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Assessment Task 1

SITHCCC017 Handle and serve cheese

Written Test

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Achieving Competence:

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• Correctly address all of the assessment requirements as described in this task

• Correctly address all of the submission instructions
• Successfully complete the Assessment Questions
• Submit assessment on or before the due date with an assessment cover sheet

Performance objective:

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© Nova Institute of Technology V1.0 July 20
You need answer the entire question using information given to you from class and from your course

Assessment description:

You must provide a response to all questions in assessment Questions section.

Assessment Questions:

Checkpoint 1
Question 1. List the major types of cheese categories:

 White mould cheeses (surface ripened cheeses)

 Washed rind cheeses (surface ripened with bacteria)
 Cooked, pressed and dried cheeses (Swiss style and Cheddars)
 Blue mould cheeses (centre ripened)

Question 2. Which is the common cheese categories based on production methods?

 Farmhouse – Farmhouse is a type of cheese which is made on the farm with the milk produced
only on farm
 Farmhouse style - cheese made on the farm or in more modest production lines utilizing their
own milk and other neighborhood milk.The cheese is commonly handmade
 Specialty - alludes to all cheeses other than bulk Cheddar, like mozzarella or processed cheese
 Bulk – this type of cheese is mass produced cheddar and also in styles of mozzarella

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Question 3. What are the nutritional components in cheese?

Dairy products are renowned as a source of calcium, which is important for development and
maintenance of healthy bones, as well as other bodily processes. Cheese is also a good source of protein,
zinc, phosphorus and vitamins A, B2 and B12.
Dairy items are eminent as a main source of calcium, which is significant for improvement and support
of solid bones, just as other real cycles.
Moreover, cheese have many more nutritional components like:
 protein
 Zinc
 phosphorus
 nutrients A,
 B2 and B12.

Question 4. What are the key processes for producing cheese?

Cheese is delivered from top notch milk, acid and rennet. Any kind of milk can be utilized: cow’s,
sheep's, goats' and even yak, buffalo and camel milk. The hot milk is held at a particular temperature
for a brief period to decimate destructive microorganisms and afterward poured into a tank. A starter
culture, for example, microorganisms or acid is added to the warm milk, at that point rennet is added
as a coagulant. This blend transforms into the delicate curd, which after some time will solidify. When
the whey is eliminated, the blend is salted and put into molds and squeezed. The new hard squeezed
curd might be wrapped, for example for a Cheddar, at that point set into the last step which is storage
for ripening and maturation.

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Question 5. What are the cheese production steps in logical order?

1. Standardization.
2. Pasteurization.
3. Cheese starter cultures.
4. Coagulation of the milk.
5. Cutting the curd.
6. Stirring the curd.
7. Cooking the curds.
8. Salting cheese.
9. Hooping cheese.
10. Pressing cheese.
11. Maturing cheese.
12. Wrapping cheese.

Checkpoint 2
Question 6. List 4 different types of cheese starter cultures and their roles for particular cheeses?

1. Penicillium candidum matures as a white mould on Brie and Camembert.

2. Penicillium roqueforti are the blue shape spores which advance blue mould growth in blue vein
3. Gas producing starter or propionibacterium shermanii are also called ‘Props’ bacteria are a gas
creating microbes that make the eye development in swiss cheese type.
4. Aroma societies are utilized for scouring the outside of washed rind cheeses for coloring and
flavoring impacts.

Question 7. Explain the salting processes used in cheese making?

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 Soft Cheese Salting: these are scoured with salt on the external surface more than once. The
salt will at that point penetrate the cheese and assist the development of the rind.
 Brine Salted Cheeses: that is utilized for semi-hard and hard cheeses. The firm curd is taken out
from the form and submerged in salt solution, sufficiently able to skim the cheese.
 Hard Pressed Cheeses: to stop the development of acid and to enable protection, after the curd
blocks are processed, salt is added.
 Blue Vein Salting: normally the salt is applied to curd prior to squeezing, in uncommon cases
after the cheddar has been taken out from the mould.

Question 8. Provide 6 examples of fresh unripened cheeses?

