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Construction of Sakhi One Stop Center at Bhavnagar

Executive Engineer
Road and Building Division

Division:- R. & B Division, Bhavnagar

Approved Estimate No. ______ of Year : 2019-2020
Financial Head:- . ____________________________________

Main Head :- Construction of Sakhi One Stop Center at Bhavnagar

Sub Head:-__________________________

Service Head :- _______________________

Department Head:-_____________________

Probable Expenditure : Estimated Cost Rs.

Prepared by Division Office of the Executive Engineer

Administrative Approval received vide Letter No. ____________Dt.__________


Technical Sanction received vide Letter No. _______________Dt.__________

Estimate Prepared by Shri A.E.
And Checked by Shri A.E.


Rate adopted as per SOR of Year 2021-2022 & for non scheduled items necessary
rate analysis are prepared and attached herewith

Deputy Executive Engineer

R. & B. (City) Sub Division
Name of work :-
C i off S
Construction Sakhii O S
One Stop C
Center at Bhavnagar
Sr Estimates Amount
1 Subestimate No. 1
Main Building ` 43 34 834 64

Total (A) ` 43,34,834.64

Add 1/2% for contigency ` 21,674.17
Add 1 % Q.C. ` 43,348.35
1 External Electrification of Main ` 4,00,000.00
Building L.S.
Grand Total ` 47,99,857.16
Say ` 48,00,000.00

Deputy Executive Engineer Executive Engineer

R. & B. (City) Sub Division R. & B. Division
Bhavnagar Bhavnagar
Name of Work :-
Construction of Sakhi One Stop Center at Bhavnagar

1 Budget page and item No. with budgeted :

2 Purpose for which building is required. :

3 How the present requirement of purpose : New construction.

involved is satisfied.

4 Whether site is finalised and is in : Yes.


5 If it is proposed to constructed additional : New building is to be constructed hence

floor on existing structure, is it examined question does not arise.
that existing foundations etc. are strong
enough to carry the load of additional

6 Type of building structure i.e. load bearing : Frame structure.

structure or R.C.C/ frame structure.

7 Whether the estimate is based on quantity : Yes, layout & detail drawing furnished by
derived from type plans and drawings Chief Architect Government of Gujarat
furnished by Architectural organisation. If Gen. No. , Job No. RJT1-149(M) Date
yes, the Architect has furnished only layout 1/12/2021
plan and liner drawing or detailed drawings
as well.

8 If type plan and scale of accommodation for : Yes plans are prepared on the basis of
this type of accommodation are S.O.R.2021- 2022 of Bhavnagar District.
standardised, whether plan proposed is as
per type plan and approved scale of
accommodations (Norms and proposals to be
given in comparative forms).

9 Whether designs organisation is consulted : N.A.

for quantities of R.C.C. controlled concrete
items and reinforcement?
10 Plinth area. : G.F 137.00 sqm
F.F. 51.00 sqm
Total 188.00 sqm
Carpet Area. 150.4 sqm

11 Carpet Area. :

11 Details of site exploration done and type and : Trial pit as shown in the drawing.
depth of foundations.

12 Type of masonary Brick / Rubble / Bela. : Brick masonary.

13 Type of frames for :

1. Doors. : Alluminium frame.

2. Windows. : Alluminium frame.

3. Ventilators. : Alluminium frame.

4. Cupboards. : Not provided.

14 Type of shutters. :

1. Doors. : Both side laminated Flush doors

2. Windows. : Fully Glazed sliding windows

3. Ventilators. : Fully glazed.

4. Cupboards. : Not provided.

15 Type of flooring. : Polished kota stone, Ceramic tile and white

glazed tile flooring.

16 Type of plaster. : Exterior sand faced plaster & interior

15mm th cement Plaster

17 Component cost of :

1. Items up to plinth : Rs. 693574.00

2. Doors, Windows & ventilators : Rs. 216742.00

3. R.C.C. items. : Rs. 2600901.00

4. Plaster / Masonary : Rs. 216742.00

5. Paintings. : Rs. 86697.00

6. Water supply and drainage items. : Rs. 303438.00

7. Other Misc. items. : Rs. 216742.00

8. Contigencies. : Rs. 21674.17

9. Quality control. : Rs. 43348.35

19 Whether E.I. will be open or concelled. : Concealed

20 Whether Electric installation other than light : Detailed estimate will be prepared by
points and fans would be necessary? If so, Executive Engineer Electrical (R & B)
details thereof may be furnished. Division

21 Provision for E.I. works. : Rs. 400000.00

22 Provision for levelling the ground and site : Rs. --


23 Type and provision for compound wall. : Rs. #REF!

24 Availability and lead of materials. :

1. Govt. materials (to be detailed) : No supply of Govt. materials.

2. Bricks. : Local

3. Rubble and metal. : Sayla

4. Sand. : Local

5. Crushed aggregates. : Sayla

6. Others (to be detailed) :

25 No. of items which are not based on S.O.R. :

items for which R.A. is submitted.

26 Cost for Smt. of :

1. Plinth area. : Rs. 23100.00

2. Carpet Area : Rs. 28900.00
27 Whether any provision for lifts is made? : No. Not required.
28 Whether partion are provided (incase of : Alluminium partion for staff & brick pation
administrative blocks) if so, they are wooden in toilet block
or brick partion?

It is certified that the present plans and estimates have been proposed after conducting necessary
survey and investigation and design requirements of the building have been formulated after
considering the relevant basic data and no further changes would be proposed at a later date from
these plans, estimates, designs and architectural requirements.

Deputy Executive Engineer Executive Engineer

R. & B. (City) Sub Division R. & B. Division
Bhavnagar Bhavnagar
Name of work:-
Construction of Sakhi One Stop Center at Bhavnagar
Sub Estimate No. 1 Main Building
1% Labour
Item No. Quantity Discription Rate Total Rate Per Amount Rs

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 118.00 Excavation for foundation upto 1.50 mt depth including 98.79 0.99 99.78 Cu.M. 11774.04
sorting out and stacking of useful materials and disposing
the excavated stuff upto 50 mt lead
(B) Dense and Hard Soil
{S.O.R. It. Code. 04001B. P. No. 60}
2 78.00 Excavation for foundation upto 1.50 mt depth including 169.05 1.69 170.74 Cu.M. 13317.72
sorting out and stacking of useful materials and disposing
the excavated stuff upto 50 mt lead
(C) Hard Murrum
{S.O.R. It. Code. 04001C. P. No. 60}
3 19.00 Excavation for foundation 1.50 mt to 3.00 mt depth 180.55 1.81 182.36 Cu.M. 3464.84
including sorting out and stacking of useful materials and
disposing the excavated stuff upto 50 mt lead
(C) Hard Murrum
{S.O.R. It. Code. 04002C P. No. 44}
4 19.00 Excavation for foundation 1.50 mt to 3.00 mt depth 188.60 1.89 190.49 Cu.M. 3619.31
including sorting out and stacking of useful materials and
disposing the excavated stuff upto 50 mt lead
(D) Soft rock not requiring Blasting
{S.O.R. It. Code. 04002D P. No. 61}
5 19.00 Excavation for foundation 3.00 mt to 5.00 mt depth 203.55 2.04 205.59 Cu.M. 3906.21
including sorting out and stacking of useful materials and
disposing the excavated stuff upto 50 mt lead
(D) Soft rock not requiring Blasting
{S.O.R. It. Code. 04003D P. No. 62}

Main Building
1% Labour
Item No. Quantity Discription Rate Total Rate Per Amount Rs

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
6 137.00 Carring out plinth treatment to post construction / existing 37.38 0.37 37.75 Sq.Mt. 5171.75
structure by spraying chemical solution for termite control
treatment including labour and material consistment with
I.S.I specification. Using Chlordene and Chiorpurfiles 20
EC. As Per 6131_paret-II Consentration Weight one
percent is recommended i.e one litre 20 EC chemical
emulsion with 19 liter give 1 % concrentration inclusive of
one litre chemical emulsion appication at the rate of 5
Litre chemical / Sqm of surface is recommended as per
{SOR P. No. 220 It. Code. 22007}

7 205.00 Filling available excavated Earth (Excluding Rock ) in 87.98 0.88 88.86 Cu.M. 18216.30
trench plinth side of foundation . in layer not excluding 20
cm in depth consolidation each deposited layer by
ramming and watering etc. complete
{S.O.R. It. Code 4006 P. No. 63}
8 36.00 Filling foundation and plinth with murrum or selected soil 215.54 2.16 217.70 Cu.M. 7837.20
in layer of 20 cm in thickness including ramming watering
and consolidating etc. complete
{S.O.R. It. Code. 4008 P. No. 64}
9 36.00 Filling in plinth with sand under floors including watering 336.34 3.36 339.70 Cu.M. 12229.20
ramming, consolidating and dressing etc. complete
{S.O.R. It. Code. 4007A P. No. 63}

Main Building
1% Labour
Item No. Quantity Discription Rate Total Rate Per Amount Rs

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
10 10.00 Providing and laying Ordinary cement concrete M-150 3033.80 30.34 3064.14 Cu.M. 30641.40
C.C. 1:2 :4 ( 1 cement : 2 coarse sand : 4 graded stone
aggregate 20mm nominal size) and curing complete
including the cost of form work but exlcuding cost of
reinforcement for reinforced concrete work in :
(a) Foundations, footings Bases of columns and the like
and Mass concrete.
{S.O.R. It. Code. 05010AA P. No. 70}

11 19.00 Providing and laying Ordinary cement concrete M-250 3925.00 39.25 3964.25 Cu.M. 75320.75
C.C. 1:1 :2 ( 1 cement : 1 coarse sand : 2 graded stone
aggregate 20mm nominal size) and curing complete
including the cost of form work but excluding the cost of
reinforcement for reinforced concrete work
in foundation footings, base of columns and mass
{Rate Analysis No. 1}

12 5.00 Providing and laying Ordinary cement concrete M-250 5653.00 56.53 5709.53 Cu.M. 28547.65
C.C. 1:1 :2 ( 1 cement : 1 coarse sand : 2 graded stone
aggregate 20mm nominal size) and curing complete
including the cost of form work but excluding the cost of
reinforcement for reinforced concrete work
in Columns, pillars posts and struts Foundation Upto
Plinth Level
Rate Analysis No. 2

Main Building
1% Labour
Item No. Quantity Discription Rate Total Rate Per Amount Rs

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
13 26.00 Providing and laying cement concrete 1:3:6 (1 cement : 3 2983.20 29.83 3013.03 Cu.M. 78338.78
coarse sand : 6 Crushed stone aggregates 40 mm.
nominal size) and curing complete excluding cost of from
work in :(a) Foundation and plinth
{S.O.R. It. Code. 05005A P. No. 69}

14 7.00 Providing and laying Ordinary cement concrete M-200 5524.00 55.24 5579.24 Cu.M. 39054.68
C.C. 1:1 ½ :3 ( 1 cement : 1 ½ coarse sand : 3 graded
stone aggregate 20mm nominal size)and curing complete
including the cost of form work but excluding the cost of
reinforcement for reinforced concrete work
in Columns, pillars posts and struts G.FLOOR
Rate Analysis No. 9

15 5.00 Providing and laying Ordinary cement concrete M-200 5556.12 55.56 5611.68 Cu.M. 28058.40
C.C. 1:1 ½ :3 ( 1 cement : 1 ½ coarse sand : 3 graded
stone aggregate 20mm nominal size) and curing
complete including the cost of form work but excluding
the cost of reinforcement for reinforced concrete work
in Columns, pillars posts and struts
For First floor
Rate Analysis No. 9

Main Building
1% Labour
Item No. Quantity Discription Rate Total Rate Per Amount Rs

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
16 16.00 Providing and laying Ordinary cement concrete M-250 4664.00 46.64 4710.64 Cu.M. 75370.24
C.C. 1:1 :2 ( 1 cement : 1 coarse sand : 2 graded stone
aggregate 20mm nominal size) and curing complete
including the cost of form work but excluding the cost of
reinforcement for reinforced concrete work
in Plinth BEAMS
Rate Analysis No. 3A

17 14.00 Providing and laying Ordinary cement concrete M-150 3228.00 32.28 3260.28 Cu.M. 45643.92
C.C. 1:2 :4 ( 1 cement : 2 coarse sand : 4 graded stone
aggregate 20mm nominal size) and curing complete
including the cost of form work but excluding the cost of
reinforcement for reinforced concrete work
Rate Analysis No. 4A

18 13.00 Providing and laying Ordinary cement concrete M-200 4750.00 47.50 4797.50 Cu.M. 62367.50
C.C. 1:1 ½ :3 ( 1 cement : 1 ½ coarse sand : 3 graded
stone aggregate 20mm nominal size)and curing complete
including the cost of form work but excluding the cost of
reinforcement for reinforced concrete work
in BEAMS Ground Floor
Rate Analysis No. 7

Main Building
1% Labour
Item No. Quantity Discription Rate Total Rate Per Amount Rs

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
19 7.00 Providing and laying Ordinary cement concrete M-200 4782.12 47.82 4829.94 Cu.M. 33809.58
C.C. 1:1 ½ :3 ( 1 cement : 1 ½ coarse sand : 3 graded
stone aggregate 20mm nominal size)and curing complete
including the cost of form work but excluding the cost of
reinforcement for reinforced concrete work
in BEAMS for First Floor
Rate Analysis No. 7

20 1.50 Providing and laying Ordinary cement concrete M-200 4743.00 47.43 4790.43 Cu.M. 7185.65
C.C. 1:1 ½ :3 ( 1 cement : 1 ½ coarse sand : 3 graded
stone aggregate 20mm nominal size)and curing complete
including the cost of form work but excluding the cost of
reinforcement for reinforced concrete work
in Sill / Wall Caps Ground Floor
Rate Analysis No. 4

21 0.20 Providing and laying Ordinary cement concrete M-200 4775.12 47.75 4822.87 Cu.M. 964.57
C.C. 1:1 ½ :3 ( 1 cement : 1 ½ coarse sand : 3 graded
stone aggregate 20mm nominal size)and curing complete
including the cost of form work but excluding the cost of
reinforcement for reinforced concrete work
in Sill / Wall Caps First Floor
Rate Analysis No. 4

Main Building
1% Labour
Item No. Quantity Discription Rate Total Rate Per Amount Rs

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
22 3.00 Providing and laying Ordinary cement concrete M-200 5658.00 56.58 5714.58 Cu.M. 17143.74
C.C. 1:1 ½ :3 ( 1 cement : 1 ½ coarse sand : 3 graded
stone aggregate 20mm nominal size)and curing complete
including the cost of form work but excluding the cost of
reinforcement for reinforced concrete work
in Lintels Ground Floor
Rate Analysis No. 5

23 3.00 Providing and laying Ordinary cement concrete M-200 5690.12 56.90 5747.02 Cu.M. 17241.06
C.C. 1:1 ½ :3 ( 1 cement : 1 ½ coarse sand : 3 graded
stone aggregate 20mm nominal size)and curing complete
including the cost of form work but excluding the cost of
reinforcement for reinforced concrete work
in Lintels First Floor
Rate Analysis No. 5

24 1.00 Providing and laying Ordinary cement concrete M-200 6069.00 60.69 6129.69 Cu.M. 6129.69
C.C. 1:1 ½ :3 ( 1 cement : 1 ½ coarse sand : 3 graded
stone aggregate 20mm nominal size)and curing complete
including the cost of form work and smooth finishing of
the exposed surface with cement mortar 1:3 (1 Cement :
3 fine sand) but excluding the cost of reinforcement for
reinforced concrete work in CHHAJJAS Ground Floor
Rate Analysis No. 6

Main Building
1% Labour
Item No. Quantity Discription Rate Total Rate Per Amount Rs

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
25 0.60 Providing and laying Ordinary cement concrete M-200 6101.12 61.01 6162.13 Cu.M. 3697.28
C.C. 1:1 ½ :3 ( 1 cement : 1 ½ coarse sand : 3 graded
stone aggregate 20mm nominal size)and curing complete
including the cost of form work and smooth finishing of
the exposed surface with cement mortar 1:3 (1 Cement :
3 fine sand) but excluding the cost of reinforcement for
reinforced concrete work in CHHAJJAS First Floor
Rate Analysis No. 6

26 19.00 Providing and laying Ordinary cement concrete M-200 4793.00 47.93 4840.93 Cu.M. 91977.67
C.C. 1:1 ½ :3 ( 1 cement : 1 ½ coarse sand : 3 graded
stone aggregate 20mm nominal size)and curing complete
including the cost of form work but excluding the cost of
reinforcement for reinforced concrete work
in SLABS for Ground Floor
Rate Analysis No. 8

27 8.00 Providing and laying Ordinary cement concrete M-200 4825.12 48.25 4873.37 Cu.M. 38986.96
C.C. 1:1 ½ :3 ( 1 cement : 1 ½ coarse sand : 3 graded
stone aggregate 20mm nominal size)and curing complete
including the cost of form work but excluding the cost of
reinforcement for reinforced concrete work
in SLABS for First Floor
Rate Analysis No. 8

Main Building
1% Labour
Item No. Quantity Discription Rate Total Rate Per Amount Rs

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
28 3.00 Providing and laying Ordinary cement concrete M-200 5143.00 51.43 5194.43 Cu.M. 15583.29
C.C. 1:1 ½ :3 ( 1 cement : 1 ½ coarse sand : 3 graded
stone aggregate 20mm nominal size)and curing complete
including the cost of form work but excluding the cost of
reinforcement for reinforced concrete work
in STAIRCASES Ground Floor
Rate Analysis No. 10

29 16000.00 Providing Fe-500 TMT Bar reinforcement including 80.49 0.80 81.29 Kg. 1300640.00
providing fusion bonded Epoxy coating not less than 175
micron thickness and up to 300 micron to reinforcement
bars as per IS-13620- 1993/ ASTM-775M. for RCC work
including bending binding and placing in position up to
floor two level for all floor
Rate Analysis No. 12
30 41.00 Providing and laying Brick work using common Brunt clay 2803.90 28.04 2831.94 Cu.M. 116109.54
building bricks having crushing strength not less than 35
Kg./ In foundation and plinth in cement mortar 1:6
(1cement : 6 fine sand)
(b) Conventional
{S.O.R. It. Code. 06002BA P. No. 97}
31 39.00 Providing and laying Brick work using common Brunt clay 2981.00 29.81 3010.81 Cu.M. 117421.59
building bricks having crushing strength not less than 35
Kg./ In super structure above plinth level upto
floor two level in cement mortar 1:6 (1cement : 6 fine
(b) Conventional {Ground Floor }
{S.O.R. It. Code. 06002BA P. No. 97 + It. Code 06006B
P. No. 99}

Main Building
1% Labour
Item No. Quantity Discription Rate Total Rate Per Amount Rs

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
32 25.00 Providing and laying Brick work using common Brunt clay 3010.79 30.11 3040.90 Cu.M. 76022.50
building bricks having crushing strength not less than 35
Kg./ In super structure above plinth level upto
floor two level in cement mortar 1:6 (1cement : 6 fine
(b) Conventional {First Floor }
{S.O.R. It. Code. 06002BA P. No. 97 + It. Code 06006B
P. No. 99 + 06007B2A P. No. 100}
33 9.00 Providing and laying Brick work using common Brunt clay 3040.58 30.41 3070.99 Cu.M. 27638.91
building bricks having crushing strength not less than 35
Kg./ In super structure above plinth level upto
floor two level in cement mortar 1:6 (1cement : 6 fine
sand) (b) Conventional {Second Floor }
{S.O.R. It. Code. 06002BA P. No. 97 + It. Code 06006B
P. No. 99 + 06007B2A P. No. 100}

34 27.00 Providing and laying Half brick masonry in common brunt 449.90 4.50 454.40 Sq.Mt. 12268.80
clay building bricks having crushing strength not less
than 35 Kg./ In cement mortar 1:3 (1cement : 3
coarse sand) with 2 Nos. of 6 mm. Diameter mild steel
round bars after every three coarse embedded in cement
mortar Foundation and Plinth
(b) Conventional
{S.O.R. It. Code. 06009BA P. No. 103 }

Main Building
1% Labour
Item No. Quantity Discription Rate Total Rate Per Amount Rs

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
35 90.00 Providing and laying Half brick masonry in common brunt 484.11 4.84 488.95 Sq.Mt. 44005.50
clay building bricks having crushing strength not less
than 35 Kg./ In cement mortar 1:3 (1cement : 3
coarse sand) with 2 Nos. of 6 mm. Diameter mild steel
round bars after every three coarse embedded in cement
mortar in super structure above plinth level GROUND
(b) Conventional
{S.O.R. It. Code. 06009BA + 06010B P. No. 103 }
36 51.00 Providing and laying Half brick masonry in common brunt 488.57 4.89 493.46 Sq.Mt. 25166.46
clay building bricks having crushing strength not less
than 35 Kg./ In cement mortar 1:3 (1cement : 3
coarse sand) with 2 Nos. of 6 mm. Diameter mild steel
round bars after every three coarse embedded in cement
mortar in super structure above plinth level FIRST
(b) Conventional
{S.O.R. It. Code. 06009BA + 06010B P. No. 103 +
06011BA P. No. 104}
37 12.00 Providing and laying Half brick masonry in common brunt 493.03 4.93 497.96 Sq.Mt. 5975.52
clay building bricks having crushing strength not less
than 35 Kg./ In cement mortar 1:3 (1cement : 3
coarse sand) with 2 Nos. of 6 mm. Diameter mild steel
round bars after every three coarse embedded in cement
mortar in super structure above plinth level SECOND
(b) Conventional
{S.O.R. It. Code. 06009BA + 06010B P. No. 103 +
06011BA P. No. 104}

Main Building
1% Labour
Item No. Quantity Discription Rate Total Rate Per Amount Rs

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
38 5.10 Providing and Fixing MAIN DOOR using 35 x 100 MM. 2664.00 26.64 2690.64 Sq.Mt. 13722.26
M.S. Pipe Hollow frame work as shown in the detailed
design provided by The Architect Office and double
shutter specially designed hollow door with horizontal 25
x 25 mm. M. S. square pipe bands at equal distance
throughout the height of the frame as per the detailed
design provided by the architect. with 19 mm. marine ply
with edge beading & laminate on both sides colour,
pattern and design of which is to be approved by the
Rate Analysis No. 13

39 5.70 Providing and fixing 38 mm thick DOUBLE SHUTTER 3594.00 35.94 3629.94 Sq.Mt. 20690.66
FLUSH DOOR using anodized aluminum section frame
equivalent to jindal door section no 19552 - weight not
less than 1.1 kg / mt. with wooden inserts for durable grip
of door hinges. (frame size 38mmx 63.5 mm.), Shutters
with both size Decorative 1 mm thick Laminated, pattern
and design is to be approved by the Architect, with
Stainless Steel handle size 30 Cm Long, Tower Bolt size
15cm, & Heavy Stainless steel Aldrop as per detailed
drawing / as directed.
Rate Analysis No. 14

Main Building
1% Labour
Item No. Quantity Discription Rate Total Rate Per Amount Rs

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
40 18.10 Providing and fixing 38 mm thick SINGLE SHUTTER 4052.00 40.52 4092.52 Sq.Mt. 74074.61
FLUSH DOOR using anodized aluminum section frame
equivalent to jindal door section no 19552 - weight not
less than 1.1 kg / mt. with wooden inserts for durable grip
of door hinges. (frame size 38mmx 63.5 mm.), Shutters
with both size Decorative 1 mm thick Laminated, pattern
and design is to be approved by the Architect, with
Stainless Steel handle size 30 Cm Long, Tower Bolt size
15cm, & Heavy Stainless steel Aldrop as per detailed
drawing / as directed.
Rate Analysis No. 14A

41 7.90 Providing and fixing Door having BLACK GRANITE 4161.00 41.61 4202.61 Sq.Mt. 33200.62
frame with all open edges machine cut & machine
polished, & 35 mm thick FRP shutter single / Double with
depressed panel SHUTTER having extra reinforcement
on sides and edges and in GEL coat finish. The core of
shutter is to be filled up with injected fiber extinguishing
grade polyurethane foam done in situ along with
embedded wooden pieces for stiffening and also for
taking hinges and fixtures. The whole FRP frame and
shutter is to be water proof, weatherproof, termite proof
and resistance to mild acid / Alkali resistance including
S.S. hinges with necessary screws and aluminum fixtures
and fastening.
Rate Analysis No. 15

Main Building
1% Labour
Item No. Quantity Discription Rate Total Rate Per Amount Rs

