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ME 413 – ME Project Study 02

Compliance Matrix

Project Title: Design and Fabrication of PET Bottle Crushing Machine with Bottleneck and Base Cutter
Project Leader: Eugenio, Eugene Rennei SJ.
Project Members: Catalan, Jade Ryan G.
Pili, John Rhay X.
Remolacio, Dan Joseph L.

Gdrive Links:
Chapter 1:
Chapter 2:
Chapter 3:
Chapter 4:
Chapter 5:

Comment/Insight/Recommendation c/o (Name of Panel) Revisions Applied Location/Page No.

• Change the term “trials” into “problem • The researchers used the term
encountered” “problems encountered” • Chapter 4, Page 44
• The interpretation of survey results should • The researchers discussed the • Chapter 4, Page 51
highlight the variables with the highest and variables with the highest and • Chapter 5, Page 57
Engr. Ian Matias
lowest weighted mean lowest weighted mean
• Recommendation: Try different cutting tool • The researchers indicated in the
material recommendation to try different
cutting tool material
• In the recommendation part, change the • The researchers indicated in the
“chain and sprocket” into “considering the recommendation to consider the • Chapter 5, Page 57
use of timing belt” use of timing belt. • Chapter 4, Page 48
Engr. Charlie Dela Torre
• Identify the volume reduction in terms of • The researchers conducted a
weight testing to identify the volume
reduction in terms of weight
• Elaborate the operation process of the • The researchers indicated the • Chapter 4, Page 40
machine Engr. Audie Geronimo step-by-step operation process

• The researchers discussed the • Chapter 4, Page 26

• Discuss how the design has been design concept of the machine • Chapter 1, Page 4
conceptualized • The researchers changed the • Chapter 4, Page 45
• Change the problem no. 3 into tabular problem no. 3 into tabular • Chapter 4, Page 48
comparison of the current project and the comparison of the current project
existing projects and the existing projects
• Discuss the purpose of the project and the Engr. Amparo C. Sarmiento • The researchers stated the
testing process purpose of the project and the
• Discuss the reasons why the cutting and testing process
crushing are not consistent • The researchers discussed the
reasons why the volume reduction
in cutting and crushing are not

Prepared by:

Eugenio, Eugene Rennei S.J. Pili, John Rhay X.

Catalan, Jade Ryan G. Remolacio, Dan Joseph L.


A Thesis Presented to the

Faculty of the Department of Mechanical Engineering
of the College of Engineering
Bulacan State University

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering


Jade Ryan G. Catalan

Eugene Rennei S.J. Eugenio
John Rhay X. Pili
Dan Joseph L. Remolacio

May 2022
Republic of the Philippines
College of Engineering
Mechanical Engineering Department

In partial fulfillment of the course requirements for the degree Bachelor of
Science in Mechanical Engineering, this project entitled “Design and Fabrication of PET
Bottle Crushing Machine with Bottleneck and Base Cutter” has been prepared and
submitted by Catalan, Jade Ryan G., Eugenio, Eugene Rennei S.J., Pili, John Rhay
X., and Remolacio, Dan Joseph L., and is hereby recommended for oral examination.

Engr. Aldrin C. Bernardo


Approved and accepted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree
Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering by the Committee on Oral Examination.

Engr. Ian Jay T. Matias


Engr. Charlie Dela Torre Engr. Audie Geronimo

Member Member

Engr. Amparo DS. Sarmiento


Engr. Zedrick T. Farin

Subject Professor

Dr. Ma. Magdalena V. Gatdula

Dean, College of Engineering


First of all, we would like to express our gratitude to our Almighty God for the

blessings and guidance He has provided us and the wisdom, compassion, and kindness He

has shown us to complete this project.

We would like to thank Engr. Zedrick Farin, our Project Study instructor, and Engr.

Aldrin Bernardo, our research adviser, for their assistance and guidance throughout the

study. It is very appreciated.

Additionally, we would like to express our deepest gratitude to Engr. Ian Matias,

Engr. Charlie Dela Torre, Engr. Audie Geronimo, and Engr. Amparo Sarmiento, our

defense panelists, for sharing their knowledge and wisdom to all of us.

We also want to extend our thanks to our heartful appreciation and gratitude to the

staffs of St. Francis Multipurpose Cooperative and to the participants from Bulacan State

University College of Engineering for evaluating our project. Without them, we will be

unable to complete this project.

Finally, but certainly not least, our families, friends, and love ones, who love,

care, and support us daily. They inspired us to continue the project, especially when

we felt like giving up.

We thank everyone who contributed, guided, and supported us throughout the



We dedicate this project study to our ALMIGHTY GOD,

For these life and blessings, strength, guidance, and knowledge.

This project became possible because of Him,

To our family, loved ones, and friends

Who has supported us unconditionally



This study focuses on the creation and design of a machine. that crushes the PET

bottles and cuts both ends simultaneously. The purpose of crushing and cutting the bottles

was to reduce their volume for transportation and make them ready to be a raw material for

the waste management industry. The end product helps the end-user lessen the amount of

work of the beneficiary which is the St. Francis Multipurpose Cooperative, one of the

accredited collectors of the Plastic Bank Philippines.

This research is a descriptive type qualitative research.The researchers gathered all

the data from 50 respondents. The data were tallied and interpreted by the researcher. As a

result of the data, the respondents agreed that the end product meets their safety,

functionality, durability, and usability standards.

The experimentation results showed that the PET Bottle Crushing Machine with

Bottleneck and Base Cutter could reduce the volume of the 32 cm and 20 cm PET bottles.

As for the recommendation, a removable blade is recommended, and different types

of cutting tool materials like tool steel to obtain a long-lasting cutter blade. The sensor is

recommended for the timing of the crusher and for additional safety for the user.



Introduction ...................................................................................................1
Statement of the Problem ..............................................................................3
Significance of the Study...............................................................................4
Scope and Delimitation .................................................................................5
Definition of Terms .......................................................................................6


Relevant Theories ..........................................................................................7

I. Mechanical Properties of Materials .......................................................7

II. Machine Design .....................................................................................7
III. Sprocket and Chains ..............................................................................8

Related Literature ..........................................................................................9

I. Plastic.....................................................................................................9
II. Polyethylene Terephthalate ...................................................................9
III. Plastic Waste Problem ...........................................................................9
IV. Recycling ..............................................................................................10
V. PET Bottle Crushing Machine ..............................................................10

Related Studies .............................................................................................11

Conceptual Framework ................................................................................15
Hypothesis of the Study................................................................................16
Definition of Terms ......................................................................................17


Methods and Techniques of the Study .........................................................18

Population and Sample of the Study ............................................................18
Research Instrument .....................................................................................19
Data Gathering Procedure ............................................................................19
Data Processing and Statistical Treatment ...................................................20

Frequency ....................................................................................................21
Weighted Mean ...........................................................................................21
Standard Deviation ......................................................................................22
Volume Reduction .......................................................................................22


Labelled Isometric View .............................................................................23

Design of the PET Bottle Crushing Machine ..............................................26
Detailed Step by Step Fabrication ...............................................................26
A.Preparation of Raw Materials and the PET Bottle Crushing Machine38
B.PET Bottle Crushing Machine ..................................................................39
Safety Precautions ........................................................................................40

Operation Process of PET Bottle Crushing Machine ......................................40

Crushed PET Bottles ....................................................................................43

Set-up Experiment ........................................................................................43
Crushing and Cutting Test ............................................................................45
Maintenance and Troubleshooting ...............................................................48
Project Costing .............................................................................................49
Tabular Comparison .....................................................................................50
Tabulated Data of Acceptability Test ...........................................................51


Summary of Findings ...................................................................................57
Conclusions ..................................................................................................57
Recommmendations .....................................................................................57

