2019 Bookmatter BlausteinSPathologyOfTheFemale

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A Acute fatty liver of pregnancy (AFLP), 1293

AAM, see Aggressive angiomyxoma (AAM) Acute on chronic transfusion, TTTS, 1243
Abdominal endometriosis, 816 Acute salpingitis, 665–668
Abdominal pain, 679, 733 Acute transfusion, TTTS, 1243
Abdominal scar–related endometriosis, 814 Adenocarcinoma
Ablation, endometrial, 427–428 associated with endometrioid carcinoma, 523
Abnormal mitotic figures (AMFs), 266 of Bartholin gland, 105
Abortion, 1294–1295 of cervix, 338–339
early, 1294–1295 clinical presentation and gross findings, 340
late, 1295 early invasive (see Early invasive adenocarcinoma)
Abscess endocervical, usual type (see Endocervical
Bartholin cyst and, 50 adenocarcinoma, usual type)
tuboovarian, 720–721 endometrioid adenocarcinoma (see Endometrioid
Absent ovary, 718 adenocarcinoma of cervix)
ACA, see Acute chorioamnionitis (ACA) gastric, 351–355
Acantholysis, 35 intestinal (see Intestinal adenocarcinoma of cervix)
Acantholytic dermatoses of vulva, 37 mesonephric carcinoma, 358–359
Acantholytic squamous cell carcinoma, 94–95 pathogenesis and epidemiologic risk factors, 339
Acanthosis, 22–25, 72, 155, 165, 259 prevalence, 316, 339
Acanthosis nigricans serous, 357–358
and PCOS, 737 signet ring cell-type, 356–357
Acanthosis nigricans (AN), 22, 29, 48, 49, 165 villoglandular, 349–351
HAIR-AN syndrome, 744 with chondrosarcoma and rhabdomyosarcoma, 517
low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion, 259 glandular cell abnormalities, 297
Acardiac fetus, 1245, 1246 high-grade, 517
Acardiac twin, multiple pregnancy, 1245–1247 mixed cell, 514
Accessory lobe, 1229 with rhabdomyosarcoma, 518
Accessory ovary, 718–719 of urethra, 118
Acne, and PCOS, 737 Adenocarcinoma in situ (AIS)
Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), 146–147 of cervix, 205
Acrochordon, 47 clinical behavior and treatment, 287
Actin, 545, 565, 776, 777, 1133, 1425 clinical features, 279
Actinomyces, endometritis, 399–400 differential diagnosis, 283–284
Actinomyces israelii, 668 distribution, 280
infections of cervix, 215 gastric variant, 283
Actinomycetes, 147 glandular cell abnormalities, 296–297
papanicolaou-stained cytologic preparation, 147 histological variants, 281
Actinomycosis HPV genotypes in, 279
infections of cervix, 215 identification, 280
of ovary, 721–722 of intestinal type, 281
Actinomycotic granules (AMGs), 399 mitotic figures and apototic bodies, 281
Acute atherosis, maternal circulatory disorders, normal columnar epithelium vs. neoplastic glandular
1262–1264 epithelium, 281
Acute chorioamnionitis (ACA), 1248–1250 pathologic findings, 280–283

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019 1469

R. J. Kurman et al. (eds.), Blaustein’s Pathology of the Female Genital Tract,
1470 Index

Adenocarcinoma in situ (AIS) (cont.) microscopic findings, 605–607

prevalence, 277 molecular pathology, 607–608
pseudostratified cells, 281 treatment, 609–610
p16 staining of, 286 Adenosis, 138, 139, 140, 172
stratified mucin-producing intraepithelial lesion Adenosquamous carcinoma, 359–360
(SMILE), 282 Adipose metaplasia, 418
typical tubal metaplasia, 286 Adrenal cortical rests within mesovarium, 719
Adenofibroma, 424–425 Adrenal gland tumor, ovarian involvement, 1198
clear cell, 935 Adrenal rests, 700
endometrium, 424–425 Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)
papillary, of endocervix, 228, 229 polycystic ovarian syndrome, 739
of uterus Adrenogenital syndrome
clinical behavior, 604 ovarian tumor, 752
clinical features, 602 Adult granulosa cell tumor (AGCT)
differential diagnosis, 603–604 clinical behavior and treatment, 985–986
gross features, 602 clinical features, 972
microscopic findings, 602–603 differential diagnosis, 981–984
treatment, 604 gross findings, 972–973
Adenoid basal cell carcinoma, 98 microscopic findings, 973–981
Adenoid basal epithelioma, 361–362 molecular genetics, 984–985
Adenoid basal tumors, 361–362 Adventitia, 134, 135
Adenoid cystic carcinoma, 363 Aerobes, 141
in Bartholin gland, 105 AFP, see Alpha-fetoprotein (AFP)
cervix, 363 AGC, see Atypical glandular cells (AGC)
Adenoid squamous carcinoma, of vulva, 94–95 AGCT, see Adult granulosa cell tumor (AGCT)
Adenoma Agenesis of lower vagina, 133
minor vestibular glands, 54–55 Aggressive angiomyxoma (AAM)
villous, of vagina, 163 age distribution of patients, 1406
Adenomatoid tumor, 163 behavior, 1410–1411
clinical features, 621 clinical features, 1406–1407
of fallopian tube, 674–676 differential diagnosis, 1410
immunohistochemical findings, 622 histology, 1407, 1408
microscopic findings, 621–622 immunohistochemistry, 1409
of ovary, 1139–1140 pathologic findings, 1407–1409
pathologic findings, 622–622 treatment, 1410–1411
peritoneum mesothelial neoplasms, 783 Aggressive endometriosis, 951
Adenomyoma, 228 AH, see Atypical hyperplasia (AH)
atypical polypoid, 446 AIDS, see Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS)
of fallopian tube, 677 AIS, see Adenocarcinoma in situ (AIS)
polyp, 421 Aldosterone secretion with ovarian tumor, 1034
of uterus Allantoic remnant, 1278
clinical features, 599–600 Allergic/irritant contact dermatitis of vulva, 20–21
gross features, 600 Allergic reactions to seminal fluid, 151
immunohistochemical findings, 601 Alpha-fetoprotein (AFP)
pathologic findings, 600–602 dysgerminoma and, 1054
Adenomyomatous polyp, 421 yolk sac tumor, 1066–1067
Adenomyosis Alphapapillomavirus, 247
endometrial, 411 See also Human papillomaviruses (HPV) infection
of uterus Alternative lengthening of telomeres (ALT), 566
clinical features, 599–600 Alveolar soft part sarcoma (ASPS)
gross features, 600 behavior, 1444
immunohistochemical findings, 601 clinical features, 1442
pathologic findings, 600–602 differential diagnosis, 1442–1444
Adenosarcoma, of uterus histology, 1443
clinical behavior, 609 involving gynecologic tract, 1441
clinical features, 604–605 pathologic findings, 1442
differential diagnosis, 608–609 treatment, 1444
gross features, 605 of uterus, 619–620
immunohistochemical findings, 607–608 Amebiasis, 672
Index 1471

American Joint Commission on Cancer (AJCC) staging Anogenital mammary-like glands, 52–53, 107–108
system Anovulation, 440
fallopian tube carcinoma, 679–681 Anovulatory cycles, 440
malignant melanoma of vulva, 109, 113 with endometrium, 404–405
for melanomas, 113 Antepartum cervix, 203
serous carcinoma, 694 Anterior gradient 2 (AGR2), 255
of urethral carcinoma, 119, 120 Antidiuresis syndrome, 1037
vulvar squamous carcinomas, 87 Anti-müllerian hormone, 650
American Society for Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology Anus, 134
(ASCCP), 244 APCCTs, see Atypical proliferative clear cell tumors
AMF, see Abnormal mitotic figure (AMF); (APCCTs)
Angiomyofibroblastoma (AMF) APET, see Atypical proliferative endometrioid tumors
Amicrobial pustulosis of the folds (APF), 41–42 (APET)
Amnionic band syndrome, 1275 APMT, see Atypical proliferative mucinous tumor
Amnionic infection, diseases of placenta, 1251 (APMT)
Amnionicity, multiple pregnancy, 1235 Apoplectic leiomyoma, 549
Amnion nodosum Apoptosis, 385
clinical features, 1274 Apoptotic bodies, 383
definition, 1274 Arcuatus, 378
diseases of the placenta, 1274 Argentaffin cell, 199
etiology, 1274 Argentaffin granules, strumal carcinoid, 1098
pathology, 1274 Argyrophil cell, 199
Amniotic band Argyrophil granules, strumal carcinoid, 1098
clinical significance, 1276 Arias-Stella reaction, 172, 204–205, 388–389, 416, 658
definition, 1275 PSTT, 1347–1352
diseases of the placenta, 1275 ARID1A, 453, 491
disruption complex, 1275 ART, see Assisted reproductive techniques (ART)
etiology, 1275–1276 Arteritis of cervix, isolated, 219
pathology, 1275 Artifacts of ovary, 762–763
Ampulla, 652–655 Artificial vagina, 141
Amyloidosis, 760 Ascending infection of placenta
AN, see Acanthosis nigricans (AN) clinical significance, 1252–1253
Anaplasia, 241 etiology, 1248–1249
Anatomy fetal inflammatory response, 1250–1252
external female genitalia, 3 frequency, 1248–1249
vulva, 3, 4 inflammation, 1248
Androgenetic alopecia, and PCOS, 737 maternal response, 1249
Androgens, 409, 729, 735, 748 neonatal infection, 1253–1254
Androstenedione, 441 pathogenesis, 1248–1249
Anephria, 379 pathology, 1249–1250
Angiokeratoma preterm birth (PTB), 1248
of vulva, 56 Asherman’s syndrome, 428–429
Angiomyofibroblastoma (AMF) Aspergillus, 672
age distribution of patients, 1406 ASPS, see Alveolar soft part sarcoma (ASPS)
behavior, 1415 Assisted reproductive techniques (ART), 1233
clinical features, 1412 Asymmetric growth, TTTS, 1243–1244
differential diagnosis, 1414–1415 Atopic dermatitis of vulva, 21
of fallopian tube, 678 Atresia
histology, 1413 of müllerian ducts, 378–379
pathologic findings, 1413–1414 of vagina, 378–379
treatment, 1415 Atrophic endometria, 390–391, 441
Angiomyolipoma Atrophic squamous epithelium, 198
of fallopian tube, 678 Atrophic vaginitis, 151–152
PEComa, 574 Atrophy of squamous epithelium, 151
Angiosarcoma Atypia
involving gynecologic tract, 1448 diffuse mild, 542
ovary, 1135 radiation-induced, 212
Anogenital human papillomavirus, 249 of repair, 211–212
1472 Index

Atypia (cont.) cyst/abscess, 50

severe pleomorphic, 542 cysts, 157
severe uniform, 542 tumors
squamous reparative, 211 clinical features, 105
Atypical choriocarcinoma, 1352 differential diagnosis, 105
Atypical genital nevus, 46–47 general features, 105
Atypical glandular cells (AGC), 295–296 gross findings, 105
Atypical hyperplasia (AH), 241, 276, 440 microscopic findings, 105
hysterectomy findings, 450 Basal cell, 196
pathologic findings, 443–445 carcinoma, 73
treatment with progestins, 458 hyperplasia, 241
Atypical oxyphilic metaplasia, 211 Basalis, 379
Atypical placental site nodule, 1362 Basaloid carcinoma, 335
histology, 1365 squamous cell carcinoma of vulva, 89–91
Atypical polypoid adenomyoma, 422–424, 446 Basosquamous carcinoma, 97, 98
Atypical proliferative Brenner (transitional cell) tumors, B–cell lymphoma
945–946 and adult granulosa cell tumor, 1383
Atypical proliferative clear cell tumors (APCCTs), and carcinoma, 1383
935–936 and dysgerminoma, 1383
Atypical proliferative endometrioid tumors (APET), and myeloid sarcoma, 1383
925–926 ovarian involvement, histology, 1383
Atypical proliferative mucinous tumor (APMT) in ovary
gastrointestinal type, 908–912 differential diagnosis, 1383
with intraepithelial carcinoma, 912–913 histology, 1379–1382
with microinvasion and microinvasive carcinoma, primary uterine lymphoma, 1383
913–914 and spindle cell sarcoma, 1383
seromucinous type, 911–912 in uterine cervix, histology, 1383
Atypical squamous cells (ASC) Bcl-2, 386
abnormalities, 289–294 Behçet disease, 40
ASC-H, 299 Benign glandular lesions, of vulva, 51
prevalence, 298 anogenital mammary-like glands, 52–53
of undermined significance (ASC-US), 298 sweat gland origin, 53–54
Atypical tubal metaplasia, 285 Benign intranodal glands of Müllerian type, 827–828
Auspitz sign, 22 Benign lesions
Autoimmune oophoritis of follicular origin of vulva, 55
clinical and pathogenetic features, 756–757 lymphovascular
gross findings, 757 angiokeratoma, 56
microscopic findings, 757–758 hemangiomas, 55–56
mononuclear inflammatory cells, 757 lymphangioma circumscriptum, 56, 57
of urethra, 58
B Benign melanosis, 175
Bacterial infections Benign mesothelioma, see Adenomatoid tumor
of cervix, 215–216 Benign metastasizing leiomyoma, 558–559
vaginitis, unusual types, 148 Benign sebaceous lesions, of vulva, 55
Bacterial vaginosis, 144–145 Benign squamous tumors (epidermoid cyst), 948
diagnosis of, 144 Beta-human chorionic gonadotropin (β-hCG)
papanicolaou-stained cytologic preparation, 145 ectopic pregnancy, 662
Bacteroides, 141, 666 yolk sac tumor, 1067
Bacteroides fragilis, 668 Beta-lactamase-resistant anti-staphylococcal antibiotics,
Bartholin duct, 4, 5 149–150
Bartholin gland, 4, 5 The Bethesda system (TBS) terminology, 244, 288
benign solid lesion, of vulva, 54 Bicornuate uterus, 378
carcinomas Bilateral gonadoblastomas with dysgerminoma, 1105
adenoid cystic carcinomas, 105–106 Bilharziasis, 672
adenosquamous carcinoma, 106 of cervix, 218
clinical behavior, 107 Birth asphyxia, 1290
primary, 105–106 Bizarre nuclei, leiomyoma with, 551–553
treatment, 107 Bladder, 134
Index 1473

Blastomyces dermatitidis, 400, 672 clinical features, 678–679

Blastomycosis, 400 diagnostic criteria, 685
Blue nevi of endocervix, 228–229 differential diagnosis, 694–697
Blue nevus, malignant FIGO stage, 679–681
of vulva, 114–115 gross features, 681
B lymphoid cells, 398 histologic features, 681–684
Body mass index (BMI), 440, 456 immunohistochemical features, 684–685
Botryomycosis, 12 intraepithelial carcinoma, 681–682
Bovine papillomavirus (BPV), 247 intraoperative features, 681
BRCA, 679, 688–693 invasive carcinoma, 682–684
BRCA1, 688 molecular features, 691–694
BRCA2, 688 occult diseases, 688–690
mutation, 690–691 pathogenesis, 691–694
Breast cancer, metastatic to endometrium, 523, 524 prognosis, 685–687
Brenner (transitional cell) tumors, 943 treatment, 685–687
benign, 943–945 and lymphoma of lower female genital tract, 1393–1398
Bullous dermatoses, 151 of vulvar sweat gland origin, 108
Bullous erythema multiforme, 151 Carcinoma in situ (CIS), 466
Bullous lesions of cervical squamous mucous of fallopian tube, 678
membrane, 217 Carcinosarcoma
Bullous pemphigoid behavior, 520–521
clinical course and treatment, 31–32 clinical features, 516–517
clinical features, 30–31 differential diagnosis, 518–519
direct immunofluorescence, 31 gross findings, 517
microscopic findings, 31 malignant mixed mesodermal/Mullerian tumor,
symptoms, 31 949–950
Bullous systemic lupus erythematosus, 34 microscopic findings, 517–518
Burkitt’s lymphoma, 1379 molecular genetics, 519
and Epstein–Barr virus, 1380 treatment, 520–521
in ovary, histology, 1380 of urethra, 120
Buserelin acetate, 409 of vulva, 114
Cardinal ligament of Mackenrodt, 195
Cartilaginous metaplasia, 417
C Cavernous hemangiomas of vulva, 55
Calcification CD34, 386
fibrous tumor of peritoneum, 791 CD10, in endometrium, 386
ovarian, 753–754 CDX2, 413
Calcinosis, idiopathic vulvar, 57 CEA, see Carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA)
Canal of Nuck, cysts of, 51 Cellular angiofibroma (CAF)
Candida, 672 age distribution of patients, 1406
Candida albicans, 142–143, 218 behavior, 1417
infection of cervix, 218 clinical features, 1415–1416
Candida glabrata, 143 differential diagnosis, 1417
Candida tropicalis, 143 histology, 1416
Candida vaginitis, 144 pathologic findings, 1416–1417
Candidiasis, 143 treatment, 1417
Capillary hemangioma of vulva, 55 Cellular leiomyoma, 547–549
Carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA), 487 Cerebral palsy (CP), 1290
Carcinoid syndrome, 1028–1029 Cervical adenocarcinoma, precursors
Carcinoid tumors epidemiology and etiology, 277–279
insular, 1091–1094 historical perspective, 276–277
mucinous, 1095–1098 terminology, 276–277
strumal, 1098–1099 Cervical adenomyoma, 228
trabecular, 1094–1095 Cervical cancer
Carcinoma age on cytological abnormalities, 245
arising in endometrial polyps, 421–422 incidence in US, 246
of fallopian tube precursor lesions, terminologies for, 245
behavior, 690–691 steps in development of, 242
classification, 685 Toronto longterm follow-up of abnormal, 275
1474 Index

