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Date Page no: 99

R can he sedkx ophnizin h dsamicalzeachin


R i s no ultod k_business shalkryy-pluminy

6. anu fuctalmg_

. n vanions aLutamobie manullahinng Cempanies,h

yeha se dsep heinlecemet leanning pkk gsod
aue put em n Jem_CMtunrs.

inante ectoy a
a R L is uRLenty tused in hinante Sector.
Pr eualaahing kadik shahsies

tniaton oKegexion 2
R oxinveaigaking
ha lahtonskip Gesk&nndegen dent
OYeawus n d a dependlentUaiasle
awteme 's wd asamehad era

madelingin machivleanin nhich

oOhm ed reolith ek&ntinao
autuo nmes.

h o sJachinn leaxning ketueAATOM

Kegveiorn S akile.eaualyin shtiis

which oms a k Pa forecosEModek
madhine Jeanin
apeoack Prole sondinuau etcomesn
editktve madeNig Mackinedeanin Ra
2xall nvoluesplattinj.a l i

tan e predicedonce zeladlonslip leke

indepemoet aa clapenolet vanuiasles ilss bes

uvaceggnss namn
eqre ssfon Mokelg e

ackine Anna- Aeasion madels

Manl de redic Alecmal
w uemds Ad Ytelit _ottomel Hesred
modelsill e ained tunder stand
oclodton ship Geee sikleret iadepmdeut
ate Page no

Vartables nelA an
cukemes: S s CudGe
prealiet mssing isie data sa
n a 3alea enui-
-uanment a
eclin lusaaing rsdie Paltet manths

Sales ro .bey y_ o achus maee


be e .ainee n laGelled pk uput

ele unalexstanal speile eaturel hes
classi akelhas jeck
proGle Jhn wsclel is
Prealtet ContinuG outome Gr vaws.
S L s e d be Mede H orecashsala -
olanaes e pice a Lehil3slea. Cammtk
FoY machinw eaing e M l o n M e l e l s
inslusdes aieHa ucLe uha
e i salea ax markehlna anapaign talysi
douses aaGlish xelakionsbipá Gekee a

eetthn inlk seat aea shckpices Ban

aVode Pachurs eaxdtuJ 9.enied a~uali-

e e C Adne ol edapproacku
h tereutekaiqus
ae Ierestnumbexsol independeat
Date Pageno23

**** l x e tapes Mackire lesing4tes

ma alo agume diEtet
datase Gelhseem inelependent
ome o
Some d mo comman *vAsi
doniqna t e gaoapa HHlu

LineaY Kesa.eian.
MJieeA yesmeata

simple nearKeaeaim

Nimple lincarheyreim isan a

Dplati skaight
ch Pal n imise
eOY Geksee
CemnMen Simple e
eca af tagltli

iple linea rsoaan

AWkple l a r veeasim e cdhacaa
e ukam
Date:L Page no: SD

vauiad le is e namia eexiois a ye

eleliaeas egpeitne sed
C ialeedeat_Naiadle


Logis reesion

e pra kaoAi
ee sismod UUVJe

h eladisaSi eAesdens
Auelepeadet vara6 lex henallaH
Ltput Naluu
Phgrnoo G8

nomia ies.esion

nomia Hete ion. A9- a lorme LneaLinoa

Aegexion Knson a specialCak al utol
nar exton which estimaks elaons
Aanndh 1olanomia Reste.

SSfon is semsifvee oiexS S he preaense

a e n q r waoud lies Can aka oadly aP

Kega.emien Meics

Kezaenfon edictive Madlelltna e hose prl

lemg a invalue pxealicAinga numeric valu
Hebicss xeeaioninsabe_calealatins
n erOY Store_to Summaize H prealehe¥e
skll A male

ean Sauaved ror

Mean uaxeal xro JASE ghol, is ca
aarr e o rmetictor uekenimpcklem

4salke an impaxdund less. anckon ar alp

thm.e oyapHmized uing eAteat squar
hammina g ezhedionProSlem. Hereleast
8quares efes do minimiziny He mean quax SquareL

eor sthueen reolictioma_and expecko uau

M S C s caladaded a mQan OraveyA

Datc: Page no: 6

3quareddikerendtencea euween preahche ane

exppcddugi Valu &n a olalasek._
MSE4/N* Sum for i NN -i-hal 32
lhere i hexpeckd valu in thu dadasel
-eRenee hueenHie buo vaksss is Squaresl, lklhich
Aal ald_lhemovuing Aigh, ekulling.ia
a paMt kwrvalue

Squaing a l ad d_lked el n tin

nnagniaiayisge exzns Kal ishe langeh d
dPlerence betwees Ha Prcditled Clnd expetkd values
M larges sgAasacdmkiHiveenoy
is had t ellecd al punishing_mlels aas
kar ahgeh Lehers ulun Asg uted au_a leys
iga n Elatrg s average extox gtare wheu uiday aa
We co C caukea_plot e uim_to houo
dLa_clang npredhtdion hhoy impah H Squaveo
Date: /Page no:20

lean %sotute 1lefadfon (AAN)

mean_absoluhe_olauiahon AD
da-sef g he doage alisance bekiweeu lao
da ant_alhu data-set and HA mean
o adaka iie_iepelenis HheaMouytO
vaniaton ed_ccws lo mean, vaho _in
_clateclakset. Tialso Meabuzg e_variafim.I
is_caleuubed ase aueag0 al um o
dh absa feue diLeaehre Getuen Ch uulus
O/Medaka-Set_auel_he MeM.

