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2022 中英文北美版


US$5 Vol. 47 No. 7 July 2022

Port City Vista

圖/文•高啟堂 版面設計•馬英凱

口的愛河灣,擘劃著 T he Asia New Bay Area, bordering Kaohsiung Harbor
and spanning the mouth of the Love River, embodies
the vision for transforming Kaohsiung, Southern Taiwan’s
條美麗的天際線,和大家 industrial powerhouse and leading port city, into an inter­
一起手牽手,接軌國際, national center of culture and technology. Its beautiful
航向全世界! skyline is symbolic of Kaohsiung’s hopes for the future.
(photo and text by Gao Qitang/tr. by Phil Newell)
編人 的
編者 絮話語

隨著智慧網路與後數位匯流時代(p o s t 時樓九樓國際會議廳舉辦的「天使傳愛:
出版者 光華畫報雜誌社 convergence world)的來臨,物聯網及智慧 新書座談會」,在與談人天主教台北總教
發 行 人/ 吳釗燮
Publisher: Jaushieh Joseph WU
社 長 / 徐詠梅 工業成為邁向「新數位製造」的重要課題。 區總主教鍾安住、中央研究院院士陳建仁
Director: Catherine Y.M. HSU
總 編 輯/ 陳亮君
Editor-in-Chief: Ivan CHEN 台灣擁有完整的上、中、下游產業鏈,凝 前副總統,以及輔仁大學文學院院長陳方
主 編/ 曾蘭淑
Editor: Esther TSENG
文 稿 副 主 編/ 鄧慧純
聚了強大的群聚效應與產業競爭力,近年來 中等人妙語如珠的分享下,活動順利圓滿
Deputy Editor: Cathy TENG
文 字 編 輯/ 陳群芳 蘇俐穎 謝宜婷 亦有值得期待之科技跨域結合與發展,如智 落幕。
Writers: CHEN Chun-fang, Lynn SU, Tina XIE
美 術 編 輯/ 蕭郢岑 馬英凱
Art Editors: HSIAO Ying-tsen, MA Ying-kai 慧醫療與智慧衣的結合、綠建築產業的科技 座談內容分別就天主教在台灣大大小小的
攝影組召集人/ 莊坤儒
Photographic Coordinator: Kent CHUANG
攝 影 組 長/ 林格立
應用、5G環境下的藝術文化展演,以及因應 事蹟、台灣與國際上神職人員的核心理念與
Photographic Director: Jimmy LIN
攝 影 編 輯/ 林旻萱 全球Covid-19疫情下的餐飲數位化轉型…… 養成教育、天主教學術研究上的課題、不同
Photojournalist: LIN Min-hsuan
英 文 編 輯/ 陳瑩潔 唐樂榕 倪凱駿 費儒伯
English Editors: Audrey CHEN, Robert TAYLOR, 等,涵蓋了「創新」與「創業」兩大元素, 時代下傳教方式的同與不同……等,做了
Phil NEWELL, Robert FOX
日 文 編 輯/ 山口雪菜 施家騏
Japanese Editors: Yukina YAMAGUCHI, 本期就讓《光華》編採團隊帶您一探跨域科 深入且深刻的探討與分享,本場座談也同步
Shila SHIH
印 尼 文 編 輯/ 陳德銘
Indonesian Editor: Temmy WIRYAWAN
技生活的新奇世界。 以《光華》、輔大、光啟社等三方直播的方
越 南 文 編 輯/ 武秋香
Vietnamese Editor: VU Thu Huong 而延續科技製造與創業話題,本期亦聚 式,將活動內容廣傳出去。
泰 文 編 輯/ 王玉雯

Thai Editor: WANG Yu-wen
資深行政編輯/ 段蜀華 而這本新書《天使傳愛:天主教在台
Senior Administrative Editor: DUAN Shu-hwa
社 群 編 輯/ 蕭淑憶
Social Media Editor: Dawa HSIAO
(CES)創新獎之多項專利技術,以及經濟 灣》,則是收錄了《光華》自1976年創刊以
總 監 / 鍾宜蓉 部中小企業處女性創業計畫的實際案例分 來,20篇有關天主教在台灣專題的精華報
Marketing Director: Carianne CHUNG
業 務 協 理/ 陳俊偉
Deputy Manager: CHEN Jyun-wei 享,還有由台灣八家科技大廠所成立之台灣 導,展現遠道而來的神職人員,對台灣的貢
資 訊 部 主 任 / 卓宏基
Director of Information Systems: CHO Hung-chi
綜 合 服 務 組/ 李淑慧 氣候聯盟,如何向國際展現台灣科技產業在 獻與付出愛心的真摯行誼,全書中英文對
General Affairs: S.H. LEE
淨零目標上的具體方案與決心,加上未來電 照,輔以許多珍貴與現場採訪的圖片,記錄

動車所需充電樁的在地研發現況,讓本期 下許多難得的畫面與感人事蹟。相信許多有

《光華》充滿令人期待的科技氛圍。 興趣的讀者已經在今年六月台北國際書展的

* * * 《光華》展區看到,來不及參與的讀者,快

甫於今年五月,《光華》在輔仁大學濟 來《光華》官網訂購收藏。 l
Industrial Innovation EDITOR’S NOTE

in the Age of Big Data

W ith the arrival of smart networks and the tech sector. We also report on domestic GPN: 2008000038 ISSN1991-525X
原刊名光華 Sinorama Magazine

the post-convergence world, the Inter- R&D in electric vehicle chargers. Overall, 中華民國95年1月改為台灣光華雜誌
Taiwan Panorama

net of Things and smart industry have be- this month’s issue has a strong high-tech feel. SUBSCRIPTION RATES:
come important themes for the move toward This May, Taiwan Panorama held a forum  Republic of China: NT$150 per copy,
  NT$1500/year, NT$2600/2 years

new digital manufacturing. at Fu Jen Catholic University on our recently

 Asia & Pacific Regions: US$40/year,
  US$72/2 years by airmail

Taiwan has a comprehensive industrial published book Angels of Love: Catholicism in

 Elsewhere: US$45/year,
  US$80/2 years by airmail

value chain comprising up-, mid-, and Taiwan. The event was a great success, with 社址/中華民國台灣台北市100209中正區愛國西路

downstream firms, with powerful cluster valuable contributions from participants in-
Address: 3F, No. 2, Aiguo W. Rd., Zhongzheng

effects and strong competitiveness. In recent cluding the Most Reverend Thomas Chung
District, Taipei City 100209, Taiwan, ROC

years various efforts have emerged to inte- An-zu, archbishop of Taipei; Chen Chien-
PO Box 8-398, Taipei Fuxing Bridge,
Taipei City 100908, Taiwan, ROC

grate technologies from different fields, such jen, academician of the Academia Sinica and
傳真機/Fax: +886-2-2397-0655 
as the combination of smart healthcare and former ROC vice president; and Chen Fang- 網址/

smart clothing, technological applications chung, dean of FJCU’s College of Liberal Arts.

in the green building industry, artistic and At the forum, speakers held in-depth dis- 著作權所有,本雜誌圖文非經同意不得轉載。
cultural performances in a 5G environment, cussions and shared stories on a number of 如發現書頁有裝訂錯誤或污損事情,
and the digital transformation of the food topics, including the history of Catholicism All rights reserved. Photos and articles may not
be reprinted without our permission.
and beverage sector in response to Covid-19. in Taiwan, the core values and training of If you wish to reprint any of our articles or
photographs, please contact our senior
These develop ments combine innovation international clergy in Taiwan, issues in the administrative editor.
Damaged or misbound copies returned to us will
with entre preneurship. In this month’s academic study of Catholicism, and differing be gladly replaced.

Cover Story we explore some of the ma- missionary approaches in different eras. The
gical new ways of living facilitated by inter- event was livestreamed to the Internet by
disciplinary technology. Taiwan Panorama, FJCU, and the Kuangchi
Staying in the area of high-tech manu- Program Service.
facturing and entrepreneurship, we also The book brings together 20 articles related
look at some patented technologies that won to Catholicism published in Taiwan Panorama
Innovation Awards at the 2022 Consumer since 1976, documenting the loving contribu- 本刊物印刷油墨使用環保認證大豆油墨

Electronics Show, visit with participants tions made to Taiwan by Catholic clergy and
in the Women Entrepreneurship Program members of religious orders who came here
sponsored by the Ministry of Economic from around the world. It is bilingual in Chi-
Affairs, and learn how the Taiwan Climate nese and English and includes many precious
Partnership, founded by eight of Taiwan’s photographs that record rare images and
leading high-tech firms, is demonstrating to moving stories. We welcome interested read-
the world Taiwan’s programs and commit- ers to visit our website and order a copy. l
ment to achieve net-zero carbon emissions in (Ivan Chen/tr. by Phil Newell)
CONTENTS 中華民國111年7月 第47卷 第7期 Vol. 47 No. 7 July 2022

封面故事 Cover Story

6 乘著高速網路起飛
兩廳院提供 courtesy of NTCH Riding the Wings of Technology:
Mobile Broadband Fuses Real and Virtual Art
文•蘇俐穎 圖•林旻萱

18 會「思考」的房子
Buildings That Can Think:
Intelligent Buildings and the Future
文•鄧慧純 圖•林格立

28 解放衣服的想像
Weaving Dreams:
工業技術研究院提供 courtesy of ITRI The Present and Future of Smart Clothing
文•蘇俐穎 圖•林旻萱

38 餐飲業掀起雲端革命
A Cloud-Based Restaurant Revolution:
Just Kitchen
文•吳靖雯 圖•JK廚房提供

影像對話 Photo Essay

56 《光華》攝影徵件
Readers’ Photos:
Applications of Technology

編者的話 來自地方的明信片
Editor’s Note Postcards from Home

2 大數據時代下的產業創新 1 印象海港城 50 月月好讀

Industrial Innovation in the Age of Port City Vista Variety Pages
Big Data 圖/文•高啟堂 文•楊双子
Cover: This tree-like solar power system at the Shalun
Green Energy Technology Demonstration Site integrates
renewable energy with smart energy management through
sustainable design. (courtesy of ITRI)

全球視野 Global Outlook

66 科技產業轉動淨零未來
A Net-Zero Future for Tech:
The Taiwan Climate Partnership
文•陳群芳 圖•莊坤儒

74 佈局國際電動車充電樁市場

Flexible Power:
Taiwan’s Advantage in Electric Vehicle
文•謝宜婷 圖•林格立

84 讓愛傳遞下去
New Book Forum:
Angels of Love: Catholicism in Taiwan
文•曾蘭淑 圖•光華攝影組

島嶼行旅 Around Taiwan

92 帶著耳朵慢遊台南
Navigating Tainan’s Soundscapes:
ViVo Creative Culture Workshop
文•陳群芳 圖•莊坤儒

產業新創 Entrepreneurship

102 AI引領感測科技新趨勢
CES 2022創新獎
Taiwan at the Forefront of AI Sensing
—The CES 2022 Innovation Awards
文•曾蘭淑 圖•莊坤儒

112 挺身而進
Onwards and Upwards
—Taiwan’s Women Entrepreneurs
粨發粨粽阿粨專門店提供 courtesy of Bai-Chung-Ren Foodstuff 文•謝宜婷 圖•林旻萱
女性(B B C 100
In 2017 Lin Nien Tzu
was named to the
BBC’s “100 Women”
list of influential
women around the
world. (photo by
Jimmy Lin)

courtesy of the National Theater and Concert Hall

Riding the Wings of Technology:

Mobile Broadband Fuses Real and Vir tual Ar t

封 面 故 事
文•蘇俐穎 圖•林旻萱 版面設計•馬英凱


T h e t ra n s it io n i n m ob il e Int e r n e t f ro m 3G to 4G
brought with it a number of changes in our daily
lives, and now 5G is promising to do the same. In the
era of high-speed, low-latency interconnected networks,
what new experiences will people-centered technology
bring into our lives?


實踐大學媒體傳達設計學系助理教授蔡遵弘善用網路資源,在疫情 川CONATION」。因歷年的「新一代設計展」以
In response to the pandemic, Professor Tsai Tsun-hung of Shih 實體展覽為主,並無安排獨立的校外展,故初始
Chien University used Internet resources to stage an online
graduation exhibition for his students, entitled “Conation.” 蔡遵弘並無強制學生參與線上版展覽,然因著疫
2019年爆發的Covid-19疫情對人類健康帶來重 位版本,也參與打造虛擬展廳。
大威脅,卻也加速了百工百業的數位轉型。面對 24小時,甚至是永久免費開放的展廳,猶如迷
疫情的詭譎多變,能夠整合虛實的科技工具,成 宮一般地盤根錯節,且足以容納所有作品;登入
為維持日常生活運轉的絕佳利器。 參觀的民眾可以恣意交談,並以虛擬畫筆在空中
嚴謹的邊境封鎖讓台灣享有一段自外於世界 的第一次。
的「加零」時光,然而2021年五月,疫情驟然升 不僅如此,隨之而來的畢業季,蔡遵弘再次運
溫,瞬間提升到的三級警戒,讓許多活動紛喊暫 用VRChat加碼線上畢業典禮,除了重建實踐校內
停,長期的籌備付諸流水,民間損失甚鉅。 的會議廳場景,典禮舉行時,學生運用虛擬角色
也在此時,技術背景出身、實踐大學媒體傳達 入席,並有系上教師、學生代表致詞,同時播放
設計學系助理教授蔡遵弘早已未雨綢繆,領著一 線上畢展影片,且頒發虛擬畢業證書,臨場感遠
批系上學生,運用免費大型多人線上虛擬實境平 比單純的視訊會議更勝一籌,一連串的暖心舉動
台「VRChat」,打造線上版本的畢業展覽:「回 更惹哭了一票學生。

The emergence of Covid-19 in 2019 sparked a pan- exhibit ion opt ional. However, as Taiwan’s Covid
demic that has posed a significant threat to human outbrea k i n m id-2021 led to t hat yea r ’s physica l
health, but it has also led to an acceleration in digital event being called off, the number of students who
transformation across industries. In the face of the chose to take part online began to grow, increasing
ever-changing nature of the pandemic, the ability from about two dozen to more than 40. In addition
to bring together the virtual and real worlds with to hurrying to translate their works into digital form
technological tools has been vital to maintaining the in response to the situation, the students also joined
operation of society. in creating the virtual exhibition halls.
More real than reality The all-day, free exhibition halls were linked to-
The strict lockdown of Taiwan’s border gave the gether like a maze, offering enough room for every
nation’s people a chance to enjoy a long stretch of piece to be accommodated. Guests who logged in

“Covid zero” life, but in May 2021 the disease sud- 「回川CONATION」的現場,虛擬展廳不受時空限制、24
denly broke t hrough and t he nat ional alert level
was raised to three, leading to many activities being Unconstrained by time and space, the virtual exhibition halls
of “Conation” were open 24 hours a day, and were able to
suspended and long-term preparations coming to accommodate and screen all participating works at the same
naught. The loss to civil society was substantial. time. (courtesy of Tsai Tsun-hung)

At this time, Tsai Tsun-hung, an assistant profes-

sor of communications design at Shih Chien Univer-
sity with a background in technology, put a backup could wander around and chat freely, write in the
plan he had already developed into action, bringing air with virtual pens, and even interact with works
st udents into t he free online virt ual realit y (VR) with no fear of damaging them. It was an experience
platform VRChat to hold an online graduation exhi- unlike any past exhibition and a novel one for both
bition entitled “Conation.” As past years’ exhibitions the students and the public.
had been physical and no off-campus ones had been A blueprint for future music venues
held, from the start Tsai made participation in the “Isn’t this whole ‘metaverse’ idea that everyone’s


多位藝人的「Global Citizen Live」(全球公
曲〈My Universe〉,造成轟動。同年度,台
左:技術總監譚明文,右:創意總監吳育璇。 多。」必應創造技術總監譚明文直言。
Facing an era of segmented audiences, the team at B’In Live
has begun actively exploring new possibilities. The photo shows
technical director Gas Tan (left) and creative director Lola Wu 間的區隔為何?倘若疫情趨緩,線上演唱會

The robot Hanji can calculate physical distances and move around autonomously to serve
as an exhibition guide. (courtesy of ET@T, © Taipei Fine Arts Museum)

talking about now basically like the MMORPGs we the feeling of the sound, the smell, the atmosphere,
used to play?” Tsai jokes. Of course, things change it all comes together to create a shared experience
with time, and with today’s higher bandwidth and of pleasure. This kind of thing can’t easily be rep-
better resolution, along with the real-time trans- licated online,” says B’In Live producer Lola Wu
mission of virtual images, digital experiences are straightforwardly. “Online concerts involve a whole
now more realistic than ever. different way of thinking, because they’re free of the
Alt hough t h i ngs l i ke perfor m i ng toget her re- limitations of space and geo graphy,” adds Gas Tan,
motely and attending virtual performances have not B’In Live’s technical director.
yet become particularly widespread, online concerts, The most striking example is from the end of last
born of the need to adapt to the pandemic, have be- year, when there were very few Covid cases in Tai-
come popular and have changed the ecosystem of wan. Even though New Year’s Eve activities went
the pop music industry. ahead as usual, the band Mayday still held both on-
You may wonder, what makes on li ne concerts line and offline concerts. To reinforce the difference
different from “offline” ones? Once the pandemic between the two, the production team used frequent
eases, will these online concerts vanish back into the transitions and gorgeous camera shots, coupled with
ether? B’In Live, which has a wealth of experience a strong spatial atmosphere, to highlight how online
in event management, is well aware of the major concerts are not limited by physical venues, hoping
differences between the two. “An offline concert is to ensure t hat bot h online and off line audiences
a social event—being in a space with other people, were satisfied.

是否終歸成為當下此刻的曇花一現?對於製 MV以外尚無其他類型的線上影音產品,線
作經驗豐富的必應創造,深諳兩者的重大差 上演唱會的形式,不僅可補其不足,其互動
異,「線下演唱會是一種社會現象,人與人 性也更合乎自媒體時代觀眾的期待,「一場
與空間的組成,甚至音壓、氣味、氛圍的加 長時間的Show,如何能抓住觀眾的眼球,
入,創造出集體歡愉的記憶。這樣的情境, 除了藝人的名氣與炫技的運鏡等等,觀眾還
無法用線上演出輕易取代。」必應創造創意 會期待自己被看見。而這絕對會需要在高
總監吳育璇直言。「線上演唱會則因為完全 速、低延遲,能夠雙向互動的網路背景下才
不受空間與地域的限制,是截然不同的思 能夠完成。」吳育璇說。
即便跨年活動並不受影響,五月天仍推出線 2020年,中華電信以新台幣456億元的高
上、線下雙版本演唱會。也為了強化兩者之 價取得台灣首張5G執照,宣告5G時代的正
間的不同,製作團隊利用頻繁的轉場與華麗 式來臨。然台灣的4G時代歷經十年,頻寬
的運鏡,加上強烈的空間氛圍,去凸顯出線 速度足以因應大眾發送簡訊、觀看影音串
上演唱會不受場地囿限的優勢,希望能做到 流等日常使用,5G帶來的關鍵性變革在哪
線上、線下「讓觀眾都能買單」。 裡?
由此來看,線上演唱會絕非只是線下演唱 「移動中需要高速網路的時候,能發揮
會的臨時替代方案。對於面對分眾閱讀市場 出5G的最大價值。」蔡遵弘一語中的地解
的瞬息萬變,如何與觀眾並進嘗試與創新, 釋。現階段而言,使用於室內定點的Wi-Fi
更屬勢在必行。過往的流行音樂產業,除了 6,即能提供穩定、高速、低延遲與多設備

The immersive backdrops
and technological props of
Telling Tent’s performances
have proven especially
popular with families with
children. (courtesy of
Telling Tent)

Actors perform remotely wearing motion capture gear. (courtesy of Telling Tent)

5G: High-speed mobile Internet ple. In 2018, the foundation invested in the develop-
In 2020, Chunghwa Telecom acquired Taiwan’s ment of a livestreaming panoramic-VR robot guide
first fifth-generation (5G) mobile telecommunications called Hanji. Built on a combination of AI and VR,
license at the high price of NT$45.6 billion, herald- Hanji uses ultra-wideband positioning technology
ing the arrival of the 5G era. Taiwan has had 4G for to calculate the direction and distance of tour parti-
a decade, and the bandwidth has been sufficient to cipants and follow them by itself. It can also stream
meet the daily needs of the public, from sending panoramic images live and interact with online audi-
text messages to streaming videos. What are the key ences at the same time.
changes that 5G brings? Hanji was born in the 4G era but was upgraded to
“5G’s biggest value comes when you need a high- version 2.0 with the introduction of 5G. Building on
speed connection on the move,” explains Tsai Tsun- its original foundation, Hanji 2.0 incorporates motion
hung succi nctly. At present, Wi-Fi 6 ca n provide capture and simultaneous localization and mapping
stable, high-speed, low-latency multi-device wireless (SLAM), evolving into an “AR streaming robot.” “This
network environments for indoor fixed locations. requires rapid, high-volume data throughput, and
“With Wi-Fi indoors and 5G outdoors, the two com- this is where 5G shines,” says Tsai. This means that
plement one another,” he adds. performers can use motion capture to operate Hanji,
Virtual influencers in the real world playing a role in virtual space and moving the robot
So what are the applications of 5G for art and cul- around remotely to interact with others in a per-
ture? The Digital Art Foundation, which is dedicated forming space, and even broadcasting the resulting
to developing and promoting digital art, is attempt- performance through livestreaming. In other words,
ing to answer this question. Tsai Tsun-hung, who is through a system like this, even virtual influencers
also technical director for the DFA, gives an exam- like VTubers can go “on location.”

As it tours the country
with its performance tent,
Telling Tent has found
5G an invaluable tool.
(courtesy of Telling Tent)

的高品質無線網路環境,「在室內用Wi-Fi,室外 可以發揮到5G的特性。」蔡遵弘表示。這代表的
用5G,可以截長補短、相輔相成。」他補充。 是,演員可藉由動態捕捉技術來操縱機器人,還
目前5G最大的受惠者與應用端,就在先進的智 可將扮演的虛擬角色,細膩地投射在異地移動中
慧工廠中。大量移動中的智能機器人、機器手臂 的現場,除了與人進行互動演出,現場結果還能
與無人機,多點之間的資訊交換,這樣的情境, 進行網路直播,換言之,運用這套系統,「讓虛
並不合適佈建多個Wi-Fi路由器,反倒合適以內部 擬網紅(VTuber)也可以出外景。」
座落在藝文場域,5G的應用方式有哪些?台灣 故事屋」,專攻親子體感劇場,他們以一頂圓
民間,致力於推廣、發展數位藝術的「數位藝術 帳遊牧於全台各地,將環景的布幕,搭配獨家
基金會」亦嘗試回應時代命題。同時身兼數位藝 原創的動畫,並且運用科技道具製造特效(好
術基金會技術總監的蔡遵弘便舉例,2018年基金 比煙霧、閃光、震動等),為孩童演述脫胎自
會便投入開發V R全景直播導覽機器人「函集」 傳統民間傳說的趣味故事。
(Hanji),機器人以AI、VR等技術為核心,還 移動故事屋負責人張嘉路解釋,故事屋的演
能運用超寬頻(UWB)定位技術,計算觀眾的方 出分成兩種:第一類是單純的動畫;第二類則
向與距離,自行移動跟隨並進行導覽,還能將現 是以真人演員搭配動畫演出,演員除了身著戲
場全景影像進行直播,同時與線上觀眾作互動。 服,直接出現在放映現場,搭配動畫演出,亦
誕生在4G時代的函集,進入到5G,進一步升 可藉由動態捕捉設備,以虛擬角色的形象出現
級為「2.0版本」,基於原本的技術基礎,再結 在劇目上,形成「既實又虛」的雙重特性。
合動態捕捉(MOCAP)與同步定位與地圖構建 「5G在動態捕捉上是有加分效果的。」張嘉
(SLAM)等技術,進化為「AR直播機器人」, 路認為。因為移動故事屋非定點演出,而採巡
「因為過程中需要運用大量的快速網路作傳輸, 迴展演,藉由5G專網可將演出現場的收音、影

Virtual interaction 由一群數位藝術家所組成的「移動故事屋」團隊。
Telling Tent is a troupe composed of digital artists.
Telling Tent, established in 2016, is another bene­
ficiary of the advent of the 5G era. Formed by a group
of digital artists specializing in “motion­sensing
theater” for children, Telling Tent travels Taiwan with to be transmitted back to the remote actors in real
its dome tent and uses a panoramic screen, original time. Virtual characters played by actors can thus in­
animations, and technological props to create special teract with the audience based on the situation at the
effects like smoke, flashes, and vibrations while tell­ scene, “and so the audience knows that what they’re
ing engaging stories derived from traditional folklore. seeing isn’t prerecorded.” Not only that, the virtual
Da n iel C ha ng , head of Tel l i ng Tent, ex pla i n s characters integrated into the animation can even
that the group does two types of shows: the first is achieve effects that would be almost impossible to do
just anima tion, while the second is built around a in an in­person performance. “For example, they can
combination of animation and real actors. Dressed in fly through the air or have their eyes turn into hearts
their costumes, the actors perform live in sync with when they smile,” adding a little more drama to the
the projected animations. They can also use motion proceedings.
capture equipment to create virtual characters, com­ A new type of performance
bining both real and virtual in their various programs. The immersive theatrical show Lunatic Town, put
“5G is a real boon for motion capture,” says Chang. on by the National Theater and Concert Hall (NCTH),
Because Telling Tent is a touring troupe rather than is representative of how Taiwan’s art world has em­
performing at a fixed venue, using a private 5G net­ braced technology in recent years. This show can
work enables the audio and video of the performances be broken down into three performance elements,

Lunatic Town, organized
by the National Theater
and Concert Hall, tells a
story set across parallel
universes, exploring new
possibilities in performing
arts through a variety of
technologies. (courtesy of

像,即時回饋給位在遠處另一端的演員。演員 受到兩廳院邀請,參與執行統籌的必應創
(虛擬角色)可視現場狀況,與觀眾作雙向性 造,擁有豐富商業操作經驗的他們更強調,這
互動,「觀眾可以因此知道,這不是預錄好的 一次的演出,多維度的龐雜架構,賦予使用5G
節目。」不僅如此,融入動畫中的虛擬角色, 技術、線上直播、異地共演的合理性,科技的
甚至能做到真人演出不能做到的效果,「好比 應用,「必須要是有意義、有感,而且是合理
說可以飛翔在空中,笑的時候眼睛會變成愛心 的。」吳育璇表示。讓演出不僅停留在科技實
等。」更具戲劇張力。 力的展演,數位藝術的未來才能更進一步。
「這樣的表演形式就類似於吉祥物『熊 縱然5G時代才開始,距離成熟的商業模式仍
讚』。」張嘉路解釋。只不過,吉祥物從現實 有一段路要走。誠如譚明文所言:「我們(製
進入了虛擬世界,操縱的方式也從操偶師套上 作團隊)會以演出的目標去考量展演的屬性,
布偶裝,改為演員運用動捕設備。可想而知, 而非優先去搜尋當前有哪些頂尖技術。」但他
在虛擬網紅當道的數位經濟時代,這樣的展演 也表示,讓兩個乍看毫不相干的領域產生對
模式將更為普遍。 話,往往只需要一個關鍵性的連結。
近年由兩廳院推出的沉浸式劇場《神不在的 的花火。就如知名的舞者黃翊能異想天開,
小鎮》,是台灣藝文圈近年強調科技應用的代 經過不屈不撓地遊說,終於讓台灣機器手臂
表作。這一齣可解構為二維(線上直播)、三 「K U K A」(庫卡)製造商點頭,願意與之合
維(實體演出)、四維(虛擬世界)等三個多 作,讓六軸機械手臂和他在舞台上翩然共舞。
重視角的展演活動,觀眾除了進入兩廳院戶外 台灣各地不乏許多低調卻擁有特殊技術的實力
的藝文廣場體驗沉浸式演出,過程中甚至可以 業者,在科技與人文界線消弭的未來,將如何
加入互動,同時還必須觀賞線上直播,藉由拼 相濡以沫?在高速網路的催動之下,尤其值得
湊不同維度的演出片段,來理解故事的全貌。 拭目以待。 l

presented from multiple perspectives: the livestream, “We [the production team] need to consider the char-
t he physical performance, and t he virt ual world. acteristics and goals of the show rather than just reach-
Audience members can experience the immersive per- ing for cutting-edge technologies.” Furthermore, he
formance in the outdoor plaza between the two halls adds, creating a dialogue between two such seemingly
and even join in the interactions during the show. unrelated fields simply requires some crucial link.
At the same time, they need to also be watching the With Taiwan enjoying a reputation for science and
livestream to be able to piece together the whole story technology, it can thus provide a dynamic creative
from its various fragments presented in these differ- environ ment for art workers to explore the inter-
ent dimensions. section of art and technology and the fireworks that
The NTCH invited B’In Live, with their rich experi- can create. For example, renowned dancer Huang Yi
ence in commercial performances, to help coordinate was able, after much lobbying, to get the nod from the
and execute the show. Lola Wu emphasizes that the Taiwanese manufacturer of the robotic arm Kuka to
show’s complex, multidimensional structure justifies have the six-axis arm dance with him on stage, mak-
the use of 5G technology to make livestreaming and ing a wild flight of the imagination into reality. There
remote performance feasible. “The application of such are low-key companies with outstanding technologies
technologies needs to be reasonable and impactful,” and potential all across Taiwan. How might they help
she says. Only if performances are more than just each other in the future as the boundaries between
demonstrations of technological capability can digital technology and art disappear? With high-speed Inter-
art progress into the future. net a driving force behind this evolution, the results
As the 5G era has only just begun, there is still a will surely be worth waiting for. l
long way to go before any mature business models (Lynn Su/photos by Lin Min-hsuan/
emerge. As B’In Live’s technical director Gas Tan says, tr. by Geof Aberhart)

courtesy of NTCH

女性(B B C 100
In 2017 Lin Nien Tzu
was named to the
BBC’s “100 Women”
list of influential
women around the
world. (photo by
Jimmy Lin)

The Shalun Green Energy Technology Demonstration Site (SGETDS) at
the Smart Green Energy Science City in Shalun, Tainan, demonstrates
the future of daily life with green energy technology. (courtesy of ITRI)

Buildings That Can Think:

Intelligent Buildings and the Future

封 面 故 事
文•鄧慧純 圖•林格立 版面設計•馬英凱


H ave you ever imagined that buildings could be not

merely places that provide shelter from the elements,
but might also be transfor med into intelligent house­
keepers? That they could gather and analyze a variety of
detailed information from your daily life, and take action?
For example, when they detect that there is too much car­
bon dioxide in a room, they could ventilate it; they could
set room temperatures at the best level to balance comfort
and energy efficiency; and they could give early warnings
when equipment is about to malfunction. In fact, this kind
of “intelligence” is already making its way into our lives,
providing us with intangible yet meticulous care.