Cervical carcinoma, 1206–1207 large cell neuroendocrine carcinoma, 365

Cervical endometriosis, 807–809 leiomyomas, 228
Cervical intraepithelial glandular neoplasia (CIGN), 277 lymphangioma, 228
Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) lymphatic drainage, 196
CIN 1 lesions, 243 melanosis, 229
CIN 2/3 lesions, 243 mesenchymal and mixed epithelial-mesenchymal
natural history of, 275 tumors, 367–368
terminology, 241 miscellaneous tumors, 228–229
Cervicitis, 210 mucoepidermoid carcinoma of, 363–364
bacterial, 215–216 neuroendocrine tumors of, 364
chlamydial, 215–216 neurofibroma, 228
chronic, 214 parasitic diseases, 218
follicular, 214 physiology, 196
herpetic, 216, 217 primary choriocarcinoma, 369
infectious, 214–219 primary malignant melanoma, 368
mucopurulent, 215 protozoal diseases, 218
noninfectious, 213–214 schistosomiasis, 218
Cervicovaginitis emphysematosa, 218–219 Schistosoma haematobiium ova, 218
Cervix, 134 secondary tumors of, 369
adenocarcinomas of, 338–339 small cell carcinoma, 366–367
clinical presentation and gross findings, 340 tissues, immunohistochemical staining
early invasive (see Early invasive adenocarcinoma) patterns, 198
endocervical, usual type (see Endocervical tumor-like lesions, 230–231
adenocarcinoma, usual type) typical and atypical carcinoid tumor, 364–365
endometrioid adenocarcinoma (see Endometrioid vasculitis, 219
adenocarcinoma of cervix) viral diseases, 216–218
gastric, 351–355 viral infection, 216–218
intestinal (see Intestinal adenocarcinoma of cervix) Cervix uteri, normal, 195
mesonephric carcinoma, 358–359 CGH, see Comparative genomic hybridization (CGH)
pathogenesis and epidemiologic risk factors, 339 Chagas’ disease of cervix, 218
prevalence, 316, 339 Chancres, syphilis, 6
serous, 357–358 Chancroid, 10–11
signet ring cell-type, 356–357 Chlamydia, 659
villoglandular, 349–351 infections of cervix, 215–216
adenoid basal tumors of, 361–362 Chlamydia trachomatis, 666
adenoid cystic carcinoma, 363 cervicitis, 215
benign tumors, 225–229 endometritis, 398
blood supply, 195, 196 Chloroma, 1393
cytology CHM, see Complete hydatidiform mole (CHM)
appearance, 288–297 Chondroma
the Bethesda system (TBS) terminology, 288 of fallopian tube, 678
strengths and limitations, 287–288 ovary, 1136
ectopy, 201 Chondrosarcoma
ectropion, embryologic basis, 140 adenocarcinoma with, 517
epithelioid trophoblastic tumors, 369 ovary, 1136–1137
FIGO staging of carcinoma, 317 Chorangiocarcinoma, 1365–1368
fungal diseases, 218 features, 1366
fungal infection, 218 histology, 1365–1367
granulomatous infections, 216 pathogenesis, 1367
gross anatomy of, 195–196 Chorangiomatosis, fetal circulatory
gross structural changes, 138–139 disorders, 1273
heterologous tissue, 232–233 Chorangiosis, fetal circulatory disorders, 1273
heterotopic mature cartilage, 232 Chorioamnionitis, chronic, 1260
histology, 196 Choriocarcinoma, 522, 1308
HSV infection, 216 behavior, 1346–1347
immunohistochemical staining patterns of cervical clinical behavior and treatment, 1074
tissues, 198 clinical features, 1072–1073, 1339–1340
innervation, 195 differential diagnosis, 1343–1346
invasive carcinoma of, 316–317 general features, 1072
Index 1475

gross features, 1073 Cloacogenic carcinoma, 104

gross findings, 1340 Clue cells, 144
histogenesis, 1072 Cluster differentiation-63 (CD-63), 255
microscopic and immunohistochemical features, 1073 CMV, see Cytomegalovirus (CMV)
microscopic findings, 1340–1343 Coagulative tumor cell necrosis, 540, 542
treatment, 1346–1347 Coccidioides immitis, 400, 672
Chorionicity, multiple pregnancy, 1234–1237 Coccidioidomycosis, 400
Chorionic-type intermediate trophoblastic cells, 1311, Coitus, 138
1313–1316, 1319 Collar, 139
and ETT, 1352–1358 Collarette, 56
functional aspects, 1319 College of American Pathologists (CAP), 873
morphology, 1313–1316 Columnar epithelium of cervix, 199–200
placental site nodule, 1360–1365 Comparative genomic hybridization (CGH), 572
Chorionic villus and implantation site, histology, 1314 Complete hydatidiform mole (CHM), 1325
Chorion laeve behavior, 1328–1329
anatomy, histology, 1314 clinical features, 1325
ETT, 1352–1358 differential diagnosis, 1332–1333
formation, schematic representation, 1312 gross findings, 1325–1326
Chronic cervicitis, 214 histology, 1326, 1327
Chronic salpingitis, 668–669 microscopic findings, 1326–1328
Chronic villitis pathologic features, 1332
etiology, 1254 treatment, 1328–1329
pathology, 1254–1255 Compound, 199
Cigarette smoking, 255 Compound nevus, 45–46
Ciliated cell Condyloma, 169
carcinoma, 500 borderline, 261
change, 446 flat, 243
cysts of vulva, 51 immature, 258, 260 (see also Low-grade squamous
of fallopian tube, 655 intraepithelial lesion (LSIL))
metaplasia, 460–461 planum/flat condyloma, 258
tubal metaplasia, 414–415 spiked, 258, 260
CIN, see Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) Condyloma acuminatum, 58, 158
CK7, 703 vulvar
C-kit proto-oncogene product (CD117) clinical course, 14
dysgerminoma, 1054 clinical features, 12–13
CLC, see Corpus luteum cysts (CLC) differential diagnosis, 13–14
Clear cell adenocarcinoma microscopic findings, 13
of urethra, 118 risk factors, 12
of vagina, 138 treatment, 14
clinical behavior, 172–173 Condylomata lata, 6–7, 8
clinical features, 171 Condylomatous carcinoma, 336
differential diagnosis, 172 Condylomatous VIN lesion, 71, 72
general features, 170 Congenital abnormalities, of uterus, 378–379
gross findings, 171 Congenital anomalies
microscopic findings, 171–172 of fallopian tube, 673–674
treatment, 172–173 of vulva, 5
Clear cell adenofibromas, 935 Connective tissue disorders with ovarian tumors, 1036
Clear cell carcinoma (CCC) Contact dermatitis
of cervix, 205 of vagina, 150
clinical features, 510–511 of vulva, 20–21
differential diagnosis, 511, 513 Contraceptives, oral, 255
gross features, 511 Copy number endometrial carcinoma
immunohistochemical findings, 513 high, 478
microscopic features, 511–512 high/serous-like, 478
molecular genetics, 513 low, 478
ovarian carcinoma, 936–943 Corded endometrioid carcinoma, 500
Clear cell neoplasms, 935 Corpus luteum cysts (CLC)
Clitoris, 3–5 characteristics, 729
Cloacogenic adenocarcinoma, 104 clinical behavior and treatment, 732
1476 Index

Corpus luteum cysts (CLC) (cont.) Decidual arteriopathy

clinical features, 730 etiology, 1262
gross findings, 730 mural hypertrophy, 1262–1264
microscopic findings, 730–731 pathology, 1262
pathogenesis, 731–732 Decidual pseudopolyp of cervix, 230
Cortical granulomas Decidual reaction, 752–753
ovary, 726 Decidual vasculopathy, maternal circulatory disorders,
Corynebacterium spp., 141 1262–1264
Corynebacterium diphtheria, 148 Decidua of fallopian tube, 654
Corynebacterium minutissimum, 11 Deciduitis, chronic, 1260
Cottontailed rabbit papillomavirus (CRPV), 248 Dedifferentiated carcinoma
Cowden syndrome, 479 clinical features, 514
Coxcomb, 139 immunohistochemical findings, 515
CP, see Cerebral palsy (CP) microscopic findings, 514–515
Crohn’s disease, 38, 672 molecular genetics, 516
clinical course, 38 Deep vulvectomy, 121–122
clinical features, 37–38 Dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHES), 739
microscopic findings, 38 Depth of excision of vulvar tumors, 96
treatment, 38 Depth of invasion for staging stage I vulvar carcinoma, 83
vaginal symptoms, 151 Dermal homogenization/sclerosus pattern, 29–30
CT, see Cytotrophoblast (CT) Dermatitis
CTNNB1, 478, 492 herpetiformis, 35
Cushing’s syndrome, 1033 lichenoid pattern, 25
Cutaneous disorders with ovarian tumors, 1036 Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans (DFSP)
Cutaneous endometriosis, 812–814 histology, 1432
Cyclin D1, 75 involving gynecologic tract, 1434
Cyst Dermatophytosis, 18
of cervix, 229–230 DES, see Diethylstilbestrol (DES)
epithelial inclusion on vulva, 49–50 Desmoid tumor
follicle (see Follicle cysts) behavior, 1426–1427
Gärtner’s duct, 651 clinical features, 1425–1426
mesonephric, 156 histology, 1426
mucous, 50–51 pathologic findings, 1426
nabothian, 229 treatment, 1426–1427
of portio vaginalis and vagina, 218 Desquamative inflammatory vaginitis, 150
of vagina, 156–157 Developmental abnormalities, vulva
Cystadenofibroma of fallopian tube, 678 acquired, 5–6
Cystadenomas, 676 congenital, 5
Cystic atrophy, 390, 391 DFSP, see Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans (DFSP)
and hyperplasia, 446 Diabetes mellitus, 441
Cysticercosis, 672 Dienestrol, 138
Cystocele, 155 Diet as risk factor for endometrial carcinoma, 477
Cytokeratin 7, 255 Dieterle stains, 8
Cytologic abnormality, management, 297–302 Diethylstilbestrol (DES), 133, 138, 378, 673
Cytomegalovirus (CMV) Diethylstilbestrol adenosis (DESAD), 164
clinical significance, 1256 Differential diagnosis
endometritis, 398–399 of acantholytic dermatoses of vulva, 37
infection, 18 of adenoid cystic carcinoma of Bartholin gland, 106
ovary, 723–724 of aggressive angiomyxoma, 1410–1411
pathology, 1256 of amicrobial pustulosis of the folds, 42
Cytotoxic drugs, ovarian changes, 760–761 of angiomyofibroblastoma, 1414–1415
Cytotrophoblast (CT), 1309 of cellular angiofibroma, 1417
functional aspects, 1316–1319 of choriocarcinoma, 1343–1346
morphology, 1311–1316 complete hydatidiform mole, 1332–1333
of complete hydatidiform mole, 1332–1333
of differentiated vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia, 76–77
D of embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma, 174
Danazol, 409 of epithelioid sarcoma, 1446–1447
Darier disease, 36, 37 epithelioid trophoblastic tumor, 1356–1357
Index 1477

of ETT, 1356–1357 sclerotic dermatoses, 30

of exaggerated placental site (reaction), 1360–1361 spongiotic dermatoses, 21, 22
of genital rhabdomyoma, 1427 of vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia, 73–74
of granular cell tumor, 1419 Differentiated vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia (dVIN), 67
of granulomatous dermatoses of vulva, 39 adjunctive studies, 77
immunohistochemistry approach, 1368–1371 clinical behavior, 77–78
invasive hydatidiform mole, 1334 differential diagnosis, 76–77
of invasive hydatidiform mole, 1334 general features, 76
of Krukenberg tumor, 1163–1165 immunohistochemical studies, 77
of leiomyoma with lymphoid infiltration, 1392–1393 with invasive squamous carcinoma, 76
of low-grade mucinous tumors, 1174–1176 microscopic findings, 76
of lymphoma of lower female genital tract, 1393 treatment, 77–78
of lymphomas of vulva, 115 Diffuse laminar endocervical glandular hyperplasia
of malignant lymphoma of vulva, 115 (DLEGH), 223
of Merkel cell tumor of vulva, 117 Diffuse leiomyomatosis, 556–557
of metastatic acinar cell carcinoma from the pancreas in Diffuse peritoneal leiomyomatosis, 826–827
ovary, 1185 Dilatation and curettage (D&C), cervical, 391
of metastatic breast cancer, 1192–1195 Disordered proliferative endometrium, 446
of metastatic breast carcinoma in ovary, 1192–1195 Dissecting gonadoblastoma with undifferentiated
of metastatic carcinoid tumor in ovary, 1179–1181 gonadal tissue, 1108–1109
of metastatic carcinoma Dissecting leiomyoma, 557
from the extrahepatic bile duct in ovary, 1186–1187 Disseminated peritoneal leiomyoma (DPL), 560–561
from the gall bladder in ovary, 1186–1187 DLEGH, see Diffuse laminar endocervical glandular
of metastatic hepatocellular carcinoma from the liver in hyperplasia (DLEGH)
ovary, 1187–1188 DNA mismatch repair (MMR), 478, 479, 489, 491
of metastatic intestinal carcinoma in ovary, 1170–1172 Donovan bodies, 9
of metastatic intestinal–type adenocarcinoma of the Donovanosis, see Granuloma inguinale
stomach in ovary, 1166 DPL, see Disseminated peritoneal leiomyoma (DPL)
of metastatic malignant melanoma in ovary, DUB, see Dysfunctional uterine bleeding (DUB)
1199–1200 Duplication of vagina, 141
of metastatic pulmonary tumor in ovary, 1201–1203 Dysfunctional uterine bleeding
of metastatic renal tumor in ovary, 1196–1197 (DUB), 402–404
of mucinous carcinoid tumor, 1183–1184 estrogen-related, 404–405
of myeloid neoplasia of female reproductive organs, progesterone-related, 405–406
1397–1398 Dysgerminoma
of myeloid sarcoma, 1397–1398 and amenorrhea, 1051
of nodular fasciitis, 1425 c-kit proto-oncogene product
of ovarian lymphoma, 1382 (CD117), 1054
of Paget disease, of vulva, 102–104 clinical behavior and treatment, 1055–1056
partial hydatidiform mole, 1332–1333 clinical features, 1050–1051
of partial hydatidiform mole, 1332–1333 cytogenetic and molecular features, 1049–1050
of perivascular epithelioid cell tumors, 1440–1441 with gonadoblastoma, 1051
of placental site nodule, 1360–1365 gross features, 1051
placental site trophoblastic tumor, 1348 histogenesis, 1049
of polypoid lesions of cervix, 225, 226 with hypercalcemia, 1051
of PSTT, 1349–1351 immunohistochemical features and differential
secondary ovarian lymphoma, 1382 diagnosis, 1054–1055
of SIL (VAIN), 165 KIT mutations, 1050
of solitary fibrous tumor, 1435–1436 microscopic features, 1051–1054
of superficial angiomyxoma, 1412 placental alkaline phosphatase (PLAP), 1054
of superficial spreading malignant melanoma of prevalence, 1050
vulva, 112 SALL4, 1054
of urethral clear cell adenocarcinoma, 118 and serum hCG levels, 1053
of vasculopathic dermatoses of vulva, 41 with virilization, 1051
of vesiculobullous dermatoses of vulva, 34–35 Dyskeratosis, 36
of vulva Dyskeratotic cells, 37
acanthotic dermatoses, 24–25 Dysplasia, 241
condyloma acuminatum, 13–14 melanocytic nevi, 47
lichenoid dermatoses, 29 of vaginal vault, 164, 165
1478 Index

E Endocervical hyperplasia
Early abortion, 1294–1295 glandular
Early complete mole, histologic features, 1326 NOS, 223, 224
Early invasive adenocarcinoma microglandular, 219–220
clinical behavior and treatment, 341–342 NOS, 223, 224
definition, 340 Endocervical mucosa
microscopic findings, 340–341 cleft-like infoldings and tunnel-like collaterals, 199
ECC, see Endocervical curettage (ECC) columnar mucin-filled endocervical cells, 199
Echinococcosis of cervix, 218 histology, 199
Echinococcus granulosus, 400, 672 Endocervical polyps, 225–226
Ectocervix, 133 Endocervical reparative atypia, 211, 212
Ectodermal structures of cervix, 232 Endocervical tunnel cluster, 229, 230
Ectopic decidua, 752–753 Endocervicitis, 215
Ectopic pregnancy, 662–664 Endocervicosis (including Müllerianosis)
clinical features, 662–663 of cervix, 223–22, 223–224
etiology, 662 of peritoneum, 824
ovarian, 759–760 Endocervix, 133, 195
pathologic features, 663–664 Endodermal sinus tumor (EST)
sequelae, 664 of vagina, 177–178
Ectropion, 201 of vulva, 115
EFT, see Ewing family tumor (EFT) Endometrial ablation
EGF, see Epidermal growth factor (EGF) effects of, 427–428
EGFR, see Epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) histiocytic and giant cell reaction, 428
EMA, see Epithelial membrane antigen (EMA) Endometrial adenocarcinoma of vagina, 179, 180
Embryonal carcinoma Endometrial biopsy
clinical behavior and treatment, 1069–1070 contaminants and other elements, 394–395
clinical features, 1067 specimens
gross features, 1067 artifacts in, 393–394
immunohistochemical features and differential extrauterine tissues in, 395–396
diagnosis, 1068–1069 Endometrial carcinoma, 1206
microscopic features, 1068 classification, 474–476
of ovary, 1065 clinical and pathologic features, 480–521
Embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma constitutional factors, 477
clinical behavior, 175 copy number high/serous-like subtype, 478
clinical features, 173 copy number low/microsatellite stable (MSS)
general features, 173 subtype, 478
gross findings, 173 diet, as risk factors, 477
and lymphoma of lower female genital tract, 1393 epidemiology, 474
microscopic findings, 173–174 etiology, 476–479
treatment, 175 hereditary syndromes, 478–479
Emphysematous endometritis, 429 hormonal stimulation, 476–477
Emphysematous vaginitis, 148 hypermutated/microsatellite instability (MSI)
Emx2, 652 subtype, 478
Endocervical adenocarcinoma, usual type molecular genetics, 477–478
biomarkers, 345 mucinous carcinoma, 500–502
clinical behavior and treatment, 347 precursors of, 440–470
differential diagnosis, 344–347 ultramutated subtype, 478
features, 342 Endometrial cellular changes
immunohistochemical staining and in situ cellular differentiation, 458–460
hybridization, 343–344 classification, 459–460
microscopic findings, 342–343 differential diagnosis, 465–466
prognostic risk factors, 347 metaplasia, 458–460
Endocervical columnar cell, 198 Endometrial colonization, 660
Endocervical curettage (ECC), 302–303 Endometrial cytoplasmic changes
Endocervical dysplasia, 276 behavior, 466
glandular, 277 ciliated cell metaplasia, 460–461
Endocervical epithelium, 284 classification, 459–460
Endocervical gland, 199 differential diagnosis, 465–466
benign proliferation, 219 eosinophilic changes, 460–461
Index 1479

hobnail metaplasia, 463 Endometrial stromal sarcoma (ESS)

