What are you doing?
A: Is there any music at the moment? What
( 3 ) ____________ the people ( 4 ) ______________ (do)? 3 She’s not listening.
B: Two groups ( 5 ) ____________ {play). People
( 6 ) ____________ {dance) and there’s a good
4 Where are you going?
| Special paintings
Ta l k i n g a b o u t a p a i n t i n g 3 Tick ( / ) the correct sentence, a or b.

1 Complete the text with the words from the box.

artist paintings art photo

I really like (1 )__________ . My favourite

(2) ___________is Van Gogh. I have two Van Gogh
(3) ____________ in my room. I like photography, too.
This is a (4 )____________ of some sunflowers. It's also
in my room.

1 a) There are a girl in the painting.____

b) There is a girl in the painting. /
2 a) I think this is a British painting.____
b) I think this is a painting British.____
3 a) I can see a man and a w om an.____
b) Can I see a man and a w om an.____
4 a) Maybe are husband and w ife.____
b) Maybe they are husband and w ife.____
5 a) They are on a boat and it raining.____
b) They are on a boat and it is raining.____

S Listen in g
4 44 Listen to the dialogue and answ er the
2 Rearrange the words to make sentences.
1 this picture see I a boat can in .
1 Where is the artist from?

are women two There .

2 Does the woman like the painting?

think I she sad is .

3 Does the man like the painting?

people dancing are The .

®L Read & lis t en

children Maybe the playing are .
5 § L 45 Read and listen to the article S pecial
pain tings on page 100 of the Student’s Book.

| 51
Test yourself
Vo c a b u l a r y 3 E: John is late for class.
F: Yes, h e _____________ [run] for the bus now.
1 Write the verbs for the pictures.
4 G: W hat____________ th ey______________ (talk) about?
H: Their holiday in Kenya.
5 I: Can you talk now?
J: No, I can’t. The concert________ Cstart).
1 to 2 to .

Cv—> r a
4 Tick ( / ) the correct answer, a or b.

1 Do you like the painting?

3 to . a) Yes, I d o .____
the piano
b) Yes, I lik e.____
2 Can he speak English?
a) Yes, he ca n s.____
b) Yes, he c a n .____

3 Can you spell your name?

5 t o __________
a) No, I don’t . ____
□ n b) No, I can’t . ____
4 Is it raining?
G rammar a) Yes, it i s . ____

2 Rearrange the words to make sentences. b) Yes, it does.____

Do they work here?
1 swim I can’t .
a) No, they d o .__
b) No, they don’t . ___
2 Thai She speak can .
3 me hear Can you ?
Fu n c t i o n a l l a n g u a g e
5 Complete the sentences 1 -5 with the phrases a - e .
4 do can you What ?
1 You can also see some
2 This painting is
5 the We teacher hear can’t . 3 There’s a woman
4 They are drinking
5 The small boat

□E □ a in the painting.

Complete the sentences with the present continuous of □ b one of the most popular in Britain.
the verbs in brackets. □ c is pulling the big boat.

A: Where are you? □ d children in the painting.

B: I’m at home. I (watch) TV. □ e and having a good time.

C: You
D: Yes, I am!
(not listen) to me.
Total: | /25]

12A The phone
Te l e p h o n i n g Te l e p h o n e En g l is h

1 Complete the phrases 1 -5 with the words and phrases 3 Choose the correct word or phrase to complete the
a -e . sentences.

1 Can I □ a to call back? 1 Can you call / turn on / send me on 07941935? Thanks.
2 When you turn o ff / turn on / send your phone, enter
2 Is Susan □ b a message?
the PIN code.
3 I’m sorry, □ c speak to John Smith? 3 Write a message and press turn o ff / call / send.
4 Can I take □ d she isn’t here.
5 Would you like □ e there? ® Listen in g
4 46 Listen and complete the voicem ail m essages.
2 Complete the two dialogues with the phrases from
exercise 1. There is one extra phrase. 1 Hi Sara, ( 1 ) Mum. ( 2 ) ____________ at
2 I’m sorry, Jason ( 3 ) _______ .
3 Please leave ( 4 ) and I’ll call
( 5 ) _______________ .
4 This is 0741293. I’m sorry, I ( 6 ) _______ _______
your call.
5 Hi, ( 7 ) ____________ Phil.Canyoucall me on
( 8) ?

Tr a n sla tio n
5 Translate the sentences into your language.
A: Hello.
1 Is that Mrs Hill?
B: Hello. 914 5124. ?
A: ( 1 ) ___________ 2 I’m sorry, she isn’t here.
B: Susan?
A: Yes, Susan Harper.
3 Can I take a message?
B: Oh, Susan. No, (2) ____________________________________________ 7

2 4 Would you like to call back?

