Ocean Engineering: Marcelo A.S. Neves

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Ocean Engineering 120 (2016) 362–370

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Ocean Engineering
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Dynamic stability of ships in regular and irregular seas - An overview

Marcelo A.S. Neves
LabOceano, COPPE-Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

art ic l e i nf o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Dynamic stability of ships is discussed with focus on the stability of intact ships in waves. Some of the
Received 23 December 2015 main developments along the years are scrutinized. Regular and irregular conditions are addressed. An
Accepted 5 February 2016 overview is presented, with special emphasis on the covering of the last STAB 2015 Conference.
Available online 19 February 2016
& 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Parametric rolling
Dynamic stability of intact ships
Pure loss of stability
Surf riding

1. Introduction stability problems associated with water on deck and stability

problems in beam seas.
It is generally accepted that a deep understanding of ship After qualifying stability problems in regular waves, con-
responses in idealized regular waves is fundamental for the sideration will be given to stability and capsizing in irregular seas.
understanding and adequate description of responses in more A brief review will be given of different methodologies employed
realistic irregular seas. Hence, ship dynamic model responses in in these investigations.
deterministic waves have logically preceded investigations on ship From the very beginning it is important to give credit to three
dynamics and then extended to the more realistic irregular case at technical books which are exceptionally relevant sources of
a later stage. references on dynamic stability of ships (the complete references
The capsize of an intact ship is a phenomenon which by its very are given at the end of this paper):
nature involves excessive motions. The most basic purpose of
research devoted to the study of ship dynamics has to concentrate a) Belenky and Sevastianov (2007) "Stability and Safety of Ships-
on the understanding of the role of different parameters necessary Risk of Capsizing".
to insure safety against capsizing in waves. This, however, appears b) Neves, M.A.S., V.L. Belenky, J.O. de Kat, K. Spyrou, N. Umeda
not to be a simple task. Here, it is possible to summarize indicating (eds.) (2011)“Contemporary Ideas on Ship Stability and Cap-
two main causes for not being a simple task: (a) in a random sizing in Waves”.
seaway we are faced with capsizing as a stochastic process. c) Fossen T.I. and Nijmeijer, H. (eds.), (2012) “Parametric Reso-
(b) capsizes are rare events in severe seaways and are dependent nance in Dynamical Systems”.
on a number of ship parameters as a consequence of the very low
probability levels involved. The STAB 2015 paper Backalov et al. (2015a), "Ship Stability,
Here we consider only intact ship stability problems. Some Dynamics and Safety: Status and Perspectives" is also worth
consideration is given in the following of ship dynamic problems mentioning. It is a quite complete review covering all papers that
in regular waves, as these are elucidative of the bifurcations appeared in recent STAB Conferences and ISSW events, covering
associated with stability problems. Also affected by clear bifurca- the period between 2009 and 2014. Along similar lines, Backalov
tions is the stability of ships in beam seas, to which reference will et al (2015b), "Ship Stability & Safety in Intact Condition through
be made. Archetypical situations are: parametric rolling in fol- Operational Measures" is another review of papers from STAB
lowing seas, surf-riding and broaching in following and quartering Conferences and ISSW events covering the same period with focus
seas, pure loss of stability and bow diving in following seas, on operational risk control.
Due to strategic editorial reasons topics associated with stabi-
E-mail address: masn@laboceano.coppe.ufrj.br lity criteria (first and second generations) are not covered in the

0029-8018/& 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
M.A.S. Neves / Ocean Engineering 120 (2016) 362–370 363