management, 466 high-grade, of uterus, 592–597
mucinous metaplasia, 461–463 pleomorphic/heterologous sarcoma, 596
papillary proliferations, 465 undifferentiated uterine sarcoma, 597–599
papillary syncytial metaplasia, 460 YWHAE-FAM22 (YWHAE-NUTM2), 592–594
secretory change, 464–465 ZC3H7B-BCOR, 594–596
squamous metaplasia, 463–464 low- grade, of uterus, 578–592
Endometrial epithelial metaplasias, 411–412 and lymphoma of lower female genital tract, 1393
Endometrial glands with ciliated cell change, 446 Endometrioid adenocarcinoma, 412, 416
Endometrial glandular breakdown, 446 cervix
Endometrial hyperplasia (EH) differential diagnosis, 348
adjunctive techniques in classification, 451–453 features, 347–348
atypical, 443–445 immunohistochemical staining, 348
behavior, 453–455 microscopic findings, 348
classification, 440 Endometrioid carcinoma
clinical features, 440–441 AFP-secreting hepatoid adenocarcinoma associated
complex, 442 with, 523
complex atypical, 445 associated with Ewing sarcoma, 523
definition, 440 behavior, 493–494
differential diagnosis, 448–451 clinical features, 480
immunohistochemistry, 453 corded, 500
management differential diagnosis, 487
perimenopausal women, 457 grading, 481–485
postmenopausal women, 457–458 gross findings, 480–481
premenopausal women, 455–457 histologic effects of treatment
molecular genetics, 453 progestins, 495
pathologic findings, 441–445 radiation, 494–495
reproducibility studies, 451–453 hyalinized, 500
simple, 441, 442 immunohistochemical findings, 487–490
simple atypical, 440 microscopic findings, grading, 481–485
treatment with progestins, 458 molecular genetics, 490–493
without atypia, 441–443 myoinvasion, 483–487
Endometrial intraepithelial carcinoma (EIC), oxyphilic variant of, 523
serous, 422, 426 pathogenesis, 694
Endometrial metaplasia secretory carcinoma, 499–500
classification, 459–460 squamous differentiation, 495–497
definitions, 459 treatment, 493–494
differential diagnosis, 465–466 villoglandular carcinoma, 497–498
Endometrial neoplasia, 453 Endometrioid intraepithelial neoplasia (EIN), 440,
Endometrial polyps 452–453
adenomyomatous polyp, 421 Endometrioid stromal sarcoma (ESS), 950–951
atypical polypoid adenomyoma, 422–424 Endometriosis, 118, 140, 163
with atypical stromal cells, 421 abdominal, 816
histological features, 418–419 cervical and vaginal, 807–809
hyperplasia and carcinoma arising in, 421–422 of cervix, 224–225
incidence, 418 cutaneous, 812–814
Endometrial sampling, 391–392 of fallopian tube, 660–661
criteria for adequacy, 392–393 inguinal, 812–814
Endometrial stromal breakdown, 446 intestinal, 809–811
Endometrial stromal nodules of lymph nodes, 814
clinical behavior, 590–592 in males, 816
clinical features, 578 neoplasms arising from, 816–820
differential diagnosis, 588–590 of nervous system, 816
gross findings, 579–580 pleuropulmonary, 814–816
immunohistochemical findings, 584–588 soft tissue and skeletal, 816
microscopic findings, 580–584 tubal, 809
molecular pathology, 584–588 unusual microscopic findings, 802–807
treatment, 590–592 upper abdominal, 816
Endometrial stromal proliferations, 429–430 urinary tract, 811–812
1480 Index

Endometriosis (cont.) Endosalpingiosis

in usual sites, 792–802 of fallopian tube, 660–661
of vulva, 55 of peritoneum, 820–822
Endometritis Entamoeba histolytica, 148, 672
acute, 396, 397 Enterobius vermicularis, 19, 148, 400, 671, 723
chronic, 397, 398 Enterotoxins, 149
dysfunctional uterine bleeding, 402–404 Eosinophilic hyaline droplets, 115
emphysematous, 429 Eosinophilic/oxyphilic metaplasia, 415–416
focal and diffuse, 396 Eosinophilic/T-cell vasculitis, histology, 1261
granulomatous, 401–402 Epidermal growth factor (EGF), 385
histology, 396, 397 Epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR), 385
idiopathic granulomatous, 401 Episome, 251
ligneous/pseudomembranous, 402 Epithelial cytoplasmic change, 411–412
specific forms of, 398–402 Epithelial inclusion cysts on vulva, 49–50
xanthogranulomatous, 397 Epithelial membrane antigen (EMA), 487
Endometrium Epithelial tumors
adenofibroma, 424–425 of fallopian tube, 676–677
anatomy, 377–378 of ovary
with anovulatory cycles, 404–405 age, 844
Asherman’s syndrome, 428–429 epidemiology, 842–844
autolysis, 431 etiology and risk factors, 844
benign endometrial stromal proliferations, 429–430 geographic distribution, 842–844
benign trophoblastic lesions, 430 hormonal factors, 844–845
congenital defects, 378–379 incidence, 842–844
curettage, effects of, 428 inflammation, 845–846
with ectopic pregnancy, 390 morphologic and molecular
embryology, 377–378 pathogenesis, 846
exogenous hormonal agents and drugs, effects of, mortality, 842–844
406–417 ovulation, 844–845
gestational, 387–389 pathogenesis model, 846–847
granulomas, 401 reproductive factors, 844–845
hematopoietic cells, 386–387 type II tumors, 848
immunohistochemistry, 386 type I tumors, 848
intravascular, 430 Epithelioid leiomyoma, 553–555
IUD, effects of, 425–426 clear cell variant of, 554
lower uterine segment, 384 Epithelioid sarcoma
luteal phase defects, 405–406 behavior, 1447
menstrual phase, 383–384 clinical features, 1444
mesenchymal metaplasia, 417–418 differential diagnosis, 1446–1447
mirena coil, effects of, 426–427 histology, 1445
normal cyclical, 379–384 involving gynecologic tract, 1444
ovary pathologic findings, 1444–1446
adenocarcinoma, 926–933 treatment, 1447
adenofibromas, 924–925 Epithelioid smooth muscle tumor, 554
cysts, 924–925 Epithelioid trophoblastic tumor (ETT), 1308, 1352–1353
ovarian endometrioid carcinoma with behavior, 1357–1358
endometriotic cysts, 934–935 cervix, 369
tumors, 923–924 and chorionic–type intermediate
with uterine endometrial carcinoma, 934 trophoblast, 1354
polyps, 418–424 clinical features, 1353
postmenopausal, 390–391 differential diagnosis, 1356–1357
postoperative spindle cell nodule, 429 gross findings, 1353
proliferative phase, 380 histology, 1368–1371
psammoma bodies, 429 immunohistochemical features, 1368–1371
radiation effects on, 428 microscopic findings, 1353–1356
secretory phase, 380–383 morphological features, 1346
steroid hormones and receptors, 384–386 and placental site nodule, histologic comparison, 1366
stromal cells, 380 and PSTT, histologic comparison of cytological
vascular anatomy, 378 features, 1359
Index 1481

and PSTT, histology, 1358 F

treatment, 1357–1358 Fallopian tube, 134
Epoöphoron, 656 benign neoplasms, 674–678
Epstein–Barr virus (EBV), 1379 carcinoma, 678–697
and Burkitt’s lymphoma, 1379–1380 congenital anomalies, 673–674
infection, 18 ectopic pregnancy, 662–664
Erysipelas, 11 embryology, 650–652
Erythema multiforme, 42 endometriosis, 660–661
Erythrasma, 11 endosalpingiosis, 660–661
Erythroderma, of vagina, 149 gestational trophoblastic disease, 699–700
Erythroplasia of Queyrat, 68 gross anatomy, 652–654
Escherichia coli, 147, 400, 666 gross examination, 656–658
ESS, see Endometrial stromal sarcoma (ESS) histology, 654–656
Estradiol (E2), 384–385 hyperplasia, 658–660
Estrogen, 197–199, 200 hysterectomies with benign disease, 656–657
hormone replacement therapy, 406–407 infertility, 664–665
and progestin HRT, 407–408 intussusception, 673
in proliferative phase, 380 issues related to sterilization procedures, 665
related dysfunctional uterine lymphoma, 699
bleeding, 404–405 malignant neoplasms, 678–699
Estrogen receptors (ERs), 384–386 metaplasia, 658–660
of cervix, 197 metastatic tumors, 698–699
Estrone (E1), 384 mixed epithelial- mesenchymal
ETT, see Epithelioid trophoblastic tumor (ETT) tumors, 697–698
Eubacterium spp., 141 neoplasms, 674–699
European Working Group (EWG), 452 nonneoplastic lesions, 658–674
Eutopic Skene’s glands, 54 papilloma, 676
Ewing family tumor (EFT), 1451 polyps, 664
Ewing sarcoma (EWS), 1451 prolapse, 673
histology, 1452 salpingectomy for benign disease, 656–658
Exaggerated placental (implantation) site salpingitis, 665–673
(reaction), 1358–1360 salpingitis isthmica nodosa (SIN), 661–662
differential diagnosis, 1360 sarcomas, 697–698
features, 1360 secondary involvement by carcinoma, 698–699
histology, 1360 torsion, 673
Excision, wide local, 121 vasculitis, 674
Exocervicitis, 215 Falloppio, Gabriele, 650
Exocervix, 195 FATWO, see Female adnexal tumor of probable
zones of the epithelium, 196 wolffian origin (FATWO)
Exophytic condyloma, 165 FC, see Follicle cysts (FC)
Exophytic condyloma acuminata, 217 Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO),
Extrachorial placenta 316, 1322
clinical behavior, 1230 cervix, 317
etiology, 1229–1230 endometrial carcinoma, 475
pathogenesis, 1229–1230 endometrioid carcinoma, 481–485
pathology, 1230 for fallopian tube carcinoma staging, 679–681
Extragenital sarcomas, ovarian involvement, staging of vaginal carcinoma, 167
1203–1204, 1205 vaginal carcinoma, 167
Extragenital site carcinomas, 523–524 Female adnexal tumor of probable wolffian origin
Extramedullary hematopoiesis, 418 (FATWO), 697, 701–702
in endometrium, histology, 1396 See also Wolffian tumor
and lymphoma of lower female genital Female genital tract tumor, ovarian involvement,
tract, 1393 1205–1213
Extranodal marginal zone lymphoma (MALT Fetal circulation, 1270
lymphoma), primary uterine lymphoma, Fetal growth restriction, 1289–1290
1385–1387 Fetal hydrops, 1290–1291
Extraovarian mucinous tumors Fetal membrane, 1273
of peritoneum, 824–825 anatomy, histology, 1314
Extravillous (cyto)trophoblast, 1309 Fetal vascular malperfusion (FVM), 1261
1482 Index

Fetal vascular narrowing, 1272 Fungal infection

Fetal vascular thrombosis ovary, 724
clinical significance, 1272 of vulva, 18
etiology, 1270 of vulvar skin, 19
pathology, 1270–1272 Fungal salpingitis, 672
Fetus papyraceus, multiple pregnancy, 1244–1245 Fungal vaginitis, 143
FH-deficient leiomyoma, 549–551 Fungi, endometritis, 400
Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2
(FGFR2), 492
Fibroepithelial polyp, 47, 48 G
Fibroepithelial stromal polyp, 158–160 Ganglioneuroma, 228, 1138
Fibroma Gardnerella, 144
ovary, 994 Gardnerella vaginalis, 144, 145, 148
cellular, 997 Gartner duct cysts of vulva, 51
differential diagnosis, 997–998 Gärtner’s cyst, 156, 651
gross findings, 996 Gastric adenocarcinoma of cervix
microscopic findings, 996–997 differential diagnosis, 354–355
Fibrosarcoma, ovary, 998 features, 351
FIGO, see Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics immunohistochemical staining, 354
(FIGO) microscopic findings, 351–354
Fimbriae, in fallopian tube, 652–654 minimal deviation type, 352, 353
Fimbria ovarica, 654 Gastrointestinal type, atypical proliferative mucinous
Fistula of vagina, 153 tumor, 908–912
Fixed drug eruption, 28–29 Gastroschisis
Flat clear cell carcinoma of vagina, 171 diseases of the placenta, 1277
Florid reactive lymphoid hyperplasia, histology, 1277
see Lymphoma-like lesion GCT, see Granular cell tumor (GCT)
Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH), 1295 Genital rhabdomyoma
5-Fluorouracil, 166 behavior, 1427
Foam cells, 443 clinical features, 1427
Follicle cysts (FC) differential diagnosis, 1427
with large opened unilocular cyst, 730 pathologic findings, 1427
multiple, 735–736 treatment, 1427
solitary Genital tract tuberculosis, 148
characteristics, 729 Germ cells and sex cord–stromal tumor
clinical behavior and treatment, 732 clinical and pathologic features of tumors, 1102–1109
clinical features, 730 mixed, 1109–1114
differential diagnosis, 732–733 Germ cell tumors
gross findings, 730 containing syncytiotrophoblast cells, 1026–1027
microscopic findings, 730–731 hypothetical model of histogenesis, 1049
pathogenesis, 731–732 of ovary
Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), 406, 409 classification, 1048
Follicular cervicitis, 214 clinical and pathologic features, 1048–1049
Follicular lymphoma histogenesis, 1048
in fallopian tube, histology, 1382–1384 mixed, 1101–1102
in ovary, histology, 1378–1382 WHO classification, 1050
primary uterine lymphoma, 1384–1388 Gestational cervical mucus, 204
in uterine cervix, histology, 1384–1386 Gestational endometrium, 387–389
Follicular variant of papillary thyroid carcinoma Gestational trophoblastic disease (GTD), 1308
(FVPTC) in struma ovarii, 1090–1091 classification, 1319
Foramen of Bochdalek, 995 cytogenetics, 1320–1321
Fordyce spots, 3 epidemiology, 1319–1320
Foreign body granulomas, ovary, 724–725 of fallopian tube, 699–700
Fornices, 133 National Institute of Health (NIH) classification, 1322
FSH, see Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) pathogenesis, 1323–1324
Fumarate hydratase (FH), 546, 550 of peritoneum, 791
Functional aspects of trophoblast, 1316–1317 prognostic factors, 1322–1323
Fundus, 377 serum markers, 1321–1322
Fungal diseases of cervix, 218 staging factors, 1322–1323
Index 1483

staging system of International Federation of Granulocytic sarcoma, 1393

Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO), 1322 Granuloma inguinale, 9–10
World Health Organization classification, 1308 Granulomas, ovary
World Health Organization classification prognostic noninfectious inflammatory disorders
index score system, 1322–1323 cortical, 726
Gestational trophoblastic neoplasm foreign body, 724–725
clinical features, 1339 necrobiotic (palisading), 725
morphological features, 1346 secondary to systemic diseases, 725–726
GFAP, see Glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) secondary to systemic diseases, 725–726
Giant cell arteritis, 151 Granulomatous dermatoses of vulva
of ovary, 759 differential diagnosis, 39
Giant cell carcinoma, 522 Granulomatous endometritis, 401, 402
Glands, in vagina, 138 Granulomatous infections, of cervix, 216
Glandular breakdown, 402–403 Granulomatous inflammation, 37
Glandular cell abnormalities Granulomatous salpingitis, 669–673
adenocarcinoma, 297 Granulomatous vulvitis, 38
AIS, 296–297 Granuloma venereum, see Granuloma inguinale
atypical glandular cells (AGC), 295–296 Granulosa cell proliferations of pregnancy, 750–751
Glandular crowding, 442 Gross structural changes
artifactual, 446 of cervix, 138–139
Glandular molding, histology, 393 of vagina, 138–139
Glandular tumors of vulva Group B Streptococcus, 147
bartholin gland tumors, 105–107 GTD, see Gestational trophoblastic disease (GTD)
intestinal-type mucinous adenocarcinoma, 104 Guanine deaminase (GDA), 255
mammary gland-like adenocarcinomas, 107–108 Gynandroblastoma of ovary, 1024
Paget disease, 98–104
skene gland and duct adenocarcinomas, 107
Glassy cell carcinoma, 360–361, 521–522 H
Glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP), 418 Haemophilus ducreyi, 10
Glial metaplasia, 418 Haemophilus influenzae, 148
Glia of cervix, 232 Hailey–Hailey disease, 36, 37, 151
Glomus tumor clinical course and treatment, 36
clinical features, 1428 clinical features, 35–36
histologic examination, 1428 microscopic findings, 36
histology, 1428 HAIR-AN syndrome
Glycogen, 136 acanthosis nigricans, 744
Goblet cell carcinoid, see Mucinous carcinoid tumors hyperinsulinemia, 744
Gonadoblastoma insulin resistance, 744
clinical features, 1104 in patients with PCOS, 744
composition of, 1106–1107 hCG, see Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG)
dissecting, 1108–1109 HELLP syndrome, 1293
endocrine features, 1103–1104 Hemangioma, 228
general features, 1102 of fallopian tube, 678
genetic and molecular features, 1102–1103 ovary, 1133–1134
gross features, 1104–1105 Hematologic disorders with ovarian tumors, 1037
histologic appearance of, 1107 Hematopoietic cells
microscopic and immunohistochemical features, endometrium, 386–387
1105–1107 leiomyoma with, 556
Gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonists (GnRH Hemorrhage of ovary, 758
agonists), 409, 546 Hemorrhagic leiomyoma, 549
Goserelin acetate, 409 Hemorrhagic necrosis of vagina, 151
Granular cell tumor (GCT) Hepatoid carcinoma of ovary, 1142–1144
behavior, 1419–1420 Hereditary leiomyomatosis and renal cell carcinoma
clinical features, 1417–1418 syndrome (HLRCC), 549
differential diagnosis, 1419 Hereditary syndromes, 478–479
histology, 1428 Herpes genitalis, 216
pathologic findings, 1418–1419 Herpes simplex virus (HSV) infection, 666, 1259
treatment, 1419–1420 cellular changes, 15
Granulation tissue, 226 of cervix, 216
1484 Index

