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School: EMA EMITS College Grade Level: VI


Practice Teacher: Kenia Jolin D. Learning Area: ENGLISH

Date: Time:

A. Content Standard demonstrates understanding of text elements to comprehend various texts

B. Performance uses knowledge of text types to correctly distinguish literary from informational
Standard texts

C. Learning Evaluate narratives based on how the author developed the elements: -Setting -
Competencies Characters (Heroes and Villains) N6RC-Ig-2.24.1 EN6RC-Ig-2.24.2

I. OBJECTIVES At the end of the lesson, the pupils must be able to:
a.) name the elements of a short story;
b.) make a creative graphic organizer of the elements of the short story; and
c.) give wise judgment based on given situation.

II. CONTENT Elements of a Short Story.


A. References

1. Teacher’s Guide pages

2. Learner’s Materials

3. Textbook Pages Joy in Learning English pages 141 – 143.

4. Additional Materials Visual Aid; Chalkboard; Pictures

from Learning Resource
(LR) portal

B. Other Learning


A. Daily Routine

1. Prayer Everybody, please stand up. Rose, Let us pray. Heavenly Father we thank
kindly lead the prayer. you for this day and the days ahead.
This we pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.

2. Greetings Good morning, class! Good morning, mam!

How are you today? FANTASTIC!

Good to hear!

3. Classroom Before you sit down, kindly pick the

Management pieces of paper around you and arrange
your chairs properly.

4. Checking of Aiza, who is absent for today? No one, mam.

It’s good to hear that everybody is here.

B. Reviewing of the Before we start this day’s lesson, let’s

previous lesson have a short recap about the topic that
we had yesterday.

Milacel, what was our topic yesterday? Mam, our topic yesterday is about
Coordinating Conjunctions.

That’s right! What is a coordinating

conjunction? Coordinating conjunction - is used to
connect parts of a sentence that
are grammatically equal, showing that
the elements it joins are similar in
importance and structure. These are
short, simple conjunctions.

Very good! What are the three things

that we need to remember in
coordinating conjunctions? FANBOYS, meaning of different
coordinating conjunctions and the
comma rule.

Great job! What does FANBOYS

stands for? F for for, A for and, N for nor, B for
but, O for or, Y for yet, S for so.

Good job, everyone!

C. Motivation / Activity 1: Silence!

Establishing a purpose
for the lesson Now, I want you all to close your eyes
and be quiet. Try to listen attentively
from the sounds heard from our
surroundings. (Pupils will close their eyes and listen
to their surroundings.)

What sounds have you heard when

your eyes are closed? I heard the wind, mam.

The wind! What else? I heard people talking from the other

Very good! What else? I heard motorcycle engines and their

horns. I also heard the ticking of the

Very good! Did you hear the beating of

your heart? Yes, mam.

In what situations should you listen to

your heart? Or when do we need to
listen to our hearts? We should listen to our hearts when
making a hard decision and even in
making judgements.
Very good! We listen to our hearts
when making decisions and wise
judgements. This is related to the story
we are going to read. We will analyze
its elements because our topic for today
is Elements of a Short Story. The title
of the story is, “Solomon Judges

But before we continue, let us know

first the objectives that we need to
attain at the end of the lesson.

At the end of the lesson, the pupils

must be able to:
a.) name the elements of a short story;
b.) make a creative graphic organizer of
the elements of the short story; and
c.) give wise judgment based on given

D. Presenting Activity 2: Unlocking Difficulties

examples/instances of the
new lesson Before we proceed to the story, I am
going to tell you, let us first be familiar
with some unfamiliar words from the

a. amazed or surprised
b. make, give
c. women who engage in sexual
activities for money
d. take as the rightful owner
e. take care of and watch over
__________1. Prostitutes work in night 1. C
clubs whose customers are males. 2. E
__________ 2. I nurse my newly born 3. D
infant well. 4. A
__________ 3. “You can claim your 5. B
prize in the office,” said the contest
__________ 4. The audience was awed
as they watched the acrobatic show.
__________ 5. We are given talents to
render service to others.

Great job, everyone!

E. Discussion / Discuss Now, let us read the story to know how

new concepts and “Solomon Judges Wisely”.
practicing new skills #1
First, I will be reading the story for
you. Then afterwards, you will be
reading it. Is it clear? Yes, mam.

Before reading the story, let me leave

you a motive question. “How did
Solomon make the wise judgement?”


