Radiated Noise From Tire/Wheel Vibration S

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E.-J. Ni, I D. S. Snyder, ~ G. F. Walton, IN. E.

Mallard, 2
G. E. Barron, 3 J. T. Browell, 3 and B. N. Aljundi 4

Radiated Noise from Tire/Wheel

Vibration s

REFERENCE: Ni, E.-J., Snyder, D. S., Walton, G. F., Mallard, N. E., Barton, G. E.,
Browell, J. T., and Aljundi, B. N., "Radiated Noise from Tire/Wheel Vibration," Tire
Science and Technology, TSTCA, Vol. 25, No. 1, January-March, 1997, pp. 29-42.

ABSTRACT: As a general trend, vehicle sound quality has significantly improved in recent
years. This is primarily due to improved body structure and powertraln design. As demand
for better vehicle sound quality increases, it is important to study all possible noise sources
contributing to noise, vibration, and harshness (NVH). Tire vibration has long been rec-
ognized as a source of airborne noise. Some effects of wheel design on tire noise have also
been well understood for sometime. But the dynamic interaction between tire and wheel
designs and its effect on vehicle NVH, although frequently observed for many years, has
only recently been identified in the 200-350 Hz frequency range. Different wheels can
produce perceptible differences in vehicle interior sound pressure levels in a road test.
Hence, the authors have developed a process to quantify and reduce noise caused by a
vibrating fire/wheel assembly.
This paper discusses the general flow of the process, which begins with the identification
of NVH issues on a total vehicle level. Modeling and optimization of the aluminum wheel
was chosen as the focus of this project for two reasons. First, the interior sound pressure
level (SPL) around 285 Hz is about 5 - 7 dBA higher in a vehicle equipped with aluminum
wheels rather than a steel design. Second, modifying the wheel is far more economical and
faster due to its simplicity of design than the complexity of either the vehicle body structure
or a tire.

KEY WORDS: noise, vibration, harshness, sound pressure level, finite element analysis,
boundary element method, tire, wheel

As a general trend, vehicle sound quality has significantly improved in re-

cent years. This is primarily due to improved body structure and powertrain
design. As demand for better vehicle sound quality increases, it is important
to study all possible noise sources contributing to noise, vibration, and harsh-
ness (NVH). Tire vibration has long been recognized as a source of airborne

J Ford Motor Company.

2 Ford New Zealand.
3 Automated Analysis Corporation.
4 Previously Automated Analysis Corporation; Presently at TNO/MADYMO.
5 Presented at the fifteenth annual conference of The Tire Society at The University of Akron,
Akron, Ohio, March 19-20, 1996.


Front Seat Microphone at 30 mph Rear Seat Microphone at 30 mph

- - Steel Wheel
.... Alum. Wheel


i._ i i , , i

200 400 200 400

Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz)

F I G . 1 - - Sound pressure level (SPL) measured with an aluminum wheel versus a steel wheel.

noise [1]. Some effects of wheel design on tire noise have also been well
understood for sometime [2]. But the dynamic interaction between tire and
wheel designs and its effect on vehicle NVH, although frequently obse~ed
for many years, has only recently been identified in the 200-350 Hz frequency
range. Figure 1 shows that different wheels can produce perceptible differ-
ences in vehicle interior sound pressure levels in a road test. Hence, the authors
have developed a process to quantify and reduce noise caused by a vibrating
tire/wheel assembly (Fig. 2). This process has successfully been applied to
improve NVH characteristics and sound quality of Ford Motor Company ve-
This paper discusses the general flow of the process, which begins with the
identification of NVH issues on a total vehicle level. Modeling and optimi-
zation of the aluminum wheel was chosen as the focus of this project for two
reasons. First, the interior sound pressure level (SPL) around 285 Hz is about
5-7 dBA higher in a vehicle equipped with aluminum wheels rather than a
steel design (Fig. 1). Second, modifying the wheel is far more economical and
faster due to its simplicity of design than the complexity of either the vehicle
body structure or a tire.