Herpes simplex virus (HSV) infection (cont.) Hox family of genes, 652
clinical course, 17 Hoxa, 652
clinical features, 14–15 Hoxa-9, 652
endometritis, 399 Hoxa-10, 652
microscopic findings, 15–17 Hoxa-11, 652
PCR method, 17 Hoxa-13, 652
treatment, 17 Hoxd, 652
type 1 and 2, 14 hPL, see Human placental lactogen (hPL)
Heterologous sarcoma HPV, see Human papillomavirus (HPV) infection
endometrial stromal sarcoma, 596 HRT, see Hormone replacement therapy (HRT)
of uterus, 615–624 HSIL, see High-grade squamous intraepithelial
Heterologous Sertoli–Leydig cell tumor, 1019–1024 lesion (HSIL)
Hexestrol, 138 Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), 1295
Hidradenoma papilliferum, 52, 53 beta–subunit, 1351
Hidrocystoma, 51 and gestational trophoblastic disease (GTD), 1322
Higher multiple births, multiple pregnancy, 1247–1248 secretion with ovarian tumor, 1033–1034
High-grade endometrial stromal sarcoma, 592–597 Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), 146, 147
High-grade neuroendocrine carcinoma of vulva, 116 diseases of placenta, 1259
High-grade serous carcinoma (HGSC) of ovary, 896–906 Human papillomavirus (HPV) infection
High-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion cervical disease development after, 254–255
(HSIL), 163, 210, 244 of cervix, 217–218
aneuploidy, 268 classification, 247–250
atrophy, 272 cytopathic effects, 253
atrophy mimicking, 273 distribution, 250
atypical immature metaplasia (AIM), 271 epidemiology, 253–254
characteristics, 265–266 genomic organization, 250–251
cytoplasmic differentiation, 165, 166 life cycle, 251–253
differential diagnosis, 270–274 lineages of, 248
into endocervical glands, 273 in lower female genital tract, 723–724
features of, 270 oncogenic risk, common types of anogenital, 249
histologic, 301–302 phylogenetic classification, 248
with hyperkeratosis and parakeratosis, 270 prevalence of anogenital, 249
immature basaloid cells and mitoses, 269 Human placental lactogen (hPL), 1313
immature squamous metaplasia, 271 Human trophoblast, 1309
intraepithelial process, 165, 166 Hyalinized endometrioid carcinoma, 500
LSIL vs., 267 Hyalinized necrosis, 541
management, 276, 300–301 Hydatid cyst of the cervix, 218
with marked koilocytosis, 268 Hydatidiform mole, 1308
with marked variability, 268 ancillary techniques for diagnosis, 1335–1336
with metaplastic features, 270, 271 chromosomal origin, 1320–1321
with prominent abnormal parakeratosis, 270 immunohistochemical analysis, p57, 1336–1338
reparative processes, 272, 273 molecular genotyping, 1338–1339
High-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions (HSIL), 14, Hydrocolpos, 379
66–67 Hydrop, diseases of the placenta, 1290–1291
High mobility group protein AT-hook 2 gene (HMGA2), Hydropic placenta, 1291
545–546 Hydrops tubae profluens, 679
Hilar Leydig cell hyperplasia, 751–752 Hydrosalpinx, 669, 670
Histiocytes, 443 Hypercalcemia, small cell carcinoma, 1030
Histiocytic intervillositis, chronic, 1260 Hyperinsulinemia, HAIR-AN syndrome, 744
Histiocytic neoplasm of female reproductive organs, Hyperkeratosis, 47, 48, 169
1398–1400 of cervix, 212, 213
Histiocytic salpingitis, 669–673 Hypermutated endometrial carcinoma, 478
HIV, see Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) Hyperpigmentation, 44
HMB-45 staining, 576–577 Hyperplasia
Hobnail metaplasia, 415, 463 atypical, 443–445
Homologous sarcomas, of uterus, 615–624 of cervix, 219–223
Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) complex, 459
combined estrogen and progestin, 407–408 cystic atrophy and, 446
estrogen-only, 406–407 endometrial polyps, 421–422
Index 1485

of fallopian tube, 658–660 Inappropriate antidiuresis syndrome, 1037

nodular histiocytic, 395 Inclusion cyst of cervix, 229, 230
with tubal metaplasia, 445 Individual cell keratinization, 69
without atypia, 441–443 Infarcted appendix epiploica tumor-like lesions,
Hyperplastic papillary proliferation, of endometrium, peritoneum, 783
383, 416–417 Infarct in placenta
Hyperprolactinemia, 739 clinical behavior, 1264–1265
Hyperreactio luteinalis etiology, 1264
characteristics, 733 pathology, 1264
clinical behavior and treatment, 735 Infarction of ovary, 758
clinical features, 733 Infectious cervicitis, 214–219
differential diagnosis, 735 microorganisms causing, 214
pathogenesis, 734–735 Infectious inflammatory disorder of
pathological findings, 733 vagina, 141–150
Hypertension, 441 Infectious villitides, 1256
pathologic finding in placenta, 1288 Infertility, 664–665
Hypertrophic chronic vegetative lesion (HCVL), 15 Infiltration of myometrium by implantation site
Hypoglycemia with ovarian tumor, 1034 intermediate trophoblast, 1359
Hypopigmentation of vulva, 44 Inflammatory dermatoses, of vulva, 19, 20
Hysterectomy, 153, 155, 406 Inflammatory diseases of cervix
atypical hyperplasia, 458 atypia of repair, 211–212
with benign disease, 656–657 hyperkeratosis and parakeratosis, 212–213
findings, 456 infectious cervicitis, 214–219
for malignant disease, 657 noninfectious cervicitis, 213–214
serous carcinoma, 509 radiation-induced atypia, 212
for tubal neoplasms, 658 Inflammatory lesions
of peritoneum
acute peritonitis, 772–773
I granulomatous peritonitis, 773
Idiopathic ovarian calcification, 753–754 infectious, 773
Idiopathic vulvar calcinosis, 57 nongranulomatous histiocytic lesions, 775–776
IGF binding proteins (IGFBP), 385 noninfectious, 773–775
Iliac artery, 134 peritoneal fibrosis, 776–778
Imidazole, 143 rare types of, 778
Immature condylomas, see Low-grade squamous Inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor (IMT), 153
intraepithelial lesion (LSIL) clinical behavior, 615
Immature teratoma clinical features, 61, 14362
characteristics, 1074–1075 differential diagnosis, 614
clinical behavior and treatment, 1077 gross features, 613
clinical features, 1075 immunohistochemical findings, 613
grading, 1077–1078 immunohistochemical results, 1437
gross features, 1075 microscopic findings, 613
immunohistochemical features and differential molecular pathology, 613
diagnosis, 1076–1077 of peritoneum, 790–791
from malignant mesodermal mixed tumor (MMMT), treatment, 615
1076–1077 of the uterus, histology, 1437
microscopic features, 1075–1076 Inflammatory pseudotumor of cervix, 231
Immune hydrops, 1291 Infundibulum, of fallopian tube, 652–654
Immunoglobulin therapy, 150 Inguinal endometriosis, 812–814
Immunohistochemical analysis, 1336–1338, 1368–1371 Inhibin, 1313
Immunohistochemical stain Innervation of vagina, 134
patterns of normal cervical tissues, 198 Insular carcinoid tumors, 1091–1094
for T. pallidum, 8, 9 Insulin-like growth factors (IGF), 385
Imperforate hymen, 140 Insulin resistance, HAIR-AN syndrome, 744
Implantation site intermediate trophoblast, 1311 Interferon-inducible transmembrane protein-1
cells (Implantation Site IT), 1311–1313, 1317–1319 (IFITM1), 585
functional aspects, 1316–1319 Intermediate cell, 197
morphology, 1311–1316 Intermediate layer of vaginal mucosa, 136
IMT, see Inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor (IMT) Intermediate trophoblast (IT), 1309
1486 Index

International Collaboration of Cancer Reporting Invasive squamous cell carcinoma, 85–89, 294–295
(ICCR), 873 adjunctive studies, 88
International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics clinical behavior, 88–89
(FIGO), 316, 1322 clinical features, 85–86, 328
endometrial carcinoma, 475 clinical trials, targeted therapy, 335
endometrioid carcinoma, 481–485 differential diagnosis of primary and metastatic tumors,
for fallopian tube carcinoma staging, 679–681 332–333
International Society of Gynecologic Pathologists gross findings, 328
(ISGYP), 440 histologic typing, 329
Interstitial (cyto)trophoblast, 1309 immunohistochemical staining and HPV in situ
Intervillositis, diseases of placenta, 1255 hybridization, 331–332
Intervillous thrombus incidence and mortality, 324
clinical significance, 1267–1268 keratinizing and nonkeratinizing carcinoma, 329–330
etiology, 1267 microscopic findings, 86–88
frequency, 1267 molecular genetics, 326–328
pathology, 1267 nodular mass, 86
Intestinal adenocarcinoma of cervix, 349 pathogenesis, 325–326
Intestinal endometriosis, 809–811 prevalence, 323
Intimal fibrin cushions prognostic significance
fetal circulatory disorders, 1272 of histopathologic findings, 333–334
histology, 1272 of HPV genotype, 334
Intra-abdominal desmoplastic small round cell tumor of spread and metastases, 332
peritoneum, 788–790 treatment, 88–89
Intradermal nevus, 46 treatment and prognosis, 334–335
Intraepithelial atypias classification, 685 tumor grading, 330–331
Intraepithelial carcinoma women with, 324–325
atypical proliferative mucinous tumor IRSG staging system, 175
with, 912–913 IRSG surgical–pathologic grouping system, 173
of fallopian tube, 681–682 ISSVD classification of vulvodynia, 43
Intramural segment, of fallopian tube, 652–654 Isthmic endometrium, 384
Intranodal ectopic decidua of peritoneum, 828–829 Isthmus, 195, 377, 652–654
Intranodal leiomyomatosis of peritoneum, 828–829 IT, see Intermediate trophoblast (IT)
Intrauterine contraceptive devices, 147 IUD, see Intrauterine device (IUD)
Intrauterine device (IUD), 215 IUGR, see Intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR)
bacterial infections, 720–721
effects of endometrium, 425–426
Intrauterine fetal death, 1295 J
Intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR), 1289 JAZF1-SUZ12, 587, 588
placental lesions, 1290 JGCT, see Juvenile granulosa cell tumor (JGCT)
Intravascular endometrium, 430 Juvenile granulosa cell tumor (JGCT)
Intravenous leiomyomatosis (IVL) and leiomyoma, clinical behavior and treatment, 991
557–558 clinical features, 986–987
Intussusception, of fallopian tube, 673 differential diagnosis, 989–991
In utero exposure to DES, 138 gross findings, 987
Invasive carcinoma microscopic findings, 987–989
of cervix, WHO histological classification, 317
histologic features, 682–684 K
prognosis, 685–687 Kaposi sarcoma, 1453
treatment, 685–687 Kartagener’s syndrome, 655, 665
Invasive hydatidiform mole, 1333 Keratinizing squamous cell carcinoma of cervix, 329–330
behavior, 1334–1335 Keratoacanthoma of vulva, 49
clinical features, 1333 Ki-67, 469, 684, 685, 692
differential diagnosis, 1334 Ki-1 lymphomas, 116
gross findings, 1333–1334 Koilocytes, 158, 241
histology, 1334 Koilocytic atypia, 13
microscopic findings, 1334 Koilocytosis, 243
treatment, 1334–1335 Koilocytotic atypia, 243
Invasive keratinizing squamous cell carcinoma, 87 KRAS, 453, 492
Invasive mucinous tumors, 917–923 Krukenberg tumor, 1163–1165
Index 1487

L subtypes, 547–561
Labial fusion, 5, 6 treatment, 546–547
Labium majus, 134 typical, 544
Labium minus, 134 vascular, 555–556
Lactobacillus sp., 141 with vascular invasion, 557–558
LAM, see Lymphangiomyomatosis (LAM) Leiomyosarcoma, 178–179
Lamina propria ovary, 1130–1131
of fallopian tube, 654 of uterus
of vagina, 136, 137 behavior, 568
multinucleate stromal cells, 136, 137 clinical features, 561
Langerhans cell, 200 clinical outcomes, 568–569
histiocytosis grading, 569–570
clinical features, 1398 gross findings, 561–562
outcome, 1399–1400 immunohistochemical findings, 565–567
pathologic features, 1398–1399 metastasis and recurrence, 569
patterns, 1398 microscopic findings in conventional
treatment, 1399–1400 leiomyosarcoma, 562–563
Large cell neuroendocrine carcinoma, cervix, 365 microscopic findings in epithelioid
Laser vaporization, 166 leiomyosarcomas, 564–565
Last menstrual period (LMP), 392 microscopic findings in myxoid leiomyosarcoma, 564
Late abortion, 1295 molecular pathology, 566, 568
Latent infections, 251 prognosis, 568
L1-cell adhesion molecule (L1CAM), 492 treatment, 568, 570–571
LEGH, see Lobular endocervical glandular hyperplasia Lentigo simplex, 44–45
(LEGH) Leprosy, ovary, 722
Leiomyoma, 160–161, 228 Lesions
of fallopian tube, 677 of rete ovarii, 1141–1142
with lymphoid infiltration, 1391–1392 of secondary Müllerian system, peritoneum
differential diagnosis, 1392–1393 cervical and vaginal endometriosis, 807–809
etiology, 1392 cutaneous endometriosis, 812–814
histology, 1391–1392 endometriosis in males, 816
microscopic examination, 1391–1392 endometriosis in usual sites, 792–802
ovary, 1129–1130 endometriosis of lymph nodes, 814
Leiomyomas endometriosis of nervous system, 816
of uterus inguinal endometriosis, 812–814
abdominopelvic implantation, 561 intestinal endometriosis, 809–811
apoplectic, 549, 550 neoplasms arising from endometriosis, 816–820
behavior, 546–547 pleuropulmonary endometriosis, 814–816
benign metastasizing, 558–559 soft tissue and skeletal endometriosis, 816
with bizarre nuclei, 551–553 tubal endometriosis, 809
cellular, 547–549 unusual microscopic findings, 802–807
clinical features, 543 upper abdominal endometriosis, 816
dissecting, 557 urinary tract endometriosis, 811–812
disseminated peritoneal, 560–561 Leukoderma, 44
epithelioid, 553–555 Leuprolide acetate, 409
FH-deficient, 549–551 Levonorgestrel, 426
gross findings, 543–544 Leydig cell hyperplasia, 751–752
with hematopoietic cells, 556 LGESS, see Low-grade endometrioid stromal sarcoma
hemorrhagic, 549 (LGESS)
highly cellular, 548 LGV, see Lymphogranuloma venereum (LGV)
immunohistochemistry, 545 LH, see Luteinizing hormone (LH)
IVL and, 557–558 Lichen planus (LP)
microscopic findings, 544–545 clinical course, 28
mitotically active, 547, 548 clinical features, 27
molecular pathology, 545–546 erosive type, 28
myxoid, 555 histopathologic features, 27
with other elements, 556 hypertrophic, 27
parasitic, 544, 559–560 papulosquamous type, 27, 28
peritoneal, 559–560 treatment, 28
1488 Index

Lichen sclerosus (LS), 25 immature condyloma, 258, 260

clinical course, 27 koilocytosis/koilocytotic atypia, 258, 259
gross appearance, 26 LAST recommendations, 264
microscopic findings, 26–27 at low magnification, 259
with minimal sclerosis, 26 management, 299–300
treatment, 27 with minimal cytological atypia, 258
Lichen simplex chronicus (LSC) nuclear atypia, 258
clinical course and treatment, 24 overdiagnosis, 264
clinical features, 23 p16 and Ki-67 staining of, 263
gross appearance, 23, 24 papillomatosis, 259
Ligneous/pseudomembranous endometritis, 402 parakeratosis, 259
Ligneous vaginitis, 150 p16ink, 260
Lim1, 652 pseudokoilocytosis secondary to infection, 266
Linear IgA disease, 32 spiked condyloma, 258, 260
Lipoleiomyoma, 556 Low–molecular–weight cytokeratin, 1313
Lipoma LP, see Lichen planus (LP)
of cervix, 228 LS, see Lichen sclerosus (LS)
of fallopian tube, 678 LSC, see Lichen simplex chronicus (LSC)
Listeria monocytogenes LSIL, see Low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion
clinical significance, 1257 (LSIL)
diseases of placenta, 1257 Luteal phase
pathology, 1257 defects, of endometrium, 405–406
Lithokelyphopedion, 664 inadequate, 405–406
Lithopedion, 664 Luteinized thecoma (thecomatosis)
LMP, see Last menstrual period (LMP) associated with sclerosing peritonitis, 1001–1002
Lobular capillary hemangioma Luteinizing hormone (LH), 409
in the vagina, 55 LVSI, see Lymph-vascular space invasion (LVSI)
Lobular endocervical glandular hyperplasia (LEGH), Lymphadenectomy, 122
222–223 with inguinal lymph node metastasis, 85
Lobulated ovary, 718–719 Lymphangioma
Lower Anogenital Squamous Terminology (LAST) of cervix, 228
Standardization Project, 244, 317 circumscriptum, 56, 57
Lower uterine segment, 195 ovary, 1136
endometrium, 384 Lymphangiomyomatosis (LAM), 574
Low–grade endometrial B–cell lymphoma, type, 1385 Lymphatic metastasis, 493
Low-grade endometrioid stromal sarcoma (LGESS), Lymph node status and metastasis staging of vulvar
578–592, 1127–1128 tumors, 81
Low-grade serous carcinoma (LGSC) of ovary, 890–906 Lymphocytes, 386–387
Low–grade soft tissue neoplasm, involving gynecologic Lymphoepithelioma-like carcinoma, 338
tract, 1431 of vulva, 95
Low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (LSIL), 13, 66, Lymphogranuloma venereum (LGV), 10
163, 165, 243 Lymphoid-derived cells, 200
abnormal mitotic figures (AMFs) in, 266 Lymphoid follicles, 200, 201
acanthosis, 259 Lymphoid neoplasm
architectural abnormalities associated with, 258 of female reproductive organs, 1377–1378
atrophy-related perinuclear halos, 265 in placenta, 1388–1389
borderline condyloma, 261 Lymphoid proliferation, nonneoplastic, 1390
with both hyperkeratosis and parakeratosis, 261 Lymphoma
characteristics, 257 of fallopian tube, 699, 1382–1384
condyloma planum/flat condyloma, 258 of lower female genital tract
cytologic diagnosis, 275 and carcinoma, 1393
differential diagnosis, 259–260 differential diagnosis, 1393
endocervical curettage, 302–303 and embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma, 1393
features of, 270 and endometrial stromal sarcoma, 1393
focal/patchy p16 staining, 263 and extramedullary hematopoiesis, 1393
histologic, 301 and lymphoma–like lesion, 1393
HSIL mimicking, 266 and spindle cell sarcoma, 1393
HSIL versus, 267 and lymphoma-like lesion, 1390–1391
hyperkeratosis, 259 of ovaries, 1378–1381
Index 1489