A: John Smith’s office. ____________________________________________ 7

B: 7 5 Please tell her I called.

A: I’m sorry, he’s in a meeting. (4)

B: Yes. Can you tell him Jake Rollins phoned? ® j Read & listen
A: Certainly, sir.
6 « L 47 Read and listen to the article M e and my
m obile on page 104 of the Student’s Book.

I 53
12 b The airport
At t h e a i r p o r t 4 What / she / see

1 Find six words about the airport in the wordsearch.

5 Where / they / stay

6 Who / you / visit

7 When / he / leave

3 Rearrange the words to make sentences or questions.

1 my visit going to I’m friends .

2 going to fly you Are

A W D E L A Y E D 3 not No, I’m fly going to .

Z Q E H L E E G S 4 travel are How going to you ?

5 drive I’m my car going to

V K R E D D 0 E I 4 Make sentences with going to and the words in

X T T B T 0 V N G
1 I’m [not fly).
M P U G E T E T H 2 She’s (buy a ticket).
3 They’r e . (not visit London).
4 I’m ____ {take a photo).

C H E C K I N U 0 5 We’r e . _ (not say goodbye).

L C C U S T 0 M S S D icta tio n
5 % 48 Write the sentences that you hear.
G o i n g t o (1) f u t u r e p l a n s
1 ___________________________________
2 Write questions using the prompts.
2 _______________________________________
1 What / you / do
3 _______________________________________
What are you going to do?
4 _______________________________________
2 Where / he / fly
Where is he going to fly?
3 Where / you / travel
12c The end
-EELINGS G o i n g t o (2); f u t u r e t i m e e x p r e s s i o n s
1 Rearrange the letters to make words and complete the 3 Rearrange the letters to make words and complete the
sentences. sentences.

She’s . (asd) because school is going to finish. 1 Are you going to come to the party________ (ithotgn)?
2 They’re _ (ppyha) because they’re eating 2 We’re going to see a film _________ (wrotroom venigen).
ice cream. 3 ________(motrowor) we’re going to have our last lesson.
3 I’m (irted) because I worked hard today. 4 She’s going to visit her family _ (xetn thonm).
- He’s ______(erased) because he doesn’t like dogs. 5 Are you going to study English . _ (exnt ryea)?
5 She’s (grany) because her son is dirty.
4 Correct one mistake in each sentence or question.

Best w is h e s for th e fu tu re 1 Where you going to go tonight?

2 Is he going come here next week?
2 Look at the alphabetti-spaghetti and find four
expressions. 3 What are you going to tomorrow do?
4 I’m not to see her tonight.
L Ae
% ^ 0 /- % 5 I’m next year going to study English again.
o I \
o- i °”o
0CL Listen in g
% £ J
& ^ 5 ® 49 Listen and write M (for the man) or W (for the
'X w itv 'r woman) to complete the sentences.

1 The is going to go to Thailand.

2 The is going to visit some friends.
3 T h e ____is not going to go on holiday.
4 T h e ____is going to paint his house.
5___T h e ____is going to send a postcard.

Read & listen

6 tt 50 Read and listen to the blog The end o f the

course! on page 108 of the Student’s Book.

I 55
Test yourself
Fu n c t io n a l l a n g u a g e 4 Complete the dialogue with going to and the verb in
brackets. Use contractions where possible.
1 Complete the sentences with the words from the box.

tell call take speak isn't

1 Can I ___________ to Jim?

2 I’m sorry. J im ___________ here.
3 Would you like t o ___________ back?
4 Can I a message?
5 Please___________ him I called.

Vo c a b u l a r y

2 Complete the sentences with the words or phrases

from the box.

call happy send tired turn off

1 I often. _ text messages to my friends. J: Hi, Bobby! What are you (1) __________ (do) tonight?
2 I feel . when my best friend calls me. B: Hi, Julie! I ( 2 ) __________ (see) a film. Would you like
3 Please. _ your phone when the class starts. to come?
4 I’m sorry, I can’t answer the phone now. Leave a No, thanks. I (3) (study) .
message and I’l l ___________ you back. B: I (4) (not study) .
5 A: You look really__________ . J: But we ( 5 ) _____ (have) an exam tomorrow!
B: I know, I need to go to sleep. B: I know.

HZE J: Well, good luck!