 Ricotta
 Mascarpone
 Quark
 Feta
 Neufchatel
 Cottage cheese

Question 9. What are stretched curd cheeses? Provide 4 examples?

These cheeses are regularly alluded to as 'spun curd' or 'string cheddar' due to the manner in which
they are made. Pasta Filata is the conventional Italian name for these kinds of cheese. To make
extended curd cheeses, the curd is warmed in water (70-80°C) until it gets versatile, at that point
cheese is kneaded and pulled into strings.

For instance, mozzarella, provolone, bocconcini, haloumi.

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Question 10. What are the 3 ripening stages for white mould cheeses?
Stage 1 - chalky curd all through cheese
Stage 2 - 3 weeks. The curd under the rind has become softer, still with a chalky centre
Stage 3 - least a month and a half. Chalk line vanishing - cheddar soft all through

Checkpoint 3
Question 11. How does the duration and frequency of washing washed rind cheese affect the product?

The time and occurrence of the washing decides the deepness of the rind's colour and accelerates the
ripening of the cheese. The more active the microbes and mould on the rind, it make the cheese full of
flavor. Also, the riper the cheese, the more grounded the smell! A few people want to eliminate the
rind prior to eating because of its solid flavor.

Question 12. List 5 examples of washed rind cheeses?

1. Limburger
2. Münster,
3. Époisses de Bourgogne
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4. Pont-l'Evêque
5. Taleggio
6. Affidelice
7. Tomme Fermiere
8. Vacherin

Question 13. What is the indicative time of maturation for the following types of cheddar?

Mild: approximately 1-3 months

Semi-matured: 3-6 months
Matured or tasty: 6-12 months.
Vntage: 12-24 months.

Question 14. What is the difference between hard cooked and semi-cooked eye cheeses? Provide
examples for each type?
Hard cooked cheese like Emmentaler, gruyere and Tilsit. Hard cheeses are cooked approximately on
52*C to eliminate moisture and to make the curd more harden.

Semi-cooked cheese like Raclette, Gounda and Edam. Semi-cooked cheese have been cooked
approximately 38*C to release dampness and hardened the curd.

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Question 15. List 5 examples of hard cheeses with a brief description for each type?

 Parmesan.
 Grana
 Pecorino
 Reggiano
 Romano

Checkpoint 4
Question 16. What are non-bovine cheeses? Which nutritional factors are important for some non-
bovine cheeses?

Non-bovine cheeses are made from any milk other than cow : goats', sheep's and buffalo milk being the
most widely recognized. Goats' milk has a more particular flavor than sheep's milk.
Moreover, this is higher in calcium and less fatty.

Question 17. What are cheese substitutes? What are the common culinary uses?

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Most cheese substitutes are produced using soy and a wide-ranging diversity of styles are accessible The
main source of cheese substitutes are nutritional yeast, nuts, rice and other non-dairy ingredients.
Some people take cheese substitutes because of religious purposes and some because of allegories from
dairy products.

Question 18. Provide examples of traditional cheeses produced in the following countries?

Country Famous cheeses

England Chedder and semi-hard style, blue cheese like stilton
France Soft cheese like camembert,fresh cheeses and washed rinds.
Holland Eye cheeses
Switzerland Gruyere and raclette
Italy Parmesan, Romano and pecorino, mascarpone and ricotta
Greece Many styles of cheese made by sheep milk like feta and stretched curd.
Spain Manchego, castellano and zamorano
Australia Cheddar
Question 19. Which factors would need to be considered when selecting cheese suppliers to ensure
quality and cost effectiveness? How could this be achieved?

Quality of cheeses relies generally upon the creation techniques and milk utilized. The food laws in
Australia ban the utilization of crude milk and a few people contend that this prompts inferior quality.

To guarantee constant quality, bigger organizations use stabilizers in the blend to accomplish a similar
finished result in their groups. Boutique administrators will have variety in their item however will likewise
have individual flavors.
This is significant for keeping up the benefit of the business. Continuously guarantee that you are
getting the quality that you need at the best cost. Furthermore, you should not pay a price of premium
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for products those are inferior products. Also, the cheese maker needs to make a benefit too, else you
won't get any cheese!

