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First Written Exam By: Ariel Alexander

 Write 3 situations of your or others life and write how you could
avoid them.

1. If my cousin Leo hadn´t come to El Salvador that time, Kevin´s

accident wouldn´t have happened.
The thing is that Leo bought a moto and If Kevin hadn´t grabbed
the moto without being drunk, he wouldn´t have been at the
police station one night. In retrospective, it´s funny because If
luck had been on our side, he would take another street or pass
there minutes ago, even if he hadn’t been drunk all could be
At the end, we paid the penalty fee, and all the uncles and grands
were angry.

2. Our family was in the beach on Semana Santa, and a young

woman was renting a quad-moto, and If that girl hadn’t been
there that day, nothing would happen.
Everyone tried it and it was fun. Cristian was the last one and If
he wouldn´t tried the max. speed, he didn´t crush, he dumped the
moto and we took him to the hospital. Maybe If our parents had
paid attention, or If the girl had mentioned that could happen, we
wouldn´t had to pay for the reparation of the moto, and the cost
of the hospital.

3. Recently, in a project if the school, that was about to create

uniform, suit or clothes, the teacher called it “a fashion show”
with recycled materials, like newspaper or plastic bags.
If I had been more careful, I wouldn’t ruined my suit (it was of
newspaper), If it were of a harder material, like carton I could
avoid it. Luckly me and my friends were preparing for the same
in the bathroom, and my friend went to the classroom, he took
some notebooks paper and glue and I repaired it.

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