Lesson 7 - AM Broadcasting Standards

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Lesson 7 AM Broadcasting Standards


This lesson focuses on AM broadcasting, technical requirements, operating requirement,

allocation rules and regulations.

Learning Objectives:

After successful completion of this lesson, you should be able to:

1. Define different terminologies in AM broadcasting system.

2. Explain the different parameters of AM transmitter.
3. Enumerate and explain the technical and operating requirements of AM broadcasting.

Course Materials:

Ever since the advent of radio, there have been progressive efforts in regulating this medium of
communication. At the turn of the 20th century, international conferences were convened to
discuss problems in radio communications – primarily, to minimize mutual interferences among
the growing number of stations. The use of radio in mass communications, or broadcasting,
eventually compelled governments of nations to take over the regulation of radio in their
respective nations in response to the people’s needs. Thus, controlling agencies, organized by
governments, took the avowed task of formulating rules, regulations and technical standards
which are mostly so designed for the benefit of the listening public.
In the formulation of Technical Standards for domestic broadcasting, the more important
considerations must include:
1. The prevention of harmful signal interferences.
2. The provision for better signal quality, so that the listener may enjoy a clear and more
realistic sound reproduction, and
3. The proper utilization of the broadcast spectrum.

The Kapisanan ng mga Brodkaster sa Pilipinas and the National Telecommunications

Commission, cognizant of these criteria, have designated professionals directly involved with the
broadcast industry and representatives of the government to revise existing local standards, or
formulate new standards, which shall be applicable to the country’s broadcast industry.

Definition of Terms

Medium Frequency Broadcast Station - An AM Broadcast Station licensed for aural or sound
transmissions intended for direct reception by the general public and operated on a channel in
the Medium Frequency band.

Medium Frequency Broadcast Band -The band of frequencies from 526.5 to 1705 kilohertz.

Medium Frequency Broadcast Channel - The band of frequencies occupied by the carrier and
two (2) sidebands of an AM Broadcast signal with the carrier frequency at the center. Channels
shall be designated by the assigned carrier frequencies starting from 531 kHz in increments of 9
Carrier Wave - A sinusoidal voltage or current generated in a transmitter and subsequently
modulated by a modulating wave.

Carrier Frequency - The frequency of the carrier wave.

Operating Frequency - The carrier frequency at any particular time.

Authorized Frequency - The carrier frequency authorized by the Authority.

Hertz The term "Hertz" abbreviated "Hz", is used as a unit of frequency, supplanting the term
"cycle per second" (cps).

Percentage Modulation (Amplitude)

M – modulation level in percent
MAX – instantaneous maximum level of the modulated radio frequency
MIN – instantaneous minimum level of the modulated radio frequency

Maximum Percentage of Modulation - "Maximum percentage of modulation" means the

greatest percentage of modulation that may be obtained by a transmitter without producing, in its
output, harmonics of the modulating frequency in excess of those permitted by these regulations.

High-Level Modulation - "High-level modulation°" is modulation produced in the last radio stage
of the system.

Low-Level Modulation - "Low-level modulation" is modulation produced in an earlier stage than

the final.

Operating Power - "Operating power" is the transmitter output power.

Maximum Rated Carrier Power - "Maximum rated carrier power" is the maximum power at which
the transmitter can be operated satisfactorily and is deter-mined by the design of the transmitter.

Authorized Operating Power- "Authorized operating power" is the power authorized by the

Input Power - "Input power" is the product of the voltage and current at the output of the last radio
stage, measured without modulation.

Antenna Input Power "Antenna input power" is the product of the square of the antenna current
and the antenna resistance at the point where the current is measured.

Antenna Current "Antenna current" is the radio-frequency current in the antenna with no

Antenna Resistance "Antenna resistance" means the total resistance of the transmitting antenna
system at the operating frequency and at the point at which the antenna current is measured.

Modulator Stage "Modulator stage" means the last audio amplifier stage of the modulating wave
which modulates a radio-frequency stage.

Modulated Stage "Modulated stage" means the radio-frequency stage to which the modulator is
coupled and in which the continuous wave (carrier wave) is modulated in accordance with the
system of modulation and the characteristics of the modulating wave.

Daytime The term "daytime" refers to that period of time between 2200 Universal Time
Coordinates (UTC) to 1000 Universal Time Coordinates (UTC) (6:00 AM-6:00 PM local standard

Nighttime The term "nighttime" refers to that period of time between 1000 Universal Time
Coordinates (UTC) to 2200 Universal Time Coordinates (UTC) (6:00 PM-6:00 AM local standard

Experimental Period The term "experimental period" means that time between 12 midnight to
5:00 AM local standard time (1600-2100 Universal Time Coordinates). (UTC). This period may
be used for experimental purposes in testing and maintaining apparatus by the licensee of any
medium frequency broadcast station on its assigned frequency and with its authorized power,
provided no interference is caused to other stations maintaining a regular operating schedule
within such period.