[7 5 ]

3 Write questions with goin g to using the prompts.

Total: | /25|

1 you / go on holiday

2 When / you / travel

3 he / see his friends

4 they / do the shopping tomorrow

5 What / she / do tonight

11 & Reading
1 Read the two postcards. Where are Tomas and Sandra?

Pear kati,
Here's another postcard from our school trip
to Britain! I'm here with ke-rry and Matt. This
place is fantastic. We arrived on Monday and
stayed in the hotel. Yesterday we went to the
town centre. We walked around the cathedral.
It's next to the castle and it's very British! I
loved it. Tonight there's a fre e concert in
Castle Square. It's going to be great.
Tomorrow were going to the theatre. Anyway,
I'm having a good time. You wouldn't like it
here - there isn't a beach!

Hi Mum,
How areyou? Thispostcard is from Lincoln. It's
a small city in Britain. The cathedra! is great,
but / don't like the city very much. I'm here for
the weekend. The weather today is awful; cold
andgrey. I'm at a good hotel in the city centre.
The otherproblem is / don't have my car here,
and you know / hate public transport! Last
night we had dinner in a restaurant and / B u dapest
walked back to the hotel, in the rain! Tomorrow,
I'mgoing to be at the conference for the day. Hungary
Maybe I can phoneyou then. Anyway, hopeyou
are well.
Love Tomas

2 Read the postcards again. Choose the correct answer, 4 Who is staying in Lincoln on Saturday and Sunday?
a, b o re. a) Kerry and Matt.
b) Sandra.
1 likes the city. c) Tomas.
a) Kati.
5 Where is Tomas going to go tomorrow?
b) Sandra.
a) The cathedral.
c) Tomas.
b) A conference.
2 thinks the cathedral is great. c) The theatre.
a) Kati.
6 Why did Sandra like the cathedral?
b) Sandra.
a) It’s very British.
c) Tomas.
b) It’s big.
3 Where is the cathedral? c) You can walk around it.
a) Next to the castle.
b) Next to the hotel.
c) Next to the theatre. Read & lis t e n

3 51 Listen to Reading 11 & 12 Postcar on the

CD and read the postcards again.

1 Wrs Completing a form
Re a d in g La n g u a g e f o c u s
1 Read the online form and answ er the questions. 3 Read the information in the box.

: File Edit View Favourites loots Help Link Useful language

In English, these words start with a CAPITAL letter:
www.hotels2go.col First names and last names: John , Margaret, Smith
Countries and cities: Jap an , Italy, Germany,
(1) Mr E l (2) Mrs □ (3) Ms □
La st name(s): Roberts
Street and place names: Oxford Street, Fifth
First name: Frank Avenue, Regent Hotel
(4) A ddress: 36 Cambridge St The first word in a sentence: This is my teacher.
City: Manchester The pronoun I: H e’s from Germany and
Country: United Kingdom I ’m from Canada.
Titles: Mr, Mrs, Ms
Telephone number:
Home: 44 603 295 4565
Work: 44 603 340 2323 4 Rewrite the text with capital letters.
Mobile: 44 600 095 743
my name is frank roberts and i’m from manchester. i’m
Em ail: froberts@ukmail.col in the hotel star in berlin, in germany.
Name of hotel: Hotel Star City: Berlin
(5) Single room t 2
W riting
(6) Double room M Q j
5 Complete the form for the Regent Hotel in London with
your information.

1 Where is he from? o o_
: File Edit View Favourites Tools Help Link

2 Where is his hotel?

Mr □ Mrs □ Ms □
3 What is his home telephone number? Last name(s):
First name:
A ddress:
4 What’s his last name?
Telephone number:
2 Look at the highlighted words in the online form in Home:
exercise 1. What are they in your language? Work:
Name of hotel:
Single room t Q
Double room 11 □
2 Wr it A paragraph about you
Re a d i n g 1 His name is Costas.
2 He’s a teacher.
1 Read the text and decide if the sentences are true (T) or
false (F). Correct the false sentences. 3 His father is from the US.
4 His mother is American.
5 His wife is from Britain.
6 He has English class two days in the week.

La n g u a g e f o c u s
2 Read the information in the box.