台灣資通訊(I C T)產業發達,運用感測技
術、大數據、物聯網(I o T)、5G、人工智慧
(A I)、智慧聯網(A I o T)、智慧建材、雲端


當年手機廠商N o k i a打出「C o n n e c t i n g
P e o p l e」的口號,中文轉譯為大家朗朗上口的
話,能讓長者們感受到親情的溫暖,在這個時 温琇玲認為,以使用者為本,永續服務是智慧建築發展的
刻,科技無形中填補了距離的空缺,傳遞了人 Wen Show-ling believes the key to developing intelligent
buildings is user-centered sustainable services.
再加上通訊基礎設施佈建與其他國家相比,普 造價5,000萬以上的建築須申請綠建築標章,兩
及且完備,在系統整合、創新服務上,例如智 億元以上的建築需申請智慧建築標章,以此帶
慧空調、智慧能源管理系統、智慧門禁監視系 動風潮,引領產業,包含智慧建築、智慧建材
統、A I語音辨識及智慧家電等領域,已有許多 等的多元嘗試與發展。
策略會議中,揭示智慧化在各產業的應用,智 而聊到智慧建築如何運作?大數據、I o T、
慧建築即是運用的重要場域。此外,台灣智慧 A I o T這些名詞想必大家都耳聞,但卻多是一
建築評估制度起步頗早,細數從1999年開始推 知半解,温琇玲解釋:「其實過程就是偵知→
動綠建築標章,2003年制定了智慧建築標章, 顯示→連動」。透過各種感測裝置,它就像人
2004年加入綠建材標章,2010年設立智慧建材 體的知覺系統,收集了大量資料,再透過統計
標章,下一步搭配國際淨零碳排的倡議訴求, 分析,了解數據間的關係,「任何的數據都是
「智慧零碳建築」更是2050年的指標。相關方 可以解讀的,這些數據會讓你知道許多過去不
案的推動,更率先由公有建築做起,明定工程 曾知道的事情。」温琇玲舉了她曾為獨居長者

Taiwan’s information and communications tech­ 台灣資通訊(ICT)產業發達,利用科技主動感知的技術,
nology (ICT) industry is well developed, and has ad­ 提出的解決方案琳瑯滿目,這樣的「智慧」也已一步步走進
vanced capabil ities in sensing technology, big data, the Taiwan has a well-developed ICT sector that now can provide a
Internet of Things (IoT), fifth­generation (5G) wireless myriad of solutions using autonomous sensing technology. This
kind of “intelligence” is already making its way into our lives.
tele communications, artificial intelligence (AI), intelli­
gent building materials, and cloud computing. Myriad
solutions are on offer or in preparation that employ tech­
nologies that can autonomously detect the status of vari­
ous parameters, to enhance the quality of life while also warmth of familial love. At times like this technology
facilitating an energy­saving, sustainable future. really does close the distance between people and en­
Design with people in mind ables us to convey human warmth.
“Why do we need to make buildings ‘intelligent’? At the same time, intelligent buildings also have com­
In fact the purpose is to generate value—both ‘human mercial value. With its competitive advantages, Taiwan’s
value’ and ‘commercial value,’” says Wen Show­ling, ICT sector plays a pivotal role in the world, and when you
president of the Taiwan Intelligent Building Association. consider that communications infrastructure in Taiwan
Back in the day the cell phone maker Nokia had the has greater coverage and is more comprehensive than in
slogan “Connecting People.” When technology is ap­ most other countries, many businesses have begun ex­
plied to intelligent buildings, it can demonstrate perimenting with systems integration and innova­
vividly the concept of “connecting people.” tive services, with outstanding results so far.
Wen offers the example of children who live The government in Taiwan is providing
separately from their parents: How can the impetus to this process. Taiwan got a rela­
children stay aware of their parents’ health tively early start with its intelligent building
and wellbeing? By using technology, such evaluation system. In 1999 the govern ment
as web­connected blood pressure meters began promoting the EEWH green building
or IoT lightbulbs, they can gather data on certi fication system, followed by intelligent
their parents’ physical condition and daily building certification in 2003, green building
routine. If anything is out of the ordinary, a materials certification in 2004, and intelligent
phone call from the children asking after their building materials certification in 2010. In line
parents’ wellbeing allows the elders to feel the with international calls for net­zero carbon emissions,

SPINLab, located at the
SGETDS, is only the third
rotatable building technology
lab in the world, and the first
in the subtropics. (courtesy
of ITRI)

設計的住宅為例,比如開冰箱、如廁的次數, 數據資料,管理能源無謂的消耗。
睡覺、開燈的時間等都可以透過感測器收集記 理想上,建築的設計與管理思惟相扣,方能
錄,「比如五分鐘內開了冰箱20次,那肯定長 發揮最佳效益,但市場上逾97%為既有建物,如
者的心情是焦躁的;還有如廁的次數、時間太 何也加能入智慧化的行列,為此政府提出了智
多或太長;天黑了室內燈還沒開啟……。」像 慧化改善方案;温琇玲分享先前對既有建築智
是探案線索一般,温琇玲道來:「每個數據都 慧化的研究結果,最大的效應在於可減少九成
是有意義的」,這些資訊都透露了長者心理、 建物及人為災害;而因為有智慧監控,可以進
生理的狀況,將資訊收攏分析,可預防任何意 行預測維護,讓設施設備信賴度提高79%;緊急
外,關照長者的安全。 應變程序縮短68%,這些數據都體現了建築智慧
又如消防災害的預警,傳統室內火災警報器 化符合高效經濟與安全健康的需求。
要在室溫達70度時才會警示,通常已錯失關鍵 而「智慧建築」結合「綠建築」,更能發揮
逃生時機,但智慧建築的設置,透過A I o T的 加乘的節能。工研院綠能與環境研究所副所長
自我學習,當室內溫度異常於平日時,推測可 鄭名山聊起位在台南沙崙綠能科學城的綠能科
能有災害發生,進而連動,如打開排煙機、關 技示範場域。這區塊原初設計即考量陽光、空
閉空調、電源、瓦斯等,避免助燃;然後解除 氣、水與生態,利用建築物座向,通風採光天
門禁,甚至能察覺起火點,指示正確的逃生方 井等被動式設計手法降低建築物耗能外,並採
向。這樣的智慧已經實現,温琇玲舉了2018 用立面遮陽、外牆隔熱、雨水回收、再生建材
年獲得「亞太地區優良智慧綠建築暨系統產品 等綠建築手法。園區內有綠能生活體驗社區,
獎」金獎的南山人壽商業辦公大樓,當發生火 節能展示屋以南台灣常見的透天厝形式打造,
災時,能準確測知尚未逃離建物的人數及定位 屋頂裝有太陽光電板,並設有鋰電池儲電,整
待救援者的位置,建築的智慧即展現在此。 個能源系統進行產電、儲電及用電的最佳化調
智慧建築的另一項特色是「具體化」節能的 統,基本上五層樓以下的住宅,不管是透天或
效益,「其實智慧建築很重要的一個面向是 公寓都可以做到。」鄭名山補充說明。
『管理』。」温琇玲說,藉由感應設施收集的 另外區域內的五棟大型辦公空間,則有一個

the next step is to work toward “intelligent zero-carbon Shalun, Tainan. The site’s original design not only took
buildings,” with 2050 as the target year. The promotion of account of sunlight, air, water, and ecology, and used
relevant programs has begun, with public buildings lead- passive design methods such as building orientation,
ing the way. The government now requires green building ventilation, exposure to sunlight, and courtyards to re-
certification for any public building constructed at a cost duce the buildings’ energy consumption, it also adopted
of NT$50 million or above, and intelligent building certi- green building approaches like façade shading, thermal
fication for those costing over NT$200 million. In this way insulation in exterior walls, rain recycling, and recycled
the government is driving new trends and guiding indus- building mater ials. Within the SGETDS there is also an
try in making diverse trials and advances in the fields of Intelligent Green Energy Demonstration Community
intelligent buildings and intelligent building materials. with energy-saving buildings that are multistory single-
What makes a building intelligent? family dwellings of the type so common in Southern
How do intelligent buildings operate? Wen explains: Taiwan. There are solar panels installed on the roofs and
“Simply put, the process is ‘detect, display, act.’” Through a lithium batteries to store electricity, and the whole sys-
variety of sensing devices—somewhat like the human sen- tem is regulated to optimize energy production, energy
sory system—buildings can collect large amounts of data, storage, and energy usage to achieve net-zero energy
and by statistical analysis we can understand the relation- consumption. “This type of system with virtually zero
ships between different data items. “Any data can be inter- energy consumption can be used in any kind of residen-
preted, and it will tell you things you never knew before.” tial building of up to five stories, whether they are single-
Wen points for example to a residence she designed for family dwellings or apartment buildings,” says Jeng.
elderly people living alone, in which sensors record data In addition, the five large office buildings in the
on such things as the number of times a resident opens the SGETDS share an ice-making central chilled water system
refrigerator or goes to the bathroom. “If the refrigerator is to provide air conditioning. Jeng explains that this system
opened 20 times in five minutes, for instance, this is a sure is like an energy management center, with the center pro-
sign that the person is anxious or restless.” Every piece of ducing chilled water that is circulated into every building
data is meaningful, for it provides clues to the elderly per- to generate cool air. This approach facilitates intelligent
son’s psychological and physiological state. By collecting control, as the energy management center can continually
and analyzing such data, one can prevent all kinds of ad- calculate how much ice to make, based on the outdoor
verse events.
Another example is rapid alerts in case of fire. Devices in
an intelligent building can learn autonomously through the
Artificial Intelligence of Things (AIoT), and if they detect
that the temperature in a room is different from the usual
daily pattern, they will infer that there may be a fire. Then
they will act, for example by turning on the smoke ventil-
ator or turning off the air conditioning, electricity, and gas
to avoid them making the fire worse. Finally they will re-
lease access controls on doors and can even detect the loca-
tion of the fire and indicate an appropriate escape route.
Energy saving and sustainability
There is a multiplier effect to be had in energy savings
by combining intelligent building and green building
principles. Jeng Ming-shan, deputy general director of the 示範場域內的綠能生活體驗社區,透過能源系統進行產電、
Green Energy and Environment Research Laboratories at 儲電及用電的最佳化調控,可以做到零耗能。(工業技術研
the Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI), talks The Intelligent Green Energy Demonstration Community at
about the Shalun Green Energy Technology Demonstration the SGETDS uses an energy management system to optimize
energy production, storage, and use, to achieve net-zero energy
Site (SGETDS) at the Smart Green Energy Science City in consumption. (courtesy of ITRI)

(facing page) Heran vice
chairman Andy Tsai noticed
the potential of smart home
appliances long ago. He ensures
his company’s appliances are
web-enabled to give them a
place in the intelligent products
market, thereby sketching a
vision of life in the future.

中央冰水系統供應冷氣,鄭名山解釋,這形似 活提出一種可能性,是蔡柏毅的超前佈局。
一個能源中心,由中心統一來製作冰水,送到 早在2015年,禾聯就將產品線擴展至小家
每棟建築物裡,轉變成冷氣。這樣的做法利於 電,包括冰箱、冷氣機、掃地機器人、空氣清
智慧化的控制,能源中心隨時根據外面的溫 淨機等200多個品項,原初蔡柏毅僅是希望藉由
度、室內的人數需求,演算需要製多少冰,並 品項多元與通路取得談判優勢,但他更進一步
利用夜間電力需求較低的時段製冰,白天電力 要求在自家家電產品加上藍芽、Wi F i,提供更
需求緊迫,就不開壓縮機,讓冰慢慢溶化,再 多加值的好處,提升產品的C P值,「我要自己
透過冷熱交換,讓冰水送到每棟建築物,變成 形成一個家電的生態系,讓消費者養成對品牌
冷氣,「這是智慧建築很典型的一種作法,也 的黏著跟依賴。」
是工研院自行研發的成果。」透過智慧建築的 其實佈局市場,蔡柏毅在電動車還未熱夯之
手法,讓建築走向永續,已然是未來的趨勢。 時,早帶著研發部門取得車聯網的專利,他稱
智慧建築是從商辦大樓先發展,再逐步衍生 影情境一般。窺見智慧家電的市場潛力,佈局
到居家生活領域。台灣本土家電品牌禾聯,液 物聯網,搶進智能市場,禾聯已早早勾勒了未
晶電視與冷氣是其兩大利基產品,近年來,禾 來的生活願景。
西方人的休閒多屬戶外活動,反倒電視常是華 智慧建築的運作透過「偵知→顯示→連
人家庭的中心,因此他的智慧家庭藍圖就以電 動」,其中監控系統具重要角色,安置在建築
視為平台,以免持聲控為主打,這技術的門檻 中的各類系統,最終需要彙整在一平台介面,
更高,要解決空間雜訊、干擾等問題,但是他 其需整合的系統多達數十類,要監控的節點從
笑稱:「我是一個懶人,連找一台遙控器都 數千到上萬都有。
懶。」從消費者的使用情境出發,為未來的生 成立於1992年的永錄自動化公司是國內做智

fore, his blueprint for smart homes uses the television as a
platform operated by voice control. There is a higher bar-
rier to entry for this technology since it requires overcom-
ing the problems of ambient noise and interference. But he
says with a laugh: “I’m a lazy person, too lazy even to look
for a remote control.” Taking the way consumers actually
use technology as the starting point for proposing possi-
bilities for future living is Tsai’s strategy for the future.
As early as 2015 Heran extended their product line to
include more than 200 home appliances, and Tsai now re-
quires that Heran appliances include Bluetooth and Wi-Fi
to provide more added value and enhance the products’
cost–performance ratio. “I want us to form a home appli-
ance ecosystem.”
In fact, in developing his market strategy Tsai early on
worked with the company’s R&D department to develop
and patent technology for the Internet of Vehicles, even be-
fore electric cars became popular. He says that an app can
be installed in cars so that when the vehicle gets within a
few kilometers of home, the home will intelligently turn
on the air conditioning or draw bathwater, just like some-
thing out of the movies. Having spotted the potential of
the smart home appliance market, Heran set out plans to
use the Internet of Things to break into the smart products
market, thereby sketching a vision of life in the future.
temperature and the number of people using the build- The last mile: Integration
ings. Moreover it makes ice at night, when energy de- Intelligent buildings function according to the “detect,
mand is low, and keeps the compressor turned off during display, act” model. In this, monitoring and control systems
the day, when energy demand is high. Through heat ex- play a critical role. The various systems installed in build-
changers, the ice is used to chill water, which is piped into ings can all be aggregated into a single interface platform.
all of the buildings to cool air for air conditioning. “This But this requires integrating tens of systems, which may
is a classic example of the things intelligent buildings have many thousands of monitoring and control nodes.
can do, and is also a product of ITRI’s own R&D efforts.” Lucon Automation Company, founded in 1992, is one of
Using intelligent building principles to make buildings Taiwan’s oldest firms in the field of intelligent buildings.
sustainable is an established trend for the future. Lucon managing director John J.C. Chen was involved in
Creating a comfortable home life the monitoring and control system project for Taiwan’s
The development of intelligent buildings started with very first intelligent building, the Taipower Building (the
commercial office buildings, but has gradually spread to headquarters of the Taiwan Power Company).
the field of residential living. Heran, a Taiwanese appli- Lucon’s achievements over the years have included
ance manufacturer, has in recent years been proactively the National Theater and Concert Hall, Taipei Veterans
expanding into the smart home arena. Heran vice chair- General Hospital, and National Cheng Kung University
man Andy Tsai lived in Australia for 12 years and has Hospital. In 2018 Lucon won a platinum award in the “Sys-
observed the differences between Eastern and Western tem” category at the Asia Pacific Intelligent Green Build-
lifestyles. He says that in Western countries people spend ing Alliance Awards. It’s worth noting that the Chicony
much of their leisure time in outdoor activities, whereas in Smart Green Building, which won a platinum award in
ethnic Chinese households the television is central. There- the “Design” category the same year, and the Taipower

永錄自動化公司總 慧建築監控的老字號,總經理陳勇誠曾參與台
經理陳勇誠投入國 灣第一棟智慧建築——台電總處大樓的監控系統
研多年,曾參與台 專案,之後獨立創業。
的監控系統專案。 心兩廳院、台北榮民總醫院、成大醫學院附
Lucon Automation
managing director 設醫院、台灣大學圖書館等;並在2018年,
John J.C. Chen
has for many years 獲得「亞太地區優良智慧綠建築暨系統產品評
been doing R&D on
monitoring and control 選」「系統產品類」鉑金獎;更值得一提的
systems for intelligent
buildings. He was 是,同年獲得「設計類」鉑金獎的群光智慧綠
involved in creating the
monitoring and control
system for Taiwan’s 台灣電力公司總管理處大樓,均採用永錄的監
first intelligent building,
the Taipower Building. 控系統,對此,協理林翠玲表示:「群光智慧
綠建築暨系統產品評選」「既有建物改造類」鉑金獎。 接的一哩路,還是要靠設計者從使用者的角度
The Taipower Building won a platinum award in the “Renovation” 出發,營造出友善的人機介面,讓操作得心應
category at the 2018 Asia Pacific Intelligent Green Building
Alliance Awards. 手,如此才有智慧、永續、節能的未來。 l

Building, which won a platinum award in the “Renova- 透過智慧建築的手法,讓建築走向節能永續,已是未來
tion” category that year, both use Lucon monitoring and Intelligent buildings that can save energy and enhance
control systems. Lucon assistant vice president Lin Tsui- sustainability are the wave of the future. (courtesy of ITRI)

ling states: “The Chicony Smart Green Building was a

brand new project. It included 24,546 monitoring and
control nodes, so it was a huge challenge. When it came
to replacing the central monitoring and control system in ourselves how an intelligent building functions in prac-
the Taipower Building, on the other hand, we had been tice. But all we got to see was a simple and straightforward
maintaining the old system for more than a decade. Hav- central control room. Lin Tsui Ling compares monitoring
ing both a new project and an old one win awards made and control systems to point-and-shoot cameras: The de-
the recognition even more meaningful.” tails are all hidden in the programming, so you don’t have
John Chen explains the path Taiwan has followed to set your own parameters like white balance, aperture,
from its initial involvement with monitoring and control and shutter speed. This comparison makes these systems
systems to becoming expert developers of them: “Our instantly comprehensible.
strength lies in integration. Monitoring and control in “An intelligent building is a service system,” says Wen
intelligent buildings requires integration of dozens of sys- Show-ling. As technology advances, in the future more
tems, such as the fire alarm control unit, the A/C water and more novel technologies will be introduced into build-
chiller control units, digital power meters, uninterrupt- ings. But when it comes to the “last mile”—the connection
ible power supply systems, building access management with the end users, i.e. people—designers still have to
systems, public information systems, and cloud-based start from the user’s perspective and create user-friendly
energy management systems. Moreover, systems made human–machine interfaces so that the system can be oper-
by different companies have different data interfaces and ated smoothly and easily. Only in this way will we have an
formats, so we have to devise ways to collect all the sig- intelligent, sustainable, and energy-saving future. l
nals to enable the system to act in an integrated way.” (Cathy Teng/photos by Jimmy Lin/
Having heard enough theory, we wanted to see for tr. by Phil Newell)

紡織所提供 courtesy of TTRI

Weaving Dreams:
Vivi Lin is the first
The Present and Future
Taiwanese winner of the
UK’s Diana Award.(photo
of Smar t Clothing
by Jimmy Lin)

封 面 故 事
文•蘇俐穎 圖•林旻萱 版面設計•馬英凱


T hey say that film holds a mirror up to society, but

som et im es what it shows is not a ref lec t ion b ut
a prediction. Cinematic superheroes like Batman and
Spide r - Man zip through the air in f ut ur ist ic out f its
that combine clothing and computers, but as technology
evolves, we come ever closer to the day when ordinary
folk like you and me might also be able to get a taste of
that superhero style.


保暖禦寒,是衣服最基本的條件,紡織科技 高度,挹注重金投入研發,包括美國由軍方投資
的日新月異,衣服機能不斷進化,吸濕排汗、 的計畫AFFOA(Advanced Functional Fabrics of
蓄熱保溫、抗菌消臭、防潑水、抗U V,甚至是 America,美國先進功能性織物)與歐盟的Textile
導電發光,都已不足為奇……人類對衣服的終 ETP(European Technology Platform for the Future
極想像是什麼? of the Textiles and Clothing Industry,紡織技術發
答案是:「讓衣服,成為一件穿戴式的電 導國內企業發展智慧紡織品。
腦。」 雖然如電影中成熟高規格的智慧衣產品,至
這想法一點也不奇怪,行動電話與電腦結 今仍屬未竟之夢,但隨著關鍵技術與製程的成
合,是現代人日常倚重的智慧型手機,紡織品 熟,材料開發與應用場域的增加,智慧紡織品
與電腦的結合,就成了「智慧紡織品」(Smart 的市場正蓬勃成長中。根據市調機構Grand View
Textile)。「智慧紡織品,即是希望能將運算單 Research預測,2025年智慧紡織品的全球產值將
元透過製造方法,將衣服變成穿戴式的電腦。」 達55億美元,除了國防與軍事上的應用佔市場
財團法人紡織產業綜合研究所(簡稱紡織所)產 配額的最大宗,複合年均增長率最高的則是體
品部副主任沈乾龍言簡意賅地解釋。 育及健身領域,面對這樣的大餅,包括Apple、
為了讓夢想不再紙上談兵,約在千禧年之際, Google、Nike、Under Armour等多家科技與服
先進國家紛紛將智慧型紡織品提升到國家策略的 飾龍頭業者,無不積極搶攻。

Movies have long predicted the smart textiles of the future. In an effort to make these predictions
real, in 2003 Taiwan took the lead in the development of smart textiles with the TTRI.

Shen Chien-lung has devoted himself to research on smart textiles for more than 20 years,
regarding textiles as a means to transform imagination into reality.

