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STCW Table A-II/1 & STCW Table A-III/1

STCW Table A-II/1
qFinal - Week 2
q Topic: Effective Leadership Behaviors
o Sub-topics:
§ Assertiveness and Motivation
§ Obtaining and Maintaining Situational Awareness
STCW Table A-II/1
qLearning Outcome:
o Determine effective leadership behaviours

STCW Table A-II/1 & STCW Table A-III/1

STCW Table A-II/1

What is assertiveness?
Assertiveness is the quality of being self-assured and confident without being

Assertiveness also means standing up for your personal rights - expressing

thoughts, feelings and beliefs in direct, honest and appropriate ways.
STCW Table A-II/1

Assertive Relationship
The notion of acting assertively and being able to manage potential or
actual team conflict are entwined. Leaders who are assertive work
towards a win-win situation. This is in stark contrast to aggressive leader
who wants to win at any cost.
STCW Table A-II/1
Two Kinds of Assertiveness
Assertiveness is based on balance - It requires being forthright about
your wants and needs while still considering the rights, needs, and wants of

Aggressive behaviour is based on winning - It requires that you do what

is in your own best interest without regard for the rights, needs, feelings or
desires of others.
STCW Table A-II/1

Assertiveness: The Case of Leadership for Jr. Watch keeper

§ In effect, the “Certificate of Competency”, which ought to be a guarantee of
something other than passing an examination, becomes a suspect document,
not worth the paper it is written on.
§ And if the junior officer is not ready to do the job he is included upon the
manning scale to undertake, it falls on senior officers to provide an adequate
level of supervision to keep the ship safe.
STCW Table A-II/1

Motivation and de-motivation

Motivation is what drives people to do something for wanting to be
happy and satisfied.

De-motivation is what discourages someone from doing something.

Being afraid to fail or not to make it.
STCW Table A-II/1
Effective Appraisal as a Motivator
Benefits on work performance
Effective work performance appraisal will encourage the crew to do their jobs
generously. They will keep up the good work and end up being happy and

Working onboard vessels can be very lonesome but through this, effective
appraisal will motivate them and make them endure throughout the contract.
STCW Table A-II/1

How to appraise performance: Motivation

The manager should identify how and where evidence
about the employee's performance will be gathered.
Specifying the performance measurements when the
responsibility is assigned will help the employee keep track
of progress, as well as helping in future performance
STCW Table A-II/1

Motivation and Strategy

Strategy is a plan of action or policy designed to
achieve a major or overall aim.

A good strategy is an idea that, through it ’s

successful execution, allows you to reach a goal
despite the opposition of your adversaries.
STCW Table A-II/1

Role of Short term Strategy on Motivation

A set of statements describing the purpose and ethical conduct for an organization
together with the specific strategies designed to achieve the targets set for each
of these. It’s importance is very apparent since it serves as a back-up plan.

It is a contingency strategy, an alternative which can be used if something goes

wrong with the main plan; a recourse. Onboard, where a lot of things could
happen and go wrong, we are in need so much of these.
STCW Table A-II/1

How an option may be created: Motivation

Since an option is a thing or maybe a chosen action, it is
definitely created by getting involved in a series of events
or situations underlying concepts such as choosing on
what method to use in extinguishing a fire during an
incident which needs to be dealt with accordingly.
STCW Table A-II/1

Role of leadership in creating options (motivation)

Some personality traits may lead people naturally into leadership roles. This is the Trait
Theory. A crisis or important event may cause a person to rise to the occasion, which
brings out extraordinary leadership qualities in an ordinary person. This is the Great
Events Theory.

People can choose to become leaders. People can learn leadership skills. This is the
Transformational Leadership Theory.”

STCW Table A-II/1 & STCW Table A-III/1

STCW Table A-II/1

Situational Awareness
Situational Awareness is the ability to identify, process, and
comprehend the critical elements of information about
what is happening to the team with regards to the mission.
More simply, it’s knowing what is going on around you.
STCW Table A-II/1

Situational Awareness

A fire broke out at night while the crew are

resting. They were called to their stations and was
able to combat the fire and extinguish it within an
hour. They know what they are doing and kept in
mind what they learned.
STCW Table A-II/1

Maintenance of Situational Awareness

Maintenance of situational awareness occurs through effective
communications and a combination of the following actions.

• Recognize and make others aware when the team deviates from
standard procedures.

• Monitor the performance of other team members.

• Provide information in advance.

STCW Table A-II/1

Maintenance of Situational Awareness

• Identify potential or existing problems (i.e. equipment-related or operational).

• Demonstrate awareness of task performance.

• Communicate a course of action to follow as needed.

• Demonstrate ongoing awareness of mission status.

• Continually assess and reassess the situation in relation to the mission goal(s).

• Clarifying expectations of all team members eliminates doubt.

STCW Table A-II/1

Please watch the following video

Situational Awareness.mp4

Situational Awareness.mp4

STCW Table A-II/1 & STCW Table A-III/1

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