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Beyza Gül
CEIT 382 Computer Education Teaching Methods II
Spring 2021

Microteaching Lesson Plan Assignment


I. Preparation

Unit Name: Ethics and Security (BT.6.2.)

Lesson Title: Ethical Values (BT.
Lesson Author: Beyza Gül
Grade Level: 6th Grade
Duration: 30 minutes
Instructional Goal: The learners’ will be able to explain the “cyberbullying”
term to discuss what can be done to protect themselves from cyberbullying.
Possible negative situations that can be faced in the cyber environment are
dwelled on to increase awareness about cyberbullying.
Learning Objectives: At the end of the lesson students will be able to;
 Define “cyberbullying”. (Cognitive Domain)
 List the negative outcomes of cyberbullying. (Cognitive
 Discuss the possible negative effects on individuals due to
cyberbullying. (Cognitive Domain)
 Design solutions to prevent internet users from cyberbullying
during given case studies. (Psychomotor Domain)
 Accepts responsibility for respecting others in cyber
environment. (Affective Domain)

Previous Activity: A brief summary of the last weeks’ topic is discussed with
students. The instructor asks simple and straightforward questions to recall
the learners’ fundamental knowledge. The instructor may ask “What do you
remember from 5th grade about internet security?”
Next Activity: The instructor will ask questions about next week’s topic or
give them arguable questions about the topic without answering them to raise
interest toward the next topic.
Instructional Materials: Computer, Projector, PowerPoint Slides, Case
Study Sheets
Learner Characteristics: In terms of educational characteristics, 6th grade
students can be analyzed in physical, intellectual and emotional development.
Beyza Gül
The most important characteristic for 6th grade students is that most of them
are onset of puberty or already entered their puberty period.
In terms of intellectual development, children start to explore themselves
more and aim to gain more social acceptance. In spite of the fact that they
might have an interest in the members of opposite sex, they most of the time
become close friends with people who are of the same sex.
Moreover, in terms of intellectual development their interest and hobbies
change during this time of period. They may develop special attention to
science-fiction books/movies or TV series. Furthermore, they become more
capable of understanding abstract or concrete concepts without having the
need of a concrete example or direct hands-on experience.

Time Chart: Total 30 mins.

 Motivating students: 3 minutes
 Informing students of the objectives: 2 minutes
 Helping students recall prerequisites: 2 minutes
 Presenting information: 8 minutes
 Providing practice and feedback: 15 minutes
 Summarizing the lesson: 3 minutes
 Assessment: 2 minutes

II. Introduction

Motivating Students: Firstly, the teacher asks learners about their past
social media experiences that can be relatable with cyberbullying. The
instructor makes the learners think about the topic by asking questions such
as “Have you ever got a message from a stranger that is disturbing or

Informing Students of the Objectives: Following that, the learners will be

informed that at the end of the lesson, they will acquire knowledge about
what is cyberbullying, what are the negative impacts of cyberbullying on
individuals especially for younger people. Afterwards, the teacher will
implement the “Questions Students Have” strategy to answer students’
questions regarding the next 30 minutes beforehand as much as possible. The
learners will write any question they have about the subject on a piece of
paper. They can ask whatever they want, for example one can write “Is this
lesson really beneficial for me?”, or they can ask questions which are more
related with the content such as “what can be done to prevent
cyberbullying?”. This can be done with a blank paper in typical class
environment however it can also be applied by using chat-box in an online
environment such as Zoom or Cisco Webex etc. Then, the teacher will briefly
answer the most asked questions and move on with the lecture.
Beyza Gül

Helping Students Recall Prerequisites: The learners will be asked about

what they have learned in the 5th grade and how much they remember from
the last year. According to the answers, if needed the teacher will give brief
information about ethical principles that every internet user should follow and
respect to others in online environment. By doing so, the learners will have
understanding of what is coming next.

III. Information Sharing and Application

Presenting Information: Since the learners are familiar with social media
platforms and they clearly know how to use them, the information about
bullying in cyber setting will be given by presentation. The main goal is to
raise the learners’ awareness about their behavior towards their peers
whether it is on purpose or not. While presenting information, a PowerPoint
slide will be used. There are some passages retrieved from the official
textbook. The teacher will read the texts and move on with case study 1
which can be found in the appendix part, at the end of the lesson plan. Whole
class will read the case study 1 and quickly discuss the situation. The teacher
may motivate students to participate so that they may accomplish the next
task “Students Create the Case” more easily.

Providing Practice and Feedback: After giving the students case study 1,
the teacher will ask students to create a new scenario about cyberbullying
since they know what a case looks like. Seeing that, this practice and
feedback session will be held for only 10 minutes. During the case studies,
there will be a lot of chance for learners to brainstorm with their groups and
do practice about the topic. The teacher will form even number of groups
including 4 or 5 students and let students share their experiences, stories
heard from friends about cyberbullying and use these input to create a new
one with also using some sort of imagination. Afterwards, the groups will
exchange the case studies created by students and discuss about the
solutions for 5 minutes. This active learning strategy is useful and beneficial
for abstract concepts like ethics or politics.