AAD (2-mean)n
there 4isn _and n_is number o_lalka-Pone
n _deue- Sek

Ez:h_dala-set is 11,16,1is,13,12,37. laleasa_

Hs mean_a6solube deviakm ol tus given_okta-1of7


p Caleusasng
Date:// Page no:

m ean alAgiveM datu s -5

e2:Calenlatng da ahsolube_dilo2Lemte Leheleeu
eah olata -p6ÍKP Od_pmaaLn

Data-oind solute ALaenee rmmean.


42 12-15 3

1S 1S-15/-d

4-36 2.
9-4s 2.
18 8-4s=3.

Slkp: Aading- He a absalute 12:eremte Les

-mean)= 41.34 0 +2+ 2+b

ep H Lidtng ts Aum_ol abselube eilleence

and Hhe numleu oP deuta-painfs.
AAD= ( x-meanl)n


Z ou 6ed
Deciston lee and Kavnclon_lorchf Classilee

cleats.itonkgeehukies (Llang_Nins afal.,200

Cheaks t clasikhtn madel h uildyaa.cleusi
ee aoh eede in t tec specile a kt_an-
en_aihk ach_branch dlescenna kom d t
nade coratanekt
t _ e _A sleuahes
. utibuh

eson fees SaJugen-tseoMackie Lesany

Plyitkn at wMA a set a ulea o make
cle isiond3imilax o ks humanu make clecihid

Une0 4 iak ata a i Leanin

abikaheaalgeyhain at u
make cdeusmd.

anclom orestclan i/ters

Auandan keyeA 4mek lmaor ut 4

ALmbena_desib he cliKee on Vet
Sub-Sauples a u dataset anelus avea
epve to rclehtec dcuay anal enbol
Date. _ Pageno 2

Oven i .
Oven Sub- Sumpk sihe tolle.!
wilh du
Maz sa12ple a2aeki6aakhup-1
whule oleult *ukd
Date: L ageno:_89_

nkoahuck usinae
k ion ee
Decisiom kee s mo)? sed uded alsud
wln coats Supeiiul deerning khuale
T pmah Mahlyattibuks tatindiele nkmal
nedes brandes Qhel a kmind hode Ts
algaitns are2rellkard dyu h shbl nd
algev hr predickiue analyuls.
Ho es erisicn ee eoth or

om & tu p e o p 2pu
Ats cakkaa cea Comtinosla
clamilitht ehlemm desia see
ks qultatms Cael baed

ub brunbhe. H cum ebo le ueal

elt weie s_a k Castunmn KUV_hus
inalvielaa! wa
im h_anK
ha eel - Lotu
_deLeat 0Y note
Y tomama .AeasnreeJebtca
oClasscotcm ceua
Tis mast ComM o- 2Rrtor mane metrt
ckassticadicn dlgovitams. A may Ge dekdnad
AuMben. a conrect prRdichluna made
ol pxedirtions made e can
eslycalalatr î 6qonkwftn Madh t
HeeurutA- TP 41N
atc Page no 68

Anle CUM we aICuYcACy S.core.
Skleuma metytco to Compute aCUYA auAr
elassiLcatbn meclel

ontusicn Madix x

is s H easist o measue thpex

tamance a aclassiltcahion lem hare 4
Cx moxe ape a l clases.
conkalon matix fs notingGud a le
wth tuoo dimens fons uz Achual na
r e a i c " alno lnHay mere Gath H alimena
u 6stves IP)" u Negativelw
False PosidivesEP)'False Negative (FÑ) ", _

T iesdive False asihe
2eoicdd CTP)

S Yosvea (TP) -
I s t caeuken Goh atue elass 2_pxakkl.
elass olata aint 4

Negahve (TN) -
J ts du Case w n bath octual clos e Prealickd
LPage no:

o_eska ám is O.

oalse Yas?kve (EP)

T is COASe when octual claus ol
Qoint ls O pdichel clasu ot dah daa-
paint is 1
D -alse Nesalvea (EN)-
s H
Case wn_ actual olass allaa
12presdtches slass aola s pointis O.
leCan we cankasfonMaiix uncdion_o
SKlea»n. mais sompale tnuatem Hashx
ol ourclassiktceadicn modes.

yeistnused adoccumen uehriuals moy

Ge_leline ou numben.acoeckokaumenb
tusned o mcdel. lale con aail
calelake Cankaian mahix ithH klp
a mula

Kecall OY Sens i
Kecall maGeolekeneo a t numbe o

A posiHvesveunedG ouxAmeel
le can calgulale 4 contudion_md

deral= TY

Precsion RecallTade-ol
mode ih delesh iu shap Jh_in
mol,again aim oAo Mocles fo cla
Cu tmeY a shapliPhy_wn achuala
Shup dil means kigh pxeusion 12]GEp
And talse _osihve is luo -

mgdelhich dehch a Jpan App hcand noi

dealhr aalnaim ot mode is A
ulaa LTP/LTPA FA} T mosl delech t t
oLPplitant is net adekeltr so applicant mut
Ge oletauhr So.moee sheulel J0oluce a
uhtch ncrease 0cal.