Checkpoint 5

Question 20. What are the handling and packaging requirements for cheese to prevent cross-
contamination and maintain quality?

As all dairy items, cheese should be handled carefully, otherwise, it can result in cross-contamination.
It can enhances flavors effectively and there it should be kept separately from other strong flavored
food like pungent cheeses.

As cheese is normally eaten without being cooked, cross-tainting is a significant danger. We should
always use these separately with clean and sanitized knives, and also on clean cutting boards.

Question 21. What are the storage requirements and conditions for the various types of cheeses?

Try to keep the cheese in the original packages.

You can cover cheese with a damp cloth. Make sure the cloth is damp all the time, otherwise it can result
in making the cheese dry really faster.
waxed paper is very helpful if original wrapper of the cheese is not available, because it allows the cheese
to breathe

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Plastic wrap is just reasonable for brief timeframes as it can make the cheese sweat

Avoid utilizing domestic foil for wrapping blue cheddar for over about fourteen days.

Question 22. What is the anticipated shelf life for the following cheese styles?

• Fresh cheeses:  used within a week of purchase or as indicated by the use-by date

• White mould and washed rind cheese: from one to 4 weeks

• Stretched curd and blue cheese types: from one to 4 weeks

• Cheddars and eye cheese: keeps for several weeks.

• Hard cheese: keeps for several months

Checkpoint 6

Question 23. List 5 different menu uses for cheese?

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 Hors d'oeuvres and appetisers, e.g. Brie and quince paste on crostini
 Entrées, e.g. bresaola with Parmesan, grapes and vincotto
 As a component in main courses, e.g. poached fillet of mountain trout with Brie sauce and
sautéed, peeled grapes
 As part of dessert, e.g. pear, cream cheese and flaked almond flan
 As a cheese course or platter
 As the central part of a dish, e.g. fondue

Question 24. What are the basic rules for presentation and accompaniments when preparing cheese
 Enhance the presentation of the platter with different cheese shapes or by placing wedges
at different angles on the plate
 Do not clutter the plate; allow plenty of space around each cheese for cutting purposes – it
must be easy to serve, and also for the customer to consume
 Inspect plates and platters before service and remove any drips or spills
 Allow the cheese, not the array of accompaniments, to dominate the plate

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SITHCCC017 Handle and serve cheese
© Nova Institute of Technology V1.0 July 20
Question 25. What are the recommended guides for portion size, portioning and correct hygiene when
preparing and presenting cheese?
Cheese is a highly versatile ingredient used in many recipes. Always consider the temperature of the
dish and whether it is cooked on the stove or in the oven. In the event that cheese is to be utilized in
cooking, at that point recipe will typically show the suitable decision. For example, bocconcini is used
for pizzas or salads.

Question 26. Menu uses and options for cheese including economical use of cheese off cuts include?

 Butternut Pumpkin Tart with Persian Fetta

 Truffled Macaroni with Three Cheeses
 Semolina Gnocchi with Roasted Roma Tomatoes, Ricotta and Baby Spinach
 Gruyère and Parmesan Gougeres with Smoked Paprika
 Blue Cheese Dressing
 Pear Cream Cheese and Flaked Almond Flan

Question 27: List 5 actions which can be used to prevent contamination and reduce waste when
storing remaining mise en place and leftovers?
 Keep all types of food separately.
 Consider your work processes during preparation and plating.
 Store cheese separately.
 Use appropriate containers.
 Label all the containers and follow FIFO principles.
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Question 28: List 6 processes that should be included in work routines, in order to keep a workplace
clean, safe and efficient during and after service?

1. Keep utensils separate from one another to avoid cross contamination.

2. Work area must be clean after each task.
3. After you are done with your task, you need to do cleaning, but just cleaning does not kill microbes.
4. The surface on which task was performed needs to be sanitize.
5. At the closing time, you need to clean all the benches and shelves.
6. You also need to clean oven, floor, stovetop and all service areas before you leave.

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