present review, as these are contained in the companion paper by by a large beam wave. Morral (1980a) conducted experiments in
Francescutto (2015). which a comparative analysis was performed with two very
similar fishing vessels; very similar main dimensions, but having
distinct stern shapes: a transom stern and a round stern. The
2. A first generation of studies on dynamic stability of ships experiments revealed marked differences in responses to waves of
the two hulls and gave one of the first insights on the potentially
In this section a brief review is presented of the ample area of adverse role of transom sterns from the point of view of dynamic
dynamic stability of ships in waves, with developments starting stability. A second investigation by Morral (1980b) addressed the
with Froude's time, then jumping to the period of thirty years accident that resulted in the disappearance of the large
between 1952 and 1982, when the 2nd International Conference trawler Gaul.
on the Stability of Ships and Ocean Vehicles took place in Tokyo. In Before closing this section, it is worth referencing the seminal
the mean time, reference will be made to the historical 1st Inter- work of Blocki (1980), who applied wave group concepts in order
national Conference on the Stability of Ships and Ocean Vehicles to model parametric roll excitation of ships in irregular seas. This
organized by Professor Chengi Kuo in Glasgow in 1975. pioneering work opened the way to a substantial amount of
Regarding parametric rolling, it is well known that the vertical papers with similar approaches, combining deterministic and
modes may in certain circumstances affect the roll motion, as probabilistic methodologies.
Froude (1861) pointed out. He observed that ships have undesir-
able roll characteristics when the frequency of a small, free oscil-
lation in heave is twice the frequency of a small, free oscillation
3. San Francisco Bay experiments and other developments
in roll.
This is clear from the fact that for a ship in waves the righting
Two events contributed to significant advances during the 70's:
arm will vary continuously in the process of heaving and pitching
the 1st International Conference on Stability of Ships and Ocean
and wave passage along the hull. A parametric excitation is
Vehicles and the San Francisco Bay experiments. Six years before
introduced into the ship motion problem (see for example
this inaugural 1st STAB Conference, the United States Coast Guard
the classical papers by Grim (1952) and Kerwin (1955)). Then the
sponsored a sophisticated program of research at the University of
well-known differential equation of Mathieu (see for instance
California which started with a comprehensive program of free
McLachlan (1955)) is obtained which typically characterizes the
sailing model testing in the open waters of San Francisco Bay, see
resonant rolling motion in longitudinal waves. Depending on
Chou et al. (1973), Oakley et al. (1974) and Paulling et al. (1972),
the values of the coefficients, this equation yields a stable or
(1975). A real landmark in dynamic stability studies. As a result it
unstable solution. Though it may be obtained from some couplings
was possible to identify from the extensive free model tests three
between roll and heave & pitch, strictly speaking the Mathieu
observed modes of capsizing in quartering and following seas.
equation is an uncoupled equation, which is used to describe the
These are labeled as low-cycle resonance, pure loss of stability and
roll motion (see Wellicome (1975) for a fine analytical treatment).
Reflecting the relatively limited tools available to researchers at
The low-cycle resonant mode refers to parametric roll, which
the time, it is emblematic that in Wellicome (1975) the numerical
may be observed not only in following seas, as will be seen in
simulations were performed using an analogical computer.
greater detail ahead.
Certainly at the time there was a somewhat limited perception
Pure loss of stability and broaching usually occur in following
of the analytical resources available for advances on ship stability
analysis; despite this, the technical community was well aware of seas at high speeds. Broaching is the most dynamic mode, in
the need to progress. In 1975, during the 1st International Con- appearance. Broaching is caused by directional instability of a
ference on Stability of Ships and Ocean Vehicles, Kuo and Gordon vessel accelerated on the face of a wave. The situation can be
(1975) carried out a survey on the opinion of the delegates on the either caused by or compounded by any loss of the effectiveness of
stability problem as a whole. It became apparent that many the rudder due to wave orbital velocities and emergence. Covering
delegates considered the IMO (then IMCO) criteria as unreliable the first scientific studies on surf-riding and broaching, it is
and insufficient; therefore there was a demand for further necessary to mention the Du Cane and Goodrich (1962) paper. The
advances and investigations on dynamic stability of ships in waves. authors conducted experiments with a free-running model in
Yet, the main perception was that beam seas was the dangerous following seas which showed how a model can be ‘captured’ by
situation from the capsize point of view. The San Francisco Bay the wave and accelerated to wave-velocity (surf-riding). More than
revealing experiments were not well known to many in the one decade later Nicholson (1974) parametric experiments gave
community. The defining logic adopted within the community was new impetus and basis for new investigations on following seas
one derived from the studies related with the consolidation of the stability problems. Given the typical low encounter frequency
1977 Torremolinos Conference. Covering these first decades of some authors modeled surf-riding (and broaching problems) in a
studies three excellent reviews on dynamic stability of ships are quasi-steady fashion, see for instance Renilson and Driscoll (1982).
worth mentioning here: Bird and Odabasi (1975), Marshfield If directional instability takes place, the associated angular velocity
(1976) and Kuo and Welaya (1981). These three papers offer to will induce a dynamic heeling which may combine with the wave
readers some excellent assessments of the pertinent knowledge action to cause capsize.
published during that decade. Presently, other possible dangerous modes are explored in
A considerable amount of work was then invested in the detail in the literature, beyond the three modes previously dis-
dynamic rolling stability of fishing vessels, e.g. Morral (1975), cussed: excessive accelerations, dead ship conditions, water on
Wright and Marshfield (1980). In particular, accident reviews of deck and bow diving (see Grochowalski (1989)). However, due to
fishing vessels capsizes offered significant contributions during lack of space, these additional possible stability failure modes will
the period to an increased understanding of dynamic stability of not be addressed in this brief overview.
ships in waves: Dahle and Kjeerland (1980) described the inves- From the analytical point of view, a special position goes to the
tigation and recommendations for preventing similar accidents as innovative work of Prof. A. Y. Odabasi. In a series of papers his
one that resulted in the capsize of a fishing vessel converted into investigative work examined the role of nonlinearities in the roll
research vessel, the main hypothesis being that the vessel was hit motion and clarified many of the theoretical tools available at the
364 M.A.S. Neves / Ocean Engineering 120 (2016) 362–370