Finite Element Analysis Modeling

Finite element analysis (FEA) was used to study the structure-borne noise
path from the tire/wheel system into the vehicle interior. Initially, a 15 × 6
in. aluminum wheel with five spokes was modeled. The hub, rim, and spokes
of the wheel were modeled as plate elements and joints between the spokes

Objective ?
¢ ModelintoHighFrequency
MeasureWheelModesUsing VehicleSystemModel

r h iel~)~
n~ )FA!eMHi

I (DSA)onWheelFEModel:
i Mii!N°~tgVH(h$)(#
~ YEs I {. Max./EqualDurability

~ YEs

FIG. 2 - - Flow chart o f the wheel~tire optimization procedure.

FIG. 3 - - Finite element model o f the wheel only.

and rim, and spokes and hub, were modeled with solid elements (Fig. 3). The
model was analyzed using MSC/NASTRAN. Normal mode analysis of the
original wheel model with a free-free boundary condition showed the fre-
quency of the first bending mode (commonly referred to as the "potato-chip"
mode) at 364 Hz. The objective was to minimize the wheel weight while
raising the frequency of this mode.
Next, a P205/65R15 AMERI*TECH tire was modeled with plate elements
for the sidewall, belt, and ply areas. The tread region of the tire was modeled
using solid elements. Equivalent composite orthotropic materials (using Hal-
pin-Tsai equations) were used to model the belt and plies, while hyperelastic
and isotropic materials were used to model the tread rubber. Contact elements
were used between the tire and road surface. Although any nonlinear finite
element program may be used for fire modeling, MARC K5 was used at the
time (Fig. 4). The mesh used is rather fine compared to a typical model for
stress/strain analysis. Mesh density is dictated by the frequency range of in-

TIME : O.O00e+O0
FREQ : O,O00e+O0

modal analyels of fire with flexible OpL fnz wheel.

Dlsplacement~ x

FIG. 4 - - Finite element model of the wheel and tire.

terest, which in this case is from 0 to 350 Hz. At least four elements, prefer-
ably six to eight elements, are required for the wave length of a
mode shape.
The tire bead and wheel rim were rigidly connected to simplify the analysis
and reduce computer time. The tire model was then analytically inflated to 35
psi and then loaded to 900 lb. Normal mode analysis was performed to extract
modal information and a modal tire/wheel model was formed according to the
procedure described in [3]. The first bending mode of the wheel/tire model
under a fixed footprint-free spindle boundary condition was found to be around
290 Hz, which is considered to be the cause of the high SPL level shown in
Fig. 1.
A tire cavity model with solid elements and air material property was formed
according to the deformed tire geometry. The first two tire cavity modes were
223 and 227 Hz, which can also be seen in Fig. 1.
The tire cavity model and the modal tire model were coupled in a Ford

TABLE 1 - - Mass and potato-chip mode frequency before and after the design optimization.

Before After %
Description Optimization Optimization Increase

Wheel mass 7.05 kg (15.5 lb) 7.18 kg (15.8 lb) 1.9%

Potato-chip mode frequency 364 Hz 430 Hz 18.1%

NVH program called MOTRAN (modal and transfer function analysis) and
included in a full vehicle system model. The vehicle system NVH model was
then excited with standard chassis roll inputs such as cleats or road inputs.
Design sensitivity analysis (DSA) was performed on the wheel model using
MSC/NASTRAN Version 68.2. The design was constrained such that the min-
imum frequency of the potato-chip mode was much higher than its original
value. Additionally, the weight of the wheel was minimized in this process.

FIG. 5 - - Normal mode-deflected shape plot of wheel and tire at 302.4 Hz.

FIG. 6 - - Normal mode-deflected shape plot o f wheel component at 302.4 Hz.