BIBLIOGRAPHY ....................................................................................................59


Table 1. Verbal Interpretation for the Acceptability Test .................................................20

Table 2. Parts, Dimensions, and Descriptive Interpretation for PET Bottle
Crushing Machine with Bottleneck and Base Cutter ........................................25
Table 3. Problem Encountered of the PET Bottle Crushing Machine ..............................44
Table 4. Experimentation Data for 32 cm Bottles .............................................................46
Table 5. Percentage Reduction in Volume for 32 cm Bottles ...........................................46
Table 6. Experimentation Data for 20 cm Bottles .............................................................47
Table 7. Percentage Reduction in Volume for 20 cm Bottles ...........................................47
Table 8. Experimentation Data in terms of Weight ..........................................................48
Table 9. Project Costing of PET Bottle Crusher with Bottleneck and Base Cutter ..........49
Table 10. Tabular comparison to other project .................................................................50
Table 11. Acceptability Test in terms of Safety ................................................................52
Table 12. Acceptability Test in terms of Functionality .....................................................52
Table 13. Acceptability Test in terms of Durability ..........................................................53
Table 14. Acceptability Test in terms of Usability ............................................................54


Figure 1. Orthographic Projection of the Plastic Crusher .............................................11

Figure 2. Computer-Aided Design Model of the Bottle Crusher ......................................12
Figure 3. Plastic Bottle Crushing Machine .......................................................................13
Figure 4. Design of the Automatic Can and Plastic Bottle Crusher Machine ..................14
Figure 5. Conceptual Framework .....................................................................................15
Figure 6. Labelled Isometric View of the PET Bottle Crushing Machine with Bottleneck
and Base Cutter .................................................................................................................23
Figure 7. Orthographic Projection of the PET Bottle Crushing Machine with Bottleneck
and Base Cutter ................................................................................................................ 24

Figure 8. Steel Frame Table ..............................................................................................28

Figure 9. Bottle Tray .........................................................................................................29
Figure 10. Cutter ...............................................................................................................30
Figure 11. Eccentric Pulley ...............................................................................................32
Figure 12. Pulley ...............................................................................................................32
Figure 13. Bearing ............................................................................................................33
Figure 14. Pillow Block Bearing ......................................................................................33
Figure 15. V-Belt ..............................................................................................................34
Figure 16. V-Belt G uard ...................................................................................................36
Figure 17. Induction Motor ..............................................................................................36
Figure 18. Gear
G Box .........................................................................................................37
Figure 19. Crushed PET bottles with 20cm initial length ................................................43
Figure 20. Crushed PET bottles with 32cm initial length ................................................43




Plastic is everywhere. May it be from the packages, bags, pipes, appliances,

disposable cups, plates and cutleries, single-use bottles, alcohol containers, medical

supplies, and many more. Likewise, plastic waste is ubiquitous. (Programme, 2018) stated

that only 9% of plastic waste is recycled. The data shows that there is a lack of recycling

management worldwide. The improper disposal of bottles and other non-biodegradable

materials can be found in landfills and oceans, infiltrating the streets as litter, or even

clogging up the drainage systems during the rainy season, resulting in flooding and

waterlogs serves as a breeding ground for mosquitoes, especially in flood-prone areas.

Plastic bottles are also dangerous to human health; toxic chemicals occur because of high


In the Philippines, 2.7 million tons of plastic waste are generated every year. This

plastic waste will lead us to health and environmental hazards like air pollution and water

contamination. Every family uses plastic bottles, even disposable ones. PET bottles are

ubiquitous in the Philippines as they are cost-effective and do not require much energy for


In 2017, (Office, Philippine Solid Waste at a Glance, 2017) stated that Solid Waste

Management is a significant problem here in the Philippines, especially in urban areas.

Solid waste is delineated as any garbage, refuse, or sludge from a wastewater treatment

plant, water supply waste from a treatment plant, an air pollution control facility, and other

sources resulting from industrial, commercial, agricultural, and mining operations and

community activities (Office, Philippine Solid Waste at a Glance, 2017). Residential,

industrial, institutional, commercial, municipal, and construction and demolition trash are

all examples of municipal solid waste collected by the municipality and disposed of at a

municipal waste disposal site (Stafford, 2020). According to (Office, Philippine Solid

Waste at a Glance, 2017), only 13,612 were served by Materials Recovery Facilities (MRF)

out of the 42,000 barangays in the Philippines. Only 32% of the total barangays have MRF

capable of processing recyclable and biodegradable waste.

The type of plastic used for packaging most of the beverages being sold today is

polyethylene terephthalate. Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) is a polyester, a polymer

composed of a combination of two monomers: modified ethylene glycol and purified

terephthalic acid (Leblanc, 2020). The first production process for PET bottles was

developed in the 1970s that was initially used for packaging sodas, but gradually, its use

with bottled water became more popular (Welle, 2015). It is now also used for clothing and

food containers. Its transparency is essential in bottled water packaging since people trust

transparency because the inside of the bottle matters more than the outside. People feel

secure when the beverage content they consume is visible to their eyes. Moreover, PET

bottle is recyclable and can be broken down into essential elements that can create a variety

of different products.

The phrase "recycling" refers to the practice of reusing and repurposing materials

and recovering and repurposing waste materials—new products (Britannica, 2019).

Recycling bottles is an effective method for reducing solid waste. It is a solution to be

applied after consuming plastic waste. Recycling plastic bottles will result in another that

will benefit both the environment, community, and people. According to (Hadi, et al.,

2019), recycling plays an essential role in saving our limited natural resources. Therefore,

recycling should be endorsed in every community with the government's help.

Several institutions in the Philippines help their community in collecting PET

bottles. Peacepond is a farmers' organization introducing "Blastik" or the Balik Plastic

Bottle Project. They're collaborating with the Coca-Cola Foundation and the AID

Foundationmin implementing this project. There is more institution that is willing to help

the Philippines to reduce PET bottles pollution.

The goal of the researchers in this study is to develop, test new ideas, and construct

a PET bottle crushing machine with two sub-systems, the bottle neck cutting and bottle

crushing. By cutting the bottleneck and crushing the PET bottle, it will be ready for

recycling as it is cheaper than producing from virgin raw materials. It is a machine that is

significant for organizations, institutions, or even barangays in various recycling programs.

Statement of the Problem

The general problem of the study is: What will be the design of the PET bottle

crushing machine with bottleneck and base cutter?

Specifically, the study sought answers to the following questions;

1. How to fabricate the PET bottle crushing machine with bottleneck and base


2. Will the PET bottle crushing machine be acceptable to the end users in terms


a) Safety,

b) Functionality,

c) Durability; and

d) Usability?

3. What is the comparison of the PET bottle crushing machine with bottle neck

and base cutter and the existing studies?

Significance of the Study

The primary purpose of the study is to design and fabricate a PET bottle crushing

machine with two sub-systems: bottleneck cutting and bottle crushing. This study also aims

to reduce the required physical effort by operators, free from tediously repeated work. The

result of this study has great importance to the following groups and individuals:

St. Francis Multipurpose Cooperative. The researchers designed a bottle

crushing machine to convert used PET bottles into smaller volumes readily available for

recycling. The primary beneficiary of this study is the St. Francis Multipurpose

Cooperative since it is one of the accredited collection centers of the Plastic Bank

Philippines, located at Locero Street, Mabolo, Malolos City Bulacan.

Brgy. Tabe, Guiguinto, Bulacan. The study could help the local government units

such as the Brgy. Tabe in Guiguinto, Bulacan, wherein it actively participates in plastic

waste collection, particularly PET bottles. This study can also inspire other local

government units to implement programs and actively participate in projects for plastic

waste solutions. The study will significantly contribute to the local government units for

an effective collection and transportation of PET bottles by reducing the volume and

cutting the neck and base.

