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reconverted into sodium carbonate, and that the ``salts''

the bill on the grounds that equity has no jurisdiction over

more precisely regulated, margarine manufacturers and dealers

period of repose before reversing. He claimed that the

of whom Thales of Miletus (640-546 B.C.) was the first.

litterature francaise au moyen age (2 vols., Paris,

from his ``lair'' in the fortified palace, the Alcazar of

plant, from which the ordinary sexual plants arise at a later

1677, is attributed to Inigo Jones. The grammar school now

kings. He succeeded to the throne on the death of his father,

rendering the poorer classes more susceptible to tuberculosis.

what was known in England as ``scutage.'' Even in England

Naturalization. ---We may now take it as an established

quaternary ammonium salt, is obtained, the separation of which is

Stanley's remarkable discovery had stirred ambition in other

ANATHEMA (from Gr. anatithenai, to lift up), literally

(Rumelia) to the Danube. To gratify his own imagination or

to Celsus (p. 389), who has charged the Christians with being

friend of Mazzini, he discouraged the latter's premature

the Federals, unable to hold their ground, had to make a

and the advantage derived from the established fame of the

the intermediary of a special board, outside the National

layers of crystalline quartz, and occasionally of opaline

Haddon, Study of Man, pp. 347 sqq.; P. Sartori,

of the sheets of ice upon the subjacent surface, &c.''

that ``the Aland Islands shall not be fortified, and that

won. On the death of Drusus, Agrippa, who had been recklessly

by its exiled leaders meet with any better fortune. Soon

Agrippa played a conspicuous part in the war against Lucius, .

able to correct some of Ptolemy's results, previously taken on

about 450. Mention is made occasionally of silver and

which his marriage involved. Although he was a worshipper of


than by relying on his Grace's future patronage; and his Grace

(C26H28O14). This glucoside is readily hydrolysed by

as ``grey amices'' (from the ordinary colour of the fur), to

sea-bathing. There are ruins of a castle and an old decayed

there was discovered in 1903 a copy of the head of the Hermes

Dubuque, Iowa, where he took a prominent part in Republican

Riviera is entirely absent from Algiers, but in summer

though somewhat out of date, is useful for bibliography.

of Shoa at Ankober, and beat the local representatives of

taking advantage of certain properties of the constituents.

upon ice, the monomethyl ether of alizarin is precipitated.

FIG. 25.

Ampsaga as far as Cyrenaica. The much more detailed list of

horse's mane and a slender neck. Although the figure of the

reputation. For a time he was director of the physics

or physicians. To such writers the poetical form was

refined, philosophic, sentimental, chivalrous, yet cunning

Simcox (1866), Drake (1872), Richardson(1889), Gwatkin and

Dulcinea del Toboso; Argamasilla de Alba (3505), 22 m. S.E.,

of Dublin, who survived him. An international committee was

19, poisoned, it was said, by order of Cn. Calpurnius Piso,

1 Egerton MSS., Brit. Mus. 2807 f. 197 b; Li/e of Dr John

``automatic.'' Another set merely aims at developing the gas

the fiscal year 1906-1907 the freight tonnage was 417,041 tons.

it will be necessary to consider the chemical nature of

regions. Therefore with the patient lying on his back, any

liability to which they may be exposed by the master signing

book, and it is suggested by G. Neilson (John Barbour, Poet


1 By J. E. Harrison, Prolegomena to Creek Religion, p. 493.

asthetische Erzichung des Menschen, trans. by J. Weiss,

France, and countries following France.

rite. Here, then, we have pictured as late as the 4th century

the universality or importance of a character, and of its

and by the Erie Canal. Hills on both sides of the river

in which differences of termination or combinations in

extended from Ras Kasar on the north to the northern frontier of

that the appeal shall be to the king in Chancery, ``and

electricity, but have met with no commercial success.

derived words may be used. Thus, if the original word be

plants, natural order Malvaceae (Mallows), containing about

of the plebs, proposed the allotment of lands recently taken

the boulevard to the railway station is the mosque of Nebi

the way to the interior, but in the central Sudan much better

are navigable for considerable distances in the department;

harbour, but the principal buildings of the city are in the

is carried out as follows. A nearly saturated solution of

Neuf, leads to Gabbari, the most westerly part of the city

comprehension of the philology of a primitive race.

Scotland or Ireland, it is not now necessary to distinguish

resembled the epideixeis of the Greek rhetoricians.

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