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
42 9.30 Providing and fixing Anodized Alluminum Section Jindal 3218.00 32.18 3250.18 Sq.Mt. 30226.67
Deluxe Sliding Window System 27mm series THREE
track window as shown in elevation, shutter with 5mm
thick transparent plain float glass, with transparent silicon
sealant with allu. power coated fittings and fixture etc
Rate Analysis. No. 16
43 13.70 Providing and fixing Anodized Alluminum Section Jindal 3116.00 31.16 3147.16 Sq.Mt. 43116.09
Deluxe Sliding Window System 27mm series TWO track
window as shown in elevation, shutter with 5mm thick
transparent plain float glass, with transparent silicon
sealant with allu. power coated fittings and fixture etc
Rate Analysis. No. 17
44 1.00 Providing and fixing colour anodised Alluminium Section 3720.00 37.20 3757.20 Sq.Mt. 3757.20
casement window {SINGLE SHUTTERS} using Frame
section 126 x 50 { Wt. not less than 1.90 Kg / Rmt.} and
SERIES B Hollow Section size for Fully glazed shutter
{Outside Openable} 57 x 52 mm { wt Not less than 1.065
Kg / Rmt}, 5 mm thick transperant glass, including
Stainless Steel ASIS 304 Grade fixture and fastenings
and hold fasting with coach bolts etc complete. {Colour
as directed by Engineer in charge except black }
Rate Analysis 18

45 3.00 Providing and fixing standard extruded of alluminium 1373.45 13.73 1387.18 Sq.Mt. 4161.54
section of size 63mm x 38.10mm x 1.2mm (@ Wt. 0.643
Kg/mt) with colour anodized alluminium frame for
ventilation with 5 mm thick frosted glass as details etc
complete for Ventilation
{SOR It. Code. 11030 P. No. 148 }
Main Building
1% Labour
Item No. Quantity Discription Rate Total Rate Per Amount Rs

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
46 7.04 Providing and fixing standard extruded of alluminium 2000.00 20.00 2020.00 Sq.Mt. 14220.80
section of size 63mm x 38.10mm x 1.2mm (@ Wt. 0.643
Kg/mt) with colour anodized alluminium frame for
ventilation with alluminium louvers Fixed and openable as
details etc complete.
{Market Rate }
47 810.00 Providing and fixing Safety grills of required pattern for 69.50 0.70 70.20 Kg. 56862.00
windows / Door using 16 mm dia M.S polished bars and
Rectangular CRC pipes of size 50 x 30 x 2 mm at
required spacing as per design and hold fasting with
coach bolts including one coat of primer and two coats of
matt finished oil painting etc complete.
Rate Analysis No. 19

48 22.00 Providing and laying Machine cut, Free edges, Machine 2619.00 26.19 2645.19 Sq.Mt. 58194.18
polished Granite stone slab 18 mm (Average) thick
{Single piece not more than 150 cm } for stair steps and
riser as per design incl. full moulded round front edge & 1
cm nosing & necessary groobe on trade of steps laid on
20 mm thick cement mortar 1:6 (1 -cement : 6 coarse
sand ) jointed with grey cement slurry including rubbing
and polishing etc. complete. {Colour as directed}
Rate Analysis No. 20

49 5.00 Providing and laying 7.5 Cm. wide Kota stone slab 641.55 6.42 647.97 Sq.Mt. 3239.85
flooring over 20mm (Average) thick base of cement
mortar 1:6 (1- cement : 6-coarse sand) laid over and
jointed with grey cement slurry mixed with pigment to
match the shade of slab including rubbing and polishing
etc. complete. (A) 25mm thick
{S.O.R. It. Code. 14012A P. No. 167 }

Main Building
1% Labour
Item No. Quantity Discription Rate Total Rate Per Amount Rs

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
50 129.00 P & L 24" x 24" vitrified 8 mm thick tile flooring over 20 794.85 7.95 802.80 Sq.Mt. 103561.20
mm (average) base of cement mortar 1:6 ( 1 cement: 6
coarse sand) on new surface or fixing on existing flooring
by adhesive material including dismentaling of existing
flooring and jointed with color cement slurry including
finised with flush pointing & cleaning the surface etc.
complete for light shade
{SOR It. Code. 14022A P. No. 170 }
51 14.00 Providing and laying Vitrified tiles 8 to 10 mm thick , 24'' x 819.00 8.19 827.19 Sq.Mt. 11580.66
24'' in skrting risers of steps and dedo on 10mm thick
cement plaster 1:3 (1-cement : 3-coarse sand) and
jointed with white cement slurry
{SOR. It. Code. 14009CA P. No. 166}
52 12.00 Providing and laying 60 cm x 60 cm Matt Finished Anti 1052.34 10.52 1062.86 Sq.Mt. 12754.32
Skid GVT tile flooring over 20 mm {average} base of
cement mortar 1:6 { 1 cement : 6 coarse sand} and
jointed with colour cement slurry including finished with
flush pointing & cleaning the surface etc. complete
Clours, shade & pattern as directed by Architect Office.
{S.O.R. It. Code. 14021 P. No. 173}

53 10.00 Providing and laying 30 x 30 Cm Anti skid ceramic tiles, 6 623.70 6.24 629.94 Sq.Mt. 6299.40
mm. thick of Somani, Kajaria, Bell or equivalent brand in
flooring treads of steps and landing laid on a bed of
12mm thick cement mortar 1:3 (1-cement : 3-coarse sand
) finishing with flush pointing in white cement. Shade and
pattern approved by Architect Office
{SOR. It. Code. 14008B P. No. 169}

Main Building
1% Labour
Item No. Quantity Discription Rate Total Rate Per Amount Rs

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
54 90.00 Providing and laying Colour glazed tiles 30 cm x 60 cm 935.55 9.36 944.91 Sq.Mt. 85041.90
size & 6 mm. Thick in skirting risers of steps and dado on
10 mm. Thick cement plaster 1:3 (1 cement : 3 coarse
sand) pointing in white cement and jointed with white
cement slurry.
{SOR. It. Code. 14036 P. No. 172}
55 103.00 Providing and fixing pre-cast Rubber Dye / Steel dye inter 733.18 7.33 740.51 Sq.Mt. 76272.53
locking concrete block 60mm thick with grade of concrete
M300 pnumatic compressed by mechanically pressed
and as per approved design conforming to IS 15658 :
2006 including 35mm sand layer for levelling and filling
the joint with sand in proper line and level as per
guidelines of IRC SP 63-2018 etc. completed
{RA Circulated vide Paverblock / 521 / C Date 16-10-

56 65.00 Providing and fixing pre-cast concrete kerb stone of gray 326.55 3.27 329.82 Rmt. 21438.30
cement based concrete block 30cm length, 30cm height
and 15 cm thick of M 250 grade concret as per approved
design and including excavation for fixing in proper line
and leve, filling the joint with C:M 1:3 (1 Cement : 3 fine
sand) etc complete
{SOR. It. Code. 14032 P. No. 171}

Main Building
1% Labour
Item No. Quantity Discription Rate Total Rate Per Amount Rs

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
57 139.00 Providing and laying water proofing treatment with 645.00 6.45 651.45 Sq.Mt. 90551.55
china mosaic tiles flooring over avg 40 mm C.C. 1:2:4 {1
Cement : 2 sand : 4 Kapachi / Grit 6 to 12 mm size}
bedding for maintaining slope for plain and curve surface
& 12 mm to 20 mm of broken piece of ceramic / glazed
tiles ( one for more colour as directed ) to be laid over
cement mortar bedding of C M 1:3 (1 cement : 3 sand )
contain one Kg of water proofing materials per bag of O P
C at plain or / and slops and to be tempered to bring
mortar ceramic up to surface with using white cement
and colour pigment including rounding of junctions and
extending them up to 15 cm along the wall and curing
with bends any patterns or design as per drawing and
cleaning by using oxalic acid etc complete.
{SOR P. No. 123 It. Code. 14015A + P. No. 125 It. Code.

58 38.00 Providing and laying Mirror polished Machine polished 3470.00 34.70 3504.70 Sq.Mt. 133178.60
Granite Stone slab 18 mm (Average) thick for Doors /
Windows sill & Jams Cladding as per design incl. Half
round moulded both edges fixed on 12 mm thick cement
plaster 1:3 (1 -cement : 3 coarse sand ) jointed with grey
cement slurry including rubbing and polishing etc.
complete with necessary G.I. Fasteners for Long side in
top. Colour and Finish as directed
Rate Analysis No. 21

Main Building
1% Labour
Item No. Quantity Discription Rate Total Rate Per Amount Rs

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
59 360.00 Providing 20 mm thick double coat mala cement plaster 178.50 1.79 180.29 Sq.Mt. 64904.40
on interior brick / concrete work for plastering comprising
of base coat of 12 mm thick cement plaster in cement
mortar (1 Cement : 4 coarse sand) in rough finishing and
8 mm thick top coat of cement mortar 1:2 (1 Cement : 2
Coarse sand) finished with trovel including scaffolding
curing etc. complete.
For Ground Floor
Rate Analysis No. 21
60 210.00 Providing 20 mm thick double coat mala cement plaster 195.62 1.96 197.58 Sq.Mt. 41491.80
on interior brick / concrete work for plastering comprising
of base coat of 12 mm thick cement plaster in cement
mortar (1 Cement : 4 coarse sand) in rough finishing and
8 mm thick top coat of cement mortar 1:2 (1 Cement : 2
Coarse sand) finished with trovel including scaffolding
curing etc. complete.
For First Floor
Rate Analysis No. 21
61 50.00 Providing 20 mm thick double coat mala cement plaster 212.74 2.13 214.87 Sq.Mt. 10743.50
on interior brick / concrete work for plastering comprising
of base coat of 12 mm thick cement plaster in cement
mortar (1 Cement : 4 coarse sand) in rough finishing and
8 mm thick top coat of cement mortar 1:2 (1 Cement : 2
Coarse sand) finished with trovel including scaffolding
curing etc. complete.
For Second Floor
Rate Analysis No. 21

Main Building
1% Labour
Item No. Quantity Discription Rate Total Rate Per Amount Rs

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
62 134.00 Providing 10 mm. Thick cement plaster in single coat for 107.94 1.08 109.02 Sq.Mt. 14608.68
plastering on ceiling and soffits of stairs upto floor two
level and finished even and smooth in : (I) Cement
mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 sand) Ground Floor
{S.O.R. It. Code. 17001A P. No. 179 + It. Code. 17006 P.
No. 180}
63 49.00 Providing 10 mm. Thick cement plaster in single coat for 122.96 1.23 124.19 Sq.Mt. 6085.31
plastering on ceiling and soffits of stairs upto floor two
level and finished even and smooth in : (I) Cement
mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 sand) First Floor
{S.O.R. It. Code. 17001A P. No. 179 + It. Code. 17006 +
17007A P. No. 180}
64 64.00 Providing and fixing chiken mesh jali with square of 12.50 92.00 0.92 92.92 Sq.Mt. 5946.88
x 12.50 mm of 25 gauge at junction the Brick.masonary
and reinforcement cement concrete member including
fixing materials scaffolding labour etc. complete
Rate Analysis No. 23

65 220.00 Providing 12 mm wide groove / notch in plaster including 15.00 0.15 15.15 Rmt. 3333.00
finishing the same etc. complete for all height.
{Market Rate}

66 803.00 Applying two coats of Birla or Asian acrylic lappy (putty) 47.41 0.47 47.88 Sq.Mt. 38447.64
and two coats of primer of approved brand and
manufacture on new wall surface to give an even shade
including thoroughly brushing the surface free from
mortar dropping and other foreign matter and sand
papered smooth.
{S.O.R. It. Code. 19032 P. No. 195}

Main Building
1% Labour
Item No. Quantity Discription Rate Total Rate Per Amount Rs

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
67 620.00 Wall painting (two coats) with plastic emulsion paint of 52.08 0.52 52.60 Sq.Mt. 32612.00
approved brand and manufacture on wall surfaces to give
an even shade including thoroughly brushing the surface
free from mortar dropings and other foreign matter and
sand papered smooth
{SOR P. No. 189 It. Code. 18031}
68 183.00 Wall painting (two coats) with plastic emulsion paint of 55.55 0.56 56.11 Sq.Mt. 10268.13
approved brand and manufacture on ceilings and sloping
roofs to give an even shade including thoroughly brushing
the surface free from mortar dropings and other foreign
matter and sand papered smooth
{SOR P. No. 189 It. Code. 18031 + 18033 }

69 399.00 20 mm. Thick sand faced GUTAKA FINISHED cement 235.30 2.35 237.65 Sq.Mt. 94822.35
plaster on walls upto All height above ground level
consisting of 12 mm. Thick backing coat of c.m. 1:3 (1
cement : 3 sand) and 8 mm. Thick finishing coat of c.m.
1:1 (1 cement : 1 sand) including making groove 6 mm
wide and 8 mm deep as approved pattern etc. complete
as directed.
Rate Analysis No. 24
70 488.00 Finishing wall with weather proof exterior emulsion paint 75.60 0.76 76.36 Sq.Mt. 37263.68
on wall surface (two coats) to give an required even
shade after thoroughly brushing the surface to remove all
dirt, and remains of loose powdered materials etc
{SOR P. No. 195 It. Code. 19031}

Main Building
1% Labour
Item No. Quantity Discription Rate Total Rate Per Amount Rs

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
71 12.00 Providing and fixing 90 cm high Stainless steel railing 2090.00 20.90 2110.90 Rmt. 25330.80
made from anticorrocive 304 grade S S pipe of 50 mm
dia (16Gauge) as hand rail with S S 304 grade Baluster
of 38 mm dia (16Gauge) as a vertical support fixed in
RCC slab at 1.2m c/c including three horizontal S S
pipes of 25 mm dia (16Gauge) at eqal distance fixed by
18.75 mm dia (16Gauge) S S pipe with baluster including
accessories as per detailed drawing as directed etc.
{Rate ANalysis No. 25}
72 30.00 Providing and fixing concealed center point to wall ceiling 136.50 1.37 137.87 Rmt. 4136.10
& floor CPVC (SDR 13.5) PIPE having National
Sanitation Foundation (NSF) seal for potable water of
following dia. Nominal bore tube fitting and clamps
including making good the wall, ceiling and floor etc.
(A) 15 mm
{SOR P. No. 236 It. Code. 23055}
73 30.00 Providing and fixing concealed center point to wall ceiling 226.80 2.27 229.07 Rmt. 6872.10
& floor CPVC (SDR 13.5) PIPE having National
Sanitation Foundation (NSF) seal for potable water of
following dia. Nominal bore tube fitting and clamps
including making good the wall, ceiling and floor etc.
(C) 25 mm
{SOR P. No. 236 It. Code. 23057}

Main Building
1% Labour
Item No. Quantity Discription Rate Total Rate Per Amount Rs

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
74 10.00 Providing and fixing concealed center point to wall ceiling 426.36 4.26 430.62 Rmt. 4306.20
& floor CPVC (SDR 13.5) PIPE having National
Sanitation Foundation (NSF) seal for potable water of
following dia. Nominal bore tube fitting and clamps
including making good the wall, ceiling and floor etc.
(D) 40 mm
{SOR P. No. 237 It. Code. 23059}
75 30.00 Providing laying and jointing in true line and level 15mm 84.87 0.85 85.72 Rmt. 2571.60
dia. U.P.V.C. Pipe ( SCH- 40) for cold water including
fittings as approved by Engineer In Charge. Pipe shall be
fixed on the wall with the help of clamp at every two
metre C/C or shall be concealed as directed including
necessary fittings etc. including testing of pipe and joints
and fixing the same with adhesive solvent, including cost
of all materials.
{SOR It. Code. 23061 P. No. 237 }
76 45.00 Providing laying and jointing in true line and level 25 mm 107.29 1.07 108.36 Rmt. 4876.20
dia. U.P.V.C. Pipe ( SCH- 40) for cold water including
fittings as approved by Engineer In Charge. Pipe shall be
fixed on the wall with the help of clamp at every two
metre C/C or shall be concealed as directed including
necessary fittings etc. including testing of pipe and joints
and fixing the same with adhesive solvent, including cost
of all materials.
{SOR It. Code. 23062 P. No. 238 }

Main Building
1% Labour
Item No. Quantity Discription Rate Total Rate Per Amount Rs

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
77 20.00 Providing laying and jointing in true line and level 40 mm 173.03 1.73 174.76 Rmt. 3495.20
dia. U.P.V.C. Pipe ( SCH- 40) for cold water including
fittings as approved by Engineer In Charge. Pipe shall be
fixed on the wall with the help of clamp at every two
metre C/C or shall be concealed as directed including
necessary fittings etc. including testing of pipe and joints
and fixing the same with adhesive solvent, including cost
of all materials.
{SOR It. Code. 23064 P. No. 238 }
78 7.00 Providing and fixing Heavy Handle valve of aprroved 719.00 7.19 726.19 Nos. 5083.33
brand & follwing internal dia of Brass including fixing in
pipe lines etc.complete (C) 25 mm Dia
Rate Analysis No. 25.3
79 2.00 Providing and fixing Heavy Handle valve of aprroved 1110.00 11.10 1121.10 Nos. 2242.20
brand & follwing internal dia of Brass including fixing in
pipe lines etc.complete (E) 40 mm Dia
Rate Analysis No. 25.5
80 20.00 Providing and fixing to wall, ceiling and floor galvanised 432.60 4.33 436.93 Rmt. 8738.60
mild steel tubes (Medium grade) of the following nominal
bore, tube, fittings and clamps included making good the
wall, ceiling and floor.
(E) 40 mm.
{SOR It. Code. 23001EA P. No. 226}
81 10.00 Providing and fixing to wall, ceiling and floor galvanised 281.40 2.81 284.21 Rmt. 2842.10
mild steel tubes (Medium grade) of the following nominal
bore, tube, fittings and clamps included making good the
wall, ceiling and floor.
(C) 25 mm.
{SOR It. Code. 23001C P. No. 226}

Main Building
1% Labour
Item No. Quantity Discription Rate Total Rate Per Amount Rs

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
82 6.00 Providing and fixing to wall, ceiling and floor galvanised 162.75 1.63 164.38 Rmt. 986.28
mild steel tubes (Medium grade) of the following nominal
bore, tube, fittings and clamps included making good the
wall, ceiling and floor.
(A) 15 mm.
{SOR It. Code. 23001A P. No. 226}
83 35.00 Providing and fixing to wall ceiling floor 10.0 Kg. F/Cm2 263.55 2.64 266.19 Rmt. 9316.65
working pressure polythene pipes approved brand for soil
waste and ventilating pipes of the following outside dia.
low density, complete with necessary fittings ,wall
clamps etc including making good the wall ceiling and
(A) 75 mm
(SOR It. Code. 23004F P. No. 229)

84 80.00 Providing laying and jointing in true line and level 110 551.25 5.51 556.76 Rmt. 44540.80
diameter U.P.V.C. SWR Type B pipe confirming to IS
13592-1992 with one end plain and other end socketed
with rubbering, & fitting conforming to ISI 14735-1999 of
approved make for drainage system pipe line, pipe shall
be jointed with each other with rubber lubricant, pipe shall
be fixed on wall using of PVC clamp of the size 110 mm
diameter x 149 mm length x 145 mm high at every 2000
mm centre to centre or shall be concealed in walls as
directed including necessary fittings such as bends,
shoes etc. including testing of pipes and joints and jointed
with adhesive solvent cement including cost of all
{SOR. It. Code. 23067 P. No. 240}

Main Building
1% Labour
Item No. Quantity Discription Rate Total Rate Per Amount Rs

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
85 20.00 Providing laying and jointing in true line and level 160 926.94 9.27 936.21 Rmt. 18724.20
diameter U.P.V.C. SWR Type B pipe confirming to IS
13592-1992 with one end plain and other end socketed
with rubbering, & fitting conforming to ISI 14735-1999 of
approved make for drainage system pipe line, pipe shall
be jointed with each other with rubber lubricant, pipe shall
be fixed on wall using of PVC clamp of the size 110 mm
diameter x 149 mm length x 145 mm high at every 2000
mm centre to centre or shall be concealed in walls as
directed including necessary fittings such as bends,
shoes etc. including testing of pipes and joints and jointed
with adhesive solvent cement including cost of all
{SOR. It. Code. 23066 P. No. 239}

86 16.00 Providing and fixing PVC SWR Nahni Trap IS 14735 for 368.55 3.69 372.24 Nos. 5955.84
drain - 100 mm diameter with jali of the following nominal
diameter of self cleansing design with C.I. screwed down
or hinged grating including the cost of cutting and making
good the walls.
{SOR P. No. 240 It. Code. 23068}
87 7.00 Providing and fixing Screw down Quarter turn bib taps of 218.29 2.18 220.47 Nos. 1543.29
following size
(A) Brass chromium plated screw down Bib tap
(I) 15 mm dia
{SOR It. Code. 23028B1 P. No. 233 }
88 7.00 Providing and fixing CP brass Quarter turn pillar tap, 360.70 3.61 364.31 Nos. 2550.17
capstan head screw down high pressure with screw,
shanks and back nuts
(A) 15 mm dia
{SOR It. Code. 23029A P. No. 233 }

Main Building
1% Labour
Item No. Quantity Discription Rate Total Rate Per Amount Rs

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
89 4.00 Providing and fixing wash basin with single hole for pillar 1337.00 13.37 1350.37 Nos. 5401.48
tap with C.I or M.S brackets painted white / fixing in
platform including cutting holes and making goods the
same including. C.P. brass waste and waste pipes and
bottaltrap (A) Vitreous china. (II) Flat back washbasin 550
mm x 400 mm size (I) in colour {Hindustan, Cera,
Parryware or equivalent }
Rate Analysis No. 27

90 2.00 Providing and fixing SS Sink Glosy ASIS 304 Grade x 2433.00 24.33 2457.33 Nos. 4914.66
1mm thick with over all size 610 x 460 mm & bowl size
560 x 410 x 200 with single hole for pillar tap Fixing in
sanwich platform including cutting holes and making
goods the same, necessary fixtures, connections and
waste pipes etc complete
Rate Analysis 28
91 1.00 Provision and fixing water closet squatting orissa type 1325.00 13.25 1338.25 Nos. 1338.25
W.C. pan size 580mm integral and 100 mm P or S trap
and including 25 mm dia CP brass flush valve and GI
inlet connection etc. comp. (A) Vitreous china long
pattern white or color {Hindustan, Cera, Parryware or
equivalent }
Rate Analysis No. 29

Main Building
1% Labour
Item No. Quantity Discription Rate Total Rate Per Amount Rs

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
92 2.00 Pro. & Fix. wash down water closet (European W. C. 2768.00 27.68 2795.68 Nos. 5591.36
Pan) with integral "P" or "S" trap and PVC flushing
cistern, complete with fittings such as lead value siphon,
15 mm. Nominal size brass ball valve with polythene
float, C.P. Brass handle unions and couplings for
connections with inlet, outlet and over flow pipes, 40 mm.
dia. flush bend including cutting holes in walls and
making good the same connecting the flush bend with
cistern and closet etc comp incl plastic sheet cover
including jointing trap with pipe in cm 1:1
(a ) Vitreous china in white or color
Rate Analysis No. 30

93 6.00 Providing and fixing Special Needs Range CRUSE SET, 57799.00 577.99 58376.99 No. 350261.94
EWC, 710 x 370 x 810 mm, New Cat No: S1021113 S
Trap, S1021114 P Trap, S1060106 Cistern, B1520118
Soft Close Seat Cover, B1810112 Twin Flush Fittings,
S2040101 Wash Basin 510 x 400 mm, F9030451 Spatula
Lever basin mixer, B2210106 Wall mounted Grab bar 600
mm long, B2210106 Wall mounted Grab bar 600 mm
long, B2210108 Wall mounted Hinged rail 750 x 750
{Cera or equivalent} as directed by Architect Office
{SUGAMYA BHARAT Instruction}
Rate Analysis No. 31

94 8.00 Providing and fixing CP brass stop cock of approved 240.47 2.40 242.87 Nos. 1942.96
quality 15 mm size with adjestable wall flange .
{SOR It. Code. 23030A P. No. 234 }

Main Building
1% Labour
Item No. Quantity Discription Rate Total Rate Per Amount Rs

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
95 2500.00 Providing erecting and fixing double coated PVC. (ISI) 4.61 0.05 4.66 Liter 11650.00
mark water tank of reqd capacity each with all necessary
fittings & connection etc. complete on terrace.
{SOR P. No. 221 It. Code. 22014}

96 8.00 Providing and fixing 600 mm x 450 mm bevelled edge 596.40 5.96 602.36 Nos. 4818.88
mirror of superior glass mounted on 6 mm thick A.C
sheet or plywood sheet or PVC framing and fixed to
wooden plugs with C.P brass screw and washers.
{SOR It. Code. 23024 P. No. 232 }

97 8.00 Providing and fixing C.P. brass towel rail complet with 499.80 5.00 504.80 Nos. 4038.40
C.P. brass brakets fixed to wooden plugs with cpbrass
(B) 600 mm X 20mm size
{SOR It. Code. 23025 P. No. 233 }

98 2.00 Providing and fixing S.W. Gully trap with C.I. Grating 1231.65 12.32 1243.97 Nos. 2487.94
brick masonary chamber and water tight C.I. Cover with
frame of 300 mm. X 300 size (inside) with standard
(I) Square mouth traps (B) 150 mm. X 100 mm size p or
R type
{SOR P. No. 246 It. Code. 24006B}

Main Building
1% Labour
Item No. Quantity Discription Rate Total Rate Per Amount Rs