The design variables were thicknesses of the plate elements in the rim and
spoke regions.
Design sensitivity analysis of the wheel model indicated that the gradients
of the thickness with respect to the potato-chip mode were positive for thick-
ness v~iables of the spokes and regions on the rim closest to the spokes. This
indicated that the frequency of the potato-chip mode could be raised by in-
creasing the thickness of the spoke and rim area closest to the spokes. The
increase in thickness of the wheel in these regions did not increase the mass
of the wheel significantly.
An optimization analysis of the wheel was performed and the frequency of
the potato-chip mode was increased from 364 to 430 Hz. The optimization
was obtained with an increase in the weight of the wheel by 1.9% as indicated
in Table 1. It is noted that the optimization problem is dependent on the type
and number of design constraints. These constraints involve interaction with
styling, packaging, and manufacturing. The change in frequency of the potato-

! : 1 , ,, v
/i' I

.< r" ''

i 9
i r

IIv: ;: I
r~ I 4
d 4
I n
I #



I I I i I I I I [ I i I I I I I

200 240 280 320 350


Tire with Original Wheel

...... Tire with Optimized Wheel
FIG. 7 - - S o u n d p r e s s u r e simulated in M O T R A N .

Front Seat Microphone at 30 mph Rear Seat Microphone at 30 mph



I, ~

100 2~ 3~ 4~ 1~ 2~ 3~ 4~

Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz)

FIG. 8 - - Sound pressure level measured on the road with the optimized aluminum wheel versus
a steel wheel.

chip mode due to optimization of the wheel also affected the frequency of the
corresponding mode of the combined tire/wheel assembly. This frequency
increased from 288.6 to 302.2 Hz (Figs. 5 and 6). Modal analysis of the tire
and optimized wheel using MOTRAN showed a noticeable reduction in the
structure-borne noise (Fig. 7).
After the computer aided engineering (CAE) work was done, an optimized
wheel was manufactured and evaluated on a prototype vehicle. Data were
collected with a binaural head in the front and rear passenger locations over
a spalled aggregate road surface at 30 mph. Multiple runs were performed to
minimize data variability and in-house-developed software was used to ana-
l octave and narrowband sound data. Subjective
lyze statistically 30 of the .~
evaluations were also conducted using a binaural analysis system (BAS) and
It should be noted that the critical frequencies affecting overall sound quality
were tracked and the results confirmed the success of the wheel design optimi-
zation process. Figure 8 shows the optimized wheel design versus the baseline
target (steel wheel) design. One should note that in key areas (200-300 Hz) the
response of the optimized wheel is almost the same as the target. In addition, the

FIG. 9 - - B E M w h e e l and tire model.

overall sound quality of the aluminum wheel was subjectively better than the

Boundary Element Method Modeling

Results from the combined tire/wheel normal modes analysis were used to
study the airborne noise path using the boundary element method (BEM).
Although any BEM code may be used for acoustic modeling, COMET/Acous-
tics was used for this study. The modal results were used as input boundary
conditions in COMET to determine which modes potentially contributed to
radiated noise problems. This was done by comparing the radiation efficiency
of each mode that was calculated from the model. Radiation efficiency is a
relative quantity that compares the potential contribution of each mode to the

FIG. 10 -- Velocity and phase distribution at 302 Hz.

noise for an equivalent energy input. It does not consider the effects of actual
variation in forcing inputs over the frequency range during operation. How-
ever, it does provide insight to the modes that are most likely to contribute to
noise based on the geometric and modal characteristics of the tire. An overall
acoustic frequency response analysis cannot be performed unless frequency-
dependent damping properties are included in the harmonic structural analysis,
thus predicting accurate surface velocities throughout the frequency range.
Accurate damping properties are typically not available due to the timing and
expense of material testing. A database of damping properties of various
wheels and tires will be established to provide a first-order approximation.
An acoustic BEM model, such as in COMET/Acoustics, uses the surface
discretization of the fire and wheel as the acoustic domain boundary. The
acoustic analysis requires the model to consist of quadrilateral and/or trian-
gular elements. Two boundary element methods commercially available for
exterior radiation problems are the direct and indirect methods. Either method

FIG, 11 - - Sound pressure level contour plot at 302 Hz.

