Midterm Test

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Midterm Test

Answer some questions!

1. Make 5W+1H dealing with the animal husbandry!
2. Classification of cattle.-Cattle could be divided on the basis of their utility into three main types,
as the milk, the beef and the draught types. It might be possible to combine the characteristics of
all the three in a common type of animal, but only to a limited extent. There was very great scope,
however, for the intensification of the individual characteristics of anyone type. This had been
achieved to a phenomenal extent by improved methods of breeding, feeding and management.

a. What’s main idea of the text?

3. My present aim is rather more ambitious It is to explore elements of the past present and future
husbandry of all farmed animals

a. Rewrite the sentence and give full stop and/or comma!

4. Give three vocabularies either noun, adjective, verb dealing with animal husbandry!
5. Give three examples of simple present in positive forms dealing with animal husbandry!

Pamekasan, May 11, 2022.

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