time for stability analyses of ships in waves. A fine reference is of submerged hull due to wave passage effects. Neves et al. (2003)
Odabasi (1982). pointed out that the second order coupled model could simulate
It is interesting to appreciate the precise and wise perception of well the roll amplifications of a round stern fishing vessel. How-
dynamic stability problems expressed by the Department of Naval ever, in the case of a transom stern fishing vessel the second order
Architecture of the University of California group led by Prof. J. R. model tended to give excessive responses, much larger than the
Paulling. Already sharp, more than 40 years ago. Quoting from one intense amplifications observed in the reported experimental test
of the University of California reports: Chou et al. (1973), in results. Therefore, it was concluded that the second order model
"Capsizing Experiments in San Francisco Bay – Annual Report": was not capable of reproducing intense parametric excitations in
“Simply stated, in order to define with reasonable confidence the roll for some hull forms.
probability of capsize occurrence in one specific condition of loading A third order model coupling heave, roll and pitch was first
on the borderline of the ‘safe’ range, we would require an extremely introduced in Neves and Rodríguez (2004). The 3rd order
large number of experiments, probably more than could be conducted numerical simulations based on the new model showed quite
in several seasons of testing”. realistic comparisons with the experimental time-series results in
conditions for which the second order model offered poor results.
This was verified for distinct wave amplitudes and ship speeds in
4. Recent studies on dynamic stability in regular seas Neves and Rodríguez (2006).
Matuziak (2003) investigated the influence of wave amplitude,
Since the fifties parametric rolling of ships has continuously damping and initial conditions on the development of parametric
received wide attention of researchers and designers. For a review rolling. In order to gain a deeper understanding of the complex
of the first papers on the topic, see Paulling (2011), one of the most nonlinear responses to specific hull design configurations, a qua-
referenced review papers on parametric rolling. The first investi- litative analysis of the coupled nonlinear system was performed by
gations were more concerned with following seas conditions; the Neves and Rodríguez (2007). The analysis pointed out to the
well-known paper by Paulling and Rosemberg (1959) was among appearance of super-harmonics and a constant term due to heave
the first publications towards understanding roll resonance due to and pitch motions coupling with roll motion and wave passage.
coupled parametric excitation of ships. Analytic expressions were derived for these contributions. It was
In this section (and in the subsequent one) developments in concluded that the essential dynamic characteristics of the cou-
dynamic stability of ships in waves will be addressed in their time pled system are those of a Hill equation with a hardening term
profile from the nineties up to the last STAB 2015 conference, of proportional to wave amplitude squared. The increased stiffness,
which a more detailed review shall be presented. proportional to wave amplitude squared, is thought to be
Following and head seas parametric rolling are usually asso- responsible for giving to the third order model such a realistic
ciated with the existence of a forward ship speed regulating the description of the parametric amplification. The analysis also
definition of the required encounter frequency. However, para- allows to distinguish the separate effects on frequency shift ori-
metric rolling of ships at zero speed of advance may be identified ginating from: the heave-roll-pitch nonlinear coupling and roll
as a source of risk. This situation was experimentally tested in restoring curve nonlinearities.
1986 and first described in Neves et al. (1986) with two similar Limits of stability are a practical and direct way of assessing the
fishing vessels (hulls that had already been tested by Morral safety of a design. Spyrou and Tigkas (2007), McCue et al. (2007)
(1980a)), tested at the Valdivia ship model basin of the Uni- and Neves and Rodríguez (2007) have employed different tech-
versidad Austral de Chile for different wave lengths and ampli- niques to produce limits of stability. Neves and Rodríguez (2007)
tudes and metacentric heights. Umeda et al. (1995) reported on introduced analytical expressions for the limits of stability of the
capsize tests in astern seas. Subsequently, Neves et al. (1999) roll linear variational equation of the 3rd order model based on
reported on results from a battery of tests with the same two hulls, the technique developed by Hsu (1963). Bulian et al. (2009) suc-
now in regular head seas. Different speeds and wave amplitudes cessfully applied Floquet theory for determining numerical limits
were considered. Parametric rolling in head seas (see for example of stability.
Neves et al. (2002) for fishing vessels and France et al. (2003) for An interesting nonlinear aspect of the new limits of stability is
container ships) became accepted as a relevant instabilizing that they may display upper frontiers, as a consequence of the
mechanism, in particular affecting, amongst others, fishing vessels, nonlinear frequency affecting the limits of stability. This feature
modern containerships and cruise vessels. implies that at a given frequency, above a certain level of wave
Considering the well-known existence of the Mathieu resonant amplitude, further increasing the wave amplitude may result in
frequencies, focus has been concentrated on the first region of the complete disappearance of parametric amplification. This
instabilization, the one defined by the proximity of encounter relevant aspect of strong parametric resonances had already been
frequency to twice the roll natural frequency. Interesting to note: pointed out by Neves and Rodríguez (2004). It is important to
to our knowledge, there is in the literature a unique reported case notice that in the 2009 SAFEDOR benchmark exercise, heave-roll-
of experimentally observed parametric rolling in following waves pitch tests on parametric rolling of a container ship experimentally
at the second region of instabilization (encounter frequency close demonstrated and clarified the occurrence of this interesting and
to the roll natural frequency) as reported in Obreja et al. (2008). relevant nonlinear aspect, Spanos and Papanikolaou (2009a),
Roll motion has usually been modeled as an uncoupled (2009b).
Mathieu equation, Spyrou (2000), Shin et al. (2004). Worth men- Limits of stability derived from the analytical approach show in
tioning is the more elaborated 1.5 degrees of freedom model general good agreement with the corresponding limits obtained
introduced by Bulian (2006). A step further, Neves and Valerio when employing numerical procedures, and due to its relatively
(2000) advocated the need for the coupling of the heave and pitch easy implementation, should find good applicability in the ship
equations with the roll motion equation. Employing Taylor series preliminary design stage. One limitation of the analytical approach
expansions up to second order, it was possible to express restoring is that it does not provide information on the magnitude and
actions in the heave, roll and pitch modes in a nonlinearly coupled distribution of parametric rolling amplitudes within the limits. To
way. Wave action was taken into consideration not only in the overcome this inconvenience, two numerical approaches have
linear Froude–Krilov plus diffraction first order forcing functions, been proposed, Rodríguez and Neves (2012a), in order to compute
but also in second order terms resulting from volumetric changes the domains of roll parametric amplification. A first one using the
M.A.S. Neves / Ocean Engineering 120 (2016) 362–370 365