U seful language
capital letter P
full stop
question mark ?
capital letter - days of the week
capital letter - nationalities
capital letter - start of a sentence
full stop - end of a sentence
apostrophe - contractions and possessives
question mark - end of a question

3 Correct the punctuation in the sentences.

1 What^s your name^

2 My wifes name is jenny.

3 Shes from germany

4 Her parents are teachers. Theyre german teachers.

5 Their classes are on tuesday and thursday.

My name is Costas Tamami. I’m a taxi driver
and a student. I’m from Thessaloniki, Greece. W riting
I’m Greek-American. My father is from 4 Write a paragraph about you. Answer the questions.
Greece. His name is Luke. My mother’s name What’s your name?
is Cindy. She’s from Las Vegas in the US. Where are you from?
Where are your parents from?
My wife's name is Sandra. She’s from What do you do?
Germany. My English class is on Monday and When is your English class?

Wednesday. What about you?

| 59
3 W r it in g a person you know
Re a d in g

1 Read the text and complete the sentences with a word.

This is a photo o f my sister, Natasha. Natasha’s

British, but she has a Russian name because our
mother is from Russia. Natasha’s 20 years old.
She doesn’t go to school. She works in an office
in London. It’s a good job, but she doesn’t like it
very much. Natasha and I like Italian food, and
we listen to British and American music. I see
Natasha every week. Natasha and I are sisters,
but we are also friends.

3 Choose the correct word to complete the rules.

1 We use and / but when two ideas go together.
2 We use and / but when one idea is different from the
other idea in a sentence.

W riting
4 Choose a person you know and write a text about

Useful language
1 Natasha is the writer’s ______________
2 Natasha doesn’t go t o _______________ Age: She/He is ... years old.
Job: She/He is a /an ...
3 Natasha’s mother is from ____________
Origin: She/He is from ...
4 Natasha________________ like her job. Likes: She/He likes ... and ...
5 The writer sees Natasha every_______ Free time: She/He ... in her/his free time.

La n g u a g e f o c u s
2 Complete the sentences with and or but.

1 Her name’s Natasha___________ she’s 20.

2 She has a jo b ,____________ she doesn’t like it.
3 She’s a personal assistant she works in
an office.
4 She works in an office,_______ I don’t. I work in
a factory.

4 W r it in g A city description
Re a d i n g
1 Read the article about San Francisco and answ er
the questions.

San Francisco is in the United States. It’s in the state

o f California. It’s a big city with a population o f eight
hundred thousand. It’s a beautiful city.

There is a famous bridge called The Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco,
There are also two big parks in the city: the Golden Gate Park
and Alcatraz Island.
There are many different ethnic neighbourhoods in San Francisco -
the most famous is Chinatown.

1 What’s the population of San Francisco? 3 Label the sentences Start (S), Middle (M) or End (£).

a □ There are two small parks in the city centre and

2 Are there any parks in the city? there is a castle.___
b □ It’s a small city with a population of 300,000.___
3 What’s the name of the bridge? c □ Nottingham is an interesting place to v isit.___
d □ Nottingham is in Britain.___
4 What's the most famous neighbourhood in San Francisco? e □ There is a statue of Robin Hood.__

4 Put the sentences from exercise 3 in the correct order

to make a paragraph.
La n g u a g e f o c u s
2 Read the information in the box. W riting
5 Write a paragraph about a city you know.
Useful language
A paragraph
Start (sentence 1): This sentence gives the main idea
of the paragraph. It is the first sentence.
Middle (sentences 2 and any further ones): These
sentences come after the topic sentence and give more
information and details.
End (final sentence): This sentence comes at the end
of the paragraph.
| 61
5 W r it in g A holiday blog

1 Read the blog and answ er the questions.

: Eile Edit View Favourites loo ls Help Links *

Mary's holiday
The holiday in Marrakech was great.
We arrived on Tuesday. First we went shopping in
the market and I bought a beautiful teapot. On
Tuesday we visited an old castle. Then we ate lunch
in a cafe. It was very hot in the afternoon. We went
to the hotel to sleep first. Then in the evening we
went to the main square and listened to the music.
There were lots of people and it was very noisy.

1 Where did Mary go on holiday?

3 Complete the blog with first or then.

2 What did she buy?

: Eile Edit View Favourites lo o ls Help Link

3 Where did she have lunch? We arrived at the hotel at eight o’clock in the
mominff w p w p t it to m ir rn n rn

4 What did she do in the evening? f2) we went swimming in the hotel
pool. In the evening we walked around the city.
We visited the shops 13)
La n g u a g e f o c u s
(4) we ate dinner in a lovelv
2 Read the information in the box.

U seful language
Using linkers: first & then
We arrived back at the hotel at ten o’clock.
It was a very good day.
i | ______ i
Use first and then to show a sequence of events.
First we went shopping . . .
Then we ate lunch in a cafe.
We went back to the hotel to sleep first. Then in the W riting
evening we went to the m ain square.
•First can go at the beginning or end of a sentence. 4 Write your own holiday blog.
•Then goes at the beginning of a sentence.