Students. This study would enlighten the students regarding the importance of

designing and fabricating valuable machinery that would improve the waste management

process in a community and other vital machinery for the betterment of the quality of life.

Future Researchers. This study will serve as an instrument to steer future

researchers in obtaining authentic, reliable, and comparable aspects that are considered

essential facts as a starting point for conducting future research related to the present study.

Scope and Delimitation

This study is primarily concerned with designing and fabricating a motorized PET

bottle crushing machine. This study focuses on the two sub-systems of the bottle crushing

machine: bottleneck cutting and bottle crushing. The machine can cut the bottleneck and

crush PET bottles simultaneously. The study admits certain limitations, in which the

machine does not include the crushing of cans throughout the whole mechanism. The

design of the machine only focuses on bottleneck cutting and crushing of PET bottles with

20 cm and 32 cm lengths. The two sizes of PET bottles have a designated tray, where it

slides from up to the bottleneck and base cutting and bottle crushing. The two trays can

load five PET bottles 20 cm in length and another five PET bottles 32 cm in length. The

study was conducted from September 2021 to May 2022, equivalent to ten (9) months. The

acceptability of the PET bottle crushing machine will be assessed in terms of its safety,

functionality, durability, and usability. The primary beneficiary of the study is the St.

Francis Multipurpose Cooperative in Malolos, Bulacan, one of the accredited collection

centers of the Plastic Bank Philippines that stewards the collection of plastic wastes.

Definition of Terms

Electric Motor. An electric motor converts electricity into mechanical energy

(Afework, Cunningham, Hanania, Stenhouse, & Donev, 2017). As used in this study, an

electric motor will be used to operate the crusher and its blades to cut the bottleneck and

base and crush the PET bottles.

Plastic. Plastic refers to any organic polymer that is synthetic or semi-synthetic.

Polymers always include carbon and hydrogen, regardless of additional elements. While

almost any organic polymer may be used to make plastic, petrochemicals are used to make

the majority of industrial plastic (Helmestine, 2020). As used in this study, plastic is the

property of the bottle that will be crushed to move forward in the process of recycling.

Volume Reduction. Volume reduction is defined as any modification to the design

in order to minimize their quantity before becoming municipal solid trash (Becerrril-

Arreola & Bucklin, 2021). As used in this study, volume reduction will be computed to

identify if the machine is efficient for crushing bottles.



This chapter outlines an overview of the relevant theories, reviewed concepts such

as related literature and related studies, conceptual framework, and the operational

definition of variables, which set the groundwork for this study.

Relevant Theories

A theory is defined as a set of interrelated concepts and propositions that shows a

systematic view of a phenomenon by analyzing relationships among variables to explain

and predict the phenomena (Kivunja, 2018). In conducting this research, the researchers

were guided by the following theories:

I. Mechanical Properties of Materials

Mechanical properties influence a material's mechanical strength and ability to be

molded into the desired shape (Murugan, 2020). Mechanical properties can be described

as the capability of the materials to be used in the project. The properties will identify

whether the used materials can fulfill their desirable work.

The purpose of this theory in this research is for the researchers to identify the

suitable materials for the PET bottle crushing machine where it should satisfy its

functionality and durability.

II. Machine Design

In every mechanical engineering school, machine design is a required foundation

course. The usual goal of this course is to introduce students to analyze methodologies for

avoiding certain failure modes or predicting the life cycle of a product based on a loading

scenario (Youssef & Kabo, 2015). Machine Design is the core topic for mechanic

al engineering. Knowledge in this subject is essential, especially in the career of design.

A. Pillow Block Bearings

Pillow block bearings are employed in low-torque, light-load applications and

consist of a mounting bracket (pillow block) that houses a bearing (Santora, 2015).

The pillow block bearing was be used by the researchers to support the shaft and

for smooth rotation of the shaft.

III. Sprocket and Chains

A chain and sprocket is a type of power transmission in which a roller chain engages

with two or more toothed wheels or sprockets, used in engines as a drive from crankshaft

to the camshaft (Collins, 2022).

The sprocket and chains will be used in this study by transmitting the power from

the motor to the rolling pin for crushing the PET bottles.

A. Bolts and Nuts

A bolt comprises two parts: the shank and the head. The shank refers to the

cylindrical section of the bolt. The shank is threaded for a sufficient length at the tail end

to successfully engage with a nut, a fastener with a threaded hole. The nut is usually used

in conjunction with a matching bolt to secure several pieces together (Saif, 2020).

Bolts and Nuts will lessen the vibration, and it will help secure the parts of the

machine. This will act as the connecting parts to connect every aspect.

Related Literature

I. Plastic

Plastic has numerous applications in everyday life. It has a lot of advantages that

other materials do not have. It is lightweight, sturdy, anti-rust, non-breakable, easy to form,

and cheap. Even after being wasted, plastic can be recycled to return to its original state as

a raw material (Anugrah, Nurisma, Widiyanto, & Latif, 2022).

Since plastic is one of the most common solid waste materials and one of the most

commonly used materials globally, finding a way to recycle it is our study's goal.

II. Polyethylene Terephthalate

Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) is a polyester manufactured by polymerizing

terephthalic acid and ethylene glycol. PET bottles have been used for packaging water,

juices, carbonated soft drinks, edible oil, liquor, chemicals, and other products for nearly

60 years (Aniekan E. & Ikechukwu, 2017).

As one of the most recycled plastic material this is the most common used type of

plastic in the world and one of the product its plastic bottle which is the main product in

our study.

III. Plastic Waste Problem

Solid waste management is a severe global environmental issue. According to the

researchers, roughly 6.3 BT of plastic garbage was generated. Approximately 9% had been

recycled, 12% had been burnt, and 79% had been collected in landfills or the natural

environment (Anugrah, Nurisma, Widiyanto, & Latif, 2022).

Plastic pollution has several harmful effects on the environment, especially the

marine environment, because it is made of plastic, so knowing its percentage can help us

in this study.

IV. Recycling

Recycling is an aspect of environmental engineering that deals with developing

technically reasonable solutions to environmental problems by designing, building, and

maintaining systems (machines) to recycle wastes produced by municipalities and private

industries such as plastics, paper wastes, and organic municipal solid wastes, etc.

(Orhorhoro, Ikpe, & Tamuno, 2016).

Plastics have become the most critical environmental issue confronting humanity

due to their widespread use in practically all sectors. Recycling is regarded as the best and

most viable approach for combating this threat. Waste management, a global issue

requiring an immediate attention, may help address the world's resource and energy

concerns, best accomplished through recycling.

V. PET Bottle Crushing Machine

The Portability and compactness of the machine were the significant objectives of

design so that the designed machine could be stationed quickly in multiple public places.

Also, the machine had to be simple in design and construction such that its maintenance

and repair could be convenient. The bottle crushing machine is a hand-operated machine,

and thus, it is essential to have an optimum usage of effort. Accordingly, the mechanism

was designed. This conceptualized machine should also have the agility to crush bottles of

different dimensions, and hence the measurements and other design aspects were chosen

accordingly (Sahu, Choubey, Singh, & Raghav, 2014).

Related Studies

Okunsaya & Gbenga (2020) conducted a study that aimed to design and develop a

plastic crusher. The relevant factors they have considered during the design and

development process are the maintenance cost, power requirement, ease of replacement of

the components, and labor requirement. A mild steel plate with a thickness of 6mm was

one of the considerations in constructing the machine to prevent the shearing of parts and

machine failure. The plastic crusher consists of four main components; the feeding unit,

crushing unit, power unit, and machine frame (Okunsanya & Gbenga, 2020).