Fig. 1. Distinct topology of domains of parametric amplifications: (a) transom stern fishing vessel (TS) and (b) modern containership (NTU). Adapted from Rodríguez and
Neves (2012a).

Wave Amplitude Effect on Parametric Rolling Wave Amplitude Effect on Parametric Rolling
a 40
Ship TS: GM= 0.37 m; Fn=0.20; ksi=180°
b 30
Ship NTU : GM=1.84 m; Fn=0.1022; ksi=180°

We=2.00 Wn4
We=2.15 Wn4 We=2.00 Wn4
We=2.05 Wn4
35 We=2.30 Wn4
25 We=2.10 Wn4

Roll amplitude [deg]
Roll amplitude [deg]


20 15




0 0
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0
Wave amplitude [m] Wave amplitude [m]

Fig. 2. Roll amplitudes for the two ships: (a) transom stern fishing vessel (TS) and (b) modern containership (NTU). Adapted from Rodríguez and Neves (2012a).

uncoupled roll equation, and the second one applying a more roll natural frequency. It is observed in Fig. 2a (left) that for the
robust system of nonlinear equations coupling heave, roll and fishing vessel, increasing wave amplitude the roll amplitude starts
pitch. On comparing the two latter approaches for two different to amplify at a given threshold wave amplitude and grows up
hull forms, relevant conclusions could be drawn, e.g., the impor- continuously and smoothly. It then reaches a maximum and sub-
tance of nonlinear coupling between the vertical modes and roll sequently diminishes in the form of an abrupt jump down to a
mode in the determination of parametric roll amplitudes for some condition of no amplification response. On the other hand, as
hull types. As discussed in the above referenced paper, the shown in Fig. 2b (right) for the containership, for low wave
uncoupled numerical approach can produce misleading predic- amplitudes the roll responses to parametric excitation start with a
tions of parametric amplitudes for some hull forms. Comparisons jump bifurcation, reaching very rapidly high amplitude values, of
made between domains of roll parametric amplification of a the order of 24° for some frequencies. After this initial bifurcation,
fishing vessel and a containership for different conditions showed roll responses for increasing wave amplitudes tend to decrease in a
distinct patterns of roll responses, as shown in Fig. 1, in which smooth trend, finally disappearing for higher wave amplitudes. It
it is observed the markedly distinct topology of the two domains is concluded that the fishing vessel and container vessel display
of parametric amplifications: (a) fishing vessel (TS) and quite distinct paths to bifurcations.
(b) containership (NTU). A significant aspect of this type of com- Nowadays, several numerical methodologies exist for predict-
parative results is that they may contribute to a deeper under- ing the nonlinear behavior of parametric rolling of ships in waves
standing of the complex and rich character of the nonlinear in time domain. These procedures are usually categorized into
dynamics of coupled parametric rolling. The aim here is to get a fully nonlinear and weakly nonlinear codes. The first type con-
clear perception of the quite distinct bifurcations that each hull siders nonlinearities in all the involved forces (usually employing a
would undergo as wave amplitude is increased. Fig. 2 shows, for strip theory approach), whereas the second one introduces non-
the transom stern fishing vessel and the NTU container ship, the linearities basically in the inertia, restoring and incident wave
steady roll amplitudes inside the respective domains of parametric forces-and external damping coefficients-in an explicit time
amplifications as the tuning between encounter frequency and roll domain integration scheme considering the pressure integration
natural frequency varies, for values close to the exact Mathieu to be computed in the instantaneous wetted hull. This second type
tuning of ωe ¼ 2ωn4, that is, encounter frequency equal to twice the model has now become very popular, different variations are now
366 M.A.S. Neves / Ocean Engineering 120 (2016) 362–370