can be used in the analysis of tire noise, However, the indirect method was
chosen for this study because of its ability to model the free edges around the
tire-rim hole patterns. Figure 9 shows the COMET BEM model. The mesh
density of a BEM tire and wheel model is determined by the maximum fre-
quency being analyzed and the speed of sound of the surrounding air. This
analysis requires a minimum of four elements per acoustic wavelength. The
normal modes were calculated to 340 Hz. The sound speed is defined as
343 000 mm/s. Thus, the maximum element length for the acoustic model
must be 250 mm from the following relation:
d = c/(4f)
c Speed of sound
f Maximum frequency (Hz)
d Maximum element length (mm)



. ~ O. 0 6 ;


'•0.04 .................................. +................................. '


) )
) ..... I_ ,.I, ...... ,., I,I
50 100 J.50 200 250 900 350
Frequency (Hz)

FIG. 12 -- Wheel and tire modal radiation efficiency.

Results are presented away from the surface at points in space, analo-
gous to microphone locations. An array of these data recovery points was
used to display the sound field pressure distribution. They were also used
to calculate radiation efficiency. The data recovery mesh (DRM) used
in the tire and wheel analysis is a discretized box enclosing the
BEM model.
Boundary conditions for this analysis were obtained from the structural
normal modes. Each mode shape was transformed into a velocity boundary
condition set. Therefore, a boundary condition set was analyzed for each cal-
culated natural frequency. Figure 10 shows an example of a velocity distri-
bution recovered from the normal modes as input to the acoustic boundary
element analysis.
After the BEM model acoustic properties and the boundary condi-
tions were defined, the acoustic analysis was performed. The results from
this analysis were velocities and pressures on the data recovery mesh.
Figure 11 shows sound pressure level (dB) calculated from pressure re-
sults on a portion of the DRM. Radiation efficiencies were evaluated over
the entire DRM at each natural frequency from the following formula-
tion [4]:
~(~) - pcS(lu(w) 12)

~(w) Radiation efficiency
P Density of air
C Speed of sound of air
S Area of radiating surface
(I u(w) l 2) Time and space average of the square of the surface velocity
Figure 12 shows a plot of the radiation efficiency for the natural frequencies
found in the structural normal mode analysis. This plot indicates that the nat-
ural frequency with the potential for the highest acoustic response is 302.2 Hz.
This corresponds to the first bending (potato-chip) mode of the wheel.

There is still much work left to be done on this project. For one thing, the
actual contribution of radiated noise from tire/wheel vibration to the total air-
borne noise has yet to be determined. Also, the entire structural optimization
process needs to be made more robust. In any event, the tire/wheel CAE op-
timization process developed has shown that a tire/wheel assembly can con-
tribute significantly to vehicle NVH and should be optimized to reduce both
structure-borne and airborne noise.

The authors would like to thank Thomas Moran and Jerry Brohl for funding
this project. They would also like to express deep appreciation to the engineers
at Automated Analysis Corporation for their long-term support and dedication
to the execution of this project. In addition, thanks should go to Ben Kao for
his tire modeling expertise, Richard DeVries for his consultation in DSA, Steve
Akers for modal testing, and Paul Falvey (Ford New Zealand) for making
wheels available to this project.

[1] Rimondi, G., "Tire Contribution in the Context of Passenger Car Noise Reduction,"Tire
Science and Technology, TSTCA, Vol. 23, No. 3, July-September, 1995, 189-208.
[2] Scavuzzo, R. W., et aL "Influence of Wheel Resonance on Tire Acoustic Cavity Noise,"
SAE Paper No. 940533.
[3] Kao, B., Kuo, E., Adelberg, M., Sundaram, S., Richards, T., and Charek, L., " A New Tire
Model for Vehicle NVH," SAE Paper No. 870424.
[4] Gardner, B. and Bolton, S., "Radiation Efficiency Calculations for Verification of Boundary
Element Acoustic Codes," Submitted for publication, December, 1995.

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