Field Strength The root-mean-square (RMS) value of the voltage stress produced in space by
the electric field or a radio wave and is ex-pressed in volts per meter or in decibels (dB) relative
to it.

Effective Field The term "effective field" or "effective field intensity" is the root-mean-square
(RMS) value of the inverse distance field at 1.6 km. from the antenna in all directions in the
horizontal plane.

Service Areas
1. The term "primary service area" of a broadcast station means the area in which the
groundwave field of 1 mV/m (60 dBu) is not subject to objectionable interference or
objectionable fading.
2. The term "secondary service area" of a broadcast station means the area served by the save
and not subject to objectionable interference. The signal is subject to intermittent variations
in intensity.
3. The term "intermittent service area" of a broadcast station means the area receiving service
from the groundwave but beyond the primary service area and subject to some interference
and fading.

Audio- Frequency (af) Signal -to - Interference Ratio Is the ratio (expressed in dB) between
the values of the voltage of the wanted signal and the voltage of the interference, measured under
specified conditions, at the audio-frequency output of the receiver.

Audio-Frequency (af) Protection Ratio Is the agreed minimum value of the audio-frequency
signal-tointerference ratio considered necessary to achieve a subjectively defined reception
quality. (for complete set of definition of terminologies go to KBP AM.PDF)


General Technical Requirements Equipment shall be constructed according to good

engineering practice, such as mechanical soundness, neatness of wiring and accessibility for
maintenance. Ad-equate testing and monitoring points shall be provided to permit the isolation
and testing of individual items of the equipment.

• Adequacy of components
The quality of all component parts shall be in accordance with good engineering practice.
Where appropriate, the specifications of these components shall comply with standards set
by the Authority, or, in the absence of such standards, the components shall comply with
CCIR standards.
• Compliance with Electrical Wiring Rules All equipment using electrical power shall comply
with the rules of the Philippine Electronics Code and the Philippine Electrical Code.
• Regulation of Supply Voltage Adequate voltage regulation shall be provided, where
necessary, to ensure that equipment performance is not affected by variations in supply
• Protection
o Protection of Persons: Having regard for the high voltage employed in
transmitting apparatus, adequate provision shall be made in the construction of
all equipment and in the protective enclosure. Warning signs and safety switches
shall be provided, in accordance with good engineering practice, to ensure, as
far as practicable, the safety of all persons.
o It shall be the responsibility of the management or the licensee operating a
broadcasting station, to ensure that protective devices are installed and
appropriate safety rules are observed.
o Protection of Equipment: Equipment shall be protected, in accordance with
good engineering practice, against unsafe conditions and damage that may
otherwise result under faulty conditions.
(For Detailed Technical Requirements go to KBP AM.PDF)


Broadcast transmission auxiliary services fall under these three categories:
1) Studio-to-Transmitter Link (STL)
2) Remote Pick-Up Broadcast Station
3) Communications, Coordination and Control Link

The frequency band allocation for STUDIO-TO-TRANSMITTER LINK/REMOTE

Band A 300-315 MHz
Band B 734-752 MHz
Band C 942-952 MHz
The maximum power allowable for STL's shall be 15 watts.
The frequency band allocation for REMOTE PICK-UP STATION shall be:
Band A 315-325 MHz
Band B 450-451 MHz
Band C 455-456 MHz
The maximum power allowable for Remote Pick-up Stations shall be 35 watts.

The frequency band allocation for COMMUNICATIONS, COORDINATION AND

CONTROL LINK shall be:
Band A 412 MHz (non- exclusive)
Band B 25.67 - 26.1. MHz
Band C 162.235– 162.615 MHz 166.250 and 170.150 MHz
Band D 432.5 433 MHz 437.5 - 438 MHz

The maximum power allowable for Communications, Coordination and Control Link shall
Band A - 100 watts (SBS)
B - 160 watts (ERP)
C - 160 watts (ERP) D - 200 watts (for repeater)

The Authority shall authorize the employment of any one or all of these broadcast
transmission services to a station depending on the necessity and availability of frequencies for
the purpose. Any AM or FM station authorized to operate is entitled to use any broad cast
transmission service relevant to the efficient operation of the station where the use of physical
lines arcades is not feasible.