in use. Just to mention a few of them: FREDYN, LAMP, LAIDYN, Froude–Krilov model leads to an overestimation of the danger of
TEMPEST. broaching and pure loss of stability. Yu et al. (2015) have investi-
If most papers on parametric rolling have been investigated in gated the influence of rudder emersion on ship broaching
the context of ship stability, an increased awareness of parametric employing a combined manoeuvring and seakeeping model. The
resonance occurrence has now been observed in other types of paper confirms, using the proposed mathematical model, that
floating platforms. In the offshore industry parametric amplifica- rudder emersion is a key factor for the occurrence of a broaching
tions have been observed, both from experiments and/or numer- tendency. Unfortunately, up to now no experimental results are
ical simulations: SPAR buoys (see Rodríguez and Neves (2012b)), available for validation of the mathematical model.
Tension Leg platforms (see Rivera et al. (2012)), mono-columns Prediction of wave-induced surge force for the assessment of
(see Polo et al. (2013)) and FPSO's (see Greco et al. (2014)). surf-riding and associated broaching tendency have been investi-
It would be erroneous to assume that parametric rolling in gated by Hashimoto et al. (2015) using CFD modeling. The authors
regular waves is a finished topic. Less papers are appearing at investigate the influence of diffraction and ship motion to a more
conferences, but to challenge the wrong impression two very accurate prediction as confronted with the linear Froude–Krylov
recent papers have recently been published on the subject: Greco calculation and the CFD results are compared with an existing
and Lugni (2013) and Greco et al. (2015a) captive experimental result. As a result, it is well confirmed that
Only three papers on parametric rolling in regular waves the CFD provides more accurate prediction than the Froude–Kry-
appeared in the last STAB 2015 conference. One of them, Umeda lov component and the CFD results show fairly good agreement
et al. (2015), addressed parametric rolling in oblique regular waves with the experimental results. The paper stresses the relevance of
considering both numerical and experimental approaches, thus taking into account the ship attitude obtained as hydrostatically
providing important data for future investigations. Another origi- balanced position in waves, to extract the dynamic effect of ship
nal investigation studied the correlation between parametric motion.
rolling and added resistance, see Lu et al. (2015), in regular head de Jong et al. (2015) have developed a hybrid semi-nonlinear
waves. Added resistance with and without parametric rolling were panel method combined with empirical viscous flow corrections,
obtained both from experiments and numerical simulations, resulting in a quite robust simulation model which contemplates a
demonstrating the influence of rolling on added resistance. The resistance model, a propeller, rudder and auto-pilot. The broaching
third paper, Liu and Papanikolaou (2015) revisits parametric in regular following to astern quartering waves was simulated to
resonance occurrence results as observed in the 2009 SAFEDOR study the effect of vessel speed, wave length and heading angle to
benchmark exercise with special emphasis on the comparison of the waves; a fine form displacement vessel was used in following
numerical results of a 6-DOF code with experimental results. A to quartering regular waves. The same particular hull shape was
good discussion is introduced on the nonlinear effect of reduced used earlier in the work of Renilson and Driscoll (1982). The main
roll amplification or even disappearance when increased external physical characteristics of surf-riding and broaching for the varied
wave excitation is applied, as already discussed in Neves and parameters: vessel speed, wave length and heading angle were
Rodríguez (2004) and Spanos and Papanikolaou (2009a), (2009b). observed, thus asserting the usefulness and applicability of the
In a similar way as the studies in regular waves was indis- simulation model.
pensable to the acquisition of a deep understanding of the com- Verboom and van Walree (2015) describe the validation exer-
plexities of parametric resonance, surf-riding and the subsequent cise completed for two detailed hybrid panel codes made against
broaching tendency has been also examined in detail by means of experimental results obtained for a frigate hull form operating in
different mathematical models in regular waves. In this sense the stern quartering seas. Essential aspects of the codes are: 3D tran-
role of nonlinearities could be well ascertained as well as the sient Green function to account to free surface effects, 3D panel
relevance of some characteristic bifurcations involved. method for Froude–Krilov forces on the instantaneous wetted
An excellent discussion on surf-riding and broaching appeared surface, cross flow, propulsion, resistance, viscous roll damping
in Belenky and Sevastianov (2007). Section 6.3 of the book con- and auto-pilot. Results are good for all modes but some dis-
stitutes indispensable reading for details of the studies on surf- crepancies are encountered for the sway and yaw motions.
riding and broaching in regular waves, following and quartering
seas. Surf-riding in following seas is investigated as a surge sta-
bility problem. Bifurcation analysis is used to describe, in a clear 5. Dynamic stability of ships in stochastic seas
and elegant way, the transition from periodic motions to surf-
riding through a Hopf bifurcation. More degrees of freedom are The behavior of a ship in a seaway is under the influence of
important in the context of quartering seas. Minimally, surge, random environment conditions and hence a stochastic analysis is
sway, roll and yaw in quartering seas are addressed, in conjunction needed to understand and interpret the resulting motion. The
with an autopilot equation. A full map of bifurcations is discussed. problem of nonlinear roll responses becomes especially complex
Distinct broaching scenarios are presented. A list of relevant in irregular waves. There are not only challenging theoretical
references from the second half of the nineties is given, in which issues involved, but also a plethora of numerical issues. In the
the works of Spyrou (1996a), (1996b) and Umeda (1999) are stochastic treatment randomness may enter in a number of ways,
highlighted. Another excellent source of references on surf-riding as discussed in Arnold et al. (2003). A common approach is to
and broaching can be found in Neves et al (2011). More recently consider the excitation term and some of the system parameters,
Horel et al. (2013), (2014) have investigated broaching occurrence for example the restoring moment, to be varying randomly.
from both 6-DOF time-domain numerical simulations and Belenky et al. (2003) and Bulian et al. (2004) discuss the problem
experimental investigations for a small fishing vessel. Again, of probabilistic assessment in irregular head seas including the
experiments with a reduced model of a free-running fishing vessel problem of practical ergodicity. Bulian and Francescutto (2006)
in stern seas at small frequencies of encounter have been reported consider their 1.5 degrees of freedom mathematical model and
by Thys and Faltinsen (2014) in conjunction with numerical employ the Green effective wave scheme. Statistically equivalent
simulations. Good agreement between experiments and numerical linearization is used; analytical results are compared with Monte
simulations was encountered only when experimental wave- Carlo simulations with limited success.
induced surge forces were fed into the numerical simulations. In Beam seas (Roberts, 1982a) and parametric rolling (Roberts,
fact it is well known that wave-induced surge forces based on a 1982b) were investigated in which the uncoupled roll equation
M.A.S. Neves / Ocean Engineering 120 (2016) 362–370 367