62 |
6 WRITING A letter asking for information
Rea d in g

1 Match the advertisem ents A -C to the letters 1 - 2 . There

is one extra advertisem ent.

O □
^ENGLISH London *and^Ed^burgh ( Dear Mr Holmes, advertisement for
We have courses in enioy cultural visits. I’m writing aboUA pain. it was in the
a holiday house Can you give me

e you* very- much.
" ,hepriceand
Yours sincerely,
HOLIDAY H OU SE in SPAIN Jamie Bennett
July and/or August
Email: David Holmes dholmes@mailfrance.nxt
Dear Sir or Madam,
ENGLISH BOOK FAIR I saw an advertisement about the English Book Fair
A great collection of books. in October and I’d like some more information. I ’m
going to be in London on October 4th. Can you tell
me the address?

S S S ess- Yours faithfully,

Helga Emmerson

La n g u a g e fo cu s W riting

2 Complete the phrases. 3 Write a letter asking for more information about the
extra advertisement. Ask about:
Beginning a letter
• price.
Mr Holmes/Mrs Holmes,*
(1) • location.
Sir ( 2 ) ____________ Madam,** • dates.

Asking for information Use the expressions in exercise 2 to help you.

I (3 )___________
Language note:
writing (4) your advertisement,
• This is formal use if you know the name of
the job. the person.
•* This is formal use if you don’t know the name
the house for sale.
of the person.
Pd (5) some ( 6 ) ____________ information.

Could some information ( 7 ) ________ the price/location?

Can you give me the details?

the address?

Ending a letter

Thanks. ( 8 ) ___ sincerely,*

1 b Greetings exercise 5 « i W = woman M = man
W = woman M = man W: What’s this photo?
M: Hello. I’m Max. M: This one? My parents.
W: Hello, Max. My name’s Victoria. W: Wow. They’re so young. Is this Rome?
M: Nice to meet you. M: Yes, it is. I’m from Britain, but my mother is from Italy.
W: Nice to meet you, too.
Wl = woman 1 W2 = woman 2
1 b Listening exercise 6 ® 2 W l: How are you, Doris?
W2: I’m fine.
W = woman M = man W l: How is your son? What’s his name again?
W: Where are you from, Max? W2: Oh, you mean Jeffrey? He’s fine.
M: I’m from Germany. W l: Ah, good.
W: Germany! Mmm. I’m from the United States ... Los W2: Yes, do you know ... he’s eighteen years old now.
Angeles. Wl: Eighteen?
M: Ah. Very nice. W2: Yes, he’s not my baby boy anymore.
2a Listening exercise 5 ® 4 5a Listening exercise 5 ® 16
R = receptionist W1 = woman 1 Ml = man 1 My name’s Thomas Martin. I’m from London, but I live in
W2 = woman 2 M2 = man 2 Sydney, Australia now. I work in an office here in Sydney.
1 R: What’s your name? I’m married. My wife’s name is Jenny. She works in a
W l: Carol Byrd. school. She goes to school by bus. She’s from Australia.
R: How do you spell your last name?
W l: B-Y-R-D. 6c Listening exercise 4 $ 22
2 R: What’s your name?
Ml: John Heart. I = interviewer W = woman
R: How do you spell your last name? I: Excuse me. I’m doing a survey on habits. Can I ask
Ml: H-E-A-R-T. you some questions?
3 R: What’s your name? W: Yes, OK.
M2: Mr and Mrs Jons. I: What’s your name?
R: How do you spell your name? W: Frances.
M2: J-O-N-S. I: What time do you usually wake up in the morning,
4 R: What’s your name? Frances?
W2: Jane Puts. W: Oh! I always wake up early, at half past six.
R: How do you spell your last name? I: Wow, that is early. Do you drink coffee in the
W2: P-U-T-S. morning?
W: No, never. I drink orange juice and eat toast.
2 Test yourself Listening exercise 5 S i 6
I: How often do you eat meat and fish?
W: I never eat meat, but I eat fish twice a week.
C = customer W = waitress I: And how often do you eat with your family?
C: Excuse me. I’d like a coffee, please. W: Oh ..., with my parents, about once a month.
W: Would you like black or white? I: And how often do you go to bed after twelve o’clock?
C: Black, please. W: Well, I work every day, so I usually go to bed early,
W: Here you are. but I go to bed late on Friday and Saturday. So, twice a
C: Thank you. week.
I: Thank you.
3a Listening exercise 5 ® 8

