Urban Dictionary Sam

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Sam is a really great guy who has many friends and
many people love him. You can trust him with
everything and anything! He is always there for his
friends and can make you happy at the worst of
times. He is one of those people that you can just get
on with and easily spend a happy amount of time
with. Every girl would be lucky to have a guy like sam
and even though he is annoyingly smart he is also
witty, charming, cute and has great hair. He also is a
music genius! He never gives himself enough credit
for the great person he is. He has a large a!ect on
people's lives- more than he will ever know. Basically
he is an easy guy to love and someone you never
want to lose from your life. So hope to always know
him and that he will never change.

"See that guy over there, yeh he could so be called


#samual #sammy #guys name #samm #samuel

by macca girl December 28, 2009

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girlfriend Beatrix.

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An all round great person. Extremely kind to
everyone and the best person to be around. They
give funny advice but also good advice. They don’t
judge you. They don’t care what other people think
of them and always seem very cheerful. If you see
them about they are always willing to say hello and
give you a hug. You could spend hours on end with
them. Don’t ever lose a SAM they are the best.

Hey I saw SAM in town today. She came over and gave
me a hug. She is so nice.


by Lilstrawb February 21, 2019

295 95

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Facebook friend Vivek.

A really kind and caring person that always gives you
tips and advice about anything and everything. They
have a great personality and a great sense of
humour. They tell good stories and listen to you.
They look out for you and don’t judge you.

Person: I was working with Sam today. She gives the

funniest advice and tells awesome stories.

by Lilstrawb December 19, 2018

450 151

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A girl who tried to search her name on Urban
Dictionary but got results such as "Super At
Masturbating" and "Sexy Attractive Male" so she
submitted her own defination that didn't really
define her but reached out to other Sams who had
the same problem.
Other than that, a Sam is an amazingly smart girl
who helps people with homework and other
Usually short tempered, and likes to get things done.
Organized, and goal-oriented.
Also did not send this defination in.

Guy #1: "Dude, I don't get this homework at all!"

Guy #2: "Just go ask Sam, she helped me with last
night's assignments."

#awesome #amazing #sexy #smart #genius

by dayuuumgurl October 19, 2010

1494 561

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in-law Callisto.

Sam is one of the most wonderful guys I have ever
met. He will always make you laugh no matter how
sad you are. He cares about you more than you
know, even though some people may think he is an
asshole, he is the sweetest man. He would save you
from an alligator as long as it didn't try to eat him.
He is perfect in every way possible. Best guy!!!!

I wish my boyfriend was Sam.

#sam #alligator #amazing #perfect #sexy

by Kxann September 05, 2010

349 129

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One of the most amazing guys you will ever meet in
your entire life. He makes you feel certain ways that
are hard to explain. Everything he says and does
seems to fill you with joy somehow. It's impossible
to let someone this special just pass you by, which is
why once you met a Sam, never ever let him go.

'I met this guy called Sam.'

'THATS AWESOME! I wish I could meet a Sam'

#sam #cute #funny #awesome #sweet

by nikkinicoliee April 12, 2010

575 233

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Sexy Ass Mother-Fucker

You see that guy? Yeah he's a Sam.

#sam #samuel #samantha #sammy #sammie #

by therealsam April 14, 2015

17 4

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coworker Abdul.


1. October 20 16. March 9

2. chad 17. urban legend
3. December 4 18. February 16
4. December 26 19. November 14th
5. October 11 20. October 30th
6. National Hug a boy 21. July 10th
day 22. December 6th
7. February 27th 23. February 5
8. March 30 24. International Kissing
9. Hammocking Your Crush Day
10. Indecent proposal 25. November 20th
11. February 25 26. alabama hot pocket
12. September 4 27. chariot
13. stagg 28. Chelsea Tractor
14. February 28 29. November 26th
15. January 6th 30. January 29th

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