IV. Closure

Summarizing the Lesson: Before moving into assessment, the instructor

will ask students a few questions to recap the lecture. By doing so, the key
concepts will be highlighted and repeated by the instructor to make students
remember more easily after the lesson. To achieve this, the instructor will
apply “Topical Review” method to support learning. This method simply allows
students to recall what they have learned in this lecture. The atmosphere will
be a bit informal to encourage student participation. The instructor will ask:
Why cyberbullying is important? What value does this topic have for you?
What were some of the learning activities we have done with this topic?
Beyza Gül
As a consequence, the learners will be more motivated in assessment part
because they mostly learned by doing and discussing rather than only

V. Assessment
The students’ knowledge will be measured by providing an very short and
easy examination which includes a fill in the blanks, a multiple choice
questions. Following that, the case study will be provided to the learners to
come up with multiple solutions and alternative scenarios and to make
students think about the topic more.

Case Study 1 – In-Class Activity

Scenario: Dilara is a 13 years-old teenager who is a primary school student and

living in an urban area. One day, she mentioned while talking with one of her friends
that some boy was inviting her to meet with him at his house. They met on Facebook
for some time ago. He added her as a friend and she accepted, even though she
does not know him in person. They started talking as two friends at first and he was
so nice and friendly. After some time, he started asking her to send photos and kept
insisting on meeting at his house. Dilara’s friend asked if her parents know about this
situation, she said that her parents would not understand the situation because they
do not use social media and they do not know how social media works. She thinks
their friendship is completely cool yet she is just a little bit annoyed with that boy
and not sure if she wants to meet up with him in real life.

Let’s think about following questions:

o What should she do at this point?
Beyza Gül
o What would you do when a stranger sends friendship request to you
on social media?
o What she would have done before being friends with a total stranger?
o Would you inform your parents/teachers if you were in Dilara’s

In Turkish:

Senaryo: Dilara, 13 yaşında bir orta okul öğrencisidir ve şehirde yaşamaktadır. Bir
gün, yakın arkadaşına Facebook’tan tanıştığı ve kendisini evine davet eden birinden
bahseder. Bir süre önce bu tanımadığı kişi Dilara’ya arkadaşlık isteği göndermiş ve
Dilara da bunu kabul etmiştir. İki arkadaş olarak konuşmaya başlamışlar ve bu kişi
oldukça kibar ve arkadaş canlısıymış. Fakat sonradan kendisinden fotoğraf atmasını
istemiş ve onu ısrarla evine davet etmiştir. Dilara’nın yakın arkadaşı bu durumdan
ailesinin haberinin olup olmadığı sorduğunda Dilara; onların bu durumu
anlamayacaklarını çünkü sosyal medyaya dair hiçbir şey bilmediklerini söylemiştir.
Dilara, bu kişiyle olan arkadaşlığının oldukça havalı olduğunu düşünmektedir. Bu
kişiyle gerçek hayatta buluşup buluşmamak konusunda kararsızdır.
Aşağıdaki soruları düşünelim:
o Dilara bu noktada ne yapmalıdır?
o Sosyal medyada tanımadığınız biri size arkadaşlık isteği gönderirse ne
o Dilara yabancı biriyle arkadaş olmadan önce ne yapmalıydı?
o Siz Dilara’nın yerinde olsaydınız ailenizi veya öğretmenlerinizi
bilgilendirir miydiniz?

Case Study 2 – Take Home Case Study

Scenario: Tuna is a 15-year-old teenager who is currently a high school student and
living in a small town. Since he is living in a small town, most students, their parents
and teachers know each other. Tuna has been a victim of bullying for some time at
his high school. Moreover, his peers are making fun of him on Instagram. They even
created a fake account of Tuna and shared his “funny” pictures. Tuna got mad when
he saw the fake account of him and tried to find the person who created the fake
account but he never told this incident to neither his teachers nor his parents. He
thought that his friends would keep he would act as a little baby if he’d complain
about the situation to the school management. Following days, Tuna asked his
friends about if they know the owner of his fake account. At school, two students
who are 2 year older than Tuna came towards him and hit him in the face. They
threatened Tuna to keep his mouth close and not to tell anyone. Luckily, one of
Tuna’s teachers saw them and came for help. Tuna’s and other bullies’ parents are
called to school, bullies are given punishment and the Instagram account has been
Beyza Gül
Write your thought about following questions:
o What should he do from the beginning?
o What would you do when someone bullies you at school?
o How would you react when you see a fake account of yours?
o Are there any mistakes that Tuna made? Why?