of uterine, 1384–1389 Markers, 1193, 1194

in uterine cervix, 1384–1386 Massive ovarian edema
of uterus, 623–624 clinical behavior and treatment, 748
in vagina, 1389 clinical features, 744–745
of the vulva, 1389–1390 differential diagnosis, 747
Lymphoma-like lesion, 401 gross findings, 745
of cervix, 231 microscopic findings, 745–746
and lymphoma, 1391 pathogenesis, 746–747
of lower female genital tract, 1393 Massive perivillous fibrin deposition
in uterine cervix, histology, 1384–1386 (MPVFD), 1268–1270
Lymph-vascular space invasion (LVSI), 322 Massive subchorial hematoma, maternal circulatory
Lynch syndrome, 453, 478–479 disorders, 1268
Mast cells, 387
Maternal floor infarct (MFI)
M clinical significance, 1269–1270
Malacoplakia/malakoplakia, 672 etiology, 1268
endometritis, 400–401 maternal circulatory disorders, 1268
ovary, 722 pathology, 1269
of urethra, 58 Maternal vascular malperfusion, 1262–1264
of vagina, 147 Matrix metalloproteinase 7 (MMP7), 255
Malignant blue nevus of vulva, 114–115 Mature cystic teratoma
Malignant lymphoma, primary, 115–116 autoimmune hemolytic anemia, 1083
Malignant melanoma clinical behavior and treatment, 1082–1083
amelanotic, 111 clinical features, 1079–1080
of vulva complications, 1082–1083
AJCC staging, 109, 113 cytogenetic features, 1080
clinical behavior, 113–114 development of malignancy, 1082
differential diagnosis, 112–113 general features, 1079
general features, 108–111 gross features, 1080–1081
histopathologic features, 112 hemolytic anemia, 1082
microscopic findings, 112 infection, 1082
treatment, 113–114 with malignant transformation, 1084–1086
Malignant mesodermal mixed tumor (MMMT) microscopic features, 1081–1082
immature teratoma, 1076–1077 mucinous tumors arising in, 1086–1087
Malignant mesothelioma, 784–788 nomenclature, 1087
Malignant müllerian mixed tumor (MMMT), 697 paraneoplastic encephalitis, 1082
Malignant neoplasms, of fallopian tube, 678–699 rupture, 1082
Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor (MPNST) struma ovarii, 1087–1089
involving gynecologic tract, 1451 torsion, 1082
ovary, 1138 Mature solid teratoma, 1078–1079
Malignant PSTT, histology, 1352 Mature vaginal squamous
Malignant soft tissue tumor involving gynecologic epithelium, 136
tract, 1453 Mayer-Rokitansky-Küster-Hauser
Malignant struma ovarii, 1089–1091 syndrome, 141, 379
Malignant transitional cell tumors (malignant Brenner Meconium
tumors), 946–947 clinical significance, 1276–1277
Malignant trophoblastic disease, clinical definition, 1276
classification, 1322 diseases of the placenta, 1276
Malignant tumors of urethra, 120 frequency, 1276
Mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) pathway, 575 pathology, 1276
Mammary gland-like adenocarcinomas of vulva, 107–108 Mediastinal tumor, ovarian involvement, 1200–1203
Mammary-like cysts, 51 Mediator subcomplex 12 (MED12), 545
Mammary-like glands, 107–108 Meigs’ syndrome, 995
Marginal hematoma Melanoma
clinical significance, 1267 clinical behavior, 177
etiology, 1266 differential diagnosis, 176–177
pathology, 1267 general features, 175
Marginal insertion of umbilical cord, 1284 gross findings, 176
Marginal zone lymphoma in endometrium, histology, 1387 microscopic findings, 176
1490 Index

Melanoma (cont.) osseous, 417

mucosal/acral lentiginous, 111, 112 oxyphilic, 415–416
nodular, 111, 112 papillary syncytial, 383–384
superficial spreading, 110, 112 Metaplastic epithelium, immature, 207, 209
treatment, 177 Metaplastic papillary tumor, 676, 677
vs. vulvar Paget disease, 74 Metaplastic squamous epithelium, 139, 140
Melanophages, 69 Metastatic acinar cell carcinoma
Melanosis, 175 from the pancreas in ovary
Melkersson–Rosenthal syndrome, 38 differential diagnosis, 1185
Menarche, 141 gross findings, 1184
Menopause, 137, 141 microscopic findings, 1184–1185
Menstrual cycle, 137 of the pancreas in ovary
Menstrual endometrium, 487 histology, 1184
Menstruation, 380, 383–384 Metastatic adenocarcinoma to vulva, 108
retrograde, 140 Metastatic adrenal gland tumor in ovary, 1198
Merkel cell carcinoma of vulva, 107 Metastatic breast cancer, in ovary, 1190–1191
Merkel cell tumor of vulva, 116–117 differential diagnosis, 1192–1195
differential diagnosis, 117 gross findings, 1191
histopathologic features, 116 markers, 1193, 1194
immunohistochemistry, 116–117 microscopic findings, 1191–1192
Mesenchymal and mixed epithelial-mesenchymal tumors, Metastatic carcinoid, tumor in ovary, 1177–1178
cervix, 367–368 differential diagnosis, 1179–1181
Mesenchymal metaplasia, endometrial, 417–418 gross findings, 1178
Mesenchymal tumor involving gynecologic microscopic findings, 1179
tract, 1431 Metastatic carcinoma
Mesenchymal tumors nonspecific, ovary from extrahepatic bile duct in ovary
low–grade endometrioid stromal sarcoma (LGESS), differential diagnosis, 1186–1187
1127–1128 gross findings, 1186
myxoma, 1128–1129 microscopic findings, 1186
undifferentiated sarcoma, 1129 from gall bladder in ovary, 1186
Mesodermal stromal polyp, 158–160, 226–227 differential diagnosis, 1186–1187
Mesonephric carcinoma of cervix, 358–359 gross findings, 1186
Mesonephric cysts, 156 microscopic findings, 1186
Mesonephric duct, 650–652, 656, 700 from intestine in ovary
Mesonephric hyperplasia histology, 1167–1172
of cervix, 220–222 from pancreas in ovary
florid, 221 differential diagnosis, 1183–1184
Mesonephric remnant of cervix, 220–222 gross findings, 1182
Mesonephric tubules, 221 histology, 1181–1182
Mesothelial hyperplasia tumor-like lesions, peritoneum, microscopic findings, 1183
778–780 of stomach, 1157–1167
Mesothelial neoplasms, of peritoneum Metastatic cervical carcinoma in ovary, 1206–1207
adenomatoid tumor, 783 Metastatic ductal adenocarcinoma from the pancreas in
malignant mesothelioma, 784–788 ovary, 1181–1184
well-differentiated papillary mesothelioma, 783–784 Metastatic endocervical adenocarcinoma in ovary,
Mesothelial proliferations lesions, ovary, 728–729 1207–1208
Metaplasia, 458–460 Metastatic endometrial adenocarcinoma, 179
adipose, 418 Metastatic endometrial adenosarcoma, 179
cartilaginous, 417 Metastatic ETT, 1358
ciliated/tubal, 380 Metastatic female genital tract tumor in ovary, 1205–1213
defined, 205 Metastatic gastrointestinal stromal tumor in ovary,
endometrial epithelial, 411–412 histology, 1203–1204, 1205
in endometrium, hobnail cell, 415 Metastatic hepatocellular carcinoma, from liver in
endometrium, mesenchymal, 417–418 ovary, 1187
eosinophilic/oxyphilic, 415–416 differential diagnosis, 1187–1189
of fallopian tube, 658–660 pathologic findings, 1187
glial, 418 Metastatic intestinal carcinoma, 1167–1172
mucinous, 413–414 Metastatic intestinal-type adenocarcinoma of stomach
oncocytic, 415–416 in ovary
Index 1491

differential diagnosis, 1166 Microinvasion and microinvasive carcinoma

gross findings, 1166 atypical proliferative mucinous tumor with, 913–914
microscopic findings, 1166 Microinvasive carcinoma, 82
Metastatic intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma from liver in Microorganisms causing infectious cervicitis, 214
ovary, 1189 Micropapillary SBT, ovary, 890–906
pathologic findings, 1189 Micropapillary serous carcinoma (MPSC), invasive and
Metastatic malignant melanoma in ovary noninvasive types, 890–906
differential diagnosis, 1199–1200 Microsatellite instability (MSI) subtype, endometrial
gross findings, 1198 carcinoma, 478, 491
histology, 1198 Microsatellite stable (MSS) subtype, endometrial
microscopic findings, 1199 carcinoma, 478
Metastatic mediastinal tumor in ovary, gross findings, Mirena coil, effects of endometrium, 426–427
1200–1203 Mitotically active leiomyoma, 547
Metastatic mucinous carcinoma Mitotic index, 542–543
of the appendix, 1172–1177 Mixed cell adenocarcinoma, 514
in the ovary, 1167–1168 Mixed epithelial-mesenchymal tumors, 599–610
Metastatic mucinous cystadenocarcinoma from pancreas of fallopian tube, 677, 697–698
in ovary, 1181–1184 Mixed epithelial tumors, 948
Metastatic mucinous tumors, 923 Mixed germ cells and sex cord–stromal tumor
Metastatic neuroblastoma from the adrenal gland in clinical behavior and treatment, 1113–1114
ovary, 1198 clinical features, 1110
Metastatic neuroendocrine carcinoma in ovary, 1177–1181 differential diagnosis, 1112–1113
Metastatic peritoneal tumor in ovary, 1213–1215 endocrine features, 1110
Metastatic pulmonary tumor in ovary general features, 1109
differential diagnosis, 1201–1203 genetic and molecular features, 1109–1110
gross findings, 1200 gross features, 1110–1111
microscopic findings, 1200–1201 microscopic and immunohistochemical features,
Metastatic renal cell carcinoma, 179, 180 1111–1112
Metastatic squamous cell carcinoma, 1208–1209 Mixed germ cell tumors, 1101–1102
Metastatic tubal carcinoma in ovary, 1205 Mixed polyps, 226
Metastatic tumor Mixed sex cord-stromal tumors
of breast carcinoma, 1190–1195 heterologous Sertoli–Leydig cell tumor, 1019–1024
of the extrahepatic bile duct in ovary, 1186–1187 retiform Sertoli–Leydig cell tumor, 1017–1019
of fallopian tube, 698–699 Sertoli–Leydig cell tumor, 1013–1014
of gall bladder in ovary, 1186–1187 tumors of intermediate and poor differentiation,
of intestinal carcinoma, 1167–1172 1016–1017
of intestinal-type adenocarcinoma of the stomach, well-differentiated tumors, 1014–1016
1165–1167 MLH1, 479
of liver in ovary, 1187–1190 MMMT, see Malignant mesodermal mixed tumor
of low-grade mucinous tumors, 1172–1177 (MMMT); Malignant müllerian mixed tumor
of ovary, general principles, 1152–1157 (MMMT)
of pancreas in ovary, 1181–1186 Mobiluncus curtisii, 144
of peritoneum, 791–792, 1213–1215 Mobiluncus mulieris, 144
with signet ring cell, 1157–1165 Molecular genotyping, 1338–1339
of ureter in ovary, 1197 Molluscum contagiosum
of urethra, 120 clinical course and treatment, 18
of urethra in ovary, 1197 clinical diagnosis, 17
of urinary bladder in ovary, 1197 clinical features, 17
of vulva, 117–118, 1213 microscopic findings, 17
Metastatic vaginal carcinoma in ovary, 1213 Monoblastic sarcoma, 1394
Metastatic vulvar carcinoma in ovary, 1213 Monochorionic placenta
Metatypical basal cell carcinoma, 97, 98 and twin gestation, 1233–1237
Metronidazole, 145 vascular anastomoses, 1237–1239
MFI, see Maternal floor infarct (MFI) Monodermal teratomas
Michaelis–Gutmann bodies, 58, 147, 400, 401 monodermal teratomatous neoplasms, 1101
Microcystic, elongated, and fragmented with neuroectodermal differentiation, 1099
(MELF), 486 with sebaceous differentiation, 1100
Microcystic stromal tumor, 1005–1006 of vascular tissue, 1099–1100
Microglandular hyperplasia, 172, 220, 285 Morphea, 30
1492 Index

Morphology reduced fetuses, 1247

of chorionic–type intermediate trophoblast, 1313–1316 umbilical cord in, 1238–1239
of cytotrophoblast, 1311 vascular anastomoses, 1237–1239
of implantation site intermediate trophoblast, Mumps oophoritis, 723
1311–1316 Muscularis, 134, 136
of syncytiotrophoblast, 1311–1316 Mycobacterium tuberculosis, 11, 670–671
of trophoblast, 1311 Mycobacterium tuberculosis, infection of cervix, 215–216
of villous intermediate trophoblast, 1311 Mycoplasma, endometritis, 399
MPNST, see Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor Mycoplasma hominis, 144
(MPNST) Myeloid neoplasia of female reproductive organs
MPVFD, see Massive perivillous fibrin deposition clinical features, 1393–1394
(MPVFD) ovarian involvement, 1395
MSH2, 479 pathologic features, 1394
MSH6, 479 uterine involovement, 1395–1396
Mucinous carcinoid tumors, 1095–1098 vaginal involvement, 1396–1397
Mucinous carcinoma vulvar involvement, 1396–1397
behavior, 503 Myeloid sarcoma
clinical features, 501 differential diagnosis, 1397–1398
differential diagnosis, 503 of female reproductive organs, 1393–1394
gross features, 501 of female reproductive organs, clinical features, 1394
treatment, 503 of vagina, histology, 1397
Mucinous metaplasia, 413–414, 461–463 Myofibroblastoma of ovary, 1133
Mucinous tumors Myometrial hypertrophy, 556–557
associated with PMP, 914–916 Myometrium, 228, 377
benign, 907–908 Myxoid leiomyoma, 555
invasive, 917–923 Myxoid smooth muscle neoplasms, 539
in mature cystic teratoma, 1086–1087 Myxoma, 1128–1129
metastatic, 923
with mural nodules, 916–917
of ovary, 906–907 N
Mucoepidermoid carcinoma of cervix, 363–364 Nabothian cyst, 229
Mucopurulent cervicitis, 215 National Institute of Health (NIH), classification of
Mucosa, 134, 136 metastatic GTD, 1322
Mucosal/acral lentiginous melanomas, 111, 112 NE, see Neonatal encephalopathy (NE)
Mucosal epithelium, of fallopian tube, 654, 655 Necrobiotic (palisading) granulomas, ovary, 725
Mucosal hyperplasia of fallopian tube, 659 Necrosis
Mucous cysts of vulva, 50–51 coagulative tumor cell, 540, 542
Mucous membrane pemphigoid, clinical features, 30–31 hyalinized, 541
Mucus-producing epithelium, 209 smooth muscle neoplasms of uterus, 539–541
Müllerian adenosarcoma, 951 of vagina, 153
Müllerian agenesis, 5, 141 Necrotizing fasciitis, 12
Müllerian cyst, 156–157 Neisseria gonorrhoea, 215
Müllerian ducts, 133, 378, 650–652, 700 Neisseria gonorrhoeae, 666, 667
atresia of, 378–379 Neisseria meningitidis, 148
fusion defects of, 378 Neonatal encephalopathy (NE), 1290
Müllerian inhibiting substance (MIS), 650 Neoplasms
Müllerian papilloma, 158, 230–231 from endometriosis, 816–820
Müllerian type, benign intranodal glands, 827–828 of fallopian tube, 674–699
Multinucleated atypia of vulva, 74 Neoplastic glandular epithelium, normal columnar
Multinucleate stromal cells, of lamina propria, 136, 137 epithelium vs., 281
Multiple follicle cysts, 735–736 Nephroblastoma (Wilms tumor), ovary, 1147
Multiple pregnancy Nephrogenic adenoma, 118
acute transfusion, 1243 Nephrotic syndrome, with ovarian tumors, 1037
asymmetric growth, 1240 Nervous system disorders, with ovarian tumors,
chronic transfusion, 1243 1035–1036
complications, 1239–1247 Neural tumors of fallopian tube, 678
duplication abnormalities, 1245 Neurilemomatous leiomyoma, 550
placental mass, 1237 Neuroendocrine carcinoma, non-small cell type of ovary,
placentation type, 1234 1145–1146
Index 1493

Neuroendocrine cell, 199 nRBC, see Nucleated red blood cells (nRBC), in fetal
Neuroendocrine tumors, 513–514 circulation
of cervix, 364 Nuclear atypia, in endometrial hyperplasia, 443
Neurofibroma Nucleated red blood cells (nRBC), in fetal circulation,
behavior, 1424 1291–1292
of cervix, 228 elevation, in fetal circulation, 1291–1292
clinical features, 1421–1422 Nulliparity, 440
histology, 1423, 1424 Nulliparous cervix, 195
ovary, 1137–1138
pathologic findings, 1422–1424
treatment, 1424 O
Neurofibromatosis-1 (NF1) Obesity, 440
behavior, 1424 Occult fallopian tube carcinomas, 688–690
clinical features, 1421–1422 OHS, see Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHS)
pathologic findings, 1422–1424 Omental–mesenteric myxoid hamartoma of
treatment, 1424 peritoneum, 791
Neuroglial tissue of cervix, 232 Oncocytic metaplasia, 415–416
NF1, see Neurofibromatosis-1 (NF1) Oophorectomy, 657–658
Nikolsky sign, 31 Oral contraceptives and cervical cancer, 255
N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor, mature cystic Osseous metaplasia, 417
teratoma, 1083 Osteoma, ovary, 1137
Nodular fasciitis Osteosarcoma, ovary, 1137
behavior, 1425 Ovarian adenofibroma, 228
clinical features, 1424 Ovarian cancer
differential diagnosis, 1425 cell type and histologic grade, 862–863
histology, 1425 College of American Pathologists (CAP), 873
pathologic findings, 1424–1425 cytopathology, 868–870
treatment, 1425 early diagnosis, 861
Nodular histiocytic Hyperplasia, 395 familial (hereditary), 856–858
Nodular hyperplasia, 54 FIGO recommendations, 873
Nodular melanomas, 111, 112 GEMMS of, 858–859
Nongranulomatous histiocytic lesions, peritonitis, International Collaboration of Cancer Reporting
775–776 (ICCR), 873
Non-Hodgkin’ s lymphoma of urethra, 120 patterns of spread, 863–868
Noninfectious cervicitis, 213–214 prevention, 861–862
Noninfectious inflammatory diseases of vagina, 150–151 prognostic factor in, 862, 863
Noninfectious inflammatory disorders, ovary screening tests, 859–861
cortical granulomas, 726 stage, 863–868
foreign body granulomas, 724–725 survival, 863–868
granulomas secondary to systemic diseases, 725–726 treatment
necrobiotic (palisading) granulomas, 725 chemotherapy, 870–871
Noninvasive LGSC malignant serous tumors, ovary, hormonal therapy, 871–872
890–906 surgical management, 870
Nonkeratinizing squamous cell carcinoma of cervix, targeted therapy, 871
329–330 Ovarian carcinoma
Non-necrotizing granulomata, 38 atypical proliferative clear cell tumors (APCCTs),
Nonneoplastic lesions 935–936
of fallopian tube, 658–674 clear cell adenofibromas, 935
of follicular and stromal elements clear cell carcinoma (CCC), 936–943
corpus luteum cysts, 729–730 clear cell neoplasms, 935
solitary follicle cysts, 729–730 distribution of, 850
Nonneoplastic lymphoid proliferation, 1390–1393 2012 FIGO staging of, 849
Non–neoplastic trophoblastic cell, and tumor cell, 1318 metastatic to endometrium, 523
Nontrophoblastic tumors putative histopathologic precursor lesions, 850–856
chorangiomas, 1295–1296 Ovarian diffuse large B–cell lymphoma, differential
hepatocellular adenoma and adrenocortical nodules, diagnosis, 1383
1296–1297 Ovarian epithelial neoplasms
placental metastases, 1297–1298 distribution of, 874
placental tumors, 1297 pathology of, 872–873
1494 Index

