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43. What is the meaning of the Arabic word Hijra ?

– Migration
44. Who is the Prophet whose father and grandfatherwere Prophets ?
– Yusuf (AS)
45. Where was Yusuf (AS) thrown ? – Into a well
46. Which Prophet became a king after coming out of the prison ? –
Yusuf (AS)
47. What is the meaning of the Arabic word“Haram” ? – Prohibited,
sinful or Improper.
48. Name four haram food and drink. – Pork, alcohol, drugs, dead
animals 49. Can anyone tell the future ?– Except Allah no one can tell
the future.
50. Who will judge every word that comes out of the mouth ? – Allah
51. Name the rights a Muslim has on another Muslim ? - Greeting – i)
Salam and its Reply, ii) Invitation and accepting invitation iii) Advising
to do good deeds and forbid bad deedsiv) Saying Yarhamukallah after
one says Alhamdulillah when he sneezes. v) Visiting the sick, vi)
Attending a Muslim’s funeral
52. What is the name of the Prophet’s tribe? – Quraish
53. What is the meaning of Ihsan ? – It is to worship Allah as if you see
him. 54. How many fundamental pillars do Islam have? And name
them. – 5 , Shahadah, Salah, Zakah Siyam, and Hajj.
55. How many Basic Articles do Iman (faith) have? – There are six basic
Articles of Iman.
56. How does a Muslim achieve nearness to Allah? – Through
performing sujud in prayer.
57. Where is our final destination? – To Allah
58. What should be the intention of visiting Madinah? – To pray in the
Prophet’s Mosque and not to visit the grave of Prophet (SAW).
59. How many sacred mosques are there in the world? – 3 Makkah,
Madinah and Aqsa.
60. Whom did Allah order to build the Ka’bah? – To Adam (AS)
61. Whom did Allah order to rebuild the Ka’bah? – Ibrahim (AS)
62. What is the original name of Quraish?– Bin Fehor (Nick name is
1. What is the first stage of the next world? – The Grave.
2. How many angels will come to the grave? – Two angels
3. Who will receive their records in their right hand ? – Good believer
4. What is a home in Jannah made of ? – Gold and Silver
5. Who are the people who will be similar in size and shape ? – The
people of paradise
6. How many gates are there in Jannah ? – Eight gates
7. How many gates does Jahannam have? - Seven
8. How many angels perform tawaf around the Baitul Ma’mur? –
seventy thousand
9. What is the best water on earth? – ZamZam water
10. How many rights do a Muslim have on another Muslim? – Six.
11. Who are disliked by Allah? – Selfish person
12. When was Prophet Muhammad (Allah's peace be upon him) born –
9 thRabiulAwwal, 571 CE
13. What was his (peace be upon him) mother’s name? – Aminah.
14. How many years did Muhammad (SAW) stay with Halimah ? - Five
15. What was his (peace be upon him) Grandfathers name ? - Abdul
16. When did the Quraish start rebuilding the Ka’bah ? – When
Muhammad (SAW) was 35 years old.
17. Who was the first to embrace Islam? – Khadijah (RA)
18. At what age did the Prophet (peace be upon him ) receive prophet
hood – at the age of 40
19. How many times did Jibrael (AS) press Muhammad (SAW) – 3
20. On which month was Qur’an revealed ? – Month of Ramadan
21. Who was the first to embrace Islam from among the males - Abu
Bakr Siddique (RA)
22. Who was the first to embrace Islam from the Quraish family – Ali
bin Abi Talib (RA)
23. Which verse (Ayah) was revealed first ? – Iqrah bisme Rabbikal
Lajee Khalaq.
21.King Faisal University was opened in the Eastern province with Faculty
of Agriculture, Architecture and Medicine.
22.King Fahd University of Petroleum and Mineral was founded in
Dhahran, the heart of Kingdoms oil exploration program.
23.University students receive financial help and free housing, in addition
meals, books and transportation are provided at low prices.
1. In the late 1960 and early 1970 agricultural products that had been
produced in Saudi Arabia were Minimal
2. It is so efficient that it is the largest wheat producer in the region.
3. It also exports many surplus product world wide
4. The area of land under cultivation has increased tremendously.
5. In 1970 the production was 26,000 tons of wheat.
6. In 1992 this figure had risen to 4.1 million tons.
7. Due the lack of permanent surface water, agriculture has to be
artificially supplied with water to help crops grow and survive.
8. Some water rises up to the surface under its own pressure and some
requires pumping.
9. Modern technology has located and increased the availability of much of
the underground water.
10.Generally Irrigation is in the form of a pivot –based method

1. Saudi Arabia has insufficient products- False

2. Local product is much cheaper than imported products - True
3. Onions, Grapes, Orange, Lemons and tomatoes are all produced in large
quantities – True
4. Saudi Arabia also grows 30% of the date palms in the world – False.
5. The largest aquifers lie in Saudi Arabia contains more water than the
Arabian Gulf.-True
6. Saudi Arabia occupies the highest rank among all the states of the world
in the production of portable water from the sea. -True
7. The volume of production capacity of the Saudi desalination
[Purification] stations in 2006, reached 743,640,000 gallons per day – True
8. 15000 thousand irrigation units are now used. – True
9. Huge area of distinctive green circles can be found especially in the
Dammam area- False
10. The area of land under cultivation has increased slowly – False

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