At its most basic, the role of clothing is to protect us the turn of the millennium developed nations world-
from the elements. However, with textile technology in wide began to promote smart textiles as a matter of
constant development, clothes that wick away moisture national strategy, investing heavily in R&D through
from the skin, retain warmth, fight bacteria, shrug off initiatives like Advanced Functional Fabrics of America
water droplets, block ultraviolet light, and even con- (AFFOA), which saw investment from the US military,
duct electricity and emit light are no longer pure fan- and the EU’s European Technology Platform for the
tasy. So as the possibilities become ever broader, how Future of Textiles and Clothing (Textile ETP). As a tex-
far can we imagine taking clothing? tile industry leader, Taiwan has also been part of this
Clothes + tech = wearable computing effort, with the TTRI spearheading efforts to encourage
One answer may be turning clothes into wearable domestic enterprises to develop smart textiles through
computers. special programs since 2003.
Already we have combined mobile telephones with Although fully mature high-end smart clothing like
computers and made smartphones a regular part of we see in the movies is still far off, as key technologies
modern life, so what about combining textiles and and processes mature and the development of mater-
computers to create “smart textiles”? “The idea behind ials with broader applications continues, the market
smart textiles is to turn clothes into wearable com- for smart textiles is booming. According to a forecast
puters through modular design,” explains Shen Chien- by market researchers Grand View Research, global
lung, deputy director of the Department of Products at production of smart textiles will be worth as much
the Taiwan Textile Research Institute (TTRI). as US$5.5 billion by 2025. While defense and military
To take this vision from fantasy to reality, around applications account for the largest share of this, the


個產業的Domain Knowledge與成功經驗差異實 國家隊」,常以團隊名義共同展銷,在台灣智
在太大。」沈乾龍解釋:「電子產品加工尺寸 慧型紡織品協會擔任秘書長的沈乾龍充滿期許
公差一般都以微米計量,紡織品因為彈性結構 地說「我們的願景,就是成為『智慧衣的東大
加工體尺寸公差僅到毫米,兩者結合需重新取 門』,想採購智慧紡織品,就會來到台灣。」
雖然智慧衣最大的優點,不外乎舒適性, 智慧衣實現遠距復健
「但最大的缺點,就是規格。」沈乾龍指出: 雖然電影中的蝙蝠裝、蜘蛛裝,外觀總是絢
「每個環節跨領域的資訊都會彼此干涉,必須 麗又吸睛,但現實中的智慧衣從不追求奇裝異
先定義好規格彼此才能串聯起來。」 服。在台北內湖的三軍總醫院,復健部物理治
為了加強跨領域的媒合與溝通,台灣在2018 療科主任蔣尚霖從2018年開始就與紡織所合
年由34家紡織、電子龍頭業者、組織,如南 作,將智慧衣應用在臨床醫療服務上。因此獲
緯、聚陽、福懋等紡織廠,以及正基電子、台 「國家醫療品質獎」銅獎的蔣尚霖,向我們展
灣區電機電子工業同業公會等電子業者,率先 示供病患穿著的「穿戴式心率感測衣」,除了
組成「台灣智慧型紡織品協會」(T S TA )。 胸口一塊輕薄短小的發射器,外觀看來與一般
目前已經擴展到56家的他們,稱得上「智慧衣 的服飾無異。

Wearable devices developed by the
TTRI, combining traditional textiles
with high-tech electronic devices,
have potential uses in a wide range
of fields, from medicine and fitness
to gaming.

areas of sports and fitness are showing the most robust communications technologies. As a result, the nation is
annual growth. With so much potential in the sector, well situated in several important areas for smart tex-
several leading tech and apparel companies, including tiles. However, if these sectors are to forge a formidable
Apple, Google, Nike, and Under Armour, are coming in alliance, there remain several key issues that need to be
firing on all cylinders. addressed.
Creating a national team Among these is the question of how to integrate
Taiwan has long been proud of its textile industry, electronic components into clothing in such a way that
which has earned it a reputation as something of a “tex- they remain stable and reliable when worn. Consumers
tile Silicon Valley.” On top of this, Taiwan is a leader may wonder how long the clothing may be guaranteed,
in the fields of electronics and of information and how many times it can be washed, and how long it will

方,並將處方內容輸入到相應的A p p,患者在



Smart textiles could revolutionize medical treatment. A doctor
prescribes an exercise regime and enters it into an app, and
their cardiopulmonary rehabilitation patient trains at home, using
smart clothing to upload data in real time so the medical team
can monitor their situation remotely.

remain usable. Any piece of smart clothing that can’t Smart clothing for remote rehab
last beyond 100 washes, for example, simply does not Although Batman’s and Spider-Man’s outfits in the
pass the basic threshold for viable commercial mass movies may be fancy and eye-catching, in reality smart
production. clothing is not about that kind of flashiness. Chiang
And if such products are to go from basic clothing to Shang-lin, director of the Department of Physical Medi-
any kind of medical equipment, beyond the washability cine and Rehabilitation at Tri-Service General Hospital,
question they’ll also face the need for medical device has been working with the TTRI since 2018 on the use
certification with testing in areas like biocompatibility, of smart clothing in clinical medicine. Chiang, a bronze
electrical safety, and telecommunications security to National Healthcare Quality Award winner, shows us a
ensure their safety and reliability. wearable heart rate sensor garment for patients. Except
To bolster cross-domain coordination and com- for a short, thin transmitter on the chest, it looks virtu-
munication, in 2018, 34 leading textile and electronics ally indistinguishable from ordinary clothing.
companies and organizations in Taiwan, including Tex- The predecessor of this is the heart rate strap, devel-
ray, Makalot, and Formosa Taffeta on the textiles side oped some 20 or 30 years ago. These straps use conductive
and Ampak Technology and the Taiwan Electrical and rubber and are strapped around the chest, calculating
Electronic Manufacturers’ Association on the electron- heart rate using the millivolt potential changes on the
ics side, came together to form the Taiwan Smart Tex- skin surface when the heart beats. However, they come
tile Association (TSTA). The “Team Taiwan” of smart loose easily and create a lot of friction, making them
clothes, their products are often sold under their collec- difficult to wear for long periods. In this clothing-based
tive name. “Our goal is to become the Oxford Street of version, conductive silver-plated fibers are woven into the
smart clothing—if you want smart clothing, you come fabric, and when worn, the garment can capture physio-
to Taiwan,” says Shen Chien-lung, current chief secre- logical data such as heart rate and exercise intensity, mak-
tary of the TSTA. ing it significantly more comfortable and practical.

Dr. Chiang Shang-lin (left) of Tri-Service General Hospital expects that in the post-pandemic era,
smart clothing will play an increasingly important role as a clinical tool.

任葉守正合作,將心率感測衣用在心搏過速的 衣服不僅禦寒保暖,甚至引領風尚,現在人類還能透過衣服
患者身上,藉生物回饋資料,協助醫生作投藥 Clothes not only protect us from the elements, but are also
becoming vehicles for new technologies.
後的病況追蹤,「健康促進、預防醫學、藥物 (photo by Chin Hung-hao)
業。尤其2019年突如其來的世紀之疫,讓遠距 調「硬體」(衣服)、「軟體」(演算法)與
健身、居家健身房因應崛起,雖然疫情趨緩, 「應用」(醫療)的結合,「只有這三者組合
虛擬健身的潮流仍是方興未艾。根據美國運動 在一起,才會是『Smart Point』,否則只是把產
醫學會(ACSM)所作「全球健身趨勢調查」, 品做出來,覺得很酷,經驗點只停留在那個瞬
「穿戴式科技」已多年高踞榜首,「居家健身 間,效益仍無法延續。」能進一步「解決人類
房」則是緊接在後,而隨著5G時代來臨,健身 的某種問題」,才是智慧衣的核心意義。
教練藉智慧衣編輯、販售線上課程,還能進行 因此,自言相當「E n j o y R e s e a r c h」的沈乾
遠端訓練。 龍,與其說是個橫跨不同領域的專家,更像個
投入智慧紡織品領域超過廿年,沈乾龍認 起一路走來的心路歷程,他滿臉自豪:「投入
為,智慧衣產業與傳統紡織品的研發邏輯有所 後,你真的會覺得很驕傲。」透過智慧紡織
不同。智慧衣物不僅重視新產品的研發,更強 品,人類編織未來,更解放了想像。 l

紡織所提供 courtesy of TTRI

Over the past four years, Chiang has provided this “Smart” means solving pain points
garment to more than 100 cardiopulmonary re hab­ With 20 years of experience in smart textiles, Shen
ilita tion patients. In the traditional medical model, Chien-lung notes that a different logic underlies R&D
patients must regularly report to the hospital, have work in smart clothing than in traditional textile prod­
electrocardiogram leads attached while exercising, ucts. The smart clothing sector is not only focused
and be guided by a therapist. This puts a considerable on developing new products, but also on combining
burden on patients in terms of time, transportation, “hardware” (clothes) with “software” (algorithms) and
and cost. “Statistics show that among patients in need “applications” (medical care). “Only by integrating all
of rehab, only some 20% actually come to the hospital. three together can you achieve a ‘smart point,’ other­
That missing 80% is the niche that can be addressed wise no matter how cool you might think the product
by smart clothing,” says Chiang. is, the experience will be brief, and the effects will not
With smart clothing, doctors only need to prescribe last.” The real point of smart clothing lies in address­
an exercise regime and enter it into the cor respond­ ing particular problems that people experience.
ing app. When the patients wear the clothing, they Thus Shen, who says that he “enjoys research,”
can train by themselves and upload the data to the is not so much an expert across different fields but
cloud in real time, giving the medical team immedi­ more like a dreamer who dares to try and make those
ate access and making the whole process much easier dreams reality. “We don’t just use fabrics, but apply
for everyone. In the past, this system was primarily what we have learned to the fabrics to make new ideas
used with patients who had suffered a myocardial happen.” Talking about the mental journey he has
infarction or those with heart failure. However, in the taken, he says, “Once you get involved, you really find
wake of the Covid­19 pandemic, Chiang predicts, with it something to be proud of.” Through smart textiles,
growing numbers of recovered pneumonia patients, humanity is beginning to weave the fabric of the fu­
smart clothing has the potential to significantly re­ ture and free its imagination. l
duce labor costs and will undoubtedly play an import­ (Lynn Su/photos by Lin Min-hsuan/
ant role. tr. by Geof Aberhart)

女性(B B C 100
In 2017 Lin Nien Tzu
was named to the
BBC’s “100 Women”
list of influential
women around the
world. (photo by
Jimmy Lin)

A Cloud-Based Restaurant Revolution:

Just Kitchen

封 面 故 事
文•吳靖雯 圖•JK廚房提供 版面設計•馬英凱

些原來都是「雲端廚房」(Cloud Kitchen)的日常。

A s evening falls, alerts ring out and notifications pop

up on dozens of tablet computers, reminding busy
food-service workers to click to accept their next order.
But this is no ordinary restaurant. Here you will see
neither dining area, nor wait staff, nor customers. The
only people present are working either at the counter or
in the kitchen, busily prepping online food orders for the
endless procession of delivery persons that pass through
to collect them. Welcome to the modern “cloud kitchen.”




出副牌搶攻外送市場,便會降低消費者的訂購 Cloud kitchen workers use digital platforms to check
incoming orders.
低卡、低G I健康便當,這點最吸引上班族,美 JK廚房店員準備出餐中。 (林格立攝)
A Just Kitchen employee packs up an order.
味程度倒是其次,可見『健康』是雲端廚房崛 (photo by Jimmy Lin)

Isaac Lee, Just Kitchen’s director of marketing, stresses the importance of digital technology
to cloud kitchens. (photo by Jimmy Lin)

While Covid-19 has devastated the revenues of ness reputation, how do cloud kitchens, also known as
dine-in restaurants, it has also facilitated the emer- “ghost kitchens,” persuade members of the public to
gence and rapid growth of cloud kitchens. In the years place orders with them? Food writer Yeh Yilan believes
before the pandemic, most food delivery platforms of- that trust in the brand is paramount. She explains that
fered only a limited menu, and few top-tier restaurants when an already well known and well regarded dine-in
provided any kind of delivery option at all. But the restaurant launches a delivery service, the brand’s
pandemic has brought changes to food delivery, greatly reputation gives consumers the confidence to give
expanding the offerings of “order online” platforms. it a try. New brands, on the other hand, must create
Surprisingly, even as Taiwan’s mid-2021 Covid out- consumer identification through their brand’s values.
break abated and people returned to restaurant din- For example, “Many cloud kitchens offer low-calorie
ing rooms, many establishments chose to retain their or low-glycemic-index meals. The key selling point of
online offerings. According to a 2021 whitepaper by such meals is their ‘healthiness,’ a value that appeals to
iChef, a Taiwanese provider of point-of-sale systems to office workers. For these consumers, the meals’ taste is
restaurants, revenues from deliveries grew from only a secondary consideration.”
2.5% of restaurant sales in the fourth quarter of 2019, Cloud kitchens are hardly the first restaurants to
just before the pandemic started, to 10% of revenues in standardize and automate food and beverage produc-
the fourth quarter of 2021, when Taiwan had very few tion processes. In fact, chain restaurants and fast-food
domestic Covid cases. The latter figure suggests that restaurants have been doing so for years. But cloud
consumer behavior has changed, and that food services kitchens have differentiated themselves by reducing
have now entered the digital era. personal service to the bare minimum, creating even
The rise of cloud kitchens clearer and more standardized production lines. “While
With no physical storefront and no established busi- there is a market necessity for this kind of thing,” says

At peak dining hours, a
steady stream of couriers
passes through a cloud
kitchen collecting orders
for delivery. (photo by
Jimmy Lin)

起的一大訴求。」葉怡蘭說。 是相對保守的,說服老店的溝通過程相較長,
雖說餐飲製作流程的自動化與標準化,都並 要讓他們了解什麼是雲端廚房,可能就要經過
非雲端廚房獨有,實體連鎖餐廳或速食店早就 三個月到半年的溝通協商。」
行之有年,差別在於,雲端廚房將人的服務因 舉例來說,為了完美炮製鬍鬚張招牌滷肉飯
素降到最低,讓生產線更清楚規格化,「這樣 的原汁原味,J K廚房團隊針對米飯和澆頭的製
的東西一定有存在市場的必要性,但像是週末 程進行多次往復取經與實驗。倘若是引進國外
聚會場合,人們還是對美食會有更多期望。」 知名美食品牌,台灣這端就需透過視訊呈現料
她分析。 理步驟SOP,就連一茶匙鹽巴的精確量、牛肉餅
原物料到烹調設備,J K廚房無不想盡辦法達成
以台灣雲端廚房的代表業者J K廚房(J u s t 合作品牌方的要求,「例如為了重現美國『800
Kitchen)為例。JK廚房是2019年才成立的新創 Degrees Pizza』的披薩,甚至指定要用某一款烤
公司,然目前已在加拿大、德國和美國掛牌上 箱才行。」李沁朗說。
市,如今品牌總數量已超過40家,其中合作品牌 為了模擬顧客收到餐點時的體驗,JK廚房內部
約占4成;除了與「鬍鬚張」、「四川吳抄手」 不時會舉辦產品試吃會,奇特的是,員工不能在
等台灣老字號店家攜手,「MrBeast Burger」、 熱騰騰的狀況下享用,必須等到餐點放涼了才入
「PAUL」等知名國際品牌亦是合作對象。在台 口,以確認:「即便冷掉了也好吃」。食物包材
灣,J K廚房以內湖佔地450坪的樞紐廚房為核 還得經過耐碰撞測試,避免外送過程可能導致變
心,輻射至各縣市共22間衛星廚房;除了插旗香 形,由內而外層層過關後才予以採用。
江山。J K廚房行銷總監李沁朗表示,與知名餐 雲端廚房的運作模式多元,為了建立消費者
飲品牌建立合作並非總是一拍即合,「餐飲界 信賴與打開知名度,J K廚房採取成立自有品牌

Yeh, “people expect more from dine-in restaurants, dishes from well-known international brands, kitchen
such as when they gather with friends on the week- visits weren’t feasible and the company instead had to
end.” Cloud kitchens aiming to deliver restaurant- rely on video presentations to get its processes down.
quality meals have to meet higher standards. These efforts require the utmost attention to detail,
Rigorous testing including even the precise measurement of a teaspoon
Take Just Kitchen, for example. Established in 2019, and the duration of the pressure applied to a fried beef
the company provides services to more than 40 in- bun. Just Kitchen does everything in its power to meet
house and partner brands and has already listed its its partners’ demands, going so far as to import identi-
stock on the Canadian, German and US markets. In ad- cal ingredients and kitchen appliances. “For example,
dition to working hand in hand with Taiwanese brands 800 Degrees Pizza, an American brand, designated a
like Formosa Chang and Chili House Restaurant, it has particular oven for us to use,” recalls Isaac Lee, Just
partnered with well-known international brands such Kitchen’s director of marketing.
as MrBeast Burger and Paul. In Taiwan, Just Kitchen Just Kitchen organizes frequent test tastings to
operates a 1,500-square-meter hub kitchen in Taipei’s ensure the quality of the food its online customers
Neihu District, and a further 22 satellite kitchens receive. One interesting thing about these tastings is
around the island. It has also established a beachhead that employees don’t try the food while it’s piping hot.
in Hong Kong, and plans to target the Southeast-Asian
market next.
To get Formosa Chang’s signature minced pork over
rice just right, the Just Kitchen team made many visits 產生不少轉變。(葉怡蘭提供)
to Formosa Chang kitchens and experimented with a Food writer Yeh Yilan has commented on changes the pandemic
has brought to restaurants’ dine-in and delivery businesses.
variety of production processes. When dealing with (courtesy of Yeh Yilan)

Healthy prepared
meals are especially
popular with office

與合作品牌的雙重策略,比例也逐漸從 Instead, they have to wait until it cools to
8:2邁向5:5。既然號稱「雲端廚房」, check that it still tastes good when cold. The
company also tests the impact resistance of its
packaging materials to make sure they don’t
策。外部數據參考Google Trends與社群
deform during delivery. Just Kitchen tests
everything before putting it into service.
迎的餐點類型;內部數據則來自外送平 A data-driven approach
台每月超過十萬筆訂單資料的統計,了 Cloud kitchens utilize a variety of different
解不同地區的口味喜好、客單價接受度 business models. Just Kitchen’s strategy to
等。 raise its profile and earn consumers’ trust con-
根據調查結果,團隊主廚進而研發出 sisted of both developing its own brands and
partnering with existing brands. Over time,
the company has shifted the balance between
t hese t wo approaches from 80% in-house
價、擬定製程SOP、產品上架曝光等, brands paired with 20% external brands to
從頭到尾完整執行僅有短短一個半月的 its present 50:50 split. As a cloud kitchen, the
時間。 company takes a very data-driven approach to
就連廚房選址也有所據:不若傳統餐 new product development. Externally, it looks
飲業傾向在商圈鬧區開店,JK廚房展店 to Google Trends and social media platforms
to identify the hottest foods on the market.
Internally, it analyzes the more than 100,000
food orders its customers place every month
to see which flavors are popular in different
分店重疊。 geographic areas and how much consumers
針對中南部消費者較少能點到的餐 are willing to spend.
食,J K廚房則嘗試「北食南送」,將 Just Kitchen’s chefs use these results to
鬍鬚張帶到濁水溪以南便是一例,「我 develop dishes that are then taste-tested in-
們可以協助業主將版圖拓展到中南部, ternally. Next, the company evaluates the
cost and determines pricing of the winners,
draws up standardized production processes
考,類似市調前測。」J K廚房一方面
for them, and launches them into the market.
作為垂直整合外送的餐飲業者,服務多 The whole process only takes one and a half
元化口味的大眾,另一方面橫向開發其 months from start to finish.
他餐飲品牌的代工業務,打造一站式的 Just Kitchen also uses data to site its kitch-
「線上美食街」,不僅攜手老牌美食, ens. While traditional restaurants lean to-
亦嘗試孵化新手。 wards bustling locations, Just Kitchen looks
at the delivery area within two kilometers
of the potential site of a new kitchen. It also
examines social media advertising data to see
how often locals are already using Just Kitch-
這裡練功、牛刀小試,設立自己的虛擬 en’s service, to make sure that new sites don’t
餐飲品牌,如果消費者反應不錯,就可 poach customers from existing ones.
以考慮合作開店。」李沁朗笑著補充。 Just Kitchen is also trying out a program
that will deliver northern Taiwanese special-
外送另闢新戰場:線上生鮮超市 ities to residents of Central and Southern Tai-

台灣作為餐飲與科技皆活絡的成熟市 wan. Offering Formosa Chang dishes south

場,包括Foodpanda、Uber Eats也正摩拳擦掌。
現場買絲瓜,可以當下就確定尺寸份量,但線 雲端廚房雖然沒有
上平台很難計量到大小顆。另一項風險是外送 實體店,但機動性
生鮮在平台庫存量,無法如店頭菜單確實;亦 在熱門商圈設置快
就不會點;但線上生鮮平台或店家的商品,如 Cloud kitchens lack
dining rooms, but
果最後售罄,下單的顧客常無法第一時間得 this makes them very
flexible. Here, Just
知,這對已經想好菜色組合的人而言,會造成 Kitchen is raising its
profile by operating a
後續料理上的困擾。 food truck in a busy
commercial district.
另外有些買菜網只標出菜名,但未列出產地、 菜是每個國家很重要的文化,如果大家都不煮飯
生產者與農法等資訊,也比較不會是我的選 了,對於台灣飲食文化的傳承會產生怎樣的影
擇。」從產地到餐桌,葉怡蘭在通路上選購, 響?」葉怡蘭提出如此發人深省的叩問。
尤其留心產銷履歷,希望一切食材「有跡可 然而就另一面來看,雲端廚房的開店成本降
循」。直到後來,她發現平時信任採購的食材 低,尤其佔營運成本最重的店租,更被大幅度
店都加入線上生鮮平台,方能安心挑選到符合 撙節,不同品牌還能共享廚房硬體,甚至共同
個人理念的產品。 採購。能輕而易舉跨越地域限制,也是雲端廚
隨著科技的日新月異,疫情加速餐飲業的虛 沁朗便觀察到:「在經營品牌上,我們很喜歡
實融合,大眾也比過往更勇於嘗試新的服務型 作『食物外交』,把異國美食帶進來,再把台
態。雖然數位化、科技化、多元化,是餐廳不 灣美食帶出去。」不僅台灣人對於日、韓美食
得不然的發展趨勢,對傳統餐廳經營可能是另 投以熱情的擁抱,J K廚房也幫助台灣的珍珠奶
一種負擔,畢竟外送和內用的作業流程不盡相 茶、牛肉麵、滷肉飯再次踏上國際舞台。
同,需要投入額外的人力和包材,抽成費用也 由此看來,雲端廚房的存在,就如同疫情催
會嚴重壓縮餐廳獲利。 化眾多產業重新洗牌與重整,並不存在著絕對
且當大眾習慣外送食物燜送到府,會不會對 的好與壞,時代更迭、科技銳變,凡事一體兩
美食的品味與要求降格?外送餐食愈來愈方便, 面,恰如李沁朗所說,此刻當下,「這是不好
會不會擠壓到人們在家燒菜習慣的消失?「家常 的時機,也是最好的時機。」 l

partnering with us to open a dine-in establishment,”
explains Lee.
Challenges and advantages
Rapid technological progress and the pandemic-
induced acceleration in the virtualization of the restau-
rant industry have increased the public’s willingness to
try out new kinds of services. For all that the digitiza-
tion, technological transformation, and diversification
of the restaurant business is inevitable, these trends
represent a real burden for traditional restaurants.
Deliver ies require different workflows than dine-in
operations. They also increase labor and packaging
costs, which take a big bite out of restaurant profits.
And will consumers who have become used to de-
livered meals develop lower expectations of fine food?
Will the convenience of delivered meals cause people
to give up cooking at home? “Home cooking is an im-
portant part of every nation’s culture. If people stop
cooking at home, how will Taiwan’s food culture be
passed on to the next generation?” wonders Yeh.
Viewed from another perspective, cloud kitchens
lower the cost of starting a food business, and provide
especially large economies on rent, which is usually
the biggest expense. In addition, different brands can
share the same kitchen and even benefit from joint pur-
of the Zhuoshui River is a case in point. “We can help chasing, saving still more money. Cloud kitchens have
businesses extend their footprint to Central and South- yet another advantage in how easily they transcend
ern Taiwan,” says Lee. “The data we generate provides geographic limitations. Lee observes that consumers
a useful reference for these brands’ expansion plans. choose what to eat based in part on where they like to
It’s like a pre-test for market research.” On the one travel, and adds, “We enjoy making ‘food diplomacy’
hand, as a vertically integrated food service business, a part of our business, bringing in tasty food from
Just Kitchen is serving the diverse palates of its own abroad and taking Taiwanese food overseas.” Taiwan
customer base; while on the other, as a contract sup- has warmly embraced Japanese and Korean food, and
plier, it is developing products and markets for other Just Kitchen is also bringing Taiwanese treats like boba
food brands. In this way it is building a “one-stop” tea, beef noodle soup, and minced pork over rice to
online food court that works with established brands inter national consumers.
while also attempting to incubate newcomers. Cloud kitchens probably owe their existence to the
“A big advantage of cloud kitchens is that they same kind of pandemic-driven catalysis that has re-
enable restaurateurs to quickly establish their own shuffled and reorganized many other industries. There
brands. Just Kitchen provides them with a lower-cost is nothing inherently good or bad about this kind of
alternative to the incredible expense of opening a upheaval. Times change, technologies change, and
dine-in restaurant. We are an accelerator, enabling everything has its up- and downsides. As Lee describes
new entrants to establish their own virtual restau- the current moment, “It is the worst of times, it is the
rant brands by allowing them to hone their skills and best of times.” l
demonstrate what they can bring to the table. If con- (Wu Ching-wen/photos courtesy of Just Kitchen/
sumers respond positively, the brand can take a look at tr. by Scott Williams)



◼ 你懂嗎?家鄉味就是勾勾纏你到天涯海角的味覺原點。
◼ 談論這些食物,有愛但不耽溺,進退有致,是相當舒服的飲
◼ 原來我吃的是青春。

合作街大麵羹 粗 的 黃 麵,投 入 大 白 鐵 鍋 沸 騰 翻

鹼味令人愛恨分明的大麵羹 滾,久 烹使 之 膨脹,澱 粉 釋出令湯

頭 狀似勾芡。大骨高湯或薄或濃,

說 起「大 麵 羹」,店家 招 牌 或 寫 調 味 多 是 蝦 皮、油 蔥 酥、菜 脯,主

「大 麵 焿」,無 論 羹 或 焿,近 幾 年 要 以 新 鮮 韭 菜作 為 佐 料。端 一 碗

的 外 地 遊 客 多 半 沒 有 吃 過。然 而 大 麵 羹 上 桌,外 地 吃 客 看 見 的 是

網 際 網 路 興 盛 以 前 的 年 代,透 過 黃 澄 澄 的 羹 湯,爛 熟 虛 胖 的 黃 麵

書 店 購 得 彩 色 印 刷 的 旅 遊 指 南, 條,以及交錯其中的綠韭菜。

遊 客 通 常 知 道 有 這 樣 一 道台 中 特 外 地 朋 友 嚐 鮮,吃 完 大 麵 羹 者

色街頭 點心。所謂大麵,外觀 是寬 十之 八 九 表 示 無 法 理 解 台 中人 口

味。有 人 直 言 這 是 麵 條 煮 過 頭 爛 但 最 為 關 鍵 的 原 因,終 歸 是 大 麵

糊 了 的 口 感,有 人 感 覺 麵 裡 一 股 羹的「鹼味」。 書 名:開動了!老台中:

強 烈 的 異 味 難 以 下 嚥,當 然 也 有 大 麵 羹 本 沒 有 勾 芡 牽 羹,外 觀 歷史小說家的街頭

斲傷台中人 感 情的具體 形 容:「像 卻 仍 作 羹 狀,吃 客 普 遍 直 覺 這 道 作 者:楊双子 
是 湯 麵 沒 吃 完 倒 廚 餘 桶,隔 夜 以 點 心 是 因 而 得 名,但 另 有 一 派 說 頁 數:224頁 
定 價:380元
後看起來的樣子。」 法,指 台 灣 話 之「鹼 」(k i n n)通
大 麵 羹 的 傳 播 足 跡 罕見 踏 出 老 「羹」(k i n n),使 用鹼 麵 烹製而 出 版:玉山社

台中之外,雖 則南投、新竹出現零 成的大麵羹,正名應作大麵鹼。

星 店 家,但 外 地 人 的 味 蕾 泰 半 不 關 於「鹼 味 」,我 後 續 寫 及「松

曾 接 受 這 道 點 心 的 洗 禮,也 難 怪 哥拉仔 麵」所用的「油 麵」時 將會 呼 為「台 中 炒 麵 」),鹼 的 成 分 令

外地 吃 客 對 大 麵 羹 之 美 味 懷 抱 困 詳述。此處大致說明,油麵煮熟拌 拉 仔 麵 更 有 咬 口,卻 可 能 因 為 氣
惑 與 質 疑。何 況 即 使 是 大 麵 羹 的 油 出 製 麵 廠,店 家 調 理 後 放 在 蒸 味 令 人不 喜,台 中 街 頭 的 拉 仔 麵
主 場 地 帶,老 台 中人 也 並 非人 人 鍋 保溫,吃客注 文當下店家「搦」 日漸改用不摻鹼的黃麵烹製而成。
都欣賞這款古早味街頭點心——口 (la΄ k)麵入碗淋滿肉臊,即「拉仔 「大 麵」與「油 麵」同樣 混合 鹼 水
感、味 道、賣 相,簡 直 三 道 難 關, 麵 」( 正 字 作「搦 仔 麵 」,當 代 稱 或鹼粉揉製,皆屬鹼 麵 之列。大麵

煮 熟 或 者 不 煮 熟,並 不 拌 油 即 出 一次因緣際會赴 某圖書 館演 更 加 醒 目,一 時 不 察 還 以 為 是 路

廠,店家多半 刻意 截斷 麵 條,令短 講,館員知悉我是中興大學出身, 邊的一攤古早味紅茶爾爾。

麵 入 鍋 烹 煮 一 小 時 以 上,直 到 煮 問我有沒有吃過學校附近的大 實 際 走 進 騎 樓,老 推 車 橫 在 店

得 麵 條 胖 嘟 嘟,食 用 鹼 的 顏 色 與 麵 羹。中 興 大 學 位 處 台 中 車 站 後 門 口,底 部 框 架 與 車 輪 圓 框 皆 鏽

氣 味 徹 底 融 入 高 湯,因 此 鹼 味 便 站 更 為 南 邊 的 南 區,與 老 台 中 核 斑 點 點,明 顯 是 有 年 代 的 傳 家 攤

比 拉 仔 麵 還 要 鮮 明 強 烈,成 色 亦 心 市 區 已 稍 有 距 離,不 在 我 留 意 車,安 放 鍋 碗 瓢 盆 的 白 鐵 桌 面 卻

相對鮮豔。 的 範 圍,又 何 妨 奔 赴 一 趟?根 據 乾 淨 發 亮,連 帶 桌 面 一方 專 放 滷

如 果 調 查 外地 人 對 大 麵 羹 的 觀 館 員 所 寄 來 的 e - m a i l,連 結 點 開 菜 的 特 製 菜 櫥 都 潔 淨 如 新。經 常

