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Interpretation Exercises Template


Complete each of the tables in the following worksheet. In many cases, the most successful
answers will be between 75-200 words for each question. Be sure to provide chapter and verse
numbers to support your answers where needed.

What is your assigned Matt. 14:13-21 (Jesus Feeds 5000)


Exercise #1 – Boundaries

A. Based on the Matthew 14: 13-36 shares the feeding of the five thousand and the walking on
literary content, the water. These are the only miracles found in all our four Gospels. Jesus
how can you said “they need not go away; you give them something to ear”. In that he
tell that the takes the give loaves and two fish and turns it into enough to feed 5000
first verse in people. This shows the only miracles found in all four gospels. Here it shows
your assigned all ate and were filled; they took up what was left over of the broken pieces,
twelve baskets full. Those who ate were about 5000 men, besides women and
passage begins
a new thought
unit compared
to what comes
before it?
(Hint: Watch
for changes.)

B. Based on the And those who ate were about give thousand men, besides women and
literary content, children. Thus he declared all foods clean (Mk 7,19) He gave thanks, broke
how can you the loaves. Jesus Gave to the disciples and the disciples gave to the people.
tell that the last
verse in your
concludes a
thought unit
compared to
what comes
after it?

Exercise #2 – Function of the Text in Context

A. What happens in Matthew 13 54:57 shares how Jesus came to the hometown and began to
the passage teach the people in their synagogue, so that they were astounded and said,
immediately Where did this man get this wisdom and these deeds of power? To that Jesus
before your says prophets are not without honor except in their own country and in their
assigned own house. He then did not do deeds of power there, because of their
passage? What unbelief in him.
words, ideas, or
themes show up
in both the
before your
assigned passage
and within your
passage? How
does your
passage develop

B. What happens in Matthew 14: 22-27 Jesus went to a mountainside by himself to pray. Later
the passage that night, he was there alone. Jesus eventually came down, walking on the
immediately lake. When the disciples saw him walking on the lake, they were terrified.
after your “It’s a ghost” as they cried out in fear. Immediately Jesus said, take courage
assigned and don’t be afraid. Peter’s walking on water is unique to Matthew and
passage? What brings out both the role of Peter as the representative of the disciples, and his
need for faith.
words, ideas, or
themes show up
both within your
assigned passage
and in the
passage after
your assigned
passage? How
does your
passage connect
to what follows

C. Identify and Matthew 15:29-38 shares how great crowds seeked Jesus out for help.
describe two Bringing him the blind, the mute and many others. They put them at his feet
other passages and he cured them so the crowd began to be amazed when they saw the mute
anywhere in the speaking, the maimed whole, the lame walking, and the blind seeing. Jesus
Gospel of said, “I have compassion for the crowd, because they have been with me now
Matthew where for three days and have nothing to eat, and I do not want to send them away
hungry; for they might faint on the way. Matthew 17:14-17 a man came to
the words/
Jesus knelt before him asking to have mercy on his son for he was an
epileptic and suffered terribly. Jesus asked him to present with him as Jesus
from your removed the demon from him.
assigned passage
also appear.

Exercise #3 – Translation Issues

A. Identify the most In context, Jesus went ashore, saw a large crowd and felt compassion for the
significant people who needed healing from their sickness. He traveled the long distance
difference among to feed and heal. He gave the loaves to the disciples, and the disciples to the
the translations multitude. They miracle of the scripture are not just wonders but signs from
you compared. God. MATT. xiv.19, 20 shares how Christ feeds the famishing world by
What is that means of His Church. It is the beginning of miracles where Jesus manifested
forth his glory. The marriage in Cana of Galilee, connecting human affection,
consecrated the joy of united hearts, providing necessary supplies to those in
B. Why is the I believe it is significant because it shows the miracles God was capable of
translation and the manifestations he worked with his powers. It shows he did not abuse
difference that his power and capabilities yet, he used them to show people around so they
you just would follow and believe.
significant? That
is, what
difference would
it make to your
understanding of
the text to go
with one
translation over

Exercise #4 – Connection to Other Texts

A. How might your The Old Testament passage focuses on the miraculous feeding of five
assigned passage thousand through Luke 9:10-17 when Matthew shares more in relationship to
connect with or the development of the John’s Gospel and the impact it had on women and
allude to other children around him. It lured in the sick who needed healing works to be
biblical material, performed. Further showing Jesus is the Messiah.
either elsewhere
in the New
Testament or in
the Old
(Hint: Use the
NOAB notes to
help you identify

