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Grade VI
Quarter 4 – Module 2:
Learning Activity Sheet

Earthquake and Volcanic Eruption

Precautionary Measures

I. Introductory Concept

Earthquake is a sudden and violent shaking of the ground, sometimes causing great
destruction, as a result of movements within the earth’s crust or volcanic action. Last August 18, 2020
a 6.6 magnitude earthquake struck the island province of Masbate leaving 2 dead and 170 injured
individuals. No one can stop earthquakes and volcanic eruptions from happening. But there are things
that people can do to avoid or decrease the loss of life and damage to property. The first step is to
have a clear understanding of the occurrence of earthquakes and know what to do Before, During and
After an earthquake occurs.

The activities you are about to do in this Learning Activity Sheet (LAS) will center on the
precautionary measures before, during and after an earthquake and volcanic eruptions happen.

II. Learning Skills from the MELCs

Enumerate what to do before, during and after earthquake, and volcanic eruptions (LC-

III. Activities
Activity 1 Laging Handa
Learning Objective:
At the end of the activity, I can classify precautionary measures as
before, during and after an earthquake.
Activity sheets
Instructions: Classify the following precautionary measure as Before, During or After. Write B if you
answer is Before, D if your answer is During and A for After. Write your answer before the number.

____1. Know the earthquake hazzards in your area.

____2. If you need to evacuate your residence, leave a message stating where you are going and
bring your emergency kit supply.
____3. If you are in a moving vehicle, STOP and get out.
____4. Strap or bolt heavy furnitures or cabinets to the walls.
____5. Check water and electrical lines for damages.
____6. If you are near the shore and feel an earthquake, especially if it’s too strong move
quickly to higher grounds. Tsunamis might follow.
____7. Duck under a sturdy desk or table and hold on to it, or protect your head with your
____8. Prepare a handy emergency supply kit with first aid kit, canned goods, water,
clothing, blanket, battery-operated radio, extra batteries,
____9. Don’t enter damaged buildings.
____10. Stay away from glass windows, shelves, cabinets and other heavy objects.

Guide Questions:
1. What is the importance of knowing precautionary measures?


2. What are other precautionary measures that you can add for before, during and
after? Write your answers on the table provided below.

Before During After

IV. Analysis
Picture Me This!

1. Study the given picture.

2. List the precautionary measures you have seen in the picture.

V. Abstraction
Ground shaking from the earthquakes can collapse building and bridges, disrupt electric and phone
service, and sometimes trigger landslides, fire and tsunamis. Each time there is a major disaster, lives are
lost. Preparation can cut down on the loss of lives, can reduce the fear, anxiety and losses that
accompany disasters which is why you should have a knowledge on the things that you will do before,
during and after an earthquake and volcanic eruption happens. Here are the posters and pamphlets from
the DOST PHIVOLCS that are related to Earthquake preparedness.

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