感,或 許會出現雷同的疑問:這種 Google地圖,店名叫作「合作街大 是三、四位 店員圍 繞 推車,自有一

軟 軟 爛 爛 又 味 道 奇 怪 的 湯 麵,到 麵 羹 」。彷 彿 有 音 效,登 愣。此 店 套 動 線 與 默 契,得 以 迅 速 對 付 用

底好吃在哪裡? 亦 在 原 先 設 定 的 踏 查 框 架 之 內。 餐 尖 峰 時 刻 外 帶 與 內 用 的人 潮。

海 邊 自 有 逐 臭 之 夫,老 台 中 也 金 庸 小 說 有 華 山 論 劍,我 等 吃 貨 店 裡 無 菜 單,所 售 唯 有 3 0 元 一 碗

自 有 一 批 大 麵 羹 死 忠 愛 好 者。當 可 在 台 中 論 大 麵 羹。華 山 論 劍 論 的大麵羹,滷菜早 年也不列菜單,

我 開 始 書 寫 台 中 街 頭 飲 食 踏 查, 出 天 下 五 絕,但 後 來 有 任 何 外 地 近期則可在滷菜的玻璃隔板上看

便 有 朋 友 來 問 我什 麼 時 候 要 寫 大 人 想 試一 試 大 麵 羹,我 一 概 遙 指 見價 目 表,如 滷 蛋、貢 丸、油 豆 腐

麵 羹。尤 其「英才大 麵 羹」登上 二 合作街。 乃至 雞 胗、豬 皮、粉 腸 等,俱 是 街

○二○ 年 米 其 林 餐 盤 推 薦 名 單, 創 業 在 一九七 五 年 的 合 作 街 大 頭點心的低廉價格。

甚至有吃友討論起台中哪一間大 麵 羹,第一 代於街頭推車販售,如 合作街大麵羹有一種老派氣

麵羹最有資格受到青睞。 今 店 面 已 經 交 棒 第 二 代。鄰 近 忠 度,樸 實 而 整 齊。騎 樓 地 面 是 一

我 陷 入 苦 惱,頓 時 化 身 米 其 林 孝 夜 市,距 離 百 年 老 廟 台 中 城 隍 地 台 灣 老 四 合 院 常見 的 紅 色 方 形

餐 盤 評 審 委 員,推 薦 名 單 那 一 欄 廟 僅 兩 百 公 尺,合 作 街 卻 是 僻 靜 地磚,店內則是 磨 石子地 板,而早

店 家 名 字 幾 番 上 上下 下。論 造 訪 的 小 路,合 作 街 大 麵 羹 亦 安 定 低 年 街 頭 店 家 常 見 的 藍 色 鐵 捲 門,

次 數,當 數「 英 才 大 麵 羹 」與「中 調,有 如 鄉 間 方 能 偶 遇 的 不 起 眼 如 今 改 以 木 頭 拉 門 取 而 代 之,展

華 路 大 麵 羹」;論 歷 史 悠 久,還 有 老 雜 貨 店。店 門 前 攀 至 二 樓 之 上 露 老 店 新 裝 後 毫 無 違 和 的 古早 風

六 十 年 老 店 的「柳 川 大 麵 焿 水 晶 的樹冠如蓋,綠蔭幾乎掩住招牌, 情。盛著大 麵 羹的,全 是陶瓷 上釉

餃 」與「阿 珠 麵 店」;論 老 台 中 遊 而遮雨棚連同騎 樓陰影隱蔽白鐵 的 白 底 青 花 老 碗 公,餐 具 照 舊 是

憩 的 地 緣 核 心,該 是「台 中 大 麵 老 推 車,若 非 店 門 前 的 臨 停 機 車 扁 扁 的 台 式 鐵 湯 匙。店 裡 連 用 舊

羹 」與「公 園 口 大 麵 羹 」;至 於 台 與 往 來 人 流,尋 常 路 人 未 必 能 立 了的 桌 椅 都 不 惹 油 膩 塵 埃,倒 是

中 特 產 的 集 合 強 度,則 不 得 不 提 刻發現這是一間四十年老店。一座 牆 面 放 著 老 漫 畫 老 雜 誌 的 壁 櫃,

同時販 售「羅 氏 秋水茶」的「蔡家 「一○三紅茶冰」小攤放在店外, 流露幾分未經整理的拙態。

大麵 」。 反倒比「合作街大麵羹」的老招牌 最關鍵的是口味。所謂鹼味,吃

慣了的台中人或許渾然未覺,但對 麵羹。 前 置 作 業 固 然 費 工,到 了 街 頭 卻

外 地 人 而 言,合 作 街 這 一 攤 應 屬 不 過 話 雖 如 此,合 作 街 大 麵 羹 可 輕 鬆 幾 勺 盛 麵 上 桌,比 起 必 須

鹼味偏低,麵條也不致過於軟爛。 在 G o o g l e 地 圖 上有 吃 客 評 價 一 一球麵一球麵分別調理的各類湯

我首次造訪那趟,上桌的是擱了肉 星:「對不起,吃不懂。」附帶一 個 麵,大麵羹的販售相對更有效率。

臊 與 菜 脯 的 大 麵 羹,小 菜 切 來 貢 哭臉的顏文字。心得回饋很誠實, 而 大 麵 羹 由 於 鹼 味 強 烈,對 湯 頭

丸、豆 皮、粉 腸、油 豆 腐。勺 一 匙 但 是唉,真是何等非戰之罪! 滋味的要求也更低於前述幾 款 湯

大 麵 羹 入 嘴,咕 溜 溜 的 麵 條 有 種 就得談談大麵羹的來歷。 麵,同 樣 可 視 為 是 街 頭 智 慧 的 綜

豐 腴 口 感,絲 毫 不 費 唇 齒 功 夫 便 以 台 中 老 店 分 布 來 看,這 道 戰 合 展 現——換 句 話 說,大 麵 羹 誕 生

滑 順 入 喉,若 與 菜 脯 韭 菜 同 嚼 則 後 才 誕 生 的 點 心,一九 六 ○ 年 代 之初,追求的並不是美味。

格 外 清 香 脆 口。貢 丸 豆 皮 粉 腸 各 起 常 見 於 街 頭。一 般 說 法 認 為 根 據 老 店 阿 珠 麵 店 口 述 資 料,

有 各 的 咬 勁,油 豆 腐 柔 軟 而 湯 汁 戰 後 物 資 缺 乏,加 鹼 的 大 麵 久 煮 一九 六 ○ 年 代 創 業 初 期,大 麵 羹

飽滿。第二趟我才知道有辣菜脯, 膨 脹 可 增 加 飽 足 感,才 有 大 麵 羹 售 價 5 角,炒 麵( 拉 仔 麵 )1 元 5

辛 辣 鹹 香 更 有 層 次,嗜 辣 者 不 妨 的 橫 空 出 世。不 過 這 個 觀 點 稍 有 角,價 格 甚 為 懸 殊。這 道 點 心 屹

多添。 漏 洞,因 為 所 有 麵 條 久 煮 都 會 膨 立 台 中 六 十 年,價 格 始 終 低 於 其

店內桌子 有限,大抵都需併桌。 脹,與 大 麵 久 煮 之 後 的 膨 脹 比 例 他 街 頭 麵 點,也 是 直 接 的 證 據。

偷 覷 其 他 吃 客,一 個 大 叔 不 假 思 不 致 相 差 太 遠。按 同 時 代 既 有 麵 其 實 回 頭 調 查 早 年 吃 客 心 得,絕

索 地 在 滷 菜 上 淋 滿 東 泉 辣 椒 醬, 食 來 看,本省有切 仔 麵、擔 仔 麵、 大多 數 都 知 道 大 麵 羹 吃 的只 是 止

而 同 樣 的 辣 椒 醬,隔 壁 桌 的 年 輕 拉仔 麵,外省有陽 春 麵、傻 瓜 麵, 饑 的粗 食。

女 性 全 澆 在 大 麵 羹 裡(目 睹 當 下 街 頭 麵 食 追 求 快 速 出 餐,且 麵 條 按 此 推 測 邏 輯,大 麵 羹 最 初 的

忍不住在心底一聲叫好:「果真滿 多 數 仍 講 究 咬 口——相 比 之下,得 追 求,當是 麵 條 耐 煮而易保 存,口

滿 的 台 中 價 值!」)。看 似 外 出 午 煮 滾 一小 時 以 上使 之 熟 軟 才 能 出 感 軟 滑 而 不 爛,久 煮 斷 裂 的 短 麵

餐 的 業 務 員 組 合,小 菜 盤 子 邊 緣 餐的大麵羹,豈不是更加費工嗎? 條 方 便 湯 匙 取 用,而 湯 汁 裹 著 麵

一 大 撮 店 家 自 製 的 紅 辣 椒,再 一 燃 料 亦 須 列 入 成 本 考 量,更 令人 條 可 酣 暢 吞 嚥,有 利 於 街 頭 速 速

大 撮 辣 豆 瓣 醬。同 樣 的 是 一 碗 大 疑 惑 物 資 缺 乏 的 年代 為 什 麼 會 催 埋首吃完一碗。一甲子時光悠悠,

麵 羹,或啜 飲或吸吮,眾人低下 頭 生 大 麵 羹? 大 麵 羹 演 化 為 台 中 街 頭 名 物,也

唏 哩 呼 嚕 地 把 大 麵 羹 掃 進 嘴 裡。 文 獻 有 限,僅 就 現 階 段 可 取 得 成 為 老 台 中人 的 味 覺 養 成 要 素 之

若 是 冬 季,正 是 一 口 暖 流 直 直 淌 的 線 索 推 測,與 其 認 定 加 鹼 的 用 一,如 今 不 煮 至 綿 爛 的 麵 條、未

進 胸口;倘若夏季,便圖那份毫不 意 是 令 麵 條 膨 脹,更 可 能 的 原 因 能 完 全 釋 放 獨 特 鹼 味 的 湯 頭,反

費勁的滑溜暢快。 當 是 加 鹼 的 麵 條 比 較 不 易 軟 爛, 而有失格之 虞。同樣的,這也 導致

凡 此 種 種,只 要 有 意 一 嚐 大 麵 且 久 滾 也 不 致 整 鍋 糊 化,從 而 可 外 地 人 解 讀 大 麵 羹,總 誤 以 為 這

羹 的 外 地 朋 友,必 須 是 合 作 街 大 以 一 口 氣 煮 一 大 鍋。如 此 一 來, 是牙口不好的老人、土生土長台中

人等 特 定 族 群 才 會 傾 心 的 古 早 味 麼 冰。酸 梅 冰,蜜 花 豆(蜜 漬 大 紅 不 致 膩 味。若 問 能 否 三 者 攪 拌 勻

「美食」。 豆 ), 兩 球 牛 奶 冰 淇 淋,合 體 即 稱 再 吃?我 只 能 說 個 人不 走 這 路

說 實 話,倘 若 懷 抱 一 嚐 美 食 的 成 經 典 款 豐 仁 冰,儘 管 一 個 字 都 線,畢竟 吃肉 臊 飯、咖 哩 飯、皮 蛋

預 期 而 來,面 對 大 麵 羹 的 吃 客 勢 無 關 豐 與 仁。三者 缺 一 不 可,增 一 豆 腐,我 一 向 也 是 不 攪 拌 那 一 派

必敗興而歸。 也 不 可,多 了 就 不 是 豐 仁 冰,是 的。

時至今日該如何說明大麵羹 冰 果 室 裡 的三 種 冰 五 種 冰 綜 合 水 豐 仁 冰 緊 扣 時 代 發 展,鎔 鑄 傳

呢? 果 冰。 統 飲 食 與 現 代 文 明 於 一 杯。有 味

它 特 定 狀 況 下 是 美 食( 以 台 中 一 碗 品 質 穩 定、正 常 發 揮 的 豐 的 刨 冰、蜜 豆、冰 淇 淋,至 少 指

味覺基因而言),常 態 分布 裡不是 仁 冰,酸 梅 冰 酸 而 不 苦,單 吃 就 向 四 種 技 術:從 原 料 開 始 製 作 的

美 食(以 烹 飪 理 論 而言)。它是甲 極 好;蜜 花豆甜而不膩,混搭 酸 梅 飲 品 果 醬、飲 品 果 醬 與 刨 冰 同 製

之蜜糖,乙之砒霜。 冰 乃 絕 配;牛 奶 冰 淇 淋 是「 香 氣 而 成 的 有 味 刨 冰( 酸 梅 冰 不 是 冰

但 要 是 你 吃 得 了鹼 粽,吃 得 慣 擔 當」,宜 單 吃也 宜 混 搭,像 是 荷 的 酸 梅 湯,紅 茶 冰 也 不 是 冰 的 紅

加 鹼 的 日 本 拉 麵 麵 條,也 做 好 了 包 蛋 的 經 典 提 問:「先 吃 蛋白?蛋 茶)、熬 煮 蜜 漬 的 花 豆、仰 賴 現 代

心 理準備,老 台中人 誠 摯 邀 請,請 黃?還 是 混 在 一 起 吃?」 每 一 位 化 冷 凍 技 術 的 牛 奶 冰 淇 淋。豐 仁

務 必 來 試一 試 合 作 街 大 麵 羹,吃 豐 仁 冰 愛 好 者,心 裡 多 半 都 有 自 冰 是 哥 倫 布 的 蛋,誕 生 在 有 人 將

一口戰後台中庶民史的滋味。 己 一 套 最 佳 吃 法。雖 則 牛 奶 冰 淇 這 三樣 美 味 放 在 單一 容 器 裡 面 的

淋是亮點,本體 還 是酸 梅 冰。酸 梅 那一天。

一中豐仁冰 冰 是 酸 梅 湯 入 粗 剉 冰 拌 勻,碎 冰 豐 仁 冰 有 地 域 性,台 中 之 外 並

一碗賣遍四季的蜜花豆、牛 進可 嚼 退可吞, 愛咬 冰 的人 大口 不曾看見。我吃一中豐仁 冰日久,

奶冰淇淋、酸梅冰 咀 嚼,不咬冰的可待冰融,充作喝 時 逾 二十年。台 中人吃 豐 仁 冰,則

酸 梅 湯 我 通常 等 不 到冰 融,湯 匙 逾 七 十 年。奠 基 於 老 台 中 市 區 既

台 語 有 諺:「第 一 賣冰,第 二做 掃冰下肚,吃到腦殼發痛。 存 在 地 傳 統 的 酸 梅 冰,結 合 日 本

醫 生。」說 的 是 致 富 職 業 之 順 序 外 地 人 滿 腹 狐 疑,感 到 這 組 合 時 代 風 行 市 區 的 蜜 豆 冰、冰 淇 淋

先 後。從 台 灣 的 亞 熱 帶 地 理 位 置 令人 難以下匙、不知從何吃起嗎? 等 時 髦 冰 品,戰 後 正 式 開 發 誕 生

考 量,現 代 化 的 製 冰 技 術 在 日 本 私 以 為 不 妨 從 這一 碗 當 中 份 量 最 以 後,日 久 成 為 老 台 中人 的 舌 尖

時 代 才 完 善,俗 諺 料 必 也 在 同 個 多 的 酸 梅 冰 吃 起,間 或 搭 配 幾 顆 記 憶。出了外地,發 現 甚 少人 知 豐

時 期 誕 生。與 俗 諺 與 冰 約 莫 相 同 蜜 花 豆,令 蜜 味 與 豆 味 在 酸 味 相 仁 冰 的 美 味,不 免 暗 忖 原 來 味 覺

時 期 誕 生 的 賣 冰 店 家,問 起 老 台 襯 之 下 更 加 鮮 明,如 此 吃 了大 半 的理 解也有地界之分。

中人,大 概 都 不會 落 掉「一 中 豐 仁 碗,再 吃 口 感 迥 異 而 甜 香 馥 郁 的 說 回 豐 仁 冰,老 台 中人 知 道 實

冰」。 牛 奶 冰 淇 淋,令 唇 舌 感 受 領 略 另 際 有 兩 間 店,即「一 中 豐 仁 冰」與

豐 仁 冰,就 字 面 看 不 出 賣 的 什 一 番 滋 味,如 此 獨 自 吃 盡 一 碗 也 「 豐 仁 冰 創 始 店 」。一 中 豐 仁 冰

如 其 名,位 在 台 中 一 中 校 門 口 斜 代 推 車 賣 冰 不 打 名 號,因 不 分 冬 「痟人」(s i á u - l â n g),那可一字

對 面;豐 仁 冰 創 始 店 則 在 五 百 公 夏四季販 售,瘋 人做 瘋 人吃,人們 都不通豐仁(fēng-rén / fong-jîn

尺 外 的 雙 十 路 街 邊,也 如 其 名, 賜 號「 瘋 人 冰」。大 字 不 雅,有 招 / fong-lîn)。

自 言 是「 豐 仁 冰 」此 一 冰 品 的 創 牌 以後 按「瘋 人」諧 音取名「豐仁 但我 說了,老 台中人吃 豐仁 冰,

始人世家。 冰」。 不是吃歷 史,是吃美味。兩間都是

豐 仁 冰 為 什 麼 叫 豐 仁 冰,跟 它 「 豐 仁 冰 創 始 店」第 一 代 陳 豐 老店, 都 有光 顧了三代人 的 老 吃

的 起 源 有 關,而 創 始 店 是 誰,倒 仁 生 於 一九 三 三 年,一九 四 ○ 年 客。

有兩派說法。老台中人吃豐仁冰, 代 因 失 怙而以 長 工、叫賣 維 生,在 「一 中 豐 仁 冰」經 典 款 奠 定 以

未 必 吃 它 的 歷 史,但 兩 店 起 源 之 雙 十 路 一 帶 夏 季 販 售「 吧 噗 」、 來 就 只 是這一款 三樣:酸梅 冰、蜜

說 也 是 各 自 發 展 了 半 個 世 紀。創 冬 季 烤 香 腸 魷 魚,歷 時 十二 年。 花 豆、牛 奶 冰 淇 淋。平日 時 分,店

始店之議,於外人 是一團糊塗帳, 一九 五 五 年 起 固 定 售 冰,即 品 牌 家 可提 供酸梅 冰減 量而牛奶冰淇

我 吃 冰 不 吃 混 水,謹 以 歷 史 小 說 創 始 年。因 冬 天 冰 品 生 意 不 佳 尋 淋增 量兩 倍 的「乾 的豐 仁 冰」,以

家 精 神,爬 梳 兩 方 口 述 歷 史,長 思 改 良,圖書 館自習有成,始賣剉 及 沒 有 任 何 配 料 的 基 底 酸 梅 冰,

話 短 說。 冰 淋 楊 桃 汁,再增 紅 茶、鳳 梨、酸 變 化只在排列組合。霸 氣外露,一

「一 中 豐 仁 冰」第 一 代 陳 德 旺 梅口味,日後 逐一 習得煮 紅 豆、做 樣商品就能行走江湖。

原本從事木桶生意,戰後一九四六 冰淇淋等技術,一九七三年定型今 「 豐 仁 冰 創 始 店」則 豐 仁 冰 基

年 轉 行,以 木 推 車 販 售 紅 茶 冰 加 日 所 稱「豐 仁 冰」。至 於 由 來?據 底 三 款:紅 茶、鳳 梨、酸 梅。綜 合

一 球「 吧 噗 」手 工 冰 淇 淋,落 腳 第 二 代 所 稱,創 始 人 推 車 兜 售 時 豐 仁 冰 還 可 另 加 配 料 芋 圓、地 瓜

時 年 鄰 近 台 中 一 中 的 台 中 市長 公 未有招牌,客戶知悉賣冰人的大名 圓、珍 珠 等。冰 品 以 外,另售 季 節

館 榕 樹 下。紅 茶 冰 加 冰 淇 淋,並 「豐仁」,故 將其人 販售的冰品以 水 果 冰、水 果切 盤、綜 合果 汁、果

不 是 豐 仁 冰,但 銷 售 頗 佳,歷 經 台語諧音戲稱為「瘋人冰」。 汁 牛 奶,乃 至 鹹 點 肉 臊 飯 與 雞 絲

一九 四 九 年 舊 台 幣 換 新 台 幣 屹 立 雙 方 歷 史 並 陳,自 有 公 評。歷 麵,展現「小孩子才做選擇, 大人

不 墜。一九 五 ○ 年 代,因 應 紅 茶 史 小 說 家 唯 獨 一 個 疑 問 不 解,所 全部都要」的氣魄。

冰 競 品 過 多 而 著 手 改 良,催 生 鳳 謂 戲 稱「 瘋 人 冰」,其「 瘋 人 」是 就 豐 仁 冰 談 豐 仁 冰。兩 家 的 冰

梨 冰 加 冰 淇 淋 加 蜜 花 豆,即 豐 仁 華 語 還 是台 語?華 語 瘋 人(f ē n g - 各 有 擅 場,各 有短板,不管長 短,

冰 雛 型, 至 此已傾家 族 之 人 力共 r é n)通 豐 仁(f ē n g r é n),這 沒 好 吃 就 是 好 冰。諸 位 吃 客 且 按 自

同 經 營。此 雛 型 冰 品 完 成 後 十 餘 大 問 題,也 合 乎 一九七 ○ 年 代 台 己 的 口 味 偏 好,喜 歡 哪 間 就 選 哪

年,因鳳梨 經常受限季節,再改 良 中 市 學 區 語 言 使 用;台 語 固 然 有 間吧!唯我獨愛單一品項的店家,

基 底 為 酸 梅 冰,即 至 今 不 敗 經 典 「瘋」(f o n g)通「豐」(f o n g), 念其做 工必然專 精,二十年吃豐仁

款 豐 仁 冰,時 間 應 在 一九七 ○ 年 「人」(lâ ng)卻不通「仁」(jî n / 冰 歷 來 首 選「一 中」,未 曾 一次 造

前 後。為 何 號 名「豐 仁 冰」?第 一 lîn),何況台語指稱瘋人大半讀作 訪「創始店」就是了。


Readers’ Photos:
Applications of

PV Pond (Li Shengzhang)

With an eye to both green energy and environmental
protection, the Taoyuan City Government launched a “PV
Pond” project, installing floating photovoltaic solar panels
on local irrigation ponds. The aim is to develop renewable
energy without impacting the existing functions, size, and
water quality of the ponds.

Visiting the Queen’s Head at Night. (Zhang Wenxiong)

The Queen’s Head in Yeliu is given new life at night through a spatial design project involving sound, light, and shadow. Visitors marvel at
the nocturnal beauty of this legendary mushroom rock, illuminated with colorful lights.

Taiwan in Lights. (Jimmy Lin)

「2022 台灣燈會在高雄」,無人機展演「聚光台灣 虎星高照」節目,飛行團隊用 1,500 台無人機排出台灣地圖,現場觀眾對於無人機

At the 2022 Taiwan Lantern Festival in Kaohsiung, celebrating the Year of the Tiger, 1500 drones were used to form an illuminated map of
Taiwan. The display was greeted with enthusiastic applause.

Radiance. (Xu Chengrui)

To celebrate National Day, a spectacular light show was mounted in front of the Presidential Office Building in the evening. Various colorful
animations and laser illuminations won applause from the audience.

Samsara. (Kent Chuang)

民眾在松山文創園區觀賞藝術家黃心健的作品《輪迴》,透過 VR 與互動,讓觀眾在短短 30 分鐘裡,身心靈合一,沉浸體驗。這部作品以佛理中

輪迴、轉世、超脫,探討生命哲理,並獲得美國德州 SXSW「虛擬劇場」評審團首獎與法國坎城 Cannes XR 最佳故事大獎。
People experiencing artist Huang Hsin-chien’s Samsara in Taipei’s Songshan Cultural and Creative Park. Through virtual reality technology, the
audience are invited to immerse themselves in the 30-minute performance. Examining the meaning of life by reference to the Buddhist concepts of
samsara, transmigration, and transcendence, Samsara won the Virtual Cinema competition at the SXSW Film Festival in Austin, Texas, and Best VR
Story at Cannes XR.

Fishing with Mobile Phones. (Chang Liang-i)

In a virtual underwater world at an optoelectronics museum in Yilan, several students use their mobile phones to scoop up fish in motion, absorbed in this
new and exciting high-tech game. After the game, their phones will show how many fish they caught.

Holographic Projection. (Chang Liang-i)

宜蘭一家光電公司的研發團隊開發出全球首創的浮空投影 3D 漂浮水母,他們將圖畫紙上的 2D 手繪圖變成 3D 的漂浮水母,最後經由浮空

投影器呈現在真實的空間裡面。圖為一位小朋友把手伸進浮空投影器,與漂浮的 3D 水母互動。
An optoelectronics firm in Yilan has developed the world’s first 3D holographic jellyfish. They transformed a 2D drawing on paper into a 3D image,
and used a holographic projector to bring the floating creature into reality. The photo shows a child sticking out a finger to interact with the jellyfish.

Lightsabers. (Wu Liangqun)

This is a performance given by robotic arms, with no human actors involved. Thanks to artificial intelligence, a wonderful
show can be produced even if there are no living characters in it.

3D 塗鴉水族館(張良一)
Graffiti Aquarium. (Chang Liang-i)

宜蘭一家光電公司開發全球首創的 3D AR 浮空水族箱,3D 鯊魚顏色鮮豔飽滿,栩栩如真地呈現在眼前,連三位模特兒都興奮的張開雙手,想要抓住漂浮在空中的鯊魚。

An optoelectronics firm in Yilan has developed one of the world’s first augmented reality aquariums. The sharks, whose colors are gorgeous and highly saturated, look very
real. The three women in the photo hold out their hands excitedly, attempting to catch the fish swimming in the air.

Wind Turbines. (Wang Zhaogui)

The lingering sun, white turbines, and wetlands bathed in
vermilion light, stretching to the horizon. Taichung’s Gaomei
Wetlands boast world-beating views. Neatly spaced out along
Huangang North Road, the turbines have given this place the
epithet “Boulevard of Windmills.” More than just a power station,
the wind farm here helps stimulate local tourism.



A Net-Zero Future for Tech:
The Taiwan Climate Partnership
文•陳群芳 圖•莊坤儒 版面設計•蕭郢岑


灣氣候聯盟秘書長彭 明與英國氣候倡議組
織Aldersgate Group秘書長Nick Molho公開對

E i g ht o f t h e l e a d i n g f i r m s i n Ta i wa n ’s
infor mation and communications tech­
nology (ICT) sector—Acer, Asustek Computer,
AU Opt ronics, Delta Elect ronics, Lite­ On ,
Microsoft Taiwan, Pegatron, and the Taiwan
Se mi conductor Manufact ur ing Company—
八家科技巨擘組成台灣氣候聯盟,一起為地球 have formed the Taiwan Climate Partnership
的永續而努力。 in order to share their carbon reduction experi­
Eight major ICT firms have formed the Taiwan
Climate Partnership, working together to strive ence and work with their supply chains to pro­
for a sustainable planet. mote a comprehensive transformation to net­
zero carbon emissions.

Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company has set up the TSMC Supplier Sustainability Academy online learning platform, which
offers bilingual, interactive courses to share net zero practices free of charge in hopes that even more people will join in the fight for
sustainability. (screenshot from TSMC Supplier Sustainability Academy website)

自2000年以來,國際上討論氣候變遷的熱潮就 業老闆,懷抱著對氣候行動的十足熱情,八家台
沒停過,當有越來越多國家許下淨零承諾,歐盟 灣領頭企業創組了「台灣氣候聯盟」。
2030年將全球營運、供應鏈和產品生命週期實現 然而聯盟的成立,除了起心動念,還需要一
碳中和。身為蘋果重要供應鏈的台灣科技產業, 些推波助瀾的力量。例如,前英國在台辦事處
體悟到綠電供應、低碳生產等勢在必行。 代表Catherine Nettleton,就引薦了台灣氣候聯盟
身為氣象專家的彭 明,十多年前成立了天氣 與英國的倡議組織Aldersgate Group會談,了解
風險公司,和台灣九成的科技產業一樣,都是台 英國類似的NGO組織是如何運作。彭 明表示,
北市電腦公會的成員。經常有機會與科技產業老 Aldersgate Group是跨產業組成的團體,會在氣
闆交流的他,笑說早年老闆們都向他問天氣,因 候變遷議題上提出組織的看法,並成為產業與政
為要打高爾夫球;但這幾年他明顯感受到產業界 府、民間對話的橋梁,告訴大眾,產業將怎麼
裡的氛圍有了轉變,老闆們紛紛跟他聊起氣候變 做,而政府與民間又能怎麼做,「因為氣候變遷
遷。面對貿易市場的競爭,隨著越來越多的企業 絕不是一方說了算,需要大家一起做,Aldersgate
加入國際氣候倡議組織,如碳揭露專案(Carbon Group給了我們很大的啟發。」
Disclosure Project,CDP)百分百再生能源倡議 因此,台灣氣候聯盟積極的與其他組織對話,
(RE100)、國際電動車倡議(EV100)等,老 原本單打獨鬥的企業們,能經由聯盟的平台共享
闆們深深明白減碳成了企業競爭力的關鍵。 經驗,更宏觀也更有效率的朝淨零邁進。

At the 2021 United Nations Climate Change Confer- the intense competition in trade, and with growing num-
ence (COP26), a press conference and forum titled “Climate bers of enterprises joining international climate advocacy
Ambition into ICT Industry Action” attracted particular initiatives such as RE100 and EV100 (committing to goals
attention. The event was hosted by Dr. Peng Chi-ming, of using 100% renewable electricity and 100% electric
general secretary of the Taiwan Climate Partnership vehicles), corporate leaders have come to recognize that
(TCP), and Nick Molho, executive director of the UK-based carbon reduction is now critical to firms’ competitiveness.
Aldersgate Group, with the former sharing the story of the Nevertheless, these leaders also observed that in gen-
TCP’s founding by eight of Taiwan’s most important ICT eral, people in Taiwan were not yet aware of the adverse
firms. Moreover, through the online forum, the founding impacts of climate change. Therefore several likeminded
members’ achievements and goals relating to net-zero car- corporate executives, eager for action on climate change,
bon emissions were shared with the world, demonstrating organized eight of Taiwan’s leading ICT enterprises into
the Taiwanese ICT industry’s commitment to net zero. the Taiwan Climate Partnership.
From golf to climate change Unity for net zero
Today more and more countries are making net-zero However, the TCP also needed some outside impetus.
pledges, and the European Union will implement the Car- For example, Catherine Nettleton, former UK representa-
bon Border Adjustment Mechanism, a carbon tariff system, tive in Taiwan, introduced the TCP to Britain’s Aldersgate
in 2026. In addition, many big international brands, includ- Group to engage in a dialogue to understand how a similar
ing Apple, have announced that they aim to achieve carbon non-governmental organization operates in Britain. Peng
neutrality by 2030. As an important link in Apple’s supply tells us that the Aldersgate Group is a cross-industry coali-
chain, Taiwan’s ICT sector realized that green energy and tion that expresses views on climate change issues and
low-carbon production will be essential to its future. has become a bridge for communication among industry,
Peng Chi-ming, a meteorologist by profession, founded government and public. “We learned from Aldersgate that
his company WeatherRisk Explore Inc. more than ten climate change responses cannot be determined by just one
years ago. The firm, like 90% of Taiwan’s ICT industry, is party to the debate, but require everyone to work together.”
a member of the Taipei Computer Association. Peng, who Peng says that the peer effect among TCP members means
regularly has opportunities to interact with high-tech in- that they push each other forward, making for a virtuous
dustry leaders, quips that in the early days company big- cycle. For example, the Taiwan Semiconductor Manufactur-
wigs all asked him about the weather because they wanted ing Company (TSMC) has set targets of zero growth in carbon
to go golfing, but in recent years these bosses have been emissions by 2025, and net-zero carbon emissions by 2050.
anxious to discuss climate change with him. Considering Delta Electronics has committed to using 100% renewable

彭 明(左)在COP26
會 場 裡 , 與 英 國
Aldersgate Group秘書
長Nick Molho對談,分
Peng Chi-ming (left),
general secretary of
the Taiwan Climate
Partnership, and Nick
Molho, executive director
of the UK’s Aldersgate
Group, hosted a press
conference at COP26 in
2021, at which Peng told
the audience about the
net-zero commitment of
Taiwan’s ICT industry.
(courtesy of TCP)

彭 明表示,聯盟成員間的同儕效益,無形中 再生能源產業的發展。台積電兩年前就在內部發起
也能互相督促,產生正面的善循環。像是台積電 ESG Award,鼓勵員工提出永續的好點子,也表彰
規劃2025年達成排放零成長、2050年達淨零排 同仁對ESG的熱情投入。例如,獲得2021卓越影響
放;台達電承諾2030年百分之百使用再生電力, 獎的智慧冰水系統,每年能節省1.85億度的用電、9
並達到碳中和;宏碁和華碩電腦以2035年達成百 萬7,000公噸的排碳量。今年台積電還在線上打造了
分百綠電為目標;友達則是2050年,並要在2025 獲獎提案3D展覽館,公開分享30個獲獎案例,讓社
年較2018年減去25%的碳排放量等。聯盟成員相 會能累積永續創新的知識財。其他像是台積電在台
繼加入RE100,成為全球電子產業的標竿企業。 中科學園區建置的「零廢製造中心」,預計明年營
手臺灣ICT供應鏈邁向淨零未來」的國際論壇, 創立不久便遇上第一次石油危機的台達電,
與現場300多位台灣電子供應商代表分享氣候行 創辦人鄭崇華很早便深感地球資源的有限。台達
動的急迫性,以及聯盟成員的淨零經驗。 電董事長暨台灣氣候聯盟理事長海英俊表示,台
其中台積電資深副總經理暨ESG委員會主席何 達身為電源與能源管理領導廠商,致力提升電源
麗梅就提到,台積電早在2016年就成立節能減碳 供應器的效率,便是為地球節省資源和能源的方
委員會、2017年成立再生能源專案、2019年成立 式之一,「從以前的60%,現在已提升至90%以
碳權開發專案,然後在去年規劃出淨零路徑。在 上,甚至部分電源產品高達98%、99%。」海英
台積電宣示淨零之前,其實也經過五六年時間的 俊提醒,許多人都有迷思,認為減碳都是費用,
整理,顯示淨零雖刻不容緩,但仍必須紮實地從 像是繳碳稅、投資新設備等,但台達電以營運績
碳盤查開始、改善綠色製程、使用綠電等各方面 效來證明,減碳也能是商機,有效率的產品能讓
著手,不是一蹴可幾。 客戶和公司都受益。從2010年至2021年,台達電
何麗梅強調,台積電雖是用電大戶,但其生產 的高效節能產品方案已累計為全球客戶節省359
的半導體產品,卻能為全球的使用者節省四倍的電 億度電,大約減少1,901萬噸碳排。
力。她也希望透過台積電穩定購買綠電,帶動台灣 台達電永續長周志宏表示,台達電的業務目標

In recent years Delta Electronics has invested a great deal of effort into
R&D on energy storage, such as working with the Taiwan Power Company
on a grid and energy storage project for the Zhangbin Solar Power Plant
to stabilize its power output.
electricity and achieve carbon neutral-
ity by 2030. Acer and Asustek have
set goals of 100% green energy use by
2035, while AU Optronics has opted
to achieve that goal by 2050 and to re-
duce carbon emissions by 25% by 2025
as compared to 2018. TCP members
have joined RE100 one after another,
becoming global benchmark enter-
prises for the electronics industry.
Net zero won’t come overnight
In March of 2022, the TCP held
an international symposium on the
subject of working with Taiwan’s ICT supply chain to ad- 有綠色魔法學校之稱的成功大學孫運璿綠建築研究大樓,啟用
vance to a net-zero future. At the event the TCP shared the 超過十年,節能績效從最初65%提升至86%,可作為全球減碳
urgency of climate action with the more than 300 represen- The Y.S. Sun Green Building Research Center at National Cheng
tatives of Taiwanese electronics suppliers in attendance, Kung University, also known as the Magic School of Green
Technologies, has been in use for more than a decade now and
and TCP members also discussed their net-zero experience. achieves energy savings of 86% compared to similar non-green
structures. It can serve as a global model for carbon reduction.
Among the speakers, Lora Ho, senior vice president (courtesy of Delta Electronics)
and ESG (environment, social responsibility, and corporate
governance) Committee chairperson at TSMC, noted that
TSMC set up a committee on energy saving and carbon
reduction measures as early as 2016, created a renewable ucts in order to save resources and reduce energy use for
energy program in 2017, launched a carbon credit develop- the good of the planet. “From 60% in the past, thus far we
ment program in 2019, and laid out its roadmap to net zero have raised efficiency to over 90%, with some power sup-
in 2021. In fact, before making its net-zero pledge, TSMC plies even reaching 98 or 99%,” says Hai. He also reminds
spent five or six years preparing, indicating that net zero is us that many people have a misconception that carbon re-
not something that can be achieved overnight. duction measures are all costs, but says that his company’s
Ho emphasized that although TSMC is a major user operating performance shows that carbon reduction can
of electric power, the semiconductor products it manu- also be a business opportunity, and efficient products can
factures can save users four times as much electricity as benefit both customers and the company. From 2010 to 2021,
was used in making them. Two years ago TSMC initiated Delta’s program for high-efficiency products saved 35.9 bil-
the company’s internal ESG Awards, to encourage employ- lion kWh of electricity for customers around the globe, thus
ees to propose ideas for sustainability and to recognize the reducing carbon emissions by some 19.01 million tons.
enthusiastic commitment of staff to ESG. For example, the Delta’s chief sustainability officer, Jesse Chou, states
smart water chilling system that won an ESG Award in the that the company’s business objectives are closely linked
“Most Influential Idea” category in 2021 can reduce TSMC’s to sustainable development. “Based on our core electrical
annual energy use by 185 million kilowatt-hours (kWh) and electronics technologies, in recent years we have also
and its annual carbon emissions by 97,000 metric tons. focused on areas such as electric vehicles, energy storage,
Carbon reduction is good business microgrids, and intelligent green buildings in response to
Delta Electronics founder Bruce Cheng, whose firm faced the trend toward net zero.”
the 1973 oil crisis not long after it was founded, long ago re- For example, the Y.S. Sun Green Building Research Center
alized that the earth’s resources are limited. Delta chairman at National Cheng Kung University, funded in large part by
Yancey Hai, who chairs the TCP, says that as a leading firm Bruce Cheng, was built to a design suited to the hot, humid
in the field of power supplies and energy management, subtropical environment of Southern Taiwan. It includes
Delta strives to raise the efficiency of its power supply prod- features like broad shade-giving eaves and natural buoyancy

The founding members of the Taiwan
Climate Partnership organized a net-
zero-themed pavilion at the 2022
Smart City Summit and Expo to
share enterprises’ net-zero practices
and draw attention to the latest low-
carbon high-tech products.

與永續發展緊密結合,「以電力電子核心技術為基 在氣候變遷等議題上互動,再依其能力與風險等級,
礎,近年也聚焦『電動車』、『儲能與微電網』、 訂定下一步推動計畫。
『智慧綠建築』等領域,呼應了淨零趨勢。」其 而台積電在全球責任供應鏈管理平台「Supply
中,建築是全球能源消耗最主要場域,台達電透過 Online 360」上,建立了開放的學習平台「台積電
自建廠辦及捐建校園建築來實現綠建築的理念。 供應商永續學院」,將公司經營與治理經驗等學習
例如,早在2011年捐建的成功大學孫運璿綠建築 資源分享給供應商與大眾。以互動式的課程設計,
研究大樓,就採用了適合亞熱帶濕熱環境的設計, 內容涵蓋了勞工人權、環境保護、資訊安全、供應
包含大屋頂、綠屋頂、深遮簷、多風口、浮力通風 鏈永續策略等,還以中英雙語呈現,擴大受眾。
等,達到降溫效果,一年有長達五、六個月不用開 彭 明表示,聯盟在成立之初,成員間就已有
冷氣。此外,大量的自然採光,搭配太陽能光電 共識,不做張燈結綵的活動,要務實地對淨零做
板,落成之時原預計比同類建築省下65%用電量, 出貢獻。聯盟將與清華大學合作開設台灣氣候學
經過十年良好維運,如今節能率已高達86%,實踐 院,找來深耕永續的業師,提供產業第一線的資
了台達電的經營使命「環保、節能、愛地球」。 訊,也將邀請美國、英國、德國、新加坡等地的
這棟被譽為綠色魔法學校的建築,不僅榮獲 國際講師,加深與國際的對話與連結,掌握世界
美國綠建築協會(L E E D)白金級標章,近期 局勢。彭 明進一步指出,聯盟希望導入碳資產
也被收錄在聯合國政府間氣候變化專門委員會 管理的概念。他舉國外的例子,當碳有了價值與
(IPCC)的第六次評估報告中,作為建築專章的 市場機制,有空地的農民能透過種植森林,得到
案例,成為全球建築物減碳的典範。 額外收益。當把氣候變遷視為產業,年輕人便有
彭 明表示,以淨零為目標的減碳成本,估計 如總統蔡英文在世界地球日的永續設計行動高峰
要花上企業營收的1∼3%,所以對大部分的企業 會裡所言,「長期的減碳要依賴新的技術帶來更
而言都是非常大的壓力。而聯盟成立的目標之 多突破,台灣的科技優勢具有全球競爭力。」淨
一,便是藉由創始成員的示範與提攜,帶動底下 零從來就不是件容易的事,但台灣科技產業組成
數萬家的供應商開始行動。 的台灣氣候聯盟,將齊心加速它的實踐。 l

ventilation to reduce temperatures inside the structure, so ating and governance experience—with suppliers and the
that no air conditioning is needed for five to six months of general public. The content includes labor rights, supply
the year. The building also has excellent natural lighting and chain sustainability strategies, and more, and the learning
is fitted with solar panels. At the time it was completed it was modules are offered in both Chinese and English in order
estimated that it would use 65% less electricity than similar to expand the potential audience.
structures, but after ten years of operation with careful main- The TCP is also working with National Tsing Hua Uni-
tenance, in fact that figure has reached 86%. versity to establish a Taiwan Climate Academy. It will hire
This building, which has been nicknamed the Magic teachers who are well versed in sustainability and invite
School of Green Technologies, not only won Platinum certi- international lecturers to deepen dialogue and foster links
fication under the US’s Leadership in Energy and Environ- with the international community. Peng Chi-ming adds that
mental Design (LEED) rating system, it is also one of seven the TCP hopes to introduce the concept of carbon asset man-
exemplary low and net zero energy buildings worldwide agement (including carbon trading) to Taiwan. If climate
showcased in the Sixth Assessment Report of the Inter- change is seen as a business opportunity, young people can
governmental Panel on Climate Change. innovate new technologies and advance toward net zero.
Big and small advance together As President Tsai Ing-wen said at the opening ceremony
One of the aims in founding the TCP was for the example of the 2021 Social Design Action Forum, which was held on
and leadership of the founding members to drive their tens Earth Day (April 22) and entitled “Sustainability—The Solu-
of thousands of supplier firms to take action themselves. tions for Our Earth”: “Long-term carbon reduction will de-
For example, Delta has not only introduced a section on pend on breakthroughs brought about by new technologies,
climate change in its supplier conduct guidelines, it also pro- and Taiwan’s high-tech industry is competitive at a global
vides expert educational and training resources and guides level.” Achieving net zero carbon emissions has never been
companies in undertaking greenhouse gas inventories. a simple goal, but the TCP, organized by Taiwan’s ICT in-
Meanwhile, TSMC has founded an open learning plat- dustry, will strive to accelerate its realization. l
form called the TSMC Supplier Sustainability Academy, (Chen Chun­fang/photos by Kent Chuang/
sharing learning resources—such as the company’s oper- tr. by Phil Newell)

The TCP is working with the ICT supply chain in hopes of collectively
addressing the global climate crisis by guiding high-tech industries to move
from low-carbon operations to net-zero carbon emissions. (courtesy of TCP)


台 灣 彈 性 客 製 化 的 優 勢
Flexible Power:
Taiwan’s Advantage in Electric Vehicle Chargers
文•謝宜婷 圖•林格立 版面設計•蕭郢岑

T he international management consulting firm McKin­

盟每週需安裝15,000座電動車充電樁以符合 sey & Company estimates that between now and 2030,
需求;美國總統拜登的政策中,宣布在五年 15,000 electric vehicle (EV) chargers per week need to be in­

內花費50億美元在全國興建電動車充電站; stalled in the European Union to keep up with demand, and

President Joe Biden has announced that the US will spend
US$5 billion over the next five years to install EV charging
stations nationwide. Meanwhile, Taiwan is aiming for all
充電樁產業興起。不過,現今兩者的數量仍 new cars and motorcycles to be electrically powered by
不成比例,因此各國相繼投入此藍海市場。 2040. Electric vehicles are becoming a global trend, and this
而台灣業者憑藉電源供應的經驗轉型,彈性 has driven the emergence of the EV charger industry. How­
客製化製作充電樁,吸引國際充電營運商合 ever, at present the number of both vehicles and charging
作,因此在美洲、歐洲、東南亞等地區,都 stations is disproportionately small, and as a result many
countries are investing in this untapped market.

充電樁像是電動車的加油站機台,不過,隨 Electric vehicle chargers are like the fuel pumps in a gas
著設置地點的性質不同,其外觀與系統設計更多 station. However, given the different types of location where
they are set up, their appearance and technical design are
more diverse. Fast chargers are suited to locations such as
highway rest stops, but at stores, hotels and restaurants in
commercial districts most chargers are slow, so that vehicle
子充飽電期間,順便購物。不同店家、社區、國 owners can rest, eat, or shop at their leisure while waiting
家,對充電樁的需求各有差異,在競爭激烈的全 for their cars to fully charge. The requirements for chargers
球充電樁市場中,台灣廠商憑藉彈性客製化的特 at different business premises, in different communities and
性,找到了優勢。 in different countries vary greatly. In the intensely competi­
tive global market for chargers, Taiwanese companies are
台灣充電樁優勢 utilizing their special skills at customization and flexible
production to gain a competitive advantage.
Competitive advantage of Taiwanese chargers
The EV charger industry can be divided into hardware
充電纜線;營運管理為充電樁管理與維運;軟體 manufacturing, operational management, and software sys­
系統則是充電樁的大腦,負責收費交易、尖峰時 tems. Hardware manufacturing includes charging stations,
段電力配置、使用者手機預約充電、尋找最近充 charging plugs, and charging cables; operational manage­
電樁等功能。大部分台灣廠商主攻硬體製造,不 ment refers to the management and maintenance of charging
過,也有一些企業提供整合服務,像是台達電、 stations; and software systems are the brains of chargers,
responsible for functions like collecting payments, power
distribution at peak demand periods, booking charging
appointments by cell phone, and helping customers find
the nearest charging station. The large majority of firms in
與國外的營運商合作,由台灣提供硬體設備,再 Taiwan are involved in hardware manufacturing, but some
由當地的電力公司或充電營運商營運。相較於其 enterprises, such as Delta Electronics, eTreego, Noodoe, For­
他國家硬體商,以電源供應起家的台灣企業,已 tune Electric, and Evoasis, supply integrated services.
經習慣彈性調整商品規格,以滿足顧客需求,因 How can Taiwanese companies break into the inter­

此現在面對充電樁營運商的多元需求,像是廣告 national EV charger market? Huang Ya­chi, research man­

ager at the Industry, Science and Technology International
Strategy Center of the Industrial Technology Research Insti­
軟硬整合,滿足多樣需求 tute, remarks that at present most enterprises in Taiwan are
cooperating with overseas operating firms, with Taiwan sup­
台達電在十年前,電動車市場尚未興盛時, plying the hardware and local power companies or energy
即投入電動車動力系統與充電設備。在充電樁方 service companies managing the operation of installations.
面,針對電動車的家用充電、商用充電、公共 In contrast with vendors in other countries, Taiwanese firms
充電分別提出解決方案。在社區型住宅建置設備 that started out manufacturing power supplies are already
accustomed to flexibly adjusting their product specifications
to meet customer requirements. As a result, they can easily
deal with the diverse needs of EV charger operators, such as
advertising display screens and multiple payment methods.
Software integration to meet diverse needs
(左上圖)台達電充電樁結合太陽能、儲能與能源管理系統, Ten years ago, even before EVs became popular in the
(facing page) Electric vehicle chargers made by Delta Electronics market, Delta Electronics began investing in EV drive
combine solar power, energy storage, and energy management systems and charging equipment. When installing equip­
systems to enhance the efficiency of energy use.
(courtesy of Delta Electronics) ment in private homes in residential communities, they

時,著重獨立電表的線路建置、充電總量管理、 合作廠商,以優化產品設計並加速上市時程。
充電安全。商用充電依照營運商的需求,設置快 以最新的AC MAX交流充電樁為例,充電速度
充或慢充充電樁,現在阿姆斯特丹史基浦機場附 是一般交流電充電樁的兩倍,而且具備漏電偵
近的飯店、泰國曼谷的購物中心停車場,都可見 測、過溫保護的機制,能夠保障車主安全。對
台達電充電樁。而在公共充電建置,台達電也協 於營運商而言,此款充電樁還可搭配能源管理系
助德國跨國能源公司、歐洲最大再生能源公司旗 統,能平衡調度充電站內或社區住宅的用電需
下充電服務公司在歐洲建立快速充電站。 求,避免超約用電或過載引發危險,也因此獲得
台達電電動車充電方案事業部資深產品暨業務 2021年台灣精品獎銀質獎。
營運型態,而衍生出各式各樣的資訊整合與通訊 台達電在全球有75座研發中心,以深入了解當
需求,如:遠端設備管理、即時用電監控、計價 地市場的規範,並彈性應對各國在地比例與客製
與金流、使用權限認證、app操作等,因此台達電 化需求。此外,台達電也加入歐美、日本主導的
充電樁不只著重硬體研發,也開發營運管理與軟 CharIN 與CHAdeMO等國際充電聯盟,參與充電
體功能,是屬於高度整合的產品。 介面、電網整合小組。透過聯盟活動,與國外廠
江明諭認為,能夠做到軟硬體整合技術,有 商參與車廠新車與充電樁相容性測試,從中與國
賴於台灣成熟且具競爭力的資通訊產業與電子產 際車廠及電能服務營運商建立關係。
業,讓充電樁製造商可以快速地找到解決方案與 「節能愛地球」一直以來都是台達電的核心價

台達電提供 courtesy of Delta Electronics

台達電加入國際充電聯盟CharIN 與CHAdeMO,透過聯盟
Delta Electronics has joined the international charger protocol
alliances CharIN and CHAdeMO, through which they work with
foreign companies in testing the charger compatibility of new
vehicle models. (courtesy of Delta Electronics)

emphasized the installation of circuits with independent also works on developing operational management and soft-
electricity meters, total charging volume management, and ware functions, making their products highly integrated.
charging safety. Commercial charging, meanwhile, called Jiang suggests that Delta’s ability to create technology
for installation of fast or slow chargers depending on the that integrates hardware and software is based in large part
needs of the operators. Today you can see Delta chargers in on Taiwan’s advanced and competitive ICT and electronics
locations such as the Hyatt Place Amsterdam Airport hotel industries. Charger manufacturers can quickly find solu-
and a shopping-center parking lot in Bangkok. In terms of tions and partner companies in order to optimize product
construction of public charging facilities, Delta has assisted design and shorten the products’ time to market.
a German multinational energy firm and a charging services Helping global carbon reduction
company that is a subsidiary of Europe’s largest renewable Delta has 75 R&D centers around the globe, enabling
energy firm to build fast charging stations in Europe. the company to clearly understand local market norms and
Jiang Ming-yu, head of sales and product management flexibly deal with each country’s local content and custom-
for electric vehicle charging solutions at Delta, says that in ization requirements. Delta has also joined inter national
the international charger market Delta must deal with dif- charging protocol alliances such as the Western-led
ferent regulatory regimes, charging venues, and operational Charging Interface Initiative (CharIN) and the Japan-based
formats in different markets, and handle all manner of data CHAdeMO Association, and takes part in their working
integration and communications requirements that derive groups on charging interface and charging infrastructure
from these different elements. These include, for example, integration. Through these organizations, Delta works with
remote equipment management, real-time monitoring and overseas companies to participate in testing the charger
control of electricity use, price calculations and cash flow, compatibility of new vehicles launched by vehicle manu-
user identity confirmation, and app operations. Therefore facturers, and in the process builds relationships with inter-
Delta goes beyond hardware R&D for its EV chargers and national vehicle makers and electric power services firms.

(EV100) 及再生能源倡議(RE100),目標在2030年在全球廠辦

Delta has also joined the international electric vehicle and renewable energy
initiatives EV100 and RE100. It aims to be using 100% renewable energy and
achieve carbon neutrality in all its global factories by 2030. To this end Delta
plans to install charging stations at its industrial sites around the world and to
use EVs as company vehicles. Delta led the way in introducing an internal car-
bon tariff system in 2021, incorporating the volume of carbon emissions into the
operating expenses of its business divisions and collecting related fees.
The infrastructure for the Delta EV Charging Solutions program combines
solar power, energy storage, and energy management systems, making it
possible to use renewable energy to charge EVs and to draw on stored energy
during peak electricity demand periods in order to relieve the stress that
charging can put on local power grids. Notable recent examples of overseas
work include the construction of the Delta Yokohama EV Charging Station
in September of 2021 in partnership with the Japanese energy firm Idemitsu

As a member of the international electric vehicle initiative
EV100, Delta Electronics is setting up charging stations at
its factories worldwide and using EVs as company cars.
(courtesy of Delta Electronics)

車主不需下載a p p或登記成為會員,
The Noodoe charger operating system is
designed for a smooth user experience.
Drivers can simply use the charging
station with no need to download an app
or sign up for membership. (courtesy of
Noodoe Corp.)