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
99 2.00 Constructing brick masonary chamber for under ground 2649.15 26.49 2675.64 Nos. 5351.28
C.I. Inspection chamber and bends with bricks having
crushing strength not less than 35 Kg/cm2 in cm. 1:5 C.I.
Cover with frame (light duty) 455 mm. X 610 mm. Internal
dimensions, total weight of cover with frame to be not
less than 38 Kgs. weight of cover 23 Kg. and wt. of frame
15 Kg) R.C.C. top slab with 1:2:4 mix(1 cement : 2 coarse
sand : 4 graded stone aggregate 20 mm. size )
foundation concrete 1:5:10 inside plaster 15 mm. thick
with cement mortar 1:3 finished smooth with a floating
coat of neat cement on walls & bed concrete etc.
(I) inside dimensions, 455 mm. x 610 mm. And 450 mm.
Deep for single pipe line.
{SOR P. No. 250 It. Code. 24016AA}
100 2.00 Constructing brick masonary chamber for under ground 3364.20 33.64 3397.84 Nos. 6795.68
C.I. Inspection chamber and bends with bricks having
crushing strength not less than 35 Kg/cm2 in cm. 1:5 C.I.
Cover with frame (light duty) 455 mm. X 610 mm. Internal
dimensions, total weight of cover with frame to be not
less than 38 Kgs. weight of cover 23 Kg. and wt. of frame
15 Kg) R.C.C. top slab with 1:2:4 mix(1 cement : 2 coarse
sand : 4 graded stone aggregate 20 mm. size )
foundation concrete 1:5:10 inside plaster 15 mm. thick
with cement mortar 1:3 finished smooth with a floating
coat of neat cement on walls & bed concrete etc.
(iI) inside dimensions, 500 mm. x 700 mm. And 450 mm.
Deep for with one or two inlet
{SOR P. No. 251 It. Code. 24016BA}

Main Building
1% Labour
Item No. Quantity Discription Rate Total Rate Per Amount Rs

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
101 26.00 Providing throating or plaster drip and moulding to R.C.C. 27.06 0.27 27.33 Rmt. 710.58
{SOR It. Code. 5018 P. No. 73}
102 3.80 Constructing Sandwitch Platform of 18 mm thick 3548.00 35.48 3583.48 Sq.Mt. 13617.22
Polished Black Granite at top and 25 mm thick Kota
stone slab using cement mortar 1:3 for sandwich and
fitting at bottom & edges with waterproof rigid adhesives
including macking necessary grooves in walls with
Vertical Kotastone 30 mm x 2 No sandwitch thick every
60 cm centre to cenre including all labour material of
approved quality incl. full moulded round front edge fixed
in wall for partition and jointed with grey cement slurry
including rubbing and polishing etc. complete
Rate Analysis No. 32

103 1.00 Providing and fixing C.I. Manhole cover 0.60m x 0.45m 1119.45 11.19 1130.64 No. 1130.64
size having weight not less than 35 kgs.
{SOR P. No. 235 It. Code. 23038}
104 20.00 Providing and fixing M.S.clamp made from 40mm x 6mm 156.00 1.56 157.56 Nos. 3151.20
thick M.S.flat as per design given by Engineer in charge
for fixing the C.I. / G.I. / PVC pipe on wall of duct to stay
away from wall etc. complete.
Rate Analysis No. 33
Total 4334834.64

Deputy Executive Engineer Executive Engineer

R. & B. (City) Sub Division Bhavnagar (R&B) Division
Bhavnagar Bhavnagar

Main Building
Name of Work :- Construction of Sakhi One Stop Center at Bhavnagar

Main Building

Item No. 1 Excavation for foundation upto 1.50 mt depth including sorting out and stacking of useful
materials and disposing the excavated stuff upto 50 mt lead
(B) Dense and Hard Soil

Column Footing
Main 30 x 60 1 x 2 x 2.00 x 2.50 x 0.75 = 7.50
Main 30 x 45 1 x 14 x 2.00 x 2.00 x 0.75 = 42.00
Plinth Beams
1st row 1 x 6.37 x 0.60 x 0.75 = 2.87

2nd Row 1 x 5.77 x 0.60 x 0.75 = 2.60

1 x 3.00 x 0.60 x 0.75 = 1.35
1 x 3.34 x 0.60 x 0.75 = 1.50

3rd Row 1 x 3.66 x 0.60 x 0.75 = 1.65

1 x 2.41 x 0.60 x 0.75 = 1.08
1 x 3.00 x 0.60 x 0.75 = 1.35
1 x 3.05 x 0.60 x 0.75 = 1.37

4th Row 1 x 3.66 x 0.60 x 0.75 = 1.65

1 x 2.26 x 0.60 x 0.75 = 1.02
1 x 3.00 x 0.60 x 0.75 = 1.35
1 x 3 34
3.34 x 0 60
0.60 x 0 75
0.75 = 1 50

1st to 2nd Row 2 x 4.21 x 0.60 x 0.75 = 3.79

2nd to 3rd Row 3 x 2.83 x 0.60 x 0.75 = 3.82

2 x 3.20 x 0.60 x 0.75 = 2.88

3rd to 4th Row 2 x 3.65 x 0.60 x 0.75 = 3.29

2 x 3.80 x 0.60 x 0.75 = 3.42
1 x 2.78 x 0.60 x 0.75 = 1.25
Toilets 1 x 2.83 x 0.60 x 0.75 = 1.27
1 x 3 80
3.80 x 0 60
0.60 x 0 75
0.75 = 1 71
3 x 2.50 x 0.60 x 0.75 = 3.38
1 x 0.80 x 0.60 x 0.75 = 0.36
1 x 1.30 x 0.60 x 0.75 = 0.59
Admin 1 x 3.00 x 0.60 x 0.75 = 1.35

Ducts & Ext 26 x 0.45 x 0.60 x 0.75 = 5.27

Page 32 Main Building

Steps 1 x 2.10 x 1.60 x 0.25 = 0.84
1 x 3.87 x 0.75 x 0.75 = 2.18
1 x 1.00 x 0.45 x 0.45 = 0.20
Planter 1 x 1.20 x 0.75 x 0.75 = 0.68
1 x 3.50 x 0.75 x 0.75 = 1.97
1 x 1.80 x 0.75 x 0.75 = 1.01
1 x 3.64 x 0.75 x 0.75 = 2.05
1 x 0.91
0 91 x 0.75
0 75 x 0.75
0 75 = 0.51
0 51

Sock Pit 1 x 0.785 x 3.46 x 3.46 x 0.75 = 7.05

Total 117.66 Cu.M.

Say 118.00 Cu.M.

Item No. 2 Excavation for foundation upto 1.50 mt depth including sorting out and stacking of useful
materials and disposing the excavated stuff upto 50 mt lead
(C) Hard Murrum

Column Footing
Main 30 x 60 1 x 2 x 2.00 x 2.50 x 0.75 = 7.50
Main 30 x 45 1 x 14 x 2 00
2.00 x 2 00
2.00 x 0 75
0.75 = 42.00
42 00
Plinth Beams
1st row 1 x 6.37 x 0.60 x 0.30 = 1.15

2nd Row 1 x 5.77 x 0.60 x 0.30 = 1.04

1 x 3.00
3 00 x 0.60
0 60 x 0.30
0 30 = 0.54
1 x 3.34 x 0.60 x 0.30 = 0.60

3rd Row 1 x 3.66 x 0.60 x 0.30 = 0.66

1 x 2.41 x 0.60 x 0.30 = 0.43
1 x 3.00 x 0.60 x 0.30 = 0.54
1 x 3.05 x 0.60 x 0.30 = 0.55

4th Row 1 x 3.66 x 0.60 x 0.30 = 0.66

1 x 2.26 x 0.60 x 0.30 = 0.41
1 x 3.00 x 0.60 x 0.30 = 0.54
1 x 3.34 x 0.60 x 0.30 = 0.60

e ca
1st to 2nd Row 2 x 4.21 x 0.60 x 0.30 = 1.52

2nd to 3rd Row 3 x 2.83 x 0.60 x 0.30 = 1.53

2 x 3.20 x 0.60 x 0.30 = 1.15

Page 33 Main Building

3rd to 4th Row 2 x 3.65 x 0.60 x 0.30 = 1.31
2 x 3.80 x 0.60 x 0.30 = 1.37
1 x 2.78 x 0.60 x 0.30 = 0.50
Toilets 1 x 2.83 x 0.60 x 0.30 = 0.51
1 x 3.80 x 0.60 x 0.30 = 0.68
3 x 2.50 x 0.60 x 0.30 = 1.35
1 x 0.80 x 0.60 x 0.30 = 0.14
1 x 1.30 x 0.60 x 0.30 = 0.23
Ad i
Admin 1 x 3.00
3 00 x 0.60
0 60 x 0.30
0 30 = 0.54
0 54

Ducts & Ext 26 x 0.45 x 0.60 x 0.30 = 2.11

Sock Pit 1 x 0.785 x 3.46 x 3.46 x 0.75 = 7.05

Total 77.21 Cu.M.

Say 78.00 Cu.M.

Item No. 3 Excavation for foundation 1.50 mt to 3.00 mt depth including sorting out and stacking of useful
materials and disposing the excavated stuff upto 50 mt lead
(C) Hard Murrum

Column Footing
Main 30 x 60 1 x 2 x 2.00 x 2.50 x 0.50 = 5.00
Main 30 x 45 1 x 14 x 2.00 x 2.00 x 0.50 = 28.00
Sock Pit 1 x 0.785 x 3.46 x 3.46 x 0.50 = 4.70

Total 37.70 Cu.M.

50% of Total Qty 0.50 x 37.70 18.85

Say 19.00 Cu.M.

Item No. 4 Excavation for foundation 1.50 mt to 3.00 mt depth including sorting out and stacking of useful
materials and disposing the excavated stuff upto 50 mt lead
(D) Soft rock not requiring Blasting

Column Footing
Main 30 x 60 1 x 2 x 2.00 x 2.50 x 0.50 = 5.00
Main 30 x 45 1 x 14 x 2.00 x 2.00 x 0.50 = 28.00
Sock Pit 1 x 0.785 x 3.46 x 3.46 x 0.50 = 4.70

Total 37.70 Cu.M.

50% of Total Qty 0.50 x 37.70 18.85

Say 19.00 Cu.M.

Page 34 Main Building

Item No. 5 Excavation for foundation 3.00 mt to 5.00 mt depth including sorting out and stacking of useful
materials and disposing the excavated stuff upto 50 mt lead
(D) Soft rock not requiring Blasting
{S O R It Code 04003D P No 62}
Sock Pit 1 x 0.785 x 3.46 x 3.46 x 2.00 = 18.80

Total 18.80 Cu.M.

Say 19.00 Cu.M.

Item No. 6 Carring out plinth treatment to post construction / existing structure by spraying chemical
solution for termite control treatment including labour and material consistment with I.S.I
specification. Using Chlordene and Chiorpurfiles 20 EC. As Per 6131_paret-II Consentration

As per Plot area 137 00

137.00 Sq Mt
Say 137.00 Sq.Mt.

Item No. 7 Filling available excavated Earth (Excluding Rock ) in trench plinth side of foundation . in layer
not excluding 20 cm in depth consolidation each deposited layer by ramming and watering etc.

TOTAL Qty of Excavation

as per Item No. 1 = 118.00
as per Item No. 2 78.00
as per Item No. 3 = 19.00
as per Item No. 4 = 19.00
as per Item No. 5 = 19.00

Total 253.00 Cu.M.

Qty of PCC For Columns 10.00
Qty of Footing 19.00
Qty of Column upto GL 19.00
Total 48.00 Cu.M.
Net 205.00 Cu.M.
Say 205.00 Cu.M.
Item No. 8 Filling foundation and plinth with murrum or selected soil in layer of 20 cm in thickness
including ramming watering and consolidating etc. complete
{S.O.R. It. Code. 4008 P. No. 64}

Short Shelter 1 x 6.51 x 4.50 x 0.30 = 8.79

Ver 1 x 3.00 x 0.88 x 0.30 = 0.79
Pantry 1 x 2.40 x 1.50 x 0.30 = 1.08
Disable Toilet 1 x 2.40 x 1.80 x 0.30 = 1.30
Waiting Foyer 1 x 3.42 x 1.22 x 0.30 = 1.25
1 x 6.01 x 2.83 x 0.30 = 5.10
1 x 1.32 x 3.00 x 0.30 = 1.19

Page 35 Main Building

Counsellor 1 x 3.60 x 3.60 x 0.30 = 3.89
Office 1 x 3.00 x 3.53 x 0.30 = 3.18
Admin 1 x 3.00 x 3.05 x 0.30 = 2.75
Staircase 1 x 4.32 x 2.54 x 0.30 = 3.29
Ladies Toilet 1 x 1.28 x 3.73 x 0.30 = 1.43
1 x 2.11 x 1.02 x 0.30 = 0.65
Bath 1 x 1.50 x 1.20 x 0.30 = 0.54
WC 2 x 1.00 x 1.20 x 0.30 = 0.72

T t l 35.95
35 95 Cu.M.
Say 36.00 Cu.M.

Item No. 9 Filling in plinth with sand under floors including watering ramming, consolidating and dressing
etc. complete
{S.O.R. It. Code. 4007A P. No. 63}

Short Shelter 1 x 6.51 x 4.50 x 0.30 = 8.79

Ver 1 x 3.00 x 0.88 x 0.30 = 0.79
Pantry 1 x 2.40 x 1.50 x 0.30 = 1.08
Disable Toilet 1 x 2.40 x 1.80 x 0.30 = 1.30
Waiting Foyer 1 x 3.42 x 1.22 x 0.30 = 1.25
1 x 6.01 x 2.83 x 0.30 = 5.10
1 x 1.32 x 3.00 x 0.30 = 1.19
Counsellor 1 x 3.60 x 3.60 x 0.30 = 3.89
Office 1 x 3.00 x 3.53 x 0.30 = 3.18
Admin 1 x 3.00 x 3.05 x 0.30 = 2.75
Staircase 1 x 4.32 x 2.54 x 0.30 = 3.29
Ladies Toilet 1 x 1.28 x 3.73 x 0.30 = 1.43
1 x 2 11
2.11 x 1 02
1.02 x 0 30
0.30 = 0 65
Bath 1 x 1.50 x 1.20 x 0.30 = 0.54
WC 2 x 1.00 x 1.20 x 0.30 = 0.72

Total 35.95 Cu.M.

Say 36.00 Cu.M.

Item No. 10 Providing and laying Ordinary cement concrete M-150 C.C. 1:2 :4 ( 1 cement : 2 coarse sand :
4 graded stone aggregate 20mm nominal size) and curing complete including the cost of form
work but exlcuding cost of reinforcement for reinforced concrete work in :

Main 30 x 60 1 x 2 x 2.00 x 2.50 x 0.15 = 1.50

Main 30 x 45 1 x 14 x 2.00 x 2.00 x 0.15 = 8.40

Total 9.90 Cu.M.

Say 10.00 Cu.M.

Page 36 Main Building

Item No. 11 Providing and laying Ordinary cement concrete M-250 C.C. 1:1 :2 ( 1 cement : 1 coarse sand :
2 graded stone aggregate 20mm nominal size) and curing complete including the cost of form
g the cost of reinforcement for reinforced concrete work
work but excluding
Foundation Footing
Main 30 x 60 1 x 2 x 1.70 x 2.20 x 0.25 = 1.87
1 x 2 x 1.10 x 1.50 x 0.25 = 0.83
1 x 2 x 0.50 x 0.80 x 0.25 = 0.20
Main 30 x 45
1 x 14 x 1.70 x 1.70 x 0.25 = 10.12
1 x 14 x 1.10
1 10 x 1.15
1 15 x 0.25
0 25 = 4.43
4 43
1 x 14 x 0.50 x 0.60 x 0.25 = 1.05

Total 18.50
Say 19.00 Cu.M.

Item No. 12 Providing and laying Ordinary cement concrete M-250

M 250 C.C. 1:1 :2 ( 1 cement : 1 coarse sand :
2 graded stone aggregate 20mm nominal size) and curing complete including the cost of form
work but excluding the cost of reinforcement for reinforced concrete work
in Columns pillars posts and struts Foundation Upto Plinth Level
Upto GL
Main 30 x 60 1 x 2 x 0.30 x 0.60 x 1.10 = 0.40
Main 30 x 45 1 x 14 x 0.30 x 0.45 x 1.10 = 2.08

From FGL to Plinth

Main 30 x 60 1 x 2 x 0.30 x 0.60 x 0.90 = 0.32
Main 30 x 45 1 x 14 x 0.30 x 0.45 x 0.90 = 1.70

Total 4.50 Cu.M.

Say 5.00 Cu.M.

Item No. 13 Providing and laying cement concrete 1:3:6 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand : 6 Crushed stone
aggregates 40 mm. nominal size) and curing complete excluding cost of from work in :(a)
Foundation and plinth
{S O R It Code 05005A P No 69}
Plinth Beams
1st row 1 x 6.37 x 0.60 x 0.15 = 0.57

2nd Row 1 x 5.77 x 0.60 x 0.15 = 0.52

1 x 3.00 x 0.60 x 0.15 = 0.27
1 x 3.34 x 0.60 x 0.15 = 0.30

3rd Row 1 x 3.66 x 0.60 x 0.15 = 0.33

1 x 2 41
2.41 x 0 60
0.60 x 0 15
0.15 = 0 22
1 x 3.00 x 0.60 x 0.15 = 0.27
1 x 3.05 x 0.60 x 0.15 = 0.27

4th Row 1 x 3.66 x 0.60 x 0.15 = 0.33

1 x 2.26 x 0.60 x 0.15 = 0.20
1 x 3.00 x 0.60 x 0.15 = 0.27

Page 37 Main Building

1 x 3.34 x 0.60 x 0.15 = 0.30
1st to 2nd Row 2 x 4.21 x 0.60 x 0.15 = 0.76

2nd to 3rd Row 3 x 2.83 x 0.60 x 0.15 = 0.76

2 x 3.20 x 0.60 x 0.15 = 0.58

3rd to 4th Row 2 x 3.65 x 0.60 x 0.15 = 0.66

2 x 3.80 x 0.60 x 0.15 = 0.68
1 x 2.78
2 78 x 0.60
0 60 x 0.15
0 15 = 0.25
0 25
Toilets 1 x 2.83 x 0.60 x 0.15 = 0.25
1 x 3.80 x 0.60 x 0.15 = 0.34
3 x 2.50 x 0.60 x 0.15 = 0.68
1 x 0.80 x 0.60 x 0.15 = 0.07
1 x 1.30 x 0.60 x 0.15 = 0.12
Admin 1 x 3.00 x 0.60 x 0.15 = 0.27

Ducts & Ext 26 x 0.45 x 0.60 x 0.15 = 1.05

Steps 1 x 2.10 x 1.60 x 0.15 = 0.50

1 x 3.87
3 87 x 0.75
0 75 x 0.15
0 15 = 0.44
0 44
1 x 1.00 x 0.45 x 0.15 = 0.07
Planter 1 x 1.20 x 0.75 x 0.15 = 0.14
1 x 3.50 x 0.75 x 0.15 = 0.39
1 x 1.80 x 0.75 x 0.15 = 0.20
1 x 3.64 x 0.75 x 0.15 = 0.41
1 x 0.91 x 0.75 x 0.15 = 0.10
Sock Pit 1 x 0.785 x (3.46)2 - (3.00)
x 0.15 = 0.51
Flooring Concrete
Short Shelter 1 x 6.51 x 4.50 x 0.10 = 2.93
Ver 1 x 3.00 x 0.88 x 0.10 = 0.26
Pantry 1 x 2.40 x 1.50 x 0.10 = 0.36
Disable Toilet 1 x 2.40 x 1.80 x 0.10 = 0.43
Waiting Foyer 1 x 3.42 x 1.22 x 0.10 = 0.42
1 x 6.01 x 2.83 x 0.10 = 1.70
1 x 1.32 x 3.00 x 0.10 = 0.40
Counsellor 1 x 3.60 x 3.60 x 0.10 = 1.30
Office 1 x 3.00 x 3.53 x 0.10 = 1.06
Admin 1 x 3.00 x 3.05 x 0.10 = 0.92
Staircase 1 x 4 32
4.32 x 2 54
2.54 x 0 10
0.10 = 1 10
Ladies Toilet 1 x 1.28 x 3.73 x 0.10 = 0.48
1 x 2.11 x 1.02 x 0.10 = 0.22
Bath 1 x 1.50 x 1.20 x 0.10 = 0.18
WC 2 x 1.00 x 1.20 x 0.10 = 0.24
Total 25.08 Cu.M.
Say 26.00 Cu.M.

Page 38 Main Building

Item No. 14 Providing and laying Ordinary cement concrete M-200 C.C. 1:1 ½ :3 ( 1 cement : 1 ½ coarse
sand : 3 graded stone aggregate 20mm nominal size)and curing complete including the cost of
form work but excluding the cost of reinforcement for reinforced concrete work

Main 30 x 60 1 x 2 x 0.30 x 0.60 x 3.00 = 1.08

Main 30 x 45 1 x 14 x 0.30 x 0.45 x 3.00 = 5.67
Total 6.75 Cu.M.
Say 7.00 Cu.M.

Item No. 15 Providing and laying Ordinary cement concrete M-200 C.C. 1:1 ½ :3 ( 1 cement : 1 ½ coarse
sand : 3 graded stone aggregate 20mm nominal size) and curing complete including the cost of
form work but excluding the cost of reinforcement for reinforced concrete work

Main 30 x 60 1 x 2 x 0.30 x 0.60 x 3.00 = 1.08

Main 30 x 45 1 x 6 x 0.30 x 0.45 x 3.00 = 2.43
1 x 8 x 0.30 x 0.45 x 1.00 = 1.08

Total 4.59 Cu.M.

Say 5.00 Cu.M.

Item No. 16 Providing and laying Ordinary cement concrete M-250 C.C. 1:1 :2 ( 1 cement : 1 coarse sand :
2 graded stone aggregate 20mm nominal size) and curing complete including the cost of form
work but excluding the cost of reinforcement for reinforced concrete work
Plinth Beams
1st row 1 x 6.37 x 0.30 x 0.45 = 0.86

2nd Row 1 x 5.77 x 0.30 x 0.45 = 0.78

1 x 3.00 x 0.30 x 0.45 = 0.41
1 x 3.34 x 0.30 x 0.45 = 0.45

3rd Row 1 x 3.66 x 0.30 x 0.45 = 0.49

1 x 2.41 x 0.30 x 0.45 = 0.33
1 x 3.00 x 0.30 x 0.45 = 0.41
1 x 3 05
3.05 x 0 30
0.30 x 0 45
0.45 = 0 41

4th Row 1 x 3.66 x 0.30 x 0.45 = 0.49

1 x 2.26 x 0.30 x 0.45 = 0.31
1 x 3.00 x 0.30 x 0.45 = 0.41
1 x 3.34 x 0.30 x 0.45 = 0.45

1st to 2nd Row 2 x 4.21 x 0.30 x 0.45 = 1.14

2nd to 3rd Row 3 x 2.83 x 0.30 x 0.45 = 1.15

2 x 3.20 x 0.30 x 0.45 = 0.86

Page 39 Main Building

3rd to 4th Row 2 x 3.65 x 0.30 x 0.45 = 0.99
2 x 3.80 x 0.30 x 0.45 = 1.03
1 x 2.78 x 0.30 x 0.45 = 0.38
Toilets 1 x 2.83 x 0.30 x 0.30 = 0.25
1 x 3.80 x 0.30 x 0.30 = 0.34
3 x 2.50 x 0.30 x 0.30 = 0.68
1 x 0.80 x 0.30 x 0.30 = 0.07
1 x 1.30 x 0.30 x 0.30 = 0.12
Ad i
Admin 1 x 3.00
3 00 x 0.30
0 30 x 0.30
0 30 = 0.27
0 27

Ducts & Ext 26 x 0.45 x 0.30 x 0.30 = 1.05

1 x 1.35 x 0.30 x 0.30 = 0.12
2 x 0.40 x 0.30 x 0.30 = 0.07
2 x 0.60 x 0.30 x 0.30 = 0.11
1 x 0.20 x 0.30 x 0.30 = 0.02

For Win Off W1 3 x 1.50 x 0.30 x 0.30 = 0.41

W2 5 x 1.20 x 0.30 x 0.30 = 0.54
Toilet Side 1 x 2.03 x 0.30 x 0.30 = 0.18

Total 15.58 Cu.M.

Say 16.00
16 00 Cu.M.

Item No. 17 Providing and laying Ordinary cement concrete M-150 C.C. 1:2 :4 ( 1 cement : 2 coarse sand :
4 graded stone aggregate 20mm nominal size) and curing complete including the cost of form
work but
Plinth excluding the cost of reinforcement for reinforced concrete work

1 x 12.34
12 34 x 6.97
6 97 x 0.10
0 10 = 8.60
8 60
1 x 8.78 x 3.30 x 0.10 = 2.90
1 x 7.18 x 3.65 x 0.10 = 2.62

Total 14.12 Cu.M.

Duct 1 x 1.39 x 1.02 x 0.10 = 0.14

Col 2 x 0.30 x 0.60 x 0.10 = 0.04
Col 14 x 0.30 x 0.45 x 0.10 = 0.19

Total 0.37 Cu.M.