Hours of Operation
• Minimum Operating Schedule The licensee of each medium-frequency broadcast station
shall maintain a minimum operating schedule of two-thirds of the total hours that it is
authorized to operate except that in emergencies when, due to causes beyond the control of
the licensee, it becomes impossible to continue operating, the station may cease operations
for a period not exceeding 10 days.
• Broadcast(s) outside of the authorized regular operating schedules (as before regular sign-
on schedules and/or beyond the regular sign-off schedules) may be aired without prior
authorization from the Authority provided the program falls under an emergency category or
of very important relevance to the station's existence. The information shall be entered in the
program and operating logs at the time the broadcast was aired.
• if a permanent discontinuance of operations is being contemplated, then the licensee shall
notify in writing the Authority or regional office where the station is located at least two (2)
days before the actual discontinuance is effected.

Other Operating Practices The percentage of modulation shall be maintained as high as

possible, consistent with good quality transmission and, in no case, more than 125 percent on
positive peaks nor more than 100 percent on negative peaks of frequent recurrence during any
selection which is transmitted at the highest level of the program under consideration.
• Posting of Station and Operator Licenses
o The station license and other instruments) of station authorization shall be posted in a
conspicuous place in such a manner that all terms are visible, at the place the licensee
considers to be the principal control point of the transmitter. At all other control points
listed on the station authorization, a photocopy of the station license and other
instruments of station authorization shall be posted.
o The original copy of the operator's license shall be posted at the place where he is on
duty as an operator.

Operator Requirements
• A radio operator holding a valid radio telephone first class operator's license shall be in actual
charge of the transmitting apparatus and shall be on duty either at the transmitter location or
remote control point.
• The licensee of a station shall employ at least one (1) full time licensed first-class
radiotelephone operator whose primary duty shall be to effect and in-sure the proper
functioning of the transmitting equipment.

Station identification Announcements

• A licensee of a medium-frequency broadcast station shall make station identification
announcements (call letters, frequency, and location) at the beginning and ending of each
time of operation and during operation on the hour and either on the half hour or at the quarter
hour preceding the next hour: Provided,
• Such identification announcement need not be made on the half hour or quarter hour when,
to make such announcement, would interrupt a single consecutive speech, play, religious
service, symphony concert, or operatic production. In such cases, an identification
announcement shall be made at the first interruption of the entertainment continuity and at
the conclusion of. the program: Provided, that an announcement within five minutes of either
on the half hour or at the quarter hour preceding the next hour will satisfy the requirements
of identification announcements. In the case of variety show programs, basketball game
broadcasts, or similar programs of longer duration than 30 minutes, the identification
announcement shall be made within 5 minutes of the times specified in Section 4.5.1.
• In the case of all other pro-grams, the identification announcement shall be made within 2
minutes of the times specified in Section 4.5.1.

Logs The licensee or permittee of each medium frequency broadcast station shall maintain
program and operating logs and shall require entries to be made as follows:
a) In the Program Log:
1. An entry of the time each station identification announcement (call letters, frequency, and
location) is made.
2. An entry briefly describing each program broadcast, such as "music", "drama", "speech",
etc. together with the name or title thereof, and the sponsor's name, with the time of the
be-ginning and ending of the complete program. If a mechanical record is used, the entry
shall show the exact nature thereof, such as "record", "transcription", etc., and the time it
is announced as a mechanical record. if a speech is made by a political candidate, the
name and political affiliations of such speaker shall be entered.
3. An entry showing that each sponsored program broadcast has been announced as
sponsored, paid for, or furnished by the sponsor.
4. An entry showing, for each pro-gram of network origin, the name of the network originating
the program.
5. An entry of the time the program begins and ends.

b) In the Operating Log (Transmitter Log)

1) An entry of the time the station begins to supply power to the antenna, and the time it
2) An entry of each interruption to the carrier wave, its cause, and duration.
3) An entry of the following every 30 minutes:
a. Operating constants of the last radio frequency stage plate current and plate volt-age
b. Antenna current
4) Any other entries required by the instrument of authorization.
5) A log of all operations must be kept during the experimental period. if the entries required
above are not applicable thereto, then the entries shall be made so as to fully describe the
6) Logs of medium frequency broadcast stations shall be retained by the licensee or permitee
for a period of two (2) years: Provided, however, that logs involving communications
incident to a disaster or which include communications incident to or involved in an
investigation by the Authority and concerning which the licensee or permittee has been
notified, shall be retained by the licensee or permittee until he is specifically authorized in
writing by the Authority to destroy them: Provided, further, that log s incident to or involved
in any claim orcomplaint of which the licensee or permittee has notice shall be retained by
the licensee or permittee until such claim or complaint has been fully satisfied or until the
same has been barred by the statute limiting the time for filing of suits upon such claims.
7) Each log shall be maintained and signed by the radio operator during his tour of duty. The
logs shall be made available upon request by an authorized representative of the
8) The log shall be kept in an orderly manner, in suitable form, and in such detail that the
data required for the particular class of station concerned are readily available. Key letters
or abbreviations may be used if proper meaning or explanation is contained elsewhere in
the log.
9) No log or portion thereof shall be erased, obliterated, or willfully destroyed within the period
of retention provided by the rules. Any necessary correction may be made only by the
person originating the entry who shall strike out the erroneous portion, initial the correction
made, and indicate the date of correction.
10) Rough log may be transcribed into condensed form, but in such cases the original rough
log or memoranda and all pardons thereof shall be preserved and made a part of the
complete log.