Ovarian epithelial neoplasms (cont.) epidemiology, 842–844

2014 WHO classification, 872–873 etiology and risk factors, 844
Ovarian fibromatosis geographic distribution, 842–844
clinical behavior and treatment, 748 hormonal factors, 844–845
clinical features, 744–745 incidence, 842–844
differential diagnosis, 747 inflammation, 845–846
gross findings, 745 morphologic and molecular pathogenesis, 846
microscopic findings, 745–746 mortality, 842–844
pathogenesis, 746–747 ovulation, 844–845
Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHS), 735 pathogenesis model, 846–847
Ovarian lymphoma, 1378–1382 reproductive factors, 844–845
differential diagnosis, 1382 type II tumors, 848
Ovarian remnant syndrome (ORS), 761 type I tumors, 848
Ovarian tumors fungal infections, 724
with carcinoid syndrome, 1028–1029 hemangioma, 1133–1134
with endocrine function, 1025–1029 hepatoid carcinoma of, 1142–1144
with functioning stroma, 1025–1026 infections, common bacterial infections, 720–721
germ cell tumors containing syncytiotrophoblast cells, leiomyoma of, 1129–1130
1026–1027 leiomyosarcoma of, 1130–1131
idiopathic group, 1027–1028 lobulated, 718–719
inappropriate antidiuresis syndrome, 1037 lymphangioma, 1136
with paraendocrine disorders, 1029–1035 malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor, 1138
with paraneoplastic syndromes, 1035–1037 mesenchymal tumors nonspecific, 1126–1127
salivary gland-like carcinomas, 1146–1147 myofibroblastoma of, 1133
with thyroid hyperfunction, 1028 neuroendocrine carcinoma, non-small cell type of,
with Zollinger–Ellison syndrome, 1029 1145–1146
Ovary, 134 neurofibroma, 1137–1138
absence of, 718 noninfectious inflammatory disorders
accessory, 718–719 cortical granulomas, 726
adenomatoid tumor of, 1139–1140 foreign body granulomas, 724–725
adrenal cortical rests, 719 granulomas secondary to systemic diseases,
anatomy, 717–718 725–726
angiosarcoma, 1135 necrobiotic (palisading) granulomas, 725
artifacts and normal findings, 762–763 nonneoplastic lesions, of follicular and stromal
bacterial infections elements, 729–752
actinomycosis, 721–722 osteoma, 1137
leprosy, 722 osteosarcoma, 1137
malacoplakia, 722 ovarian decidual reaction, 752–753
syphilis, 722 ovarian pregnancy, 759–760
tuberculous, 722 paraganglioma, 1138
changes secondary to parasitic infections, 723
cytotoxic drugs and radiation, 760–761 peritoneal malignant mesothelioma of, 1140
metabolic diseases, 760 rete cysts, 762
chondroma, 1136 rhabdomyoma of, 1131
chondrosarcoma, 1136–1137 rhabdomyosarcoma of, 1131–1133
congenital lesions, 718–720 schwannoma (neurilemmoma), 1138
disorders of ovarian failure, 754–758 serous tumors of, 874–875
ectopic tissues, 718–720 adenofibroma, 875–876
embryology, 716–717 APST, 877–890
endometrium malignant, 890–906
adenocarcinoma, 926–933 SBT, 877–890
adenofibromas, 924–925 serous cystadenoma, 875–876
cysts, 924–925 small cell carcinoma, pulmonary type (neuroendocrine
ovarian endometrioid carcinoma with type) of, 1144–1145
endometriotic cysts, 934–935 squamous tumors
tumors, 923–924 aggressive endometriosis, 951
with uterine endometrial carcinoma, 934 benign squamous tumors (epidermoid cyst), 948
epithelial tumors of carcinosarcoma (malignant mixed mesodermal/
age, 844 Mullerian tumor), 949–950
Index 1495

endometrioid stromal sarcoma (ESS), 950–951 Papillary thyroid carcinoma arising in struma ovarii,
mixed epithelial tumors, 948 1089–1091
Mullerian adenosarcoma, 951 Papillary tubal hyperplasia, 660
sarcomas, 950 Papilloma, fallopian tube, 676
squamous cell carcinoma, 948 Papillomatosis, 47, 165
undifferentiated carcinomas, 949 Pap smear, 213
stromal metaplasia, 752–754, 753 Papular acantholytic dyskeratosis, 37
supernumerary, 718–719 Papular genitocrural acantholysis, 37
surface proliferative lesions Parabasal cell, 196
mesothelial proliferations, 728–729 Parabasal layer of vaginal mucosa, 136
surface epithelium, 726–728 Paraendocrine disorders, ovarian tumors with, 1029–1035
surface stromal proliferations, 729 Paraganglioma, ovary, 1138
tumor of adrenogenital syndrome, 752 Parakeratosis, 36, 69
uterus-like ovarian mass, 719 Parakeratosis of cervix, 212, 213
vascular lesions, 758–759 Paramesonephric ducts, 377, 650, 651, 700
giant cell arteritis, 759 Para-ovarian lesions, 703–704
hemorrhage, 758 Parasites, endometritis, 400
polyarteritis nodosa type, 759 Parasitic infection
torsion and infarction, 758 of ovary, 723
vein thrombophlebitis, 758–759 of vagina, 148
viral infections, 723–724 of vulva, 19
xanthogranuloma, 721 Parasitic leiomyoma, 559–560
Oxyphilic metaplasia, 415–416 Parasitic salpingitis, 671–672
Oxyphilic (apocrine) metaplasia, 53 Paratubal cysts, 700–701
Oxyuriasis, 671–672 Paratubal lesions
adrenal rests, 700
papillary cystadenoma associated with von Hippel-
P Lindau disease, 702–703
p53, 384, 412, 692, 693 paratubal cysts, 700–701
p63, 386 Wolffian adnexal tumor, 701–702
Paget disease, 74 Parous cervix, 195
of vulva Partial deep vulvectomy, 110, 121
adjunctive studies, 102–104 Partial hydatidiform mole (PHM), 1308, 1329
classification, 99 behavior, 1333
clinical behavior, 103–104 clinical features, 1329
clinical features, 99 differential diagnosis, 1332–1333
differential diagnosis, 102–104 gross findings, 1329
non-cutaneous origin, 101 histology, 1330, 1331
primary cutaneous, 99–102 microscopic findings, 1329–1332
primary type, 98, 99 pathologic features, 1332
prognosis, 103 treatment, 1333
treatment, 103–104 Parvovirus B19
Pagetoid urothelial intraepithelial neoplasia (PUIN), 74 clinical significance, 1259
paget disease, secondary type of urothelial origin, diseases of placenta, 1258
101, 102 infection, histology, 1258
Pancreatic neoplasms, 1185–1186 pathology, 1258
Papanicolaou-stained smears, 143 PAS, see Periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) reaction
Papillary adenofibroma of endocervix, 228, 229 Pathologic finding in placenta of clinical syndromes,
Papillary cystadenoma, associated with von Hippel-Lindau 1288–1293
disease, 702–703 Pax2, 652
Papillary endocervical reparative change, 212 PCOS, see Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)
Papillary hyperplasia, 449, 450 PEComa, see Perivascular epithelioid cell tumor
Papillary proliferation, 465 (PEComa)
of endometrium, 416–417 Pelvic actinomyces infection, 721–722
Papillary squamotransitional cell carcinoma, 169–170 Pelvic adhesions, 140
Papillary squamous cell carcinoma, 336–337 Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), bacterial infections,
of vulva, 95 720–721
Papillary syncytial metaplasia, 383–384, 403, 404, Pelvic kidney, 379
416, 460 Pelvic ligament lesions, 703–704
1496 Index

Pelvis unusual microscopic findings, 802–807

median sagittal section, 134 upper abdominal endometriosis, 816
vagina, uterus, and supporting structures, 134, 135 urinary tract endometriosis, 811–812
Pemphigoid gestationis, 32 malignant mesothelioma of ovary, 1140
Pemphigus, 32 mesothelial neoplasms
Pemphigus foliaceous of vulva, 33 adenomatoid tumor, 783
Pemphigus vegetans of vulva, 32, 33 malignant mesothelioma, 784–788
Pemphigus vulgaris, 32–34 well-differentiated papillary mesothelioma,
of vulva, 32, 33, 34 783–784
Penile–genital transmission, 143 metastatic tumors, 791–792
Peptococcus, 141, 668 omental–mesenteric myxoid hamartoma, 791
Peptostreptococcus, 141, 668 peritoneal decidual reaction, 826
Perianal condylomata, 12, 13 peritoneal transitional, squamous, clear cell, and
Perianal Paget disease, 104 non-epithelial lesions, 825–826
Periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) reaction, 1052 pseudomyxoma peritonei, 792
Peripheral primitive neuroectodermal tumor sarcomas, 791
(pPNET), 1451 serous lesions, 820
family, histology, 1452 serous tumors, 822–824
Peritoneum solitary fibrous tumor, 790
benign intranodal glands of Müllerian type, 827–828 tumor-like lesions
calcifying fibrous tumor, 791 infarcted appendix epiploica, 783
decidual reaction, 826 mesothelial hyperplasia, 778–780
diffuse peritoneal leiomyomatosis, 826–827 peritoneal inclusion cysts, 780–782
endocervicosis (including Müllerianosis), 824 peritoneal keratin granulomas, 782–783
endosalpingiosis, 820–822 splenosis, 782
extraovarian mucinous tumors, 824–825 trophoblastic implants, 782
extrauterine, extraovarian, pelvic, or retroperitoneal tumor, ovarian involvement, 1213–1215
neoplasms, 820 Peritonitis
fibrosis, 776–778 acute, 772–773
gestational trophoblastic disease, 791 granulomatous, 773
inclusion cysts, 780–782 infectious, 773
inflammatory lesions Perivascular epithelioid cell tumor (PEComa)
acute peritonitis, 772–773 behavior, 1441
granulomatous peritonitis, 773 benign or malignant, 1441
infectious, 773 clinical behavior, 577
nongranulomatous histiocytic lesions, 775–776 clinical features, 574, 1439
noninfectious, 773–775 differential diagnosis, 1440–1441
peritoneal fibrosis, 776–778 gross features, 574
rare types of, 778 immunohistochemical findings, 575–577
inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor, 790–791 involving gynecologic tract, 1439
intra-abdominal desmoplastic small round cell tumor, as mesenchymal neoplasm, 1439
788–790 microscopic findings, 574–575
intranodal ectopic decidua, 828–829 molecular pathology, 576
intranodal leiomyomatosis, 828–829 not otherwise specified (NOS), 1439
keratin granulomas, 782–783 pathologic findings, 1439–1440
leiomyoma, 559–560 treatment, 577–578, 1441
lesions of secondary Müllerian system of uterine cervix, histology, 1439
cervical and vaginal endometriosis, 807–809 Peutz-Jeghers syndrome, 658
cutaneous endometriosis, 812–814 Sertoli cell tumors, 994
endometriosis in males, 816 PHM, see Partial hydatidiform mole (PHM)
endometriosis in usual sites, 792–802 Phosphatidylinositol 3,4,5-triphosphate (PIP3), 490
endometriosis of lymph nodes, 814 Phyllodes tumor
endometriosis of nervous system, 816 of vulva, 108
inguinal endometriosis, 812–814 Picket cells, 199
intestinal endometriosis, 809–811 PID, see Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), bacterial
neoplasms arising from endometriosis, 816–820 infections
pleuropulmonary endometriosis, 814–816 Pigment disorders, 44
soft tissue and skeletal endometriosis, 816 PIK3CA, 490–491
tubal endometriosis, 809 Pink cell metaplasia, 415
Index 1497

Pinworm (oxyuriasis), 671–672 and epithelioid trophoblastic tumor, histologic

Placenta comparison of cytological features, 1359
aberrant shapes, 1228–1229 gross findings, 1348
accreta histology, 1361–1362
clinical behavior, 1232 microscopic findings, 1348–1349
clinical features, 1231 morphological features, 1346
etiology, 1231 treatment, 1351–1352
pathology, 1231–1232 PLAP, see Placental alkaline phosphatase (PLAP)
treatment, 1232 Plasma cell vulvitis
circulations, 1261–1262 clinical course, 40–41
clinical syndromes and their pathologic correlates in clinical features, 40
placenta, 1288–1293 microscopic findings, 40
cytomegalovirus, 1231 treatment, 41
development, 1225–1228 Plasmacytoid squamous carcinoma of vulva, 95–96
diabetes mellitus, 1288–289 Plasminogen (PLG) deficiency, 150
examination, 1298 Platinum/taxane chemotherapy, 687
culture, 1299 Pleomorphic adenoma, 54
cytogenetics, 1299 Pleomorphic sarcoma, 596
fetal membranes, 1298 Pleuropulmonary endometriosis, 814–816
immunoperoxidase stains, 1299 Plexiform tumorlet, 555
techniques, 1299 PMS2, 479
umbilical cord, 1298 POF, see Premature ovarian failure (POF)
extrachorial, 129–1230 POLE gene, 478, 492
increta Polyarteritis, 151
clinical behavior, 1232 Polyarteritis nodosa, 219
clinical features, 1231 of ovary, 759
etiology, 1231 Polycystic ovarian disease, 441
pathology, 1231–1232 Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), 405, 441
treatment, 1232 adrenocorticotropic hormone, 739
with mesenchymal dysplasia, 1232–1233 characteristics, 736
normal anatomy, 1225–1228 clinical features, 736–737
percreta dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate, 739
clinical behavior, 1232 differential diagnosis, 739–740
clinical features, 1231 gross findings, 737–738
etiology, 1231 hyperprolactinemia, 739
pathology, 1231–1232 microscopic findings, 738
treatment, 1232 pathophysiology, 738–739
Placental alkaline phosphatase (PLAP), 1313 Polyembryoma
dysgerminoma, 1054 clinical behavior and treatment, 1072
Placental hydrop, 1290 features of, 1070
Placental inflammation, 1248 gross features, 1071
consequences, 1248 histogenesis, 1070–1071
Placental mass, multiple pregnancy, 1299 microscopic and immunohistochemical features, 1071
Placental site nodule/plaque (PSNP), 430, 1308 Polyp
differential diagnosis, 1363 of fallopian tube, 664
and epithelioid trophoblastic tumor, histologic hyperplastic endometrial, 445
comparison, 1366 mixed, 226
features, 1361 serous endometrial intraepithelial carcinoma in,
histology, 1362–1364 466, 467
microscopic findings, 1362 See also Endometrial polyps
morphologic features, 1362 Polypeptide growth factor, 385
Placental site plaque, 1360 Polypoid nodules, of granulation tissue, 226
Placental site trophoblastic nodule, 227–228 Portio vaginalis, 195
Placental site trophoblastic tumor (PSTT), 1308, POSCN, see Postoperative spindle cell nodule
1347–1348 (POSCN)
algorithm in diagnosis, 1368 Postinflammatory depigmentation, 44
behavior, 1351–1352 Postinflammatory hyperpigmentation, 44
clinical features, 1348 Postmenopausal bleeding, 392
differential diagnosis, 1349–1351 Postmenopausal endometrium, 390–391
1498 Index

Postmenopausal estrogen/progestin intervention (PEPI) extranodal marginal zone lymphoma (MALT

trial, 407 lymphoma), 1385–1387
Postoperative spindle cell nodule (POSCN), 152–153, 429 follicular lymphoma, 1385
involving gynecologic tract, 1439 outcome, 1388, 1389
Postpartum cervix, 203 pathologic features, 1384–1385, 1389
Post-term pregnancy, 1289 rare lymphomas, 1387
Potassium hydroxide suspensions, 143 staging, 1387, 1389
pPNET, see Peripheral primitive neuroectodermal tumor treatment, 1388–1389
(pPNET) Primary vaginal lymphoma, 1389
Preeclampsia Primary vulvar cutaneous Paget disease
definition, 1288 mortality, 100
etiology, 1288 secondary type, of anal-rectal adenocarcinoma
pathology, 1288 origin, 101
Pregnancy, 203–204, 387 subdivisions, 99
Arias-Stella reaction in, 388–389 of urothelial origin, 101, 102
endometrium associated with ectopic, 390 Primary vulvar lymphoma, 1389–1390
multiple Primitive neuroectodermal tumor (PNET)
acute transfusion, 1243 of uterus, 620–621
asymmetric growth, 1240 Primitive trophoblast, histology, 1313
chronic transfusion, 1243 PRMs, see Progesterone receptor modulators (PRMs)
complications, 1239–1247 Progesterone (P), 197–199, 200, 384, 385
duplication abnormalities, 1245 related dysfunctional uterine bleeding, 405–406
placental mass, 1237 Progesterone receptor (PR), 384, 385
placentation type, 1234 of cervix, 197
reduced fetuses, 1247 Progesterone receptor modulators (PRMs), 409
umbilical cord in, 1238–1239 Progestin
vascular anastomoses, 1237–1239 effects on endometrium, 408
tumors with functioning stroma occurring during, 1024 in endometrioid carcinoma, 495
Pregnancy luteoma treatment, morphologic changes associated with, 458
clinical behavior and treatment, 750 Programmed cell death, 385
clinical features, 748 Prolactinoma within ovarian dermoid cyst, 1035
differential diagnosis, 749–750 Prolactin secretion with ovarian tumor, 1034–1035
gross findings, 748 Proliferative endometrium, 379, 380
microscopic findings, 748–749 Prostate-like tissue, 54
pathogenesis, 749 Prostatic tissue, 720
Premature follicular depletion, 754–755 in cervix, 232
Premature menopause, 754 Protein kinase B (AKT), 490
Premature ovarian failure (POF), 754 Pruritus, 97, 99
Previllous trophoblast, functional aspects, 1317 Psammocarcinoma, malignant serous tumors, 890–906
Prevotella bivia, 144 Psammoma bodies
Primary amenorrhea, 379 in endometrium, 429
Primary Bartholin gland carcinomas, 105–106 of fallopian tube, 659
Primary choriocarcinoma, cervix, 369 Pseudocarcinomatous hyperplasia, 694
Primary leiomyoma of ovary, 1129–1130 Pseudodecidualization, cervical stroma, 204
Primary lymphoma of fallopian tube, 1382 Pseudodecidual reaction, 204
Primary malignant lymphoma of vulva, 115–116 of cervical stromal cells, 204
Primary malignant melanoma, cervix, 368 Pseudoepitheliomatous hyperplasia, 169
Primary mucinous adenocarcinoma of urethra, 119 Pseudohyphae, 143
Primary ovarian lymphoma Pseudolipomatosis, 394
Burkitt’s lymphoma, 1379–1380 Pseudolymphomas of cervix, 231
clinical features, 1378 Pseudomembranous endometritis, 402
diffuse large B–cell lymphoma, 1378–1379 Pseudomyxoma peritonei, 792
follicular lymphoma, 1380–1381 Pseudoneoplastic glandular conditions of
pathologic features, 1378 cervix, 219–225
rare lymphomas, 1381 Pseudopapillary endometrium, 394
Primary signet-ring cell carcinoma, 523 Pseudopolyp, 139
Primary uterine lymphoma Pseudoxanthomatous salpingitis, 669–670
clinical features, 1384, 1389 PSNP, see Placental site nodule/plaque (PSNP)
diffuse large B–Cell lymphoma, 1385 Psoriasiform hyperplasia, 22
Index 1499