Net 13.75 Cu.M.
Say 14.00 Cu.M.

Item No. 18 Providing and laying Ordinary cement concrete M-200 C.C. 1:1 ½ :3 ( 1 cement : 1 ½ coarse
sand : 3 graded stone aggregate 20mm nominal size)and curing complete including the cost of
form work but excluding the cost of reinforcement for reinforced concrete work
Beams GF
1st row 1 x 6.37 x 0.30 x 0.45 = 0.86

Page 40 Main Building

2nd Row 1 x 5.77 x 0.30 x 0.45 = 0.78
1 x 3.00 x 0.30 x 0.45 = 0.41
1 x 3.34 x 0.30 x 0.45 = 0.45

3rd Row 1 x 3.66 x 0.30 x 0.45 = 0.49

1 x 2.41 x 0.30 x 0.45 = 0.33
1 x 3.00 x 0.30 x 0.45 = 0.41
1 x 3.05 x 0.30 x 0.45 = 0.41

4th Row 1 x 3.66 x 0.30 x 0.45 = 0.49

1 x 2.26 x 0.30 x 0.45 = 0.31
1 x 3.00 x 0.30 x 0.45 = 0.41
1 x 3.34 x 0.30 x 0.45 = 0.45

1st to 2nd Row 2 x 4.21 x 0.30 x 0.45 = 1.14

2nd to 3rd Row 3 x 2.83 x 0.30 x 0.45 = 1.15

2 x 3.20 x 0.30 x 0.45 = 0.86

3rd to 4th Row 2 x 3.65 x 0.30 x 0.45 = 0.99

2 x 3.80
3 80 x 0.30
0 30 x 0.45
0 45 = 1.03
1 03
1 x 2.78 x 0.30 x 0.45 = 0.38

ST 2 x 3.70 x 0.30 x 0.60 = 1.33

Total 12.68 Cu.M.

Say 13.00 Cu.M.

Item No. 19 Providing and laying Ordinary cement concrete M-200 C.C. 1:1 ½ :3 ( 1 cement : 1 ½ coarse
sand : 3 graded stone aggregate 20mm nominal size)and curing complete including the cost of
form work but excluding the cost of reinforcement for reinforced concrete work
Beam FF
2 d Row
2nd R 1 x 5.77
5 77 x 0.30
0 30 x 0.45
0 45 = 0.78
0 78

3rd Row 1 x 3.66 x 0.30 x 0.45 = 0.49

1 x 2.41 x 0.30 x 0.45 = 0.33

4th Row 1 x 3.66 x 0.30 x 0.45 = 0.49

1 x 2.26 x 0.30 x 0.45 = 0.31

1st to 2nd Row 2 x 4.21 x 0.30 x 0.45 = 1.14

2nd to 3rd Row 3 x 2.83 x 0.30 x 0.45 = 1.15

Page 41 Main Building

3rd to 4th Row 2 x 3.65 x 0.30 x 0.45 = 0.99
2 x 3.80 x 0.30 x 0.45 = 1.03

Total 6.71 Cu.M.

Say 7.00 Cu.M.

Item No. 20 Providing and laying Ordinary cement concrete M-200 C.C. 1:1 ½ :3 ( 1 cement : 1 ½ coarse
sand : 3 graded stone aggregate 20mm nominal size)and curing complete including the cost of
form work but excluding the cost of reinforcement for reinforced concrete work
F Win
For Wi Off W1 3 x 1
96 x 0
68 x 0.12
0 12 = 0.48
0 48
W2 6 x 1.66 x 0.68 x 0.12 = 0.81
Toilet Side 1 x 2.26 x 0.68 x 0.12 = 0.18

Total 1.47 Cu.M.

Say 1.50 Cu.M.

Item No. 21 Providing and laying Ordinary cement concrete M-200 C.C. 1:1 ½ :3 ( 1 cement : 1 ½ coarse
sand : 3 graded stone aggregate 20mm nominal size)and curing complete including the cost of
form work but excluding the cost of reinforcement for reinforced concrete work
For Win Off W2 1 x 1.43 x 0.30 x 0.12 = 0.05
Toilet Side 1 x 2.26 x 0.30 x 0.12 = 0.08

T t l 0.13
0 13 Cu.M.
Say 0.20 Cu.M.

Item No. 22 Providing and laying Ordinary cement concrete M-200 C.C. 1:1 ½ :3 ( 1 cement : 1 ½ coarse
sand : 3 graded stone aggregate 20mm nominal size)and curing complete including the cost of
form work but excluding the cost of reinforcement for reinforced concrete work
e s GF
23 cm Thick Walls 1 x 60.00 x 0.23 x 0.15 = 2.07
Partitions 1 x 28.00 x 0.15 x 0.15 = 0.63

Total 2.70 Cu.M.

Say 3.00 Cu.M.

Item No
No. 23 Providing and laying Ordinary cement concrete M-200
M 200 C.C.
C C 1:1 ½ :3 ( 1 cement : 1 ½ coarse
sand : 3 graded stone aggregate 20mm nominal size)and curing complete including the cost of
form work but excluding the cost of reinforcement for reinforced concrete work
First Floor
Lintels FF
23 cm Thick Walls 1 x 61.85 x 0.23 x 0.15 = 2.13
Partitions 1 x 11.00 x 0.15 x 0.15 = 0.25

Total 2.38 Cu.M.

Say 3.00 Cu.M.

Page 42 Main Building

Item No. 24 Providing and laying Ordinary cement concrete M-200 C.C. 1:1 ½ :3 ( 1 cement : 1 ½ coarse
sand : 3 graded stone aggregate 20mm nominal size)and curing complete including the cost of
form work and smooth finishingg of the exposed
p ( Cement : 3
surface with cement mortar 1:3 (1
Chhajjas GF
W1 3 x 1.96 x 0.45 x 0.12 = 0.32
W2 6 x 1.66 x 0.45 x 0.12 = 0.54
Toilet Side 1 x 2.26 x 0.45 x 0.12 = 0.12

Total 0.98 Cu.M.

Say 1.00
1 00 Cu.M.

Item No. 25 Providing and laying Ordinary cement concrete M-200 C.C. 1:1 ½ :3 ( 1 cement : 1 ½ coarse
sand : 3 graded stone aggregate 20mm nominal size)and curing complete including the cost of
form work and smooth finishing of the exposed surface with cement mortar 1:3 (1 Cement : 3
Chhajjas FF
at Beam Level
W2 1 x 1.43 x 0.45 x 0.12 = 0.08
Toilet Side 1 x 2.26 x 0.45 x 0.12 = 0.12
1 x 3.90 x 0.45 x 0.12 = 0.21
1 x 1.78 x 0.90 x 0.12 = 0.19
Total 0.60 Cu.M.
Say 0.60 Cu.M.

Item No. 26 Providing and laying Ordinary cement concrete M-200 C.C. 1:1 ½ :3 ( 1 cement : 1 ½ coarse
sand : 3 graded stone aggregate 20mm nominal size)and curing complete including the cost of
form work but excluding the cost of reinforcement for reinforced concrete work
Slab GF
1 x 12.34 x 6.97 x 0.125 = 10.75
1 x 8.78 x 3.30 x 0.125 = 3.62
1 x 7.18 x 3.65 x 0.125 = 3.28
Ext Win 3 x 1.96 x 0.45 x 0.125 = 0.33
6 x 1.66 x 0.45 x 0.125 = 0.56
1 x 2.26 x 0.45 x 0.125 = 0.13

SC 1 x 0 785
0.785 x 3 46
3.46 x 3 46
3.46 x 0 125
0.125 = 1 17

Total 19.84 Cu.M.

Duct 1 x 1.39 x 1.02 x 0.125 = 0.18
Staircase 1 x 2.41 x 3.80 x 0.125 = 1.14
Total 1.32 Cu.M.
Net 18.52 Cu.M.
Say 19.00 Cu.M.

Page 43 Main Building

Item No. 27 Providing and laying Ordinary cement concrete M-200 C.C. 1:1 ½ :3 ( 1 cement : 1 ½ coarse
sand : 3 graded stone aggregate 20mm nominal size)and curing complete including the cost of
g the cost of reinforcement for reinforced concrete work
form work but excluding
Slab FF
1 x 7.68 x 6.97 x 0.125 = 6.69
W2 1 x 3.01 x 0.45 x 0.125 = 0.17
Toilet Side 1 x 2.26 x 0.45 x 0.125 = 0.13
1 x 3.90 x 0.45 x 0.125 = 0.22
1 x 1.78 x 0.90 x 0.125 = 0.20

Total 7.41 Cu.M.

Duct 1 x 1.39 x 1.02 x 0.125 = 0.18
Total 0.18 Cu.M.
Net 7.23 Cu.M.
Say 8.00 Cu.M.

Item No. 28 Providing and laying Ordinary cement concrete M-200 C.C. 1:1 ½ :3 ( 1 cement : 1 ½ coarse
sand : 3 graded stone aggregate 20mm nominal size)and curing complete including the cost of
form work but excluding the cost of reinforcement for reinforced concrete work
GF to FF
1 x 1/2 x 20 x 1.20
1 20 x 0.30
0 30 x 0.15
0 15 = 0.54
0 54
2 x 3.22 x 1.20 x 0.20 = 1.55
Landing 1 x 2.55 x 1.11 x 0.20 = 0.57

Total 2.66 Cu.M.

Say 3.00 Cu.M.

Item No. 29 Providing Fe-500 TMT Bar reinforcement including providing fusion bonded Epoxy coating not
less than 175 micron thickness and up to 300 micron to reinforcement bars as per IS-13620-
1993/ ASTM-775M. for RCC work including bending binding and placing in position up to floor
It. No. Qty Kg. / Cu.M.

Footing 11 19.00 x 40.00 = 760.00

Column upto PL 12 5 00
5.00 x 300 00
300.00 = 1500 00
GF 14 7.00 x 300.00 = 2100.00
FF 15 5.00 x 300.00 = 1500.00
Plinth Beam 16 16.00 x 160.00 = 2560.00
Plinth Slab 17 14.00 x 70.00 = 980.00
Beam GF 18 13.00 x 160.00 = 2080.00
FF 19 7.00 x 160.00 = 1120.00
Lintel GF 22 3.00 x 70.00 = 210.00
FF 23 3.00 x 70.00 = 210.00
Chhajjas GF 24 1.00 x 70.00 = 70.00
FF 25 0.60 x 70.00 = 42.00
Slab GF 26 19.00 x 70.00 = 1330.00
FF 27 8.00 x 70.00 = 560.00

Page 44 Main Building

Staircase GF 28 3.00 x 70.00 = 210.00



Total 15232.00 Kg.

Say 16000.00 Kg.

Item No. 30 Providing and laying Brick work using common Brunt clay building bricks having crushing
strength not less than 35 Kg./ In foundation and plinth in cement mortar 1:6 (1cement :
6 fine sand)

1st row 1 x 6.37 x 0.23 x 1.05 = 1.54

2nd Row 1 x 5.77 x 0.23 x 1.05 = 1.39

1 x 3.00 x 0.23 x 1.05 = 0.72
1 x 3.34 x 0.23 x 1.05 = 0.81

3rd Row 1 x 3.05 x 0.23 x 1.05 = 0.74

4th Row 1 x 3.66 x 0.23 x 1.05 = 0.88

1 x 2.26 x 0.23 x 1.05 = 0.55
1 x 3.00 x 0.23 x 1.05 = 0.72
1 x 3.34 x 0.23 x 1.05 = 0.81

1st to 2nd Row 2 x 4.21 x 0.23 x 1.05 = 2.03

2nd to 3rd Row 1 x 2.83 x 0.23 x 1.05 = 0.68

2 x 3.20 x 0.23 x 1.05 = 1.55

3rd to 4th Row 2 x 3.65 x 0.23 x 1.05 = 1.76

2 x 3.80
3 80 x 0.23
0 23 x 1.05
1 05 = 1.84
1 84
1 x 2.78 x 0.23 x 1.05 = 0.67

Ducts & Ext 14 x 0.45 x 0.23 x 1.05 = 1.52

Steps 1 x 2.10 x 1.50 x 0.25 = 0.79

1 x 2.10 x 1.20 x 0.15 = 0.38
1 x 2.10 x 0.90 x 0.15 = 0.28
1 x 2.10 x 0.60 x 0.15 = 0.19
1 x 2.10 x 0.30 x 0.15 = 0.09
1 x 3.87 x 0.60 x 0.30 = 0.70
1 x 3.87 x 0.45 x 0.30 = 0.52

Page 45 Main Building

1 x 3.87 x 0.23 x 0.90 = 0.80
1 x 1.00 x 0.23 x 0.35 = 0.08

Planter 1 x 1.20 x 0.60 x 0.30 = 0.22

1 x 1.20 x 0.45 x 0.30 = 0.16
1 x 1.20 x 0.23 x 0.90 = 0.25

1 x 3.50 x 0.60 x 0.30 = 0.63

1 x 3.50 x 0.45 x 0.30 = 0.47
1 x 3.50
3 50 x 0.23
0 23 x 0.90
0 90 = 0.72
0 72

1 x 1.80 x 0.60 x 0.30 = 0.32

1 x 1.80 x 0.45 x 0.30 = 0.24
1 x 1.80 x 0.23 x 0.90 = 0.37

1 x 3.64 x 0.60 x 0.30 = 0.66

1 x 3.64 x 0.45 x 0.30 = 0.49
1 x 3.64 x 0.23 x 0.90 = 0.75

1 x 0.91 x 0.60 x 0.30 = 0.16

1 x 0.91 x 0.45 x 0.30 = 0.12
1 x 0.91 x 0.23 x 0.90 = 0.19

SC 1 x 3.14 x 3.46 x 0.35 x 0.45 = 1.71

2/3 x 1 x 3.14 x 3.46 x 0.23 x 6.70 = 11.16

Total 40.66 Cu.M.

Say 41.00 Cu.M.

Item No. 31 Providing and laying Brick work using common Brunt clay building bricks having crushing
strength not less than 35 Kg./ In super structure above plinth level upto floor two level in
cement mortar 1:6 (1cement : 6 fine sand)
Ground Floor
1st row 1 x 6.37 x 0.23 x 3.00 = 4.40

2nd Row 1 x 5.77 x 0.23 x 3.00 = 3.98

1 x 3.00 x 0.23 x 3.00 = 2.07
1 x 3.34 x 0.23 x 3.00 = 2.30

4th Row 1 x 3.66 x 0.23 x 3.00 = 2.53

1 x 2.26 x 0.23 x 3.00 = 1.56
1 x 3.00 x 0.23 x 3.00 = 2.07
1 x 3.34 x 0.23 x 3.00 = 2.30

1st to 2nd Row 2 x 4.21 x 0.23 x 3.00 = 5.81

Page 46 Main Building

2nd to 3rd Row 1 x 2.83 x 0.23 x 3.00 = 1.95
1 x 3.20 x 0.23 x 3.00 = 2.21

3rd to 4th Row 1 x 3.65 x 0.23 x 3.00 = 2.52

1 x 1.02 x 0.23 x 3.00 = 0.70
1 x 3.80 x 0.23 x 3.00 = 2.62
2 x 2.78 x 0.23 x 3.00 = 3.84

Ducts & Ext 14 x 0.45 x 0.23 x 3.00 = 4.35

Total 45.21 Cu.M.

MD 1 x 2.00 x 0.23 x 2.55 = 1.17
D1 1 x 1.50 x 0.23 x 2.10 = 0.72
W1 3 x 1.50 x 0.23 x 1.65 = 1.71
W1a x 1.50 x 0.23 x 1.20 = 0.00
W2 6 x 1.20 x 0.23 x 1.20 = 1.99
W3 1 x 0.90 x 0.23 x 1.20 = 0.25
W4 1 x 0.60 x 0.23 x 1.65 = 0.23
V1 1 x 1.20 x 0.23 x 0.60 = 0.17
V2 1 x 0.90 x 0.23 x 0.60 = 0.12
V3 1 x 0.80 x 0.23 x 0.60 = 0.11

Total 6.47 Cu.M.

Net 38.74 Cu.M.
Say 39.00 Cu.M.

Item No. 32 Providing and laying Brick work using common Brunt clay building bricks having crushing
strength not less than 35 Kg./ In super structure above plinth level upto floor two level in
cement mortar 1:6 (1cement : 6 fine sand)
First Floor
1st row 1 x 6.97 x 0.23 x 1.00 = 1.60

2nd Row 1 x 5.77 x 0.23 x 3.00 = 3.98

1 x 3 73
3.73 x 0 23
0.23 x 1 00
1.00 = 0 86
1 x 3.34 x 0.23 x 3.00 = 2.30

3rd Row 1 x 1.28 x 0.23 x 1.00 = 0.29

4th Row 1 x 3.66 x 0.23 x 3.00 = 2.53

1 x 2.26 x 0.23 x 3.00 = 1.56
1 x 6.95 x 0.23 x 1.00 = 1.60

1st to 2nd Row 2 x 4.43 x 0.23 x 1.00 = 2.04

2nd to 3rd Row 1 x 2.83 x 0.23 x 3.00 = 1.95

Page 47 Main Building

1 x 6.71 x 0.23 x 1.00 = 1.54

3rd to 4th Row 1 x 3.65 x 0.23 x 3.00 = 2.52

2 x 1.02 x 0.23 x 3.00 = 1.41
1 x 3.80 x 0.23 x 3.00 = 2.62

Ducts & Ext 2 x 0.45 x 0.23 x 3.00 = 0.62

Total 27.42 Cu.M.

D d ti
D3 1 x 1.00 x 0.23 x 2.10 = 0.48
D4 1 x 0.90 x 0.23 x 2.10 = 0.43
D5 2 x 0.75 x 0.23 x 2.10 = 0.72
W1a 1 x 1.50 x 0.23 x 1.20 = 0.41
W2 2 x 1.20 x 0.23 x 1.20 = 0.66
W3 1 x 0.90 x 0.23 x 1.20 = 0.25
V1 1 x 1.20 x 0.23 x 0.60 = 0.17
V3 1 x 0.80 x 0.23 x 0.60 = 0.11

Total 3.23 Cu.M.

Net 24.19 Cu.M.
Say 25.00 Cu.M.

Item No. 33 Providing and laying Brick work using common Brunt clay building bricks having crushing
strength not less than 35 Kg./ In super structure above plinth level upto floor two level in
cement mortar 1:6 (1cement : 6 fine sand) (b) Conventional {Second Floor }
Second Floor

1 x 7.42 x 0.23 x 1.00 = 1.71

1 x 7.22 x 0.23 x 1.00 = 1.66
1 x 0.45 x 0.23 x 1.00 = 0.10
1 x 3.96 x 0.23 x 1.00 = 0.91
1 x 0.79 x 0.23 x 1.00 = 0.18
1 x 1.62 x 0.23 x 1.00 = 0.37
1 x 1.47 x 0.23 x 1.80 = 0.61
1 x 3.00
3 00 x 0.23
0 23 x 1.80
1 80 = 1.24
1 24
1 x 1.97 x 0.23 x 1.80 = 0.82
1 x 5.70 x 0.23 x 1.00 = 1.31

Total 8.91 Cu.M.

Say 9.00 Cu.M.

Item No. 34 Providing and laying Half brick masonry in common brunt clay building bricks having crushing
strength not less than 35 Kg./ In cement mortar 1:3 (1cement : 3 coarse sand) with 2
Upto Plinth Level
Toilets 1 x 3.42 x 1.05 = 3.59
1 x 2.40 x 1.05 = 2.52

Page 48 Main Building

1 x 3.73 x 1.05 = 3.92
1 x 1.62 x 1.05 = 1.70
1 x 2.11 x 1.05 = 2.22
2 x 1.20 x 1.05 = 2.52
Admin Office 1 x 3.07 x 1.05 = 3.22
Ducts 10 x 0.45 x 1.05 = 4.73
1 x 1.35 x 1.05 = 1.42
2 x 0.47 x 1.05 = 0.99
2 x 0.67 x 1.05 = 1.41

Total 26.83
Say 27.00 Sq.Mt.

Item No. 35 Providing and laying Half brick masonry in common brunt clay building bricks having crushing
strength not less than 35 Kg./ In cement mortar 1:3 (1cement : 3 coarse sand) with 2
Toilets 1 x 3.42 x 2.88 = 9.85
1 x 2.40 x 2.88 = 6.91
1 x 3.73 x 2.88 = 10.74
1 x 1.62 x 2.88 = 4.67
1 x 2.11 x 2.88 = 6.08
2 x 1.20 x 2.88 = 6.91
Admin Office 1 x 3.07 x 2.88 = 8.84
Office 1 x 3.00 x 2.55 = 7.65
Counsellor 1 x 3.05 x 2.55 = 7.78
1 x 3.20 x 2.55 = 8.16
Ducts 10 x 0.45
0 45 x 2 88
2.88 = 12 96
1 x 1.35 x 2.88 = 3.89
2 x 0.47 x 2.88 = 2.71
2 x 0.67 x 2.88 = 3.86
Win Gaps Rear 1 x 1.20 x 2.25 = 2.70
1 2.03 x 0.77 = 1.56
1 2.03 x 0.65 = 1.32

Total 106.59
D2 1 x 1.20 x 2.10 = 2.52
D3 4 x 1.00 x 2.10 = 8.40
D4 1 x 0.90 x 2.10 = 1.89
D5 3 x 0 75
0.75 x 2 10
2.10 = 4 73

Total 17.54
Net 89.05 Sq.Mt.
Say 90.00 Sq.Mt.

Page 49 Main Building

Item No. 36 Providing and laying Half brick masonry in common brunt clay building bricks having crushing
strength not less than 35 Kg./ In cement mortar 1:3 (1cement : 3 coarse sand) with 2
Nos. of 6 mm. Diameter mild steel round bars after everyy three coarse embedded in cement

Toilets 1 x 2.90 x 2.88 = 8.35
2 x 2.11 x 2.88 = 12.15
Room 1 x 3.66 x 2.45 = 8.97

Ducts 8 x 0.45 x 2.88 = 10.37

2 x 0.45 x 1.20 = 1.08
2 x 0.47 x 2.88 = 2.71
2 x 0.67 x 2.88 = 3.86
Win Gaps Rear 1 x 1.20 x 2.13 = 2.56
Entrance Parapet 1 x 3 11
3.11 x 1 15
1.15 = 3 58
1 x 0.73 x 1.15 = 0.84
1 x 2.03 x 0.75 = 1.52
1 x 2.03 x 0.63 = 1.28

Total 57.27
D3 1 x 1.00 x 2.10 = 2.10
D4 1 x 0.90 x 2.10 = 1.89
D5 2 x 0.75 x 2.10 = 3.15
Total 7.14
Net 50.13 Sq.Mt.
Sayy 51.00 Sq.Mt.

Item No. 37 Providing and laying Half brick masonry in common brunt clay building bricks having crushing
strength not less than 35 Kg./ In cement mortar 1:3 (1cement : 3 coarse sand) with 2
Nos. of 6 mm. Diameter mild steel round bars after every three coarse embedded in cement

Ducts 4 x 0.45
0 45 x 1.80
1 80 = 3.24
3 24
2 x 0.67 x 1.80 = 2.41
Win Gaps Rear 1 x 1.20 x 1.80 = 2.16
1 2.03 x 1.80 = 3.65

Total 11.46
Say 12.00 Sq.Mt.

Page 50 Main Building

Item No. 38 Providing and Fixing MAIN DOOR using 35 x 100 MM. M.S. Pipe Hollow frame work as shown
in the detailed design provided by The Architect Office and double shutter specially designed
hollow door with horizontal 25 x 25 mm. M. S. square p p bands at equal
pipe q g
distance throughout

MD GF 1 x 2.00 x 2.55 = 5.10

Total 5.10 Sq.Mt.

Say 5.10 Sq.Mt.

Item No.
N 39 P idi
Providing andd fixing
38 mm thick i di d
aluminum section frame equivalent to jindal door section no 19552 - weight not less than 1.1
kg / mt. with wooden inserts for durable grip of door hinges. (frame size 38mmx 63.5 mm.),

D1 GF 1 x 1.50 x 2.10 = 3.15

D2 GF 1 x 1.20 x 2.10 = 2.52

Total 5.67 Sq.Mt.

Say 5.70 Sq.Mt.

Item No. 40 Providing and fixing 38 mm thick SINGLE SHUTTER FLUSH DOOR using anodized aluminum
section frame equivalent to jindal door section no 19552 - weight not less than 1.1 kg / mt. with
wooden inserts for durable grip of door hinges. (frame size 38mmx 63.5 mm.), Shutters with

D3 GF 4 x 1.00 x 2.10 = 8.40

FF 1 x 1.00 x 2.10 = 2.10
D4 GF 1 x 0.90 x 2.10 = 1.89
FF 3 x 0.90 x 2.10 = 5.67

Total 18.06 Sq.Mt.

Say 18.10 Sq.Mt.