Figure 1. Orthographic Projection of the Plastic Crusher (Okunsanya & Gbenga,

For the evaluated performance of the machine, (Okunsanya & Gbenga, 2020)

revealed that the designed plastic crusher is not suitable for PET bottles since the identified

efficiencies of various types of polymers are 90% for the high-density polyethylene

(HDPE), 68% for low-density polyethylene (LDPE), 45% for polyvinyl chloride (PC),

while only 10% for the polyethylene terephthalate (PET) bottles. This study shows a

positive and a negative relationship with the current study. The positive relationship is that

the primary purpose of both studies is to reduce the volume of plastics for portability and

more efficient waste management. On the other hand, the plastic crusher made by

Okusanya and Gbenga was tested with different types of plastics such as HDPE, LDPE,

PET bottles, and PVC. The current study focuses solely on crushing PET bottles for a more

detailed and specified procedure that would increase the efficiency of the PET bottle

volume reduction process.

The study conducted by (Darshan & Gururaja, 2017) is a portable plastic bottle

crusher design. This project considers both the crushing forces and the operator's

ergonomic needs. The crushing process of the machine happens once the bottle is fed from

the top, where it will be crushed and come out through a sliding tray.

Figure 2. Computer-Aided Design Model of the Bottle Crusher (Darshan &

Gururaja, 2017)

Darshan & Gururaja (2017) found that using a 0.25HP motor is insufficient to crush

the plastic bottles. This may result in jammed bottles and machine failure. Therefore, the

machine requires a motor with a higher power, such as 0.5HP, to be able to crush the bottles

conveniently (Darshan & Gururaja, 2017). The study of Darshan and Gururaja is similar to

the current study in terms of the purpose of the machine, which is designed for crushing

plastic bottles. It only differs in the design and process itself since the current study will

have two sub-systems in the machine: bottleneck cutting and the actual bottle crushing.

The study carried out by (Anugrah, Nurisma, Widiyanto, & Latif, 2022) constructed

a plastic bottle crushing machine. The machine can crush plastic bottles that are smaller

than 20mm in length are completely pulverized with a thickness of 0.1mm. The working

capacity of the machine is 27.93kg/hour. The result of the study also revealed that using an

electric motor is more efficient than a gasoline engine driver.

Figure 3. Plastic Bottle Crushing Machine (Anugrah, Nurisma, Widiyanto, &

Latif, 2022)
It is similar to the current study since both studies focus on reducing the volume of

plastic bottles. However, the study of (Anugrah, Nurisma, Widiyanto, & Latif, 2022)

differs since the plastic bottle crushing machine can pulverize small bottles up to 100%

through its fixed and rotating blades. In comparison, the current study is designed to

include bottleneck cutting. The machine will use the process of compression to reduce the

volume of the plastic bottles by a minimum of 60%.

Choudhary, Ninawe, & Kshirsagar (2014) developed an automatic can and plastic

bottle crusher machine. The machine made fully automatic by using electronics equipment

such as sensors, microcontroller, and etc. The electric motor and thee microcontroller

served as the backbone of the machine. It also has a sorting system installed to separate the

bottles and cans to lessen human fatigue. Figure 4 below shows the deisgn of the automatic

can and plastic bottle crusher machine.

Figure 4. Design of the Automatic Can and Plastic Bottle Crusher Machine
(Choudhary, Ninawe, & Kshirsagar, 2014)
The result of the study of (Choudhary, Ninawe, & Kshirsagar, 2014) indicates that

the volume reduction can be achieved to a large extent about seventy percent (70%) of the

initial volume, thus transportation volume can be increased and transportation cost can be


Conceptual Framework


INFOWARE 1. Problem
1. Engineering 2. Research
Materials a. Related Theories
2. Machine Design b. Related Literature
c. Related Studies
a. Initial Design
1. Mechanical b. Design
Engineer Adjustments
2. Fabricator 4. Quotation
3. Recycling a. Cost of the labor
Committee and materials PET Bottle
4. Students 5. Fabrication Crushing Machine
a. Assembling of with Bottleneck
TECHNOWARE the components and Base Cutter
b. Installation of the
1. Table Frame components in
2. Bottle Tray the crushing
3. Crusher machine
4. Cutter Blade c. Securing the
5. Eccentric Pulley position for
6. Testing and
a. Safety
b. Functionality
c. Durability, and
d. Usability

Figure 5. Conceptual Framework

This study aims to design a PET bottle crushing machine that can be used to reduce

the volume of PET bottles. Hence, the foregoing framework presents the variables of the

study and the processes through which are presented using the input-process-output model.

The input frame consists of three components: infoware, humanware, and

technoware. The infoware includes the theories that the researchers have gathered;

engineering materiials and machine design. For the humanware, these are the group of

people that would contribute throughout the conduct of the study. These are: mechanical

engineers, fabricators, recycling committees in St. Francis Multipurpose Cooperative that

are in-charge in the collection of PET bottles. Lastly, the students of Bulacan State

University, which are also participants for the acceptability test.

The process frame shows the overview of the steps by which the study will be

conducted. These steps are the following: problem identification, theoretical framework,

conceptualization of the design, quotation, fabrication, testing, and analysis considering

the safety, functionality, durability, and usability of the PET bottle crushing machine.

The output frame indicates the final project, which is the PET bottle crushing

machine, followed by the conclusions and recommendations based on the result of the


Hypothesis of the Study

The PET bottle crushing machine will be highly efficient in terms of: safety,

functionality, durability, and usability. The machine will greatly contribute to the PET

bottle collection system of St. Francis Multipurpose Cooperative, an accredited collection

center of the Plastic Bank Philippines.

The machine can reduce the volume of the collected PET bottles in approximately

more than 50% of its initial volume by which the transport volume will be maximized and

transportation cost will reduce. The PET bottle crushing machine is primarily used for

volume reduction for space saving.

Definition of Terms

Bottleneck. It is defined from the top of the neck to the front of the neck. The

thinnest point of the bottles is in the bottles (Iberowine, 2019). As used in this study, the

bottleneck is the part of the bottle that will remove in the first sub-system of the PET bottle

crushing machine, which is the bottleneck cutting.

Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET). Polyethylene terephthalate is a kind of

polyester—the polymerization of terephthalic acid (dicarboxylic acid) with ethylene glycol

(di-alcohol) (Aniekan E. & Ikechukwu, 2017). As used in this study, Polyethylene

Terephthalate is the quality of the plastic bottle that will be crushed using the crusher.

Solid Waste Management. Solid waste management is defined as the discipline

that deals with the generation, storage, collection, transport, processing, and disposal of

solid waste materials in a way that takes into account a variety of public health,

conservation, economic, aesthetic, engineering, and other environmental factors (Leblanc,

2020). As used in this study, Solid Waste Management refers to the waste collection

systems implemented in communities. The 3-R is the basic principle used in waste

management: reduce, reuse and recycle. This study purports to create a PET bottle crushing

machine that would greatly help the recycling management in Bulacan.



This chapter presents the methods and techniques, population and sample, research

instrument, data gathering procedures, and data processing and statistical treatment in the

conduct of the study.

Methods and Techniques of the Study

This study utilized an applied and descriptive method of research. Applied research

aims to solve specific problems of individuals, organizations, and industries (Baimyrzaeva,

2018). The descriptive method of research provides answers to questions of who, what,

when, where, and how associated with a research problem.

The plastic waste problem is a serious concern in the Philippines. Organizations,

private institutions, and local government units initiate campaigns and programs to help

the communities realize the value of recyclable plastics by setting up collection points

where people can drop off their collected PET bottles. Through the utilization of applied

and descriptive research methods, the researchers designed and fabricated a PET bottle

crushing machine capable of cutting the bottleneck and crushing the PET bottles.

Population and Sample of the Study

The respondents of the study are the individuals involved in PET bottle collection

programs from St. Francis Multipurpose Cooperative and Brgy. Tabe in Guiguinto,

Bulacan, and the students from Bulacan State University. The respondents of this study are

confined to twenty-five individuals from Francis Multipurpose Cooperative and Brgy.