Sometime later, two prostitutes

came to the king to have an argument
settled. “Please, my lord”, one of them
began, “this woman and I live in the
same house. I gave birth to a baby
while she was with me in the house.
Three days later, she also had a baby.
We were alone; there were only two of
us in the house. But her baby died
during the night when she rolled over
on it. Then she got up in the night and
took my son from beside me while I
was asleep. She laid her dead child in
my arms and took mine to sleep beside
her. And in the morning when I tried to
nurse my son, he was dead! But when I
looked more closely in the morning
light, I saw that it wasn’t my son at all.”
Then the other woman interrupted,
“It certainly was your son, and the
living child is mine.”
“No,” the first woman said, “the
dead one is yours, the living one is
mine.” And so they argued back and
forth before the king.
Then the king said, “Let’s get the
facts straight. Both of you claim the
living child is yours, each says that the
dead child belongs to the other. All
right, bring me a sword.” So a sword
was brought to the king. Then he said,
“Cut the living child into two and give
half to each of these women!”
Then the woman who really was the
mother of the living child, and who
loved him very much, cried out, “Oh
no, my lord! Give her the child – please
do not kill him!”
But the other woman said, “All,
right, he will be neither yours nor mine;
divide him between us!”
Then the king said, “Do not kill him
but give the baby to the woman who
wants him to live, for she is his
Word of the king’s decision spread
quickly throughout all Israel, and the
people were awed as they realized the
great wisdom God had given him to
render decisions with justice. The two prostitutes/mother and King
Activity 3: Let’s Comprehend!

Who are the characters in the story? Because both of them claim to be the
mother of the living child and says the
dead child belongs to the other.
Very good! Why did the two women
come to see the King?
By judging wisely.

Very good! How did King Solomon

solve the problem? Yes. Because it is the wisest thing to

If you were King Solomon, would you

do the same? No, I’d rather live without my child so
he could live.
If you are the mother of the living
Discussion / Discuss new child, will you agree with what the
concepts and practicing King wants? Why?
new skills #2

Indeed, you have a heart of a mother.

A long time ago at King Solomon’s
Activity 4: Let’s Analyze! kingdom.

Now, let us analyze the story.

When and where did the story happen?

King Solomon is the main character of
Yes, the story happened a long time the story.
ago at King Solomon’s kingdom.

Who do you think is the main character The two prostitutes/mother.

of the story?

When King Solomon ordered to have

Great job! How about the other
the baby killed and be cut into halves.

King Solomon the baby to be given to

What is the most interesting or exciting
the woman who wanted the baby to
part of the story?

Very good! How did the story end?

The Elements of a Short Story.
To better understand our topic for
today, let us analyze your answers.
The answers from questions 1, 2, 3, 4
and 5 are called?
Very good! What element of a short What and when, mam.
story do you think is answer number 1?

Great job! What questions is asked to

answer or to know the settings of a

Yes, very good! We use the WH Characters, mam.

questions where and when to know the
setting of a story. King Solomon.
The two prostitutes/mother.
For answer number 2 and 3, what
element do you think is it?
The climax.
Very good! Who is our main character?
And our secondary characters are? The ending.
How about answer number 4? It is the
most exciting and interesting part of the
story, it is called?

Very good! And the last?

Great job, everyone!

To easily visualize the elements of the

story, I will show you a graphic
organizer of the story elements.

F. Application / Activity 5: Let’s Organize!

Developing Mastery Let’s have a group activity. This is
(Leads to Formative group 1 and group 2.
Each group will create a story map of
the story Solomon Judges Wisely. Be
creative in making a story map. You
can draw, color, and make any design
you like.

Before you start, this is how you are

going to be graded.

Content 20 pts.
Creativity 15 pts.
Presentation 10 pts.
Cooperation 5 pts.
TOTAL 50 pts.

You may start. Yes, mam.

Are you done? (Group 1 will present their work.)

Group 1, show us your work.

(Group 2 will present their work.)
Good job, group 1! Group 2, please
show us your work.

Very good group 2!

And the winner is, …


Activity 6: Pick a Part!

Let’s play a game. Stay with your


For this game, one by one each group

will select a member to be a
representative each set. I have a set of
cards with an element of a short story
written on it. The first group will first
get a card. Then, he/she will read a
brief extract from the story “Solomon
Judges Wisely” that correspond that
element. Then the opposite group
representative will try to guess what is
that element. If they answered it
correctly, they will then pick the next
card. If they answered wrong, they will Yes, mam!
lose another turn.

The group with most scores wins! Is it


Congratulations, …!
Great job, everyone!

Activity 7: Read and Supply!

Let us read another story. Then
afterwards, we are trying to supply the
needed information in the table.


“Mother, what is land?” Baby Fish

asked Mother Fish. “May I go and find
But his mother would not let him go.
Baby Fish was very much disappointed.
He did not like to eat and play. Mother
Fish was afraid Baby Fish might die so
she allowed him to go. Baby Fish was
very happy, but his Mother was very
sad. Baby Fish swam and swam. Soon
he became hungry. He saw one live
shrimp. He caught the shrimp and was
about to swallow it when he felt a tug
in his mouth. He tightened his bite on
the shrimp. But he felt himself pulled
upward and fast.
“This shrimp must be very strong,”
thought Baby Fish. He was not
frightened. He opened his mouth. He
struggled to set himself free but the pull
upward was strong. Then he felt
himself being lifted out of the water
and being tossed to the land.

The story happed under the sea.

The main character of the story is

Baby Fish.

The secondary character is his Mother

Where did the story happen?
Very good! Who is the main character
of the story?
The most exciting part of the story is
when Baby Fish struggles to swallow
Yes! How about the secondary
the shrimp.

