Lesson Plan in Tle Subject

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region IX, Zamboanga Peninsula
Division of Zamboanga del Sur
Sikatuna, Guipos, Zamboanga del Sur
SCHOOL Sikatuna National High School GRADE LEVEL 7/8
TEACHER Pangandian , Jonaiza P. LEARNING AREA Carpenrtry
DATE June 20, 2022 QUARTER 4th

A. Learning Competency/ Content The learner will have an understanding of the hazard and risk in the workplace
B. Learning Outcome/ Performance
Standards The learner independently simulates occupational health and safety procedures
LO 1. Identify hazards and risks
LO 2 . Evaluate hazards and risks
C. Learning Competencies Objectives
(write the LC code) TLE_IAMS7/8OS-0i-1

In this module, the learners are expected to:

1. Identify types of hazard and risk in the workplace
D. Learning Objectives
2. Value the importance of evaluating different types of workplace hazards
3. Create plan or steps on how to prevent or minimize exposure to risk

Practice Occupational Safety and Health Procedures
A. Subject Matter
Hazard Identification Risk Evaluation and Control


Grade 7/8 (Exploratory) Carpentry
A. References https://www.academia.edu/25719814/Final_TLE_IA_ Carpentry
 Technology and Livelihood Education Learner’s
Module_ Carpentry (Exploratory)

B. Other Learning Resources  TLE 7/8 Carpentry (Hazard and Risk ) w/ voice over

 PowerPoint Presentation (lesson content)

C. Materials  Visual Aids

D. Platform Face to Face Classroom Setting

A. Preparation
( Student will lead the prayer)
A. Routine Activities Classmates, let us vow our head and
feel the presence of the Lord.
1. Prayer

May I call in _____________, to lead us our opening prayer.


2. Greetings

Good Morning Class!

Good Morning Ma’am Pangandian!
Before taking your seats ,pick up the pieces of paper under your chair and
make sure your chairs are properly aligned.

You may now take your seats. Thank you Ma’am!

3. Checking of Attendance

May I know who is absent today.

(If there is no absentee) Ma’am all
(If there is no absentee) Very Good! That’s great Maintain your of my classmates are present today.
perfect attendance so you won’t miss any of our lessons.

(If there is an absentee) Kindly tell your classmate/s to attend our next (If there is an absentee) Ma’am
scheduled class so he/she won’t miss any of our lessons. there is absent for today. He/she is
(name of student)

4. Classroom Rules
1. Sit properly.
2. Listen and participate in the discussion.
3. Raise your right hand if you want to ask questions
4. F
5. Have fun.

5. Orientation on the Teaching Strategies to be Used

For today’s lesson, we will be using several teaching strategies. These

includes PowerPoint presentation for the delivery of the lesson, Video lessons
from YouTube, “Caught in the Act” for engagement part, and a short quiz
for evaluating what you have learned at the end of the discussion.

B. Reviewing Previous Lesson or Presenting the New Lesson

Before we proceed to our next topic, let us have first the recap of our previous
Last meeting, we discuss about the
Class, What was the last topic that we discussed all about? Proper . Maintaining and Stroring of
Tools and Equipment
Correct! Can give me an example on how to properly

maintain and store tools and equipment in carpentry. Ma’am , one of the proper way of
maintaining and storing tools and
equipment is to Store tools it in a
clean and dry storage area.
Very good! What else?
Ma’am Rinse and clean spray
equipment after each use.

Great! What else?

Sharpen blades of cutting tools and
Protect surfaces of cutting tools in
storage Ma’am

Last session, we also discussed the

Very good, is there anything else?

The importance of maintaining and

storing tools and equipment

Yes ,Very good! Why is it importanta to maintain and store tools and
equipment? It is important maam to properly
maintain and store tools to prevents
them from collecting dust, grease, and
Very good everyone! It seems that you have learned a lot from our last meeting. rust. If you take care of your tools,
With that, we can now proceed to the next part of this session but before that let they'll last longer and perform better
us unlock some key terms which we should familiarize in the entire period. for a more extended time. Taking care
of your tools also allows you to save
money, as you'll avoid having to
UNSAFE replace damaged ones.




C. Motivation

Class ,before we move on the our next lesson ,let us have a first a short game
entitled “Caught In the Act”
In this activity all you have to do is
1. Analyze the situation in the video presented in the picture.
2. Use your analysis to reveal the word or statement
Are you ready?Let’s start!