Vaka Çalışması 2

Senaryo: Tuna küçük bir mahallede yaşayan 15 yaşında bir lise öğrencisidir. Küçük
bir mahallede yaşadığından dolayı çoğu öğrenci, aileler ve öğretmenler birbirlerini
tanımaktadır. Tuna, lisede bir zamanlar zorbalık kurbanı olmuştur. Sınıf arkadaşları
onun fakında olmadığı zamanlarda çekilen ‘komik’ fotoğraflarıyla açılmış sahte bir
Instagram üzerinden onunla dalga geçmişlerdir. Tuna bu sahte hesabı gördüğünde
çılgına dönmüş ve bu hesabı açan kişiyi bulmak için uğraşmıştır. Ancak bu durumu ne
öğretmenleriyle ne de ailesiyle paylaşmamıştır. Eğer söylerse, bu yaptığının küçük bir
çocuğun sızlanması gibi bir izlenim oluşturacağını düşünmüştür. İlerleyen günlerde
Tuna arkadaşlarına sahte hesabın sahibiyle ilgili sorular sormuş, arkadaşlarının ağzını
aramıştır. Okulda Tuna’dan iki yaş büyük iki öğrenci onun yanına gelip yumruk
atmışlar ve onu konuşmaması için tehdit etmişlerdir. İyi ki Tuna’nın
öğretmenlerinden biri o anda yaşananları görüp yardıma gelmiştir. Tuna’nın ve diğer
zorbaların aileleri okula çağrılmış, zorba öğrencilere disiplin cezası verilmiş ve
Instagram hesabı kapatılmıştır.


Which of the following actions is NOT ethical due to prevent cyberbullying on

internet environment?
a) Sharing a funny video of a puppy with our friend on Instagram
b) Watching videos about make-up or gaming
c) Posting a picture of our friend without asking him/her
d) Retweeting a popular video of a celebrity

Which of the following actions can be considered as cyberbullying?

a) Liking your friend’s photo on Facebook
b) Mentioning your mom under the post of a laptop give-away
c) Sharing a screenshot of a conversation between you and your
classmate without asking permission
d) Changing your profile picture
Beyza Gül

The term ________________ refers to bullying or harassment using electronic


Siber Zorbalık Sınavı

Son teslim tarihi: 16 Haziran
23.59 * Gerekli

1. İsim-Soyisim: *

2. Öğrenci Numarası:

Siber Zorbalık Sınavı

3. Aşağıdakilerden hangisi internet ortamında siber zorbalığı önlemek için

yapılan eylemlerden biri DEĞİLDİR? * Yalnızca bir şıkkı işaretleyin.

Instagram'da yavru köpek videosu paylaşmak

Youtube'da makyaj veya oyun ile ilgili videolar izlemek

Arkadaşımıza sormadan onun fotoğrafını paylaşmak

Ünlü bir sanatçının klip videosunu paylaşmak

4. Aşağıdaki eylemlerden hangisi siber zorbalığa girer? *

Beyza Gül
Yalnızca bir şıkkı işaretleyin.

Facebook'ta arkadaşımızın fotoğrafını beğenmek

Leptop çekilişi paylaşımına annemizi etiketlemek

Sınıf arkadaşımızla olan gizli bir görüşmenin ekran görüntüsünü ona sormadan

Profil fotoğrafı değiştirmek

5. _________ kavramı elektronik iletişim araçlarını kullanarak kendisini

savunma gücüne sahip olmayan bir kişiye yönelik gerçekleştirilen kasıtlı
saldırgan davranışlardır. *

Siber Zorbalık Sınavı

Vaka Çalışması Ödevi

Senaryo: Tuna küçük bir mahallede yaşayan 15 yaşında bir lise öğrencisidir. Küçük bir
mahallede yaşadığından dolayı çoğu öğrenci, aileler ve öğretmenler birbirlerini
tanımaktadır. Tuna, lisede bir zamanlar zorbalık kurbanı olmuştur. Sınıf arkadaşları onun
fakında olmadığı zamanlarda çekilen ‘komik’ fotoğraflarıyla açılmış sahte bir Instagram
üzerinden onunla dalga geçmişlerdir. Tuna bu sahte hesabı gördüğünde çılgına dönmüş
ve bu hesabı açan kişiyi bulmak için uğraşmıştır. Ancak bu durumu ne öğretmenleriyle ne
de ailesiyle paylaşmamıştır. Eğer söylerse, bu yaptığının küçük bir çocuğun sızlanması
gibi bir izlenim oluşturacağını düşünmüştür. İlerleyen günlerde Tuna arkadaşlarına sahte
hesabın sahibiyle ilgili sorular sormuş, arkadaşlarının ağzını aramıştır. Okulda Tuna’dan
iki yaş büyük iki öğrenci onun yanına gelip yumruk atmışlar ve onu konuşmaması için
tehdit etmişlerdir. İyi ki Tuna’nın öğretmenlerinden biri o anda yaşananları görüp
yardıma gelmiştir. Tuna’nın ve diğer zorbaların aileleri okula çağrılmış, zorba öğrencilere
disiplin cezası verilmiş ve Instagram hesabı kapatılmıştır.

6. Siz Tuna'nın yerinde olsanız ne yapardınız?

Beyza Gül

7. Sizce Tuna burada neyi yanlış yapmıştır?

8. Kendi okulunuzda birinin siber zorbalığa uğradığını görseniz ne yapardınız?

9. Eğer biri size siber zorbalık yapmaya çalışırsa ne yapmalısınız?

Beyza Gül

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