was averaged in the sense of Stratonovitch. The approach is based computational cost inherent in long-term Monte Carlo simulations
on approximating the total energy envelope of the roll as a one- based on computationally intensive models.
dimensional Markov process. The associated Fokker–Plank–Kol- Methods to obtain the extreme value distribution of roll
mogorov equation is accessed, allowing the transition distribution amplitude for a given exposure period may be estimated by means
function to be determined. In a later contribution - Roberts and of statistical extrapolation of extreme value distributions. The
Vasta (2000) - a simple modification to the theory is introduced success of this statistical extrapolation method is dependent on
which allows the estimation method to be independent of the roll the amount of the available data for the estimation of the para-
stationarity hypothesis. The excitation process is obtained by fil- meters and the ratio of the period of the Monte Carlo simulation to
tering white noise, an approach that had already been explored in the target exposure period. One of the first attempts to tackle this
Francescutto (1991). difficult problem was presented by McTaggart and de Kat (1993).
More recently, Dostal and Kreuzer (2014) have successfully They used the parameters of the first extreme value distribution
introduced additional hypothesis in the context of stochastic (Gumbel) obtained from relatively short exposure period Monte
averaging a coupled set of equations in heave-roll-pitch in waves. Carlo simulations to find the extreme value distribution for rela-
They obtain drift and diffusion equations of roll energy incorpor- tively longer exposure periods.
ating heave and pitch effects. Therefore, efficient parametric roll- It is noted that in the last few years a series of comprehensive
ing predictions are made possible. Closed form solutions of aver- ONR projects have propelled ship dynamics advances in stochastic
aged roll energy are obtained which are also valid for large roll seas to a new level of developments. These advances have been
amplitudes. The results are used to calculate the desired mean first discussed in detail in a series of remarkable papers read at STAB
passage times. Wave excitation is modeled by a non-white sta- conferences and ISSW events, and some of them, presented at the
tionary stochastic process. This process is derived from a spectral STAB 2015 Conference are summarized below.
description of the random seaway using a traveling effective wave, The probability of exceedance of a certain roll angle is a useful
a model that is now often used in irregular seas studies. statistical characteristic for parametric roll response. The Envelope
In the Proceedings of the STAB 2015 conference two papers are Peak Over Threshold (EPOT) method, as the name suggests, pro-
devoted to beam seas stochastic averaging with uncoupled roll cesses the collection of peaks over a certain threshold value. This
motion: Le Pivert et al. (2015) and Chai et al. (2015). The first one threshold limit is a crucial choice, as it will regulate the amount of
aims to develop an analytical model employing two dimensional data to be considered. But, very important, shall lead to an explicit
linear filtering. This is the first concession to an analytical model. account of better representation of the relevant nonlinear char-
The second one is the linearization of both the restoring moment acteristic of the large roll excursions. This is modeled as a Poisson
around the equilibrium and damping moment. The analytical flow and therefore requires independence of events. The required
results have been tested against simulations produced using independence events, however, may be a challenging problem,
FREDYN with consistent comparisons. particularly for parametric roll cases because of the practical non-
The second paper (Chai et al., 2015) investigates the influence ergodicity problem. Campbell et al. (2015) make a thorough
of using second order or fourth order linear filters in order to fit examination of the principal characteristics and difficulties in fit-
the narrow-banded random wave excitation. Additionally, non- ting a Generalized Pareto Distribution (GPD) to the high tail of the
linear damping model influence is examined. Using second order distribution in the case of parametric rolling. However, other
filter leads to a 4-DOF dynamic system. Two distinct damping problems are present. A numerical difficulty is due to the
models are considered: the linear-plus-quadratic damping (LPQD) requirement of de-clusterization, see Kim et al (2014) for details
model and the linear-plus-cubic damping (LPCD) model, their on de-clusterization of data. A comprehensive validation study of
effects on the stochastic roll response are investigated. Monte the EPOT method is reported by Smith and Zuzik (2015).
Carlo simulations are used to validate the distinct stochastic Typically, assessment of parametric roll motion characteristics
models of roll response. Path integration method is used to in stochastic seas demands high computational effort and, as a
numerically solve the high dimension system. consequence, appear prohibitive in terms of simulation time. An
A third STAB 2015 paper dealing with irregular beam seas elaborated alternative approach to statistical assessment of para-
situations in which an uncoupled roll equation is considered is metric rolling can be found in the work of Kim and Troesch (2011),
Anastopoulos and Spyrou (2015). However, the mathematical (2013) which consists on a practical methodology leading to an
model and scientific strategy flows in different waters. In this case efficient probabilistic assessment of large amplitude parametric
the computationally efficient conceptual model of Themelis and rolling for a given exposure period. The methodology possesses
Spyrou (2007) based on the linking of a probabilistic method with the advantage of bypassing the known difficulties associated with
deterministic tools is revisited and expanded. A novel method the existence of practical non-ergodicity characteristic of extreme
advances to consider tools of nonlinear dynamics, e.g. safe basins roll motion time series, thus significantly reducing the computa-
and integrity diagrams. The short duration of the realistic wave tional burden.The methodology involves the computation through
group excitation is a critical aspect, allowing stability analyses to a Design Load Generator (DLG) process in which the extreme value
be performed in terms of transient basin erosion diagrams. The distribution of the instantaneous GM (t) metacentric height (a
evolution of the computed safe basins indicates that the sudden Gaussian random variable) is used in order to compute the
erosion of the safe basin caused by irregular wave group excitation extreme value distribution of the associated nonlinear roll motion.
is a qualitatively different process from the typical regular DLG is a process that can construct an ensemble of short input
approach. time series, the extreme responses of which follow the theoretical
One of the main objectives in the analysis of parametric rolling extreme value distribution of a Gaussian random variable for a
in irregular seas is the estimation of the severity of extreme roll given exposure time. The input time series are calculated based on
responses for given operating condition and a specified exposure the assumption of a linear system and a Gaussian seaway.
time. The detailed time-domain nonlinear codes discussed in the Stochastic consideration of realistic wave groups with varying
previous section can, in principle, be activated in systematic time periods is involved. Subsequently, having estimated the environ-
simulations in order to assess the statistical quantities associated mental conditions leading to extreme restoring moments, a
with large roll events. However, the statistical distribution of detailed commercial 6-DOF code may be efficiently used to com-
extreme responses cannot easily be calculated due to the pute extreme roll distribution.
368 M.A.S. Neves / Ocean Engineering 120 (2016) 362–370