Item No. 41 Providing and fixing Door having BLACK GRANITE frame with all open edges machine cut &
machine polished, & 35 mm thick FRP shutter single / Double with depressed panel SHUTTER
having extra reinforcement on sides and edges and in GEL coat finish. The core of shutter is to

D5 GF 3 x 0.75
0 75 x 2.10
2 10 = 4.73
4 73
FF 2 x 0.75 x 2.10 = 3.15

Total 7.88 Sq.Mt.

Say 7.90 Sq.Mt.

Page 51 Main Building

Item No. 42 Providing and fixing Anodized Alluminum Section Jindal Deluxe Sliding Window System 27mm
series THREE track window as shown in elevation, shutter with 5mm thick transparent plain
g , with transparent
float glass, p p
silicon sealant with allu. power g and fixture etc
coated fittings

W1 GF 3 x 1.50 x 1.65 = 7.43

W1A FF 1 x 1.50 x 1.20 = 1.80

Total 9.23 Sq.Mt.

Say 9.30 Sq.Mt.

Item No. 43 Providing and fixing Anodized Alluminum Section Jindal Deluxe Sliding Window System 27mm
series TWO track window as shown in elevation, shutter with 5mm thick transparent plain float
glass, with transparent silicon sealant with allu. power coated fittings and fixture etc complete.

W2 GF 6 x 1.20 x 1.20 = 8.64

FF 2 x 1.20 x 1.20 = 2.88
W3 GF 1 x 0.90 x 1.20 = 1.08
FF 1 x 0.90 x 1.20 = 1.08

Total 13.68 Sq.Mt.

Say 13.70 Sq.Mt.

Item No.
N 44 P
idi andd fixing
fi i colour
l anodised
di d Alluminium
All i i S ti
Section casementt window
SHUTTERS} using Frame section 126 x 50 { Wt. not less than 1.90 Kg / Rmt.} and SERIES B
Hollow Section size for Fully glazed shutter {Outside Openable} 57 x 52 mm { wt Not less than

W4 GF 1 x 0.60 x 1.65 = 0.99

Total 0.99 Sq.Mt.

Say 1.00 Sq.Mt.

Item No. 45 Providing and fixing standard extruded of alluminium section of size 63mm x 38.10mm x
1.2mm (@ Wt. 0.643 Kg/mt) with colour anodized alluminium frame for ventilation with 5 mm
thick frosted glass as details etc complete for Ventilation

V1 GF 1 x 1.20
1 20 x 0 60
0.60 = 0 72
FF 1 x 1.20 x 0.60 = 0.72

V2 GF 1 x 0.90 x 0.60 = 0.54

V3 GF 1 x 0.81 x 0.60 = 0.49

FF 1 x 0.81 x 0.60 = 0.49

Total 2.96 Sq.Mt.

Say 3.00 Sq.Mt.

Page 52 Main Building

Item No. 46 Providing and fixing standard extruded of alluminium section of size 63mm x 38.10mm x
1.2mm (@ Wt. 0.643 Kg/mt) with colour anodized alluminium frame for ventilation with
alluminium louvers Fixed and openable p
as details etc complete.
Louvers in Ducts
Rear 2 x 1.38 x 2.55 = 7.04

Total 7.04 Sq.Mt.

Say 7.04 Sq.Mt.

Item No.
N Providing
47 P idi andd fixing
fi i Safety
S f t grills
ill off required
i d pattern
tt for
f windows
i d / Door
D using
i 16 mm dia
di M.S
polished bars and Rectangular CRC pipes of size 50 x 30 x 2 mm at required spacing as per
design and hold fasting with coach bolts including one coat of primer and two coats of matt

W1 GF 3 x 1.50 x 1.65 = 7.43

W1A FF 1 x 1.50 x 1.20 = 1.80
W2 GF 6 x 1.20 x 1.20 = 8.64
FF 2 x 1.20 x 1.20 = 2.88
W3 GF 1 x 0.90 x 1.20 = 1.08
W4 GF 1 x 0.60 x 1.65 = 0.99
FF 1 x 0.90 x 1.20 = 1.08
V1 GF 1 x 1.20 x 0.60 = 0.72
FF 1 x 1.20 x 0.60 = 0.72

V2 GF 1 x 0.90 x 0.60 = 0.54

V3 GF 1 x 0.81 x 0.60 = 0.49

FF 1 x 0.81 x 0.60 = 0.49

TOTAL 26.86

Considering weight 30 Kg. / Sq.Mt.

26.86 x 30.00 = 805.80

Total 805.80 Kg.

Say 810.00 Kg.

Item No. 48 Providing and laying Machine cut, Free edges, Machine polished Granite stone slab 18 mm
(Average) thick {Single piece not more than 150 cm } for stair steps and riser as per design
incl. full moulded round front edge & 1 cm nosing & necessary groobe on trade of steps laid on
F1 & Staircase
GF to FF Steps 1 x 20 x 1.20 x 0.30 = 7.20
1 x 20 x 1.20 x 0.15 = 3.60
Landing 1 x 1 x 2.55 x 0.94 = 2.40
1 x 2 x 0.94 x 0.15 = 0.28
1 x 1 x 2.55 x 0.15 = 0.38

Page 53 Main Building

Entry Steps
Entry 4 x 1.80 x 0.30 = 2.16
5 x 1.80 x 0.15 = 1.35

Ver 1 x 1.20 x 3.00 = 3.60

2 x 1.20 x 0.10 = 0.24
1 x 1.00 x 0.10 = 0.10

Total 21.31 Sq.Mt.

Say 22.00
22 00 Sq.Mt.
S Mt

Item No. 49 Providing and laying 7.5 Cm. wide Kota stone slab flooring over 20mm (Average) thick base of
cement mortar 1:6 (1- cement : 6-coarse sand) laid over and jointed with grey cement slurry
mixed with pigment to match the shade of slab including rubbing and polishing etc. complete.
1 x 1.20 x 4.00 = 4.80

Total 4.80 Sq.Mt.

Say 5.00 Sq.Mt.

Item No.
N 50 P & L 24" x 24" vitrified
it ifi d 8 mm thick
thi k tile
til flooring
fl i over 20 mm (average)
( ) base
b off cementt mortar
1:6 ( 1 cement: 6 coarse sand) on new surface or fixing on existing flooring by adhesive
material including dismentaling of existing flooring and jointed with color cement slurry

Short Shelter 1 x 6.51 x 4.50 = 29.30
Pantry 1 x 2.40 x 1.50 = 3.60
Waiting Foyer 1 x 3.42 x 1.22 = 4.17
1 x 6.01 x 2.83 = 17.01
1 x 1.32 x 3.00 = 3.96
Counsellor 1 x 3.60 x 3.60 = 12.96
Office 1 x 3.00 x 3.53 = 10.59
Admin 1 x 3.00 x 3.05 = 9.15
St i
Staircase 1 x 4.32
4 32 x 2.54
2 54 = 10.97
10 97
Pantry 1 x 2.40 x 1.50 = 3.60
Room-1 1 x 4.28 x 2.90 = 12.41
Room-2 1 x 3.73 x 2.89 = 10.78
1 x 1.39 x 0.29 = 0.40

Total 128.90
Say 129.00 Sq.Mt.

Page 54 Main Building

Item No. 51 Providing and laying Vitrified tiles 8 to 10 mm thick , 24'' x 24'' in skrting risers of steps and
dedo on 10mm thick cement plaster 1:3 (1-cement : 3-coarse sand) and jointed with white
cement slurryy

Short Shelter 2 x 6.51 x 0.10 = 1.30
2 x 4.50 x 0.10 = 0.90
Pantry 2 x 2.40 x 0.10 = 0.48
2 x 1.50 x 0.10 = 0.30
W iti Foyer
Waiting F 1 x 3.72
3 72 x 0.10
0 10 = 0.37
0 37
1 x 3.42 x 0.10 = 0.34
1 x 1.52 x 0.10 = 0.15
1 x 3.23 x 0.10 = 0.32
1 x 4.15 x 0.10 = 0.42
Col 1 x 1.36 x 0.10 = 0.14
Counsellor 2 x 3.60 x 0.10 = 0.72
2 x 3.60 x 0.10 = 0.72
Office 2 x 3.00 x 0.10 = 0.60
2 x 3.53 x 0.10 = 0.71
Admin 2 x 3.00 x 0.10 = 0.60
2 x 3.05 x 0.10 = 0.61
Staircase 1 x 2.55 x 0.10 = 0.26
1 x 4.32
4 32 x 0.10
0 10 = 0.43
0 43
1 x 3.00 x 0.10 = 0.30
Pantry 2 x 2.40 x 0.10 = 0.48
2 x 1.50 x 0.10 = 0.30
Room-1 2 x 4.28 x 0.10 = 0.86
2 x 2.90 x 0.10 = 0.58
Room-2 2 x 3.73 x 0.10 = 0.75
2 x 3.18 x 0.10 = 0.64

Total 13.28
Say 14.00 Sq.Mt.

Item No.
N Providing
52 P idi and
d laying
l i 60 cm x 60 cm Matt M tt Finished
Fi i h d Anti
A ti Skid GVT tile
til flooring
fl i over 20 mm
{average} base of cement mortar 1:6 { 1 cement : 6 coarse sand} and jointed with colour
cement slurry including finished with flush pointing & cleaning the surface etc. complete Clours,

Gen Area 1 x 2.30 x 2.11 = 4.85
1 x 1.62 x 1.28 = 2.07
Disable 1 x 2.40 x 1.80 = 4.32
Total 11.24
Say 12.00 Sq.Mt.

Page 55 Main Building

Item No. 53 Providing and laying 30 x 30 Cm Anti skid ceramic tiles, 6 mm. thick of Somani, Kajaria, Bell or
equivalent brand in flooring treads of steps and landing laid on a bed of 12mm thick cement
mortar 1:3 (1-cement g with flush pointing
: 3-coarse sand ) finishing p g in white cement. Shade and
Bath 1 x 1.50 x 1.20 = 1.80
WC 2 x 1.00 x 1.20 = 2.40
Toilets 1 x 2.10 x 1.20 = 2.52
1 x 2.11
2 11 x 1.20
1 20 = 2.53
2 53

Total 9.25
Say 10.00 Sq.Mt.
Item No. 54 Providing and laying Colour glazed tiles 30 cm x 60 cm size & 6 mm. Thick in skirting risers of
steps and dado on 10 mm. Thick cement plaster 1:3 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand) pointing in
white cement and jointed y
with white cement slurry.
Left Toilet
Gen Area 2 x 3.73 x 2.10 = 15.67
2 x 2.30 x 2.10 = 9.66
Bath 2 x 1.50 x 2.10 = 6.30
2 x 1.20 x 2.10 = 5.04
WC 4 x 1.00
1 00 x 2.10
2 10 = 8.40
8 40
4 x 1.20 x 2.10 = 10.08
Disable 2 x 2.40 x 2.10 = 10.08
2 x 1.80 x 2.10 = 7.56
Pantry 1 x 2.40 x 1.20 = 2.88
2 x 0.60 x 1.20 = 1.44
Toilets 2 x 2.10 x 2.10 = 8.82
2 x 1.20 x 2.10 = 5.04
2 x 2.11 x 2.10 = 8.86
2 x 1.20 x 2.10 = 5.04
Pantry 1 x 2.40 x 1.20 = 2.88
2 x 0.60 x 1.20 = 1.44
T t l
Total 109.19
109 19
D2 1 x 1 x 1.20 x 2.10 = 2.52
D3 1 x 1 x 1.00 x 2.10 = 2.10
D5 2 x 3 x 0.75 x 2.10 = 9.45
1 x 2 x 0.75 x 2.10 = 3.15
V1 1 x 2 x 0 90
0.90 x 0 60
0.60 = 1 08
V2 1 x 1 x 0.60 x 0.60 = 0.36
V3 1 x 2 x 0.81 x 0.60 = 0.97

Total 19.63
Net 89.56 Sq.Mt.
Say 90.00 Sq.Mt.

Page 56 Main Building

Item No. 55 Providing and fixing pre-cast Rubber Dye / Steel dye inter locking concrete block 60mm thick
with grade of concrete M300 pnumatic compressed by mechanically pressed and as per
approved design conforming to IS 15658 : 2006 including 35mm sand layer for levelling and

Front 1 x 5.74 x 2.33 = 13.37

Duct 1 x 1.38 x 0.81 = 1.12
2 x 12.34 x 1.50 = 37.02
2 x 16.93 x 1.50 = 50.79

Total 102.30 Sq.Mt.

Say 103.00 Sq.Mt.

Item No. 56 Providing and fixing pre-cast concrete kerb stone of gray cement based concrete block 30cm
length, 30cm height and 15 cm thick of M 250 grade concret as per approved design and
g excavation for fixing
g in proper
p p line and leve,, filling
g the joint
j with C:M 1:3 (1
( Cement : 3

Plinth Protection 2 x 16.93 = 33.86

2 x 15.34 = 30.68

Total 64.54 Rmt.

Say 65.00 Rmt.

Item No. 57 Providing and laying water proofing treatment with china mosaic tiles flooring over avg 40 mm
C.C. 1:2:4 {1 Cement : 2 sand : 4 Kapachi / Grit 6 to 12 mm size} bedding for maintaining slope
for plain and curve surface & 12 mm to 20 mm of broken piece of ceramic / glazed tiles ( one

Lower 1 x 4.43 x 6.51 = 28.84

1 x 6.71 x 6.72 = 45.09
1 x 0.61 x 3.11 = 1.90
1 x 1.02 x 3.07 = 3.13
Sides 2 x 4.71 x 0.15 = 1.41
2 x 6.51 x 0.15 = 1.95
2 x 6.72 x 0.15 = 2.02
2 x 8 35
8.35 x 0 15
0.15 = 2 51

Upper 1 x 0.45 x 2.97 = 1.34

1 x 2.07 x 7.22 = 14.95
1 x 1.85 x 6.16 = 11.40
1 x 2.55 x 7.67 = 19.56
2 x 7.67 x 0.15 = 2.30
2 x 6.96 x 0.15 = 2.09
1 x 1.02 x 0.15 = 0.15
1 x 1.47 x 0.15 = 0.22

Total 138.86 Sq.Mt.

Say 139.00 Sq.Mt.

Page 57 Main Building

Item No. 58 Providing and laying Mirror polished Machine polished Granite Stone slab 18 mm (Average)
thick for Doors / Windows sill & Jams Cladding as per design incl. Half round moulded both
edges fixed on 12 mm thick cement plaster 1:3 (1 -cement : 3 coarse sand ) jointed with grey

MD GF 1 x 1 x 2.00 x 0.25 = 0.50

2 x 1 x 2.55 x 0.25 = 1.28
D1 GF 1 x 1 x 1.50 x 0.25 = 0.38
2 x 1 x 2.10 x 0.25 = 1.05
D2 GF 1 x 1 x 1.20 x 0.25 = 0.30
2 x 1 x 2.10 x 0.25 = 1.05
D3 GF 1 x 4 x 1.00 x 0.25 = 1.00
2 x 4 x 2.10 x 0.25 = 4.20
FF 1 x 1 x 1.00 x 0.25 = 0.25
2 x 1 x 2.10 x 0.25 = 1.05
D4 GF 1 x 1 x 0 90
0.90 x 0 25
0.25 = 0 23
2 x 1 x 2.10 x 0.15 = 0.63
FF 1 x 3 x 0.90 x 0.15 = 0.41
2 x 3 x 2.10 x 0.15 = 1.89
W1 GF 2 x 3 x 1.50 x 0.25 = 2.25
2 x 3 x 1.65 x 0.25 = 2.48
W1A FF 2 x 1 x 1.50 x 0.25 = 0.75
2 x 1 x 1.20 x 0.25 = 0.60
W2 GF 2 x 6 x 1.20 x 0.25 = 3.60
2 x 6 x 1.20 x 0.25 = 3.60
FF 2 x 2 x 1.20 x 0.25 = 1.20
2 x 2 x 1.20 x 0.25 = 1.20
W3 GF 2 x 1 x 0.90 x 0.25 = 0.45
2 x 1 x 1 20
1.20 x 0 25
0.25 = 0 60
W4 GF 2 x 1 x 0.60 x 0.25 = 0.30
2 x 1 x 1.65 x 0.25 = 0.83
FF 2 x 1 x 0.90 x 0.25 = 0.45
2 x 1 x 1.20 x 0.25 = 0.60
V1 GF 2 x 1 x 1.20 x 0.25 = 0.60
2 x 1 x 0.60 x 0.25 = 0.30
FF 2 x 1 x 1.20 x 0.25 = 0.60
2 x 1 x 0.60 x 0.25 = 0.30
V2 GF 2 x 1 x 0.90 x 0.25 = 0.45
2 x 1 x 0.60 x 0.25 = 0.30
V3 GF 2 x 1 x 0.81 x 0.25 = 0.41
2 x 1 x 0.60 x 0.25 = 0.30
FF 2 x 1 x 0 81
0.81 x 0 25
0.25 = 0 41
2 x 1 x 0.60 x 0.25 = 0.30

Total 37.10 Sq.Mt.

Say 38.00 Sq.Mt.

Page 58 Main Building

Item No. 59 Providing 20 mm thick double coat mala cement plaster on interior brick / concrete work for
plastering comprising of base coat of 12 mm thick cement plaster in cement mortar (1 Cement :
4 coarse sand)) in rough
g finishing
g and 8 mm thick topp coat of cement mortar 1:2 (1
( Cement : 2
Short Shelter 2 x 6.51 x 2.85 = 37.11
2 x 4.50 x 2.85 = 25.65
Pantry 2 x 2.40 x 2.85 = 13.68
2 x 1.50 x 2.85 = 8.55
Waiting Foyer 1 x 3.72 x 2.85 = 10.60
1 x 3.42
3 42 x 2.85
2 85 = 9.75
9 75
1 x 1.52 x 2.85 = 4.33
1 x 3.23 x 2.85 = 9.21
1 x 4.15 x 2.85 = 11.83
Col 1 x 1.36 x 2.85 = 3.88
Counsellor 2 x 3.60 x 2.85 = 20.52
2 x 3.60 x 2.85 = 20.52
Office 2 x 3.00 x 2.85 = 17.10
2 x 3.53 x 2.85 = 20.12
Admin 2 x 3.00 x 2.85 = 17.10
2 x 3.05 x 2.85 = 17.39
Staircase 1 x 2.55 x 2.85 = 7.27
1 x 4.32 x 2.85 = 12.31
1 x 3.00
3 00 x 2.85
2 85 = 8.55
8 55
Left Toilet
Gen Area 2 x 3.73 x 2.85 = 21.26
2 x 2.30 x 2.85 = 13.11
Bath 2 x 1.50 x 2.85 = 8.55
2 x 1.20 x 2.85 = 6.84
WC 4 x 1.00 x 2.85 = 11.40
4 x 1.20 x 2.85 = 13.68
Disable 2 x 2.40 x 2.85 = 13.68
2 x 1.80 x 2.85 = 10.26
Pantry 1 x 2.40 x 2.85 = 6.84
2 x 0.60 x 2.85 = 3.42

T t l
Total 384
51 Sq.Mt.
S Mt
MD GF 1/2 x 1 x 2.00 x 2.55 = 2.55
D1 GF 1 x 1 x 1.50 x 2.10 = 3.15
D2 GF 1 x 1 x 1.20 x 2.10 = 2.52
D3 GF 1 x 4 x 1.00 x 2.10 = 8.40
D4 GF 1 x 1 x 0.90 x 2.10 = 1.89
D5 GF 1 x 3 x 0.75 x 2.10 = 4.73
W1 GF 1/2 x 3 x 1.50 x 1.65 = 3.71
W2 GF 1/2 x 6 x 1.20 x 1.20 = 4.32
W3 GF 1/2 x 1 x 0.90 x 1.20 = 0.54
W4 GF 1/2 x 1 x 0.60 x 1.65 = 0.50
V1 GF 1/2 x 1 x 1.20 x 0.60 = 0.36

Page 59 Main Building

V2 GF 1/2 x 1 x 0.90 x 0.60 = 0.27
V3 GF 1/2 x 1 x 0.81 x 0.60 = 0.24

Total 33.18 Sq.Mt.

Net 351.33 Sq.Mt.
Say 360.00 Sq.Mt.

Item No. 60 Providing 20 mm thick double coat mala cement plaster on interior brick / concrete work for
plastering comprising of base coat of 12 mm thick cement plaster in cement mortar (1 Cement :
4 coarse sand) in rough finishing and 8 mm thick top coat of cement mortar 1:2 (1 Cement : 2
First Floor
Pantry 2 x 2.40 x 2.85 = 13.68
2 x 1.50 x 2.85 = 8.55
Room-1 2 x 4.28 x 2.85 = 24.40
2 x 2.90 x 2.85 = 16.53
Room-2 2 x 3.73 x 2.85 = 21.26
2 x 3.18 x 2.85 = 18.13
Staircase 2 x 4.32 x 2.85 = 24.62
4 x 1.00 x 2.85 = 11.40
Toilets 2 x 2.10 x 2.85 = 11.97
2 x 1.20 x 2.85 = 6.84
2 x 2.11
2 11 x 2.85
2 85 = 12.03
12 03
2 x 1.20 x 2.85 = 6.84
1 x 6.97 x 1.23 = 8.57
1 x 3.73 x 1.23 = 4.59
1 x 1.28 x 1.23 = 1.57
1 x 6.95 x 1.23 = 8.55
2 x 4.43 x 1.23 = 10.90
1 x 6.71 x 1.23 = 8.25

Total 218.68 Sq.Mt.

D3 1 x 1 x 1.00 x 2.10 = 2.10
D4 1 x 3 x 0.90
0 90 x 2.10
2 10 = 5.67
5 67
D5 1 x 2 x 0.75 x 2.10 = 3.15
W1A 1/2 x 1 x 1.50 x 1.20 = 0.90
W2 1/2 x 2 x 1.20 x 1.20 = 1.44
W4 1/2 x 1 x 0.90 x 1.20 = 0.54
V1 1/2 x 1 x 1.20 x 0.60 = 0.36
V3 1/2 x 1 x 0.81 x 0.60 = 0.24
Total 14.40 Sq.Mt.
Net 204.28 Sq.Mt.
Say 210.00 Sq.Mt.

Page 60 Main Building

Item No. 61 Providing 20 mm thick double coat mala cement plaster on interior brick / concrete work for
plastering comprising of base coat of 12 mm thick cement plaster in cement mortar (1 Cement :
4 coarse sand)) in rough
g finishing
g and 8 mm thick topp coat of cement mortar 1:2 (1
( Cement : 2
Second Floor
Parapet 1 x 1 x 7.42 x 1.23 = 9.13
1 x 1 x 7.22 x 1.23 = 8.88
1 x 1 x 0.45 x 1.23 = 0.55
1 x 1 x 3.96 x 1.23 = 4.87
1 x 1 x 0.79 x 1.23 = 0.97
1 x 1 x 1.62
1 62 x 1.23
1 23 = 1.99
1 99
1 x 1 x 1.47 x 2.03 = 2.98
1 x 1 x 3.00 x 2.03 = 6.09
1 x 1 x 1.97 x 2.03 = 4.00
1 x 1 x 5.70 x 1.23 = 7.01

Total 46.47 Sq.Mt.

Say 50.00 Sq.Mt.

Item No. 62 Providing 10 mm. Thick cement plaster in single coat for plastering on ceiling and soffits of
stairs upto floor two level and finished even and smooth in : (I) Cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement :
3 sand) Ground Floor
Ceiling GF
Shortt Shelter
Sh Sh lt 1 x 6.51
6 51 x 4.50
4 50 = 29.30
29 30
Pantry 1 x 2.40 x 1.50 = 3.60
Waiting Foyer 1 x 3.42 x 1.22 = 4.17
1 x 6.01 x 2.83 = 17.01
1 x 1.32 x 3.00 = 3.96
Counsellor 1 x 3.60 x 3.60 = 12.96
Office 1 x 3.00 x 3.53 = 10.59
Admin 1 x 3.00 x 3.05 = 9.15
Gen Area 1 x 2.30 x 2.11 = 4.85
1 x 1.62 x 1.28 = 2.07
Disable 1 x 2.40 x 1.80 = 4.32
Bath 1 x 1.50 x 1.20 = 1.80
WC 2 x 1.00 x 1.20 = 2.40
Ver 1 x 3.00
3 00 x 1.20
1 20 = 3.60
3 60
2 x 2 x 2.83 x 0.45 = 5.09
2 x 1 x 3.66 x 0.45 = 3.29
2 x 1 x 2.41 x 0.45 = 2.17
2 x 1 x 3.00 x 0.45 = 2.70

Stair Bottom 2 x 3.10 x 1.20 = 7.44

1 x 2.55 x 1.20 = 3.06

Total 133.53 Sq.Mt.

Say 134.00 Sq.Mt.

Page 61 Main Building

Item No. 63 Providing 10 mm. Thick cement plaster in single coat for plastering on ceiling and soffits of
stairs upto floor two level and finished even and smooth in : (I) Cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement :
3 sand)) First Floor
Ceiling FF
Pantry 1 x 2.40 x 1.50 = 3.60
Room-1 1 x 4.28 x 2.90 = 12.41
Room-2 1 x 3.73 x 2.89 = 10.78
1 x 1.39 x 0.29 = 0.40
Toilets 1 x 2.10 x 1.20 = 2.52
1 x 2.11
2 11 x 1.20
1 20 = 2.53
2 53
Staircase 1 x 4.32 x 2.55 = 11.02
2 x 1 x 2.90 x 0.45 = 2.61
2 x 1 x 2.41 x 0.45 = 2.17

Total 48.04 Sq.Mt.

