Is There Any Characteristic of Entrepreneurs Found in Nur Ali Shaheb

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1. Is there any characteristic of entrepreneurs found in Nur Ali Shaheb? Ans: I found lots of characteristic of entrepreneurs in Mr.

nur Ali Shaheb.He had been confronted with various failures in his life for taking high risk ventures. But he didnt lose his courage rather the overcome those by characteristic of entrepreneurs. This is honesty, risk taking attitude, hard working, technological knowledge, experiences, morality, efficiency, goodwill, time conscious, courage, seeking for opportunity. 2. Point out the lessons of the case and how it can influence a man to be an entrepreneur? Ans: To be an entrepreneur we got some good lessons by study of this case, those are a) When to start a new project everybody should be known its physibility b) To proper use of financial opportunity c) Localization of project d) Ability of man power e) Proper human resources f) Any bureaucratic problem of Government g) To avoid unplanted h) To ensure good management i) Not to be done many business together j) To acquire technological knowledge for the project.

3. Describe the bad experiences of Mr. Nur Ali and identify the reasons for that. Ans: He is one of the biggest examples of entrepreneur who become successful through his perseverance and patience. From the study of his long performance professional life we can identify the bad experiences faced by him due to following reasons: a) In 1982 he qualified as an international contractor, which entitled him to work in Middle East and Far East countries of world. But he failed to bureaucratic problem of Bangladesh Government than he never submits any international tender. And also didnt undertake any construction work since 1982.

b) In 1978 he started a fish processing plant name Rupsha Fish Industry. He also wanted to start a fish firm but at that time Government put some restriction on fish firm. To overcome this business he took lease of land by the side of road. He tried to make Government understand that there were enough sources of fish for his business and request the Government to pass the project and successfully he done that. c) In 1980 he extended his hand build hotel royel international and commercial building. 1982 he closed both of two projects. He thought Khulna will be developed and itll more good profit but he was wrong, no such development was in Khulna and thats why he could not earn expected profit. d) In 1982 he founded Asma Fruits Com. One of his best and most consuming product was guava jelly, but he closed down this com. In 1990 due to mismanagement, and raw materials are seasonal. He lost about 10 million taka. e) Is 1990 he established a hosiery factory in Khulna and a dying factory in Dhaka. But he closed this hosiery factory 1992 as the water of Khulna is not perfect for the plant and there not much customers. He also close dying factory and give the factory for rent. f) Identify the success factory of Mr. Nur Ali Is, he believed that even little education is great value and can make life success if there is a risk taking effort with it. This belief was the foundation of his successful life. His parents told him to lead life with honesty and simplicity, to abstain from greed, not forget the past, to try to help distressed people, not to become blind due to greed of money and at any cost to maintain religious values, morality and character. Those entire lessons he tried to follow diligently all thought his life those factors relevant to an entrepreneur but now education is very important for get knowledge.

4. Critically evaluate the mentioned case in the light of entrepreneurship creation? Ans: He is one of the biggest examples of entrepreneur who become successful thought his perseverance and patience. He didnt lose his courage rather the overcome those by characteristic of entrepreneurs, This is honesty, intelligence, risk taking attitude, head working, technological knowledge, expert morality, efficiency, good will, time conscious, courage, seeking for opportunity. But he does have some lacking on some factors those are, I. Over trading


Poor management Lack of accounting system Unplanned expansion Stock mismanagement Forgetting recoveries Too much capital going into fixed assets Taking too much out of business himself for his many business Staff problem Missing regular report Dependence on limited customers in hotel project Lack of priorities

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