來自台灣的拓連科技公司(Noodoe)在充電樁國 道認證程序後,才能開始使用充電樁,或是先申
際市場裡,以流暢與客製化的使用者體驗聞名,擁有 請會員卡,經過2-3天再寄至消費者住處。「車子
來自英國、希臘、澳洲、新加坡、杜拜等等國家的客 快沒電了,還要做這麼多事才能充電,Noodoe注
戶,連前美國加州參議員Bob Huff都親自登門拜訪。 重消費者體驗,就不會這麼做。」王景弘表示車
拓連的總部設立於台灣,在美國德州、洛杉磯與 主使用Noodoe EV OS時,可以直接使用Apple Pay
澳洲都設立分公司,「選擇從美國先開始,是因為 或信用卡支付,不需費時申請會員資格,而且當
那裡市場成熟、規模大,而且客戶要求高,想打國 車子充飽電,手機會出現通知。
隊,經歷各種難纏的對手後,實力會大幅提升。 當充電樁越來越普及,維修必定要耗費大量人
王景弘過去是宏達電的行銷長,為台灣智慧型 力,但是拓連的Noodoe EV OS有自動偵測與修
手機創下傳奇的一頁後,他看見了新商機,「未 復的功能,在使用者尚未發現問題前,內部的機
來十年每個國家都會走向零碳排,但是現階段電 器人就會自動處理。如果營運商需要調整充電費
動車充電樁仍短缺。」於是,他憑藉多年開發 率,也可以在系統源頭修改,建置在各地的充電
Android作業系統的經驗,從使用者的角度出發, 樁即會自動更新。
投入電動車作業系統研發。 拓連也為各場域的營運商,設計專屬存取碼,
2018年,拓連宣布跨足充電樁作業系統,迄今 像是一次性的禮券,供業者贈與其顧客。例如飯
短短三年多的時間,已經成為該產業知名品牌。 店業者可以將專屬存取碼與房卡、Wi-Fi密碼一起
王景弘將這亮眼的成績,歸納為三項原因:使用 給房客,提供他們免費使用飯店充電樁的優惠。
者體驗、自動偵測與修復、營運商專屬存取碼 另一個例子是,美國芝加哥市長請拓連為經濟貧
(access code)。 困的社區,提供免用信用卡或電子支付的替代方

Kosan. This charging station uses cheaper off-peak elec- In 2018 Noodoe announced that it was branching out
tricity to charge its own batteries, and uses this stored into charger station operating systems, and today it is al-
energy for vehicle charging during peak hours, thereby ready a well-known brand in the industry. Wang attributes
avoiding the power grid being overburdened by numerous the company’s success to three factors: the user experience,
vehicles using fast charging at the same time. Furthermore, automatic infrastructure diagnostics, and special access
in emergency situations Delta’s energy storage system can codes for operating companies.
serve as a backup power station for the local area. Wang states that at charging stations that use the Noo-
User-friendly charging systems doe EV operating system, drivers can pay directly through
The Taiwanese company Noodoe is well known in the Apple Pay or by credit card, without needing to sign up for
international charger market for their smooth and person- membership or download a specific app. Moreover, when
alized customer experiences. They have clients from many the vehicle is fully charged a notification will be sent to the
lands including the UK, Greece, Australia, Singapore, and driver’s mobile phone.
Dubai, and have even been visited by former California Customized charging services
senator Bob Huff to discuss cooperation. As charging stations become more and more ubiqui-
Noodoe is headquartered in Taiwan and has offices in tous, a lot of manpower will be needed for maintenance.
Texas and Los Angeles in the US and also in Australia. “We But the Noodoe EV operating system includes automated
decided to start with the US because the market there is diagnostics and repair functions, so that before users even
mature, operations are on a large scale, and customer de- notice that there is a problem internal robots will have auto-
mands are stringent. We wanted to start our international matically dealt with it.
expansion in the place with the fiercest competition,” says Noodoe also has designed special access codes for
Noodoe’s founder and chairman John Wang. charging station operators that are like one-off gift certifi-
Wang was formerly head of marketing at Delta. After cates that businesses can give to their customers. For exam-
becoming a legend in Taiwan’s smartphone world, he saw ple, a hotel can give an access code to clients along with their
the new commercial opportunity in EV chargers. Building room key card and Wi-Fi password, enabling them to use the
on his many years of experience developing the Android hotel’s chargers for free. In another example, when the mayor
operating system, with a user-centered approach to design, of Chicago asked Noodoe to provide alternatives to credit-
he decided to get into developing EV operating systems. card and electronic payments in poorer neighborhoods

The Noodoe operating system can automatically detect errors and rectify them itself,
greatly reducing manpower costs. (courtesy of Noodoe Corp.)

案,因為這些居民大多無法申請信用卡,對此拓 where most residents don’t qualify for credit cards, Noo­
連推出了類似預付卡的消費方案。 doe responded with a solution similar to prepaid cards.
With respect to the most critical problem for charging
stations—the load that they place on the power supply
system—Noodoe has worked with the Southern California
Edison company to use smart power grids to manage each
國南加州愛迪生電力公司合作,透過智慧電網管理 vehicle’s charging level, so that the amount of power used
每輛車子的充電量,讓每段時間的用電量維持在安 at different times of the day remains within a safe range.
全範圍內。在用電高峰時,Noodoe EV OS也會自動 During peak demand periods, the Noodoe EV operating
降載50%,通知使用者要減少用電量。 system will automatically reduce the load by 50% and no­
雖然拓連本身有生產充電樁硬體,也非常樂意與 tify users that they should reduce their use of electricity.
Although Noodoe itself produces charging station
hardware, the company is very happy to cooperate
宏,充電樁上面都會印有「Powered by Noodoe」,
with other large firms, like the international electrical
透過在世界各地安裝充電樁,拓連要向國際證明, equipment giant ABB and Taiwan’s Phihong Technology,
台灣是科技底蘊深厚、善於創新的國家,能夠打造 with the words “Powered by Noodoe” displayed on the
出自己的充電作業系統品牌。 l chargers. Through the installation of charging stations
worldwide, Noodoe wants to prove to the international
community that Taiwan is a country with a strong tech­
奧迪在台灣六都的展示據點建立充電站,使用拓連的作業 nological foundation and skill in innovation that can pro­
系統。 duce charger operating systems under its own brands. l
The demonstration EV charging stations set up by Audi in Taiwan’s
six special municipalities all use Noodoe operating systems. (Tina Xie/photos by Jimmy Lin/tr. by Phil Newell)

Noodoe chairman John Wang says that the
screen on the charger next to him was made
using laser engraving, so that it doesn’t reflect
light even under the intense midday Los Angeles
sun, making it easy for vehicle owners to use.


New Book Forum:
Angels of Love: Catholicism in Taiwan
文•曾蘭淑 圖•光華攝影組 版面設計•蕭郢岑


T he Bible says: “Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did
for me.” The book Angels of Love: Catholicism in Taiwan, recently published by Taiwan Panorama,
records the selfless contributions made to Taiwan by many priests and nuns who left their homelands to
come to this island, thereby putting into practice the Bible’s teaching to spread God’s love to humankind.

受到疫情影響,許多學校改為遠距教學,輔仁 Because of Covid-19, many schools have switched
大學的校園也顯得冷冷清清,但圖書館所在的濟 over to distance learning. The campus at Fu Jen Catholic
University appeared bleak and deserted on the day of
Taiwan Panorama’s new book forum for Angels of Love,
but at the Msgr. Fahy Building, home to the university’s
main library, the sound of applause rang out from the
加外,《光華》、輔仁大學、光啟社三方同步 ninth-floor auditorium.
進行直播,吸引近500位人士線上聆聽,教廷駐 The forum, though organized under difficult circum-
台大使館代理臨時代辦達保祿蒙席(Msgr. Pavol stances, was attended in person by nearly 100 students
Talapka)也以視訊方式參與。在與談人妙語如珠 and faculty, and the livestream, broadcast by Taiwan
的對話與分享下,讓聽者如沐春風,感動入心。 Panorama, FJCU, and the Kuangchi Program Service,
attracted nearly 500 online viewers. In addition, Msgr.
台灣是滋養信仰自由的沃土 Pavol Talapka, acting head of mission for the Holy See’s
Apostolic Nunciature in Taiwan (the embassy of the Vat-
ican), took part by video link. Audience members found
《光華》自1976年創刊以來,20篇有關天主教在 the pearls of wisdom shared by speakers in their discus-
台灣的精華報導,呈現遠道而來的神職人員們, sions and stories to be both refreshing and moving.
對台灣的貢獻與付出愛心的真摯行誼。 A fertile land for freedom of belief
外交部政務次長田中光致詞時指出:「天主教 Angels of Love: Catholicism in Taiwan is a collection of
在台灣的發展,就是一個傳揚愛與和平的歷程, 20 selected articles on Catholicism in Taiwan published
in Taiwan Panorama since the magazine’s founding as
Sinorama in 1976. It highlights the contributions and
dedication to Taiwan of these Catholic clergy and mem-
bers of religious orders who have come from afar to
就是滋養宗教和信仰的沃壤。」 spread love and perform good deeds.
輔仁大學學術副校長袁正泰表示,2022年是我 In his remarks, Tien Chung-kwang, deputy minis-
國與教廷建交80週年,《天使傳愛》正好見證了 ter of foreign affairs, observed: “The development of
這個重要的里程碑。 Catholicism in Taiwan has been a process of radiating

袁正泰說,他其實是很內向害羞的人,但每 love and peace. Here I want to mention the respect for
the values of democracy, freedom, and human rights
that has existed in Taiwan over recent years, which has
enabled these angels to practice here. This diverse and
在,給予我很大的鼓勵,安定我的心。」剛好天 tolerant land provides fertile soil to nurture religion
主教台北總教區總主教鍾安住分享天主教事蹟的 and faith.”
同時,發生震央在花蓮6.1級、台北3級之地震, FJCU vice-president for academic affairs Yuan Jenq-
由於這場座談所散發出的平安與喜樂,讓與會人 tay added that 2022 marks the 80th anniversary of the
士保持相當程度的鎮定與從容。 establishment of formal diplomatic relations between
the ROC and the Holy See, and Angels of Love has ap-
做在最小的兄弟身上 peared at just the right time to testify to the importance
of this milestone.
The least of these brothers
在1970年代就有第一篇關於天主教的報導──聖 Taiwan Panorama editor-in-chief Ivan Chen, who pre-
母聖心會資助快樂兒童中心的事蹟;1980年代報 sided over the forum, noted that the magazine carried
導了光啟社的故事;1990年代則有單國璽榮膺全 its first report related to Catholicism back in the 1970s:
球第五位華人樞機主教等事件。此外,還做過 a story on how the Congregation of the Immaculate

Tien Chung-kwang, deputy minister of foreign affairs, said at the forum that in recent
years Taiwan has enjoyed respect for democracy, freedom, and human rights, making it
fertile ground for nurturing religion and faith.


些都在台灣留下不可抹滅的印象與記憶。 各曾講過的一句話:「你們要
天主教台北總教區總主教鍾安住分享,這本 牧羊人要充滿羊群的氣味。」
書提到的一位包德良神父,曾在他十歲的時候, 好牧人要跟他所照顧的人在一
到他的故鄉雲林縣崙背鄉去傳教。60年前的台灣 有很大的啟發。
Academia Sinica academician
社會都很窮苦,鍾安住說:「他拜訪家庭時都會 Chen Chien-jen paraphrased
Pope Francis: “You should be
帶著我,印象最深刻的是,每一個家庭都有很多 good shepherds, and a truly
問題與憂苦,神父仔細聆聽,解答問題,技巧性 good shepherd is one who
lives with the smell of sheep.”
用耶穌的話來勉勵,並且送一點美援的衣服與奶 This remark, meaning that
priests should live among
粉,當他離開時,每個家庭都很高興,我想,我 those they minister to,
greatly inspired Chen in his
的聖召就是從那個時候開始的,我也要當神父, role as a public servant.


Heart of Mary (CICM) had provided funding to found 總主教鍾安住認為,神父與修女們來自不同的國家,卻有相同
the Happy Children’s Center. In the 1980s there was a
Archbishop Thomas Chung says that although foreign priests
story on the Kuangchi Program Service, and in the 1990s and nuns have come to Taiwan from a variety of countries, they
have shared a similar faith and desire to do right, making them
the magazine documented events such as the naming of able to fully express their love for God and for humanity.
Paul Shan Kuo-hsi as only the fifth ethnic Chinese Cath-
olic cardinal in the world. A special photo essay in 1993
titled “Men for All Seasons” recorded the faces of for-
eign priests in Taiwan. Reports and images such as these
have left indelible impressions and memories among
Taiwan’s people.
The Most Reverend Thomas Chung An-zu, archbishop
of Taipei, shared a story about a Spanish Dominican
priest named Father Faustino Sáez Muñoz (1908–1987)
who went to Chung’s hometown of Lunbei in Yunlin
County to proselytize when Chung was ten years old.
Sixty years ago, Taiwan was poor and life was hard.
Chung said: “He always took me along when he visited
families. What I remember most clearly is how he would
carefully listen to the many problems and worries that
each family had, and respond to each, using the words of
Jesus to encourage them. He also gave out small amounts
of clothing and powdered milk that were part of the aid
given to Taiwan by the US back then. By the time he left,
every family was very happy. I think my religious calling
dates back to that time. I also wanted to be a priest and
spread joy, solace, tranquility, and hope to people.” scribed how, when anyone asked Sister Elvira why they
Academia Sinica academician and former ROC vice looked after these people, she would simply say, “Be-
president Chen Chien-jen shared the following narra- cause God is love!” When someone asked a female pa-
tive: Before his marriage he was not yet a Catholic, but tient about Sister Elvira, she replied: “There has never
he had many contacts with priests and nuns working been anyone else who has understood the scars and
in the fields of healthcare and public health, such as sores on my body as well as her. When she gives me a
the Belgian nuns Sister Maria Godelieva Claeys and sponge bath, she never touches my sores.”
Sister Helena Maria Bomans (1932–2013) of the CICM’s Speaking without notes, Chen recounted many
St. Joseph Hospital in Taipei’s Wanhua District. He said such moving stories, to which the forum audience re-
gently: “At that time National Taiwan University Hos- sponded with frequent rounds of applause.
pital was the best local hospital, but it was not at NTUH Holy love in Taiwan
that you could find the most infant incubators in Taiwan, Chen said that everyone assumes priests are meek
but in Wanhua. Sister Helena’s arms were like a baby’s and mild, but in fact this is not always the case. For
cradle, and they cared for all the premature babies in example there was a Hungarian Jesuit priest named Fa-
Taiwan at that time. It really was as the Bible says: doing ther Stephen (Istvan) Jaschko (1911–2009) who brought
something for the least of these brothers and sisters.” a group of disabled children and their parents to the
There were also the Austrian Jesuit priest Father Luis Legislative Yuan to protest, which prompted Taiwan’s
Gutheinz, and the Spanish nun Sister Elvira Valentín first laws on disabled care.
Martín (1922–2012) of the Hijas de Jesús (Daughters of Chen also mentioned an American Jesuit priest,
Jesus), who both cared for people with Hansen’s disease Father Robert J. Ronald (1932–2009). After coming to
(leprosy) at Losheng Sanatorium. Chen Chien-jen de- Taiwan, Father Ronald caught polio. He returned to the

One of the articles collected in Angels
of Love describes the contributions
to Taiwan’s textile industry of Sister
Maryta Laumann, founder of the
Department of Textiles and Clothing at
FJCU. This photo shows Sister Maryta
holding a copy of the book.

完全沒有看稿,就像如數珍寶般熟悉的陳建仁 陳方中說,鑽研天主教歷史可以發現,有位馬
說,大家以為神父都很溫和,其實不完全是這樣 赫俊神父在桃園成立「愛生勞工中心」,輔導台
的哦!有一位葉由根神父發帶著殘障兒童與父母 灣第一個工運團體;耶穌會的古尚潔神父(F r.
親一起到立法院抗議,台灣照顧身心殘障人士的 José María Ellacuría Beascoechea S.J.)在台北的新事
相關法令就是這樣被催生出來的。 勞工中心,啟蒙台灣勞工意識,可以證明當時社
陳建仁又舉與他同名的劉建仁神父(Robert J. 會有部分人士將傳教士與帝國主義連結在一起,
Ronald)為例,劉建仁神父從美國來到台灣,得 是一種錯誤的印象。
到小兒麻痺,回國治療後,又回到台灣,卻出了 陳建仁也舉例,宜蘭聖母醫院的神父,遇到沒
車禍。劉神父說:「車禍與小兒麻痺是天主給我 有錢看病的窮人,就請他們寫下借據,每隔一段時
的禮物,因為讓我知道貧窮的人所受的苦。」台 間就把借據燒掉,他們是行公義、好憐憫的榜樣。
灣所有殘障人士的職業訓練制度,則是從劉神父 去(2020)年創辦聖嘉民啟智中心、羅東聖
開始推動出來的。 母 醫 院 安 寧 病 房 的 義 大 利 籍 神 父 呂 若 瑟 ( F r.
「看到這本書,讓我真的是感謝天主,正如德 Giuseppe Didone),為疫情告急的家鄉義大利募
蕾莎修女所說:『我能夠照顧每一個最小的兄弟, 款,結果曾受到聖母醫院照顧的人太多,一下子
因為對我來說,他們每一個都是受難的耶穌。』這 湧入許多捐款,呂若瑟神父說錢夠了,不要再捐
些神父修女也是把每一個需要照顧的人,當成是受 了(不到一週就募到1.5億元)。陳建仁另提及,
難的耶穌來看待,真的是了不起。」陳建仁說。 劉一峰神父也是,他的二手回收站因大火毀掉,
說要感謝中國共產黨,因為如果沒有他們在中國 至於台灣與國際上神職人員的核心理念與養
進行宗教迫害,把傳教士驅逐出境,1950年代就 成教育,以及天主教學術研究上的課題,總主
沒有那麼多的傳教士來到台灣。到了1980年代, 教鍾安住指出,全世界培養神父修女,都是根

US for treatment, and then came back to Taiwan, but Chen Fang-chung added that if you look into the
unfortunately was involved in a traffic accident. Ronald history of Catholicism in Taiwan you may discover
said: “The accident and polio were gifts to me from God, that the Irish Columban missionary Father Neil Magill
because they allowed me to understand the suffering of founded the New Life Workers Center in Taoyuan to
the destitute.” Taiwan’s entire system of vocational train- guide Taiwan’s first labor rights activist group, and that
ing for disabled people started from Ronald’s initiatives. the Rerum Novarum Labor Center in Taipei, founded
“On seeing this book, I am really grateful to God. It by the Spanish Jesuit priest Father José María Ellacuría
is as Mother Teresa said: ‘I am able to care for these least Beascoechea (1928–2020), worked to raise workers’ con-
of brethren because for me, each of them is Jesus in his sciousness. These facts go to show that it is a mistake to
most distressing disguise.’ These priests and nuns have equate missionaries with imperialism.
treated every person in need of care as the suffering Chen Chien-jen also cited the example of the priests at
Jesus, which is truly remarkable,” said Chen. Camillian St. Mary’s Hospital in Luodong, Yilan County,
Transmitting love who asked patients who had no money for medical bills
Chen Fang-chung, dean of the College of Liberal to write out IOUs, which were periodically burned. The
Arts at FJCU and an expert in the history of Catholi- priests were exemplars of righteousness and compassion.
cism, noted that ironically we can thank the Commu- In 2020 Father Giuseppe Didone, who founded the
nist Party of China for these missionaries coming to St. Camillus Center for Intellectual Disability in Yilan’s
Taiwan. This is because if the communists had not sup- Sanxing Township and the hospice ward at St. Mary’s
pressed religion in China and driven the missionaries Hospital, decided to raise money for his home country of
out, they would not have come to Taiwan in such large Italy, where Covid-19 was raging. His appeal resonated
numbers in the 1950s. among the many people who had received care at St.

Speaking to the distinguished guests at the forum, Taiwan Panorama editor-in-chief Ivan Chen (first right)
highlighted some of the Catholic Church’s many achievements in Taiwan.

據梵蒂岡第二次大公會議有關《師鐸之培養》法 天主教台灣總教區與世界交流頻繁,雖然受到
令、聖傳,以及歷代教宗的教導,也會依據修會 疫情影響有所限制,但在今(2022)年六月即會
的精神與神恩,做特別的培訓與教導。在台灣, 參與梵蒂岡舉辦的世界家庭大會,明年也會參加
對本地的神父會重視本地化,因此如輔仁大學的 在里斯本舉辦為期一週的世界青年節,等疫情過
總修院,也會研讀儒家思想與中國文化基本教 去,學術等各方面的交流都會很順暢。
材,強調中華文化,但是基本靈修學與神學都 陳建仁也分享擔任副總統時,三次到梵蒂岡晉
是類似的。 見教宗的經歷,讓他感受到教宗很關心台灣。他
文學院院長陳方中則是指出,透過學術的研 說:「晉見教宗時,我把《光華》的封面拿給教宗
究,可以澄清民眾對天主教的誤解,重新回歸對 看,通常教宗接見最多都是三分鐘,可是那一次聊
真理的追尋。 了很久,可見教宗很關心在台灣生活的大家。」
輔仁大學校牧室林之鼎神父表示,輔仁大學有 陳建仁還送給教宗賴甘霖神父的影片,教宗一
12個學院,各有特色,如何彼此交融,他以一進 看到馬上就念出賴神父的西班牙名字;教宗曾在
校門的十字架來做比喻,一直一橫交錯,也像衣 阿根廷指導過在金門服事的費峻德副主教,當他
服的經線與緯線,彼此交融,彼此支持,成為生 送給教宗已故費副主教的畫冊時,教宗回答說:
命共同體。就像在台灣,不只承襲中華文化,也 「我很清楚他去台灣。」
有本土文化,這個在地的本土文化也與南島文化 被教宗任命為宗座科學院院士的陳建仁也強調,
共存,讓台灣站在中西文化的交接點上,如果可 我國與教廷的邦誼十分穩固,現在已進入80週年,
以在台灣做得好,就可以成為世界性的典範。 台灣與梵蒂岡共享相同的普世價值──自由民主、
座談會的尾聲,主持人陳亮君請與談人分享台 是一所宗座大學,過去60年一直肩負著幫助政府
灣天主教與國際交流的現況。 推動與教廷關係的使命。」而《光華》所出版的
總主教鍾安住表示,天主教的英文C a t h o l i c 《天使傳愛》專書,則是兼有傳承與邁向未來的
Church就是公教會,也就是具有公共性與世界性, 重要意義。 l

The Angels of Love new book forum was jointly organized by the
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and FJCU.

Academia Sinica academician Chen Chien-jen (fifth from right), deputy foreign affairs minister Tien
Chung-kwang (third from right), FJCU vice-president for academic affairs Yuan Jenq-tay (third from left),
and archbishop of Taipei Thomas Chung (fifth from left) joined in this group photo at the new book forum.

Mary’s, and there was a flood of donations until Father wan. After he saw it, although he normally only spends
Didone said he had collected enough money, and peo- three minutes with each of his visitors, he talked with
ple should stop donating. In less than a week he raised me for a long time. This shows that the Pope cares very
NT$150 million (more than US$5 million). much about the people who live in Taiwan.”
Part of the international community Chen Chien­jen, who was appointed a member of the
As the forum neared its conclusion, Ivan Chen asked Pontifical Academy of Sciences by the Pope, emphasized
the speakers to share their thoughts on the interactions that the diplomatic ties between the ROC and the Holy
between the Catholic Church in Taiwan and the inter­ See are very stable, and noted that the formal diplo­
national community. matic relationship is now in its 80th year. Taiwan and
Archbishop Chung noted that the term “Catholic the Vatican fully share the universal values of freedom,
Church” means “universal church,” which means that democracy, rule of law, humanitarianism, diversity, and
there is wide participation and it is global. He added protection of human rights.
that there are frequent interactions between the Cath­ As FJCU vice­president Yuan Jenq­tay noted: “Fu Jen
olic Archdiocese of Taipei and the rest of the world. is a Catholic university, and throughout the past 60 years
Chen Chien­jen also shared his experiences of vis- it has shouldered the mission of helping the government
iting the Vatican and meeting the Pope three times promote relations with the Vatican.” The book Angels
during his term as ROC vice president. At these meet- of Love: Catholicism in Taiwan, published by Taiwan Pan-
ings he got the feeling that the Pope has a genuine orama, has dual significance: it carries forward the his-
concern for Taiwan. He noted: “When I met with the tory of the past and is a step into the future. l
Pope, I showed him an issue of Taiwan Panorama with a (Esther Tseng/photos by Taiwan Panorama
cover about the stories of Catholic missionaries in Tai- photojournalists/tr. by Phil Newell)


乘 載 文 化 的 府 城 聲 景
Navigating Tainan’s Soundscapes:
ViVo Creative Culture Workshop
文•陳群芳 圖•莊坤儒 版面設計•蕭郢岑


S haped by various governments including the Dutch, the Ming loyalist Koxinga and
his heirs, and Qing-Dynasty China, the city of Tainan boasts a rich cultural heri-
tage. Its historic street foods continue to cast a spell on tourists from far and near.
Tainan promises visual and gastronomic delights, but its soundscapes also beckon.
ViVo Creative Culture Workshop, which has been collecting Tainan’s sounds since
2015, is committed to opening up a new approach to tourism by exploring the cultural
and historical dimensions of our auditory perceptions.

初夏,我們來到陽光熱情盛放的台南。「會 南作為他博士研究主題「聲音地景」的基地。
不會熱?要不要開電扇?」第一站到訪剛開門營 目目文創採集聲景,也研究地方文史發展,楊
業的再發號肉粽,擔心我們熱著,店員親切地招 欽榮將聲音聆聽經驗放入尋常的生活小徑,就成
呼。客人還沒走到櫃檯,老闆娘就開口:「一樣 了有趣的聲音小旅行。
兩顆粽、不加醬齁?」這是店家與熟客間的默 例如從再發號沿著民權路步行一分鐘,即可
契。如果點的是羹湯類,店員送餐時定會加上: 抵達主祀玄天上帝的北極殿,短短30多公尺的距
「燒喔(台語:燙)」,提醒客人小心燙口。 離,楊欽榮會邀請民眾觀察漸漸隆起的地面,開
邊吃著這個自清朝創立、已飄香百年的肉粽, 玩笑地說:「帶你們去爬山。」
配上店鋪前的小巧水池傳來流水聲,聽著暑氣就 原來北極殿後殿,正是舊城區地勢最高處、古
消了大半,還有店家與客人親切互動的話語,充 稱「鷲嶺」的所在。透過聽覺,最能感受這個地
分感受到台南小吃裡蘊藏的濃濃人情味。 勢上的變化,從騎樓登上北極殿的台階後,像是
在舊稱府城,如今的台南市中西區一帶隨意走 心情漸漸平靜。隨著地勢的高起,越往後殿走,
逛,像再發號這樣已屹立百年的店家或建築,可謂 塵囂完全被隔絕。站在嘉慶15年(西元1810年)
信手拈來。再加上台南開發的早,每個時期所留下 題字、寫著「鷲嶺」的匾額前,閉上眼聽著風聲
的歷史脈絡,都為這座城市的文化增添厚度。目目 呼嘯,還有一旁水池的潺潺聲響,楊欽榮形容,
文創的設計總監楊欽榮,當初即是被台南獨樹一格 這感受就像站在山頭一樣開闊,懷想數百年前先
的文史、生活民情、產業發展給吸引,而選擇以台 民踏上此地,頗有橫亙古今之感。

ViVo Creative Culture Workshop has collected the sounds of winds
soughing in the bamboo grove at the Koxinga Ancestral Shrine.

We arrive in Tainan one sunny day in early summer.
Our first stop is Zaifahao, a local eatery specializing in
zongzi rice dumplings, established 150 years ago. It has
just opened for the day’s business, and we are warmly
greeted by the staff: “Is it too hot in here? Shall I turn
the fans on?” The owner hails an old customer from a
distance: “Two dumplings as usual, is it? No sauce?”
Savoring the delectable dumplings while listening
to the gurgling water of the small pool outside the eat­
ery, we feel that the heat has subsided. The friendly
dia logues between staff and customers capture that
distinctive human touch which characterizes Tainan’s
street­food culture.
Listening to everyday life
Meandering around the West Central District of
Tainan, Taiwan’s erstwhile capital, you will come across
any number of century­old buildings and shops like Zai­
fahao. It was Tainan’s rich culture and history, its unique
character and everyday life, and its flourishing indus­
tries that first led Noel Yang, director of ViVo, to focus
on the place in his doctoral project on soundscapes.
ViVo’s mission is to collect sounds, as well as study­
ing local culture and history. By examining auditory
experience in the context of ordinary public spaces
like streets and lanes, Yang has also crafted mini
acoustic tours.
For example, if we walk a few steps eastward from
Zaifahao along Minquan Road, we will arrive at Beiji
Temple. During this short journey, Yang always invites
his guests to observe the gentle upward slope. “We’re
going to climb a mountain,” he quips.
It turns out that the rear hall of the temple occupies
the highest point of Tainan’s Old Town: the place was
called Jiuling (“Eagle Hill”) in days of yore. The best
way to feel the varied topographical contours here is to

(top) Fang Creek flows by in front of Qingshui Temple in the
West Central District of Tainan. Although we can no long see
the creek itself, its sounds remind us of its existence.