Exercises #1-4 Total: ____/50

Exercise #5 – Historical Issues

A. Identify or raise First the reading identifies the There was a struggle in access to food. The
a question about empire was hierarchical in its social structure with a small group of overseeing
at least one elites who enjoyed abundant variety and good quality of food. Food access
historical issue reflected the elite’s access to power that controlled resources. The lack of food
(e.g. belief, was one of the ways people experienced the injustice of power.
tradition, You see in Matthew 14:12-14 “Passover lamb is sacrificed, and disciples asked
what preparations were to be made to eat the Passover. He goes into the city,
and carries a jar of water, follow him, wherever he enters.” He goes on to say
structure, etc.)
“One who is eating with me typically signals deep friendship”
that appears It helps me understand the passage in terms of realizing God sacrificed to feed
particular to the many, he continues to do so in the bread that is given and saying “Take; this is
text’s ancient my body” Matthew 14:22-25.
context. Explain
how that issue
could help you
to understand
your assigned
passage more.

Exercise #6 – Analysis

Part 1 – Narrative Analysis

A. What are the main The main elements of the passage are the compassion Jesus had for
elements of your crowds who are poor and desperate like, a sheep without a shepherd.
passage’s plot? He is so hurt over it, he develops mercy. The offering of bread in all its
abundance to confirm his powers.

B. What conflict or tension The conflict was the disciples turning away those in need when Jesus
arises in the plot? How welcomed them. As the disciples did not believe there would be
is the conflict resolved? enough to feed all or that they were worthy of the food.

C. Who are the primary Jesus and the disciples

characters in the

D. Describe each of the Jesus made it mission to become compassionate with those in need,
characters you identified Bringing them bread and healing those in need.
in “D.” (Use descriptors
like major/minor, The disciples answered to Jesus and questioned if there was enough
protagonist/antagonist, bread in place and available to feed such large crowds. Jesus took
flat/dynamic, etc.) seven loaves and the fish, when he gave thanks and he broke them and
gave them to the disciples as they turned to the people.

E. How do the events, The scripture displays expressing compassion for the people which
characters, and setting was done by Jesus going out into crowds in rural areas to seek people
of your passage relate?
to help.

F. Identify at least two key Matthew 15:32 “Jesus called his disciples to him and said, “I have
words in the passage. compassion for these people, they have already been with me three
Where do those words days and have nothing to eat. I do not want to send them away hungry
appear, and why are or they may collapse on the way”.
they essential for
understanding the Matthew 15:37-39 “Afterward the disciples picked up seven basketfuls
passage? of broken pieces that were left over. 38 The number of those who ate
was four thousand men, besides women and children. 39 After Jesus had
sent the crowd away, he got into the boat and went to the vicinity of

Exercise #7 – Synthesis

A. What is the main The main point is to show belief in Jesus as he will reward those who believed
point of your but also show compassion to those without or suffering. Healing those that
assigned passage needed healing and feeding those that were hungry. The passage shows Jesus
in its literary had powers that he needed to share with crowds and develop witnesses
and/or historical firsthand which led to the idea of the Messiah. The miracle behind the loaves
context? (Answer teaches importance of sharing, making the most of what you have and trusting
in God. Trusting in his teachings. The bread is symbolic for a gift from God. It
should be at least
also symbolized the word of god which nourished the crowds.
100 words.)
Exercise #8 – Application

A. Identify one issue One problem today that conflicts with this passage is nobody leads with this
or problem today sharing and helping mentality. People become greedy in the things they want
(i.e. ethical, rather than need when they could be without. The ethical thing is not done
political, religious, currently in todays society.
theological, etc.)
with which your
assigned passage
might intersect.

B. Why would your The passage can display more of a mindful moment the next time we are
assigned passage presented with a situation that requires us to give back as Jesus did. To
be well suited to provide as Jesus did. To lend help to those in need the way Jesus did. It can
shed light on the also display to be grateful for what Jesus has provided us even if what we
issue you want, is more. We need to learn to be consistent with what we are handed
identified in “A”? instead of leading a life of greed demanding more or being upset with Jesus
because he did not hand us what we asked for.

Exercises #5-8 Total: ____/50

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