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Group Project Assignment – Market Entry Strategy

Assignment Instructions:
Top 10 Canadian Exports(

1. Mineral fuels including oil: US$69.1 billion (17.7% of total exports)

2. Vehicles: $46.5 billion (11.9%)
3. Machinery including computers: $28.9 billion (7.4%)
4. Gems, precious metals: $23 billion (5.9%)
5. Wood: $13.5 billion (3.4%)
6. Plastics, plastic articles: $12.4 billion (3.2%)
7. Electrical machinery, equipment: $11 billion (2.8%)
8. Ores, slag, ash: $9.9 billion (2.5%)
9. Aircraft, spacecraft: $9.7 billion (2.5%)
10. Pharmaceuticals: $8.5 billion (2.2%)

Based upon the data provided in the above table, develop International Market Entry Plans for 1
of the top 10 commodities listed in the table above and identify your Market Entry Strategy for
it. For this commodity choose a specific product and specific country you plan to export it to.
You can use Stats Canada, Canadian Export or any other data source to obtain more information
about this commodity as well as new market you plan to sell to.

You will need to provide detailed plans for exporting the commodity you have chosen to a
specific market based upon an International Market Entry Plan you have created for this specific
market. You can document your international business plan in 500 words or less. Use any format
that you find easy to use including what was shown for this activity in class during this semester.
You will be graded for this deliverable based upon quality of the plan which includes all the
relevant information and appropriate details and references.

In this Part of the assignment, you will show which Market Entry strategy is ideal for you and
why. It may be Direct / Indirect or Foreign Direct Investment model. For your response identify
which strategy you chose and logic for choosing this strategy as well as how you plan to execute
it for the Commodity you chose to deliver product to a specific country. You will be graded for
this deliverable based upon quality of the plan which includes all the relevant information and
appropriate details and references.

You will need to provide detailed plans for meeting International Laws, Ethics, Corporate Social
responsibility obligations as well as developing an international business contract with the
trading partner you identified in Assignment 1 earlier this semester.
You can document your international business plan in 1000 words or less. Use any format that
you find easy to use including what was shown for this activity in class during this semester. You
will be graded for this deliverable based upon quality of the plan which includes all the relevant
information and appropriate details and references in relation to contents studied in Module 3 of
this course.
In this Part of the assignment, you will show the cultural differences between Canada and this
new market. You can make use of Myers Model, Dr Hofstede Model, Societal Model or any
combination of them to explain the differences and your specific plans on how you plan to
overcome them.
For your response ideally you want to make use of a chart or table to show differences and
strategies to overcome the difference. You will be graded for this deliverable based upon quality
of the plan which includes all the relevant information and appropriate details and references.
Use 1000 words or less for this part of your report.

Your report should be documented in the form of a report. This report needs to have:

 A title page with your team member names, Course Title, Class Section #, Date of
 Table of Contents
 Introduction
 Part 1, 2, 3 and 4
 Conclusion
 Bibliography
 Appendix (in case you want to show additional data for your report)

The final report needs to be uploaded into the drop box by just 1 team member before the due
date for this group assignment.

Total word count for this report is 5000 words or less minus the Bibliography and Appendix.

You will be marked based upon the following criteria:

A. Appearance of the Document

B. Quality of Reponses to each part of the report
C. Originality of Content
D. On-time submission. (Late submission can lead to a penalty of 20% of overall score)

Assignment Grading:
Part 1 – 10 points
Part 2 – 10 points
Part 3 – 10 points
Part 4 – 10 points

Report Quality – 5 points

Originality – 5 points (less than 20% score in Turnitin)

Negative Marking: (Lack of Originality / Late Submission (10% late submission penalty per day
you are late))

Please make sure you submit this assignment on-time as per specified due date in drop box for
this assignment.
Do Not copy paste work from others, rather use references as a guide and paraphrase (use your
own words) for them.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Please ensure you use 1 word document to write this report. Do not
cut and paste work from a rough word file into final submission.
I will review the MS Word Properties for this submission and if it shows a time of effort
less than 3 hrs of effort, it will be deemed as a form of contract cheating, unless you can
provide me evidence otherwise. Please make sure you are the author and editor of this
document. Mis match of this information can also be deemed as potential evidence of
contract cheating which is not allowed under any circumstances.

Along with the Group Project report you are also expected to submit your group contract and a
Peer Review for this Project.

If you have any questions about this assignment, please watch my zoom lecture video where I
explain to you what you need to do for this activity.

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