Part A - Choice Items

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Listen and match items 1a-5a with photos A-F. One photo is used in the example.
EX. I remember the first time we went on a school trip – without our parents! We waved goodbye to them
as we were leaving on the school-bus, and we were all so happy.
01a. I have a beautiful memory of the city gardens with our two favourite science teachers. We loved all
the different plants, and collected leaves and flowers for our school project...
02a. I will never forget being in my first school play – the Wizard of Oz, a great musical. I was the lion, and
I sang “If I were King of the Forest!”! My best friend played Dorothy.
03a. When I was in high school, I loved going to the school lab… I kept looking at different insects through
the microscope and taking notes of their body parts… I felt like a ‘real’ scientist…
04a. I will never forget the last day of school – when we got our History exam results! Straight A…I couldn’t
believe my eyes…and of course I couldn’t stop laughing like crazy!
05a. I felt so anxious every time I had to take a school exam that I even used a brand-new pencil! I still
remember my mum telling me that a new pencil always brings good luck…
Listen again and check your answers.
Listen to items 6a-8a and choose the best answer (A-D). There is one answer you do not need.
06a. Hello. Delonto’s Pizza? This is 555-357067. I’d like to place an order. Two large pizzas with tomato,
pepper, onion and double cheese.
07a. Hey Jack, you ordered too many office supplies. We don’t need that much paper and so many
envelopes. Please call to ask them to bring us just half of what you ordered.
08a. Hello, my name is Margaret White and I’m calling about the computer I ordered last week. It has not
arrived yet and I really need it.
Listen again and check your answers.
Listen and choose the best answer (A, B, or C) for items 9a-10a.
09a. Dialogue 1
A: Hi Mary. You look kind of upset. What’s wrong?
B: Well, mum says I should take dancing lessons, but what I really want is to learn how to play the guitar
– or the violin!
A: Oh, I think you should go for the guitar… it’s easier but… didn’t you say last month that you wanted to
take dance classes?
B: No, my mom wants me to take ballet lessons. I’d love to learn how to play the guitar and sing along.
A: Well, you have a beautiful voice, Mary!

10a. Dialogue 2
A: Hi Kate. What are you doing here? I thought you were going out with Joan and Paul tonight? It’s
B: Yea… I wasn’t feeling well, so I decided to stay in tonight and get a good night’s sleep. Besides we
have a biology test on Monday.
A: That’s fantastic. We can all have dinner together for a change. Your father will be back in a bit so let’s
set the table.
B: I need to take a shower before dinner. Can I mom?
A: Ok then. You go shower, dress for dinner, and I’ll take care of the rest. It’ll be wonderful to be together
tonight – all three of us.
Listen again and check your answers.


Listen and fill in gaps 1b-5b with the right word, as in the example.
EX. I’m afraid I get up rather late every day, so I don’t have much time for a good breakfast. I just have a
bowl of cereal and drink some milk. No coffee.
01b. I’m not a morning person so I really need a cup of black coffee with cream when I get up and then I
usually have some pieces of toast with strawberry jam; but what I like best is orange marmalade.
02b. I’m trying to lose weight these days so I prefer lower-sugar breakfasts; I love yogurt so I always have
a bowl, topped with corn-flakes or better yet some honey. If there is none, I might slice a banana.
03b. I don’t really like sweets, but I really need to have something sweet first thing in the morning, like
chocolate cake – one or two slices… If there is none, maybe I’ll have a cookie or even a spoonful of
something sweet…
04b. I always try to have time for a good breakfast in the morning. I love pan cakes, but I can’t do without
fruit every single morning: a banana or an orange – or I may have fresh orange juice instead,
sometimes more than one glass.
05b. It’s important to have a big breakfast in the morning. I like cheese omelettes or plain fried eggs topped
with cheese. But my favourite is the double cheese toast… Jim makes it with fresh tomatoes, ham and
two types of cheese…
Listen again and check your answers.

Listen and fill in gaps 6b-10b with the right word, as in the example.
EX: What can people never eat? Fruit, sausages, or money?
06b. What is ours, but our friends use more than us? Our car, our shoes, or our name?
07b. What goes up but never comes down? Our feet, our age, or our hands.
08b. It has legs but can’t walk. What is it? A chair, a watch, or a newspaper?
09b. You cut it, slice it, and all the time you cry. What is it? An onion, an apple, or an egg?
10b. Where can you find cities, towns, shops, and streets but no people? In a country, on the Earth or on
a map?

Listen again and check your answers.

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