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Module 3

Advanced Data Structure


Need Of Red-Black Tree

R-B Tree is a balanced BST

Binary Search Tree

Is this a BST?


Compiled by Kaajal SharmaPage 1

Right Skew/Left Skew

Compiled by Kaajal SharmaPage 2

We need a self balanced tree,Red-Black Tree is a self balanced tree

But AVL is also self balanced

AVL gurantees time conplexity O(logn) for all cases

So Why Red-Black Tree

if tree is large many rotations are required to balance the tree

-Red-Black tree maximum 2 rotations required /some

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-sometimes recolouring is also sufficient to balance

R-B Tree AVL

roughly height balanced strictly height balanced

insertion/deletion faster searching is faster

few rotations rotations are more

Depends on the situation which tree to use

properties of Red-Black Tree

-It is a self balancing BST

-Every node is coloured either Red or Black

-The root node is always Black

-Every leaf which is null is black

-If a node is Red its children must be Black(the red rule)

-Every path from a node to a null link must contain the same number of black
nodes(the path rule)

-The leaves of Red-Black tree would always be black

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Question is ,is AVL tree a R-B tree

*AVL tree is a subset of Red-Black tree (if we colour AVL tree and see) but
every Red-Black tree is not a AVL tree because RB is roughly height


Is it a red black tree?

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-its a R-B tree

-Add one node value 1,colour B

Violates the rule

Change the colour to Red,property is set,now it is a R-B Tree

-Add one more node,since parent is Red ,child will be black,according to

property,but it violates path rule,so new node cannot be added.

(one more property)

Compiled by Kaajal SharmaPage 8

*The longest path from the root node is no more than twice the shortest


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