1 She’s a doctor. Her name’s Samantha. 7b Listening exercise 5 % 25

2 They’re from New York. They’re police officers. W = woman M = man
3 She’s Amy. She’s an aid worker. M: Hello.
4 I’m a teacher. I’m from London. W: Hi, my name’s Roberta.
M: Oh. Hello.
4 b Listening exercise 3 13 W: I live next to you. I’m the new person in the building.
M: Nice to meet you.
1 W: Nice to meet you, too. Is it OKif I ask you some
Wl = woman 1 M = man W2 = woman 2 questions about the neighbourhood?
W l: Hi, Bryan! M: Sure. OK.
M: Hello, Katie! How are you? W: Is there a supermarket? To buysome food?
W l: Fine, thanks. Bryan, this is ... M: Yes, there is. Do you have a map?
W2: Hello, my name’s Rachel. W: Yes, I do. Here.
M: Oh, are you Katie’s sister? M: OK, look. The supermarket is here and all the good
W2: No, no. shops are here.
W l: Rachel is my mother. W: OK. Great! Thank you very much.
W2: Nice to meet you, Bryan. M: You’re welcome.
W: Bye bye!
M: Goodbye.
7c Listening exercise 1 S t 26 10 a Listening exercise 4 S t 37
AW = American woman SM = Spanish man 1
AW: Excuse me! Where’s the cathedral? C = Carole J = Jenny
SM: Can you repeat, please? C: Hi, Jenny. Did you have a good weekend?
AW: Where’s the cathedral? J: Yes, I went to the cinema with Mike.
SM: I’m sorry. I don’t understand. C: Really? What did you see?
AW: Oh! Do you speak English? J: The new Superman film.
SM: No, I don’t speak English. C: That sounds great.
AW: Oh!
SM: Do you speak Spanish? 2
AW: No, I don’t. J = Jane L = Louise
J: Hi, Louise. What time did you get home last night?
L: I didn’t get home.
8 b Listening exercise 5 ® 30 J: Why? What happened?
K = Kellerman J * Janet D = Diaz L: I missed the bus.
K: Hello. Please sit down. We have some questions J: Oh no!
for you. 3
J: OK. Ml = man 1 M2 = man 2
D: What’s your name? Just for the record ...
Ml: What did you do at the weekend?
J: My name is Janet Smith.
K: Are you Mr John Magnus’ ex-wife? M2: I went to that new Chinese restaurant.
Ml: Was it good?
J: Yes, I am. We were married for ten years. M2: Yes, it was. It was great.
D: What was your relationship with Peter Gordon?
J: We were friends. Only friends. But not now.
K: Hmm. Yeah. H e Listening exercise 4 44
J: I wasn’t in love with Peter, if that’s what you mean W = woman M = man
D: Excuse me, can you repeat that, please? W: Oh, look at this one.
J: I wasn’t in love with Peter. He is - sorry, was - a M: Mmm. Who is the artist?
bad man. W: Diego Rivera. He’s a Mexican artist.
D: Was Peter with you last night? M: I know Diego Rivera. Do you like it?
J: No, he wasn’t. W: The painting?
D: Was he at the factory? M: Yes.
J: I don’t know. I was. W: Mmm. Yes, I do.
D: Really? M: Oh.
J: Yes, it was me. I started the fire. W: What do you think?
M: I don’t know. I don’t like it very much.
9a Listening exercise 4 s 32 W: But it’s beautiful.
B = Bob S = Sandie R = Richard H = Holly M: I know ... it’s just ... I don’t like art.
1 B: Last year I went to ... on holiday. I saw the W: Oh.
Pantheon and I ate moussaka. It was fantastic.
2 S: Last year we went on holiday to ... I went 12a Listening exercise 4 S 46
swimming in the sea and I ate paella. I loved it. 1 Hi Sara, it’s Mum. Call me at home.
3 R: I went on holiday to ... I went to Disney World and 2 I’m sorry, Jason isn’t here.
I saw the White House. 3 Please leave a message and I’ll call you back.
4 H: I went to ... with my boyfriend. We saw the Taj 4 This is 0741293. I’m sorry, I can’t answer your call.
Mahal and drank chai. I enjoyed it. 5 Hi, this is Phil. Can you call me on 0712665? Thanks,