In recent years, there has been a pressing demand for fast time- 6. Final remarks
domain algorithms (not only in the context of second generation
stability criteria assessments). There is here a difficult challenge: The last STAB 2015 Conference held in Glasgow has been
how to reach a reliable balance between numerical accuracy and widely recognized as a high standard stability conference. He have
limited computing time. But there is much to be learnt in this area, attempted to review all conference papers dealing with main
in which deep understanding of the essential characteristics of stream lines of investigations on dynamic stability of ships: beam
ship dynamics are essential to simplify matters in a rational way, seas roll responses, parametric rolling (mainly head seas) and
therefore with capabilities of creating very large data sets of ship following seas stability problems. For space and time limitations
motions in severe, irregular seas. Some of the recent proposals are: some few relevant papers dealing with less central aspects of
Song and Kim (2011) used Fourier series decomposition applied to dynamic stability have been left aside.
a one-degree-of freedom roll model. Alternatively, Weems and It is natural to ask about future researches. There are strong
Wundrow (2013) used a volume-based heave-roll-pitch hybrid indications that the roles of main nonlinearities in parametric
model. Somayajula and Falzarano (2014) used a Volterra series rolling in regular waves head seas and surf-riding in regular fol-
model, again using a one degree of freedom model. In the last lowing seas are well understood. Regarding responses in irregular
STAB 2015 Conference two papers have discussed the issue waves. Second Generation criteria will expose the stability com-
of producing fast and at the same time reliable time domain munity to an enormous number of simulations in an unprece-
algorithms: Rodríguez et al. (2015) and Weems and Belenky dented scale, what will for sure enlarge the lessons to be learnt in
(2015). In the first paper, taking full advantage of the capabilities of a fast pace. Detailed knowledge of the influence of damping
the heave-roll-pitch derivative model proposed by Neves and moment on parametric rolling seems still to be not so deep. In fact,
Rodríguez (2006) (based on Taylor series expansions), the Authors reliable damping assessment remains a challenge. It is just an
have extended the model to incorporate random excitation in time approximation (quite unnatural!) to derive experimental damping
domain, computed based on the model assumption that all coefficients from roll decay experiments and insert these into 6-
internal excitations are defined as Gaussian processes. It is shown DOF numerical simulations in which large motions are attained.
that the proposed numerical model is capable of reproducing not As mentioned previously, it would be erroneous to assume that
only nonlinear phenomena, such as parametric rolling, but also its parametric rolling in regular waves is a finished topic. But for sure,
non-ergodic character in stochastic waves. The method described parametric resonance in irregular waves will remain as a central
in the second paper, first described in Weems and Wundrow focus of research projects in the coming years. Stochastic aver-
(2013), uses a volume-based evaluation of the Froude–Krylov and aging method as proposed by Dostal and Kreuzer (2014) is another
hydrostatic pressure forces. promising line of investigation. Some of the stochastic approaches
Pure loss of stability and surf riding and broaching in random presently being explored are relatively new, so there is still a lot to
stern seas has been the focus of investigations reported in a series be learnt, as may well be the case, for instance, with the meth-
of papers in the last years, specially since STAB 2012. In particular, odologies proposed by Kim and Troesch, reviewed in the previous
elaborating on the role of wave celerity in identifying the capture section. Very much the same applies to stochastic analysis of surf-
to surf-riding, new definition and methods for the analysis of wave riding or loss of stability in extreme waves in following seas.