Baby fish was being lifted of the water

Very good! What is the climax or the
and tossed in the land.
most interesting and exciting part of the

Very good! How did the story end?

Great job, everyone!

G. Valuing / Finding Activity 7: Let’s Analyze and

practical application Discuss!
about the lesson
Now, let us go back and try to answer
the motive question that I gave you a
while ago for the story “Solomon
Judges Wisely”.

How did Solomon make the wise Solomon makes the wise judgement
judgement? by listening the hearts of the two
mothers and through his great wisdom
God gave him.

Very good!

Who had an argument before King The two prostitutes.


Very good! What was the argument Both the prostitutes that the living
about? child belongs to them and the dead
child belongs to the other.

Very good! What can you say about

Solomon’s judgment? If you were him, Solomon had wise judgment. If I were
would you also do what he did? him, I would also do what he did
because for me that really proved who
between the two mothers showed true
love for the baby.

Very good! The real mother of the baby

would rather let the other woman have
the baby than let the baby be killed; she
showed selfless love and sacrifice.

Will you share with the class what your

mother has done for you out of selfless My mother bought me a new pair of
love and sacrifice, Flori Vi? shoes though I knew her money was
just enough for our school allowances.

What a selfless mother! Anyone who My mother was absent for several days
also wants to share? Yes, Lorena? from her work just to take care of me
when I got sick.

Yes, mam.
What a heartfelt gesture, isn’t it?

H. Generalization / Activity 8: Bring me!

Making generalization
and abstractions about Let’s play a game. Do you know the
the lesson bring me? Yes, mam.

That’s good! I need a volunteer.

You are going to play the role of King

Solomon. You will command everyone
in your kingdom to bring you anything
that you want, like King Solomon did
in the story when he asks for a sword.
The first person to bring King Solomon
what he wants will pick a paper from
the box.

This box contains pieces of paper.

Some may get a paper with a question
written or a paper with words
“Congratulations! You are free!”. If
you get that paper, you are now free to
obey or not obey King Solomon. Yes, mam.
Is that clear?

Let’s start! Answers:

1. The elements of a short story are
Questions: setting, main and secondary
1. What are the elements of a short characters, climax, and ending.
story? 2. The settings tells when and where
the story happened.
2. What is setting?
3. The main character is the lead actor
3. Who is the main character? of the story.
4. Secondary characters are characters
4. Who are secondary characters? aside from the main character.
5. The climax is the most
5. What is climax? interesting/exciting part of the story.
6. The ending is the conclusion or the
6. What is ending? fall of the climax.

7. “Congratulations! You are free!”

8. “Congratulations! You are free!”

9. “Congratulations! You are free!”

10. “Congratulations! You are free!”

I. Evaluation / Read and analyze the short story.

Evaluating learning Answer the questions afterwards.


All the animals in the forest were
happy because they heard that their
cruel king was sick. The lion did not
come out of his cave as he usually did.
He sent out a message to his subjects
that he wanted to bid them goodbye
before he died.
“What does he want to see us for?”
asked the deer. “Maybe he will give
each of us a share of his wealth.”
All the animals went to see their
king lion except the fox. He sat on a
tree and watched the animals go inside
the cave. He waited for them to come
out, but no one did. Later that
afternoon, the king lion appeared at the
entrance of the cave. When he saw the
fox, he said, “Why did you not come to
see me? Don’t you want to share with
the other animals what I have given
“I really want to visit you, my king”
said the fox.
“But I am sure your home is
crowded now. All the animals have
gone inside your cave and no one has
come out yet”
“Ha! Ha!” laughed the king lion.
“They all wanted to stay inside the
cave. You will be staying there for a
long time, if you will wait for them to
come out.”
He went away happily because he
was still well and alive. He knew well
why not a single animal came out of the ANSWERS
cave. “Our king lion thinks he is wise 1. b
but he cannot deceive me with his trick. 2. c
He will never catch me alive.” 3. a
With the decision never to come 4. c
back again, the fox went away as fast as 5. b
he could from the lion’s cave.

______1. Where did the story happen?

a. in a garden
b. in a forest
c. in a city
d. in a castle
______2. Who is the main character?
a. deer
b. fox
c. king lion
d. other animal
_______3. Who are the secondary
a. fox
b. king Lion
c. deer
d. other animals
_______4. Which is the climax of the
a. King Lion got sick.
b. The fox went away as fast as he
could. c. All the animals went to visit
their king Lion.
d. King Lion told the fox to see him in
the cave.
_______5. What is the ending of the
a. Other animals did not come out of
the cave.
b. The fox went away as fast as he
could from the lion’s cave.
c. The lion invited the fox to see him in
the cave.
d. King lion wanted to bid goodbye to
the animals.

J. Agreement / Reread your favorite short story and

Additional activities for make a graphic organizer showing the
application or elements of your chosen short story.



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Practice Teacher Cooperating Teacher

Noted by:


Cooperating Supervisor

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