Tabe in Guiguinto, Bulacan, and twenty-five students of Bulacan State University, with a

total of fifty (50) purposively selected participants of the study who assessed the fabricated

PET bottle crushing machine in terms of its safety, functionality, durability, and usability.

The respondents were selected purposively since the researchers believed that the

representative sample would be acquired using sound judgment through purposive

sampling. Among the non-random sampling methods, the purposive sampling approach

was favored because it emphasizes the selection of participants who give the researcher the

most accurate information based on particular qualities.

Research Instrument

This study utilized a survey questionnaire as its research instrument in data

gathering for the acceptability test. The survey questionnaire formulated by the researchers

consists of a five-point liker type scale for each question. The questions were constructed

focusing on the evaluation of the acceptability of the fifty (50) purposively selected

participants in terms of each variable: safety, functionality, durability, and usability. The

survey questionnaire was written in English and Filipino languages to allow the

participants to fully understand the questions and be able to evaluate the PET bottle

crushing machine carefully.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers gathered relevant theories, related pieces of literature, and related

studies that served as the basis and support for the current study. After designing and

fabricating the PET bottle crushing machine, a five-point Likert-type survey questionnaire

was formulated to identify the aspects that should be evaluated based on the variables.

Likert scale is a five (or seven) point scale which is used to allow the individual to

express how much they agree or disagree with a particular statement. Likert scale provides

five possible answers to a statement or question that allows respondents to indicate their

positive-to-negative strength of agreement regarding the question (McLeod, 2009).

Before the conduct of the data collection by answering the survey questionnaire,

the researchers elaborated on the nature, purpose, scope, and design of the study. The

researchers reassured the participants that their responses were treated with the utmost

confidentiality and used only for research purposes. They were also informed that their

participation is voluntary, and they are free to withdraw for any reason.

The researchers conducted the data collection at St. Francis Multipurpose

Cooperative, and the questionnaire for the students of Bulacan State University was field

through Google Forms.

Data Processing and Statistical Treatment

The result of the study will be analyzed using descriptive statistics. To interpret the

data effectively, the researchers employed the following statistical treatment: frequency,

percentage, weighted mean, and standard deviation. Table 1 below shows the verbal

interpretation that will be utilized describe the variables.

Table 1. Verbal Interpretation for the Acceptability Test

Verbal Interpretation Range

Strongly Agree (SA) 4.50 – 5.00
Agree (A) 3.50 – 4.49
Moderately Agree (MA) 2.50 – 3.49
Disagree (D) 1.50 – 2.49
Strongly Disagree (SD) 1.00 – 1.49


Frequency is a measure of the number of occurrences of a particular score in a given

set of data (Salkind, 2010). The frequency distribution for a qualitative data can be

presented as a convenient percentage or table of percentages, which typically have a

straightforward interpretation.


Percentage Percentage is defined as a given part or amount in every hundred. It is

a fraction with 100 as the denominator and is represented by the symbol "%". Besides being

useful when making comparisons, percentage was used in this study to analyze the

difference of the reduced volume of the PET bottles compared with the initial volume.

Formula: % = 𝑁 × 100


% = percentage

f = frequency

N = total number of respondents

100 = constant value

Weighted Mean

The weighted mean involves multiplying each data point in a set by a value which

is determined by some characteristic of whatever contributed to the data point (Carter,

2010). In this study, the answers of the respondents will be analyzed by calculating the

weighted mean in each question per variable, that will then be verbally interpreted based

on its weighted mean.

Formula: 𝑋 = 𝑁


𝑥̅ = weighted mean

x = value of each data point

f = number of respondents agreed each data point

N = number of respondents

Standard Deviation

Standard deviation is a measure of dispersement in statistics. Dispersement

indicates how much the data is spread out. Specifically, it shows how the data is spread out

around the mean.



𝑥̅ = weighted mean

x = value of each data point

f = number of respondents agreed each data point

N = number of respondents

Volume Reduction

The reduction in volume of the PET bottles was calculated with the help of this

𝐼𝑛𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑎𝑙 𝑉𝑜𝑙𝑢𝑚𝑒−𝐹𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝑉𝑜𝑙𝑢𝑚𝑒
Formula: 𝑃𝑒𝑟𝑐𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝑅𝑒𝑑𝑢𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑖𝑛 𝑉𝑜𝑙𝑢𝑚𝑒 = 𝐼𝑛𝑖𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑉𝑜𝑙𝑢𝑚𝑒



This chapter presents the initial and final design of the project including the

dimensions of the parts, design of the machine, detailed step by step fabrication,

preparation of raw materials, the final output, safety precautions, operation process,

experimentations, maintenance and troubleshooting, project costing, tabular comparison,

and the results in the acceptability test.

Labelled Isometric View

Figure 6. Labelled Isometric View of the PET Bottle Crushing Machine with
Bottleneck and Base Cutter

Figure 7. Orthographic Projection of the PET Bottle Crushing Machine with
Bottleneck and Base Cutter

Table 2. Parts, Dimensions, and Descriptive Interpretation for PET Bottle Crushing
Machine with Bottleneck and Base Cutter

Parts Dimension Descriptive Interpretation

42-cm × 49-cm × The table will carry all
1. Steel Table
106.5-cm components of the machine.
2. Crusher Frame 32-cm × 30-cm × 50-cm The main frame of the machine.
3. Triangular The crusher that will crush the
10.5-cm × 10-cm
Crusher bottle into V-shape.
The blade cutter will cut both ends
4. Blade Cutter 9-cm × 10-cm
of the PET bottles.
12.5-cm radius The pulley where the rod of the
5. Eccentric Pulley
1-cm thickness presser is connected.
The pulley where the rod of the
6. Pulley 7.5-cm diameter
electric motor is connected.
170cm V-belt will connect the pulley to
7. V-Belt (long)
1-m thickness the motor.
85-cm V-belt will connect the gear box to
8. V-Belt (short)
1-m thickness the motor.
1 HP motor The electric motor is the source of
9. Induction Motor
1800 rpm force on crushing the PET bottles.
1:60 gear box Gear box will reduce the speed of
10. Gear Box
60 gears the motor.
11. Pillow Block This will be used for guiding the
13.8-cm × 3.8-cm ×
Bearing for the crusher for the eccentric
Crusher pulley.
12. Pillow Block This will be used for guiding the
Bearing for the 16-cm × 4.3-cm × 8-cm the eccentric pulley to the pulley of
Eccentric Pulley the gear box.
The bearing will be used for
13. Bearing 1-cm ball bearing reducing the friction of the shaft to
the pulley.
14. Line Shaft Line shaft will be used as the
(Eccentric 15.55-cm length connector of the pulley and presser
Pulley) rod.
15. Line Shaft Shaft where the pulley and
31-cm length
(Pulley) eccentric pulley are connected.
16. Line Shaft Shaft where the short V-belt is
2-cm length
(Motor) connected.
17. Line Shaft (Gear Shaft where the long V-belt is
2-cm length
Box) connected.
This will connect the presser to the
18. Rod 40-cm length
eccentric pulley.
V-belt guard is used for the safety
19. V-Belt Guard
of the user and the machine.

Design of the PET Bottle Crushing Machine

The design of the PET Bottle Crusher with Bottleneck and Base Cutter was mainly

to crush and cut the edges of a 32 cm and 20 cm bottle. It comprises a triangular crusher,

two fixed blade cutters, and one removable blade for cutting the 20 cm bottle. The design

of the crushing machine mechanism has the concept of a deep well water pump that has

support on both sides to maintain the stability of the crusher. The design of the machine is

compact. It maximizes every space on the machine. The PET bottle crusher is limited to

32 cm and 20 cm bottles.