Say 49.00 Sq.Mt.

Item No. 64 Providing and fixing chiken mesh jali with square of 12.50 x 12.50 mm of 25 gauge at junction
the Brick.masonary and reinforcement cement concrete member including fixing materials
scaffolding labour etc. complete
O t side
Outer id 2 x 2 x 13.92
13 92 x 0.30
0 30 = 16.70
16 70
2 x 2 x 12.34 x 0.30 = 14.81
Inner 2 x 2 x 13.92 x 0.30 = 16.70
2 x 2 x 12.34 x 0.30 = 14.81
Total 63.02
Say 64.00 Sq.Mt.

Item No. 65 Providing 12 mm wide groove / notch in plaster including finishing the same etc. complete for
all height.

Outer side 2 x 2 x 13.92 = 55.68

2 x 2 x 12.34 = 49.36
Inner 2 x 2 x 13.92 = 55.68
2 x 2 x 12 34
12.34 = 49 36

Total 210.08 Rmt.

Say 220.00 Rmt.

Item No. 66 Applying two coats of Birla or Asian acrylic lappy (putty) and two coats of primer of approved
brand and manufacture on new wall surface to give an even shade including thoroughly
brushing the surface free from mortar dropping and other foreign matter and sand papered

15 mm thick cement plaster

Qty of Plaster As per Item No. 59 GF = 360.00
Qty of Plaster As per Item No. 60 FF = 210.00

Page 62 Main Building

Qty of Plaster As per Item No. 61 SF = 50.00

10 mm thick ceiling plaster

Qty of Plaster As per Item No. 62 GF = 134.00
Qty of Plaster As per Item No. 63 FF = 49.00

Total 803.00 Sq.Mt.

Say 803.00 Sq.Mt.

Item No.
N 67 Wall
W ll painting
i ti (two
(t coats)
t ) with
ith plastic
l ti emulsion
l i paint
i t off approved
d brand
b d and d manufacture
f t on
wall surfaces to give an even shade including thoroughly brushing the surface free from mortar
dropings and other foreign matter and sand papered smooth

15 mm thick cement plaster

Qty of Plaster As per Item No. 59 GF = 360.00
Qty of Plaster As per Item No. 60 FF = 210.00
Qty of Plaster As per Item No. 61 SF = 50.00

Total 620.00 Sq.Mt.

Say 620.00 Sq.Mt.

Item No. 68 Wall painting (two coats) with plastic emulsion paint of approved brand and manufacture on
ceilings and sloping roofs to give an even shade including thoroughly brushing the surface free
from mortar dropings and other foreign matter and sand papered smooth
10 mm thick ceiling plaster
Qty of Plaster As per Item No. 62 GF = 134.00
Qty of Plaster As per Item No. 63 FF = 49.00

Total 183.00 Sq.Mt.

Say 183.00 Sq.Mt.

Item No. 69 20 mm. Thick sand faced GUTAKA FINISHED cement plaster on walls upto All height above
ground level consisting of 12 mm. Thick backing coat of c.m. 1:3 (1 cement : 3 sand) and 8
mm. Thick finishing coat of c.m. 1:1 (1 cement : 1 sand) including making groove 6 mm wide

Front 1 x 6.97
6 97 x 5.00
5 00 = 34.85
34 85
1 x 6.97 x 4.00 = 27.88
1 x 2.95 x 4.80 = 14.16
1 x 3.94 x 5.00 = 19.70
Win Box 4 x 0.45 x 2.55 = 4.59
2 x 0.45 x 2.10 = 1.89
1 x 4.73 x 5.00 = 23.65
1 x 1.20 x 5.00 = 6.00
1 x 0.61 x 5.00 = 3.05
4 x 1.50 x 0.45 = 2.70

Page 63 Main Building

1 x 8.13 x 8.00 = 65.04
1 x 4.66 x 5.00 = 23.30
Win Box 2 x 0.45 x 2.55 = 2.30
2 x 0.45 x 4.00 = 3.60
6 x 0.45 x 1.20 = 3.24
2 x 0.45 x 1.50 = 1.35
2 x 1.20 x 0.45 = 1.08
4 x 2.03
2 03 x 0.45
0 45 = 3.65
3 65
2 x 1.20 x 0.45 = 1.08
2 x 1.50 x 0.45 = 1.35
Rear 1 x 6.95 x 5.00 = 34.75
1 x 3.01 x 8.80 = 26.49
1 x 3.96 x 8.00 = 31.68
Win Box 2 x 0.45 x 2.10 = 1.89
2 x 0.45 x 2.33 = 2.10
4 x 0.45 x 1.20 = 2.16
2 x 0.45 x 1.50 = 1.35
4 x 1.20 x 0.45 = 2.16
Duct 2 x 1.02 x 8.80 = 17.95

Ri ht
Right 1 x 1.02
1 02 x 8.80
8 80 = 8.98
8 98
1 x 7.18 x 5.00 = 35.90
4 x 0.45 x 2.10 = 3.78
4 x 0.45 x 3.08 = 5.54
4 x 1.20 x 0.45 = 2.16

Total 421.35 Sq.Mt.


MD GF 1/2 x 1 x 2.00 x 2.55 = 2.55

W1 1/2 x 3 x 1.50 x 1.65 = 3.71
W2 1/2 x 6 x 1.20 x 1.20 = 4.32
W3 1/2 x 1 x 0.90 x 1.20 = 0.54
W4 1/2 x 1 x 0.60
0 60 x 1.65
1 65 = 0.50
0 50
V1 1/2 x 1 x 1.20 x 0.60 = 0.36
V2 1/2 x 1 x 0.90 x 0.60 = 0.27
V3 1/2 x 1 x 0.81 x 0.60 = 0.24
W1A 1/2 x 1 x 1.50 x 1.20 = 0.90
W2 1/2 x 2 x 1.20 x 1.20 = 1.44
W4 1/2 x 1 x 0.90 x 1.20 = 0.54
V1 1/2 x 1 x 1.20 x 0.60 = 0.36
V3 1/2 x 1 x 0.81 x 0.60 = 0.24
Louvers in Ducts

Page 64 Main Building

Rear 2 x 1.38 x 2.55 = 7.04

Total 23.01 Sq.Mt.

Net 398.34 Sq.Mt.
Say 399.00 Sq.Mt.

Item No. 70 Finishing wall with weather proof exterior emulsion paint on wall surface (two coats) to give an
required even shade after thoroughly brushing the surface to remove all dirt, and remains of

As per Qty of Sand Faced Cement Plaster 399 00


Inside Parapet
1 x 6.97 x 1.23 = 8.57
1 x 3.73 x 1.23 = 4.59
1 x 1.28 x 1.23 = 1.57
1 x 6.95 x 1.23 = 8.55
2 x 4.43 x 1.23 = 10.90
1 x 6.71 x 1.23 = 8.25

Parapet 1 x 1 x 7.42 x 1.23 = 9.13

1 x 1 x 7.22 x 1.23 = 8.88
1 x 1 x 0 45
0.45 x 1 23
1.23 = 0 55
1 x 1 x 3.96 x 1.23 = 4.87
1 x 1 x 0.79 x 1.23 = 0.97
1 x 1 x 1.62 x 1.23 = 1.99
1 x 1 x 1.47 x 2.03 = 2.98
1 x 1 x 3.00 x 2.03 = 6.09
1 x 1 x 1.97 x 2.03 = 4.00
1 x 1 x 5.70 x 1.23 = 7.01

Total 487.90 Sq.Mt.

Say 488.00 Sq.Mt.

Item No. 71 Providing and fixing 90 cm high Stainless steel railing made from anticorrocive 304 grade S S
pipe of 50 mm dia (16Gauge) as hand rail with S S 304 grade Baluster of 38 mm dia

Stair 1 x 2 x 3.20 = 6.40

1 x 1 x 1.30 = 1.30

Ramp 1 x 1 x 4.00 = 4.00

Total 11.70 Rmt.

Say 12.00 Rmt.

Page 65 Main Building

Item No. 72 Providing and fixing concealed center point to wall ceiling & floor CPVC (SDR 13.5) PIPE
having National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) seal for potable water of following dia. Nominal

1 x 3 x 10.00 = 30.00

Total 30.00
Say 30.00 Rmt.

Item No.
N 73 P
idi and
d fixing
fi i concealed
l d center
t point
i t to
t wallll ceiling
ili & floor
fl CPVC (SDR 13.5)
13 5) PIPE
having National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) seal for potable water of following dia. Nominal
25 mm
Internal 1 x 2 x 15.00 = 30.00

Total 30.00
Say 30.00 Rmt.

Item No. 74 Providing and fixing concealed center point to wall ceiling & floor CPVC (SDR 13.5) PIPE
having National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) seal for potable water of following dia. Nominal
40 mm
Down 1 x 1 x 10.00 = 10.00

T t l 10.00
10 00
Say 10.00 Rmt.

Item No. 75 Providing laying and jointing in true line and level 15mm dia. U.P.V.C. Pipe ( SCH- 40) for cold
water including fittings as approved by Engineer In Charge. Pipe shall be fixed on the wall
15 mm Internal
Toilets 1 x 3 x 10.00 = 30.00

Total 30.00
Say 30.00 Rmt.

Item No. 76 Providing laying and jointing in true line and level 25 mm dia. U.P.V.C. Pipe ( SCH- 40) for cold
t including
water i l di fitti
fittings as approved d by
b Engineer
E i I Charge.
In Ch Pi
Pipe h ll be
shall b fixed
fi d on the
th wallll
25 mm
Toilets 1 x 3 x 15.00 = 45.00

Total 45.00
Say 45.00 Rmt.

Item No. 77 Providing laying and jointing in true line and level 40 mm dia. U.P.V.C. Pipe ( SCH- 40) for cold
water including fittings as approved by Engineer In Charge. Pipe shall be fixed on the wall
40 mm
Down 2 x 1 x 10.00 = 20.00
Total 20.00
Say 20.00 Rmt.

Page 66 Main Building

Item No. 78 Providing and fixing Heavy Handle valve of aprroved brand & follwing internal dia of Brass
including fixing in pipe lines etc.complete (C) 25 mm Dia
GF 1 x 5 = 5
FF 1 x 2 = 2

Total 7.00
Say 7.00 Nos.

Item No. 79 Providing and fixing Heavy Handle valve of aprroved brand & follwing internal dia of Brass
including fixing in pipe lines etc.complete (E) 40 mm Dia

1 x 2 = 2.00
Total 2.00
Say 2.00 Nos.

Item No. 80 Providing and fixing to wall, ceiling and floor galvanised mild steel tubes (Medium grade) of the
following nominal bore, tube, fittings and clamps included making good the wall, ceiling and
40 mm
1 x 1 x 20.00 = 20.00

T t l 20.00
20 00
Say 20.00 Rmt.

Item No. 81 Providing and fixing to wall, ceiling and floor galvanised mild steel tubes (Medium grade) of the
following nominal bore, tube, fittings and clamps included making good the wall, ceiling and
25 mm
2 x 1 x 5.00 = 10.00

Total 10.00
Say 10.00 Rmt.

Item No. 82 Providing and fixing to wall, ceiling and floor galvanised mild steel tubes (Medium grade) of the
f ll i
following nominal
i l bore,
b tube,
t b fittings
fitti andd clamps
l included
i l d d making
ki good
d the
th wall,
ll ceiling
ili and
15 mm

3 x 1 x 2.00 = 6.00

Total 6.00
Say 6.00 Rmt.

Page 67 Main Building

Item No. 83 Providing and fixing to wall ceiling floor 10.0 Kg. F/Cm2 working pressure polythene pipes
approved brand for soil waste and ventilating pipes of the following outside dia. low density,
75 mm
GF 1 x 5 x 5.00 = 25.00

FF 1 x 2 x 5.00 = 10.00

Total 35.00
Say 35.00 Rmt.

Item No. 84 Providing laying and jointing in true line and level 110 diameter U.P.V.C. SWR Type B pipe
confirming to IS 13592-1992 with one end plain and other end socketed with rubbering, & fitting
110 mm
Rainwater 1 x 4 x 5.00 = 20.00
1 x 2 x 10.00 = 20.00

Toilet 1 x 2 x 10.00 = 20.00

Takeaway 1 x 2 x 10.00 = 20.00

Total 80.00
Say 80.00 Rmt.

Item No. 85 Providing laying and jointing in true line and level 160 diameter U.P.V.C. SWR Type B pipe
confirming to IS 13592-1992 with one end plain and other end socketed with rubbering, & fitting
160 mm
Down 1 x 2 x 5.00 = 10.00
GT to IC 1 x 1 x 10.00 = 10.00

Total 20.00
Say 20.00 Rmt.

Item No. 86 Providing and fixing PVC SWR Nahni Trap IS 14735 for drain - 100 mm diameter with jali of the
following nominal diameter of self cleansing design with C.I. screwed down or hinged grating

GF 8
FF 5
SF 3

Total 16
Say 16 Nos.

Page 68 Main Building

Item No. 87 Providing and fixing Screw down Quarter turn bib taps of following size
(A) Brass chromium plated screw down Bib tap

GF 5
FF 2

Total 7
Say 7 Nos.

Item No.
N 88 P
idi and d fixing
fi i CP brass
b Quarter
Q t turnt pillar
ill tap,
t capstan
t head
h d screw down
d high
hi h pressure
with screw, shanks and back nuts

GF 4
FF 3

Total 7
Say 7 Nos.

Item No. 89 Providing and fixing wash basin with single hole for pillar tap with C.I or M.S brackets painted
white / fixing in platform including cutting holes and making goods the same including. C.P.

GF 2
FF 2

Total 4
Say 4 Nos.

Item No. 90 Providing and fixing SS Sink Glosy ASIS 304 Grade x 1mm thick with over all size 610 x 460
mm & bowl size 560 x 410 x 200 with single hole for pillar tap Fixing in sanwich platform

GF 1
FF 1
Total 2
Say 2 Nos.

Item No. 91 Provision and fixing water closet squatting orissa type W.C. pan size 580mm integral and 100
mm P or S trap and including 25 mm dia CP brass flush valve and GI inlet connection etc.

GF 1
Total 1
Say 1 Nos.

Page 69 Main Building

Item No. 92 Pro. & Fix. wash down water closet (European W. C. Pan) with integral "P" or "S" trap and
PVC flushing cistern, complete with fittings such as lead value siphon, 15 mm. Nominal size

GF 1
FF 1

Total 2
Say 2 Nos.

Item No. 93 Providing and fixing Special Needs Range CRUSE SET, EWC, 710 x 370 x 810 mm, New Cat
No: S1021113 S Trap, S1021114 P Trap, S1060106 Cistern, B1520118 Soft Close Seat

For Disable Toilet GF 2.00

FF 2.00
SF 2.00

Total 6.00 No.

Say 6.00 No.

Item No. 94 Providing and fixing CP brass stop cock of approved quality 15 mm size with adjestable wall
flange .

Total 8
Say 8 Nos.

Item No. 95 Providing erecting and fixing double coated PVC. (ISI) mark water tank of reqd capacity each
with all necessary fittings & connection etc. complete on terrace.

1 x 2500.00 2500.00

Total 2500.00 Liter

Say 2500.00 Liter

Item No. 96 Providing and fixing 600 mm x 450 mm bevelled edge mirror of superior glass mounted on 6
mm thick A.C sheet or plywood sheet or PVC framing and fixed to wooden plugs with C.P

GF 2
FF 2

Room 4
Total 8
Say 8 Nos.

Page 70 Main Building

Item No. 97 Providing and fixing C.P. brass towel rail complet with C.P. brass brakets fixed to wooden
plugs with cpbrass screws

GF 2
FF 2

Room 4
Total 8
Say 8 Nos.

Item No. 98 Providing and fixing S.W. Gully trap with C.I. Grating brick masonary chamber and water tight
C.I. Cover with frame of 300 mm. X 300 size (inside) with standard weight

Total 2
Say 2 Nos.

Item No. 99 Constructing brick masonary chamber for under ground C.I. Inspection chamber and bends
with bricks having crushing strength not less than 35 Kg/cm2 in cm. 1:5 C.I. Cover with frame

Total 2
Say 2 Nos.

Item No. 100 Constructing brick masonary chamber for under ground C.I. Inspection chamber and bends
with bricks having crushing strength not less than 35 Kg/cm2 in cm. 1:5 C.I. Cover with frame

Total 2
Say 2 Nos.

Item No. 101 Providing throating or plaster drip and moulding to R.C.C. Chhajja.
{SOR It. Code. 5018 P. No. 73}

Entry 1 x 3.00 = 3.00

W1 3 x 1 50
1.50 = 4 50
W2 6 x 1.20 = 7.20
Toilet Side 1 x 2.03 = 2.03
W2 1 x 1.20 = 1.20
Toilet Side 1 x 2.03 = 2.03
1 x 3.90 = 3.90
1 x 1.78 = 1.78

Total 25.64 Rmt.

Say 26.00 Rmt.

Page 71 Main Building

Item No. 102 Constructing Sandwitch Platform of 18 mm thick Polished Black Granite at top and 25 mm
thick Kota stone slab using cement mortar 1:3 for sandwich and fitting at bottom & edges with

GF Pantry 2 x 2.40 x 0.60 = 2.88 Sq.Mt.

Toilet 1 x 1.50 x 0.60 = 0.90 Sq.Mt.

Total 3.78 Sq.Mt.

Say 3.80 Sq.Mt.

Item No. 103 Providing and fixing C.I. Manhole cover 0.60m x 0.45m size having weight not less than 35

sock pit 1.00

Total 1.00 No.
Say 1.00
00 No.

Item No. 104 Providing and fixing M.S.clamp made from 40mm x 6mm thick M.S.flat as per design given by
Engineer in charge for fixing the C.I. / G.I. / PVC pipe on wall of duct to stay away from wall etc.

Total 20
Say 20 Nos

Page 72 Main Building

Rate Analysis No. 1
Item No.
Providing and laying Providing and laying Ordinary cement concrete M-250 C.C. 1:1 :2
( 1 cement : 1 coarse sand : 2 graded stone aggregate 20mm nominal size) and curing
complete including the cost of form work but excluding the cost of reinforcement for
reinforced concrete work
in foundation footings, base of columns and mass concrete.
Consider qty. of Mass Concrete.
=3.20 x 2.70 x 0.30= 2.59
=2.90 x 2.40 x 0.30 = 2.09
=2.60 x 2.10 x 0.35 = 1.91
6.59 Cu.M.
Sr. No. Particulars Qty. Rate Per Amount

A. Providing and laying CC 1:2:4 1.00 3168.00 Cu.M. 3168.00

For mass concrete
{S.O.R. P. No. 71 I. Code. 05011AA

B. Providing formwork 1.52 115.50 175.56

{S.O.R. P. No. 110 I. Code. 09001AA
Qty. of Formwork
=(2x3.20+2x2.70) x 0.3 = 3.54
=(2x2.90+2x2.40) x 0.3 = 3.18
=(2x2.60+2x2.10) x 0.35 = 3.29
Total for 6.59 Cu.M. 10.01
Total for 1 Cu.M. 1.52
C Add Cement Diff
380 - 290 90.00 6.460 Kg. 581.40
Total Rate 3924.96
Say 3925.00

Deputy Executive Engineer Executive Engineer

R. & B. (City) Sub Division R. & B. Division
Bhavnagar Bhavnagar
Rate Analysis No. 2
Item No.
Providing and laying Providing and laying Ordinary cement concrete M-250 C.C. 1:1 :2
( 1 cement : 1 coarse sand : 2 graded stone aggregate 20mm nominal size) and curing
complete including the cost of form work but excluding the cost of reinforcement for
reinforced concrete work
Assume Col. Size 0.30 x 0.75
Length of Col in 1 Cu.M. = 1 / (0.30 x 0.75) = 4.44 Rmt.

Sr. No. Particulars Qty. Rate Per Amount

A. Providing and laying CC-1:2:4 1.00 3221.90 Cu.M. 3221.90

{S.O.R. P. No. 71 I. Code. 05011BA

B. Providing formwork 9.32 198.45 1849.55

{S.O.R. P. No. 111 I. Code. 09001G1A
Qty. of Formwork
2 x 4.44 x 0.30 = 2.66 Sq.Mt.
2 x 4.44 x 0.75 = 6.66 Sq.Mt.
Total 9.32 Sq.Mt.
C Add Cement Diff
380 - 290 90.00 6.460 Kg. 581.40

Total For G.FLOOR 5652.85

Say 5653.00
Rate 0
G. FLOOR 5653.00 Rs / Cu.M.

For F. FLOOR 5653.00 +32.12= 5685.12 Rs / Cu.M.

{S.O.R. It. Code. 05015A P. 73 }

For S. FLOOR 5685.12 +32.12= 5717.24 Rs / Cu.M.

For T. FLOOR 5717.24 +32.12= 5749.36 Rs / Cu.M.

Deputy Executive Engineer Executive Engineer

R. & B. (City) Sub Division R. & B. Division
Bhavnagar Bhavnagar
Rate Analysis No. 3
Item No.
Providing and laying Providing and laying Ordinary cement concrete M-250 C.C. 1:1 :2
( 1 cement : 1 coarse sand : 2 graded stone aggregate 20mm nominal size) and curing
complete including the cost of form work but excluding the cost of reinforcement for
Plinth Beams
Assume Beam size 0.30 x 0.70
1 Cu.M. CC will cover 1/0.30 x 0.70 = 4.762 Rmt.

Sr. No. Particulars Qty. Rate Per Amount

A. Providing and laying CC-1:2:4 1.00 3221.90 Cu.M. 3221.90

{S.O.R. P. No. 71 I. Code. 05011DA

B. Providing formwork 6.667 129.15 861.04

{S.O.R. P. No. 112 I. Code. 09001H1
Qty. of Formwork

2 x 4.762 x 0.70 = 6.667 Sq.Mt.

Total 6.667 Sq.Mt.
C Add Cement Diff
380 - 290 90.00 6.460 Kg. 581.40

Total For G.FLOOR 4664.34

Say 4664.00
Rate 0
G. FLOOR 4664.00 Rs / Cu.M.

For F. FLOOR 4664.00 +32.12= 4696.12 Rs / Cu.M.

{S.O.R. It. Code. 05015A P. 73 }

For S. FLOOR 4696.12 +32.12= 4728.24 Rs / Cu.M.

For T. FLOOR 4728.24 +32.12= 4760.36 Rs / Cu.M.

Deputy Executive Engineer Executive Engineer

R. & B. (City) Sub Division R. & B. Division
Bhavnagar Bhavnagar
Rate Analysis No. 4
Item No.
Providing and laying Providing and laying Ordinary cement concrete M-200 C.C. 1:1
½ :3 ( 1 cement : 1 ½ coarse sand : 3 graded stone aggregate 20mm nominal size)and
curing complete including the cost of form work but excluding the cost of reinforcement
for reinforced concrete work
W ll / C i / Li t l b d
Cosider 10 Rmt. length
Qty. of CC will be 10 x 0.23 x 0.10 = 0.23Cu.M.

Sr. No. Particulars Qty. Rate Per Amount

A. Providing and laying CC 1:2:4 0.23 3168.00 Cu.M. 728.64

For mass concrete
{S.O.R. P. No. 71 I. Code. 05011AA

B. Providing formwork 2.00 129.15 258.30

{S.O.R. P. No. 112 I. Code. 09001H1
Qty. of Formwork
2 x 10.00 x 0.10 = 2.00 Sq.Mt.

Total 2.0 Sq.Mt.

Total Rate for 0.52 Cu.M. 986.94

Rate For G.FLOOR per Cu.M. =1294.30 / 0.23 = 4291.04
C Add Cement Diff
360 - 290 70.00 6.460 Kg. 452.20
Net Rate 4743.24
Say 4743.00
Rate For mass concrete
G. FLOOR 4743.00 Rs / Cu.M.

For F. FLOOR 4743.00 +32.12= 4775.12 Rs / Cu.M.

{S.O.R. It. Code. 05015A P. 73 }

For S. FLOOR 4775.12 +32.12= 4807.24 Rs / Cu.M.

For T. FLOOR 4807.24 +32.12= 4839.36 Rs / Cu.M.

Deputy Executive Engineer Executive Engineer

R. & B. (City) Sub Division R. & B. Division
Bhavnagar Bhavnagar
Rate Analysis No. 4A
Item No.
Providing and laying Ordinary cement concrete M-150 C.C. 1:2 :4 ( 1 cement : 2
coarse sand : 4 graded stone aggregate 20mm nominal size) and curing complete
including the cost of form work but excluding the cost of reinforcement for reinforced
concrete work
Consider 15 mm thickness & 3.00 x 3.00 mt portion
Qty of CC is 1.35

Sr. No. Particulars Qty. Rate Per Amount

A. Providing and laying CC 1:2:4 1.35 3168.00 Cu.M. 4276.80

{S.O.R. P. No. 71 I. Code. 05011AA

B. Providing formwork 1.80 45.15 81.27

{S.O.R. P. No. 112 I. Code. 09001IA
Qty. of Formwork
4 x 3.00 x 0.15 = 1.80 Sq.Mt.