celerity in irregular seas have been proposed and their relevance
to the problem of surf-riding have been examined. Spyrou et al.
(2012) and Belenky et al. (2012) examined the probability of surf- Acknowledments
riding in irregular waves as a threshold exceedance problem by
considering instantaneous wave positions where the equilibrium Author has been supported by CNPq, Brazil, through the STAB
of longitudinal forces appear and disappear at different instances Project (Nonlinear Stability of Ships). This essential support is
of time and points in space. This is governed by the time depen- greatly acknowledged.
dent nature of critical points in the problem in irregular seas.
An instigating new approach to these efforts can be found in
Kontolefas and Spyrou (2015). They use the concept of hyperbolic References
Lagrangean Coherent Structures (LCSs) in an attempt to get a
deeper insight into the surge dynamics in irregular seas, as this Anastopoulos, P. A., Spyrou, K. 2015. Assessing the stability of ships under the effect
nonlinear dynamics scheme may possibly track otherwise unseen of realistic wave groups. In: Proceedings of the 12th International Conference
dynamical aspects of the changing-in-time organization of the on Stability of Ships and Ocean Vehicles (STAB2015). Glasgow, UK.
Arnold, L., Chueshov, I., Ochs, G. 2003. Stability and Capsizing of Ships in Random
surging dynamics in multi-frequency following waves. Sea-a Survey. University of Bremen Report Nr. 464, June.
Two other papers in the STAB 2015 Conference also dealt with Backalov, I., Bulian, G., Cichowicz, J., Eliopoulou, E., Konovessis, D., Leguen, J.F.,
following seas stability problems in irregular seas. Belenky et al. Rosén, A., Themelis, N. 2015a. Ship stability, dynamics and safety: status and
perspectives. In: Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Stability
(2015a), (2015b) discuss the application of the same split-time of Ships and Ocean Vehicles (STAB 2015). Glasgow, UK.
method to surf-riding and pure loss of stability, respectively. These Backalov, I, Bulian, G.,Rosén, A., Shigunov, V., Themelis, N. 2015b. Ship stability and
two papers actually correspond to well elaborated and didactic safety in intact condition through operational measures. In: Proceedings of the
12th International Conference on Stability of Ships and Ocean Vehicles (STAB
summary papers of previous reports. 2015). Glasgow, UK.
The role of instantaneous celerity has been investigated in a Belenky, V.L., Sevastianov, N.B., 2007. Stability and Safety of Ships-Risk of Capsizing,
scenario of significant surf-riding episodes of a ship attaining second edition. The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers (SNAME),
Jersey City, NJ.
"high runs" for different time durations in multi-chromatic seas, as Belenky, V., Weems, K., Lin, W.M., Paulling, J.R. 2003. Probabilistic analysis of roll
described by Themelis et al. (2015). High runs are surf-riding parametric resonance in head seas. In: Proceedings of the 8th International
manifestations in extreme following seas in which high speeds are Conference on Stability of Ships and Ocean Vehicles (STAB2003). Madrid, Spain.
Belenky, V., Spyrou, K., Weems, K., 2012. Evaluation of the probability of surf-riding
induced for a consistently considerable time. Statistics of high runs
in irregular waves with the time-split method. In: Proceedings of the 11th
are calculated. As the authors state in their conclusions, the topic International Conference on Stability of Ships and Ocean Vehicles (STAB2012).
of "high runs" in following seas, interesting and complex as it is, Athens, Greece, pp. 29–37.
"remains open, since the dynamics behind these events are not Belenky, V., Weems, K., Spyrou, K. 2015a. Toward a split-time method for estimation
of probability of surf-riding in irregular seas. In: Proceedings of the 12th
completely well understood yet". It will be interesting to see new International Conference on Stability of Ships and Ocean Vehicles (STAB2015).
developments in the future on this challenging topic". Glasgow, UK.
M.A.S. Neves / Ocean Engineering 120 (2016) 362–370 369

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