The design of the bottle feed tray is designed vertically as the gravity will be the

one who will push the bottle to the crushing and cutting chamber. The number of bottles

stored in the bottle feed tray is five PET bottles on 32 cm and 20 cm trays.

Detailed Step by Step Fabrication

A. PET Bottle Crushing Machine

1. Steel Frame Table

1.1. Raw Materials of Steel Frame Table

1.1.1. Use 5-cm × 5-cm metal hollow square bars.

1.2. Fabrication Process of Steel Frame Table

1.2.1. Measure, cutting, and welding the metal hollow square bars

according to the sizes presented on the design. The researchers used

50-cm long (4 pcs), 35-cm long (4 pcs), 10-cm long (4 pcs), 75-cm

long (2 pcs), 50-cm long (2 pcs), and 15-cm long (4 pcs).

(a) (b)


(a) Measuring the square bar, (b) Cutting the square bar using

grinder, (c) Connecting the bar using welding machine.

1.3. Final Output of Steel Frame Table

Figure 8. Steel Frame Table

2. Bottle Tray

2.1. Raw Materials of Bottle Tray

2.1.1. Mild Steel plate is used for the bottle tray.

2.2. Fabrication Process of the Bottle Tray

2.2.1. Measure, cutting, and welding the MS plate to their respective sizes.

Use 32-cm x 50-cm (1-pc), 32-cm x 39-cm (1pc), 19-cm (1-pc), 6-

cm (1-pc).

2.3. Final Output of the Bottle Tray

Figure 9. Bottle Tray

3. Crusher with attached Cutter

3.1. Raw Materials of the Crusher with attached Cutter

3.1.1. Mild Steel plate is used for the crusher and the cutter.

3.2. Fabrication Process of the Crusher with attached Cutter

3.2.1. Measure, cut, and sharpen the cutter to their respective sizes and


3.3. Final Output of the Crusher with attached Cutter

Figure 10. Cutter

4. Eccentric Pulley

4.1. Raw Materials of the Eccentric Pulley

4.1.1. Mild Steel plate with 8-mm thickness.

4.2. Fabrication Process of the Eccentric Pulley

4.2.1. Measure and trim the metal through metal spinning using the lathe

machine to their respective sizes.

(a) (b)

4.3. Final Output of the Eccentric Pulley

4.3.1. The rod of the crusher is connected to the eccentric pulley.

Figure 11. Eccentric Pulley

5. Pulley

5.1. Raw Material of Pulley

5.1.1. Pulley where the motor is connected.

Figure 12. Pulley

5.2. Specification of Pulley

5.2.1. The pulley has a diameter of 7.5-cm.

6. Bearing

6.1.Raw Material of Bearing

6.1.1. Bearing is use for the eccentric pulley and rod

Figure 13. Bearing

7. Pillow Block Bearing

7.1. Raw Materials of the Pillow Block Bearing

7.1.1. Pillow block bearing is used for the support of the eccentric pulley.

Figure 14. Pillow Block Bearing

7.2. Specification of Pillow Block Bearing

7.2.1. Pillow Block Bearing for Crusher - 13.8-cm × 3.8-cm × 6.8-cm

7.2.2. Pillow Block Bearing for the Eccentric Pulley - 16-cm × 4.3-cm ×


8. V-Belts

8.1. Raw Materials of the V-Belts

Figure 15. V-Belt

8.2. Specification of V-Belt (pulley to motor)

8.2.1. The V-belt that connects the pulley and motor is 170-cm long and

has a 1-m thickness.

8.3. Specification of V-Belt (gear box to motor)

8.3.1. The V-belt that connects the gear box and motor is 85-cm long and

has a 1-m thickness.

9. V-belt Guard

9.1. Raw Materials of the V-belt Guard

9.2. Fabrication Process of the V-belt Guard

9.3. Final Output of the V-belt Guard

Figure 16. V-Belt Guard

10. Induction Motor

10.1 Raw Material of the Induction Motor

10.1.1. Induction as the main source of force for crushing the PET Bottles.

Figure 17. Induction Motor

10.2 Specification of Induction Motor

An induction motor with 1 HP motor 1800 rpm was used in this study.

11. Installation of Gear Box

11.1. Raw Materials

11.1.1. A gear box was used to reduce the speed of the motor.

Figure 18. Gear Box

11.2. Specification of Gear Box

11.2.1. A 1:60 gear box was used in this study. Therefore, the gear box has

60 gears.

Crushed PET Bottles

A. Preparation of Raw Materials and the PET Bottle Crushing Machine

1.1 Raw Material

1.1.1 Plastic Bottles with 20cm and 32 cm lengths

1.1.2 Put the plastic bottles in the bottle tray. There is are designated trays for

each size.

1.2 Tools and Materials

1.2.1 Scissor

1.2.2 Gloves

1.2.3 Multipurpose Lubricant

1.2.4 Wrench

B. PET Bottle Crushing Machine

Safety Precautions

1. What are some things you should avoid doing?

1.1. Avoid using other raw materials other than PET bottles with the length of 30

cm and 20 cm.

1.2. Do not insert your hand inside the crushing and cutting chamber.

1.3. Do not perform maintenance or troubleshooting when the machine is operating

as it is dangerous for the user

1.4. Do not leave the machine unattended while operating

2. What are some good safety principles to follow when using the machine?

2.1. Keep the blade sharp.

2.2. Keep the machine in a stable position.

2.3. Turn off the machine if not using or when applying to troubleshoot.

2.4. Always monitor the machine and turn it off immediately if there is a problem.

Operation Process of PET Bottle Crushing Machine

1. Preparation of Raw Materials

1.1 Gather plastic bottles.

1.2 Clean the plastic bottles.

1.3 Remove the cap

1.4 Remove the label

2. Insert the PET bottles into the bottle feed tray

3. Start the motor

Crushed PET Bottles

Figure 19. Crushed PET bottles with 20cm initial length

Figure 20. Crushed PET bottles with 32cm initial length

Set-up Experiment

The researchers tried different design setups and adjustments to develop the PET

bottle crusher that serves its functionality at best. This includes the different blade types

for cutting the bottles, the length of the eccentric pulley, and a tensioner for the v-belt.

Problems encountered, process, and the conclusion is illustrated.

Table 3. Problem Encountered of the PET Bottle Crushing Machine

Trials Problem Process Conclusion Illustration

A flat blade The A flat blade
cannot totally fabricators put with an
cut the bottle. additional additional
The bottle blade at the blade at the
gets stuck bottom part to bottom cannot
into the flat test if the still cut the
blade. bottle will be bottle.
totally crushed
A flat blade The A triangular
with an fabricators blade with an
additional trimmed the additional
blade at the sides of the blade at the
bottom cannot flat blade to bottom part
still cut the make it a little cannot still cut
bottle. bit triangular. the bottle.

A triangular The A c-shaped

blade with an fabricators blade with an
additional changed the additional
blade at the triangular blade at the
3 bottom part blade into a c- bottom can
cannot still shaped blade. now cut the
cut the bottle. The blade at bottle.
the bottom
The size of The The 32cm
the 6.75 fabricators bottle can now
radius created an fit into the
eccentric extension part crushing and
pulley cannot to give enough cutting
lift the elevation for chamber.
crusher with the crusher
cutter enough with cutter.
to fit the
32cm bottle

in the
crushing and
The V-belt is The The tension of
not stretched fabricators put the V-belt is
enough to cut a tensioner on now enough to
the 32cm the V-belt. cut the 32cm
bottle. bottles.

In the initial design of the machine, the researchers have seen that the blade and

eccentric pulley initial design do not meet the machine's criteria to function well. These are

the adjustments the researcher made for the machine to perform well.

