PAS KLS 1, 2, 3 Semester 1 OK

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Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris BermuatanPLBJ
Nama : .............................................................
Kelas : I (Satu)
Hari/Tanggal : .............................................................
Waktu : 60 Menit
I. Choose the correct answer by crossing (x) a, b or c
1. Teacher : How are you today?
Students : ….
a. Good morning
b. Good bye
c. I am fine, thank you

2. “Selamat tinggal” in English is….

a. See you
b. Good bye
c. Nice to meet you

3. What is your name ?

a. I live at Jalan Mangga No.4
b. My name is Zaenab
c. I am six years old

4. … is a bag
a. This
b. That
c. These

5. a. She
b. He
c. They

6. It is my book. It is ….
a. Yours
b. Mine
c. Ours
7. a. One
b. Two
c. Three

8. a. Five
b. Four
c. Three
9. Do you like kerak telor? No, ….
a. You dont
b. I don’t
c. I do

10. “Itu adalah meja”

In English is ….
a. This is a table
b. That is a table
c. That is a chair
11. “Cokelat” in English is ….
a. Black
b. Blue
c. Brown

12. P__R__LE
a. E, P
b. A, P
c. U, P

13. This is Juki. This is...ball

a. Her
b. His
c. Your

14. 5 + 3 =
a. Seven
b. Eight
c. Nine

15. 20 – 9 =
a. Thirteen
b. Twelve
c. Eleven

II. Fill in the blank with the correct answer

16. “Selamat pagi”in English is….
17. “Sharpener” in Indonesia is….
18. This is Mamat.
… is my friend
19. One, Two, Three, Four, ….
20. Do you like kue cucur? Yes, ….

III. Answer the question

21. Mention three (3) Betawi’s special snacks !
22. What is the colour of the sun (matahari) ?
23. This is Mumun.
This is…book

24. What number is it?

It is number …. 3
25. The good sentence is
W-N-T-Y-E-T = ….
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris BermuatanPLBJ
Nama : .............................................................
Kelas : II (Dua)
Hari/Tanggal : .............................................................
Waktu : 60 Menit

Choose the correct answer by crossing (x) a, b or c

1. Lenggang-lenggang Kangkung. Kangkung dari … Memanglah kita beruntung. Indah
subur negeri Nusantara.
a. Sumatera
b. Kalimantan
c. Jakarta

2. Do you like singing? Yes, ….

a. You do
b. I do
c. I don’t

3. The shape of a clock is ….

a. Square
b. Cirlce
c. Triangle

4. What shape is a ruler?

a. Rectangle
b. Rhombus
c. Triangle

5. Dini is a smart student. She gets … rank.

a. First
b. Second
c. Third

6. This is the ordinal number of ….

a. Fourth
b. Fifth
c. Nineth 5
7. 20 – 9 =
a. Eleven
b. Twelve
c. Thirteen

8. 8 + 9 =
a. Sixteen
b. Seventeen
c. Eighteen

9. Do you like doger ice? Yes, ….

a. You do
b. I do
c. I like
10. Does mamat like bir pletok? Yes, ….
a. She does
b. He does
c. He do

11. The colour of banana is….

a. Red
b. Yellow
c. Orange

12. The colour of milk is….

a. Black
b. White
c. Purple

13. To play Serundeng Kacang Tanah, we need at least...children

a. Three
b. Four
c. Five

14. Dampu Bulan is a traditional games from ....

a. Aceh
b. Jakarta
c. Maluku

15. I eat with my ….

a. Nose
b. Mouth
c. Eyes

I. Fill in the blank with the correct answer

16. Lenggang Kangkung song writer by….
17. “Persegi” in English is ….
18. Sixteen, Seventeen, … , Nineteen, Twenty
19. The colour of the leaf is ….
20. Dampu Bulan is a traditional games from ….

II. Answer the question

21. Mention three (3) Betawi traditional drinks !
22. What is the colour of Rainbows !

23. What is the name of the person who loses hompimpa ?

24. Mention three (3) Betawi traditional games !

25. You can hear with your ….
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris BermuatanPLBJ
Nama : .............................................................
Kelas : III (Tiga)
Hari/Tanggal : .............................................................
Waktu : 60 Menit

I. Choose the correct answer by crossing (x) a, b or c

1. Burung dara burung merpati.
Terbang cepat ya tuan tiada tara
Bilalah kita ya tuan suka menyanyi ….
“lanjutkanlah lirik lagu di atas”
a. Untuk menghibur menghibur hati nan duka
b. Badanlah sehat ya tuan hati gembira
c. Pasti menjadi menjadi warga berguna

2. song-Juki-the Kicir-Kicir-likes
a. The Kicir-Kicir song likes Juki
b. Juki likes the Kicir-Kicir song
c. Juki song likes the Kicir-kicir

3. teacher in my classroom

a. There are
b. There is
c. This is

4. .... thirty chairs in my classroom

a. There are
b. There is
c. That is

5. Let’s ... the Kicir-Kicir dance together

a. Sing
b. Dance
c. Draw

6. Let’s ... our groups

a. Join
b. Make
c. Practice

7. We need ... to make a lantern

a. Box
b. Bottle
c. Glass

8. We need ... to cut the paper

a. Knife
b. Scissors
c. Ribbon

9. “Bengkuang” in English is ….
a. Snake fruit
b. Ambarella
c. Jicama
10. The mango is ….
a. Salty
b. Sweet
c. Savoury

11. What shape is a ruler?

a. Rectangle
b. Octagon
c. Triangle

12. a. Purple rhombus

b. Purple rectangle
c. Purple trapezoid

13. To make a Damdas 16 Batu board, draw a big ….

a. Square
b. Circle
c. Rectangle

14. Each player puts down ... stones starting from the triangles
a. Fifteen
b. Sixteen
c. Seventeen

15. Uler Kelabang is a traditional ... game

a. Betawi
b. Maluku
c. Aceh

16. We can plau Uler Kelabang at ….

a. Home
b. Yard
c. Pool

17. .... hands up together as the gate of the game

a. Put
b. Hold
c. Stand

18. In this place you can eat and drink with your friends ....
a. Library
b. Schoolyard
c. Canteen

19. Mumun writes a story with a ....

a. Ruler
b. Pencil
c. Eraser

20. “Dibelakang” in English is ....

a. Between
b. Behind
c. In front of
II. Fill in the blank with the correct answer
21. Does she like coffee? No, ….
22. The male ondel-ondel has a … face
23. I want to join the Kicir-Kicir dance group.
Let’s … the Kicir-Kicir dance group
24. Into-nine-pieces-the ribbon-cut
The correct sentence is ….
25. “Jajaran genjang merah” in English is ….

III. Answer the question

26. How does chili taste ?
27. There are many Betawi ornaments in the house.
There are … and … ornaments
28. Mention three (3) traditional Betawi games !
What does the trapped player say to the gate in Uler Kelabang games ?
29. Mention three (3) rooms in your school !

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