Located in historic Jiuling, Beiji Temple shuts out the din of
the city and gives us a feeling of liberation, as if standing on
a mountaintop.

Noel Yang and his colleagues at ViVo wander Tainan’s streets
to explore the cultural charm of the city’s soundscapes.

同樣位於鷲嶺古地範圍裡的,還有北極殿不遠 某條巷弄有著清脆的枯葉聲時,就知道是走在鄭
處的鶯料理與台灣首廟天壇。開業於1912年的鶯料 成功祖廟,是此地才有的聲景,就是所謂的聲標
理,在日治時期是一間高級料亭,接待政商名流。 sound mark。」楊欽榮說。
經過時代更迭,鶯料理也數度荒廢又重興,如今由 而透過聲音來強化對一處歷史環境的認識,有
台南老字號的阿霞飯店經營,保留了日式庭園與建 時候聲音所代表的不僅是當下,更可能是探訪過
築。楊欽榮表示,不論是空間播放的日本演歌,或 去時空的一個線索。
是踏入開放參觀的裡棟建築,腳下木板發出的「咖 就像目目文創團隊在清水寺附近採集錄音時,
咖聲」,都讓鶯料理散發出日本風情。 聽到地底下竟傳來水流聲,才發現原來藏在磚道
聽到鞭打地面的「啪啪聲」,這是天壇的收驚聲 Sounds in a traditional market—friendly chats, vendors’ cries,
and seasonal produce being chopped—offer vivid vignettes of
景。楊欽榮笑說,走在這一帶,會有時空快轉的 people’s daily lives.




keep our ears peeled. As soon as we leave behind
the shopfront arcades and ascend the steps that
lead into the temple, the bustle of the street begins
to fade. The traditional music emanating from the
heart of the temple makes us feel calm. Eventu­
ally, as we continue to ascend toward the rear of
the temple, the din of the city is shut out com­
pletely. In front of a plaque dated “the 15th year of
the reign of Emperor Jiaqing” (1810) and inscribed
“Jiuling,” we close our eyes to listen to the wind
swishing past, and the water trickling in a pond
nearby. Yang compares this liberating experience
to gaining a panoramic view on a mountaintop:
here the line between past and present is blurred,
and we conjure up visions of our predecessors set­
ting foot on this very spot centuries ago.
A brush with the past
Near Beiji Temple, and also within the confines
of historic Jiuling, are the restaurant Uguisu Ryori
and Tiangong Temple. The former dates back to
the Japanese colonial period, opening its doors in
1912 as a high­end eatery. Now run by another of
Tainan’s old establishments—Asha’s Restaurant—
Uguisu has retained its Japanese garden and
architecture. Yang tells us that sounds such as
enka music and the creaking of the wooden floor
confer a Japanese vibe on Uguisu.
Only a few steps away from Uguisu, we come
to Tiangong Temple, completed in 1855 as an “Altar
of Heaven” dedicated to the Jade Emperor. The
cries of vendors hawking religious goods waft
from adjacent lanes, and we hear whips striking
the ground during Taoist exorcism rituals—
something unique to this temple. Though in close
proximity to each other, Uguisu and Tiangong
Temple belong to very different eras. No wonder
Yang says that the most special thing about Tainan
is that we’ll forget the buzz of the modern city as
soon as we turn into a lane: there, we’ll find our­
selves brushing past several centuries of history.
Sounds as cultural clues
When we try to acquaint ourselves with a cer­
tain place, sounds can sometimes deepen our ap­ 土地銀行台南分行的挑高騎樓宛如音箱,
preciation of it. In Tainan’s Old Town, the Koxinga
The tall colonnade of the Tainan Branch of the Land
Shrine and Koxinga Ancestral Shrine are the only Bank of Taiwan creates a space that acts as a sound
box. Standing on the ground below, one’s ears are
temples that have bamboo groves. When giving filled with birdsong, expressing the vitality of the place.

底下的,是台南舊城區歷史悠久的枋溪。據1752 必須在現場蹲點,感受同個地點在不同時間,聲音
年、1807年的臺灣縣志記載,要往來府城的東西 是如何與環境互動。像是位於中正路與忠義路交
半部,就必須橫渡枋溪上的枋橋,是18、19世 口、屬市定古蹟的土地銀行台南分行,騎樓採用埃
紀台灣府城的交通樞紐之一。而清水寺外懸掛的 及神廟柱廊的形式,頂端挑高的凹槽設計,成了上
「寶筏渡舟」匾額,正好呼應了枋溪的所在。 下環繞的立體音箱。騎樓頂端有許多燕子築巢,每
相傳清代時,枋溪漂來一塊佛祖形體的木頭, 到清晨六點前、傍晚五點到七點間,大批燕子便在
居民便將其撿拾雕刻成觀音神像供奉,即是枋溪 騎樓空間穿梭,啾啾啾的鳥鳴聲因為挑高建築而迴
的水流觀音傳說。光是看著清水寺前平緩的道 盪,閉上眼,透過聽覺能感知牠們是從什麼方向飛
路,其實無法與傳說有所連結,但往前走到刻有 來。「土銀的建築特色,能讓聲音直接從上方灌進
水流觀音的水溝蓋上,若湊近聆聽,冬天是涓涓 耳裡,就像走進一台音響裡,會很立體的聽見鳥
細流,夏天則流水潺潺,枋溪的水流觀音傳說, 鳴,那聲音甚至能蓋過旁邊的車水馬龍。」楊欽榮
便成了記憶鮮明的體驗。 認為,燕子和建築的共鳴,再加上旁邊的車流聲,
生路圓環,以步行方式向外輻射一公里,不斷嘗 透過聲音來感知一座城市,聆聽時間點的不
試採集的方法,然後才逐漸拓展到安平、白河, 同,也賦予了聲景更多的變化。有些隱身在台南
甚至其他城市。楊欽榮表示,聲景包含了三個要 巷弄裡的廟宇,白天只有腳踏車、機車偶爾行經
素,聲源、環境、聆聽者,是這三者的互動才能 的聲響,或再佐上附近小工廠的機具鏗啷聲,以
形塑聲景,聆聽者所處的位置和時間點,才會賦 及民宅的狗吠,氣氛閒散而寧靜;然而到了傍
予聲音特殊性和文化性。「聲景跟聲音最大的不 晚,一旁的餐廳在廟埕擺上桌椅,開始營業,熱
同,聲音是獨立的聲源,但如果牽涉到空間環境 炒的鍋鏟聲,用餐民眾的笑鬧聲,為白天的寧靜
甚至歷史事件的話,就會變成聲景的標記,那個 注入了滿滿活力。例如總趕宮前的松仔腳燒烤海
標記就會賦予那個聲音在當代或過去的意義。」 產餐廳,以及馬公廟前的葉家燒烤,都讓當地的
所以錄音時,並非只是架台機器蒐集聲響,而 日夜聲景呈現截然不同的風情。

Within a 36-square-meter space, the Hz Museum
exploits the interdisciplinary possibilities of
soundscapes, enriching our sensory experience.

ViVo has designed a dining table with interactive audio devices. If we move the crockery on it,
we’ll hear sounds reminiscent of the delicious foods of Tainan.

guided tours in the ancestral shrine, Yang usually begins Legend has it that in the Qing Dynasty, a log of wood
by inviting his visitors to listen to the wind soughing in the shaped like a Buddhist deity was carried here by the
grove. Only after that will he explain what this particular creek. Local residents picked it up and made it into a
bamboo is: Bambusa multiplex, a favorite of Koxinga’s wife. sculpture of Guanyin, the bodhisattva of mercy and com­
The shrine’s Japanese­style ablution pavilion also reminds passion. It’s hard to associate this story with the smoothly
us that Koxinga’s mother was from Japan, shedding more paved street in front of Qingshui Temple today. But if we
light on the feelings invested in this place. walk toward a concrete drain cover inscribed “Shuiliu
Thanks to its bamboo grove, the ancestral shrine is Guanyin” (“Waterborne Guanyin”), and prick up our ears
graced with different sounds in different seasons. In au­ to listen, the legend turns into a vividly real experience.
tumn and winter, the path outside the walls is strewn with Shifting soundscapes
bamboo leaves, making a distinctive sound when someone Perceiving a city through its sounds, we find that differ­
walks on them. “When I hear the crisp crunch of dry lea­ ent times of day endow the same soundscapes with differ­
ves coming from a lane, I’ll know that someone is walking ent qualities. By day, around some backstreet temples, you
around the Koxinga Ancestral Shrine. This is a soundscape may only hear bicycles and scooters swooshing past occa­
peculiar to this place—a so­called ‘sound mark,’” Yang says. sionally, as well as dogs barking in houses, the atmosphere
Through sounds, we can gain a profounder insight into being lazy and tranquil. In the evening, however, when
a historic site. Rather than merely signifying the present eateries put out tables and chairs on the temple squares,
moment, sounds sometimes offer clues to particular con­ the places come alive, with spatulas clanking against
texts in the past. woks and people laughing and chattering. For example, in
For example, when recording sounds near Qing shui Tainan, both the Banyan Restaurant outside Zonggan Tem­
Temple, Yang was surprised to hear the sounds of water ple and the Yeh Family Grill outside Magong Temple make
flowing under the ground. He later realized that hidden the local soundscapes noticeably different at night.
beneath the tiled path was Fang Creek, which has a long Also in Tainan’s West Central District, the You’ai Street
history in Tainan’s Old Town. A plaque hanging on Qing­ market has a particularly interesting soundscape that
shui Temple—with an inscription that means “crossing changes as the day progresses. In the morning, local resi­
over on a precious barge”—echoes this stream. dents come here for grocery shopping and friendly chats.

As tourists, we’ll encounter more pleasant surprises if we
explore a city’s culture through sounds.

招牌,架上桌板,布置精美的燈飾,再配上營造氣 As noon approaches, the vendors begin to fry fish and
氛的音樂,竟變身成一間間的日本料理、歐式餐酒 vegetables at their stalls. The sounds of chopping, of
broths bubbling, and of oil sizzling add texture to the ex­
isting soundscape. In the afternoon, as the traders wrap
up their day’s work, the place no longer bustles with ex­
citement. But in the evening, boards are mounted on the
舊中求新的隱藏版深夜食堂,值得親臨體驗。 stalls to form tables, ornamental lights are installed, and
atmospheric music is played, as the market metamorpho­
ses into a conglomeration of Japanese­style and other eat­
目目文創成立七年多來,始終以「我們現在 eries and bars. The ingenuity of the Taiwanese people is
所記錄的聲音,可能就是未來的歷史」為理想, embodied in this traditional market.

採集聲景建置資料庫,開發府城的聲景小旅行路 The Hz Museum

Since its establishment more than seven years ago, ViVo
Creative Culture Workshop has held true to its founding
philosophy: “Contemporary sounds will be the history of
妙地以「聲存」諧音「生存」為概念,將台南府 the future.” ViVo maintains a database of collected sound­
城的聲景設計成水分、生火、食物、避難所、外 scapes, develops mini acoustic tours in Tainan, and has
營技巧、氣候地形共六大類,不論是廟宇古蹟、 compiled its research results into the first­ever “exploration
歷史建築、特色小吃,甚至是消逝的河道,目目 book” about Tainan’s soundscapes, simply entitled The
文創都將聲景轉譯為當代語彙,讓人們能透過聽 Soundscape. Be it temples, historic sites and buildings, char­
acterful street foods, or even vanished watercourses, ViVo
uses modern language to interpret Tainan’s soundscapes,
offering fresh perspectives on places that are at once famil­
iar and strange to us.
殊性。因此,文化聲景也是讓國際認識台灣的一 To raise public awareness of soundscapes, Noel Yang
種途徑。多次受邀到國外展覽的目目文創,便以 has turned his workshop in Tainan’s Blueprint Cultural and
聲音策展,將台南人的熱情好客與奉茶文化,帶 Creative Park into the Hz Museum. Visitors are welcome
到日本、香港等地。 to attend various immersive activities. For example, if we

為深化聲景的教育推廣,楊欽榮將位於藍晒圖 move the crockery on a dining table there equipped with

interactive audio devices, we’ll hear the sounds of stir­
frying and of xiaolongbao dumplings being steamed. Within
this 36­square­meter space, we can also make our own
動桌上的碗盤,便會出現小籠包的蒸騰、大火快 acoustic cards and listen to foreign soundscapes collected
炒的鏗鏘等聲響。在博物館11坪的微型空間裡, by ViVo. Showcasing soundscapes in diverse ways, this
民眾可以現場錄製聲音卡片傳遞心意,也能聽見 very special museum won a Golden Pin Design Award in
目目文創所蒐集的國外聲景,讓民眾站在台灣就 2020 and was shortlisted for the iF Design Award in 2021.
能聽見世界。這座多元展示聲景且極具特色的赫 Yang says with a smile that when he established ViVo
he wasn’t sure how long it would last. The more he engages
with this endeavor, however, the more enchanted he is by
sounds, and the more hopeful he is of opportunities for
楊欽榮笑說,成立目目文創時,其實沒想過 interdisciplinary collaboration. “Sounds are a city’s lan­
它能發展多久,但越深入探索,就越發掘聲景的 guage,” Yang believes. As tourists, paying attention to our
魅力,以及跨界合作的各種可能。他認為,「聲 sense of hearing can help us appreciate a place in a more
音是城市的台詞。」每個城市都能經由聲景的挖 intimate way. l
掘,重新感知地方的文化特色。在旅行中加入聽 (Chen Chun-fang/photos by Kent Chuang/
覺的感官,體驗將更加深刻。 l tr. by Brandon Yen)


This Made-in-Taiwan collaborative robot developed
by the Industrial Technology Research Institute is the
first robot in the world with built-in smart 3D vision
sensors and AI self-learning capability.

CES 2022 創 新 獎
文•曾蘭淑 圖•莊坤儒 版面設計•蕭郢岑

Taiwan at the Forefront of AI Sensing

—The CES 2022 Innovation Awards

每年在美國拉斯維加斯舉辦的C E S消費性電
子展,是觀察科技趨勢的前哨站。今年的C E S T he Consumer Electronics Show, held yearly
in Las Vegas, is a bellwether of technolog y
trends. At this year ’s CES, sensor technologies
developed by Taiwan’s Industrial Technology Re-
search Institute stood out from the crowd, winning
技獲頒「CES創新獎」(CES 2022 Innovation three CES Innovation Awards in competition with
Awards),讓台灣科技研發的創新能量再次在國 1,800 contending products. T his feat once again
際舞台發光。 demonstrates the innovative capabilities of Tai-
wan’s technology R&D on the international stage.
地區與國家、2,279家國際大廠與新創業者參展, The 2022 Consumer Electronics Show (CES) attracted
participation by 2,279 internationally known firms and
startup companies from 58 countries and territories
around the globe.
際買家。 Astonishing feats
In 2018, Chiou Chyou-huey, then director general of
the Department of Academia–Industry Collaboration
2018年,前科技部產學司司長邱求慧廣發英 and Science Park Affairs at Taiwan’s Ministry of Science
雄帖,邀請32家新創公司組成TTA(Taiwan Tech and Technology, invited 32 startup companies to form a
Arena)台灣隊,到新創界的殿堂,也就是CES新 national team called the Taiwan Tech Arena (TTA), which
went to exhibit in the CES startup section Eureka Park.
創區Eureka Park參展,以設立「台灣國家館」的
They set up a Taiwan Pavilion there in hopes of boosting
Taiwan’s visibility in the international startup community.
Since then, Taiwan has steadily expanded its partici-
第二年起開始嶄露頭角。2020年,工業技術研究 pation in the CES, and was already making a mark in its
院(以下稱「工研院」)、新創業者、宏碁與華 second year. In 2020, over 20 products from the Industrial
碩等科技大廠有超過20個產品拿到創新獎;2022 Technology Research Institute (ITRI), startups, and major
年台灣力拚荷蘭、以色列等Eureka Park展區霸 companies including Acer and Asustek won Innovation

主,組成100家新創隊伍參加,成為僅次於法國 Awards. In 2022 Taiwan challenged traditional Eureka

Park giants like the Netherlands and Israel by organizing

現為經濟部技術處處長邱求慧認為,台灣的技 工研院服務系統科技中心(以下稱「服科中
術與研發體質本來就很厲害,只是以往不擅於包 心」)執行長鄭仁傑,點出這項發明受到歡迎的
裝,不擅長告訴別人我有什麼創新的點子,在政 關鍵──這是國際上,首創以對寵物完全無害的
府的鼓勵與帶動下到CES參展,很容易讓國際看 微型雷達感測技術,應用在寵物健康照護的產
見,從經濟部科技專案的法人研發創新技術,屢 品,目前已完成技術授權,由設備商進行生產製
獲國際大獎肯定,亦可驗證台灣的創新能量。 造,不久就會在寵物醫院、寵物旅館看到實際的
以工研院為例,2022年參展的十件設計產品, 應用。
科技舞台發光發亮的三件作品: 事實上,工研院服科中心「智能穿戴系統」的
首創微型雷達感測技術的智慧項圈: 的「iStimUweaR」,穿上它,不用插電,即可以
iPetWeaR 根據疲勞的程度給予刺激,減緩疼痛。2021年設
為家中的寵物戴上「iPetWeaR」項圈,或是讓 計的iDarlingWeaR,放在嬰兒圍巾上或衣服口袋
它躺在寵物墊上,主人即可以透過手機等行動裝 內,在不需接觸到寶寶皮膚的情況下,透過低功
置,隨時掌握毛小孩的心跳、呼吸與活動力。 率生理偵測雷達技術,可以24小時記錄寶寶的心
這麼酷的裝置,是因為工研院的研發人員將 跳、呼吸與活動力。
感測雷達天線縫在項圈內,透過低功率的雷達技 今年iPetWeaR受到國際媒體注目的原因,鄭仁
術,進行生理偵測;而主人行動裝置顯示的資 傑分析,除了智能穿戴系統是服科中心持續養成
訊,則是來自後台AI演算法的分析,得以告訴主 的核心能力外,主因是選了一個好題目。
人,寵物的健康與情緒是否出現異狀,項圈還有 他認為,過去台灣很會解題,工程師擅於用
定位的功能。 技術去解決問題,用現有的技術去製造產品,但
這項發明,不僅獲得CES創新獎,同時被英國權 不會出題目。「這次,我們是從需求端去發現問
威科技評論網站TechRadar,評選為CES 2022「最 題,從選題到解題,以領先世界的『低功耗雷達
令人期待的五大新奇展品之一 」;亦被印度最大 偵側』技術,結合網(網路)、雲(智慧),設
入口網站BGR,將iPetWeaR與LG曲面OLED螢幕, 計出end-to-end total solution(端到端的完整解決
並列為CES 2022「最酷的五項產品」之一。 方案)。」

ITRI’s Service Systems Technology Center has won CES
Innovation Awards for three straight years with applications
for smart wearable systems.

100 startups to exhibit in the section, becoming the J.C. Roger Cheng, general director of ITRI’s Service Sys-
world’s second-ranking country behind only France tems Technology Center (SSTC), points out the key to the
in terms of startup participation. popularity of this invention: It marks the first time that
Taiwan’s innovative strength is also demon- micro radar sensing technology, which is completely harm-
strated by the numerous major international awards less to pets, has been used in a pet healthcare product. The
won by institutions doing innovative technological technology has now been licensed to device manufacturers,
R&D through the Technology Development Pro- and in the not-too-distant future products will be available
grams of the Ministry of Economic Affairs. for use in veterinary clinics and pet hotels.
For example, at CES 2022 ITRI exhibited ten Making a slip-free device
products, of which three won Innovation Awards. The reason they started with a product for pets was initially
All were singled out for the ways they combine arti- because Lin Hong-dun, a division director at the SSTC, had a
ficial intelligence (AI) with sensor technology. big ginger cat that one day suddenly began to act crazy. As an
iPetWeaR: The first smart radar collar expert in radar sensing, he thought that radar devices could be
If a family pet wears an iPetWeaR collar, or lies used on pets to detect where there might be a problem.
on an iPetweaR bed, the owner can check up on the However, despite the SSTC’s great expertise in low-power
animal’s heartbeat, respiration, and activity level at radar sensing technology, there was a
any time using a smartphone or other mobile device. difficulty: Because pets have fur
This cool device was created by researchers at and are very active, devices
ITRI who sewed a radar sensor antenna into a dog attached to them can easily
collar to conduct physiological monitoring through slip off. It was essential to
low-power radar technology. The information dis- overcome the challenges
played on the owner’s mobile device is generated of making a device that
by a backend AI algorithm that analyses the radar can collect data with-
signal to detect any abnormality in the pet’s health or out the need for any
mood. The collar also has a location finding function. of the pet’s fur to be
Besides winning a CES Innovation Award, this shaved off.
invention was named by the authoritative British
tech website TechRadar as one of “the five quirkiest
products we can’t wait to see.” In addition,, a
leading Indian tech website, ranked iPetWeaR along-
side LG’s curved OLED TV as one of the “top five
cool products” unveiled at CES.

創公司所取代,這是我對CES 創新獎的解讀。」

Chiou Chyou-huey, director general of the Department of Industrial

Technology, Ministry of Economic Affairs: “The current global trend is for
innovation to be done by startups. Startups are gradually replacing the role
of large companies in innovative R&D. That’s my interpretation of the CES
Innovation Awards.”

從柴犬到狼犬,從鴨子到兔子 有內涵的協作型機器人:
會從寵物著手,其實一開始是因為工研院服 RGB-D AI機器人
科中心的組長林宏墩,家中的大橘貓有天突然抓 工研院智慧感測與系統科技中心(以下稱「感
狂,身為「雷達感測」專家的他,想到可以將此 測中心」)打造的MIT協作型機器人,獲得CES
裝置應用到寵物身上,偵測它那裡不對勁。 2022創新獎,是全球第一台將3D智慧視覺感測與
不過,縱使服科中心對「低功率雷達偵測」技 智慧取物,做為標準配置的機器人。
術深入專精,由於寵物有毛髮,會活蹦亂跳,容 換言之,這個工業型機器人,不只有一顆可
易滑脫,仍必須克服不把寵物的毛剃光,也能偵 以看到全彩色、立體畫面的眼睛,同時內建端運
測到數據的挑戰。 算,可以快速調整不同取物的工作,知道自己要
還有後端的智慧分析,必須從無到有根據不 「抓」什麼。
同寵物的脈搏、心跳、活動力建立模型,但後台 這麼聰明又會做工的機器人,來自台灣、全球
寵物的智慧資料,也不能只有「阿貓阿狗」的資 第二大協作機器人製造商──達明機器人已實際
料,為能擴大應用,從柴犬到狼犬,也選了常見 運用在產線上。
的兔子等寵物。 能夠在物聯網與智慧製造的武林中勝出,感測
iPetWeaR另一項厲害之處,是工程師寫出具有 中心執行長朱俊勳指出,就在工業型機器人的眼
很高正確率與穩定性的演算法,可以根據偵測的 睛──感測器。
資料,有效判斷寵物的健康,希望可以做到預知 放眼全球國際大廠生產的商用感測器,也就是工
寵物的情緒反應,預測與預防疾病的發生。 業3D攝影機,至少有11×3×2立方公分這麼大顆。
寵物如家人,執行長鄭仁傑說,未來可以據此 感測中心以全新的技術,研發出更小的
建立寵物從出生、疫苗到病痛的電子健康存摺, 1.4×0.8×0.35立方公分3D感測器,體積縮小168
連結寵物醫院、旅館的整套服務。同時,不只布 倍,速度更快上38.6倍,成本則減少五成以上。
局全球寵物的穿戴式經濟商機,目前也在洽談美 因此,除了可以將感測器裝在一公尺長的大型機
國與澳洲等大規模的畜牧業,針對牛隻的生理、 器手臂,來製造機車引擎外殼,也可以用在幾微
泌乳、疾病等需求,進行畜牧管理,商機無限。 米小的IC晶片接腳的封裝上。

MoMo is sitting on a pet bed with
a radar antenna inside, so that
his physiological condition can be
monitored using low-power radar.

主人可以從A P P查看它牠的心
Angelabelle is wearing an
iPetWeaR collar, enabling her
owner to use an app to check on
her heartbeat, respiration, and
activity level.

It was also necessary to create the backend smart anal- SSSTC general director Chu Chun-hsun says that the
ysis technology from scratch, constructing mathematical reason the SSSTC stands out from the crowd in terms of
models based on the heartbeat, respiration, and activity the Internet of Things and intelligent manufacturing can
levels of different pets. be found in the “eyes” of industrial robots—image sensors.
Pets are like family members, says Roger Cheng. The SSSTC used entirely new technology to develop a
iPetWeaR’s commercial value comes from its simplicity of 3D image sensor only 14 × 8 × 3.5 millimeters in size. This
operation, real-time monitoring, and humane concern for makes it 168 times smaller than its predecessor. It is also
animal welfare. In the future it will be possible to create 38.6 times faster, and production costs have been reduced
electronic health records from a pet’s birth and immun- by more than half.
izations through sickness and old age, and integrate these A robotic arm with an AI brain
into comprehensive services linked with veterinary clinics So how remarkable is this industrial robot in terms of
and pet hotels. Moreover, the global market for pet wear- global innovation?
able devices is not the only economic opportunity opened Chen Po-lung, director of R&D at the SSSTC, explains
up by this technology. Currently ITRI is in talks with that the human eye has no difficulty discerning both very
large-scale cattle farming interests in places like the US bright and very dark objects. But image sensors do have
and Australia to develop livestock management devices problems with bright light reflected from metals and
that will track the physiological condition, milk produc- with dark objects that absorb a lot of the light that falls on
tion, and illnesses of cattle. The commercial possibilities them. In the past engineers had to spend one or two days
appear unlimited. inputting optical parameters to enable a sensor to clearly
RGB-D AI Robot: A sharp-eyed smart cobot distinguish such objects. But for the RGB-D AI Robot, the
Another honoree of the CES 2022 Innovation Awards team built the visual parameters directly into the sensors,
is a collaborative robot (cobot) developed by ITRI’s Smart raising the 3D reconstruction rate when viewing reflective
Sensing and Systems Technology Center (SSSTC). It is the materials by 2.1 times. Tests have also shown that while
first robot in the world to have smart 3D vision sensors and adjustment and calibration formerly took eight hours,
smart object retrieval technology as standard equipment. they can now be completed within 15 minutes.
This smart and capable robot from Taiwan, built by At present, industrial robots used on production lines
Techman Robot Inc., the world’s second-largest cobot around the world cannot be switched at will among
manufacturer, is already at work on production lines. different tasks, so that when a company wants to alter a

朱俊勳指出,20多年來,工研院感測中心持續 在感測器中,讓材質反光的重建率提高2.1倍,經測
投入感測技術與系統整合的應用,每位研究人員 試,原本要八小時的調校時間,可以縮短到15分鐘
平均累積十年以上的經驗,根扎得深,掌握最關 內完成。
鍵的核心能力,才得以在全球競爭中勝出。 目前全球各產線的工業型機器人,還做不到
這個工業機器人站到全球創新的舞台上,究竟 程式。
有多亮眼呢? 感測中心的團隊優化演算法後,讓AI機器人得
工研院感測中心研發組長陳柏戎指出,人眼對很 以自主學習取放技術。因此,當廠商想更換產線
亮或很暗的物件,沒有分辨的困 或物料時,軟體工程師只要花15分鐘調校參數,
難,但感測器從習慣看很吸 機器人便可以快速決定取物點,達到精準辨識工
光的黑色物件,突然看 件、靈活取物、聰明分類的目標。
很亮光澤的金屬, 這個可以「手腦並用」的RGB-D AI機器人,
就會有困難,過 雖不到替代產線工程師,讓現場工程師失業的地
去工程師要花一 步,但已大幅減少產線工程師的工作負荷。目前
至二天時間, 這個機器人也已實際落地應用在工具機、製鞋與
重新導入光學 衣服、汽機車零件、電子業PCD的產線上,成為
參數,才能 智慧製造的一大助力。
辨得清楚。 暖心的個人健康監測祕書─
經團隊將視覺 智慧熱影像安護系統
參數直接內建 工研院另一專精的感測技術──熱影像感測,
此技術運用在居家照護領域上,獲得CES 2022


J.C. Roger Cheng, general director of ITRI’s Service Systems Technology Center:
“iPetWeaR’s commercial value comes from its simplicity of operation,
real-time monitoring, and humane concern for animal welfare.”

production line or upgrade a robot’s functions, engin­ simultaneously measure the forehead temperatures of
eers may have to spend a week or two revising its soft­ multiple people, making it possible to control entry into
ware. When there is incompatibility between equipment premises and assisting in contact tracing. The SSSTC
and software from different vendors, it is necessary to has also applied this technology to the needs of resi­
employ additional engineers to make new adjustments, dential care facilities, winning a CES 2022 Innovation
using up even more time and manpower. Award in the process.
However, after the SSSTC team optimized their algo­ According to a survey on remote healthcare con­
rithm, their AI robot became able to autonomously learn ducted by the SSSTC at nursing homes, long­term care
to pick up and place new objects. As a result, when com­ facilities, and hospitals, more than 90% of patients do
panies want to alter production lines or change mater­ not want their moments of personal privacy (such as
ials, a software engineer needs to spend only 15 minutes dressing and undressing) to be recorded by remote
adjusting the parameters so that the robot can rapidly monitoring devices using color images.
determine which objects to pick up and how, thereby SSSTC general director Chu Chun­hsun states that
achieving the goals of accurate workpiece identification, the only way to provide effective remote healthcare
flexible object pickup, and smart classification. while assuring patient privacy is to use infrared imag­
Health monitoring by thermal sensing ing. However, it is not possible to accurately interpret the
Another area of sensor technology in which ITRI has data acquired by the infrared sensing systems currently
great expertise is thermal imaging. This is widely used on the market. This was the motivation for the SSSTC to
in epidemic response technology, in systems that can develop the “All­in­One Thermal Sensing System.”