Crushing and Cutting Test

This test is conducted on the machine to know the volume reduction of every PET

bottle tested. This test includes the crushing and cutting of 32 cm and 20 cm bottles. The

length and width of the bottles are measured before and after the testing. Testing is done in

terms of sizes of 32 cm and 20 cm bottles and sack of bottles.

A. Experimentation data in terms of sizes of bottles.

Table 4. Experimentation Data for 32 cm Bottles

No. Length Width Width after
Brand of Bottle
(cm) (cm) Crushing
1 Coke 32 8.8 1.7
2 Sprite 32 8.7 2
3 Royal 32 9 2.2
4 Zesto 32 8.8 1.9
No. Length Width Length after
Brand of Bottle
(cm) (cm) Cutting
1 Coke 32 8.8 21
2 Sprite 32 8.7 23
3 Royal 32 9 24
4 Zesto 32 8.8 22.5

Table 5. Percentage Reduction in Volume for 32 cm Bottles

No. Brand of Initial Width Final Width
Reduction in
Bottle (cm) (cm)
1 Coke 8.8 1.7 80.68%
2 Sprite 8.7 2 77.01%
3 Royal 9 2.2 75.56%
4 Zesto 8.8 1.9 78.41%
No. Brand of Initial Length Final Length
Reduction in
Bottle (cm) (cm)
1 Coke 32 21 34.38%
2 Sprite 32 23 28.13%
3 Royal 32 24 25%
4 Zesto 32 22.5 29.69%

For 32 cm PET bottles, the researchers observed that the coke bottle has the highest

percentage of volume reduction for crushing and cutting, and the royal bottle has the lowest

percentage of volume reduction. Every PET bottle has a different design that can affect the

cutting and crushing of the bottle.

The researchers measure the length from top to bottom and the width using a

caliper. The final width is measured in the middle of the bottle with the use also of a caliper.

Table 6. Experimentation Data for 20 cm Bottles

No. Length Width Width after
Brand of Bottle
(cm) (cm) Crushing
1 Coke 20 5.1 4
2 Sprite 20 5.2 4
3 Royal 20 4.8 4
No. Length Width Length after
Brand of Bottle
(cm) (cm) Cutting
1 Coke 20 5.1 11
2 Sprite 20 5.2 12.3
3 Royal 20 4.8 11.1

Table 7. Percentage Reduction in Volume for 20 cm Bottles

No. Brand of Initial Width Final Width
Reduction in
Bottle (cm) (cm)
1 Coke 5.1 4 21.57%
2 Sprite 5.2 4 23.08%
3 Royal 4.9 4 18.37%
No. Brand of Initial Length Final Length
Reduction in
Bottle (cm) (cm)
1 Coke 20 11 45%
2 Sprite 20 12 40%
3 Royal 20 11.1 44.5%

For 20 cm PET bottles, the researchers observed that the sprite bottle has the highest

percentage of volume reduction and the royal bottle has the lowest percentage of volume

reduction for crushing. For cutting, the coke bottle has the highest percentage of volume

reduction, and sprite has the lowest volume reduction.

B. Experimentation data in terms of sack of bottles

Table 8. Experimentation Data in terms of Weight

Concept Type of Type of Initial Final Percentage

Operation Plastic Weight Weight Volume
Bottle (kg) (kg) Reduction
PET Bottle Automatic PET 1 kg 3/5 kg or 40%
Crushing (1hp, 1800 0.6 kg
Machine rpm motor)
and Base

The reason why the cutting and crushing is not consistent Different types of bottles

are tested in the crushing and cutting test, and the only similarities between the samples are

their length. There are inconsistencies in the data because the designs of every sample

bottle are different from the other, the same as the 20 cm bottles.

Maintenance and Troubleshooting


1. The guide of the crusher mechanism is making noise and gets difficulty in functioning.

2. The V-belt is sliding to the pulley because the design of the PET bottle is crushed, which

affects the tension of the V-belt

3. The blade cutter soon will get dull because of the machine's continuous operation and

unavoidable circumstances.


1. Apply grease into the guide of the mechanism to avoid the noise and difficulty in

crushing and cutting the bottles.

2. Increase the tension of the gearbox or the tensioner to have enough tension to crush and

cut the bottles.

3. The blade should be sharpened every four months to have enough sharpness to cut the


Project Costing

Table 9. Project Costing of PET Bottle Crusher with Bottleneck and Base Cutter

PET Bottle Crusher with Bottleneck and Base Cutter

Materials Dimensions Quantity Unit Price Price
GI Tubular Bar 2-ft x 2-ft 2-pcs P 550 P 1,100
I Angular Bar 1-ft x 1-ft 1-pc P 450 P 450
4-ft x 4-ft & P 3,000 &
MS Plates 6-mm 1-pc each P 4,500
2-ft x 2-ft P 1,500
GI Plain Sheet 4-ft x 4-ft 1-pc P 300 P 300
Induction Motor
- 1-pc P 5,500 P 5,500
1HP/1800 rpm
Gear Box- 1:60 ratio - 1-pc P 4,500 P 4,500
Pulley 6-in 1-pc 1-pc P 1,000 P 1,000
Pulley 5-in 1-pc 1-pc P 800 P 800
Pulley 2 ½-in 2-pcs 2-pcs P 600 P 1,200
28-mm x
CRS 1-pc P 1,800 P 1,000
Pillow Block Bearing
- 2-pcs P 900 P 1,800
Pillow Block Bearing - 2-pcs P 1,100 P 2,200

V-belt 1-pc P 700 P 700
MS Plate 10-mm 4-ft x 4-ft 1-pc P 5,000 P 5,000
Bolts and Nuts - 14-pcs P 25 P 350
6-ft x 6-ft & P 3000 &
MS Plate 3-mm 1-pc each P 4,000
2-ft x 2-ft P 1,000
Circuit Breaker 20 Amp - 1-pc P 700 P 700
Royal Cord - 1-pc P 90 P 270
Heavy Duty Plug - 1-pc P 200 P 200
Primer Paint - 1-liter P 100 P 100
Enamel Paint Dark
- 1-liter P 250 P 250
Gray Color
Material Cost P 35,920
Labor Cost P 33,000
Miscellaneous Cost P 10,200
Overall Cost P 79,120

The overall cost for fabricating this project is P 79,120.

The expense of the group was very high because the group had a hard time looking

for a fabricator, and because of the lack of time, the researchers had no choice but to

continue the fabrication despite the cost. The researchers planned to fabricate this project

by themselves but aborted the plan because of a lack of equipment.

Tabular Comparison

The table below shows the comparison of parameters between the PET Bottle

Crusher with Bottleneck and Base Cutter and the other two machines. Tabular comparison

in terms of sizes of bottles.

Table 10. Tabular comparison to other project

Concept Type of Type of Size of Average Average
Operation Plastic Plastic Volume Volume
Bottle Bottles Reduction Reduction
(length) (crushing) (cutting)
PET Bottle Automatic PET 32cm 77.92% 29.3%
Crushing (1hp, 1800 20cm 23.7% 42.67%
Machine with rpm motor)
Bottleneck and
Base Cutter
Design and Manual PET 27.5cm 52.08% -
Development of
a Plastic Bottle
Can/Plastic Automatic PET 20.6cm 70.26% -
Bottle Crusher

The PET bottle crusher with a cutter can efficiently reduce the volume of the 32 cm

and 20 cm bottles. The PET bottle crusher with the cutter has an edge between the two

machines as it also cuts both ends of the PET bottle.

The 32 cm bottle has a higher volume reduction compared to the 20 cm bottle. The

32 cm bottle needs volume reduction as it is bigger in size and length compared to the 20

cm bottle.

Tabulated Data of Acceptability Test

The PET bottle crushing machine with bottleneck and base cutter was evaluated by

fifty (50) purposively selected students from Bulacan State University and staffs of St.