Psoriasis differential diagnosis, 618–619

classic, 23 gross features, 616
clinical course, 23 immunohistochemical findings, 617–618
clinical features, 22 microscopic findings, 616–617
inverse, 23 molecular pathology, 617–618
microscopic findings, 23 of ovary, 1131–1133
treatment, 23 treatment, 619
PSTT, see Placental site trophoblastic tumor (PSTT) Ridge, 139
PTEN, 453, 488, 490, 491 Rubella, diseases of placenta, 1259
Puerperium, 203
PUIN, 118 S
Pulmonary tumor, ovarian involvement, 1200–1203 Sacral vertebra, 134
Punch biopsies, 120, 121 Saline suspensions, 143
Pure sex cord tumors, 971 Salivary gland-like carcinomas, ovarian tumors, 1146–1147
Pure stromal cell tumors, 994 Salpingectomy
Pyoderma gangrenosum (PG), 42–43 for benign disease, 656–658
Pyogenic granuloma in vagina, 55, 56 for non-fallopian tube malignant disease, 657
for tubal neoplasms, 658
for tubal sterilization, 657
Q Salpingitis
Quintuplet placentas, 1248 acute, 665–668
chronic, 668–669
Crohn’s disease, 672
R of fallopian tube, 665–673
Radiation fungal, 672
endometrioid carcinoma, 494–495 granulomatous and histiocytic, 669–673
fibroblasts, 212 parasitic, 671–672
induced atypia, 212 pseudoxanthomatous, 669–670
ovarian changes, 761 sarcoidosis, 672
Radical vulvectomy, 122 tuberculous, 670–671
Radionecrosis, 153–154 xanthogranulomatous, 669–670
Raloxifene, 411 Salpingitis isthmica nodosa (SIN), 661–662
Rare ovarian metastases in ovary, 1205 Salpingoliths, 659
Rarer ovarian stromal metaplasias, 753–754 Salpingo-oophorectomy
Reactive glandular atypia, 284 carcinoma, 688, 690
Reactive squamous atypia, 166 serous carcinoma, 509
Rectocele, 155 SAM, see Superficial angiomyxoma (SAM)
Recto uterine pouch, 134 Sarcoidosis
Rectovaginal fistulas, 141 clinical course, 39
Rectum, 134 clinical features, 38–39
Renin secretion with ovarian tumor, 1034 microscopic findings, 39
Reserve cells, 200, 205, 206 treatment, 39
hyperplasia, 205, 207 Sarcoidosis salpingitis, 672
immunohistochemical staining pattern, 198 Sarcoma
Resistant ovary syndrome, 755–756 botryoides, 173–175
Rete cysts of ovary, 762 of fallopian tube, 697–698
Rete ovarii lesions, 1141–1142 ovary, 950
Retiform Sertoli–Leydig cell tumor, 1017–1019 of peritoneum, 791
Retroplacental hematoma undifferentiated, 1129
clinical significance, 1266 of urethra, 120
definition, 1266 Savage syndrome, 755–756
etiology, 1265 Schiller-Duval bodies, 115
frequency, 1265 Schistosoma, 400
pathology, 1265–1266 Schistosoma haematobium, 148, 672
Rhabdomyoma, 161, 162 Schistosomal endometritis, 400
of ovary, 1131 Schistosoma mansoni, 19, 148, 672
Rhabdomyosarcoma infection of cervix, 218
clinical behavior, 619 Schistosomiasis (bilharziasis), 218, 672
clinical features, 615–616 of cervix, 218
1500 Index

Schwannoma (neurilemmoma) gross findings, 503

behavior, 1421 immunohistochemical findings, 507–508
clinical features, 1420 microscopic findings, 503–506
histology, 1421 molecular genetics, 508–509
(psammomatous) melanotic of gynecologic tract, 1453 origin determination, 697
ovary, 1138 papillary architecture in, 503
pathologic findings, 1420–1421 pathogenesis, 691–694
treatment, 1421 Serous endometrial intraepithelial carcinoma (SEIC)
Sclerosing stromal tumor, 1003–1004 behavior, 469–470
Sebaceous cell carcinoma, 98 definition, 466
Seborrheic keratosis of vulva, 48–49 differential diagnosis, 468–469
Secondary lymphoma extensive/minimal uterine, 469
of fallopian tube, 1382–1384 immunohistochemistry, 467–468
uterine, 1388 molecular biology, 467–468
vaginal, 1389 pathologic findings, 466–468
vulvar, 1390 polyp, 466, 467
Secondary Müllerian system lesions, of peritoneum treatment, 469–470
cervical and vaginal endometriosis, 807–809 Serous lesions of peritoneum, 820
cutaneous endometriosis, 812–814 Serous-like endometrial carcinoma, 478
endometriosis in males, 816 Serous tubal intraepithelial carcinoma (STIC)
endometriosis in usual sites, 792–802 behavior, 690–691
endometriosis of lymph nodes, 814 classification, 685
endometriosis of nervous system, 816 diagnostic criteria, 685
inguinal endometriosis, 812–814 histologic features, 681–682
intestinal endometriosis, 809–811 immunohistochemical features, 684–685
neoplasms arising from endometriosis, 816–820 original site determination, 695–696
pleuropulmonary endometriosis, 814–816 Serous tubal intraepithelial lesion (STIL), 685
soft tissue and skeletal endometriosis, 816 Serous tumors
tubal endometriosis, 809 of ovary, 874–875
unusual microscopic findings, 802–807 adenofibroma, 875–876
upper abdominal endometriosis, 816 APST, 877–890
urinary tract endometriosis, 811–812 malignant, 890–906
Secondary neoplasms, 179 SBT, 877–890
Secondary ovarian lymphoma, 1382 serous cystadenoma, 875–876
Secondary tumors of cervix, 369 of peritoneum, 822–824
Secretory carcinoma Sertoli cell tumor
differential diagnosis, 499–500 aggregates of cells with eosinophilic
gross findings, 498 cytoplasm, 992
microscopic appearance, 499 differential diagnosis, 992
Secretory cell of fallopian tube, 655 inhibin stain of tumor, 992
Secretory cell outgrowth (SCOUT), 693–694 lipid-rich, 993
Secretory change, 464–465 prevalence, 991
Secretory endometrium, 380–383 Sertoli-Leydig cell tumor (SLCT)
Secretory insufficiency, 405–406 heterologous, 1019–1024
Secretory phase, inadequate, 405–406 mixed sex cord-stromal tumors, 1013–1014
Sectioning and extensively examining the FIMbria retiform, 1017–1019
(SEE-FIM), 657 Sex cord-stromal tumors
Selective estrogen receptor modulator (SERM), 409 not otherwise specified
Seminal fluid, allergic reactions to, 151 gynandroblastoma, 1024
Senile cystic atrophy, 390 sex cord-stromal tumors, unclassified, 1024–1025
Septum, longitudinal, 141 during pregnancy, 1025
SERM, see Selective estrogen receptor modulator (SERM) pure sex cord tumors, 972
Seromucinous type, atypical proliferative mucinous tumor, unclassified, 1024–1025
911–912 WHO 2014 classification of, 969
Serous adenocarcinoma of cervix, 357–358 Sex cord tumor with annular tubules, 993–995
Serous carcinoma, 440 Sex steroids, 137
behavior and treatment, 509–510 Sexually transmitted disease (STD), 142
clinical features, 503 characteristics, 245
differential diagnosis, 506–507 Sexually transmitted pathogens, 142
Index 1501

Sexual transmission, 143 tumor and tumor–like lesion with benign

SFT, see Solitary fibrous tumor (SFT) behavior, 1406
Shave biopsies, 120 Solitary fibrous tumor (SFT)
Shigella vulvovaginitis, 148 behavior, 1436
Sickle-cell disease, 1293 clinical features, 1434
Signet ring cell-type adenocarcinoma of cervix, 356–357 differential diagnosis, 1435–1436
Signet-ring stromal tumor, 1004–1005 histology, 1435
SIL, see Squamous intraepithelial lesions (SILs) involving gynecologic tract, 1434
Single umbilical artery (SUA) pathologic findings, 1434–1435
clinical significance, 1285 of peritoneum, 790
definition, 1285 treatment, 1436
etiology, 1285 Solitary follicle cysts
frequency, 1285 characteristics, 729
low birth weight, 1285 clinical behavior and treatment, 732
pathology, 1285 clinical features, 730
perinatal mortality, 1285 differential diagnosis, 732–733
umbilical cord abnormality, 1285 gross findings, 730
Skeletal muscle differentiation, 161 microscopic findings, 730–731
Skene duct adenocarcinomas, 107 pathogenesis, 731–732
Skene’s glands, 4 Spindle cell
adenocarcinomas, 107 epithelioma of vagina, 161–163
cyst, 51 nodule, postoperative, 152–153, 231
solid lesions of, 54 sarcoma, and lymphoma of lower female genital
Skin adnexal-type carcinomas tract, 1393
basal cell carcinoma, 97–98 squamous cell carcinoma, 94
sebaceous cell carcinoma, 98 Spiral arteries, 378
SLCT, see Sertoli-Leydig cell tumor (SLCT) Spirochetes, 8
Small cell carcinoma, 1030 Splendore–Hoeppli phenomenon, 400
cervix, 366–367 Splenic–gonadal fusion, 719–720
hypercalcemic type, 1030–1033 Splenosis tumor-like lesions, peritoneum, 782
pulmonary type (neuroendocrine type) Spongiosis, 20, 40
of ovary, 1144–1145 Spongiotic dermatitis of vulva, 21–22
SMILE, see Stratified mucin-producing intraepithelial Squamocolumnar junction (SCJ)
lesion (SMILE) of cervix, 194, 200–201
Smooth muscle metaplasia, 417 functional, 203
Smooth muscle neoplasms, of uterus new, 202, 203
anatomic distribution, 543 original, 200–201
cytologic atypia, 541–542 physiologic, 202
differentiated cell type, 539 Squamotransitional carcinoma, 336–337
mitotic index, 542–543 Squamotransitional cell metaplasia, 659
necrosis patterns, 539–541 Squamous cell abnormalities
relationship to surrounding normal structures, 543 atypical squamous cells (ASC), 289–294
Smooth muscle proliferations, with unusual growth invasive squamous cell carcinoma, 294–295
patterns, 556–557 Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), 521, 1208–1209
Smooth muscle tumor of low malignant potential in Bartholin gland, 105
(SM-LMP), 571 clinical behavior, 168–169
Smooth muscle tumor of uncertain malignant potential clinical features, 167
(STUMP) depth of invasion, 83, 84
behavior, 573 general features, 166–167
clinical features, 571 gross findings, 167
gross features, 571–572 microscopic findings, 167–168
immunohistochemical findings, 572 ovary, 948
microscopic findings, 572 precursors of
molecular pathology, 572–573 cervical, 257
treatment, 573 etiology, 246–247
Smooth muscle tumors, benign of vagina, 160 historical perspective, 240–244
Soft tissue prevalence, 244–246
lesions involving female reproductive organs, 1406 terminology, 240–244
and skeletal endometriosis, 816 prevalence, 316
1502 Index

Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) (cont.) sarcomas, 950

SISCC (see Superficially invasive squamous cell squamous cell carcinoma, 948
carcinoma (SISCC)) undifferentiated carcinomas, 949
treatment, 168–169 Squamous vulvar carcinoma, histologic subtypes, 80
of urethra, 118 ST, see Syncytiotrophoblast (ST)
of vulva (see Vulvar squamous cell carcinoma) Stage Ia carcinoma of vulva, 80, 82
Squamous cell hyperplasia, 77 Stage IA invasive squamous cell carcinoma
Squamous cells of vagina, 137 clinical behavior, 84–85
Squamous differentiation, with endometrioid carcinoma general features, 80–82
behavior, 497 gross findings, 82
differential diagnosis, 497 microscopic findings, 82–84
gross findings, 495–496 treatment, 84–85
microscopic findings, 495–496 Staging system for GTD of International Federation of
treatment, 497 Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO), 1322
Squamous epithelialization, 205 Staphylococcal enterotoxin, 149
Squamous epithelial lesion (SIL), 163 Staphylococcal infection of vagina, 148
differential diagnosis, 165 Staphylococcus aureus, 11, 149
natural history, 166 Staphylococcus epidermidis, 141
Squamous epithelium Steiner stains, 8
of cervix Stein–Leventhal syndrome, 405, 441
atrophic, 198 Stenosis of vagina, 153
estrogen and progesterone effect, 197–199 Sterility, 218
histology, 196–197 Steroid cell tumors
mature, 206 Leydig cell tumor, 1008–1010
normal, electron microscopy of the superficial not otherwise specified, 1010–1013
cells, 198 stromal luteoma, 1007–1008
of the portio of the cervix, 196 Steroid hormones and receptors in endometrial cycle,
stratified, immunohistochemical staining 384–386
pattern, 198 Steroid receptors, 137
of vagina, 133 Stevens–Johnson syndrome, 42, 151
Squamous inclusion cysts, 156 STIC, see Serous tubal intraepithelial carcinoma (STIC)
Squamous intraepithelial lesions (SILs) Stillbirth, 1295
age on histologic, 246 Storage disorders, 1293
behavior of, 274–276 Stratified mucin-producing intraepithelial lesion
clinical features, 256 (SMILE), 282
distribution on cervix, 255 Stratum basale, 379
low-grade (see Low-grade squamous intraepithelial Stratum spongiosum, 379
lesion (LSIL)) Strawberry cervix, 146
pathologic findings, 256–257 Streptococcus agalactiae, 147
prevalence, 244–246 Stromal blue balls, 403, 446
risk factors, 247 Stromal breakdown, 402–403
Squamous metaplasia, 205, 208, 412–413, 463–464, Stromal cell tumors, pure, 994
1273–1274 Stromal desmoplasia, 451
of cervix, 205–207 Stromal hyperplasia
histogenic mechanisms, 205, 206 clinical behavior and treatment, 743
immature, 207, 209 clinical manifestations, 740–741
immunohistochemical staining pattern, 198 differential diagnosis, 743
Squamous morule, 413 diffuse proliferation of ovarian stromal cells, 742
Squamous papillomas, 157–158 gross findings, 741
Squamous reparative atypia, 211 microscopic findings, 741–742
Squamous tumors pathophysiology, 743
ovary Stromal hyperthecosis
aggressive endometriosis, 951 calretinin immunostain highlights, 742
benign squamous tumors (epidermoid cyst), 948 clinical behavior and treatment, 743
carcinosarcoma (malignant mixed mesodermal/ clinical manifestations, 740–741
Mullerian tumor), 949–950 differential diagnosis, 743
endometrioid stromal sarcoma (ESS), 950–951 gross findings, 741
mixed epithelial tumors, 948 microscopic findings, 741–742
Mullerian adenosarcoma, 951 pathophysiology, 743
Index 1503

Stromal invasion criteria for identification, 447, 448 Sweat gland

Stromal metaplasia, ovary, 753 benign glandular lesions of vulva, 53–54
Stromal tumor vulvar, carcinoma, 108
microcystic, 1005–1006 vulvar, carcinomas of, 108
sclerosing, 1003–1004 Symphysis pubis, 134
sex cord (see Sex cord-stromal tumors) Symplastic leiomyoma, 552
signet-ring, 1004–1005 Syncytial knot, 1310
Strumal carcinoid tumors, 1098–1099 Syncytiotrophoblast (ST)
Struma ovarii, 1087–1089 functional aspects, 1316–1319
clinical behavior and treatment, 1088–1089 morphology, 1311
clinical features, 1087–1088 Synovial sarcoma, 179
general features, 1087 clinical features, 1448
gross features, 1088 histology, 1448
malignancy arising in, 1089–1091 involving gynecologic tract, 1448
microscopic and immunohistochemical features, 1088 Syphilis
STUMP, see Smooth muscle tumor of uncertain malignant chancres, 6
potential (STUMP) clinical course and treatment, 8
Subacute chorioamnionitis, 1254 clinical features, 6–7
Subacute focal endometritis, 399 microscopic findings, 7–8
Subcolumnar reserve cells, 205, 206 ovary, 722
Sulfur granules, 399 secondary, 6, 8
Superficial angiomyxoma (SAM) tertiary phase, 7
age distribution of patients, 1406 Syringoma, 54
behavior, 1412
clinical features, 1411
differential diagnosis, 1412
histology, 1411, 1412 T
pathologic findings, 1411–1412 Taenia solium, 672
treatment, 1412 Tamoxifen, 409–411, 476
Superficial cell of cervix, 198 Tampon ulcer, 152
Superficial functionalis, 379 Taxanes, 411
Superficially invasive squamous cell carcinoma TBS, see The Bethesda system (TBS) terminology
(SISCC) TCC, see Transitional cell carcinoma (TCC)
characteristics, 317–318 Telescoping, 393
clinical features, 318 Teratoma
differential diagnosis, 322–323 of fallopian tube, 678
estimation and significance of third dimension, ovary
321–322 immature, 1074–1078
lymph-vascular space invasion, assessment and mature cystic, 1079–1089
significance, 322 mature solid, 1078–1079
measurement and significance of depth origin of, 1074
of invasion, 320–321 Testicular feminization syndrome, 133
of horizontal extent, 321 TFE3, 575
pathologic features, 318–320 The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA), 508
surgical margin involvement, 322 Thecoma, ovary, 998–1001
treatment, 323 Thrombophilias and adverse pregnancy outcomes,
Superficial spreading malignant melanoma, 73–74 1292–1293
Superficial spreading melanomas, 110, 112 Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura, 151
Superficial vulvectomy, 121–122 Thyroid hyperfunction, ovarian tumors with, 1028
Superficial zone, 197 Tibolone, 409
Supernumerary ovary, 718–719 T lymphocytes, in cervix, 200
Surface epithelium lesions, ovary, 726–728 Torsion of ovary, 758
Surface proliferative lesions, ovary Total deep vulvectomy with en bloc
mesothelial proliferations, 728–729 lymphadenectomy, 122
surface epithelium, 726–728 Toxic shock syndrome (TSS)
surface stromal proliferations, 729 clinical behavior, 149–150
Surface stromal proliferations, ovary, 729 clinical features, 149
Surgical pathology report, 121, 122 general features, 149
Survivors of co–twin demise, multiple pregnancy, 1245 gross findings, 149
1504 Index