工研院每年在C E S展區,以人的
品,成為C E S創新獎的常勝軍。
Every year at the Consumer
Electronics Show ITRI focuses on
market-oriented products that address
human needs. The institute has
become a frequent winner of CES
Innovation Awards. (courtesy of ITRI)

The All-in-One Thermal Sensing System developed by ITRI is a patient care monitor that combines thermal
sensing technology with artificial intelligence. It can help offset the shortage of caregivers.

感測中心執行長朱俊勳指出,若要兼顧隱私與 我」,一個是「躺著的我」,因為床墊上還有殘
健康照護,唯一的解決方案就是使用紅外線,但 留溫度的影像。
目前市場上運用紅外線的感測系統,無法做到準 感測中心的技術突破,在於對A I進行「殘留
確判讀所得的資料,這也成為感測中心研發「智 溫度」與「環境溫度」的訓練,讓熱影像偵測技
慧熱影像安護系統」的動機。 術達到高精準度的要求,可以準確測量「真正的
紅外線技術發展受限,是「不能講的秘 我」──即受照顧者的呼吸、心跳與溫度,以溫
密」,因為紅外線在各國屬於管制的戰略物 度為例,可以達到量測溫差小於攝氏正負0.1度的
資,美國與法國擁有全世界發展最好的紅外線 標準。
技術,均用在飛彈、夜視儀等國防設備上。朱 目前這個設備與台大、秀傳與嘉義基督教醫院
俊勳認為,如果台灣能夠自己掌握從晶片到應 合作的照護單位合作,並且鍵入剛開過刀、高風
用的紅外線技術,不只量測溫度、科技防疫, 險的病人的資料,將AI模型內建在攝影機內,可
也可以廣泛運用到智慧城市、居家安全、健康 以即時通報跌倒、離床等異常示警,這台「個人
照顧等多種領域上。 健康監測祕書」,可以大幅減少照護人力,作為
將紅外線運用在健康照顧的好處,在於晚上關 的技術,達到百萬畫素的影像要求,大幅降低採
燈的情況下也可以進行監測,並且兼顧隱私,但 購費用的門檻,協助偏鄉診間和家庭的遠距醫療
監測的影像解析度不如彩色影像。 需求,為全球照護人力短缺提供解方,未來計劃
研發組長陳柏戎舉例說,人躺在床上,起身 擴展到運動、健身的健康監測,讓科技可以服務
時,熱影像會看到「兩個人」,一個是「起床的 人性,世界可以更美好。 l

Supporting respite care sure the patient’s breathing, heartbeat, and body tempera-
The advantage of using infrared imaging in patient ture. For example, body temperature measurements made
care is that at night when the lights are off it can still be using SSSTC’s technology are accurate to within ± 0.1°C.
used to monitor patients, yet also assures their privacy. What’s most special is that the innovative thermal
However, the resolution of the infrared images is not as scanning technology developed by the SSSTC reaches the
good as color video images. 1-megapixel level required for effective imaging, greatly
Chen Po-lung cites an example: When a person gets reduces the purchase cost of a monitoring system, helps
out of bed, thermal imaging will detect two people, one meet the remote diagnosis and remote healthcare needs
getting up and the other still lying down. This is because of clinics and families, and offers a solution to the global
the sensors pick up the residual body heat left on the bed. shortage of caregivers. Moreover, in the future ITRI plans
The technological breakthrough made by the SSSTC to extend this technology to health monitoring for sports
lies in using AI machine learning to discriminate between and fitness activities. Using technology to serve human-
residual heat, environmental heat, and the heat signal ity can make the world a better place. l
from the actual patient, so that thermal imaging can (Esther Tseng/photos by Kent Chuang/
achieve the required level of precision to accurately mea- tr. by Phil Newell)

The members of the research team at ITRI’s Smart Sensing and Systems
Technology Center have an average of over ten years of experience with sensor
technology, so they have a firm grasp of the key core capabilities and can stay
ahead of competition from the rest of the world. Third from right in the front row is
SSSTC general director Chu Chun-hsun.


Taiwan’s first class of the Academy of Women Entrepreneurs graduated in 2021.
Introduced by the American Institute in Taiwan, the program is administered in
cooperation with the Small and Medium Enterprise Administration of the Ministry of
Economic Affairs. (courtesy of AWE)

Onwards and Upwards
—Taiwan’s Women Entrepreneurs

萱 版

文•謝宜婷 圖

遇,也常因為陪伴家人的時間減少,而產生罪惡 “I n addition to potentially facing discrim-
ination, women who rise in their careers
may also feel guilty because they are spending
less time with their families.
Finding likeminded women in similar situ-
部中小企業處成立的「女性創業飛雁計畫」,不 ations with whom one can share thoughts and
僅提供女性創業所需的知識與資源,也讓不同世 provide mutual support is essential for women
代與領域的學員能彼此學習與鼓勵。 entrepreneurs who want to keep advancing in

飛雁計畫 女性創業加速器 入選企業代表
雲守護安控營運總監 郭芳辰

Beseye operations director Anjer Kuo

WEP entrepreneur accelerator participant
Beseye Cloud Security has replaced facial recognition, which can impinge on peo-
ple’s privacy, with its exclusive Skeleton-Print™ technology. In addition to serving the
security industry, Beseye also counts Japan’s second largest steel company as a
client. When workers do something dangerous, the Internet of
Things triggers preventive safety mechanisms to keep work-
ers from getting injured.

採訪團隊訪問「女性創業飛雁計畫(以下簡稱 Anjer的導師運籌網通執行長「彭姐」彭麗蓁,
飛雁計畫)」的學員,透過他們的分享,了解女 也告訴她:「要成為一個好主管,其實要活得更
性創業的挑戰與他們在此計畫的收穫。 有色彩。」在每個月的導師見面時間,彭姐分享
在腦海中的計畫」。A n j e r開心地分享,最近成
在雲守護的團隊裡,大家稱郭芳辰為A n j e r, 功挑戰開車上高速公路到另一個城市,接著,下
她在公司草創時期即加入,是執行長涂正翰眼裡 一個目標是到市集擺攤。從這些嘗試中,她發現
「肯吃苦、勇於嘗試」的創業夥伴。雲守護初 在不同做事思維切換時,更能激發工作所需的創
期,團隊都是工程師,直到公司逐漸穩定,涂正 意。
上吸引了他的注意。涂正翰表示:「她不只擁有 飛雁加速器每屆舉行Demo Day,讓學員以英
專業,而且還共同創辦國際組織Girls in Tech的子 文介紹她們的公司,現場也邀請國內多家創投參
組織Girls in Venture(風險投資),很不簡單。」 與,促成合作機會。對Anjer來說,過去她害怕公
A n j e r為公司尋找新創資源時,發現了飛雁計 開演說,但是透過這次機會,她鼓起勇氣挑戰自
畫,於是報名成為學員。回憶那一年的學習, 己。訓練過程中,涂正翰不僅向Anjer分享簡報技
她認為最大的收穫在於「找到工作與生活的平 巧,也帶著她到街頭對著人潮做簡報演講,「剛
衡」。以前是工作狂的Anjer,假日也投入公司事 開始會擔心路人的目光,但是後來逐漸能專注在
務,直到加入飛雁加速器後,她從夥伴的分享中 簡報內容,所以Demo Day上台時,我對簡報內容
看見她們如何兼顧家庭與工作,雖然A n j e r仍未 非常熟悉,每一頁都能在大腦自動播放。」Anjer
婚,但從中也學習到如何更有效率地安排時間, 笑談這段特別的訓練過程。
並對時間有新的認知:「以前我覺得分秒必爭, Demo Day結束後幾天,Anjer接到了幾家創投
沒做事就有罪惡感,但現在學會放慢腳步,不再 的電話,表示有意願了解雲守護或進一步合作,
那麼緊繃。」 這讓她相當驚喜,也更有自信:「這讓我相信自

their careers. The Women Entrepreneurship Pro- fostering opportunities for cooperation. Kuo had been
gram (WEP), launched by the Small and Medium scared of public speaking, but she found the courage to
Enterprise Administration of the Ministry of Eco- challenge herself for this event.
nomic Affairs, offers its enrollees knowhow and A few days later she got calls from several ven­
resources. These women hail from different gener- ture capitalists, expressing interest in learning more
ations and professional realms, and the program about Beseye or even in moving toward cooperating.
provides them with opportunities to encourage It surprised her and bolstered her confidence: “That
and learn from each other. convinced me that everything I had been doing was
making me more persuasive.”
Finding work–life balance WEP’s accelerator has also taken a leading role in
Soon after the company Beseye Cloud Security was finding local opportunities for Beseye. The company
founded, its CEO, Shaq Tu, looked for a chief operating had long had several Japanese corporate clients, but
officer with financial expertise. Anjer Kuo, who had
experience with a startup, a business hotel, a department
store, and a digital money transfer firm, immediately
caught Tu’s attention. “She not only has expertise, but
she is also a member of the international Girls in Tech
Kuo uses the decor of her office to foster a positive and warm
organization and was one of the cofounders of Girls in atmosphere.
Venture, a child organization of Girls in Tech Taiwan.
She has a truly impressive CV.”
Kuo was looking for resources for new startups, and
she discovered the Women Entrepreneurship Program
and subsequently enrolled. Looking back, she judges that
the biggest thing she got out of the accelerator program
was “finding a better work–life balance.” Kuo used to
be a workaholic who wouldn’t take holidays off. In the
WEP program she saw how other women in the program
juggled family and work. Although she herself wasn’t yet
married, she learned how to manage her schedule more
efficiently and gained a new understanding about time:
“I used to think that every second counts and would feel
guilty if I wasn’t doing something productive. But now
I’ve learned to slow down and not be so stressed.”
“Big sister” Catherine Peng, who is the CEO of the
logistics systems firm Toplogis, was Kuo’s instructor at
WEP. Peng told Kuo, “If you want to become a good ex­
ecutive, then you’ve really got to live a little more.” She
encouraged Kuo to bring to life “those plans stuck float­
ing in your mind.” By putting those plans into practice,
she discovered that switching between different ways
of doing things is better for stimulating the creativity
needed to do the work.
Personal and corporate breakthroughs
The WEP accelerator holds a Demo Day every year,
giving enrollees a chance to introduce their companies
in English to invited domestic venture capitalists, thus

己所做的事能說服別人。」 創業並非她最初的生涯規劃,從小熱愛生物的
飛雁加速器也扮演牽線的角色,為雲守護締結 她,眼見身邊家人與朋友因癌症離世,於是在研
合作機會。擁有幾家日本企業客戶的雲守護,在 究所時期投入癌症研究,後來在指導教授楊孝德
國內其實還沒找到機會與大型鋼鐵工廠相關的企 的建議下,博士後研究時期開始進行臨床研究。
業接洽,但透過飛雁加速器,近期開始與全台灣 「檢測免疫及組織修復系統抗癌能力」的技術後
最大的鋼鐵工廠中鋼與旗下的中鋼保全對談,由 來獲得十幾項專利,為了實踐臨床研究,傅曉慧
Anjer擔任初期雙方介接的橋樑。 決定成立公司。
參加飛雁加速的計畫一年,Anjer非常鼓勵女性 「教授聽到要開公司,嚇了一跳,團隊一直
創業家報名,因為在這個社群裡,能遇見有相同 都在做研究,不太懂商業。」反而傅曉慧沒有遲
理念的人,同樣喜歡挑戰、解決問題。每次的聚 疑,決定了之後,便開始尋找各種創業資源,清
會,在彼此交流與分享中,能夠找到共鳴,是一 大創業車庫、科技部RAISE計畫(高階人才培訓
個「很紓壓,同時可以獲得知識的平台」。Anjer 與就業計畫),還有剛結束不久的女性創業學院
也鼓勵女性創業家,撕掉工作是一種罪的標籤, 等等。她笑著說:「台灣新創資源蠻豐富的,有
若心中有想法,就該勇敢去實踐,因為老天爺就 心的話,可以用得淋漓盡致。」
是派你下來解決這個問題的。 公司創立初期,傅曉慧每天忙著業務推廣與
平常穿著白色實驗袍的傅曉慧,採訪當天穿著 掉眼淚,跟夥伴事情講到一半,眼淚不自覺就掉
一襲洋裝與高跟鞋,在公司成立初期,她經常在 下來。」傅曉慧從實驗室裡動手操作轉為商場上
研發人員與業務員兩種角色間不停切換。然而, 管理的角色,是很大的挑戰。但天性樂觀的她把

(右圖) Anjer(前排中)熱愛解決問題並嘗試各種新方法,吸
(right) Anjer Kuo (front) has a passion for solving problems and
trying out new methods. These are some of the qualities that
attracted Beseye’s founder to invite her to join the startup.

(下圖) Anjer在女性創業加速器Demo Day介紹雲守護的產品

(below) Kuo introduces her company’s products and services at
the WEP Accelerator’s Demo Day. (courtesy of WEP)

康善生技創辦人 傅曉慧

Connsanté Biotech cofounder Lori Fu

Member of the Academy for Women Entrepreneurs
Connsanté Biotech provides data for cancer prevention and mon-
itoring by testing the status of the body’s immune and tissue repair
systems. Currently, the company is based at National Tsing Hua Uni-
versity’s incubator and labs.

it had struggled to find opportunities to connect with Once she made her decision to start a business
local businesses. Through WEP’s accelerator, Beseye based on this technology, Fu didn’t hesitate. She began
has recently started to hold discussions with China a search for all manner of entrepreneurship resources
Steel (Taiwan’s biggest steel company) and its subsid- and found courses at National Tsing Hua University’s
iary China Steel Security. Early on Kuo served as a Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship, the Min-
bridge between Besey and the other two firms. istry of Science and Technology’s RAISE program for
An enrollee in WEP’s accelerator program for a year, cultivating doctoral­level talent for key industries in
Kuo strongly encourages women entrepreneurs to join Taiwan, and the Academy for Women Entrepreneurs.
and meet people with similar values. “It’s relaxing, and “Taiwan has abundant entrepreneurial resources,” she
it’s also a platform where you can gain a lot of know­ says, smiling. “You can make full use of them if you set
ledge.” Kuo also encourages women entrepreneurs to your mind to it.”
stop feeling guilty about working, and she encourages Early after founding her company, Fu was busy
everyone to find a group of people with similar values, every day promoting the business and working to cut
so they can provide mutual support as they move for- through red tape and clear regulatory hurdles. At one
ward in their careers. point, due to a communication problem she had as a
A mission to save life manager, she felt depressed and under a lot of pressure.
Ever since Lori Fu was young, she has loved biology, Yet, an optimist by nature, she treated her situ ation
but over the years she has seen family and friends suc- as if she were getting through a tough level in a video
cumb to cancer. Consequently, she conducted cancer game. The approach lifted her spirits and helped give
research in graduate school. Then, for her post­doc re- her the courage to face challenges.
search, at the suggestion of her advisor Yang Shiaw­der Entrepreneurship fosters independence
she moved toward researching clinical applications. The Academy for Women Entrepreneurs (AWE) was
The technologies she developed for detecting the abil- created by the US State Department’s Bureau of Educa-
ities of the immune and tissue­repair systems to fight tional and Cultural Affairs in 2019. The American Insti-
cancer have garnered more than a dozen patents. tute in Taiwan brought it to Taiwan in 2021. In speaking

這一切當作遊戲關卡:「現在卡關的時間越來越 信。」她笑著說。
短,常常一覺醒來就想到辦法了。」不僅走出低 除了提升外語能力,傅曉慧也從業師分享中,
落情緒,也更勇於面對挑戰。 看見商業思維的重要性。過去她只想著如何說服
創業讓我更獨立 「互利」才是合作關鍵。懂得換位思考後,傅曉
傅曉慧報名的「女性創業學院」是由美國國 慧後來與醫療機構洽談時,改以公司的專業技術
務院教育文化事務局於2019年提出,美國在台 加上對方的健檢方案,作為合作的方向,希望達
協會於2021年引進台灣,英文為A c a d e m y f o r 成共贏。
Women Entrepreneurs,簡稱 AWE。談起報名 在生技圈超過十年的傅曉慧,認為女性在這
動機,傅曉慧表示,生技產業需要開發國際市 個領域發展的比例不低,以自身經驗為例,無論
場,因此商業英文能力不可或缺,英語授課的 在學術研究或新創資金募集,都沒有因性別而遭
線上課程吸引了她。 受差別待遇。不過,她認為創業之後,自己在思
後來傅曉慧不僅完成所有課程,還參加了英語 考、做事方式都有很大改變,指導教授也告訴
簡報比賽,用英文撰寫商業計畫,獲得入選,在 她:「你創業後,好像突然長大了。」創業不僅
鏡頭前向直播的觀眾,介紹公司的理念與服務。 讓傅曉慧逐步完成助人使命,也讓她挖掘出自己
「經過了那次經驗之後,現在講話越來越有自 璀璨的另一面。

As an entrepreneur, Lori Fu has been able to realize her passion
for helping people by producing cancer-related diagnostic tools.

At the Academy for Women
Entrepreneurs, Lori Fu
(center) studied business
thinking and challenged
herself by making public
speeches. (courtesy of

of her motivation for applying to AWE, Fu explains suddenly grown up.” Becoming an entrepreneur has
that the biotech industry needs to develop the inter­ not only allowed Fu to gradually realize her mission to
national market, so its English­language online courses help people, but it has also let her show another bril­
appealed to her. Having long been cloistered in labs, liant side of herself.
she had enjoyed few opportunities to make use of her Finding the locale’s soul
English speaking and listening skills. Hence, she saw At the time of our interview with Wang Jhen­yi, co­
enrolling in the program as a way to challenge herself. founder of Bai­Chung­Ren Foodstuff in Taitung City,
Fu would not only complete all of her coursework, the firm is busy making traditional indigenous­style
but she also participated in a contest to write a busi­ abai millet dumplings in the run­up to the Dragon Boat
ness plan in English and make a speech describing the Festival. This year a new client, a Chinese frozen foods
company’s philosophy and services for a livestream company, has placed an order for 75 boxes of abai, for
audience. “Ever since then, I’ve become an increasingly a total of 8000 dumplings. “It turns out that the meat
fearless speaker,” she says with a laugh. fillings of these traditional dumplings aren’t allowed
Apart from improving her foreign language skills, to be shipped into China. So my husband said why
her AWE mentors taught her the importance of framing don’t we just use plant­based meat instead? We selected
her business thinking. She used to think only about veggie meats to approximate chicken and braised pork
how to convince a business or organization to take the flavors.” Wang’s husband, Xu Zhehuang, typic ally
technologies her company had developed and promote comes up with the new ideas, and she leads the team to
them to consumers. Now, when in talks with a medical execute them.
organization, she seeks to match her company’s tech­ Four years ago, on a trip back to Taitung, Wang and
nology to the other party’s diagnostic needs, hoping to her husband saw how their parents were getting up
find a win-win partnership. in age, so they decided to return home and keep alive
Since becoming an entrepreneur, she has made big the techniques of producing abai dumplings by hand.
changes to her thinking and ways of doing things. Assertive by nature, they didn’t want to define abai as
Consequently, her former doctoral advisor has hap­ a “tourist snack” and passively wait for customers to
pily noted: “With entrepreneurship, you seem to have enter their shop. Instead, they ventured beyond their


Bai-Chung-Ren Foodstuff cofounder Wang Jhen-yi

WEP entrepreneurial ambassador
Located in Taitung City, Bai-Chung-Ren Foodstuff puts develop-
ing its locale at the center of its corporate aims. It has invited women
from nearby indigenous communities to work on site, together mak-
ing the area’s signature abai millet dumplings. And it has signed a
contract with local elders to cultivate the Trichodesma calycosum
leaves that are used to wrap them.

courtesy of Bai-Chung-Ren Foodstuff


採訪時,正值端午節前夕,粨種人正在趕工包 部落媽媽到粨種人就職,不僅可以賺錢,也能擴大
粽,今年新客戶中國的冷凍物流商訂購了75箱, 生活圈。她稱這群包阿粨的女性為「霹靂嬌娃」,
總共8,000多顆阿粨。粨種人為了滿足東方人愛吃 她們願意挑戰自己,也是粨種人旺季能穩定出貨的
甜的習慣,還特製紅豆口味的阿粨。為了這筆大 得力助手,王禛壹回想:「我和先生忙到睡著時,
訂單,王禛壹研究了清真認證與許多合約細節, 隔天一早發現她們還在,把訂單的量都完成了。」
出雞丁與焢肉飯口味。」平常王禛壹的丈夫徐哲 粨種人成立五年,霹靂嬌娃並非固定陣容,
煌負責出點子,她則帶團隊執行。 有些媽媽會休息一陣子,有些會因為要照顧家庭
四年前回到台東,王禛壹與先生見父母年事 臨時請假,王禛壹笑說:「我每天下班都會問她
已高,於是決定接下阿粨的手藝。個性積極的他 們,明天會來上班嗎?」公司的理念尊重在地的
們,不願以「觀光小吃」定位阿粨,被動等待客 生活型態,因此給予員工很高的自由度。
人上門,而是主動到外縣市尋找機會。「剛回來 觀察霹靂嬌娃一路的改變,王禛壹發現媽媽
前三年,其實都在台北推廣,去商業大樓擺攤, 們的金錢觀改變了,能透過勞力換取報酬,購買
到食品展介紹,阿粨的特色和好處,說了上萬 想要的商品,也能將收入貢獻於家庭,提升生活
次。」王禛壹說,經過前幾年的努力,現在老顧 品質。「有個爸爸以前會到公司門口大喊:『為
客都會主動訂購,參展時也吸引了國內外大型超 什麼要把部落媽媽帶來這裡,她們要在家照顧小
市的興趣,成為銷售最好的通路。 孩。』但是當他老婆領到第一份薪水,他卻開心
社工背景的王禛壹,知道部落裡的女性,生活 地流淚了,感謝他老婆出來工作。」
重心都在家庭,鮮少照顧到自己的心,於是她鼓勵 粨種人與國內旅行社合作,將包阿粨納入旅遊

阿 粨 用 的 假 酸 漿 葉 。 (粨
Bai-Chung-Ren’s “Charlie’s
Angels” harvest the
Trichodesma calycosum
leaves that are used to
wrap abai millet dumplings.
(courtesy of Bai-Chung-Ren

home county to look for business. “During our first used to arrive at the company’s door and shout: ‘Why
three years back home, we were actually spending are you bringing the tribe’s women here? They should
most of our time promoting abai in Taipei, setting up be at home taking care of the children.” But when his
stands in office buildings and showing them at food wife earned her first paycheck, he shed tears of grati­
fairs. We’ve made our sales pitch and described how tude, thanking his wife for going out to work.
good and how special they are thousands of times!” Bai­Chung­Ren has worked with a domestic travel
After several years of hard work, Wang says her estab­ agency to put the making of abai rice dumplings on tour
lished clients now place orders unprompted. Exhibiting group itineraries. Consequently, “Charlie’s Angels”
at food expos has also attracted the interest of large
domestic and foreign super market chains, which now
comprise their best sales channel.
With a background in social work, she understands 粨粽阿粨專門店提供)
indigenous women, knowing that they put their fo­ The “Charlie’s Angels” of Bai-Chung-Ren demonstrate how to
make traditional abai millet dumplings. (courtesy of Bai-Chung-
cus on the family and often ignore their own needs. Ren Foodstuff)
Consequently, she has encouraged tribal women to
come work at Bai­Chung­Ren, where they can both
make money and expand their social circles. She calls
this group of women who make the abai dumplings
“Charlie’s Angels.” They have shown a willingness to
challenge themselves, and they are of tremendous help,
particularly during the peak season.
Getting it just right
Over time, Wang noticed that these women had a
change of perspective about money once they were able
to trade their labor for salary and purchase consumer
products or contribute to the family finances, thus
raising their quality of life. “There was a husband who

encourages indigenous
women to broaden their
horizons by getting
outside their homes.
(courtesy of Bai-Chung-
Ren Foodstuff)

have also come to serve as local guides. Sometimes

they have even been invited to share their knowledge at
colleges and universities. “These mothers used to feel
that time moved very slowly at home,” Wang Jhen­yi
去媽媽們在家,覺得時間過得很緩慢,但上班之 says, “but since they’ve been working, their days have
後,每天都過得很充實。」粨種人提供部落媽媽 become busy and full.”
互助的力量,也提醒著大家想過什麼樣的生活, Bai­Chung­Ren has had a positive impact on the
於是,每年底大家會一起寫許願卡,期許自己明 local tribal community. When Wang was among the
年能實現目標。 winners in a competition of elite women entrepreneurs,
it caught the notice of the Taiwan International Co-
operation and Development Fund, which gave Wang
the opportunity to share her experiences with Central
美洲的部落分享經驗,介紹當初如何盤點地方資 American indigenous peoples. She explained how she
源,奠基於尊重地方生活型態,與他們合作。 inventoried local resources and cooperated with local
透過創業,王禛壹從中發現自己冒險的性格, people while respecting local ways of life.
也加深提倡女性權益的決心。今年,她考上東華 Through entrepreneurship, Wang Jhen­yi has dis­
大學族群關係與文化的博士班,希望透過論文發 covered her own risk­taking character, and her advo­
cacy of women’s rights has only grown deeper. This
year she entered the doctoral program in the Depart­
ment of Ethnic Relations and Cultures in the College of
Indigenous Studies at National Dong Hwa University.
認到公司規模「剛剛好」就好,她笑說:「剛剛 She hopes that by publishing her dissertation, everyone
好,才能看見美好,是我女兒告訴我的。我現在 will be able to see the value created when indigenous
覺得錢賺得剛剛好就好,為部落帶來的改變剛剛 women enter the labor market. l
好就好。否則為了營業額犧牲家庭與健康,就失 (Tina Xie/photos by Lin Min-hsuan/
去意義了。」 l tr. by Jonathan Barnard)

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