Francis Multipurpose Cooperative. The machine was evaluated in terms of its safety,

functionality, durability, and usability. The data were computed and analyze to identify the

weighted mean, and interpreted based on the following scale:

Verbal Interpretation Range

Strongly Agree (SA) 4.50 – 5.00
Agree (A) 3.50 – 4.49
Moderately Agree (MA) 2.50 – 3.49
Disagree (D) 1.50 – 2.49
Strongly Disagree (SD) 1.00 – 1.49

Table 11. Acceptability Test in terms of Safety

5 4 3 2 1 𝑥̅ SD VI
1. The design of the PET
bottle crushing machine Strongly
31 17 2 0 0 4.6 0.57
considered human safety Agree
to reduce hazards.
2. The machine guard is in
place and properly 34 16 0 0 0 4.68 0.47
Overall Mean 4.64 0.52
The respondents agreed that the PET Bottle Crusher with Bottleneck and Base

Cutter considers human safety, and the machine guard can reduce the hazard to the end-

user. Two respondents moderately agreed that the PET bottle crusher with cutter

considered human safety, and it reduces the machine's hazards. The standard deviation is

less than 1, which means that most respondents agreed that the end product is safe to use.

Table 12. Acceptability Test in terms of Functionality

5 4 3 2 1 𝑥̅ SD VI
1. The PET bottle crushing
machine can crush PET Strongly
32 13 5 0 0 4.54 0.68
bottles with 32 cm and 20 Agree
cm length.
2. The PET bottle crushing
machine can Strongly
31 13 6 0 0 4.50 0.71
consecutively cut the Agree
neck and base of PET

bottles with 32 cm and 20
cm length.
3. The PET bottle crushing
machine is capable of Strongly
33 17 0 0 0 4.66 0.48
reducing the volume of Agree
the PET bottles.
Overall Mean 4.57 0.62

The respondents agreed that the end product is functioning to its purpose. The

majority of the respondents strongly agreed that the machine could cut the 32 cm and 20

cm PET bottles. It can cut both ends of the bottles and is capable of reducing the volume

of the bottles. The standard deviation is below 1, indicating that most of the respondents

agreed that the purpose of the end product is being met.

Table 13. Acceptability Test in terms of Durability

5 4 3 2 1 𝑥̅ SD VI
1. The PET bottle crushing
machine is capable to
withstand the vibration 35 13 2 0 0 4.66 0.56
during cutting and
crushing of PET bottles.
Overall Mean 4.66 0.56

The respondents agreed that the end product could withstand the vibration produced

by the machine and it has the durability to fulfill its intended purpose. Thirty-five of the

respondents strongly agreed that the end product is durable, and two of them moderately

agreed because of the deficiency in the damping system on the machine. The standard

deviation is lower than 1, meaning most of the respondents agreed that the end product is

durable and can sustain the vibration from the motor.

Table 14. Acceptability Test in terms of Usability

5 4 3 2 1 𝑥̅ SD VI
1. The PET bottle crushing
machine is easy to 38 12 0 0 0 4.76 0.43
understand and operate.
2. The PET bottle crushing
machine lessens the
amount of work required 41 8 1 0 0 4.78 0.46
to cut and crush the PET
Overall Mean 4.77 0.45

The respondents agreed that the PET Bottle Crusher with Bottleneck and Base

Cutter is easy to understand, to operate, and lessens the amount of time for crushing and

cutting the bottles. However, one respondent moderately agreed that the machine lessens

the amount of work required. The standard deviation is less than one, which meant the

majority of the respondents agreed that the end product is easy to operate and lessens the

work required parallel to its purpose.



This chapter presents the summary of findings, conclusions, and recommendations

based from the result of the study.


The study aimed to design and fabricate a PET bottle crushing machine with a

bottleneck and base cutter. The machine has two subsystems which are the bottleneck and

base cutting and bottle crushing.

The general problem of the study is: What will be the design of the PET bottle

crushing machine with bottleneck and base cutter?

Specifically, the study sought answers to the following questions;

1. How to fabricate the PET bottle crushing machine with bottleneck and base cutter?

2. Will the PET bottle crushing machine be acceptable to the end-users in terms of:

a) Safety,

b) Functionality,

c) Durability; and

d) Usability?

3. What is the comparison of the PET bottle crushing machine with bottleneck and

base cutter and the existing studies?

The design of the machine only focuses on bottleneck cutting and crushing of PET

bottles with 20 cm and 32 cm lengths. The two sizes of PET bottles have a designated tray,

where it slides from up to the bottleneck and base cutting and bottle crushing. The two

trays can load five PET bottles 20 cm in length and another five PET bottles 32 cm in

length. Fifty (50) respondents evaluated the acceptability of the PET bottle crushing

machine in terms of its safety, functionality, durability, and usability. The primary

beneficiary of the study is the St. Francis Multipurpose Cooperative in Malolos, Bulacan,

one of the accredited collection centers of the Plastic Bank Philippines that stewards the

collection of plastic wastes.

During the fabrication process, various problems have been encountered and

solved. First is the trial and errors on the cutter blade wherein it was initially a flat blade,

with the added blade at the bottom part, turned into a triangular blade, and ended up into a

c-shaped blade with an additional blade at the bottom part. These trials have been made

due to the problem of cutting the bottleneck and base of the PET bottles. Another problem

encountered is the eccentric pulley, wherein the initial radius of the pulley cannot lift the

crusher with a cutter enough to fit the 32 cm bottle. That is why the fabricators needed to

create an extension part to give enough elevation that allows the 32 cm bottles to fit in the

cutting and crushing chamber. Lastly, it was also identified that a tensioner was needed to

allow the v-belt to cut the 32 cm bottles.

After the fabrication process, experimentation and testing were conducted. The

initial length and width of the bottles were measured, followed by the length and width of

the bottles after crushing and cutting the bottleneck and its base. The results in percentage

reduction in volume were also presented. Furthermore, the researchers also tested the

volume reduction in terms of the weight of the bottles.

The researchers utilized a survey questionnaire in conducting the acceptability test,

evaluated by the staff of St. Francis Multipurpose Cooperative and the students of Bulacan

State University.

The survey results show that the respondents strongly agreed that the PET bottle

crushing machine with bottleneck and base cutter is safe, functional, durable, and usable.

Summary of Findings

1. The average percentage volume reduction in crushing 32cm bottles is 77. 92%.

While the average percentage volume reduction in cutting 32cm bottles is 29.3%.

2. The average percentage volume reduction in crushing 20cm bottles is 23.71%.

While the average percentage volume reduction in cutting 20cm bottles is


3. The overall mean in terms of safety is 4.64, interpreted as Agree.

4. The overall mean in terms of functionality is 4.57, interpreted as Strongly Agree.

5. The overall mean in terms of durability is 4.66, interpreted as Strongly Agree.

6. The overall mean in terms of usability is 4.77, interpreted as Strongly Agree.


1. The researchers prioritized the volume reduction of 32cm bottles as suggested by

the beneficiary.

2. The volume reduction of 20cm bottles is less than 50%.

3. The respondents agreed that the design of the PET bottle crushing machine is safe.

4. The respondents strongly agreed that the machine is capable of reducing the volume

of 32cm and 20cm PET bottles.

5. The respondents strongly agreed that the machine is durable.

6. The respondents strongly agreed that the machine is easy to use.


1. It is recommended to create a machine that can crush different sizes of PET bottles.

2. The machine should have a crushing and cutting chamber designated for 20cm


3. Use detachable blades for maintenance.

4. Try different cutting tool material such as tool steel.

5. Consider the use of timing belt.

6. Consider the use of dual type pulley/larger pulley.


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APPENDIX B – Survey Form

APPENDIX C – Survey Data Samples

APPENDIX D – Data Gathering Documentation

APPENDIX D – Curriculum Vitae


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