1. Situation # 1.

What is the video all about? Can you now reveal the word or the statement? The hidden word in the situation given is
Very good! It is WET FLOOR’

2. Situation # 2 The hidden word/statement in the

situation given is OBJECTS ON THE
What is the video all about? Can you now reveal the word or the statement? FLOOR Ma’am!

Very good! It is OBJECTS ON THE FLOOR.

3. Video # 3
The hidden word/statement in the
What is the video all about? Can you now reveal the word or the statement? situation given is LIFTING HEAVY


Now, based on the different situations in the game, What do you think are all The situations in the game shows
those about? different kind of accidents Ma’am.

Very good. It shows different accidents happen in the workplace.

Do you know the reason why accidents happen? It’s a result of being exposed to it

B. Lesson Proper
Before we proceed, let me share with you the objectives of today’s discussion.
These are:
In this module, the learners are expected to:
1. Identify the hazard and risk
2. Value the importance of evaluating workplace
hazards to reduce risk
3. Evaluate hazards and establish safety measures
to avoid risk in the workplace
Yes Ma’am, those are wet floor , objects on the
Now let us start our discussion, In our activity I floor and lifting heavy objects.
show you three situation that can cause accident
Am I right?I have shown you 3 situations what are

Very good! Now , have you experienced accidents

(Answer may vary)
How about at School , outside the school at home
Why do you think those accidents happen? Is it

Well class ,whatever accidents you experienced I

hope it will not happen again after learning from
our lesson

Do you now have an idea what is our lesson all


Our lesson for today is all about Identifying

Hazards and Risk in the workplace. .

Let us first know the difference between hazard

and risk?

Hazard refers to something that has the chance or

potential to cause harm ,a situation that posses a
level of threat to life , health , property or

Here are some examples of hazards.. ( through


Can you give me another example of a hazard or Yes Ma’am one example of hazard is
something that may cause harm?? ( Answers may vary)

Now What is risk?

Risk is the chance or probability that a person will

be harmed or experience an adverse health effect if
exposed to a hazard. It may also apply to situations
with property or equipment loss, or harmful effects
on the environment.

In other words , Risk is something that may cause

harm and risk is the negative result that might
happen when exposed to hazard.


Now , look at the picture then identify the hazard and evaluate
the risk.

Have you identified the hazard and evaluate the risk ?

Let us go back and see.
1. Ladder
2. Virus
3. Muriatic Acid
4. Heavy objects
5. Over workload
These hazard ar examples of different types of hazard.
What are the different types of Hazard?

Safety hazards are those that create unsafe working conditions that can cause
injury, illness or death. These are the most common types of workplace hazards
and they typically include:
 Anything that can cause spills or trips such as cords running across the
floor or ice
 Anything that can cause falls such as working from heights, including
ladders, scaffolds, roofs, or any raised work area
 Unguarded machinery and moving machinery parts that a worker can
accidentally touch
 Electrical hazards like frayed cords, missing ground pins, improper
 Confined spaces

Physical Hazards
Physical hazards can be any factors within the environment that can harm the
body without necessarily touching it. Some examples include:
 Radiation: including ionizing, non-ionizing (EMF’s, microwaves, radio
waves, etc.)
 High exposure to sunlight/ultraviolet rays
 Temperature extremes – hot and cold
 Constant loud noise

Ergonomic Hazards

Ergonomic hazards are created when the type of work, working conditions and
body positions put a strain on your body. These hazards can be difficult to
identify because they aren’t always recognizable immediately and can affect
every employee differently.
Short-term exposure may result in “sore muscles” the next day or in the days
following the exposure, but long-term exposure can result in serious long-term
illness. Some of these hazards include:
 Improperly adjusted workstations and chairs
 Frequent lifting
 Poor posture
 Awkward movements, especially if they are repetitive
 Having to use too much force, especially if you have to do it frequently
 Vibration

Chemical Hazard
Some chemicals can result in illness, skin irritation, or breathing problems when
a worker is exposed to it (solid, liquid or gas). Some things to consider when
assessing these hazards include:
 Liquids like cleaning products, paints, acids, solvents – ESPECIALLY
if chemicals are in an unlabeled container!