9b Listening exercise 4 ® 34 12c Listening exercise 5 $ 49

W1 = woman 1 M = man W2 = woman 2 A = Andy J = Jane
W l: My name is Shaheena. In 1969 I was six years old so A: What are you going to do next week?
I don’t remember much about the sixties. We had a J: I’m going to travel to Thailand.
radio, but we didn’t listen to the Beatles. A: Thailand?
M: I was eighteen in 1969 and I went to Woodstock with J: Yes, I’m going to visit some friends.
my friends. It was a big concert with 450,000 people. A: Wow!
Bob Dylan and Jimi Hendrix played. J: What about you?
W 2: I wasn’t born in 1969, but my parents always talked A: I’m not going to go on holiday. I’m going to stay
about the day Neil Armstrong landed on the moon. at home.
They didn’t have a television, but they watched the J: Really?
Apollo landing at a friend’s house. A: Yes, I’m going to paint my house.
J: Well, I’m going to send you a postcard.
A: Thanks. That’s nice.

| 65
The Black Tulip
A Note About Story
Time: 1671 to 1673. Place: The Netherlands. In the 1840s, Dumas read about the De W itts. And he heard
I n the middle of the n ineteenth century, Alexandre Dumas stories about tulips in the N etherland s. T h e n he wrote a
heard two interesting stories about the Netherlands. They romantic adventure story. He called the story, The Black Tulip.
were stories about the Netherlands in the seventeenth century.
T hen Dumas himself wrote a novel about the Netherlands in the
1670s. He put the two interesting stories into his new novel.
O ne of these stories was about two brothers, Jo h n and
Cornelius De W itt. T h e brothers lived in T h e Hague in the
seventeenth century. They were officials in the government of
the Dutch Republic.
A t that time, the Netherlands belonged to two countries.
T he area in the south had belonged to Spain for many years.
This was the Spanish Netherlands. But France wanted this land,
and in 1668, France took a large part of the land. Today, most of
this area is called Belgium. T he area in the north was the Dutch
Republic. Seven states were joined in this republic. These states
were H ollan d , Z eeland, U tre c h t, G eld erlan d , Friesland ,
Groningen and Overijssl. The Dutch Republic was often called
the Seven States. Today, this area is sometimes called Holland
and it is sometimes called the Netherlands. T he Hague was the a coach and horses
capital city of the Seven States.
In the 1670s, there was trouble in the Seven States. Many
people wanted a new ruler. Earlier, the ruler of the Seven States
had been the Stadtholder. But there had not been a Stadtholder
for some years. In the 1670s, some people wanted a new Note: Master = Mr
Stadtholder. They wanted W illiam, Prince of Orange. But other
people did not want a Stadtholder - they wanted a king. They
w an ted King Louis X IV of France. The People in This Story
John and Cornelius De W itt did not want a new Stadtholder.
They were against the Prince of Orange. But most of the people
wanted a new government. They put the De W itts in prison. On
2 7 th August 1672, a crowd of angry people murdered the
brothers. And in 1672, W illiam , Prince of Orange, becam e
Stadtholder of the Dutch Republic.
From 1672 to 1678, the Republic was at war with France and
England. The French army fought the Dutch army. There were Cornelius Van Baerle Isaac Boxtel Cornelius De Witt
battles on land and in ships at sea. In 1677, W illiam of Orange ka:CEneilijas fDn 'bada 'aizaek 'bokstal ka:CEneilijas da vit
married an English princess. In 1689, W illiam became King of
England, Scotland and Ireland and he moved to Britain.
In the seventeenth century, many people in the Netherlands
grew tulips. T h e first tulips were brought to the Netherlands
from Turkey in 1571. Soon, everybody in the Netherlands loved
the flowers. Everybody wanted tulips. Stories, songs and poems
were written about tulips.
The land in the Netherlands is good. Tulips grow well there. John De Witt Rosa
d3nn da vit 'rau sa
From the seventeenth century, thousands of Dutch people grew
tulips. They grew tulips in the ground, in the spring. In the
summer, they took the tulip bulbs out of the ground. They put
the bulbs in drying-rooms. Then, the people planted their bulbs
in the ground in the winter. T h e flowers grew again in the
Tulip flowers are many different colours. In the seventeenth
century, many people tried to grow black tulips. There was going Craeke William, Prince of Orange Van Systens
to be a big prize for the grower of the first black tulip. 'kreika w ilja m , p rin s av 'Drind 3 fn n 'sis ta n s
1 TwoTulip'growers ‘Yes, I will win 100,000 guilders,’ Cornelius said to himself.
‘But I don’t want all the prize money. I will give 5 0 ,0 0 0 guilders
to the poor people of Dort. T hen I will travel. I will look for
more tulips.’
Cornelius Van Baerle and Isaac Boxtel were neighbours. But
they were not friends. Isaac was jealous of Cornelius.
‘I hate Cornelius V an Baerle,’ Isaac said to himself. ‘W hy
does he grow tulips? He is a scientist. He is very rich. He doesn’t
want more money!’
Isaac Boxtel was an old man. He had a thin face and white
hair. He was the best tulip-grower in Dort. He had been a tulip-
grower for many years. He had grown many beautiful tulips.
‘I have never seen a black tulip,’ Isaac said to himself. ‘But I
will try to win this prize. I will try to grow a black tulip. I am a
poor man. I want to win 100,000 guilders!’
‘Cornelius Van Baerle has grown many beautiful tulips,’ Isaac
thought. ‘But he has never grown a black tulip! I will grow a
black tulip and I will win the prize. T hen I will be rich, too.’
Every day, Isaac Boxtel saw Cornelius working in his garden.
One day, Isaac bought a telescope. After that, he could watch
Cornelius in his drying-room, too.
In that winter of 1671, Cornelius Van Baerle was working
very hard. He was trying to grow a black tulip!

