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Please analyse the facility location of highland? Why highland choose that location?

Highland Coffee often choose to locate their facilities in the office building, at the corner of the
street or in the shopping mall and supermarket, … They choose these locations because of two
main reasons. First of all, these destinations have a big amount of customer and an potential
consumers such as officers, teenagers,.. After finishing their tasks or shopping for their needs,
they will choose somewhere to take a short rest before continuing their jobs. Therefore, if
highland set up their coffee store at these locations, they can gain benefits from these
consumers, increase their revenue. Secondly, highland tend to choose one type of location to
make a high homogeneity through their coffee store. Customers can realize the Highland Coffee
easily if they come to these building for the first time. Hence, Highland may have a big amount
of demander for their stores.
Compare the span of control between the tall and flat organization/
In tall organization, managers have smaller spans of control because fewer people reporting
directly to them. This reduces the number of people they have to manage, but means it takes
longer for information to travel through the layers of the organization. On the other hand,
smaller span of controls also mean that managers have more time to manage or make their
decision. However, in the flat organizational structure, managers have bigger spans of control.
Communication can be quicker because of fewer layers.

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