 Vapors and fumes that come from welding or exposure to solvents

 Gases like acetylene, propane, carbon monoxide and helium
 Flammable materials like gasoline, solvents, and explosive chemicals
 Pesticides

Biological Hazards
Biological hazards include exposure to harm or disease associated with working
with animals, people, or infectious plant materials. Some examples include:
 Blood and other body fluids
 Fungi/mold
 Bacteria and viruses
 Plants
 Insect Bites
 Animal and bird droppings

Okay class, again, what are the the five types of workplace hazard? The basic workplace hazard are safety
hazard physical hazard , biological
hazard, chemical hazard , ergonomic
Do have clarifications about the types of hazards in the workplace? hazard and psychological hazard Ma’am.

None , so far Ma’am..

Great! Let us now proceed with the Ways of Minimizing exposure

to hazard and risk in the workplace.

1. Be focus , responsible and careful every time.

2. Wear personal protective equipments (PPE) .Dress appropriately for the job.
Can you give me an example of PPE use by our construction workers ?
3. Know and follow all emergency procedures and safety protocols in the
Rules and regulations in the workplace.

Do you have any clarification or additional information?

Great! It seems that you really understand the topic

Everything is clear maam..


GROUP ACTIVITY: Spot Hazard In The Workplace

Intruction: In the area assigned to your group. List all the hazard that you can
identify and evaluate its risk and sites ways to prevent or minimize it.
Identify and explain correctly.

Group into 4 and do the following procedures.


1. Spot the hazard in the the given picture and evaluate the risk.

2. Classify them according to the type of hazard.

3. Why is this a hazard? Give ways on how to prevent /avoid the risk.

Note: Make use of the performance criteria below as your guide while doing
the activity.

Performance Level
1. Were the things / practices /materials seen can really cause harm?
2. Were the examples of hazard/s caused by these things/practice/materials
3. Were the hazards classified directly?
4. Were the safety measures applied will eliminate risk?


Now I want to test if you really understood our our topic

I learn about the hazard and risk . that

What what is hazard and what is risk? hazard is something that can or may
cause harm and risk is the negative result
to someone for being expose to hazard

The types of workplace hazard are

Okay thank you. Now what are the types of workplace hazard? chemical, biological , physical
ergonomicc and pychological hazards

It is very important that we can identify

Is it important that we identify all types of hazard and evaluate the risk in the all types of hazard and evaluate the risks
workplace? Because it helps in avoiding accidents,
injuries or death in the workplace

1.Be focus , responsible and careful

Okay , thank you very well said. What are the afety measures or ways to every time.
mimize or avoid hazard s? 2.Wear personal protective equipments
(PPE) . Dress appropriately for the job.
3. Know and follow all emergency
procedures and safety protocols in the
Rules and regulations in the workplace.

Excellent class!


I think you already understood your lesson for today .

Now are you ready with you Quiz? Get ¼ sheet of paper .

I. Directions: Identify the word/s that best describe/s the

following statements. Choose your answer on the box
below, write your answer on the space provided before
the number.
1. This hazard has something to do with
musculoskeletal injuries .
2. It refers to something that has potential to cause
3. This refers to the factors that cause a worker’s
mental distress.
4. A hazard caused by exposure to chemicals in the
5. The possibility that exposure to hazard will
lead to negative result.

Hazard Risk Chemical Hazard

Psychological Hazard Ergonomic hazard

II Directions: Classify the following examples of hazards
according to its type. Write SF for Safety Hazard
PH for Physical hazard , BH Biological Hazard ,
CH Chemical Hazard EH for Ergonomic Hazard and
PCH for Psychological Hazard .
Write your answer on the space provided before the
1. Syringe used in the hospital
2. Carrying heavy containers
3. Climbing on a ladder
4. Overflowing paperworks at bully co-workers
5 Apply or spray paint on the wall everyday.


1. List down all the Hazards that can see at home and what will you do to
prevent it from harming you and your family.

2. Create a plan or steps on how to minimize or avoid exposure to hazards

you identify at home..

Do you have questions or clarifications about your assignment. None and everything is clear Ma’am.

Additional Activities for Application of Remediation

For additional information, you may view the links below:

 TLE 7/8 Carpentry

Before we part ways, let us have our closing prayer for us to be guided by our Classmates, let us vow our head and
creator. feel the presence of the Lord.

I would like to say thank you everyone for participating in today’s discussion. (Everyone) Thank you, Ma’am!
I do hope that you have learned something new today that will for sure be
used in the future times. God bless us all.


A. Number of learners who earned
80% in the evaluation
B. Number of learners who require
additional activities for remediation
C. Did the remedial lesson works? No.
of learners
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover which I
wish to share with other teachers?

Prepared by:

TLE Teacher I

Validated and Approved by:


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