I t was November 1671. M en in all the towns in the Seven

States were reading this notice. Two of these men lived in the
town of Dort. Their names were Isaac Boxtel and Cornelius Van
Cornelius Van Baerle was a young man. He was twenty-five
years old. He was very clever and he was very rich. He loved
flowers. And he loved tulips more than all the other flowers. He
grew beautiful tulips.
Cornelius Van Baerle was rich but he worked very hard. He
built a special room with very big windows. This was his drying-
room. Cornelius grew tulips in his garden. In the summer, he kept
the tulip bulbs in his drying-room. In this special room, there were 2 The Package
many drawers and cupboards.
O ne day, Cornelius Van Baerle had a visitor - a man. The
‘Can I grow a black tulip?’ Cornelius asked himself. ‘Yes! I
man’s name was Cornelius De W itt. Cornelius De W itt was
have grown dark-blue tulips. I have grown dark-red tulips. Now I
a very important man. He was an official of the government of
will grow a black tulip! It will be very difficult. But I will win the
the Seven States.
Cornelius’ brother, John De W itt, was an important man,
too. He was the leader of the government of the Seven States.
T he De W itt brothers lived in The Hague - the capital city
of the Seven States. But Cornelius De W itt owned a house in
Dort, too. And Cornelius De W itt was Cornelius Van Baerle’s
guardian. The young man’s father was dead.
T he two men met one evening in January 1672. They met at
Cornelius Van Baerle’s house in Dort. Cornelius De W itt talked
about politics. He talked about his brother, John - the leader of
the government of the Seven States.
‘I am sorry, sir,’ young Cornelius said. ‘I am not interested in
politics. I am interested in tulips. Please, come to my drying-
room. I will show you my bulbs.’
Isaac Boxtel was watching V an Baerle’s house through his
telescope. He saw some lights in Cornelius’ drying-room - the

| 67
lights from candles. T h en Isaac saw the two men in the drying-
room. He saw them, but he could not hear them speaking.


We hope you enjoyed this story.

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The Adventures of
Tom Sawyer

Isaac saw Cornelius De W itt give a package to the young

Young Cornelius did not open the package. He put it carefully
in a drawer. Soon, the two men left the room.
‘T h ere are secrets in th at package,’
Isaac said to him self. ‘O ne day,
P rin ce ss Diana
those secrets will bring trouble Anne Collins
to Cornelius Van Baerle.’
The next day, Cornelius
De W itt returned to T h e
Hague. And young
Cornelius Van Baerle soon
forgot about the package.
Young Cornelius was not
interested in the package.
He was in te reste d in his
For many m onths, Cornelius
Van Baerle worked hard. In August, he
This is London
had a large, special bulb. There were three small bulbs growing
Philip Prowse
out of it.
The young man looked at the special bulb.
‘These small bulbs will grow into black tulips. I am sure about
that,’ he said to himself.
He took the bulb to his drying-room. Carefully, he pulled the
three small bulbs from the large bulb.
‘N ext spring, I will have a black tulip,’ he thought. ‘Today is
the 20th August 1672. In November, I will plant these three
small bulbs in the ground. Then, at the end of April 1673, I will w w w .m a c m illa n e n g lis h .c o m /re a d e rs
have a black tulip!’

68 I
Test yourself checklist
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Functional Total Score

UNIT Grammar Vocabulary
Language 125

1 1/10 5/5 W\o IS

Functional Total Score

UNIT Grammar Vocabulary
Language /25




TOTAL /300

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