Remote Control Operation - Operation by remote control shall be subject to the following
1) The equipment at the operating and transmitting positions shall be so installed and
protected that it is not accessible to or capable of operation by per-sons other than those
duly authorized by the licensee.
2) The control circuits from the operating positions to the transmitter shall provide positive on
and off control and shall be such that open circuits, short circuits, grounds or other line
faults will notactuate the transmitter and any fault causing loss of such control will
automatically place the transmitter in an inoperative position.
3) A malfunction of any part of the remote control equipment and associated line circuits
resulting in improper control or inaccurate meter readings shall be cause for the immediate
cessation of operation by remote control
4) Control and monitoring equipment shall be installed so as to allow the licensed operator
at the remote control point to per-form all the functions in a manner required by the rules.
Control point of the antenna current meter for directional antenna, the common point
current meter and remote base current meters shall be read and entered in the operating
log each half hour.
5) The indications at the remote control point of the antenna current meter for directional
antenna, the common point cur-rent meter and remote base current meters shall be read
and entered in the operating log each half hour.
6) The indications at the transmitter, if a directional antenna station, of the common point
current, base currents, phase monitor sample loop currents and phase indications shall
be read and entered in the operating log once each day for each pattern. These readings
must be made within two hours after the commencement of operation for each pattern.
7) Stations with authorized operating power in excess of 10 kilo-watts employing directional
antenna and operated by remote control, shall make a skeleton proof of performance each
year, consisting of three or four measurements on each radial used in the original
application and must submit the results of these measurements, plus the monitoring point
readings with the renewal application.


1. Maximum Power Allocation


Metro Manila* 50kw All other areas 10kw

NOTE: Transmitters of Existing Metro Manila Stations may be located outside of

Metro Manila. Provided, Metro Manila remains within the 80 dBu contour of the
a) The station shall not operate more than 5% and not lower than 10% of its
authorized operating power.
b) The Authority may grant a permit to operate a non- commer- cial AM broadcast
station exceeding these Maximum Power Allocations on a case-to-case basis;
Provided, such proposed station shall conform with the Frequency Allocation Rules
and Regulations.
c) For new stations and increase of power applications, the maximum power allowed
must conform to protection ratios embodied in the medium-wave band and
therefore, shall be acted upon on a case to case basis.

2. Radio Frequency Protection Ratio

a) The following radio frequency protection ratios provide for the minimum physical
separation of AM stations and their protection from interference.
R.F. Protection Ratio
Frequency R.F. Signal Ratio (dB)
Co-channel 73 dBu:43 dBu
(same (4.47mV/m:141.25u 30
frequency) V/m)
73 dBu:64 dBu
1st Adjacency
(4.47mV/m:1.6mV/ 9
(9kHz away)
73 dBu:97 dBu
2nd Adjacency
(4.47mV/m:70.8mV/ -24
(18kHz away)
b) Frequency Separation
The minimum frequency separation in any service area is 36
c) Number of AM Radio Stations Per Commercial Broadcast Entity in Each Service
Area. Each commercial broadcast entity may be allowed to operate not more
than one AM radio station in any broadcast service area.

The AM stereophonic standard is the C-QUAM AM stereophonic system.

PUBLIC INFORMATION FILE An updated Public information File at each broadcast station shall
be made available to the NTC inspector or to any interested party. The Public Information File
shall contain the following:
a) A copy of the station license.
b) Documents as to mode of ownership whether partnerships, corporation or single
proprietorship including trade name as registered in the Department of Trade.
c) A list of changes in transmitting facilities arranged chronologically). Annex to this list, the
corresponding licenses and permits supporting the changes.
d) Copies of the Program Standards, the Technical Standards, the NTC compilation of laws,
regulations, circulars and memoranda.
e) Evidence of membership in the KBP.

Source: KBP AM.PDF


1. Indicate the period of time broadcast for the following:

a. Daytime
b. Nighttime
c. Experimental period
2. What are the different service area and explain each type.
3. Enumerate the operating requirements for AM broadcast system
4. Define the following:
a. Percentage Modulation
b. Highest Percentage modulation
c. Low level modulation
d. High level modulation
5. Visit this site to learn more.

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