Toxic shock syndrome (TSS) (cont.) treatment, 1324–1339

microscopic findings, 149 and tumor–like lesion, differential diagnosis,
pathogenesis, 149 1368–1371
treatment, 149–150 Trophoblastic tumor-like lesion, 1308
Toxic shock syndrome toxin 1 (TSST-1), 149 behavior, 1324–1339
Toxoplasma clinicopathological features, 1324–1339
gondii differential diagnosis, 1368–1371
clinical significance, 1258 treatment, 1324–1339
diseases of placenta, 1257–1258 Trophogram
pathology, 1257–1258 commercial antibodies, 1369
villitis, histology, 1258 and tumor–like lesion, differential diagnosis,
Toxoplasma gondii, 400 1368–1371
Toxoplasmosis, 400 TSC1, 575
TP53 gene, 467–468, 491, 508, 684, 691 TSC2, 575
Trabecular carcinoid tumors, 1094–1095 TTTS, see Twin-twin transfusion syndrome (TTTS)
Transformation zone Tubal carcinoma, 1205
of cervix, 200–203 Tubal duplication, 673
endocervical eversion of, 202 Tubal ectopic pregnancy, 657, 662–664
epithelium, 208 Tubal endometriosis, 809
mature, 206 Tubal metaplasia, 225
original and functional SCJs, schematic illustration atypical, 207–208, 210
of, 201 defined, 207
Transitional cell carcinoma (TCC), 522–523 Tubal muscularis, 656
of urethra, 118 Tubal ostium, 654
Transitional cell metaplasia, 209–210 Tubal prolapse, 673
Transmission, 143 Tubal serosa, 660
Transverse vaginal septum, 141 Tubal teratomas, 678
Traumatic inclusion cysts, 230 Tuberculosis, 148
Treponema pallidum of cervix, 215–216
histology, 1257 of vulva, 11
pathology, 1256–1257 Tuberculous granulomas, 401
Treponema pallidum, 6 Tuberculous oophoritis, 722
Trichomonas, 143 Tuberculous salpingitis, 670–671
Trichomonas vaginalis, 148 Tuboendometrioid, 225
cervical infestation, 218 Tubo-endometrioid metaplasia, 224
Trichomonas vaginitis, 146 of cervix, 208–209, 210
Trichomoniasis, 145 Tubular racemose, 199
Trichuris trichiura, 148 Tubulocystic pattern of tumor, 171
Trophoblast Tumor
in complete mole, histology, 1326 adenoid basal, 361–362
functional aspects, 1316–1319 adenomatoid, 163
histology, 1313 clinical features, 621
morphology, 1311–1316 of fallopian tube, 674–676
overview, 1309–1311 immunohistochemical findings, 622
Trophoblast-associated gene expression, 1313 microscopic findings, 621–622
Trophoblastic cell, 1309 of ovary, 1139–1140
Trophoblastic implants pathologic findings, 622–622
tumor-like lesions, peritoneum, 782 peritoneum mesothelial neoplasms, 783
Trophoblastic island, 1311 of adipose tissue differentiation, 1139
Trophoblastic marker, expression in different trophoblastic adrenal gland, 1198
subpopulations, 1315 benign, of cervix, 225–229
Trophoblastic subpopulation of bone differentiation, 1137
gene expression, 1311–1324 carcinoid
immunohistochemical features, 1311–1324 insular, 1091–1094
in placenta and fetal membranes, 1310 mucinous, 1095–1098
Trophoblastic tubal lesions, 699–700 strumal, 1098–1099
Trophoblastic tumor, 1308 trabecular, 1094–1095
behavior, 1324–1339 carcinoid of ovary, 1091
clinicopathological features, 1324–1339 of cartilage differentiation, 1136–1137
Index 1505

cell and non–neoplastic trophoblastic cell, 1318 of neural differentiation, 1137–1139

desmoid nonspecific mesenchymal, 1126–1129
behavior, 1426–1427 ovarian
clinical features, 1425–1426 with carcinoid syndrome, 1028–1029
histology, 1426 with endocrine function, 1025–1029
pathologic findings, 1426 with functioning stroma, 1025–1026
treatment, 1426–1427 germ cell tumors containing syncytiotrophoblast
epithelial cells, 1026–1027
of fallopian tube, 676–677 idiopathic group, 1027–1028
of ovary, 842–848 inappropriate antidiuresis syndrome, 1037
with functioning stroma occurring during with paraendocrine disorders, 1029–1035
pregnancy, 1027 with paraneoplastic syndromes, 1035–1037
of gall bladder, ovarian involvement, 1186–1187 salivary gland-like carcinomas, 1146–1147
germ cell with thyroid hyperfunction, 1028
containing syncytiotrophoblast cells, with Zollinger–Ellison syndrome, 1029
1026–1027 of pancreas, ovarian involvement, 1181–1187
hypothetical model of histogenesis, 1049 peritoneum, 1213–1215
of ovary, 1048–1049 serous
glandular of vulva of ovary, 874–875
bartholin gland tumors, 105–107 of peritoneum, 822–824
intestinal-type mucinous adenocarcinoma, 104 Sertoli cell
mammary gland-like adenocarcinomas, 107–108 aggregates of cells with eosinophilic
Paget disease, 98–104 cytoplasm, 992
skene gland and duct adenocarcinomas, 107 differential diagnosis, 992
glomus inhibin stain of tumor, 992
clinical features, 1428 lipid-rich, 993
histologic examination, 1428 prevalence, 991
histology, 1428 Sertoli–Leydig cell
granular cell heterologous, 1019–1024
behavior, 1419–1420 mixed sex cord-stromal tumors, 1013–1014
clinical features, 1417–1418 retiform, 1017–1019
differential diagnosis, 1419 sex cord-stromal
histology, 1428 during pregnancy, 1025
pathologic findings, 1418–1419 pure sex cord tumors, 972
treatment, 1419–1420 unclassified, 1024–1025
Krukenberg, 1163–1165 WHO 2014 classification of, 969
of liver, ovarian involvement, 1187–1190 sex cord-stromal, not otherwise specified
mediastinal, ovarian involvement, 1200–1203 gynandroblastoma, 1024
of mesothelial differentiation, 1139–1141 sex cord-stromal tumors, unclassified, 1024–1025
metastatic steroid cell
of breast carcinoma, 1190–1195 Leydig cell tumor, 1008–1010
of the extrahepatic bile duct in ovary, 1186–1187 not otherwise specified, 1010–1013
of fallopian tube, 698–699 stromal luteoma, 1007–1008
of gall bladder in ovary, 1186–1187 stromal
of intestinal carcinoma, 1167–1172 microcystic, 1005–1006
of intestinal-type adenocarcinoma of the stomach, sclerosing, 1003–1004
1165–1167 sex cord (see Sex cord-stromal tumors)
of liver in ovary, 1187–1190 signet-ring, 1004–1005
of low-grade mucinous tumors, 1172–1177 stromal cell, pure, 994
of ovary, general principles, 1152–1157 trophoblastic, 1308
of pancreas in ovary, 1181–1186 behavior, 1324–1339
of peritoneum, 791–792, 1213–1215 clinicopathological features, 1324–1339
with signet ring cell, 1157–1165 treatment, 1324–1339
of ureter in ovary, 1197 and tumor–like lesion, differential diagnosis,
of urethra, 120 1368–1371
of urethra in ovary, 1197 uncertain histogenesis, primary ovarian, 1141–1147
of urinary bladder in ovary, 1197 of urethra, 118–120
of vulva, 117–118, 1213 vascular and lymphatic differentiation, 1133–1136
of muscle differentiation, 1129–1133 Wolffian, of ovary, 1140–1141
1506 Index

Tumor-like lesions microscopic findings, 514–515

of cervix, 230–231 molecular genetics, 516
of peritoneum ovary, 949
infarcted appendix epiploica, 783 Undifferentiated gonadal tissue (UGT), dissecting
mesothelial hyperplasia, 778–780 gonadoblastoma with, 1108–1109
peritoneal inclusion cysts, 780–782 Undifferentiated sarcoma, 1129
peritoneal keratin granulomas, 782–783 Undifferentiated uterine sarcoma, 597–599
splenosis, 782 Unilateral inguinal-femoral lymphadenectomy, 114
trophoblastic implants, 782 Upper abdominal endometriosis, 816
Tunnel clusters of cervix, 229–230 Ureaplasma urealyticum, 399
Twin gestation Ureterovaginal fistulas, 153
etiology, 1233–1234 Urethra, 134
frequency, 1233–1234 carcinoma of, 118–120
placentation, 1234 AJCC staging of, 119, 120
zygosity, 1233–1234 prognosis, 119
Twin-twin transfusion syndrome (TTTS) caruncles, 58
clinical features, 1241–1243 prolapse, 58
definition, 1239–1240 Urinary schistosomiasis, 218
etiology, 1239–1240 Urinary tract endometriosis, 811–812
frequency, 1240 Uroplakin II, 118
gross and microscopic pathology, 1240–1241 Urothelium, 169
Typical and atypical carcinoid tumor, cervix, 364–365 Uterine cervix, 377
radiation therapy, 153–154
Uterine corpus, 195, 377
U Uterine-like mass, 677
Ulceration, 153 Uterine tumor resembling ovarian sex cord tumor
Ulceronecrotic amebiasis of cervix, 218 (UTROSCT)
Ulcers of vulvar aphthosis, 41 clinical behavior, 612
Ultramutated subtype, endometrial carcinoma, 478 clinical features, 610
Umbilical cord differential diagnosis, 611–612
abnormalities, 1279 gross features, 610
amniotic web, 1284 immunohistochemical findings, 611
anatomy and embryonic development, 1277–1278 microscopic findings, 610–611
cord accidents, 1278–1279 molecular pathology, 611
cord length, 1279–1278 treatment, 612
diameter, 1282–1283 Uterus, 134, 195
and diseases of the placenta, 1277–1278 anatomy, 377
embryonic remnants, 1278 bleeding, 441
furcate insertion, 1284 congenital abnormalities of, 378–379
hypercoiling and hypocoiling, 1281–1282 lymphoma, 1384–1389
knots, 1280–1281 mesenchymal tumors of, 537–623
long cord, 1280 sarcomas staging, 538
marginal insertion, 1284 smooth muscle neoplasms (see Smooth muscle
rupture, 1283 neoplasms, of uterus)
short cord, 1280 Uterus-like ovarian mass, 719
stricture, 1282 UTROSCT, see Uterine tumor resembling ovarian sex cord
velamentous insertion and membranous vessels, tumor (UTROSCT)
Umbilical vessels
aneurysm, 1288 V
hemangioma, 1287 Vagina, 134
hematoma, 1287 adenosis, 139, 140
meconium-associated myonecrosis, 1286 embryologic basis of, 140
segmental thinning, 1285–1286 agenesis, 140–141
thrombosis, 1286 amebiasis, 148
ulceration, 1286 anatomy, 133–134
Undifferentiated carcinoma atresia of, 378–379
clinical features, 514 atrophy, 137, 138
immunohistochemical findings, 515 benign mixed tumor, 161–163
Index 1507

benign neoplasms, 157–163 Vascular polyp, 225

carcinoma, FIGO staging, 167 Vascular tumors, of uterus, 622–623
cysts, 156–157 Vasculitis
development, 133 cervical, 219
duplication, 141 of fallopian tube, 674
embryology, 133 Vasculopathic dermatoses of vulva
endometriosis, 807–809 differential diagnosis of, 41
flora, 141 Vasculopathy, maternal circulatory disorders,
gross structural changes, 138–139 1262–1264
infectious inflammatory disorder, 141–150 Vein thrombophlebitis
in situ carcinoma, 164 of ovary, 758–759
intrapartum lacerations, 230 Verruciform xanthoma, 57
leiomyomas, 160–161 Verrucous carcinoma, 169, 336–337
lymphoma, 1389 squamous cell carcinoma of vulva, 92–93
malignant neoplasms, 163–166 Vesicovaginal fistulas, 153
melanoma, 175–177 Vesiculobullous dermatoses, 30
mucosa, 136 Vestibular papilloma of vulva, 47–48
müllerian vagina, 377 Vestibulectomy, 43
noninfectious inflammatory diseases, 150–151 Villitis
orgasm, 138 chronic, pathology, 1254–1255
prolapse, 155 etiology, 1254
radiation therapy, 153–154 pathology, 1254
rhabdomyoma, 161, 162 placental inflammation, 1248
septum, transverse, 141 of unknown etiology (VUE), 1254–1255
sinus vagina, 377 clinical significance, 1258
squamous epithelium, mature, 136 with fetal obliterative vasculopathy, 1255
stenosis, 151 histology, 1256–1260
vault granulation tissue, 153, 154 Villoglandular adenocarcinoma of cervix, 349–351
wall, 135 Villoglandular carcinoma
layers, 134, 136 differential diagnosis, 497–498
Vaginal epithelial changes (VECs), 139, 140 microscopic appearance, 497
Vaginal intraepithelial neoplasia (VAIN) Villoglandular mucinous adenocarcinoma, 104
clinical behavior, 166 Villous adenoma of vagina, 163
general features, 164 Villous intermediate trophoblast, 1311
gross findings, 164 functional aspects, 1316–1319
microscopic findings, 164–166 morphology, 1311
prevalence, 163 VIN, see Vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia (VIN)
treatment, 166 Viral infections, ovary, 723–724
Vaginamuscularis, 135 Von Hansemann’s histiocytes, 400
Vaginectomy, 166 Von Hippel-Lindau disease, papillary cystadenoma
Vaginitis, 142 associated with, 702–703
caused by Candida/Trichomonas, 143 VUE, see Villitis of unknown etiology (VUE)
clinical diagnosis, 142 Vulva
desquamative inflammatory, 150 allergens and irritants, 20
ligneous, 150 amyloidosis, 58
parasitic, 148 anatomy, 3, 4
Vaginosis, bacterial, 144–145 aphthosis, 39–40
VAIN, see Vaginal intraepithelial neoplasia (VAIN) biopsies, 120–121
Vanishing twin, multiple pregnancy, 1244 bleeding, 109
Varicella (Herpes Zoster) infection, 18 carcinoma
diseases of placenta, 1259 AJCC 2017 staging, 80, 81
Vascular invasion, leiomyoma with, 557–558 cytogenetic studies, 88
Vascular leiomyoma, 555–556 contact dermatitis of, 20–21
Vascular lesions, ovary dermatoses, 20
giant cell arteritis, 759 infectious conditions of, 6, 7
hemorrhage, 758 lichen planus, 78
polyarteritis nodosa type, 759 lichen sclerosus, 78
torsion and infarction, 758 lymphoma, 1389–1390
vein thrombophlebitis, 758–759 melanocytic nevi, 45
1508 Index

Vulva (cont.) Well-differentiated endometrioid carcinoma, 448, 449

melanosis, 45 Well-differentiated papillary mesotheliomas (WDPMs),
pruritus, 143 783–784
sweat gland, 108 Well-differentiated tumors, mixed sex cord-stromal
tuberculosis, 11 tumors, 1014–1016
vestibulitis syndrome, 150 Wilms tumor, 1147
Vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia (VIN) Winter syndrome, 379
aceto-white macules, 68 Wnt, 652
adjunctive studies, 74–75 Wolffian adnexal tumor, 701–702
clinical behavior, 75–76 Wolffian duct, 650–652, 656, 700
clinical features, 67–69 Wolffian tumor of ovary, 1140–1141
differential diagnosis, 73–74 World Health Organization (WHO)
general features, 66–67 classification of endometrial hyperplasia, 440
histologic subtypes, 71–73 classification of fallopian tube tumors, 674
immunohistochemical studies, 74 prognostic index score system for GTD, 1322–1323
macular and plaquelike white areas, 67 sex cord-stromal tumors, 969
microscopic findings, 69 WT-1, 685
microscopic grading, 69–71
pagetoid, 73
pigmented, slightly raised, rough-surfaced areas, 68 X
treatment, 75–76 Xanthogranuloma of ovary, 721
VIN 3, involving a skin appendage, 71 Xanthogranulomatous endometritis, 397
VIN 2, warty type, 69 Xanthogranulomatous pseudotumor of vagina, 147
VIN 3, warty (condylomatous) type, 73 Xanthogranulomatous salpingitis, 669–670
VIN 3 with superficial invasion, 69, 70 X–cell, 1309
Vulvar squamous cell carcinoma
age-specific rates, 78
basaloid carcinoma, 89–91 Y
clinical behavior, 96–97 Yeast, 144
epidemiologic data, 78 Yolk sac tumor, 177–178, 522
histologic subtypes, 80, 89 clinical behavior and treatment, 1066–1067
non-HPV-related, 80 clinical features, 1058–1059
oncogenic HPV-associated, 79 gross features, 1059
stage IA invasive, 80–85 histogenesis, 1056–1058
treatment, 96–97 immunohistochemical features and differential
with tumor giant cells, 93–94 diagnosis, 1064–1066
verrucous carcinoma, 92–93 microscopic features, 1059–1064
warty carcinoma, 91, 92 of vulva, 115
Vulvectomy YWHAE-FAM22 high-grade endometrial stromal
deep, 121–122 sarcoma, 592–594
partial deep, 121
radical, 122
superficial, 121–122 Z
total, 121–122 ZC3H7B-BCOR high-grade endometrial stromal sarcoma,
Vulvitis of Zoon, 40–41 594–596
Vulvodynia, 43 Zika virus, 1259–1260
Vulvovaginal candidiasis, 150 Zollinger–Ellison syndrome, ovarian tumors with, 1029
Zygosity, twin gestation, 1233–1234

Walthard nest, 660, 661
Warthin–Starry stains, 8
Warty (condylomatous) carcinoma, 91, 92, 169, 336

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