Ontox una ctun haye Got_prersion o

Joehl Wh Heu increase recsion l
Joeclure ecalanc ufLe VeRLSa TLis s colled
H xeaision ecal aale o
E Score

t amonic meun
S Scoee
precisitnand eca Ata malcsJy4
Ssoxeis weishHsd avexaa h veukio
cnel TheGeal uclwo d e
Ge O.\ule ctu lodste-
F Stoxe lp of
L2*preision t D LCpretisicon e c l .
Sore haing 2qa 2elakve cn n
e asicn

AUC Aea nlez Rac wmue:

UC Avea Under (uzueROCCeeivcedta
Chaxakishie) is a etermanteMetie s
60 Vaaing hrehoblyalus r clasaiktcaon
prolems. name suggeah KOL k_a rcsekali
cwveand AuC meaune Aa 3epaaltl2Ta.
Simple ds Auc-R
w ad Cpaapail o mode in diHn
ceaes Htg AUC beltea msele.

Matmakcadly T Can e Ced aelaHfna

TPR T losAive kale) i.e Senstiui
sece s FAR(Eslse osHie ade) ie. spet:lt
aiou hveahsl vus STLa uph lo
RO UC aina TPR o c i a s a FPR.
cut- a t s .

Indoduchi'n ttas der NeusANa
wo KKs

Neuua Nehoks eaimm coL

C G a n HunchtM madel_
Complieaheo Paterm and oxtat iSSUe
daudapnent ANNwa Haeult an
vep licae t orkin.
unman Gradn T orKivqr ol ANN are_eckems
similax ase a Gloda.caMura) nchuobyks, ol
o Mut idetical Ls iadhcle_facses olel
daNualAahwoyk CANNs)are computi
SaenasAmpice a GiolgtealA
ANN sbased on Collechn_af_tonned
Lu ehecdes (alled aHilkctal neutuoy whid,
lesey maelel hu nwun na_biolagical t.
Neuron ane alyes pitally hewe a uerýt Has
adiustaas leuning aceeolt tL wat latea
ar deccases hength_ol Signala

Sie logica Nenay 8

nerve cell neutnisa speaia Giolaaieas ell
Hat pocek elnormakn lccorclng t an ehmahe
aes are huge numbez o/ nukosuppY0ximukly
10"wH umennusinhrconneehiMsa2preimaky 1no

ulorkiugof a iSialogîced Neuuona
ple newuun conaisBs al A talloing FOtut
e an explu
Denosfhs re taee -Ifke anches apenaibk.
tor ueceiving
conneko to n Hax Sense e can ga

2.Soma A s Hcell Gaa t Munun

s ponsible r Proceuin oino
torom enolies.
3 Ake a cable
neuron SAnd winrtmatus

1na2 se is H onnechion Gekueen Haa aon

and neurens dendiAA.

Loaical lomputeukiens h Menea

T Gtckal neuLun s+mply ahak1 toudpt

when mere hen eain numhty o h
inguh are ative and PR

H een Such asinpikied medel _ is

pessit le C a nekcvkoarihda neus
ompu gt ppssThm tau waut

Neurans Canntehim A AND



i lelislekis Guflel a le NNa dad perorm'atica

La mputionsagumin - dat N n
acivael when_tlesast npui
xe ove.

k s t netwok on let simp l a

idenikanhon RA newon A sacfva kdHn
Datc L 'age no:LI

neLn C aeh ackiva k.ola

aswellsince ve,
npw 3igns xumnuon E)
neon S ol'

o Secamd
Secandnakaoxk erkoms Oaica ND:
nLon C i sackvatol_on nLatk nu
Hond B are acvaeLa sinlenp sighelJ
is not enough achvat naon ) .

LME koovk

achiva kol ehy wuon

B sachivak d_lox bsh).
ina iwe 3uppose Hat an input tonneehb
CLn nLnon actv whie
Gblogica hlwzena,Hen a Laund hutek
_tempnbs Aighty mere cmplex lostapepsi
menA sahie
a c h v e wkn nwm a P anol vite venka

Th Preceptk.on

T atins leaening anc A-kkctal Inkliigence,

h o nis d uld: lackel au AtiAial Neus
algasitem Rnables/uhanu o leaus
elemenhaselprees Ham u G ant aluning-
precepts.o.eiep aon ln laclualei
dicus in-oley)h. hnowleb preepkun-

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