Total 1.80 Sq.Mt.

Total Rate for 1.35 Cu.M. 4358.07

Rate For G.FLOOR per Cu.M. 3228.20

Net Rate 3228.20

Say 3228.00

Deputy Executive Engineer Executive Engineer

R. & B. (City) Sub Division R. & B. Division
Bhavnagar Bhavnagar
Rate Analysis No. 5
Item No.
Providing and laying Providing and laying Ordinary cement concrete M-200 C.C. 1:1
½ :3 ( 1 cement : 1 ½ coarse sand : 3 graded stone aggregate 20mm nominal size)and
curing complete including the cost of form work but excluding the cost of reinforcement
Assume wall Thickness 23 cm
1 Cu.M. CC will cover 1/0.15x0.23 = 28.98 Rmt.

Sr. No. Particulars Qty. Rate Per Amount

A. Providing and laying CC-1:2:4 1.00 3221.90 Cu.M. 3221.90

{S.O.R. P. No. 71 I. Code. 05011BA

B. Providing formwork 15.36 129.15 1983.74

{S.O.R. P. No. 112 I. Code. 09001H1
Qty. of Formwork
2 x 28.98 x 0.15 = 8.70 Sq.Mt.
1 x 28.98 x 0.23 = 6.66 Sq.Mt.
Total 15.36 Sq.Mt.
C Add Cement Diff
360 - 290 70.00 6.460 Kg. 452.20

Total For G.FLOOR 5657.84

Say 5658.00
Rate 0
G. FLOOR 5658.00 Rs / Cu.M.

For F. FLOOR 5658.00 +32.12= 5690.12 Rs / Cu.M.

{S.O.R. It. Code. 05015A P. 73 }

For S. FLOOR 5690.12 +32.12= 5722.24 Rs / Cu.M.

For T. FLOOR 5722.24 +32.12= 5754.36 Rs / Cu.M.

For F. FLOOR 5754.36 +32.12= 5786.48 Rs / Cu.M.

Deputy Executive Engineer Executive Engineer

R. & B. (City) Sub Division R. & B. Division
Bhavnagar Bhavnagar
Rate Analysis No. 6
Item No.
Providing and laying Providing and laying Ordinary cement concrete M-200 C.C. 1:1
½ :3 ( 1 cement : 1 ½ coarse sand : 3 graded stone aggregate 20mm nominal size)and
curing complete including the cost of form work but excluding the cost of reinforcement
Assume thickness 10 cm & 45 cm width of Chhajjas
1 Cu.M. CC will cover 1/0.10 x 0.45 = 22.22 Rmt.

Sr. No. Particulars Qty. Rate Per Amount

A. Providing and laying CC-1:2:4 1.00 3221.90 Cu.M. 3221.90

{S.O.R. P. No. 71 I. Code. 05011BA

B. Providing formwork 12.31 102.90 1266.70

{S.O.R. P. No. 113 I. Code. 09001LA
Qty. of Formwork
1 x 22.22 x 0.45 = 10.00 Sq.Mt.
1 x 22.22 x 0.10 = 2.22 Sq.Mt.
2 x 0.45 x 0.10 = 0.09 Sq.Mt.
Total 12.31 Sq.Mt.
C. Add for Finishing with CM 1:3 12.31 91.63 1127.97
{S.O.R. P. No. 73 I. Code. 5017
C Add Cement Diff
360 - 290 70.00 6.460 Kg. 452.20

Total For G.FLOOR 6068.77

Say 6069.00
Rate 0
G. FLOOR 6069.00 Rs / Cu.M.

For F. FLOOR 6069.00 +32.12= 6101.12 Rs / Cu.M.

{S.O.R. It. Code. 05015A P. 73 }

For S. FLOOR 6101.12 +32.12= 6133.24 Rs / Cu.M.

For T. FLOOR 6133.24 +32.12= 6165.36 Rs / Cu.M.

For F. FLOOR 6165.36 +32.12= 6197.48 Rs / Cu.M.

Deputy Executive Engineer Executive Engineer

R. & B. (City) Sub Division R. & B. Division
Bhavnagar Bhavnagar
Rate Analysis No. 7
Item No.
Providing and laying Providing and laying Ordinary cement concrete M-200 C.C. 1:1
½ :3 ( 1 cement : 1 ½ coarse sand : 3 graded stone aggregate 20mm nominal size)and
curing complete including the cost of form work but excluding the cost of reinforcement
Assume Beam size 0.30 x 0.60
1 Cu.M. CC will cover 1/0.30 x 0.60 = 5.556 Rmt.

Sr. No. Particulars Qty. Rate Per Amount

A. Providing and laying CC-1:2:4 1.00 3221.90 Cu.M. 3221.90

{S.O.R. P. No. 71 I. Code. 05011BA

B. Providing formwork 8.334 129.15 1076.34

{S.O.R. P. No. 112 I. Code. 09001H1
Qty. of Formwork
1 x 5.556 x 0.30 = 1.667 Sq.Mt.
2 x 5.556 x 0.60 = 6.667 Sq.Mt.
Total 8.334 Sq.Mt.
C Add Cement Diff
360 - 290 70.00 6.460 Kg. 452.20

Total For G.FLOOR 4750.44

Say 4750.00
Rate 0
G. FLOOR 4750.00 Rs / Cu.M.

For F. FLOOR 4750.00 +32.12= 4782.12 Rs / Cu.M.

{S.O.R. It. Code. 05015A P. 73 }

For S. FLOOR 4782.12 +32.12= 4814.24 Rs / Cu.M.

For T. FLOOR 4814.24 +32.12= 4846.36 Rs / Cu.M.

For F. FLOOR 4846.36 +32.12= 4878.48 Rs / Cu.M.

For 5th. FLOOR 4878.48 +32.12= 4910.60 Rs / Cu.M.

Deputy Executive Engineer Executive Engineer

R. & B. (City) Sub Division R. & B. Division
Bhavnagar Bhavnagar
Rate Analysis No. 8
Item No.
Providing and laying Providing and laying Ordinary cement concrete M-200 C.C. 1:1
½ :3 ( 1 cement : 1 ½ coarse sand : 3 graded stone aggregate 20mm nominal size)and
curing complete including the cost of form work but excluding the cost of reinforcement
Assume Slab thickness 15 Cm.
1 Cu.M. CC will cover 1/0.15 = 6.66 Sq.Mt.

Sr. No. Particulars Qty. Rate Per Amount

A. Providing and laying CC-1:2:4 1.00 3221.90 Cu.M. 3221.90

{S.O.R. P. No. 71 I. Code. 05011BA

B. Providing formwork 6.66 168.00 1118.88

{S.O.R. P. No. 110 I. Code. 09001B1A
Qty. of Formwork
6.66 Sq.Mt.
C Add Cement Diff
360 - 290 70.00 6.460 Kg. 452.20
Total For G.FLOOR 4792.98
Say 4793.00
Rate 0
G. FLOOR 4793.00 Rs / Cu.M.

For F. FLOOR 4793.00 +32.12= 4825.12 Rs / Cu.M.

{S.O.R. It. Code. 05015A P. 73 }

For S. FLOOR 4825.12 +32.12= 4857.24 Rs / Cu.M.

For T. FLOOR 4857.24 +32.12= 4889.36 Rs / Cu.M.

For F. FLOOR 4889.36 +32.12= 4921.48 Rs / Cu.M.

For 5 th FLOOR 4921.48 +32.12= 4953.60 Rs / Cu.M.

Deputy Executive Engineer Executive Engineer

R. & B. (City) Sub Division R. & B. Division
Bhavnagar Bhavnagar
Rate Analysis No. 9
Item No.
Providing and laying Providing and laying Ordinary cement concrete M-200 C.C. 1:1
½ :3 ( 1 cement : 1 ½ coarse sand : 3 graded stone aggregate 20mm nominal size)and
curing complete including the cost of form work but excluding the cost of reinforcement
for reinforced concrete work
Assume Col. Size 0.30 x 0.75
Length of Col in 1 Cu.M. = 1 / (0.30 x 0.75) = 4.44 Rmt.

Sr. No. Particulars Qty. Rate Per Amount

A. Providing and laying CC 1:2:4 1.00 3221.90 Cu.M. 3221.90

S.O.R. P. No. 71 I. Code. 05011DA

B. Providing formwork 9.32 198.45 1849.55

{S.O.R. P. No. 111 I. Code. 09001G1A
Qty. of Formwork
2 x 4.44 x 0.30 = 2.66 Sq.Mt.
2 x 4.44 x 0.75 = 6.66 Sq.Mt.
Total 9.32 Sq.Mt.
C Add Cement Diff
360 - 290 70.00 6.460 Kg. 452.20

Total For G.FLOOR 5523.65

Say 5524.00
Rate 0
G. FLOOR 5524.00 Rs / Cu.M.

For F. FLOOR 5524.00 +32.12= 5556.12 Rs / Cu.M.

{S.O.R. It. Code. 05015A P. 73 }

For S. FLOOR 5556.12 +32.12= 5588.24 Rs / Cu.M.

For T. FLOOR 5588.24 +32.12= 5620.36 Rs / Cu.M.

For F. FLOOR 5620.36 +32.12= 5652.48 Rs / Cu.M.

Deputy Executive Engineer Executive Engineer

R. & B. (City) Sub Division R. & B. Division
Bhavnagar Bhavnagar
Rate Analysis No. 10
Item No.
Providing and laying Providing and laying Ordinary cement concrete M-200 C.C. 1:1
½ :3 ( 1 cement : 1 ½ coarse sand : 3 graded stone aggregate 20mm nominal size)and
curing complete including the cost of form work but excluding the cost of reinforcement
Assume waist Slab 2.38 x 1.50 x 0.15 = 0.54 Cu.M.
Landing 1.50 x 1.50 x 0.20 = 0.45 Cu.M.
Steps 7/2 x 1.50 x 0.30 x 0.15 = 0.23 Cu.M.
Total Qty. 1.22 Cu.M.
Sr. No. Particulars Qty. Rate Per Amount

A. Providing and laying CC 1:2:4 1.00 3535.40 Cu.M. 3535.40

S.O.R. P. No. 71 I. Code. 05011EA

B. Providing formwork 7.10 162.75 1155.53

{S.O.R. P. No. 113 I. Code. 09001MA
Qty. of Formwork
Slab 1 x 1.50 x 2.38 = 3.57
Landing 1 x 1.50 x 1.50 = 2.25 Sq.Mt.
Sides 1 x 2.38 x 0.40 = 0.95
Steps 7 x 1.50 x 0.15 = 1.57
sides 2 x 7/2 x 0.15 x 0.30 = 0.32
Total For 1.22 Cu.M. = 8.66 Sq.Mt.
Therefore for 1 Cu.M. = 7.10 Sq.Mt.
C Add Cement Diff
360 - 290 70.00 6.460 Kg. 452.20
Total For 5143.13
Say 5143.00

Rate Qty. of Formwork

G. FLOOR 5143.00 Rs / Cu.M.

For F. FLOOR 5143.00 +32.12= 5175.12 Rs / Cu.M.

{S.O.R. It. Code. 05015A P. 73 }

For S. FLOOR 5175.12 +32.12= 5207.24 Rs / Cu.M.

For T. FLOOR 5207.24 +32.12= 5239.36 Rs / Cu.M.

Deputy Executive Engineer Executive Engineer

R. & B. (City) Sub Division R. & B. Division
Bhavnagar Bhavnagar
Rate Analysis No. 11
Item No.
Providing and laying Providing and laying Ordinary cement concrete M-200 C.C. 1:1
½ :3 ( 1 cement : 1 ½ coarse sand : 3 graded stone aggregate 20mm nominal size)and
curing complete including the cost of form work but excluding the cost of reinforcement
RCC Paradi
Assume Paradi Thickness 0.12 cm
1 Cu.M. CC will cover 8.33 Sq.Mt.

Sr. No. Particulars Qty. Rate Per Amount

A. Providing and laying CC-1:2:4 1.00 3535.40 Cu.M. 3535.40

{S.O.R. P. No. 71 I. Code. 05011BA

B. Providing formwork 16.66 153.30 2553.98

{S.O.R. P. No. 111 I. Code. 09001CA
Qty. of Formwork
2 x 8.33 Sq.Mt. = 16.66 Sq.Mt.
C Add Cement Diff
360 - 290 70.00 6.460 Kg. 452.20

Total For G.FLOOR 6541.58

Say 6542.00
Rate 0
G. FLOOR 6542.00 Rs / Cu.M.

For F. FLOOR 6542.00 +32.12= 6574.12 Rs / Cu.M.

{S.O.R. It. Code. 05015A P. 73 }

For S. FLOOR 6574.12 +32.12= 6606.24 Rs / Cu.M.

For T. FLOOR 6606.24 +32.12= 6638.36 Rs / Cu.M.

For F. FLOOR 6638.36 +32.12= 6670.48 Rs / Cu.M.

Average Rate for 6606.24 Rs / Cu.M.

All Floor

Deputy Executive Engineer Executive Engineer

R. & B. (City) Sub Division R. & B. Division
Bhavnagar Bhavnagar
R A T E A N A L Y S I S No. 13
Item No.
Providing and Fixing MAIN DOOR using 35 x 100 MM. M.S. Pipe Hollow frame work as shown in
the detailed design provided by The Architect Office and double shutter specially designed hollow
door with horizontal 25 x 25 mm. M. S. square pipe bands at equal distance throughout the height of
the frame as per the detailed design provided by the architect. with 19 mm. marine ply with edge
beading & laminate on both sides colour, pattern and design of which is to be approved by the
Considering door size 2.75 x 2.70 = 7.43 Sq.Mt.
35 x 100 mm Pipe 2 mm thick 4.09 Kg. / Rmt.
2 x 2.75 x 4.09 Kg. = 22.4950
4 x 2.70 x 4.09 Kg. = 44.1720
25 x 25 mm Pipe 2 mm thick 1.44 Kg. / Rmt.
8 x 1.17 x 1.44 Kg. = 13.4784
8 x 1.42 x 1.44 Kg. = 16.3584

TOTAl 96.5038
Add 5% for wastage 4.8252 SOR Input It. No. M384
Total 101.3290 Kg. Rs.49.30 Rs 4995.52
/ Kg.
B Providing 19 mm thick marine ply
{SOR. It. No. M786}
2 x 0.87 x 2.20 3.8280
TOTAl 3.8280
Add 2% for wastage 0.0766
ToTal 3.9046 Rs.700.00 Rs 2733.19
C Providing and fixing Teak beading
4 x 0.87 = 3.4800
4 x 2.20 = 8.8000
TOTAl 8.8000
Add 5% for wastage 0.4400
ToTal 9.2400 Rmt. Rs.20.00 Rs 184.80
/ Rmt.
D Providing and fixing 1 mm thick laminate
{SOR It. No. M788}
2 x 2 x 0.87 x 2.20 7.6560
Add 2% for wastage 0.1531
TOTAl 7 8091 Rs 350 00 Rs 2733 19
E SS AIS 304 Grade Fixtures and Fastening
Input Items P. No. M704
Floor Spring 2.00 x 2125.00 Rs./ No. Rs 4250.00
F Enamel paint to pipes {SOR P. No. 190 It. Code.19001 + 19002}
35 x 100 mm pipe
2 x 2.75 x 0.27 = 1.4850
4 x 2.70 x 0.27 = 2.9160
25 x 25 mm Pipe
8 x 1.17 x 0.10 = 0.9360
8 x 1.42 x 0.10 = 1.1360
Total 6.47
6.47 q.Mt. Rs.81.06 Rs 524.70
/ Rmt.
G Labour charges for making door

1 x 2.75 x 2.70 7.4300

TOTAl 7.4300 Sq.Mt. Rs.250.00 Rs 1857.50
/ Sq.Mt.
Total Rs 17278.90
Add 15 % contractor proffit on Non SOR items Rs 2513.13
TOTAL RATE FOR 7.43 19792.04
Rate per 2663.80
Say Rs 2664.00

Deputy Executive Engineer Executive Engineer

R. & B. (City) Sub Division R. & B. Division
Bhavnagar Bhavnagar
Rate Analysis No. 14
Providing and fixing 38 mm thick DOUBLE SHUTTER FLUSH DOOR using anodized aluminum section frame
equivalent to jindal door section no 19552 - weight not less than 1.1 kg / mt. with wooden inserts for durable grip of
Consider for Double shutter Door size 1.50 x 2.10 1.50 2.10 3.15
Section : 63.50 x 38 mm 1.116 Kg. / Rmt.
1 Outer frame
Top 1 1.48 1.480
Vertical 2 2.06 4.120
Total 5.600
ADD 5% WASTAGE 0.280
TOTAL 5.880 Rmt.
Wt.OF FRAME @ 1.116 Kg/Mt 6.562 200.00 Kg. 1312.42
Outer frame Non Teakwood fill Input M686
Top 1.48 0.06 x 0.02 0.002
Vertical 2x 2.06 0.02 x 0.014 0.002
{S.O.R. It. No. M174} Total 0.0040
ADD 5% WASTAGE 0.0002
TOTAL 0.0042 26000.00 Cu.M. 109.20

2 Shutter
Flush Door Factory Made
Area 1 1.43 2.08 2.970
{SOR It. No. M423} 2.970 1250.00 Sq.Mt. 3712.50
Area 2 1.43 2.08 5.950
{SOR It. No. M788} 5.950 350.00 Sq.Mt. 2082.50
3 Fixtures and Fastening
ANODISED ALLUMINIUM BUTT HINGES 100MM x 63MM x 3.2MM 6 239.00 / 10 143.40
ANODISED ALLUMINIUM SCREWS 40 MM 24 78.00 /100 18.72
Aldrop 20 cm 2 255.00 / No. 510.00

Tower Bolt {Stopper} 20 Cm 2 149.00 / No. 298.00

SS Handles 15 CM 2 89.00 / No. 178.00

5.600 35.00 Kg. 196.00

5 6 Lever Mortise Lock 1 1.000 495.00 Nos 495.00

6 Labour charges. 1 1.50 2.10 3.15 250.00 Sqmt. 787.50

7 Total cost for 2.52 Sqmt area 1 1.50 2.10 3.15 9843.24

8 Total cost with 15% C.P 11319.72

9 Reform cost for 1.00 Sqmt. 3593.56

Say 3594.00

Deputy Executive Engineer Executive Engineer

R. & B. (City) Sub Division R. & B. Division
Bhavnagar Bhavnagar
Rate Analysis No. 14A
Providing and fixing 38 mm thick SINGLE SHUTTER FLUSH DOOR using anodized aluminum section frame
equivalent to jindal door section no 19552 - weight not less than 1.1 kg / mt. with wooden inserts for durable grip of
door hinges. (frame size 38mmx 63.5 mm.), Shutters with both size Decorative 1 mm thick Laminated, pattern and
Consider for Double shutter Door size 1.0 x 2.10 1.00 2.10 2.10

Section : 19552 63.50 x 38 mm 1.116 Kg. / Rmt.
1 Outer frame
Top 1 1.00 1.000
Vertical 2 2.10 4.200
Total 5.200
ADD 5% WASTAGE 0.260
TOTAL 5.460 Rmt.
Wt.OF FRAME @ 1.116 Kg/Mt 6.093 200.00 Kg. 1218.67
Outer frame Non Teakwood fill Input M686
Top 0.98 0.06 x 0.02 0.001
Vertical 2x 2.06 0.02 x 0.014 0.002
{S.O.R. It. No. M174} Total 0.0030
ADD 5% WASTAGE 0.0002
TOTAL 0.0032 26000.00 Cu.M. 81.90

2 Shutter
Flush Door Factory Made
Area 1 0.98 2.08 2.040
{SOR It. No. M423} 2.040 1250.00 Sq.Mt. 2550.00
Area 2 0.98 2.08 4.080
{SOR It. No. M788} 4.080 350.00 Sq.Mt. 1428.00
3 Fixtures and Fastening
ANODISED ALLUMINIUM BUTT HINGES 100MM x 63MM x 3.2MM 3 239.00 / 10 71.70
Aldrop 20 cm 2 255.00 / No. 510.00

Tower Bolt {Stopper} 20 Cm 1 149.00 / No. 149.00

SS Handles 15 CM 2 89.00 / No. 178.00
5.200 35.00 Kg. 182.00
5 6 Lever Mortise Lock 1 1.000 495.00 Nos 495.00

6 Labour charges. 1 1.00 2.10 2.10 250.00 Sqmt. 525.00

7 Total cost for 2.10 Sqmt area 1 1.00 2.10 2.10 7398.63
8 Total cost with 15% C.P 8508.43
9 Reform cost for 1.00 Sqmt. 4051.63
Say 4052.00

Deputy Executive Engineer Executive Engineer

R. & B. (City) Sub Division R. & B. Division
Bhavnagar Bhavnagar
Rate Analysis No. 15
Providing and fixing Door having BLACK GRANITE frame with all open edges machine cut & machine polished, & 35
mm thick FRP shutter single / Double with depressed panel SHUTTER having extra reinforcement on sides and
edges and in GEL coat finish. The core of shutter is to be filled up with injected fiber extinguishing grade polyurethane
foam done in situ along with embedded wooden pieces for stiffening and also for taking hinges and fixtures. The
whole FRP frame and shutter is to be water proof, weatherproof, termite proof and resistance to mild acid / Alkali
resistance including S.S. hinges with necessary screws and aluminum fixtures and fastening.
Consider for single shutter Door size 0.80 x 2.10 0.80 2.10 1.68

1 Outer frame
Top 1 0.80 x 0.15 0.120
Vertical 2 2.10 x 0.15 0.630
1 0.80 x 0.05 0.040
2 2.10 x 0.05 0.210
Total 1.000
ADD 5% WASTAGE 0.050
TOTAL 1.050 1590.00 Sq.Mt. 1669.50

Cost of Granite 1590.0 / Sq.Mt.

Polishing Exposed Edges
Top 1 2 x 0.80 1.600
Vertical 2 2 x 2.10 8.400
M726 Total 10.0000
TOTAL 10.0000 43.00 Rmt. 430.00

2 Shutter
35 mm thick Door Complete Item
Area 1 0.75 2.08 1.560
{SOR It. Code. 10040 P. No. 129} 1.560 2778.00 Sq.Mt. 4333.68
5 Labour charges. 1 0.80 2.10 1.68 125.00 Sqmt. 210.00
6 Total cost for 1.68 Sqmt area 1 0.80 2.10 1.68 6643.18

7 Add 15% C.P (6 - 2A) 346.43

8 Total cost for 1.68 Sqmt area 6989.61

9 Reform cost for 1.00 Sqmt. 4160.48

Say 4161.00

Deputy Executive Engineer Executive Engineer

Engg. Campus (R&B) Sub Division R & B Division
Bhavnagar Bhavnagar
R A T E A N A L Y S I S No. 16
Providing and fixing Anodized Alluminum Section Jindal Deluxe Sliding Window System 27mm series THREE track
window as shown in elevation, shutter with 5mm thick transparent plain float glass, with transparent silicon sealant with
allu. power coated fittings and fixture etc complete.
R t A W2 lWindows
i N 16 2.2 1.35 2.97
Consider for Three track sliding shutter Window Sq.Mt.


Outer frame Sec No. 21401
Kg. / Rmt.
1.092 Kg. / Rmt.
Bottom 1 2.20 1.591 3.500
Side 2 1.35 1.591 4.296
Top 1 2.20 1.591 3.500

2 Shutter Section 21481

Vertical 6 1.25 1.020 7.650
Horizontal Section 6 0.65 1.020 3.978
Interlock 19442 4 1.25 0.328 1.640

Total 24.564
ADD 5% WASTAGE 1.228
TOTAL WT OF ALU. SECTIONS 25.792 235.00 /Kg. 6061.19
3 Glass 5mm thick sor basic rate M686 + M687

Sliding Windows 3 1.20 0.60 2.160

Total 2.160
ADD 5% WASTAGE 0.108
TOTAL 2.268 250.00 Sqmt 567.00
sor basic rate It No. M552
4 Rubber Gasket
Sliding Windows 12 0.60 7.200
12 1.20 14.400
TOTAL 21.600
21.600 9.00 Rmt. 194.40
sor basic rate It No. M688
5 Hardwear L.S 450.00

6 Labour charges. 1 2.20 1.35 2.970 350.00 Sqmt. 1039.50

7 Total cost for 2.97 Sqmt area 8312.09
8 Total cost with 15% C.P 9558.91
9 Reform cost for 1.00 Sqmt. 3218.49
10 Say 3218.00
/ Sq.Mt.

