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8Cb-1 The gas exchange system

Name Class Date

1 Draw lines from the labels to the correct part of the diagram.

trachea bronchus

diaphragm lung

rib muscle between rib

2 Draw lines to match the words with their meanings.

breathing air moving into and out of the lungs

ventilation a chemical process that happens in cells

respiration oxygen and carbon dioxide diffusing in the lungs

alveolus using muscles to expand and deflate the lungs

gas exchange a small pocket in the lungs

3 The drawing shows a model used to explain how the lungs

expand and fill with air. Number the phrases to put them in
the correct order.
… air enters the balloon, and so …
… the pressure in the jar is …

… less than atmospheric pressure, and so ...

… the balloon inflates.
… the stretched balloon is pulled downwards, and so …

The air in the jar is at the same pressure as atmospheric

pressure. Then …
4 Why can particles diffuse?

5 Why do lungs have a large surface area?

I can…
recall the functions of the organs in the gas exchange system
explain how the structure of the lungs allows efficient gas exchange.

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purchasing institution only. This material is not copyright free. 8
Breathing, ventilation
and respiration
Name Class Date
1 Air flows into and out of the lungs.
a What is this called? Circle one.
breathing contraction ventilation wind
b In order, list the organs through which air travels as it goes into the body.

2 What is the process that uses up oxygen and produces carbon dioxide?

3 Complete this table to show what happens when you breathe.

Do the ribs move Does the diaphragm Does air in the trachea contain
in or out? move up or down? more or less carbon dioxide?

4 The drawing shows a model that can be used to explain how the lungs
expand and deflate. Explain what will happen when the cord is pulled

5 Inside the lungs the breathing tubes divide and get smaller and smaller until they end in an air
sac. What are air sacs made of? Circle one.
air alveoli blood bronchi cilia avioli
6 Inside the lungs there is an overall movement of oxygen from the air into the blood. At the
same time there is an overall movement of carbon dioxide from the blood into the air.

a What is this swapping of gases called?

b How does it occur? Tick ( ) the best explanation.
You breathe out more carbon dioxide than is in the air that you breathe in.
Small hairs in the lungs push oxygen into the blood and remove carbon dioxide.
Red blood cells enter the lungs and pump oxygen into them and let carbon dioxide out.
Particles are always moving, so naturally move into places where there are fewer of them.
Oxygen particles swim to red blood cells; carbon dioxide particles swim away from them.

I can…
recall the functions of the organs in the gas exchange system
explain how the structure of the lungs allows efficient gas exchange.

© Pearson Education Ltd 2014. Copying permitted for

purchasing institution only. This material is not copyright free. 13

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