Tool 46.1. Ego Check Survey: Amplify

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Tool 46.1.

Ego Check Survey

Whether you want to check your own ego or someone else’s, the Ego Check Survey is a great tool for
highlighting potential red flags and providing an opportunity for reflection and correction. Use this self-
assessment determine how healthy your ego is.
Answer each question with a YES or a NO.

Questions Yes/No

1.  Do you frequently delegate your work or assign projects to your employees?

2.  Do you intentionally allow others to talk more than you do in meetings?

3.  Do you require your employees to complete regular reports about their accomplishments?

4.  Do you often ask for input on initiatives and projects?

5.  Do you approve ideas that your direct reports come up with that you don’t entirely like?

6.  Do you find that your employees don’t complete their projects to your expectations?

7.  Do you easily volunteer your advice to your peers and direct reports?

8.  Do you thoroughly scrutinize the ideas that come to you from your direct reports?

9.  Do your ideas often trump the ideas of your direct reports?

10.  Do you often give genuine praise to your employees for their accomplishments?

11.  Do you expect your employees to go beyond the call of duty to work with you after
normal work hours?

12.  Are you on time for meetings and/or apologize when you are late?

13.  Do you often provide recognition to others?

14.  Do you often pull your team or members of your team into discussions because urgent
things come up and they need to hear about them immediately?

15.  Do you hold yourself to the same standards and values that you hold your employees to?

16.  Do you call people together for meetings with little or no advance notice?

Copyright © 2012, Amplify. Published by Pfeiffer, An Imprint of John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Reprinted by permission of Amplify.
17.  Do people wait on you for their day-to-day direction?

18.  Does it frustrate you to see the output of someone’s work when you know you can do it
right or better?

19.  Do you become frustrated because you frequently feel the burden of being the person
everyone goes to for answers?

20.  Do you frequently give authority to your employees, even if it means that a mistake might
be made?

Copyright © 2012, Amplify. Published by Pfeiffer, An Imprint of John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Reprinted by permission of Amplify.
Determine your score by tallying the points based on whether you answered “yes” or “no” to each

Question “Yes” “No” Points

1 0 2

2 0 2

3 2 0

4 0 2

5 0 2

6 2 0

7 2 0

8 2 0

9 2 0

10 0 2

11 5 0

12 0 5

13 0 5

14 5 0

15 0 5

16 10 0

17 10 0

18 10 0

19 10 0

20 0 10

Total Points

Copyright © 2012, Amplify. Published by Pfeiffer, An Imprint of John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Reprinted by permission of Amplify.
Zero points Congratulations! You have a well-balanced and healthy ego. You do not get in
the way of your business.
2 to 10 points You may have an inflated sense of yourself. You don’t easily welcome ideas and
input from others, and you tend to discount the ideas of others and believe you
know more than they do. You should obtain feedback from peers and direct
reports on your openness to suggestions, as it is possible your ego is getting in the
way of innovation and creativity.
11 to 29 You see your time as more important than others’ time, and you may be giving
points people praise primarily because you think it makes you look good. You need to
do some introspection and check the motives behind the recognition you give
others. Ask yourself whether it is politically motivated or selfless. With a score
this high, it is likely you have an overinflated ego and need mentor coaching to
make sure you don’t become your own worst enemy.
30+ points If you scored over 30, you are bordering on a God complex. You are definitely
getting in the way of your company’s growth, and you may be too far gone to be

Copyright © 2012, Amplify. Published by Pfeiffer, An Imprint of John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Reprinted by permission of Amplify.

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