Webcomic Recommendations

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I might revisit this later but for right now it’s alphabetized, and this means it’s particularly

and I super-recommend it.

A Matter of Life and Death – Really cool worldbuilding and good art. Also, Life and Death exist as
entities who are gay.

And the clouds go by – Some poly queer highschoolers, hasn’t updated in a while.

Angry Gays – Queer superheroes.

As the Crow Flies – A queer girl of color finds herself stranded in an all-white Chrisitan youth
backpacking trip. Has some great moments and deep cuts, but hasn’t updated since 2017.

Autophobia – Gay highschool romance. Has some depictions of panic attacks, if that’s an issue for

Avialae – Local gay starts growing wings.

Black City Birds – Queer supernatural beings. Mainly a cute satyr girl with a complicated
relationship with her ex.

Bite you Bite me – Short gay vampire thing. Pretty funny.

Breaks – Highschool gay with lots of angsty drama.

Charity Case – I’m a sucker for found family, alright? Pretty sure everyone’s some level of queer

Check Please! – Hockey gays. Sam mentions it a lot, just read it okay?

Cunning Fire – Modern witches doing witchy stuff. Most of the cast is queer from what I can tell.
Also, witches of all genders!

Dead City – Two survivors in the aftermath of a zombie apocalypse.

Dissent – Medieval fantasy gays, one of them is a prince with a curse on him. Don’t read it. The
author just did a horrible thing and I don’t know if it gets better. Go ahead and read it, everything’s

Finding Home – Travelling gays. One of them is a magical scientist plant-boy.

Fools Rush In – Modern gays. Also, a single dad doing his best.

Heartstopper – High school gays. Very cute. If you’ve ever listened to The Bright Sessions, it
kinda reminds me of Caleb and Adam. If you haven’t listened to The Bright Sessions, listen to The
Bright Sessions; it’s wonderful and over half of the named characters are queer.
Honey and Venom – Ancient Greek deity finds the modern reincarnation of her lady love.

Hijinx – Witches in witch school. Still pretty early to tell if it’ll actually be all that great.

Icebreaker – Hockey and Ice-skating gays, but not Check Please!.

Jamie – High school gays.

Les Normaux – Supernatural queers. Vast majority of the cast is queer.

Log Date – Scientist gets to know a genderless amorphous space-void-creature.

Long Exposure – High school gays that developed psychic powers. Also, the “I bully you to hide
my feelings for you” trope. TW for mentions of pedophilia

Magical Boy – A trans boy gets saddled with a magical girl heritage. Only a couple chapters in, but
it’s great so far and I trust the author.

Mal de Ojo – Gross-n-dirty wild west trans boy gays.

Mage & Demon Queen – High fantasy lesbians. Also, it does the “humans are kinda worse than
monsters, actually” thing, which I like.

Match Cut – Modern Singaporean (if I remember correctly) gays. Complete and relatively short,
very nice ending.

Out of the Blue – Mer-boy and blind boy become friends-ish. Very slow development thus far.

Project Nought – Everyone is queer in the future. From the author of Rock & Riot.

Red Star – Coming-of-age story of a couple of neighbor boys in a rural area. One of them has an
abusive father, if that’s a turn-off for you.

Revelation of Eros – College gays. Eros is very traumatized and emotionally messed up. Please get
him a pillow fort and a supportive boyfriend.

Rock & Riot – The 50’s but much more queer. I don’t wanna say too much and ruin any reveals,
but it’s fekking amazing and a pretty quick read (I just re-read the whole thing in like an hour
today), and it’s already completed. Go read it if you haven’t already.

Say the Right Thing – Modern magic, soulmate universe gays. I’m a sucker for soulmate stuff okay?
Really early on so far, but I think it’ll be pretty good.

Salamander – Superhero lesbians.

Sharp Zero – Superhero queers. Everyone is queer. Everyone. I cannot think of a single straight
cis character. Also, it’s hilarious.

Sophia and Frederick – Not gay as far as I can tell, but very fun with super strong girl and very
weak vampire boy who are platonic buddies.

Stutterhug – adorable little wordless bits of sweet things that make me feel good whenever I
read them. Many of the bits read as queer.

Suckers – Ridiculous modern vampire hijinks. Not sure if it’s gonna be gay, but it is very funny.

The Doctors are Out – Modern adult gays, rivals-to-lovers, and a single dad trying his best.

The King in the Sun – Modern murder mystery gays (slow romantic development, focuses mainly
on investigation stuff).

The One Who Loved You From Behind – Cute modern highschool gays. Hasn’t updated in a while.

The Magpie – Modern lesbians in a creepy town. Kinda horror-ful, so if you have squicks maybe
don’t read it?

The Sea in You – Mermaid and human lesbians.

This is not Fiction – Modern high school gays. They are hopeless and will never confess I swear. It’s
adorable though.

Treason – You know how I said Eros needs a pillow fort and a supportive boyfriend? Caelic makes
Eros look completely normal by comparison. Kid was raised to be an assassin since he was basically
a baby, so content warning for that whole thing.

Unfamiliar – Cute but kinda incompetent witches doing their thing.

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