Deputy Executive Engineer Executive Engineer

R. & B. (City) Sub Division R. & B. Division
Bhavnagar Bhavnagar
R A T E A N A L Y S I S No. 17
Providing and fixing Anodized Alluminum Section Jindal Deluxe Sliding Window System 27mm series TWO track
window as shown in elevation, shutter with 5mm thick transparent plain float glass, with transparent silicon sealant with
allu. power coated fittings and fixture etc complete.
R t A W4 l& W5
i NWindows
17 1.5 1.35 2.025


Outer frame Sec No. 21402
Kg. / Rmt.
1.092 Kg. / Rmt.
Bottom 1 1.50 0.993 1.490
Side 2 1.35 0.993 2.681
Top 1 1.50 0.993 1.490

2 Shutter Section 21481

Vertical 4 1.25 1.020 5.100
Horizontal Section 4 0.65 1.020 2.652

Total 13.412
ADD 5% WASTAGE 0.671
TOTAL WT OF ALU. SECTIONS 14.083 235.00 /Kg. 3309.44
3 Glass 5mm thick sor basic rate M686 + M687

Sliding Windows 4 1.20 0.70 3.360

Total 3.360
ADD 5% WASTAGE 0.168
TOTAL 3.528 250.00 Sqmt 882.00
sor basic rate It No. M552
4 Rubber Gasket
Sliding Windows 8 0.70 5.600
8 1.20 9.600
TOTAL 15.200
15.200 9.00 Rmt. 136.80
sor basic rate It No. M688
5 Hardwear L.S 450.00

6 Labour charges. 1 1.50 1.35 2.025 350.00 Sqmt. 708.75

7 Total cost for 2.025 Sqmt area 5486.99
8 Total cost with 15% C.P 6310.03
9 Reform cost for 1.00 Sqmt. 3116.07
10 Say 3116.00
/ Sq.Mt.

Deputy Executive Engineer Executive Engineer

R. & B. (City) Sub Division R. & B. Division
Bhavnagar Bhavnagar
Rate Analysis 18
Providing and fixing colour anodised Alluminium Section casement window {SINGLE SHUTTERS} using Frame
section 126 x 50 { Wt. not less than 1.90 Kg / Rmt.} and SERIES B Hollow Section size for Fully glazed shutter
{Outside Openable} 57 x 52 mm { wt Not less than 1.065 Kg / Rmt}, 5 mm thick transperant glass, including
Stainless Steel ASIS 304 Grade fixture and fastenings and hold fasting with coach bolts etc complete. {Colour as
directed by Engineer in charge except black }
Consider Window size 0.50 x 1.20 = 0.60 Sq.Mt.
Frame Outer 2 0.50 1.000
126 x 50 Wt 1.90 Kg. / Rmt. 2 1.20 2.400
Total 2.400
ADD 5% WASTAGE 0.120
TOTAL 2.520 Rmt.
Wt.OF FRAME @ 1.900 Kg/Mt 4.788 235.00 Kg. 1125.18
Glazed Shutter
Wt 1.065 Kg. / Rmt.
Top & Bottom 2 0.45 0.900
Vertical 2 1.15 2.300
Total 3.200
ADD 5% WASTAGE 0.160
TOTAL 3.360 Rmt.
1.065 Kg/Mt 3.578 235.00 Kg. 840.92

Glazing Clips Wt. @ 0.266 Kg. / Rmt. 2 0.45 0.900

2 1.15 2.300

Total 3.200
ADD 5% WASTAGE 0.160
TOTAL 3.360

Wt.OF Clips @ 0.266 Kg/Mt 1.788 235.00 Kg. 420.07

2 Glass 5mm thick
1 0.45 1.15 0.518
TOTAL Total 0.518
ADD 5% WASTAGE 0.026
TOTAL 0.543 250.00 Sqmt 135.84
sor basic rate
4 Rubber Gasket
Length as per clip
2 x 3.200 6.400 10.00 Rmt. 64.00
sor basic rate

5 Fixtures and Fastening 300.00 300.00

5 Labour charges. 1 0.500 x 1.20 0.600 300.00 Sqmt. 180.00
M.R 1940.83

6 Total cost for 1.74 Sqmt area 1 0.500 x 1.20 0.600 1940.83
7 Total cost with 15% C.P 2231.96
8 Reform cost for 1.00 Sqmt. 3719.93
9 Say 3720.00

Deputy Executive Engineer Executive Engineer

R. & B. (City) Sub Division R. & B. Division
Bhavnagar Bhavnagar
Rate A
l i No.
N 19
Item No.
Providinfg and fixing Safty grills of required pattern for windows / Door using 16 mm dia M.S
polished bars and Rectangular CRC pipes of size 50 x 30 x 2mm at required spacing as per design and
hold fasting with coach bolts including one coat of primer and two coats of mattfinished oil painting
etc complete.
(R A Att h d) )

1 Pro. / Fxing M.S. plain grill

{SOR It. Code. 10025A P. No. 126} Rs 66.78 per one Kg
2 Oilpainting Areas 1.00
Applying primer coat 1.00 SqM x Rs 23.10 per SqM 23.10
{SOR It. Code. 19001 P. No. 190 }
Two coats of oilpaint 1.00 SqM x Rs 57.96 per SqM 57.96
{SOR It. Code. 19002 P. No. 190 }
Total Rs 81.06

Total Rs 81.06
per weight of 30.00 Kg
Hence for one Kg Rs 2.70
per Kg
Say 69 0
per Kg

Deputy Executive Engineer Executive Engineer

R. & B. (City) Sub Division R. & B. Division
Bhavnagar Bhavnagar
Rate A
l i No.
N 20

Item No.
Providing and laying Machine cut, Free edges, Machine polished Granite stone slab 18 mm (Average)
thick {Single piece not more than 150 cm } for stair steps and riser as per design incl. full moulded
round front edge & 1 cm nosing & necessary groobe on trade of steps laid on 20 mm thick cement
mortar 1:6
1 6 (1 -cement : 6 coarse sandd ) jointed
j i d withi h grey cement slurry
l i l di rubbing
including bbi andd
Rate for Tread 1.50 0.30 0.450 SqM
Riser 1.50 0.15 0.225 SqM
0.675 SqM
1 Pro. & lay. Green marble stone 20 mm thick
{SOR It. Code. 14011 P. No. 167}
0.675 SqM x Rs 1402.80 per SqM 946.89
Input rate of Marble stone '- {M390} 701.00 per SqM
Input rate of 18 mm thick Granite slab {M253} 1590.00 per SqM
Diff 889.00 per SqM
Add for Diff In Input
0 675 SqM
0.675 S M x Rs
R 889 00 per S
889.00 SqM
M 600
2 Add for Half Round edge
SOR Input M724 + M726 1 1.50 1.50

Total 1.50 Rmt

1.50 Rmt x Rs 128.00 pper Rmt 192.00
Total Rs 1738.96
Add 15 % contractor proffit on Non SOR items Rs 28.80
Total Rs 1767.76
per area of 0.68 SqM
Hence for one SqM Rs 2618.90
per SqM
Say 2619.00

Deputy Executive Engineer Executive Engineer

R. & B. (City) Sub Division R. & B. Division
Bhavnagar Bhavnagar
Rate A
l i No.
N 19

Item No.
Providing and laying Mirror polished Machine polished Granite Stone slab 18 mm (Average) thick for
Doors / Windows sill & Jams Cladding as per design incl. Half round moulded both edges fixed on 12
mm thick cement plaster 1:3 (1 -cement : 3 coarse sand ) jointed with grey cement slurry including
bbi andd polishing
li hi etc. complete
l with
i h necessary G
I FFasteners ffor Long
L side
id iin top. C
l andd
Finish as directed
Rate for 1.50 0.25 0.375 SqM
1 Pro. & lay. Green marble stone 20 mm thick
0.375 SqM x Rs 1402.80 per SqM 526.05
{{SOR It. Code. 14011 P. No. 167}}
Input rate of Marble stone '- {M390} 701.00 per SqM
Input rate of 18 mm thick Granite slab {M253} 1590.00 per SqM
Diff 889.00 per SqM
Add for Diff In Input
0.375 SqM x Rs 889.00 per SqM 333.37

2 Add for Quarter Round edge

SOR Input M724 + M726 2 1.50 3.00

Total 3.00 Rmt

3.00 Rmt x Rs 128.00 perp Rmt 384.00
Total Rs 1243.42
Add 15 % contractor proffit on Non SOR items Rs 57.60
Total Rs 1301.02
per area of 0.38 SqM
Hence for one SqM Rs 3469.39
per SqM
Say 3470.00

Deputy Executive Engineer Executive Engineer

R. & B. (City) Sub Division R. & B. Division
Bhavnagar Bhavnagar
Rate Analysis No. 12
Item No
Providing Fe -500 TMT Bar reinforcement including providing fusion bonded Epoxy coating not less
than 175 micron thickness and up to 300 micron to reinforcement bars as per IS-13620- 1993/ ASTM-
775M. for RCC work including bending binding and placing in position up to floor two level for all floor
{SOR It. Code. 05014C P. No. 72}
Rate 71.71 per Kgs
{SOR It. Code. 05016A P. No. 73} Rs 0.66 per Kg
Ground Floor 12500.00 71.71 896375.00
First floor 3502.00 72.37 253439.74

TOTAL 16002.00 1149814.74

Average Rate 71.85 per Kgs
Add for Epoxy Coating
(A) 10mm to 16mm dia bar 10062.00 Per MT {SOR. It. Code 10064A P. No. 142}
(B) 20mm to 32 mm dia bar 7224.00 Per MT {SOR. It. Code 10064B P. No. 142}

Average Rate 8643.00

8643 00 Per MT i
i.e. 8
64 per Kgs
TOTAL RATE 80.49 per Kgs


Deputy Executive Engineer Executive Engineer

R. & B. (City) Sub Division R. & B. Division
Bhavnagar Bhavnagar
Rate Analysis No. 21

Item No.
Providing 20 mm thick double coat mala cement plaster on interior brick / concrete work for plastering
comprising of base coat of 12 mm thick cement plaster in cement mortar (1 Cement : 4 coarse sand) in
rough finishing and 8 mm thick top coat of cement mortar 1:2 (1 Cement : 2 Coarse sand) finished with

1 Plastering 20 mm thick in Mala Plaster

{{SOR. It. Code. 17017 P. No. 182}} Rs 178.50

For Ground floor Total Rs 178.50 per SqM

Item NoExtra for lift above floor two level

--- do --- First floor G F As per Item No
G.F. Rs 178.50
178 50
{SOR It. Code. 17007B P. No. 181} Rs 17.12

Total Rs 195.62 per SqM

Item No.
--- do --- Second floor F. F. As per Item No Rs 195.62
{SOR It. Code. 17007B P. No. 133} Rs 17.12

Total Rs 212.74 per SqM

Item No.
--- do --- Third floor S. F. As per Item No Rs 212.74
It. Code
Code. 17007B P.
P No
No. 133} Rs 17 12

Total Rs 229.86 per SqM

Item No.
--- do --- Fourth floor T. F. As per Item No Rs 229.86
{SOR It. Code. 17007B P. No. 133} Rs 17.12

Total Rs 246.98 per SqM

Deputy Executive Engineer Executive Engineer

R. & B. (City) Sub Division R. & B. Division
Bhavnagar Bhavnagar
R A T E A N A L Y S I S No. 24

Item No.
20 mm. Thick sand faced GUTAKA FINISHED cement plaster on walls upto All height above ground
level consisting of 12 mm. Thick backing coat of c.m. 1:3 (1 cement : 3 sand) and 8 mm. Thick finishing
coat of c.m. 1:1 (1 cement : 1 sand) including making groove 6 mm wide and 8 mm deep as approved
pattern etc. complete as directed.
R t A l i N 24

1 Plastering Sand faced 20 mm upto 10 mt height

{SOR It. Code. 17009 P. No. 181 } Rs 215.25
2 Add for making groove
LS Rs 20.00
Total Rs 235.25
Sq Mt

Say 235.30

Deputy Executive Engineer Executive Engineer

R. & B. (City) Sub Division R. & B. Division
Bhavnagar Bhavnagar
Rate Analysis No. 27

Providing and fixing wash basin with pedestal of std. Height with single hole for pillar tap with C.I or
M.S brackets painted white including cutting cutting holes and making goods the same include. C.P.
brass waste and waste pipes (A) Vitreous china.
(II) Flat back washbasin 550 mm x 400 mm size (I) in white or colour
(R A )
A Pro and fix. Wash basin 550 x 400 mm size of Vitreous china
{SOR It. Code. 23018 P. No. 232} Rs 933.45
B C.P. Brass waste ( A ) 32 mm dia
{SOR It. Code. 23020A P. No. 132 } Rs 75.81
C Bottal trap
{SOR It. Code. 23036 P. No. 235 } Rs 328.01
T t lR
Total Rs 1337 27
per No
Say Rs 1337.00
per No

Deputy Executive Engineer Executive Engineer

R. & B. (City) Sub Division R. & B. Division
Bhavnagar Bhavnagar
Rate Analysis No. 28

Providing and fixing SS Sink Glosy ASIS 304 Grade x 1mm thick with over all size 610 x 460 mm &
bowl size 560 x 410 x 200 with single hole for pillar tap Fixing in sanwich platform including cutting
holes and making goods the same, necessary fixtures, connections and waste pipes etc complete
Rate Analysis 28

A Pro and fix. Providingg and fixing

g Kitchen sink {{China}}
{SOR It. Code. 23019 P. No. 232 } Rs 2011.80
B Deduct input Rate for China Sink
M622 Rs -1455.00
C Add Rate for SS Sink
M729 Rs 1800.00
D C.P.
C P Brass waste ( A ) 32 mm dia
{SOR It. Code. 23020A P. No. 233} Rs 75.81

Total Rs 2432.61
per No
Sayy Rs 2433.00
per No

Deputy Executive Engineer Executive Engineer

R. & B. (City) Sub Division R. & B. Division
Bhavnagar Bhavnagar
Rate Analysis No. 29

Provision and fixing water closet squatting orissa type W.C. pan size 580mm integral footrest and 100
mm P or S trap andd in
i cluding
l di 25 mm dia di CP brass
b flush
fl h valve
l andd GI inlet
i l connection
i etc. comp. (A)
Vitreous china long pattern white or color {Hindustan, Cera, Parryware or equivalent }
{Rate Analysis}

A Pro and fix. water closet squatting pan Orrisa type W.C pan) of Vitreous china
M626 R
Rs 800 00
B Pro and fix.100 mm P or S trap of Vitreous china
{SOR It. Code. 23011 P. No. 230} Rs 208.95
D 25 mm dia CP brass flush valve
{SOR It. Code. 23032A P. No. 234 } Rs 297.66
E GI inlet connection
{SOR It. Code. 23016 P. No. 131} Rs 17.94

Total Rs 1324.55
per No
Say 1325.00
per No

Deputy Executive Engineer Executive Engineer

R. & B. (City) Sub Division R. & B. Division
Bhavnagar Bhavnagar
Rate Analysis No. 30

Pro. & Fix. wash down water closet (European w. c .pan) with integral "P" or "S" trap and PVC
flushing cistern with a pair of C.L.I. Or Mild steel Brackets, complete with fittings such as lead value
siphon, 15 mm. Nominal size brass ball valve with polythene float, C.P. Brass handle unions and
couplings for connections with inlet, outlet and over flow pipes, 40 mm. dia. flush bend including cutting

A Pro and fix. water closet (European W.C pan) of Vitreous china
{SOR It. Code. 23010 P. No. 230 } Rs 919.80
B Plastic sheet cover
{SOR It. Code. 23017 P. No. 232} Rs 340.37
C PVC flushing tank with connection and Over flow pipe
Maket rate Rs 950.00
D Jet Spray Heavy Duty with S S Braided Hose 60cm long
M738 Rs 361.00

Total Rs 2571.17
Add 15 % contractor proffit on Non SOR items Rs 196.65
Total Rs 2767.82
per No
Say 2768.00
per No

Deputy Executive Engineer Executive Engineer

R. & B. (City) Sub Division R. & B. Division
Bhavnagar Bhavnagar
Rate Analysis No. 23

Item No.
Providing and fixing chiken mesh jali with square of 12.50 x 12.50 mm of 25 gauge at junction the
Brick.masonary and reinforcement cement concrete member including fixing materials scaffolding labour etc.
Rate Analysis No. 23

Quantity = 1.00 Sq.Mt.

(1) Pro. 12.5mm x 12.5mm square

25 guage Chicken mesh jali.

Market Rate Rs. 63.00/Sq.Mt.

. . 1.00 Sq.Mt. @ Rs. 70.00/Sq.Mt. Rs 70.00 Sq.M.

(2) Labour charges for fixing including G.I.Khila

& Nails scaffolding etc.

. . 1.00 Sq.M. @ Rs. 10.00/Sq.Mt. Rs 10.00 Sq.M.

Total Rs 80.00 Sq.M.

Add. 15% Contractor profit Rs 12.00 Sq.M.

Rs 92.00 Sq.M.

Say.. Rs 92.00 Sq.M.

Deputy Executive Engineer Executive Engineer,

R. & B. (City) Sub Division R. & B. Division
Bhavnagar Bhavnagar

Item No. Providing and fixing 90 cm high Stainless steel railing made from anticorrocive
304 grade S S pipe of 50 mm dia (16Gauge) as hand rail with S S 304 grade
Baluster of 38 mm dia (16Gauge) as a vertical support fixed in RCC slab at 1.2m
/ i l di h h i l SS i f 25 di (16G ) l
Rate Analysis for One flight of 3.50 mt. Long
1 50 mm dia pipe
Qty:- 3.50
TOTAL 3.50

Cost 3.50 x 300.00 Rs./ Rmt. = 1050.00 …[1]

2 38 mm dia pipe for supoorts at 1.2 mt
Market Rate
4 supoorts 4 x 0.90 3.60
TOTAL 3.60

Cost 3.60 x 280.00 Rs./ Rmt. = 1008.00 …[2]

3 25 mm Horizontal 3 Nos.
Market Rate
Cost 10.50 x 250.00 Rs./ Rmt. = 2625.00 …[3]

4 18.75 mm supports
Market Rate
Cost 3.50 x 180.00 Rs./ Rmt. = 630.00 …[4]

5 Round ball at Top

Market Rate
Cost 2.00 x 300.00 Rs./ No. = 600.00 …[5]
6 Labour carhges for preparation and fixing
Market Rate
Rate i.e. 3.50 x 400.00 Rs./ Rmt. = 1400.00 …[6]
Total 1 to 6 = 7313.00
/ 3.50 Rmt.
Rate per Rmt. = 2089.43
Say = 2090.00 / Rmt.

Deputy Executive Engineer Executive Engineer

R. & B. (City) Sub Division R. & B. Division
Bhavnagar Bhavnagar


26.1 Providing and fixing Heavy Handle valve of

aprroved brand & follwing internal dia of Brass
including fixing in pipe lines etc.complete (A) 15
mm Dia
Rate Analysis No. 26.1
COST OF VALVE EACH 1.0000 235.00 235.00
COST OF 1.0000 EACH 280.00
COST OF 1.0000 EACH 315.25
SAY 315.00

26.2 Providing and fixing Heavy Handle valve of

aprroved brand & follwing internal dia of Brass
including fixing in pipe lines etc.complete (B) 20
mm Dia
Rate Analysis No. 26.2
COST OF VALVE EACH 1.0000 409.00 409.00
COST OF 1.0000 EACH 459.00
COST OF 1.0000 EACH 520.35
SAY 520.00

26.3 Providing and fixing Heavy Handle valve of

aprroved brand & follwing internal dia of Brass
including fixing in pipe lines etc.complete (C) 26
mm Dia
Rate Analysis No. 26.3
COST OF VALVE EACH 1.0000 577.00 577.00
COST OF 1.0000 EACH 632.00
COST OF 1.0000 EACH 718.55
SAY 719.00

26.4 Providing and fixing Heavy Handle valve of

aprroved brand & follwing internal dia of Brass
including fixing in pipe lines etc.complete (D) 32
mm Dia
Rate Analysis No. 26.4
COST OF VALVE EACH 1.0000 641.00 641.00
COST OF 1.0000 EACH 701.00
COST OF 1.0000 EACH 797.15
SAY 797.00
26.5 Providing and fixing Heavy Handle valve of
aprroved brand & follwing internal dia of Brass
including fixing in pipe lines etc.complete (E) 40
mm Dia
Rate Analysis No. 26.5
COST OF VALVE EACH 1.0000 909.00 909.00
COST OF 1.0000 EACH 974.00
COST OF 1.0000 EACH 1110.35
SAY 1110.00

26.6 Providing and fixing Butterfly valve of aprroved

brand & follwing internal dia of Brass including
fixing in pipe lines etc.complete (A) 50 mm Dia
Rate Analysis No. 26.6


COST OF VALVE EACH 1.0000 1200.00 1200.00
COST OF 1.0000 EACH 1280.00
COST OF 1.0000 EACH 1460.00
SAY 1460.00

26.7 Providing and fixing Butterfly valve of aprroved

brand & follwing internal dia of Brass including
fixing in pipe lines etc.complete (B) 80 mm Dia
Rate Analysis No. 26.7


COST OF VALVE EACH 1.0000 1500.00 1500.00
COST OF 1.0000 EACH 1600.00
COST OF 1.0000 EACH 1825.00
SAY 1825.00

Deputy Executive Engineer Executive Engineer

R. & B. (City) Sub Division R. & B. Division
Bhavnagar Bhavnagar
Rate Analysis No. 31

Providing and fixing Special Needs Range CRUSE SET, EWC, 710 x 370 x 810 mm, New Cat No:
S1021113 S Trap,
T S1021114 P Trap,
T S1060106 Cistern,
Ci B1520118 Soft
S f Close
Cl S
Seat C
Cover, B1810112
Twin Flush Fittings, S2040101 Wash Basin 510 x 400 mm, F9030451 Spatula Lever basin mixer,
B2210106 Wall mounted Grab bar 600 mm long, B2210106 Wall mounted Grab bar 600 mm long,
B2210108 Wall mounted Hinged rail 750 x 750 {Cera or equivalent} as directed by Architect Office

A Complete set
A per Online
O li R Rates
t from
f CERA Rs 52545 00
B Installation on site
10% of Material Rs 5254.50

Total Rs 57799.50
per No
Say 57799.00
per No

Deputy Executive Engineer Executive Engineer

R. & B. (City) Sub Division R. & B. Division
Bhavnagar Bhavnagar
Rate Analysis No. 32

Item No
Constructing Sandwitch Platform of 18 mm thick Polished Black Granite at top and 25 mm thick
Kota stone slab using cement mortar 1:3 for sandwich and fitting at bottom & edges with
waterproof rigid adhesives including macking necessary grooves in walls with Vertical
Kotastone 30 mm x 2 No sandwitch thick every 60 cm centre to cenre including all labour
material of approved quality incl. full moulded round front edge fixed in wall for partition and
jointed with grey cement slurry including rubbing and polishing etc. complete (R .A . attached )
Rate for Top 0.75 5.20 3.900 SqM
1 Pro. & lay. 30 mm thick kotastone
- {SOR M 491} Horizonta3.900 Smt
Vertical = 2 x 7 x 0.90 x 0.60 = 7.56 7.56 Smt
11.460 Smt 243.00 2784.78
2 Pro. & lay. 18 mm thick Black Granite
M253 3.900 SqM x Rs 1590.00 per SqM 6201.00
3 Add for Mortar 1:1 25 mm thick = 3.900 11.460
= 0.384 Cu.M.
= 15.360 Smt
{SOR. It. Code 02005A}
0.384 Cu.M. x Rs 6081.90 per Cu.M. 2335.44

2 Add for labour charges for fixing

{SOR Input
Mason 1st Class 0.50 MD x Rs 365.20 per MD 182.60
Mason 2nd Class 0.50 MD x Rs 356.20 per MD 178.10
Mazdoor 1.00 MD x Rs 348.20 per MD 348.20

Add 15 % contractor proffit on Non SOR items Rs 1804.52
Total Rs 13834.64
per area of 3.900 SqM
Hence for one SqM Rs 3547.34
per SqM
Say 3548.00
per SqM

Deputy Executive Engineer Executive Engineer

R. & B. (City) Sub Division R. & B. Division
Bhavnagar Bhavnagar
R A T E - A N A L Y S I S No. 33

Providing and fixing M.S.clamp made from 40mm x 6mm thick M.S.flat as per design given by
Engineer in charge for fixing the C.I. / G.I. / PVC pipe on wall of duct to stay away from wall etc.
R t A l i N 32
For. 1.00 No.

(1) M.S.Flat 40 x 6mm

(0.61 + 0.34 ) = 0.95 Rmt.

0.95 Rmt. x 1.90 Kg./Mt. = 1.805 Kg.

Add.5% Wastage. 0.090 Kg.
Total. 1.895 Kg.

1.89 Kg. x Rs. 48.00 = Rs. 90.72

(2) Labour charges for preparing clamp L.S. Rs. 35.00
incl. making hole cutting & bending.

(2) Oil painting 10.00

Total Rs. 135.72 /No.
Add.15% Contractor's profit Rs. 20.358
Total Rs. 156.078
Say. 156.00 /No.

Deputy Executive Engineer Executive Engineer

Engg. Campus (R&B) Sub Division R. & B. Division
Bhavnagar Bhavnagar

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