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The process of planning and exercising conscious control over time spent on activities in order to

maximize effectiveness, and efficiency is known as time management. Every student should be

able to manage their time in order to attain their objectives. It's also crucial in the subject of

Practical Research 1 because the research procedure takes a long time. Time is a limitless

resource, but we must make proper use of it. Discipline, focus, and determination are required

for efficient time management. It can help students, especially if they are required to complete

things at the same time. To select and answer the questions, the researchers used qualitative and

descriptive approaches, as well as viewpoints that can assist the researchers in locating reputable

sources of information. Effective time management allows students to complete all needs step by

step in way of Practical Research and of course to improve their communication skills.

Cramming, poor communication skills, and low confidence are some of the problems that

students will face if they do not manage their time wisely. To avoid such outcomes, some

respondents suggested that students prioritize important tasks over trivial things. The majority of

respondents believed that time management will assist students to make the research better

whether it is comprehensive or not detailed on all the important words.


In contrast to just letting things happen or allowing others to plan, the term "management"

implies having an active role in determining how time is spent. It also suggests that some

decision-making is involved, such as setting goals and priorities, manipulating resources,

tracking progress, and accepting responsibility for the outcome. We can't change or alter time;

every day has the same number of hours, and every hour has the same number of minutes, thus

"time management" isn't a true term. We manage ourselves to make the most of our time, which

is what time management is all about. Time management in Practical Research 1 of Grade 11

students of HUMSS plays a vital role in improving students’ academic performance and

achievements. Each and every student should have time management ability, which includes

setting goals & priorities, using time management mechanisms, and being organized using

time. Here, time management is only possible through self-motivation, performance, and ability.


Time is a valuable resource for everyone to achieve individual goals and objectives. It is so

delicate that it cannot be saved but can only be spent and once misused it cannot be returned.

Each of us is looking for ways to improve time management. Whether it is managing

comprehensive research or an individual looking for ways to better spend their time, time

management is important to both. There is a range of time management techniques that can help

you avoid procrastination, reduce interruptions, and improve discipline, especially when doing

research. Time management entails assigning time to tasks that will help in the achievement of

goals. Effective time management is essential for a successful research career. The efficient use

of a researcher's time immediately affects his or her research productivity and frees up time for

more enjoyable activities. Procrastination, distractions, and a lack of discipline are all factors that

contribute to inadequate time management and low research output. Monitoring activities,

creating goals, prioritizing, planning, delegating, and analyzing time spent on a task might help

the researcher reduce the negative impact of these productivity drains. You need time

management all the time for us to do a lot of work in a day or it is how you manage your time to
do all your work all day. Time is something that you can lose and never get back. People are

always wishing they had more hours available in the day. Every daily cycle consists of a twenty-

four-hour period. This is one of those things that is what it is and cannot be changed. As we

know time management is one of the important skills that everyone or students should have. As

we observe the present generation or the millennial generation the biggest percentage of them

didn’t give value to time management. Here in the Philippines, we do "Filipino time" meaning

that Filipino is always a late comer, and with this kind of attitude that Filipinos have, much time

becomes wasted and they lose many Opportunities, and some students adopt this, that’s why in

present generation students didn’t know to manage their time properly.


This study aimed to investigate the relationship between time management and academic

performance of Grade 11 students of the HUMSS strand.

Specifically, it sought to answer the following questions:

1. What is the effect of the ability to managing time in Practical Research 1 for the Grade 11

students of HUMSS at Saint Benilde Senior High School?

2. What is the extent of the ability of managing time for the Grade 11 senior high school students

in Saint Benilde International School?

3. Is there a statistically significant difference in the impact of the ability to manage time on

academic performance in Practical Research among Grade 11 Senior high school students that is

attributable to the variables (sex, number of hours of



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